Jinan artificial intelligence industry accelerated growth, focus on Jinan government network

In today’s rapidly changing technology, we have unknowingly used the convenience brought by artificial intelligence (AI). For example, when you handle business in Jinan Administrative Examination and Approval Service Hall, Jinan Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation and other business halls, the smart government service hall will provide you with convenience; when you use medical self-service equipment to handle business in Jinan tier 1 hospital, or use navigation for travel, AI is quietly helping you.

With industrial upgrading, artificial intelligence has become an important driving force for a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. In Jinan, many companies in the field of artificial intelligence are constantly expanding application scenarios, fully mining the value of data, and using AI intelligence to empower modern industries to upgrade, promote social development to be more intelligent and efficient, and help cities become smarter. In this process, "industrial AI" is driving "AI industrialization", and Quancheng AI industry is accelerating growth.

Artificial intelligence leaders continue to climb and jump

When the national artificial intelligence industry is booming, Jinan has emerged a number of competitive representative enterprises in the industry. For example, Inspur and Shensi Electronics were selected as the top 30 AI China’s strongest artificial intelligence companies.

From the development path, empowering the transformation and upgrading of the real economy and the construction of smart cities has become a key area for Jinan artificial intelligence enterprises to continue to cultivate.

For example, Shensi Electronics has cooperated with Jinan Second Machine Tool and Baidu to implement smart factory solutions, promoting digital and intelligent transformation of key scenarios such as numerical control of stamping equipment product production and quality inspection, operation and maintenance and acceptance, maintenance and after-sales services, and promoting comprehensive quality improvement and efficiency.

In addition to the above applications, the artificial intelligence solutions created by Shensi Electronics have been applied in batches in industries such as energy, government affairs, medical care, emergency response, public security and finance. With such a wide range of industry applications, Shensi Electronics has only used it for 7 years. In this regard, Min Wanli, chief scientist of Shensi Electronics, said that the company has always maintained high-intensity independent research and development and technological innovation advantages, and accelerated the promotion of artificial intelligence empowered real economy innovation applications.

As a leading AI enterprise in Jinan, Inspur is also accelerating the inclusion of industrial AI, and has realized the implementation of industrial AI in the fields of finance, railways, electric power, transportation, smart cities, petroleum and petrochemical industries. For example, in the field of production, Inspur has built a world-leading server intelligent manufacturing factory. Compared with traditional production methods, manpower is reduced by 75%, production efficiency is increased by 30%, and production capacity is increased by nearly 4 times.

Deep empowering segmentation scenes break new ground

Application scenarios can be described as the vitality of artificial intelligence technology. From the development of Jinan artificial intelligence industry, in addition to the leading enterprises that have covered many industries with AI technology such as Inspur and Shensi Electronics, there are also a number of enterprises that focus on a certain field and are deeply empowered.

Zhongyang Health Technology Group Co., Ltd., which has been deeply involved in the field of medical informatization for more than 20 years, has become a leader in artificial intelligence application solutions in the medical field across the country. Its intelligent diagnosis auxiliary system for pulmonary nodules, intelligent diagnosis system for rib fractures, and intelligent auxiliary diagnosis system for coronary CTA have been used in more than 220 hospitals across the country; the ICD artificial intelligence coding system has reached the current leading level in China and has been used in hundreds of hospitals in nearly 100 cities across the country, successfully solving the problem of disease coding in the industry.

Just recently, the dynamic ECG intelligent assisted diagnosis system built by Zhongyang Health for many years was successfully launched in Juxian People’s Hospital. "From the application effect, it far exceeds expectations. It used to take 40 minutes for a doctor to see a 24-hour dynamic ECG, but now it takes less than 5 minutes to complete the ECG diagnosis after applying our artificial intelligence system. While improving the quality of diagnosis, it greatly improves the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment." Gao Xiyu, head of scientific research at Zhongyang Health, said. Behind such intelligence and efficiency is a large amount of training of massive data and excellent AI technical support.

Coincidentally, Lanjian Intelligent, which has been deeply cultivated in the field of logistics technology for 30 years, has become a leader in the field of smart logistics. As early as 2021, Lanjian Intelligent, with its honeycomb intelligent warehousing system, became one of the enterprises selected by Jinan MIIT for the "New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Industry Innovation Key Task Units". And its "Honeycomb E-commerce 4.0 System" caused a sensation in the e-commerce industry once it came out, solving the technical difficulties of "finding people for goods". It once achieved a super efficiency of 12,000 boxes/hour on "Double Eleven", handling nearly 150,000 goods a day, and only 8 pickers. At present, the Lanjian intelligent honeycomb intelligent warehousing system has basically achieved full coverage in the e-commerce industry, and has successfully built the world’s largest "honeycomb" multi-wear system in the e-commerce industry. In the opinion of Wu Yaohua, founder and chairperson of Lanjian Intelligent, automation can fly higher and farther with intelligent wings.

From the scene, go to the scene. For artificial intelligence companies, it is crucial to accurately grasp the pain points of the industry, deeply empower the scene, and get through the "last mile". Many artificial intelligence companies in Jinan are focusing on the need for continuous empowerment in the industry.

Quancheng AI industry accelerates towards 50 billion level

As an important engine of industrial development and urban butterfly change, the artificial intelligence industry has become a field where various places have rushed to the beach. Jinan is also accelerating the pace of development of this industry and continues to carry out the "AI Spring City" empowering action.

In terms of industrial development logic, the growth of the artificial intelligence industry requires not only a deep understanding of industry pain points and application scenarios, but also technical support. Behind this, computing power, algorithms, data, etc. are all important factors.

From the current development of Jinan, in terms of basic layer, Jinan has become China’s computing power highland. The production and sales volume of servers is the first in the country and the second in the world, and the production and sales volume of AI servers is the first in the world. It supplies more than 1/3 of our country’s servers and more than 50% of AI computing power. In particular, the National Supercomputing Jinan Center has achieved complete autonomy and control of core technologies in the field of supercomputing. In terms of software technology, Jinan artificial intelligence core software technology is basically mature, and open APIs integrating vision, voice, interaction and other technologies have become the trend of industrial development.

Based on many development advantages, Jinan has become the national artificial intelligence innovation application pilot area, a new generation of artificial intelligence innovation and development pilot area, and a national industrial Internet demonstration area. The only city in the country where "three zones are superimposed". Such advantages help Jinan become a "depression" for resource gathering – the major ecological project "China Counting Valley" jointly built by provinces and cities has been landed in Jinan and is accelerating construction. The first phase of the park was put into use in the first half of this year. In the future, it will become a new highland for the computing power industry and a new beacon for the smart industry; Huawei’s three major innovation centers and regional headquarters, Baidu Shandong data annotation base and other projects have all landed in Jinan; artificial intelligence island accelerated construction…

At present in Jinan, the artificial intelligence industry has formed a relatively complete artificial intelligence industry chain from basic support, core technology to industry application. In 2022, Jinan has 358 artificial intelligence enterprises, and the scale of artificial intelligence core industries reached 27.10 billion yuan, an increase of 17.6% year-on-year, driving the scale of related industries to 100 billion. 11 companies were selected for the MIIT industry innovation key task list.

Under the trend of new technologies changing with each passing day, how can Jinan artificial intelligence industry achieve a greater leap?

As a senior expert in the field of artificial intelligence, Min Wanli suggested that "industrial AI" should drive "AI industrialization", encourage AI + leading enterprises to create new kinetic energy benchmarking applications, and replicate to the whole industry through service to form a pattern of "Shandong Germination National Blossom". In development, AI will be turned into a service, and the government will build an AI empower platform, where AI companies and entrepreneurs will serve industry customers and lower the non-technical threshold for AI popularization. Min Wanli said that industry experts and front-line practitioners can be trained as AI navigators and practitioners, and a "doctoral + graduate + engineer + industry expert" talent ecosystem can be built; in development, it is recommended to create sustainable green AI, encourage the miniaturization of large models, avoid paving the path of computing power, and get rid of dependence on high-end chips.

For the development of the AI industry, Jinan has drawn a blueprint, which will further promote the "computing power, algorithm, and arithmetic" industry to become stronger, better, and bigger. According to the plan, we will strive to double the development of Jinan’s AI core industry by 2025, reaching 50 billion level, and driving the scale of related industries to reach 200 billion level.

Subject 3 Full Edition Dance Exposure: Behind it is actually a difficult mechanical dance.

According to a number of domestic media reports, dance subject III exploded on the Internet, but the subject III transmitted on the Internet was only a short magical movement. Some netizens pulled out the full version of the dance video of subject III. Surprisingly, its difficult movements were staggering.

Netizen feels:

I thought it was the whole job, but why did I really dance in the back?

On social shaking or looking at old drivers in Guangxi

Therefore, the ancient martial arts were lost from generation to generation [allow sorrow]

Call on Haidilao to learn the mechanical dance at the back, and the tip is extra.

Wandering stars

According to public reports, "Subject III" originated from a wedding. This dance was spread through a short video platform, with interesting movements and dynamic background music, which quickly triggered the imitation of netizens.

In Haidilao Hotpot Store, just say "I want subject three" to the waiter, and the waiter will enthusiastically perform this cheerful dance for you.

A netizen said that the background music of "Subject III" dance has a strong sense of rhythm, simple movements and distinct rhythm, and it will shake the body involuntarily after brushing the video.

Experts remind that you should warm up before dancing, mobilize your body’s functions, and do your movements in place to prevent injuries during dancing.

A new pickup truck of the Great Wall with over 220 horsepower is coming? What has the off-road version of the modified gun been upgraded?

In the domestic market, which brand of pickup truck has the highest sales? Great Wall Motor dares to say first, I believe no one dares to say second, and its sales achievements are obvious to all. Its Great Wall Gun has been loved by many consumers. At present, it has three versions, the passenger version and the commercial version have been redesigned, and the news of the off-road version has also been exposed recently. From the current announcement, it has upgraded a lot. Next, let’s talk about it in detail.

The overall shape is still a hard-core style, mainly updating the front face. Judging from the published declaration map, the front face of the off-road version of the new Great Wall Gun looks thicker. It uses a newly designed chrome grille, a new style of light group and a more generous front enclosure. In addition to these, there is a new change in appearance, that is, the rear of the car is replaced with a larger logo, and the taillight group has two styles to choose from. Sunroof, side pedal and front winch are also one of the configuration options.

The interior may be similar to the current car, and the configuration changes are not expected to be great. At present, only the appearance has been declared, but there is no news about the interior. It is highly probable that it is still a combination of traditional instruments and embedded central control panels, and the details may be upgraded. The safety configuration of this car is richer than that of its competitors. The 360-degree panoramic image, automatic parking, uphill assist, steep descent, tire pressure display, adaptive cruise and 8 airbags of the off-road version of the gasoline model currently on sale are all standard.

The body size is larger than the cash, and the rear space is not bad. The size of the whole vehicle is larger than the off-road version of the gun currently on sale, with the length, width and height of 5465/1992/1960mm and the wheelbase of 3350mm respectively. The measurements and wheelbase have been improved, in which the body length has been lengthened by 28mm and the wheelbase has been lengthened by 120 mm. It is slightly larger than the familiar Isuzu D-MAX (body length 5265mm/3125mm).

Engine unchanged, power data increased by 31 horsepower. After the change, the off-road version of the Great Wall Gun still uses a 2.0T gasoline engine, but the maximum power is increased from the current 190 horsepower to 221 horsepower, and the transmission system is expected to match the 8-speed automatic gearbox. The power data is better than the 163 HP 1.9T engine used by D-MAX pickup truck and the 193 HP 2.5L engine used by Navarra.

As for the off-road version of the new Great Wall Gun, at present, we only have some news about the upgrade. To sum up, there are three main points: upgraded appearance, larger size and stronger power. At present, the price of its 2020 off-road gasoline model is 16.98-20.08 million yuan, and the price may be adjusted after the upgrade. Next, we can look forward to its interior and configuration performance, and it is expected that there will be a small upgrade. (The picture is the declaration map+the off-road version of the current Great Wall Gun, and the picture comes from the network)

"Betta Fish" was broadcast live into the military camp: What kind of waves were stirred up in 3 days and 72 hours?

A few days ago, the New Corps of the Hubei Military Region invited DouYu, the leading enterprise of domestic webcasting, to enter the military camp to broadcast live the training, work and life of the new soldiers who joined the army in September this year.

From November 8 th to 11 th, for 3 days and 72 hours, more than 600 recruits of the new corps faced the camera lens broadcast on the Internet for the first time, showing the military camp style and the image of officers and men in the new era in an all-round way.

Through DouYu’s lens, the majority of netizens not only see the gratifying changes in today’s military camps, but also truly feel the new pulse of ideological and political work in the army in the new era.

The growth of the new soldiers is clearly recorded by live cameras and shown to the majority of netizens. Xu chentu

What kind of waves did "Betta Fish" stir up when it entered the barracks?

"I heard that DouYu selected anchor online celebrity to enter the military camp. I signed up without hesitation, and I begged again and again. This is a very precious experience for me." Standing in the training ground of the recruits, "outdoor" said.

When it comes to "Outdoor", it is famous in the field of "online celebrity anchor". They are composed of two cousins, Fu Hailong and Pan Bin from Chongqing, and have more than 1.3 million fans. Pan Bin said frankly: "Some people in the society think that the atmosphere of the army is very rigid and the soldiers are very strict. This time, after the new corps and officers and men got in touch with each other at zero distance, I really feel that the army stresses both discipline and friendship, and the atmosphere is really good, completely eliminating some misunderstandings about the army between me and my fans and really getting to know the military camp again."

Seek depth with concreteness and impress people with truth. At 12 o’clock on the morning of November 11th, the real-time peak popularity of the webcast reached 5,653,600, and the cumulative number of hits in three days exceeded 104.22 million, with a cumulative barrage of 45,364,900. What is even more surprising is that the event was pushed by more than 300 websites across the country, with a reprint volume of more than 200,000 times.

"The barrage expresses the instant feelings of netizens." Qian Jing, a director who graduated from Simon Fraser University in Canada, told reporters: "Although you can’t see who sent it, every one is true."

Qian Jing flashed a screen shot: "This is a regretless youth, and I really like the army!" "Without them, can you sit here and watch the live broadcast comfortably?" "You have to learn not to abandon and not to give up!" "Very touched, this is the China soldier." "My old company commander appeared!" "This kind of activity is good, when will the second season come out?" "Tired or not, think about the revolutionary doyen …"

"Analyzing the data, we found,’ I’m going to be a soldier!’ Five words have been used for more than 40 times, which represents the strong desire of the younger generation. In this regard, Zhu Yuanfeng, head of the new corps of Hubei Military Region, was overjoyed: a live webcast has produced multiple social effects, which shows that there is still much room for us to enhance the times of ideological and political work.

The novel form of ideological and political work of the New Corps has aroused great interest of the anchors of "online celebrity".

"Betta fish" swam into the military camp, which originated from the idea of "living water"

"Companionship is the longest confession." This sentence, which has been popular on the Internet in recent years, has touched countless military families separated from each other. Because her boyfriend is a naval officer, Wu Wenjie also has some experience about it.

As one of the anchors who participated in the "Fighting Fish into the Barracks", Wu Wenjie is also a key member of the "online celebrity Party Branch". She thought she knew more about soldiers, but she cried four times in two days: the first time she couldn’t help crying when she finished 120 push-ups; The second time I cried when my arms were all worn out in tactical training; The third time was to train to the limit, but the "relaxation activity" arranged by the monitor for her was to cry when she sprinted 1200 meters. The fourth time, the activity was coming to an end and leaving his comrades-in-arms. Wu Wenjie cried miserably.

"It’s only after experience that I know that it’s really not easy to take the responsibility of defending the country as a man, and it’s really excellent!" Wu Wenjie said that her boyfriend saw her live broadcast and sincerely praised her and this activity.

The military camp is an armed unit with closed management. How did this activity facing the live broadcast of netizens enter the military camp?

"At present, officers and men are undergoing profound changes in their ideological concepts and values, while our ideological and political work is facing’ chronic diseases’ such as outdated models and single methods." Li Jun, political commissar of the New Corps of Hubei Military Region, suddenly felt a sense of urgency after an in-depth and meticulous investigation of recruits’ thoughts: the military camp is not a vacuum, and ideological and political work cannot be divorced from the background of the times and social environment. If we dare not face the challenge of ideological and political work in the new era, we will not be able to shoulder the historical mission of strengthening the army.

After in-depth problem-oriented thinking, the Party Committee of the New Corps planned a live webcast to enter the military camp, and formally reported to the Party Committee of the Hubei Military Region, which won the support of the superiors: if you can’t pass the network barrier, you can’t pass the era barrier. Under the premise of strictly observing the confidentiality provisions, you can do a good job in the activities and make an impact, thus creating a new path for ideological and political work in the new era.

The webcast entered the military camp, and various funds were invested heavily. Who will spend the money? When Li Jun found Wuhan DouYu Company, indicating the national defense effect and social effect that the activity would produce, Chen Shaojie, the chairman of DouYu Company, immediately made a decision: to participate wholly, and to invest a huge amount of advertising resources for promotion.

What’s even more surprising is that in the process of planning DouYu to enter the military camp, the working group of the Central Network Information Office, which is being investigated by Betta Company, also applauded it, taking this activity as the first stop of the large-scale theme activity of "Hello, New Era" of the Central Network Information Office.

In order to effectively ensure the smooth live broadcast activities and spread positive energy, the New Corps of Hubei Military Region strictly controls political censorship, news reporting, security and confidentiality, and on-site control, and also closely monitors the live broadcast process by using Jingchu. com’s public opinion big data system, creating a precedent for the monitoring and disposal of webcasting by big data analysis system in China.

The novel form of ideological and political work of the New Corps has aroused great interest of the anchors of "online celebrity".

"Betta fish" stirred up the new corps, stirring up more than just waves.

Just after finishing the work at hand, Deng Jiali arrived in Wuhan from Yangjiang, Guangdong Province overnight. On this trip, he will witness the important moment of his son Deng Xiucheng’s life.

Like Deng Xiucheng, for more than 600 recruits in the Hubei Military Region, November 11th is an unforgettable and memorable day-they were awarded the rank of Private, wore caps, neckties and epaulettes, and officially became glorious PLA soldiers.

To the surprise of these soldiers, their parents were invited to participate in the "adult ceremony" of the recruits’ military camp, and they saw their children "quenched" through tempering and became men in the military camp. Together with parents, there are millions of netizens on the Internet who feel the new style of soldiers in the new era through DouYu.

"Betta" is on fire! While tens of millions of netizens kept refreshing the click-through rate and visiting messages, more than 20 media outlets, including People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, china national radio, Hubei Daily and Hubei Radio and Television Station, interviewed on the spot, and turned their attention to the more significance brought by DouYu’s entry into the military camp.

Such activities "boost morale". Zhang Along, a private from Guangzhou University, said frankly: Usually, training is very hard, and you will be lazy unconsciously. Now, facing the live camera, you have to train hard and show the hard-working side of the soldiers in front of the vast number of netizens. With the praise and encouragement of netizens, you understand the sacred mission and responsibility you shoulder.

Such activities are "aura". Chen Jian, a squad leader who has been with recruits for four years, told reporters that in the past, ideological and political education for recruits was often written on a blackboard and watched in PPT, which was boring. However, "Betta Fish" entered the military camp to broadcast our training life live, which enhanced the sense of honor and mission of the soldiers in the interaction. This subtle education method is both smart and effective.

Such activities "gather popularity". In the past few weeks, the staff of Hubei Network Information Office, who has been paying attention to DouYu, expounded his views from the perspective of new media communication: Webcast is a new interpersonal communication mode, which has enhanced the credibility and persuasiveness of national defense education by constantly attracting popularity.

The three-day live broadcast time is fleeting, and netizens seem to be wanting more, but the Hubei Military Region has opened a door to explore the ideological and political work in the new era, and there are more wonderful things waiting to be staged …

Adventures of "Betta Anchor" in Military Camp

Some things can only resonate with personal experience. These two days, the webcast room of online celebrity’s "Amazing Aunt" continued to burst. What makes the majority of netizens watch and discuss online is what she saw, heard and felt when she visited the New Corps of Hubei Military Region.

Xiao Shujie, the "ever-changing aunt", is a signing anchor of DouYu Platform. Her lively and cheerful hosting style left a deep impression on netizens. As a professional "online celebrity anchor", Xiao Shujie traveled all over the country. Her camera aimed at many "delicious food" and "beautiful scenery", but she didn’t have a chance to enter the military camp.

Under the real-time focus of the camera lens, Xiao Shujie and DouYu team officially entered the new corps of Hubei Military Region at 2 pm on November 8.

In just one hour, Xiao Shujie’s live room attracted more than 120,000 netizens. However, what surprised her even more was that in just three days of military camp life, the military camp in her mind was completely subverted-

One of the adventures: "big pot rice" smells better than "takeaway"!

Like many girls, Xiao Shujie likes to taste all kinds of delicious food. Nowadays, it is convenient and fast to order online. She especially likes to order "take-away" and occasionally "show off while eating".

Before she arrived at the new corps, many fans reminded Xiao Shujie that the army was a "big pot of rice" and its taste was not good, so she quietly prepared a lot of "dry food".

However, on the first day of dinner, there were three meats and two vegetables and one soup on the table: red-cooked chicken, braised pork with plum vegetables, braised diced yellow pepper with tomatoes, shredded hot and sour potatoes, stir-fried Chinese cabbage and melon ribs soup, all of which were delicious. Xiao Shujie, who usually pays attention to her appetite, wolfed down two bowls of rice and exclaimed: "Big pot rice" is more fragrant than "takeaway"!

Adventure 2: Military songs have a different feeling!

Xiao Shujie especially loves to sing karaoke and is full of curiosity about the recruits’ "learning to sing military songs": Is the music beautiful? Are the lyrics lingering?

As the majestic song sounded, Xiao Shujie’s body suddenly shook. Although she hadn’t learned it before, Xiao Shujie couldn’t help humming along, singing and beating time, and her voice became louder and louder.

Looking at the live broadcast, many netizens issued a barrage: singing military songs is very similar and energetic. Xiao Shujie replied: "In the past, singing was self-satisfied. Today, singing military songs is passionate."

Until she went to sleep at night, Xiao Shujie’s ears seemed to be still echoing: the feeling of the moon on the top of her head is safe in the world, and the soldiers are always listening to the call, and love is dedicated to millions of families, and the true feelings are held in front of the people …

Adventure 3: The whole class stood up and sat with themselves to eat.

The next morning, Xiao Shujie failed in shooting.

At noon, in order to spur the recruits to train hard, the other classes stood up to eat who didn’t play well. As a result, Xiao Shujie’s fourth class stood up and sat with Xiao Shujie to eat.

Xiao Shujie, who stood up several times and was pressed on the stool, suddenly felt an inexplicable impulse: this time she dragged down the whole class, so she must train hard and do well next time!

At this time, Xiao Shujie’s live broadcast room was suddenly screened by the barrage: "See, this is the true feelings of comrades!" "Nothing is more powerful than unity!"

The fourth is not an adventure, but an unforgettable one: hanging on the horizontal bar "tears keep falling"-

In the afternoon physical training, Xiao Shujie, who usually doesn’t do much exercise, has completed 3 km running, 3 groups of push-ups, sit-ups and flat support, feeling exhausted. When I arrived at the horizontal bar training, I couldn’t help but burst into tears.

At this point, the live camera was aimed at her: "Fans bet you won’t last a minute!" Xiao Shujie replied with tears: "I can persist!"

Time goes by, and there are still 10 seconds from the training standard of 3 minutes. The whole class of recruits shouted in unison: "Come on, Xiao Shujie!"

"10, 9, 8 … 3, 2, 1", when Xiao Shujie finally finished all the physical training, the recruits in the class clung to her tightly. All kinds of gifts swarmed in the live broadcast room, and the barrage once again dominated the screen: "I didn’t expect you to persist, which really made us sit up and take notice." "The military camp gave you strength!" ……

Wiping away tears, Xiao Shujie left a youthful feeling in the webcast room: during the three-day military camp life, I laughed and cried and was moved. Whenever I couldn’t persist, I would sing in my heart, and every time I finished singing a song, I was one step closer to victory …

Be good at listening to the voice of the times

Huang Ming Village, Director of Political Work Bureau of Hubei Military Region

Webcast once made the troops "forbidden" to stay away, just like when mobile phones and the Internet first met military camps, many people chose to avoid and block them in the face of the voice of officers and men. Today, when we let go of the gates of thinking ideas, they are not the "scourge" people imagined, but also play an unexpected role in the military education management. Listening to the voice of the times, let us gain a lot.

Every era has its own voice. Compared with the past, the "voices" of officers and men in the new era are not less but more, not simple but complicated. In the past, officers and men were simple-minded, honest and obedient, but now young officers and men are well-informed and individual. In the past, the psychological demands of officers and men were relatively single, and they were "half instructors" to do a good job in food; At present, the spiritual needs of young officers and men tend to be diverse, and any new things that appear in society will stimulate their desire to have a taste and try.

The "new" voice of officers and men is not terrible. What is terrible is knowing that it is a "new voice" and coping with it in the "old way". In the face of new things emerging in the new era, some comrades look at them with "colored glasses" and are used to defining them with old frames. Some people have an "either-or" cognitive model, which they can’t understand or get used to, and blindly judge "today’s him" with "past me"; Some people are worried that "the gun will shoot the first bird" and "the rafters of the outcrop will rot first", avoiding sensitivity and avoiding hot spots; Some people are worried that the gate will be released, and they will not be able to close it. They are used to "fencing the fence", and they will be fortified at all levels and blocked everywhere.






Billion real estate billionaire Cheng Laolai was offered a reward of 10 million yuan and his property was auctioned.

  Beijing, Sept. 18 (Zuo Yukun), the client of Zhongxin. com, was a top 100 real estate enterprises and a billionaire on Hurun’s rich list two years ago. Two years later, he became a "Lao Lai" who was offered a reward of tens of millions of dollars and his property was auctioned. What happened to Chen Jianming, the real controller of ST Zhongchang, a listed company, in the past two years?

  Billionaire property was auctioned and issued by the court.Ten million reward announcement

  Recently, Alibaba’s auction platform shows that in the next 25 days, four courts will auction several properties and parking spaces under the names of Chen Jianming and affiliated companies in five cases, with a total starting price of nearly 280 million yuan.

  One of the properties auctioned in Chen Jianming. screenshot

  Chen Jianming is the real controller of ST Zhongchang, a A-share listed company. Sansheng Hongye, who is in charge, was among the "Top 100 Real Estate Enterprises in China" in 2018, and was ranked 398th on the Hurun Rich List with 10 billion assets in 2019.

  But not long ago, a reward notice issued by the Intermediate People’s Court of Qingdao, Shandong Province (referred to as "Qingdao Intermediate People’s Court") attracted much attention: because the executed person refused to pay 100 million yuan in debt, interest and liquidated damages, the executor applied to the court to issue an execution reward notice to collect clues about the property of the executed person, and paid a reward of 10% of the actual execution amount, that is, the maximum amount of 10 million yuan.

  Chen Jianming was offered a reward of 10 million this time because of a dispute over private lending. According to the judgment document, in July 2019, Shanghai Sansheng Hongye Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. borrowed 100 million yuan from Qingdao Tiantai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and Qingdao Tiantai Real Estate Co., Ltd. for working capital turnover, with a loan period of 15 days. However, after Sansheng Hongye repaid the interest of 3 million yuan, it failed to return the principal and interest, and Chen Jianming and others were jointly and severally liable as guarantors.

  If you don’t be a pig on the tuyere, you can’t be an eagle on the tuyere.

  According to public information, Chen Jianming was born in Zhejiang in 1956, went into business in 1993, and then set foot in real estate business. Yijingyuan, three sheng Real Estate and Sansheng Hongye Investment Group are his representative projects. In 2007, Chen Jianming listed Zhongchang by sea through the backdoor of Hualong Group, which mainly focuses on aquaculture.

  "We don’t want to be pigs on the tuyere, we want to be eagles on the tuyere." At the mid-term meeting of the company in 2015, Chen Jianming once said to employees: Pigs can’t fly. If pigs fly, they will eventually die miserably; You must become an eagle and learn the skills of flying in order to break through the bottleneck of the industry.

  Notice of reward issued by the Intermediate People’s Court of Qingdao City, Shandong Province. Screenshot from official website, Qingdao Intermediate People’s Court

  But Chen Jianming, who wanted to be an eagle, failed to fly. After putting forward the "three-year, 100-billion-yuan" plan, Chen Jianming has made huge acquisitions and large-scale land purchases, leaving the company in debt.

  According to the information disclosed by the Shanghai Stock Exchange, from April 2016 to August 2019, Sansheng Hongye issued 9.38 billion yuan of bonds with an interest rate of 7%-8.4%, and most of the financing proceeds were invested in real estate projects in third-and fourth-tier cities such as Zhoushan, Foshan and Shenyang.

  The pressure of debt repayment is rising rapidly, and Chen Jianming also "borrows money" from employees and issues loans under the name of wealth management products. Thousands of employees and their families have invested a total of 800 million yuan, of which about 680 million yuan of employee financial principal has not been paid, which also staged a scene of "the company thundered, all parties begged for money, and the chairman cried".

  At that time, some people in the industry commented that when the turning point of capital trend "going to real estate" came, if you don’t understand the times and don’t conform to the general trend, you are still desperately adding leverage until the debt reaches several times the net assets, and the sales of commercial housing can’t be as capricious as in the past, and you will have to bear the consequences of the break of the capital chain.

  In January 2021, Sansheng Hongye filed for bankruptcy. At the end of May, Chen Jianming’s former manipulation and control of ST Zhongchang’s share price was "blacked out" by the CSRC, with more than 11 million illegal gains confiscated and banned from the securities market for 10 years.

  In addition, from 2019 to now, Chen Jianming has been issued with 11 restraining orders by the court, and has been executed for breach of trust for 11 times, with a non-performance ratio of 100%, and the total amount of execution exceeded 13.2 billion yuan.

  "I am also very sad. If those projects can be solved, I think they can always be solved." At the scene of debt collection in 2019, Chen Jianming said this in tears. But two years have passed, but only ten million reward notices and real estate have been auctioned. (End)

NFL revealed "inside story of Olympic addition", and China’s first flag rugby national team is expected to be "made in Shanghai"?

"The entry of flag rugby into the Olympics is progressing smoothly, and we also hope to help China rugby lay out in advance and catch up." Jia Hengxuan, the media director of nfl (Major League Football) in China, made a big discovery when interviewed by Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News recently.

   On the same day, Jia Hengxuan was invited to attend the Shanghai City Amateur Football League Finals and the East China Finals of the nfl Waist Flag Rugby Competition held in Xuhui District-this is the fourth year that the nfl and this Shanghai mass sports brand event have become attached to each other, and the two sides have jointly promoted and witnessed the "warming up" of rugby in Shanghai year by year.

It is no coincidence to reveal the inside information of "Waist Flag Rugby Entering the Olympics" on such an occasion. "The development of Shanghai Rugby is ahead of the whole country, and it is very suitable as a new starting point for China Rugby to impact the Olympic Games." Jia Hengxuan said.

"Flag at the waist for the Olympics" has been settled.

    As early as last year, a news related to rugby aroused widespread concern in China’s sports world-the World Games held in July 2022 announced that it would cooperate with nfl to establish flag football as a new World Games event. At that time, the most talked about was the possibility of flag football entering the Olympics. After all, in the past 40 years, many sports have finally reached the Olympic stage through the World Games.

   Today, the nfl’s news confirms everything. "The International Football Federation is working hard to promote the establishment of the flag football project in the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games. The nfl is fully supporting them. Although the Olympic addition is a huge project, for now, everything is going well." Jia Hengxuan said.

Caption: Jia Hengxuan (right) is giving awards to athletes.

   In fact, we have every reason to believe in the determination of Americans to promote flag football into the Olympics. American football has a very high popularity in North America, and the nfl is the most valuable professional sports league in the world, with the highest ratings for many years. For Americans, it is certainly the first choice to push American football into the Olympics, but it is almost impossible.

   When considering whether a project can enter the Olympic Games, the International Olympic Committee has to weigh many factors. "Host intention" is a well-known one, but it can’t be the only consideration. In overseas markets, the audience and influence of American football can’t be compared with its position in North America, and its popularity and development level can’t reach the Olympic threshold. The reason is that the high-intensity confrontation and expensive equipment of football have become one of the reasons why many regions are discouraged from it.

    In this way, the flag football, which is in the same strain as American football, has become one of the main events of the Los Angeles Olympic Games-as a non-contact, zero-equipped, small-space football competition form, the flag football has no requirements for the number, age and physical quality of participants, even if it has no sports foundation, it can quickly integrate into the team, and can realize mixed teams of men and women and compete in the same field. The biggest feature of flag football is to cultivate young people’s team spirit and leadership. Rugby requires a lot of team communication and cooperation. Through sports, teenagers can be guided to respect each other, and their self-confidence, courage and perseverance can be enhanced. Therefore, since the birth of flag football, it has quickly captured many fans around the world, and has huge participants in dozens of countries around the world.

Neighbors have taken the lead.

   2028 seems far away, but many "neighbors" in Asia have taken action early, and Japan is very representative.

   From 1998 to now, flag football has changed from an unknown sport in Japan to a popular sport on Japanese campuses. The data shows that more than one-third of primary schools (6,700 schools) in Japan have carried out flag football. Especially since 2011, flag football has been raised to the level of learning guidance for students in grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Japan. Since the flag football was declared to be the event of the World Games, Japan has taken precautions to promote its talent reserve and selection in its own country from the perspective of Olympic strategy.

  In addition to Japan, South Korea, Thailand, the Philippines and other Asian countries also have good strength in flag football. As an early area to carry out flag football, these countries often win gold and silver in flag football games. I believe that once the project is successful in entering the Olympics, they will gain the first-Mover advantage. Therefore, if China Rugby wants to make a difference in this project, it is urgent.

Shanghai has the best rugby soil.

    A good opportunity, a suitable soil, the seeds of love will have the opportunity to become a forest. Jia Hengxuan said that the nfl thinks that Shanghai can become this "starting point" because it has the best rugby soil in the country.

    Patrick, an American who has been a rugby coach in China for six years, said frankly, "There is almost no gap between China players and American players." He once led a team to compete with nfl players in Major League Football. He thinks that China is almost the same as American players in terms of personal ability and potential ability, and the only difference is the growth environment, that is, "the soil of football".

    Wang Datong can be said to be one of the earliest people to promote American football in Shanghai. He started to contact football at the age of 12, played high school football league in Hawaii, and was still an avid fan of the sport when he was studying at the University of Illinois. Since 2013, he has served as a player and coach in a well-known amateur football club in Shanghai. He told reporters that because American football is a non-Olympic event, there is little top-down support. The main development form of this project in China is the grassroots rugby club, which is organized spontaneously by rugby fans. Shanghai is the most representative American football town. There are not only many clubs, but also a set of scientific management models, which regularly organize training and competitions.

    There are many "signs" that can prove this soil. In terms of participation, the number of domestic teams participating in organized amateur adult equipment leagues increased from 8 in 2014 to 64 in 2019, and the number of Shanghai teams accounted for one third of them; Many campuses in Shanghai have introduced rugby projects one after another, and there are countless non-governmental training institutions. As early as 2018, data showed that more than 8,000 primary school students in Shanghai were trained in rugby courses at least once a week. In the Super Bowl every year, nearly 10 million China viewers watch the live broadcast of the event on TV and new media platforms, among which Shanghai fans account for the majority.

    The year-round folk games have become the core of revitalizing this football hotspot. In the past two years, the rugby amateur league, which was created by Shanghai Rugby Association (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Rugby Association"), has its sub-events and events including: American Rugby Amateur League, Waist Flag Rugby Amateur League, Rugby Amateur League, Touch Rugby League, Junior Rugby League, Magnolia Bowl American Rugby Championship, Shanghai Rugby Ten-a-side Championship, and Ambassador Bowl International Rugby Invitational Tournament …

    In recent years, the competition system and stage of Shanghai rugby have been further enhanced and enlarged. Shanghai sports management department brought rugby into the city amateur league, and the government set up a platform to promote and popularize rugby with high-quality resources. As the main body of the competition, the "Football Association" attracted the nfl, the top professional sports league, to participate actively with the authoritative and professional style of running the competition. It can be said that many parties worked together to breed "soil" together.

    Take Xuhui District as an example. In the past two years, the rugby atmosphere has been rich. First, with the help of the "East Wind" of the city amateur league, the sport itself is very compatible with the regional style. "As a city with a high degree of internationalization, rugby matches the regional characteristics very well and won the love of the people. At present, there are a large number of white-collar workers and teenagers participating in the district, and they need more rugby amateur events suitable for participation. " Zhang Ying, director of the Sports Bureau of Xuhui District, said that the Shanghai Urban Amateur Football League Finals has become an annual "sports festival" in Xuhui District, which is not only a platform for promoting rugby among the people, but also a stage for improving the level of domestic amateur rugby fans.

Is it feasible to form a national team through social training? 

   "On the development of flag football, Shanghai has always been a leader in China." The nfl’s judgment is convincing, because since 2003, the nfl has started to hold training camps for flag football coaches and referees in China; In 2008, nfl began to organize university flag football league in Beishangguang, with nearly 40 universities including Tsinghua, Fudan and Guangzhou University participating. In 2015, the nfl held a flag football tournament in China, covering primary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools, universities and public groups, achieving full age coverage.

In the nfl’s view, the biggest difference between football and other sports is the tacit understanding and team cohesion between players, which is the upper limit of the strength of a football team, not the talent of a few players. "We have reached a consensus with the Shanghai Football Association and hope to try to tap football talents through social training." Ding Ye, Secretary-General of Shanghai Rugby Association, revealed that the two sides are already planning to set up a rugby training base in Shanghai. "Our vision is to make full use of Shanghai’s unique rugby soil, select good young people who are talented and enthusiastic about rugby, and after a long period of training and running-in, continue to participate in high-quality competitions, and even go abroad to receive higher-level guidance and learn from international excellent teams, and finally build a truly competitive elite team of flag rugby.

   Ding Ye said frankly that the "software equipment" to realize these ideas is relatively mature at present-based on the successful cooperation between Shanghai Football Association and nfl for many years, the latter is willing to provide the best coach resources, and in the key aspects of talent training, the connection between overseas high-level training platforms and leagues, Shanghai Football Association will play a good bridge role. "But beyond the’ software’, the creation of such an elite team still needs the intervention and guidance of the government, giving necessary hardware support such as venues and policies." Ding Wei said.

    No matter what the result is, as long as we act immediately, it will be of great significance to take precautions at this moment once the flag football successfully enters the Olympics in the near future. Is it really possible for China’s first national flag rugby team to be born in Shanghai and sprint to the Olympic Games?

Editor-in-Chief: Chen Hua

Author: Yao Qinyi

Text Editor: Yao Qinyi

Central Bank: No compulsory collection of consumer financial information in disguise.

  On December 27th, the People’s Bank of China publicly solicited opinions on the Implementation Measures of the People’s Bank of China for the Protection of Financial Consumers’ Rights and Interests (Draft for Comment). The "Implementation Measures" specifically regulate the behavior norms of financial institutions, the protection of consumers’ financial information, and the settlement of financial consumption disputes.

  What should financial institutions do?

  Protection of consumers’ rights and interests should be included in the assessment.

  The "Implementation Measures" require that financial institutions should formulate the overall plan and specific work measures for the protection of financial consumers’ rights and interests in their own institutions. Establish a full-time department or designate a lead department to protect the rights and interests of financial consumers, clarify the responsibilities of departments and personnel, and ensure that they have enough manpower and material resources to work independently.

  Financial institutions shall carry out special training on the protection of financial consumers’ rights and interests at least once a year.

  When financial institutions carry out evaluation, they should take the protection of financial consumers’ rights and interests as an important content, rationally allocate the proportion and weight of relevant indicators, comprehensively consider business compliance, customer satisfaction, timely complaint handling rate and qualified rate, and not simply take the number of complaints as the evaluation index.

  Relevant information shall be kept for at least three years after the termination of business relationship.

  The "Implementation Measures" stipulate that when financial institutions disclose information on financial products and services, they should use a way that is conducive to the reception and understanding of financial consumers. The rules for the collection and use of consumer financial information should be made public, and the purpose, method and scope of the collection and use of consumer financial information should be clearly stated. For important information related to the immediate interests of financial consumers, such as interest rates, fees, benefits and risks, key technical terms should be explained according to the complexity and risk level of financial products and services, and financial consumers should be confirmed to have received complete information in an appropriate way.

  When explaining important contents and disclosing risks to financial consumers, financial institutions shall keep relevant materials in accordance with laws, regulations and regulatory provisions, and the retention time shall not be less than three years from the date of termination of business relations. Where laws and administrative regulations provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail. The retained materials include but are not limited to: product or service agreement confirmed by financial consumers, and risk warning letter confirmed by financial consumers; Record audio and video recordings or system logs and other related data messages that explain important contents to financial consumers.

  What can’t financial institutions do?

  Shall not handle business on behalf of financial consumers without authorization.

  The Implementation Measures require that financial institutions should assess the suitability of financial products and services to financial consumers according to their characteristics, reasonably classify the risk levels of financial products and services and the risk tolerance levels of financial consumers, and provide appropriate financial products and services to appropriate financial consumers.

  Financial institutions shall ensure the property safety of financial consumers when purchasing and using financial products and services according to law, and shall not illegally misappropriate or occupy financial consumers’ funds and other financial assets.

  At the same time, we should respect the real wishes of financial consumers to buy financial products or services, and we should not arbitrarily act as agents for financial consumers to handle business, modify financial consumers’ business instructions, or force tying other products or services.

  There must be no format clause.

  Unfair and unreasonable regulations for consumers

  Many consumers usually sign the format clauses of financial institutions without reading them clearly. In order to prevent the infringement of consumers’ legitimate rights and interests, the Implementation Measures require that when financial institutions provide financial products or services to financial consumers, they should draw financial consumers’ attention to the contents of financial products or services that are of great interest to financial consumers, such as the quantity, interest rate, expenses, time limit and method of performance, precautions and risk warning, and explain them according to the requirements of financial consumers. If the standard terms are in electronic form, they should be identifiable and easy to obtain.

  At the same time, financial institutions shall not make provisions with the following five contents in the form of standard clauses, notices, statements, notices, etc.: (1) Reducing or exempting financial institutions from the liability for compensation for financial consumers’ property losses; (2) stipulating that financial consumers shall bear liquidated damages or damages exceeding the statutory limit; (3) Exclude or restrict the right of financial consumers to inquire, delete or modify their financial information according to law; (4) excluding or restricting the right of financial consumers to choose financial products or services provided by other financial institutions; (5) Other unfair and unreasonable provisions for financial consumers.

  The "Implementation Measures" require that financial institutions should promptly revise or clean up the format clauses and service agreement texts that infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers.

  Promoting non-guaranteed products should not mislead people into believing that profits are guaranteed.

  The "Implementation Measures" require that financial institutions should be responsible for the authenticity of marketing propaganda content. The actual obligations of financial institutions shall not be lower than the standards promised to financial consumers in the form of advertisements, materials or explanations in marketing and publicity activities.

  Financial institutions shall not engage in the following five acts when conducting marketing and publicity activities: (1) false, fraudulent, concealed or misleading propaganda; (2) Exaggerated propaganda on performance or product income; (3) misleading financial consumers into thinking that the financial management department has provided a guarantee for the financial product or service by using the procedures of auditing or filing the financial product or service by the financial management department; (4) The marketing propaganda contents of non-guaranteed investment financial products mislead financial consumers into believing that the principal can be guaranteed to be safe or profitable; (five) other acts in violation of laws, regulations and regulatory provisions related to the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers.

  Shall not be forced to collect consumer financial information in disguise.

  The Implementation Measures has a special chapter to regulate the protection of consumers’ financial information, including consumers’ personal identity information, property information, account information, credit information, financial transaction information and other information related to the purchase and use of financial products or services by specific consumers.

  According to the "Implementation Measures", financial institutions should follow the principles of legality, legitimacy and necessity in collecting and using consumer financial information, with the express consent of financial consumers. Financial institutions shall not collect consumer financial information unrelated to their business, nor shall they collect information in an improper way, nor shall they collect consumer financial information in a disguised form.

  Financial institutions shall not take the consent of financial consumers to the use of financial information for external provision as a prerequisite for establishing business relations with financial consumers, unless the nature of the business relationship requires prior consent.

  Where a financial institution obtains the consent of consumers for the collection and use of financial information through standard clauses, it shall specify the purpose, method, content and scope of use of the collection in the clauses, and remind financial consumers of the possible consequences of the consent in a conspicuous way as easily as possible.

  At the same time, financial institutions shall use consumer financial information in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and the purposes agreed by both parties, and shall not use it beyond the scope.

  Can’t "throw the pot" to the outsourcing service provider

  The "Implementation Measures" stipulate that the obligation of financial institutions to protect consumers’ financial information security will not be transferred or reduced because of their cooperation with outsourcing service providers.

  Financial institutions shall fully review and evaluate the ability of outsourcing service providers to protect consumers’ financial information, clarify the responsibilities and confidentiality obligations of outsourcing service providers to protect consumers’ financial information in relevant agreements, and take necessary measures to supervise outsourcing service providers to perform the above responsibilities and obligations. After the termination of the cooperative relationship, the financial institution shall supervise the outsourcing service provider to destroy the consumer financial information obtained from the financial institution in time.

  Encourage financial institutions to transfer their financial information to other financial institutions designated by financial consumers on the premise of technical feasibility.

  What if something goes wrong?

  The "Implementation Measures" clarify that if there is a financial consumption dispute between financial consumers and financial institutions, they should first complain to the financial institutions. If a financial consumer does not accept the handling of complaints made by a financial institution, he may make a complaint through the branch of the People’s Bank of China where the financial institution has its domicile or where the business behavior takes place.

  After receiving complaints from financial consumers, the branches of the People’s Bank of China can answer whether to accept them on the spot, and should answer them on the spot; If you can’t answer on the spot, you should make a decision on whether to accept it within 7 working days from the date of receiving the complaint; If the complainant needs to make corrections to the complaint application, he shall make a decision on whether to accept it within 7 working days from the date of completion of the correction. For complaints that are not accepted, the complainant shall be informed of the reasons for not accepting them. For the complaints received, the complaint shall be transferred to the complained financial institution for handling or to the financial consumer dispute mediation organization to provide mediation services within 5 working days from the date of receiving the decision.

  The financial institution shall reply to the complainant within 15 working days from the date of receiving the complaint forwarded by the branch of the People’s Bank of China. If the situation is complicated, the handling period may be extended, and the complainant shall be informed of the reasons for the extension, but the longest handling period shall not exceed two months. (Reporter Cheng Wei)

Come and see the fitness crowd, and pay attention to these sports details.

Endurance exercise can consume more fat.

General endurance sports, such as middle and long-distance running and ball games, mainly consume muscle glycogen. Only ultra-long endurance sports with exercise time of more than 45 minutes can obviously consume fat, such as long-distance running and marathon. But for the public, sports are not important. No matter whether you choose to walk, run, ride a bike or swim, as long as you take a small amount of exercise and exercise for a long time, you can consume more fat.

Fasting exercise has advantages and disadvantages.

If you don’t have hypoglycemia, you don’t use hypoglycemic drugs because of diabetes, you don’t have physical weakness, and you don’t have competition tasks, you can choose to exercise on an empty stomach during fitness exercise, which can not only be "lightly packed" but also help mobilize fat reserves.

If the exercise time is not long enough, even if you exercise on an empty stomach, the consumption of fat is very limited and the effect of losing weight is not obvious. Some people worry that fasting exercise will not cause energy shortage and damage the body. In fact, as long as it is not a long-term exercise like long-distance running and marathon, the muscle glycogen stored in normal people’s muscles is enough to supply the energy needed for exercise, so there is no need to worry.

If you want to shape, you can try low-intensity equipment training.

Low-intensity equipment training means small weight, multiple times and multiple groups, which will not produce strong big muscle blocks, but also contribute to the consumption of subcutaneous fat of limbs, making muscles firm without thickening, and is suitable for bodybuilders who want to practice lines.

You can take part in fitness exercise when you are in a bad mood.

People’s emotions will directly affect the normal functioning of the human body, and then affect the heart, cardiovascular and other organs. More importantly, it will cause distraction and potentially lead to the danger of sports injury. However, proper exercise can adjust the mental state of the body, make people feel relaxed and clear-headed, thus relieving mental stress and improving mental state. Therefore, you can go to the gym when you are in a bad mood, which is more positive than being bored indoors alone.

Source: National Healthy Lifestyle Action

Coming, coming, the debut of the China men’s basketball team!

With Li Kaier training with our men’s basketball team, there is an urgent need for a game to test it! On August 5th, 2023, there was a warm-up match between our men’s basketball team and Cape Verde. Presumably, this was Li Kaier who officially set foot on our men’s basketball field and ushered in his first show. This young man has shown excellent skills and strong mentality in the past training, which makes people full of expectations for him. His appearance will bring new vitality and hope to our men’s basketball team and has become an indispensable member of our men’s basketball team.

Li Kaier is an excellent scorer. He can easily break through the opponent’s defense and hit the key three-pointers. His offensive ability has been fully proved in training, and he has shown his talent and strength many times in the competition. In addition, he also works very hard on the defensive end, which can bring great pressure to his opponents and improve the overall defensive level of the team.

Li Kaier is an NBA player above the average level and is the main rotation lineup of the Timberwolves. He showed a mature and stable side in NBA games. He can not only score points, but also drive the rhythm of the whole team, making the team more tacit and smooth. His hard work and diligence in training have also been recognized and appreciated by the coaching staff, and he is considered to be a very dedicated and responsible player.

Through the training videos released by the national team these days, it can be seen that Li Kaier’s performance is a superstar, at least in the national team, he is the only one. The fans are also full of expectation and concern, hoping to see him show his strength and ability in the game and lead our men’s basketball team to make good results. His appearance will bring stability to our men’s basketball team at the critical moment, and carry out our last shot to make our men’s basketball team stronger and more confident.

In short, Li Kaier’s debut will be a game worth looking forward to. He will play an important role in our men’s basketball team and lead the team to meet new challenges and opportunities. Let’s look forward to his performance on the court, cheer for him and cheer for our team!

Yi Jianlian’s Contract Renewal: Worry and Encouragement of the Team under Economic Pressure

Yi Jianlian’s Contract Renewal: Worry and Encouragement of the Team under Economic Pressure

Guangdong men’s basketball team is facing severe economic pressure when renewing Yi Jianlian’s contract. Nowadays, the sports industry is booming and the players’ salaries are rising, which poses an unprecedented challenge to the team’s financial situation. While maintaining competitiveness, Guangdong men’s basketball team needs to allocate salary budget reasonably to ensure the steady development of the team. Fortunately, in this economic crisis, Yi Jianlian’s contract renewal has become a great news for the team. As the core player of the team, Yi Jianlian expressed his willingness to accept the salary reduction and stay in the team, which undoubtedly reduced the economic burden for the Guangdong men’s basketball team. However, the team is still worried about Yi Jianlian’s age and state. He is an old player and his physical fitness and state may be affected.

Despite this, the team is still full of confidence in Yi Jianlian’s leadership and encouragement to young players. There is no doubt about the economic pressure faced by the team. The rapid development of sports industry and the rapid increase of players’ salary have made the financial situation of Guangdong men’s basketball team worse. Maintaining the competitiveness of the team needs to invest a lot of money, but the team can’t consume too much financial resources. In such a difficult situation, Guangdong men’s basketball team must carefully consider every expenditure, especially in renewing the contract of the team’s core players. Yi Jianlian is the soul of Guangdong men’s basketball team, and his contract renewal affects the hearts of countless fans. However, the team must seek a balance under economic pressure to ensure the team’s sustainable development in the future. The value of Yi Jianlian cannot be ignored.

He is a symbolic existence of Guangdong men’s basketball team and one of the best players in the team’s history. Since he returned to the Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team, he has been playing the leading role of the team, and showed extraordinary technical and tactical level on the court. His shooting ability, rebounding and defense are all impeccable, and he is the team’s scoring weapon and defense fortress. Yi Jianlian not only made brilliant achievements on the court, but also set a good example image off the court, which was respected by fans and society. His value is not only reflected in the team’s achievements, but also in the promotion of his reputation and image for the team. For Yi Jianlian’s willingness to accept a pay cut and stay in the Guangdong men’s basketball team, fans are undoubtedly excited. His decision shows his loyalty to the Guangdong men’s basketball team and his affection for this land.

Yi Jianlian is brilliant and has attracted much attention both in CBA and in the international arena. He had the opportunity to play in other richer leagues, but he chose to stay in the Guangdong men’s basketball team, which reflected his gratitude to the team and the fans. His willingness to reduce the financial burden for the team reflects his firm pursuit of the future champion of Guangdong men’s basketball team. This spirit and responsibility is worthy of all Guangdong fans’ pride. However, the team has some concerns about Yi Jianlian’s age and state. Yi Jianlian is 32 years old. Although he is not old among players, age is an unavoidable issue for basketball players. The team needs to pay attention to his physical fitness and state to ensure that he can still play his best on the court.

Although Yi Jianlian has been in good shape, his physical condition may be affected with his age. The team must make a reasonable training and rest plan and arrange his game time reasonably to ensure his health and competitive state. Despite concerns, the team is still full of confidence in Yi Jianlian’s leadership and encouragement. As the leader of the team, Yi Jianlian played a vital role on the court. His leadership style and on-the-spot command enabled the Guangdong men’s basketball team to remain calm and win at the critical moment. In addition, Yi Jianlian’s encouragement and help to young players has also cultivated excellent successors for the team’s future. He has won the respect of teammates and coaches both inside and outside the team, and his existence has a positive impact on the whole team.

On the whole, Yi Jianlian’s contract renewal is not only an economic encouragement, but also a guarantee for the team’s strength. The economic pressure faced by the team in renewing the contract should not be underestimated, but Yi Jianlian is willing to reduce his salary and renew the contract, which has lightened the burden for the team. At the same time, the team is full of confidence in his leadership and motivation for young players, which also provides solid support for the team’s future development. On the premise of successful contract renewal, Guangdong men’s basketball team needs to manage Yi Jianlian’s state and physical fitness scientifically and reasonably to ensure that he continues to maintain the best competitive state. Only on the basis of mutual trust between players and teams can Guangdong men’s basketball team go further and bring more glory and joy to fans.