Do Peng Yuyan and Di Lizheba have any acting skills?

Expressionism is based on the understanding of characters, through external forms of expression to highlight the personality of characters.

For example, Huang Bo in "Bullfighting", after encountering the People’s Liberation Army, asked the People’s Liberation Army to write an inscription for him because of a promise to protect cows until the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

He showed the small peasant’s humility, lack of confidence, and impatience by running over nervously, gently pulling the reins of the horse, rubbing his index finger against the horse’s neck, speaking cautiously, dodging his eyes, and trying to squeeze out the social laughter.

Think what the character thinks, think what the character thinks, try to get into the character, and then express the character’s emotions.

For example, Gong Li and Jiang Wen in "Red Sorghum", in order to conform to the image of peasant women at that time, Gong Li practiced carrying water every day, and by the time the shooting started, she was no different from the local peasant women.

Jiang Wen didn’t rest either. He often bathed in the river in front of Mo Yan’s house. After his body was soaked, he went ashore and lay down to tan himself.

Before the filming of "Red Sorghum", they all experienced life in the countryside, treating themselves as Yu Zhan’ao and Jiu’er, acting with their characters in order to better integrate into their characters.

Emotions erupt through one’s own internal emotions, rather than simply aligning with the characters. Such performances are more delicate, realistic, and full.

Ge You’s interpretation of decadence is different from the long-haired and world-weary that appear in idol dramas now, as if the whole world is against itself, evolving from rebellion to morbid decadence.

Ge You is the character of "mourning" attributes to the extreme, two weak and easy to fall legs, a pair of tired but not tired and bleary eyes, the state of the two sides of the void, the disease of the body, static when motionless, swaying when moving.

Take the example of two actors and actresses, one is your boyfriend Peng Yuyan, and the other is your girlfriend Di Lizheba.

Since 2011’s "Roll Over, Ashin" got the perfect body, it has been ten years now. Whenever Peng Yuyan has a movie released, the marketing is all about the body.

Even with the high box office, they still had to market a wave of figures in the end, and there was almost no mention of acting skills, such as "Guild War", "Breaking the Wind", and "Evil Does Not Suppress the Good".

Jiang Wen arranged a show for him to play naked in the water, walk on the wall with a bare buttocks, seal his whole body, etc.

The "Tropical Past" that will be released in the near future has become the focus of publicity for Peng Yuyan, and the topic of his figure has been brought up again.

Like Zhang Zhen, he learned a professional skill almost in one movie, and maintained a jealous figure all year round, which shows the efforts behind it.

But flaws do not hide Yu, he is hard enough, but his shortcomings are also obvious. His biggest problem is that he does not have an eye-catching role, that is, he lacks delicate acting skills.

Before, he had basically starred in idol drama-type movies. He didn’t need any acting skills, as long as he was stylish and handsome.

It’s just that his performance in "Cold War" can only be regarded as normal, there are not many ripples, and there are not too many mistakes. The wink does not highlight the high IQ of the character.

On the contrary, compared with Leung Ka Fai and Guo Fucheng, their unangry and self-righteous expressions and their lines are enough to make Peng Yuyan look dwarfed.

Therefore, what Peng Yuyan needs to do now is to transform from a temperament actor to a performance actor, because for an actor, the audience prefers that the next time they see Peng Yuyan is no longer physical.

It has been four years since she participated in "Run It" in 2017 with the energetic girl character and the CP fire with Luhan, but she has nothing else but a wave of marketing acting skills.

Every part of her body was searched, except for the lack of acting skills, so an actor like Di Lizheba was more like an idol.

It’s just that during her eight years of debut, there are only two types of characters in her works, and they are the easiest to choose.

One is the beauty in costume dramas, such as "Long Song" and "Three Lives and Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach and Plum"; the other is the independent and lively woman in romantic dramas, such as "Happiness is within reach!" and "One Thousand and One Nights".

To put it bluntly, these TV dramas are all idol dramas. Idol dramas never rely on acting skills, but topics and popularity. Sometimes the flow is better than the polishing of years.

The plot is very ridiculous, forever jacksu, if you are really bored and naive enough, this drama may be very suitable for hypnosis.

Li Huizhen, played by Di Lizheba, is a silly and honest person, but Di Lizheba’s interpretation is not cute, only stupid. If it were not for the support of her appearance, she might have received a wave of bad reviews.

At that time, she had just made her debut, and she could also play some natural actors with her own temperament, highlighting the original ecology.

It’s just that with her ups and downs in the entertainment industry for a few years, the nature of this body has long disappeared, leaving behind a formulaic acting and a coping attitude.

As a top-notch actress, Di Lizheba should not only have this achievement now. Now that her acting skills have not improved, her resources are not as good as before, and it is difficult to receive a good resource transformation.

The first stage of the final of Chinese billiards World Championships ended, and the women’s team champion was born today.

Elephant journalist Zhu Liyan correspondent Jin Li

The 6th CBSA Chinese Billiards World Championship ended the first stage of the men’s and women’s finals on December 14th. In the men’s team, Zhao Ruliang defeated Master john young in the "Master-Apprentice War", and was temporarily ahead of Shen Shenyi who was born after 00 in the final 11-7. In the women’s group, Tang Chunxiao and Liu Xiazhi joined forces in the final, and Tang Chunxiao made a brutal start in the final, leading Liu Xiazhi by a big score.

Another semi-final was played between Shen Shenyi and Xu Tianwei, two "dark horses". With the lead of two games, Shen Shenyi firmly held the advantage in the second stage and never gave Xu Tianwei a chance to approach the gap. At the end of the game, Shen Shenyi became more and more brave, beating Xu Tianwei 21-13, and reached the final of the World Championships for the first time in his career.

In the women’s team, Tang Chunxiao won three games in a row to widen the gap with Zhang Muyan in the case of little stalemate in the first 10 games. After that, Zhang Muyan tried to catch up and once caught up with 8-10. At the crucial moment, Tang Chunxiao paused to hold her ground, and then she won three of the last four games and won 13-9.

Liu Xiazhi’s match against He Xinru was uneventful, and Liu Xiazhi beat his opponent 13-3 after a brief entanglement in the opening.

According to the schedule, the men’s final is 41 wins in 81 games, which is divided into four stages, and the final stage will start at 14:00 on December 16th. The women’s final was 19 wins in 37 games, which was divided into two stages, and the final stage was held at 14:30 on December 15th. The first stage of the men’s final played 18 innings. Shen Shenyi started 2-0, and Zhao Ruliang quickly won three games in a row. After that, the two sides once went hand in hand and the score was difficult to open. At the end of this stage, Zhao Ruliang speeded up and won three games in a row after 8-7, taking an 11-7 lead.

The first stage of the women’s final also played 18 games. At the beginning of the game, Tang Chunxiao felt hot. On the contrary, Liu Xiazhi made frequent mistakes, and Tang Chunxiao kept leading and made a brutal start of 12-0. In the 13th game, Liu Xiazhi finally scored 1 point, but in the face of Tang Chunxiao’s offensive, Liu Xiazhi was always difficult to score a climax. After 18 games, Tang Chunxiao was far ahead with 14-4.

In addition, the women’s third and fourth finals ended last night, and Zhang Muyan beat He Xinru 13-10 and won the third place. John young led Xu Tianwei 11-7 in the first stage of the men’s third and fourth finals.

(Source: Elephant News)


From December 1st, these "forbidden zones" in Wenzhou are not allowed to sell, set off or store fireworks!

On December 1st this year, the Regulations on the Administration of Fireworks and Firecrackers in Wenzhou City (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) will be officially implemented, which means that there will also be legal prohibited areas for the sale and discharge of fireworks and firecrackers in the future. Then, what is the difference between the Regulations and the Measures for the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers in Wenzhou City promulgated in 2006? After the implementation, which areas of our city will prohibit the sale and discharge of fireworks and firecrackers? What penalties will there be for illegal sales and discharge? Can fireworks be set off in the Spring Festival in the future? Let’s get to know it together ~

72% of netizens agree.
Restrict the sale of fireworks and firecrackers

With the rapid development of urban construction in our city, the density and height of urban buildings and the density of residential population have increased rapidly. Fireworks and firecrackers can easily cause accidents, resulting in public safety, personal and property safety and damage to the urban environment.

Although our city issued the normative document "Measures for the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers in Wenzhou City" in 2006, there are still some problems, such as the low effectiveness of management basis and the lack of source control basis such as prohibiting sales. Safety accidents caused by fireworks and firecrackers also occur from time to time. It is urgent to further clarify the areas where fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited from burning and selling, standardize the sales and discharge behavior of fireworks and firecrackers, carry out accurate management of fireworks and firecrackers, and solve the difficult problems such as source management of fireworks and firecrackers.

2017 data map Zhao Yong photo

Since 2020

Wenzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau took the lead in drafting the Regulations, and solicited opinions from members of the whole city through the Internet.

In the meantime, 22 objections to the prohibition of discharge were received, and these 22 feedback opinions only opposed the comprehensive (across-the-board) ban, and all agreed to restrict or conditionally discharge;

51.43% of the respondents did not set off fireworks during the Spring Festival in the past three years;

66.67% of the respondents believe that banning fireworks will improve their quality of life.

April 2021

The Office of the Standing Committee of Wenzhou Municipal People’s Congress announced the "Regulations (Draft)" and publicly solicited opinions from all walks of life.

10-24 May 2021

The Law Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress once again published an online questionnaire survey, and more than 72% of people agreed to restrict the sale of fireworks and firecrackers.

August 26th, 2021

After being perfected again, on August 26th, the "Regulations" were deliberated and adopted at the 40th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th Wenzhou Municipal People’s Congress and submitted to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress for approval.

In the future, during the Spring Festival, double forbidden areas
Cann’t sell fireworks

There are 12 provisions, mainly including the scope of application, management system, double forbidden areas, storage of fireworks and firecrackers, special subject obligations, legal responsibilities and so on.

The "Regulations" are adoptedStatutory addition and demarcationThe method determines the area where the sale and discharge of fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited in our city. After the implementation of the regulations, citizens will not be allowed toLucheng District, Longwan District and ouhai district Administrative Region, Dongtou District governs Dongtou Island, Niyu Island, Champion’s Ao Island, damen island, Xiaomen Island, Lingkun Street and Kunpeng Street, urban built-up areas of Yueqing City, Ruian City and Longgang City, and town (street) built-up areas where Yongjia County, wencheng county County, Pingyang County, Taishun County and Cangnan County People’s governments are located.Sales and discharge of fireworks and firecrackers in legal double-forbidden areas. In addition, the people’s governments of cities and counties (cities, districts) can determine other double-forbidden areas by themselves according to management needs and announce them to the public.

Two months after the implementation of the "Regulations", the Spring Festival will be ushered in. Many citizens ask, can fireworks and firecrackers be set off this Spring Festival? In response, the Municipal Public Security Bureau replied,Since the implementation of the "Regulations", except for major traditional festivals, important folk activities and major public activities, which have been confirmed by the people’s governments of cities and counties (cities, districts) and announced in the form of notices, fireworks and firecrackers can be sold and set off in the above-mentioned double-forbidden areas (this opening is an exception for major national celebrations and important celebrations in the future), and it is forbidden to sell and set off fireworks and firecrackers in the legal double-forbidden areas in other cases..

2017 data map Zhao Yong photo

Those who violate the Regulations.
The maximum penalty is ten thousand yuan.

It is reported that the "Regulations" have made supplementary provisions for the problems of imperfect systems in the sales, discharge and related storage of fireworks and firecrackers in our city. For example,No unit or individual may store fireworks and firecrackers in the double forbidden area.Operators who provide services for celebrations, funerals and other activities shall inform the clients of the regulations prohibiting the discharge of fireworks and firecrackers, and discourage the illegal discharge of fireworks and firecrackers by the clients.

In addition, the "Regulations" are clear according to the principle of equal punishment and responsibility.Penalty range, including individuals and units in violation of regulations within the scope of double prohibition, the public security organs shall confiscate the stored fireworks and firecrackers products and imposeMore than one hundred yuan and less than five hundred yuan.Fine, etc. It should be noted that the "Regulations" will impose heavy penalties on operators engaged in fireworks and firecrackers retail. If the operators store fireworks and firecrackers products beyond the limit specified in the license, the emergency management department will order them to make corrections within a time limit.More than one thousand yuan and less than five thousand yuan.Fines; Overdue correction, atMore than 5,000 yuan and less than 10,000 yuanFine.

Source: Published by Wenzhou

First-instance editor: Qian Ruixuan

Editor in charge: Zhang Fan

Audit: Qian Zhongbiao

Director producer: Chen Tai rose

Producer: Chen Yiquan, Chen Xiyu

Chief producer: Chen Zhenshi

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The inaugural meeting of the China-Central Asia Business Council was held to build a high-quality platform for multi-bilateral cooperation and exchanges.

CCTV News:In China — During the Central Asia Summit, yesterday (May 19th), China — The inaugural meeting of the Central Asian Industrialists Committee was held in Xi ‘an, Shaanxi. The establishment of the Committee will build a high-quality platform for multi-bilateral cooperation and exchanges between the industrial and commercial circles of China and the five Central Asian countries, and provide institutional guarantee for all parties to carry out all-round mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation.

As China — As a supporting activity of the Central Asia Summit, the theme of this meeting is "Work together for common development and the future together". More than 400 business associations and business representatives from China and five Central Asian countries attended the meeting, mainly from China, such as energy, construction, logistics, food, information and communication — Key hot areas of economic and trade cooperation in Central Asia. At the meeting, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the Business Association of Five Central Asian Countries jointly initiated the establishment of China — Central Asian industrialists’ committee. The members of the Industrialist Committee will support each other in economic and trade information sharing, group visits, economic and trade activities and commercial legal services, and will not hold business docking, negotiation and promotion activities from time to time to build a bridge for trade and investment cooperation between enterprises.

The event also specially set up a topic discussion session, and the participants conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on topics such as energy industry chain cooperation, green economy, regional interconnection, and building a "the belt and road initiative" with high quality.

Fang Yanshui, General Manager of China Machinery Industry Engineering Group:We have established long-term and stable cooperative relations with many partners in five Central Asian countries, such as infrastructure, industrial engineering, urban and rural development and other businesses, especially new energy, with the contract value exceeding 3 billion US dollars. Under the guidance of the mechanism of the Industrialists’ Committee, we will promote deepening cooperation with the five Central Asian countries in various fields and make our due contribution to the economic development and people’s livelihood and well-being of the five Central Asian countries.

China — The establishment of the Central Asian Industrialists’ Committee marks China — Industrial and commercial cooperation under the framework of Central Asia mechanism has reached a new level.

Zhang Shaogang, Vice President of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade:Since the establishment of diplomatic ties more than 30 years ago, the cooperation between China and the five Central Asian countries has been growing steadily, and the trade volume between the two sides has expanded more than 100 times, and China’s investment in the five Central Asian countries has reached more than 15 billion US dollars. With this platform, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade will carry out more trade and investment promotion activities with the five Central Asian countries, promote the upgrading of bilateral economic and trade cooperation, strengthen the interconnection between the two sides, and make the cooperation results of the two sides better benefit the enterprises and people of both sides.

The box office forecast of seven movies in the Spring Festival is released, and "China Ping Pong" is at the bottom. Which one will be the dark horse?

According to the box office contest of Lighthouse Professional Edition, a number of industry media have released the forecast results for the box office of the 2023 Spring Festival movies: most of them are optimistic about Wandering Earth 2, predicting the box office range of 2.8 billion-3.8 billion; Ranked second is "Man Jiang Hong", which predicts the box office range of 1.5 billion to 2 billion; "Unknown" predicts a box office range of 350-600 million; "Exchange of Life" predicts a box office range of 1.2-1.4 billion; "Deep Sea" predicts a box office range of 1.8-2.4 billion; "My Bear’s Companion" predicts a box office range of 600-800 million; "China Ping-Pong Fight Back" predicts a box office range of 250 million-300 million.

Obviously, among them, the film that all platforms and media are least optimistic about is China Ping Pong, which is co-directed by Deng Chao and Yu Baimei. The box office forecast made for this film is not even as good as the cartoon "Bears Come and Go". So what did this movie do, or didn’t do anything, or did something wrong, so that so many people don’t like it?

This year’s Spring Festival movies are quite rich in types, including science fiction movies, comedies, suspense movies and cartoons. Among the seven movies, "China Ping Pong" is the only theme movie, a sports movie adapted from a true story. The story takes place in 1988, when table tennis became a real Olympic event for the first time. China was repeatedly defeated by the Swedish team with Waldner and persson, while the China table tennis women’s team made great achievements. Faced with this dilemma, Cai Zhenhua, the head coach of men’s table tennis, was ordered to form a new team, leading Ma Wenge, Wang Tao, Ding Song, Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui, who later became known as the "Five Tiger Generals". After a period of hard training, he finally fought back at the Tianjin World Table Tennis Championships in 1995 and returned to the peak.

Deng Chao is not only the director of this film, but also plays the leading role of Cai Zhenhua. From the trailer released at present, a slogan of blood and inspiration came in like chicken blood. It stands to reason that a film based on a true story should not be much worse, but why do people hold such a negative attitude towards this film? This can’t be blamed on netizens. Everyone is really scared by Deng Chao!

Don’t care about anything, just look at the poster first. I saw a photo of Deng Chao and Sun Li hanging on the poster, which made everyone break into a cold sweat. I still remember the last time a couple appeared on a movie poster, but no one in the audience who saw the movie didn’t mention the ugly movie "Villain Angel". How ugly is it? When people spit, they don’t want to expand the content of the film itself, just want to swear. Someone concluded that the film should be renamed "Ew! Go away! God, shit. Having said that, you can imagine how much psychological shadow this movie has caused everyone. The faces of Deng Chao and Sun Li are hung on the movie poster, and it’s hard not to recall the painful past when we look at the same thing this time.

Deng Chao and Sun Li’s husband and wife fit, just make everyone afraid of appearance, the kernel is king Fried. What is the kernel? It is a "strong alliance" between Deng Chao and his good partner Yu Baimei. Without Yu Baimei as a screenwriter, the movie wouldn’t be so bad. That annoying thing only makes people have a headache. What’s even more troubling is that Yu Baimei doesn’t think he is not funny, and Deng Chao doesn’t think Yu Baimei is not funny. They always like to be tied to each other. Together, the two are clearly a pair of locked-up bad film partners, and the audience is not stupid. Why should they walk into the cinema again after being cheated for the first time?

In addition, everyone already knows that this movie tells a story that can be finished at a glance.

According to the true story, instead of paying for going to the cinema, the audience might as well change the TV channel directly to five sets of CCTV, which are free of charge, to watch the real athletes play a game with real swords and guns to get excited. Besides, at the risk of going to see some actors who don’t know how to perform well, and the growth trajectory and private bumps and contradictions fabricated by the coaches, friends who love sports are more willing to watch a classic game replay.

Finally, what makes people feel even worse is that Deng Chao once again launched the whole entertainment circle’s friends to promote him.

Almost incited more than half of the entertainment circle, and hundreds of stars forwarded "China Table Tennis" to announce Weibo’s filing date. This movement is really not small. However, as we all know, the All-Star cast is often (most of the time) equal to a bad film. The more it is widely publicized, the more people feel that the film is lacking in confidence, and they can only rely on these side roads to gain eyeballs.

As for whether this movie will be at the bottom, and whether there will be a movie that will become a dark horse, everything will be announced during the Spring Festival.

Football News: The level of women’s football is not good because the local coaches are too poor. Japanese coaches are actually a good choice.

Live on November 3 rd, in the second stage of the Olympic preliminaries, the Korean women’s football team advanced to the top of Group B, while the Chinese and Korean women’s football teams were out of the group. As for the reasons for the gap between the strength of Korean women’s football team and that of China’s women’s football team, as well as the candidates for the women’s football coach position in China in the future, Football Daily published an analysis and gave some suggestions.

The living environment of Korean women’s football team is not clear to the outside world, but we know that there are no players studying abroad, and they all play in local leagues. One question is, is the level of Korean leagues higher than that of women? If so, doesn’t that mean that the league we have worked so hard to build is just a show?

But that’s the answer. Although the women’s super clubs didn’t get the bonus of "Jinyuan Football" in those years, most of them can survive now with government background. Moreover, because they undertake the task of the National Games, they are still valued to some extent, at least they won’t be easily abandoned. But the cruel fact is that the training level of the clubs, including women’s super clubs, is really not good, or even worse than that of the sports teams in those years.

The root cause is closely related to the level of coaches. An insider said: China’s local coaches prefer the men’s Super League, China A, China B and the echelon, and only when there is no place to go will they choose the women’s football team. Their level is not high, and even the coaches in the women’s football team are even lower. Even so, these coaches are highly mobile and can’t stay. So, will the players taught by this kind of coach have a future? Or "usable"?

At present, there are several options for the future women’s football coach. One is to keep water to celebrate the summer; The second is to hire foreign coaches; The third is to choose local male coaches.

The three choices have their own reasons and disadvantages, but what the China Football Association should remember is that the women’s football team has been tossing and turning, and foreign coaches have invited it. The men have Bruno and Eyjolfsson, and the women have domanski and Elizabeth. The only successful one is Bruno. Unfortunately, because of the poor record in the warm-up match, the China Football Association and others dismissed it, resulting in FIFA; Local men’s coaches have also been used, such as Zhang Haitao and Pei Encai in the early days, Li Xiaopeng and Hao Wei later, and Jia Xiuquan recently. It is true that Ma Yuanan and Ma Liangxing have found the right pulse and are close to success, but what they do now may not be suitable.

Therefore, the future China women’s football team, the coach must "fit" or "adapt", but what kind of fit? This requires Song Kai and representatives from all aspects of the women’s football community to conduct in-depth research and communication, and listen to opinions widely. If Shuiqingxia does not stay, Japanese coach is actually a good choice.


Indulge in the mountains and green waters of Guanghanzhai, more than 400 cross-country runners started running passionately.

Through the lush forests and 10,000 mu of rhododendron fields, running in the clouds between the green mountains and green waters of Guanghanzhai, the 2023 "Xiangdong Zuodong" Guanghanzhai light cross-country race started smoothly on April 22nd. More than 400 cross-country runners from China competed together to feel the beautiful beauty of nature.

On the morning of the same day, with the sound of the starting gun, the participating athletes raced from the Impression Square of the educated youth. A light rain before the start of the race turned the 35km track into a fairyland. The athletes shuttled through Dashajiang Reservoir and Sibamen Rhododendron Scenic Area, and the misty clouds were like fairyland. The running team also became the most beautiful landscape in Guanghan Village.

According to the introduction of the organizing committee, there are three groups of 35km, 12km and 2km in this competition. The four or eight rhododendron scenic spots and Dashajiang Sports Park that run along the way are beautiful everywhere, so they are called "the most beautiful track" by cross-country runners. Let runners enjoy cross-country passion, and at the same time fully experience the pleasure of indulging in Shan Ye and appreciate the unique charm of Damei Guanghan Village.

After fierce competition, Li Xinyi, the final runner, performed well, finishing the race in 3 hours, 07 minutes and 06 seconds, winning the men’s championship in the 35km group, Li Hongyu was runner-up in 3 hours, 37 minutes and 50 seconds, and Li Dong was runner-up in 3 hours, 39 minutes and 44 seconds. Xiong Zhanxin won the women’s championship in the 35km group, with a score of 4 hours, 36 minutes and 05 seconds. Wu Yemeng, who won the second place, scored 4 hours, 43 minutes and 45 seconds, and Wu Mei, who won the third place, scored 5 hours, 07 minutes and 49 seconds.

Hu Jingbiao, the founder of Changsha Furong District Road Running Association, said in an interview after the race, "This is my third time to participate in the Guanghanzhai light cross-country race. The scenery here is beautiful, surrounded by mountains, and the running road is full of beautiful scenery. It is a long-lasting running experience."

The competition was hosted by Pingxiang Municipal People’s Government, undertaken by Pingxiang Wenguang New Tourism Bureau, Pingxiang Sports Bureau, Pingxiang Rural Revitalization Bureau and xiangdong district Municipal People’s Government, operated by Jiangxi Pingshi Tourism Development Co., Ltd. and Hunan Yufeng Sports Culture Group Co., Ltd., and supported by Hunan Provincial Sports Tourism Association.

Xiaoxiang morning herald reporter Zhou Shihao correspondent Wen Yuling Li Tingting

The second vertical racing competition in Xihu District of Hangzhou started.

Recently, the second vertical racing competition in Xihu District of Hangzhou started in EAC Europe and America Center. The theme of this competition is "Dedicated to the Asian Games", which aims to enrich the amateur cultural and sports life of building workers in Xihu District, show the healthy style of residents in Xihu District, and welcome the arrival of the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Vertical racing takes the stairs of high-rise buildings as the runway, which is a new urban fitness sport. The race runs from the starting point on the first floor to the end point on the top floor of the building, and an effective timing technology system is adopted. In the competition, participants can not only experience the pleasure of climbing mountains, but also reduce the influence of the weather.

It is understood that about 100 people participated in this competition, and the players on the scene were divided into groups of men and women, and finally the third runner-up was decided. Wang Yong, a contestant, said: "Vertical racing is a very interesting sport, which not only tests your physical fitness, but also requires good coordination and psychological quality." "I experienced the fun of competition and realized that I still have a lot to improve in training and preparation." Contestant Zhang Jianhua said. (Yang Ling/graphic)

5:3! Bayern completed revenge, 3 full-backs, 2 goals, 1 goal and 2 goals. It’s really unfair to lose in Paris.

On the evening of March 11th, Beijing time, the 24th round of Bundesliga started in full swing, and Bayern continued to sit in Allianz Stadium to face augsburg. In the first half, Berisha used pawar’s mistake to break the deadlock. Cancelo and pawar scored two goals in four minutes to overtake the score. Then pawar scored twice and Sane headed the ball to expand the score. Berisha also scored twice in the second half, Alfonso Davies stabbed and sealed the victory, Vargas pulled another goal in injury time, and finally Bayern beat augsburg 5-3.

In the second leg of the Champions League knockout two days ago, Bayern easily knocked off the horse 2-0, and didn’t give Mbappé and Messi too many chances. However, Bayern, who is back in the league, will still face a big threat, with Dortmund, Berlin United and other teams chasing after. In addition, Bayern lost to augsburg in the first leg.

In this game, Shu Bo-Mo Ting was absent due to a back injury, and Mane returned to the starting lineup as the center. Muxiala, Sane, Gnabry and Alfonso-Davies ambushed behind him, and kimmich was single-backed; Cancelo, Yupamelano, Delicht and pawar form the defence, and the goalkeeper is Sommer.

Only three minutes into the opening, Bayern made a mistake in defence.Pawar inadvertently headed the ball and staged an own goal assist. Berisha picked the ball with his right foot in the restricted area and pushed it over Cancelo, scoring 0-1! Augsburg takes the lead by going from customer to customer.

As the team with the fiercest firepower this season, daring to score Bayern’s goal may mean a fiasco. Sure enough, in the 15th minute, Bayern patiently organized the frontcourt and Alfonso Davis scored the ball on the left.Sane passes to the right again, and Cancelo gets the ball in the restricted area, and his left foot shakes the defense, and his right foot explodes into the far corner to score, 1-1!This was Cancelo’s first goal in Bayern, and he also got three assists in the past eight games.

In the 19th minute,Kimmich’s right set-piece was sent to the penalty area, Driget’s header ferry was cleared, Ma’s barbed pass in the penalty area, and pawar grabbed the goal, 2-1!Pawar redeem oneself by good service! It took only 4 minutes for Bayern to finish the lead in the score.

In the 35th minute,Kimmich kicked the corner, Driget’s header was blocked, and pawar staged the version 2.0 of the Peach Blossom Shadow Flying Excalibur. He directly volleyed and scored twice, 3:1!So far this season, pawar has scored five goals on behalf of Bayern in various competitions, which is the highest number of goals scored by the French defender in a single season.

In the 39th minute, Mane turned and volleyed in the restricted area, and Jikaiweiqi flew to block the ball out of the baseline with one hand.In the 44th minute, Bayern broke the ball in the frontcourt, and Sane pushed straight to the left. Mane swung open the angle and the shot was saved. Sane followed the header in front of the door to make up the shot and broke the net, 4:1!Sane scored the seventh goal in the league, which was his first goal after the World Cup.

In the 50th minute after coming back from the second half, Bayern fought back in the middle circle, Grabri pushed the direct pass, Sane got the ball straight, and Mane followed up and pushed the goal, but the offside goal was invalid. In the 53rd minute, Mane tried a long-range shot at the top of the arc, and the ball was slightly higher. It can be seen that after coming back, Mane hoped to find the feeling of scoring again. In the 58th minute,Arne Mayer’s long-range shot was saved by Sommer. Driget was fined a yellow spot package for a foul while defending in the restricted area. Berisha cheated Sommer with a penalty kick, and the score became 4-2!

In the 74th minute,Bayern made a comeback. After Cancelo pushed the ball on the right, the instep of the outer foot passed to the back point. Alfonso Davies followed up and stabbed the next city, 5:2!Bayern once again expanded the score to 3 goals, which was Alfonso Davis’ first goal of the season. Seeing that the victory or defeat has been decided, nagel Mann also let the substitute players come out to find the feeling of the game, and the main players such as Gnabry, Mane, Muxiala and Derrych came off to rest one after another. In injury time, Vargas fell to the ground and shoveled to narrow the score again.

In the end, Bayern beat augsburg 5-3 at home, avenged the loss in the first leg, and continued to lead the Bundesliga standings. Counting this game, Bayern scored 8 wins and 1 loss in the last 9 games. Seeing Bayern in such a fiery state, we can only say that Paris is really right to lose.

Appeal failed, suspended for 2 games+fine of 10,000! Mourinho’s 1 move was praised, and the Italian Football Association was helpless

In the early morning of March 11th, Beijing time, after the Italian National Sports Court of Appeal announced that Mourinho’s appeal failed, he was suspended for two games and fined 10,000 euros, the Portuguese updated their social platform and made a gesture of being handcuffed.

The Italian media interpreted Mourinho’s action as a protest against the rejection of the ban appeal. Many fans praised the madman’s behavior and thought that he dared to challenge the hidden rules and the authority.

Mourinho knows the heat. When he showed this controversial gesture, he also brought three advertisements. He loved Adidas, Hublot and MATILDE, a jewelry brand founded by his eldest daughter. The latest development of the Rome coach has attracted nearly 280,000 likes in just 4 hours, and there should be tens of millions of views.

Mourinho handcuffed the camera off the court when he was coaching Inter Milan. At that time, he was suspended for three games by the Italian Football Association and fined 40,000 euros. However, Mourinho’s handcuff action this time seems to be carrying goods, and there is no actual evidence to prove that he is provocative, so the Italian Football Association should not do anything about him.

Mourinho was suspended this time because of a fierce language conflict with the fourth official in the 1-2 defeat to the bottom team cremona 10 days ago. Because of the appeal, Mourinho’s suspension was suspended, so he can still lead the team to play Juventus at home in the last round. Now, Mourinho’s appeal has been rejected and he will miss the next two Serie A games against Lazio and Sampdoria.