Chen He’s new drama incarnates as "emoji" netizens like "funny with rope life"

Chen He's new drama incarnates "emoji" netizens like "funny with rope life"

  The ancient costume hilarious comedy "The Best Family Member" is on the air, going LIVE only three days, the broadcast volume has broken 100 million, no matter the number of clicks or the topic, it has set off a wave of top-quality heat. In the play, Chen He, Jin Chen, Yin Zheng, Li Xirui, SNH48 Lin Siyi, Zhao Yuetong, Zhang Ruihan and other stars have incarnated "walking emojis", which has been praised by netizens as "funny with rope life" and carefully reproduced the funny power of the original book; in addition, "The Best Family Member" is the first comedy with its own bullet comments, which not only revolutionizes the new way netizens watch the drama, but also is praised as an unprecedented bold "self-blackening" godplay.

  Compared to the original: different recipe, same laugh fruit

  The show is adapted from the IP of the same name of Yuyan, the "great god" of online literature. The original novel’s innovative and bold online literary style, high-spirited character portrayal, and witty and humorous storyline can be called the cornerstone of the popularity of online literature. The drama version of "Need for Family" boldly uses Mimeng, who is also an online writer, as the screenwriter, with the aim of bringing the audience a relaxed and happy viewing experience, and strives to create a hilarious "trendy comedy" that integrates cute points, laughs and grooves. Novel adaptations usually face skepticism from fans of the original novel in the early stages of broadcasting, and "The Best Guest" has also encountered criticism from fans for its adaptation content. In response, the chief producer of the drama, Yang Hua, responded that the formula is different, but the "fruit" is the same, and even upgraded: "Novel text and film and television scripts are two different media. The most important thing for film and television adaptations is to grasp the core essence of IP, and then choose a more acceptable way to spread it. The core of" The Best Guest "is to bring joy and laughter to the audience, so the positioning of this drama is trendy comedy and extreme entertainment."

  It has to be mentioned that the new bullet comment gameplay of "Need for Home Furniture" is "unprecedented", which can be called the first domestic drama with its own bullet comment. When the episode was broadcast to the "slot point", the official bullet comment was the first to pop up, self-deprecating one step faster, and the language was also quite sharp and pungent. The lines, props, shapes and even the plot of the play were lying guns, all of which were spared, making netizens laugh that this was the most "self-deprecating" bold gameplay in history. In addition to the first comedy in history with its own complaining bullet comments, "The Best Guest" also allows the audience to directly "enter" the drama, play role-playing with their own identity, and interact with bullet comments with the protagonist’s identity, allowing netizens to enter the new era of "playing dramas" from watching dramas. The interaction between the drama and netizens has been greatly enhanced.

  Chen He Jinchen’s walking emoji, netizens: Save the laugh

  In the plot that has been launched, modern Lin Wanrong (played by Chen He) passes through the ancient airborne execution ground and is mistaken for a master of the white-clothed cult. When he is in a hurry to avoid the pursuit of officers and soldiers, he is repeatedly attacked by Xiao Qingxuan (played by Li Xirui), Miss Xiao (played by Jinchen), Second Miss (played by SNH48 Lin Siyi), Cold-faced Gao Jie (played by Yin Zheng) and other enemies, all kinds of wonderful tricks like lightning and stone fire. The "battered male housekeeper" encounters the "domineering female president" and the two "engage in things", and the wonderful show of women strong and men weak each other has just begun. In the play, Chen He, who has his own comedic characteristics, and Jin Chen, who is a domineering president, vividly interpreted the identity of the master and servant as a happy enemy. The funny and wonderful performances of the stars in the play can be called the biggest attraction. Chen He’s eyebrow dance steals the play, and Jin Chen acts cute cross-eyed clips also make netizens call it too funny. Many netizens call the director, this play is simply a "walking emoji"!

  In addition, as the series progressed, "Cold-faced Guard" Yin Zheng’s arrogant and cute temperament was exposed, and "Fairy Sister" Li Xirui turned into a "contrived" master. The cool appearance of flying in circles impressed netizens deeply. The stars dedicated themselves to comedy, contributed countless exaggerated expressions and poisonous golden sentences, and were praised for "using rope to be funny", which made many netizens shout: "Finally a movie came out to save my laugh!"

  In the upcoming plot, the third brother will also form a "trade union" with all the family members, causing Xiao Yuruo, the eldest lady, to collapse very much; the mysterious Han King’s envoy made things difficult for Xiao Family Cloth Workshop to wreak havoc; Lin Sanmiao Yufang tried her best to win Qin Xianer’s beauty a smile.

Summer night galaxy ushered in an excellent observation season, professionals tips on how to watch and shoot

Poster production: Feng Juan

  Xinhua News Agency, Tianjin, June 14 (Reporter Zhou Runjian) "The realm of Penglai is separated by wind and smoke, and the Milky Way is connected for nine days." On a summer night, if the weather is fine, in an environment with little light pollution, you will see a milky white light band spanning the sky and running through the north and south above your head. It is like a river, galloping endlessly, and the constellations are bright and star-studded. This is the famous Milky Way.

  The Milky Way photographed by Beijing astronomy enthusiast Dai Jianfeng at the Yaha Pass in Kangding, Sichuan in November 2019. (Photo provided by me)

  The Milky Way is made up of a large number of stars, which were also known as Tianhan, Xinghan, Tianhe, Jianghe, etc. in ancient times. Although the Milky Way can be seen all year round, summer is the perfect season to appreciate the Milky Way. This beautiful band of light extends from the east-north horizon to the south.

  The Milky Way photographed by Beijing astronomy enthusiast Wang Junfeng in Zhangye, Gansu Province in May 2019. (Photo provided by me)

  "The sky is as cold as water at night, and I lie down and watch the Cowherd and Vega star." Song Yuanyuan, director of the Tianjin Astronomy Association and an astronomy science expert at the Tianjin Science and Technology Museum, said that in the middle of the Milky Way, there are three bright stars – Vega in Lyra, Cowherd in Aquarius and Tianjin Si in Cygnus – which form the symbol of the summer starry sky – "Summer Triangle", which is approximately a right triangle.

  Vega is located at a right angle, emitting a diamond-like light on the west bank of the Milky Way, and is called the "Queen of Summer Nights". The southern vertex of the "Summer Triangle" is Altair, which is on the east bank of the Milky Way and faces Vega across the river; the other vertex of the "Summer Triangle" is Tianjin IV, located at the "tail" of Cygnus, which spans the Milky Way, with two wings extending north and south, and the neck extending along the Milky Way, with the head facing southwest and the tail facing northeast.

  The Milky Way photographed by Beijing astronomy enthusiast Wang Junfeng in Zhangye, Gansu Province in May 2019. (Photo provided by me)

  Extending southward from Vega along the bank of the Milky Way, you can see a bright red star, which is Antarctica in Scorpio, also known as "fire". Moving southward from Cowherd along the Milky Way, you can find Sagittarius, which is often called Sagittarius. "The Milky Way in the Sagittarius part is the widest and brightest. Because the direction of Sagittarius is the direction of the center of the Milky Way, which is the famous’Galactic Center ‘. The Chinese 28 constellations, Dou (Nandou Six Stars) and Gi, are in Sagittarius. For the northern hemisphere, the more southern the area, the higher the Sagittarius rises, the more conducive it is to observe those gorgeous deep-sky objects in the direction of the’Galactic Center’." Song Yuanyuan said.

Poster Production: Fang Jinyang

  Bright Milky Way, starry, how to shoot the magnificent appearance of the Milky Way?

  In the eyes of veteran astronomer Wang Junfeng, shooting the Milky Way is all about "the weather, the location, and the people." He introduced that the best time to shoot the Milky Way in the northern hemisphere is from the end of May to the end of September every year, based on comprehensive factors such as human sleep habits, climate and temperature.

  The Milky Way photographed by astronomy enthusiast Jiang Tao of Sichuan Province in Songge Mani Shijing City, Shiqu County, Sichuan Province in May 2020. (Photo provided by me)

  In addition to understanding the laws of the rise and fall of the Milky Way, the moon phase also has a great impact on the shooting of the Milky Way. To obtain a good shooting effect, it is necessary to avoid the influence of the full moon. From the 23rd of each lunar month to the seventh day of the following month, it is a more suitable time for shooting.

  The Milky Way photographed by Shanxi astronomy enthusiast Liu Zhao in Shunwangping Scenic Area, Yuncheng, Shanxi Province in June 2020. (Photo provided by me)

  Shooting the Milky Way alone is beautiful, but combining the landscape will make the photo icing on the cake, and the landscape has the function of indicating the geographical location. Therefore, the shooting point should choose a high-altitude area with a wide field of vision, a natural landscape or building with obvious geographical indications, and a suitable prospect.

  Shooting the Galaxy first requires one or more shooting equipment with long exposure function, either a camera or a mobile phone, a wide-angle lens with a large aperture is preferred; secondly, a stable tripod is required, and a shutter cable is recommended. A simple shutter cable will make your shooting a lot easier. Finally, you need to prepare the necessary equipment for night travel, headlights, cold, moisture, dust and insect-proof clothing, tents, supplies, etc.

  The Milky Way photographed by Beijing astronomy enthusiast Wang Junfeng at the Nanshan Observatory in Xinjiang in June 2019. (Photo provided by me)

  Everything is ready, only the parameters are set. If you shoot with the camera, you need to set the manual mode (M block) to shoot the Milky Way, turn on the lens to manually focus (the lens focus switch is switched to MF), the focus position is infinitely far, the aperture theory is the largest, and the image quality is better by subtracting one stop. If you want a longer exposure and the star point is not off-line, it is recommended to use an equator. The white balance can be adjusted according to personal preference, and the original data source format (RAW) can also be adjusted later. At this point, press the shutter, wait a moment, and a gorgeous Galaxy blockbuster will appear in the camera.

  The Milky Way photographed by astronomy enthusiast Zhang Bingbing of Shandong Province in Tianhengdao, Jimo District, Qingdao City in June 2021. (Photo provided by me)

  In recent years, with the continuous improvement of mobile phone hardware and algorithm optimization, mobile phone shooting Galaxy has become simple and easy to operate. "At present, both Hongmeng system and Android system mobile phones can switch to professional mode to shoot Galaxy, and even some brand mobile phones have star mode and time-lapse mode. Just hold the phone on a tripod to fix it, switch to star mode or time-lapse mode, and press to shoot. In professional mode, the parameters can refer to the camera settings." Wang Junfeng added.

Galaxy micro-recording. (video content provided by Beijing astronomy enthusiast Wang Junfeng)

  In June, the summer night is quiet, the night is in the arms; the galaxy is bright, like a dream. Let’s find a good weather, pack our bags, and record the beautiful Milky Way together under the poetic night sky.

Producer: Zhao Cheng

Producer: Hu Qinghai

Planner: Liu Xinhui

Text: Zhou Runjian

Editor: Lian Changyan

Xinhua News Agency, jointly produced by Xinhua News Agency Tianjin Branch

Produced by Star Studio

Online takeaway market breakthrough 300 billion Internet + catering reshape people’s table

  Do you want to understand the changes brought by the Internet to the Chinese restaurant industry? The most intuitive way is to go to the streets of major cities and see the takeaway "knights" flying everywhere. Every dish they deliver, every route they drive, and even the pricing of every logistics cost is supported by Internet information technology such as big data and cloud computing. In recent years, "Internet + catering" has flourished and brought profound changes to the Chinese table.

  The catering industry is fully "touching the net"

  For many urban white-collar workers, the first thing they do after work in the morning is to open the takeaway software on their mobile phones to see if there is any food takeout that suits their appetite, and then place an order, pay, and wait for delivery… Nowadays, takeout not only penetrates into office buildings, student dormitories, and residential areas, but even on high-speed rail, they can open a mobile app or scan a QR code to book takeout in advance.

  The changing scenes of daily life reflect the transformation of the Chinese catering industry. From the past of single-store marketing, paper menu ordering, and cash checkout, to the current prevalence of takeaway platforms, massive menu options, and online payment of meals, the Internet has realized a deep integration with the traditional catering industry.

  Data show that in 2017, the national catering industry revenue 3.9644 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.7%. From January to April this year, the national catering turnover reached 1.2736 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.1% year-on-year, and continued to maintain double-digit growth. This means that China’s catering industry has been in a state of stable and high growth.

  What are the intrinsic factors for achieving growth? The catering industry has been fully "connected to the Internet". With the in-depth application of Internet technology in the catering industry, the online catering industry has become the third regular dining mode for consumers other than "cooking by themselves" and "going to the restaurant". Statistics show that the size of the online takeaway market exceeded 300 billion yuan in 2017, an increase of 13.6 times compared with 20.37 billion yuan in 2011.

  Changes in the food and beverage market go hand in hand with changes in people’s food and beverage consumption habits. It is reported that in online takeout, the order transaction volume in residential areas accounts for about 50%. This means that many people have chosen to use takeout instead of "cooking at home". A report released by the China Business Industry Research Institute confirms this change. The report shows that the user scale of China’s Internet food and beverage takeaway market has reached 320 million in 2017, and the user scale is expected to reach 360 million in 2018. Internet catering is drastically changing users’ food and beverage consumption habits.

  "With the development of information technology and its continuous integration with catering companies, some catering companies have begun to shift to cross-border operations, and takeaway is a driving force. This not only brings greater business opportunities for catering companies, but also brings different catering consumption experiences to consumers," said Jiang Junxian, president of the China Cuisine Association.

  "Unmanned Restaurant" is accelerating

  In fact, "Internet + catering" is no longer as simple as delivering food. Recently, the opening of a "smart restaurant" in Qingdao has attracted the attention of local citizens. Customers can order food simply by scanning the code at the office or using the "smart restaurant" mobile app. The system also uses big data technology to recommend customers’ favorite foods. About 10 minutes after placing an order, customers will receive a text message with the cabinet number and the pick-up code to pick up the meal at the password cabinet.

  "It only takes ten minutes for customers to walk from the office to the password cabinet, and then they can take out their own dishes and eat. The middle links such as ordering food at the store and waiting for food at the store are completely removed," the person in charge of the restaurant said.

  Bai Xiufeng, dean of Meituan School of Catering, believes that online catering is already the trend and continues to deepen. "The typical consumer experience is to order and eat in advance, no need to queue up at the store, order food, no need to queue up to pay and issue invoices, etc. All aspects of dining are completed online," Bai Xiufeng said.

  A step further than the "smart restaurant" is the "robot restaurant" or "unmanned restaurant" that has appeared all over the country. As early as October 2017, Alibaba’s first "unmanned restaurant" opened in Hangzhou. The highlight of the restaurant is the "face-to-face payment", which does not require mobile phones and wallets, nor cashiers and waiters, and intelligently orders food and leaves after eating. In February this year, Alibaba’s robot restaurant "Hema" Nanxiang Store in Shanghai opened. In this restaurant covering an area of more than 7,000 square meters, customers need to use the Hema app to choose a seat in front of the screen at the entrance of the restaurant. After taking a seat, they order food by scanning the desktop QR code, and the delivery robot will deliver the food to the table. The cooking progress and delivery process can be monitored in real time through the screen in front of the table.

  Coincidentally, also announced on May 29 that its robot restaurant will be launched in August. The restaurant can be unmanned through robots to order, cook, and deliver dishes. The all-round robot chef can serve more than 40 dishes from eight major cuisines.

  Industry insiders say that such restaurants will be available in major cities across the country in the next few years. Although it is not realistic to fully realize "unmanned", the realization of some functions is not out of reach. For example, the development of intelligence systems to replace ordering staff and cashiers; the use of welcome robots, service robots, intelligent cooking machines to carry out various operations; the use of face-swiping payment.

  Personality diversity becomes a major trend

  Nowadays, "Internet +" has been fully penetrated and deeply expanded in the food and beverage industry chain in terms of food procurement, system management, online and offline marketing, transactions, reservations, ordering, queuing, payment, comments, etc. In the context that mobile payment has become the mainstream payment method in the catering industry, and otaku men and otaku women have become important customers, how will the future catering industry change?

  The report released by the China Cuisine Association shows that the demand for catering consumption is developing towards diversification. For practitioners, the increasing trend of personalization and segmentation, as well as the trend of multi-format differentiated management, will bring them many challenges.

  How to "grab the stomach of young people" is a question that the catering industry needs to think about. According to Meituan’s statistics, young people aged 20-35 contribute 74% of the orders for catering consumption, and are the main force and new force of online catering consumption. Young people’s catering needs are more personalized and segmented, and they are also more willing to try a variety of novel things, which requires restaurants not only to meet the needs of young users in terms of consumption forms, but also to broaden their horizons in product development.

  In the era of personalization and segmentation, whether Internet information technology can be deeply integrated with user requests directly determines the success or failure of modern catering practitioners.

  Experts believe that the future development of the catering industry can be summarized as the three major trends of online and offline integration, supply chain vertical integration and catering retailing. "Through online and offline integration, data and technology, restaurants can turn every customer into a user and every user into a member in the future. Store managers can understand the preferences of each customer through big data and provide services for thousands of people. This is an innovation that the catering industry will definitely face."

Hanzhong Food and Drug Testing Center successfully passed the re-evaluation of CMA qualification and the on-site evaluation of extended certification.

On April 21, Hanzhong Food and Drug Administration, Inspection and Testing Center successfully passed the six-year CMA qualification re-evaluation and the on-site evaluation of expanded certification in 2024.

During the 2-day on-site review, the expert group conducted a systematic, comprehensive, objective and fair assessment and evaluation of the institutional setup, personnel skills, environmental facilities, instruments and equipment and management system of the Municipal Food and Drug Testing Center by means of on-site inspection, consulting materials, discussion and questioning, on-site experiments, spot-checking records and reports, and checking the status and files of instruments and equipment in use.

The expert group arranged a total of 238 field experiments, including 46 operation demonstrations, 119 witness experiments, 27 personnel comparisons, 21 standard-added recoveries, 2 method comparisons, 5 blind sample tests, 7 sample retests, 7 instrument comparisons and 4 report verifications, all of which achieved satisfactory results. All seven authorized signatories successfully passed the examination and were approved.

Finally, with the approval of all the experts, 237 product standards, 821 parameters and 582 inspection method standards in eight categories, including food, raw grain, oil, health food, traditional Chinese medicine, chemical medicine, cosmetics and clean environment inspection, were approved by the Municipal Food and Drug Testing Center. 827 parameters in the fields of traditional Chinese medicine, chemical medicine, cosmetics and clean environment detection.

The Municipal Food and Drug Testing Center will take this review as a new starting point, do a good job in the rectification and implementation of feedback problems, further improve the inspection and testing ability and management level, and provide strong technical support for the city’s market supervision.

Original title: "Hanzhong Food and Drug Testing Center successfully passed CMA qualification re-evaluation and on-site evaluation of expanded certification"

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A big event in a week. Did your salary go up? Publish wage guidelines in many places

  A number of new laws and regulations have been formally implemented since August.

  Bike-sharing prohibits the provision of services to children under the age of 12.

  9 provinces issued wage guidelines and 30 provinces extended maternity leave.

  In the second quarter, the "blacklist" of mobile apps was announced

  … …

  What happened in the past week? What is worthy of attention? What is closely related to you? Please look back on the major events of the week.

  [Policy Package] A number of new laws and regulations have been officially implemented since August: banks have cancelled a number of charges.

  A few days ago, the National Development and Reform Commission and the China Banking Regulatory Commission jointly issued a notice, canceling the handling fee for personal cash withdrawal at the counter of the bank in different places, and suspending the collection of six fees for promissory notes and bills of exchange, loss reporting fee and production cost. All commercial banks should take the initiative to waive the account management fee and annual fee for the only account opened by customers in the bank.

  Previously, some banks would only provide customers with an account free of account management fees and annual fees if they actively applied.

  [Transportation] The new regulations in bike-sharing are introduced: it is forbidden to provide services to children under the age of 12.

  On August 2, with the consent of the State Council, the Ministry of Transport, the Central Propaganda Department, the Central Information Office, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the People’s Bank of China, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine and the National Tourism Administration jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Encouraging and Regulating the Development of Internet Rental Bicycles. In order to improve the service level in bike-sharing, the Guiding Opinions clearly require operating enterprises to strengthen the capacity building of online and offline services, implement real-name system management for users’ registration and use, sign service agreements, specify charging methods and standards, establish a complaint handling mechanism, purchase personal accident insurance for users, and prohibit providing services to children under the age of 12.

  [Financial Services] The asset-liability management and supervision system was introduced during the year! Insurance investment can no longer be "lavish"

  The China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) recently issued a notice to conduct a trial evaluation of the asset-liability management capability of insurance companies, and plans to formally issue the asset-liability management supervision system by the end of this year. The insiders believe that this will help the regulatory authorities to fully grasp the risks of maturity mismatch, spread loss and liquidity of insurance companies, and guide the funds to "get rid of the virtual reality".

  [society ruled by law]The State Bureau for Letters and Calls invited lawyers to "sit in the classroom" to receive visits, showing initial results.

  It is reported that in August last year, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls introduced lawyers to participate in the reception of people’s visits and strengthened the social resolution of letters and visits. By the end of July this year, six law firms recommended by Beijing Lawyers Association had sent 42 backbone lawyers to take part in the interview, and received 2578 batches of people, which played a positive role in guiding petitioners to solve problems through legal channels.

  [Environmental Protection] The third batch of central environmental protection inspectors held 4,660 people accountable and severely criticized environmental protection inaction.

  Regardless of the number of reports received by the masses or the number of accountability, the third batch of central environmental protection inspectors has significantly increased compared with the previous two batches. In addition, the feedback report is harshly worded — — "Doing superficial things to cope with inspections", "Inaction and chaos are common problems" and "Some cities and departments have a weak awareness of environmental legal system" … … Pointing out the local "lesions" to the nail on the head has sounded the alarm for local ecological environment protection.

  [People’s livelihood expectations] How much is the salary increase this year? 9 provinces released the 2017 salary guideline.

  Has your salary increased this year? If it doesn’t go up, you can give the 2017 corporate salary guidance line to your unit. The reporter found that at least nine provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have issued guidelines for enterprise wages in 2017, which provides guiding suggestions for enterprises to adjust wages for employees.

  [Social Welfare] Extension of maternity leave in 30 provinces

  In the past five years, the maternity protection policy has become more solid. At present, 30 provinces have extended maternity leave, and the holidays generally reach 138 to 158 days. By the end of 2016, the number of people participating in maternity insurance nationwide was 184 million, and the per capita treatment level was 15,300 yuan, an increase of 30.22 million and 4,098 yuan compared with 2012. Many institutions, institutions and communities are also equipped with nursing rooms, custody centers and other facilities.

  [Food Safety] New rules for online take-out will be issued. Say goodbye to "Black Workshop Fly House"

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Food Supervision Department II of the Food and Drug Administration, in the next step, the Food and Drug Administration will step up the promulgation of the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Catering Services, clarify the respective food safety responsibilities and obligations of online third-party service platforms, online catering service units and food and drug supervision departments, standardize the operation behavior of online catering services, prevent and control food safety risks of online catering services, and protect consumers’ rights and interests.

  [Mobile phone security] The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the "blacklist" of mobile phone apps in the second quarter. Have you installed it?

  In the second quarter, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized a technical inspection of the application software of 55 mobile phone application stores, and found 42 pieces of illegal software, which involved illegal collection and use of users’ personal information, malicious "charging", forced bundling and promotion of other applications, and so on, and had been ordered to be removed from the shelves.

  [Convenience service] Beijing pilot ID card self-service application for photos can be retaken if you are not satisfied.

   Recently, the reporter found that there is a self-service device for ID card processing in a police station in Beijing. You don’t have to wait in line at the artificial window, sit in a self-service device, input personal information, take photos, record fingerprints and pay the money according to the prompts, and the information collection can be completed in a few minutes. You can help yourself all the time, and you can retake the photos if you are not satisfied. And forensics is also self-service. There is a self-service forensics equipment next to the accreditation equipment. After ten working days, I can obtain evidence through fingerprint identification.

  [Travel] The implementation of illegal "one-day tours" in the Beijing Tourism Regulations is the focus of the crackdown

  While drawing a clear distinction between legal and illegal "one-day tour" operations, the regulations set up a special section on "one-day tour", which prohibited six types of behaviors and distinguished the legal responsibilities of the existing legal provisions (tourism law, public security management punishment law, etc.) and those without legal provisions.

  [Weather tip] Heavy rain to heavy rain! Start flood prevention and early warning in many places to face the storm and flood.

  On August 3-4, Xiuyan Manchu Autonomous County, Anshan City, Liaoning Province was hit by heavy rain. The local people transferred 18,900 people overnight. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Qing photo

  Affected by typhoon Haitang’s residual cloud system and cold air, some areas such as Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Liaoning and Heilongjiang will have heavy rains, and relevant departments will start flood prevention and early warning, transfer and avoid risks, and go all out to meet possible storms and floods.

  (Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily, Beijing Youth Daily and other media reports editor Liu Qiong)


Nanning Cloud-Nanning News Network News (Reporter Du Jiahui/photo video) After two days of fierce competition, on December 6, the China-ASEAN International Badminton Open officially came to an end in the gymnasium of Guangxi Sports Center in Nanning, Guangxi.

China Extremely Rabbit Li Yongbo International Badminton Club entered the second stage with the first place in the group stage. In the second stage, China Extreme Rabbit Li Yongbo International Badminton Club beat Malaysian SEBC Badminton Club 3:1, and Thailand FYC Badminton Club beat Philippine PHNT Badminton Club 3:0.

In the end, China Extreme Rabbit Li Yongbo International Badminton Club defeated Thailand FYC Badminton Club 3:1, successfully won the championship and won the Greentown Cup; FYC Badminton Club of Thailand is the runner-up of China-ASEAN International Badminton Open; Malaysia SEBC Badminton Club won the third place in the competition.

The success of the China-ASEAN International Badminton Open has further deepened the sports exchanges and cooperation between China and ASEAN countries, demonstrated the status and influence of Nanning as a hub city of China-ASEAN exchanges to the world, greatly enhanced the international influence of Nanning for ASEAN cooperation, effectively promoted the development of badminton in Nanning, and injected sports vitality into Nanning’s economic and social development.

Since the beginning of this year, there have been many sports events in Nanning, such as China-ASEAN International Canoeing Open, Guangxi Road Cycling World Tour (Nanning Station) and the first National Student (Youth) Games. The 2023 Nanning ·LYB Li Yongbo Global Amateur Badminton Championship and a series of supporting activities to commemorate the 66th anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong’s winter swimming in Yongjiang—the 2024 Nanning winter swimming in Yongjiang will also start in the near future.

Editor: Qin Fengni

Editor on duty: Huang Deng

(Author: Du Jiahui)

186 million in 3 years! Thick eyebrows renew the Lakers! Nets try to train 2 meters 11 inside, Hornets sign old lone ranger.

Just one night, four big news came from the NBA. Among them, Brother Thick Eyebrows renewed his contract with the Lakers for 186 million yuan in three years, the Nets tried to train a 2.11-meter inside line, and the Hornets signed an old lone ranger!

According to ESPN reports, sources revealed that forward anthony davis and the Lakers renewed their contracts in advance, and the two sides signed a three-year contract with a maximum salary of $186 million.

It is reported that after reaching an early contract renewal with the Lakers, the existing contract of Thick Eyebrows will expire in 2028, with a total contract value exceeding 270 million US dollars.

In addition, according to statistics, the annual salary of the renewal contract between Thick Eyebrows and the Lakers reached 62 million US dollars in three years, setting a record in the history of the league!

Last season, we played for the Lakers, and the performance of Brother Thick Eyebrow was obvious to all. Brother Thick Eyebrow played 56 games in the whole regular season, and his attendance rate improved.

At the same time, under the condition of playing 34 minutes per game, thick eyebrows can hand over 25.9 points, 12.5 rebounds, 2.6 assists, 1.1 steals and 2 blocks per game.

In the playoffs, Brother Thick Eyebrows played 16 games on behalf of the Lakers, averaging 38 minutes, scoring 22.6 points, 14.1 rebounds, 2.6 assists, 1.4 steals and 3.1 blocks.

For the Lakers, 30-year-old anthony davis is at the peak, and the management regards it as the core of the team’s future team building. Jamey will devote himself to leading the Lakers to the championship in the new season!

According to reporter Stefan Bondy, the agent revealed that the Nets will go to Miami in the near future to watch the trial training of insider harry giles.

During the offseason this summer, harry giles tried training for several NBA teams in Las Vegas, and the Nets can sign a two-way contract with Giles.

It is reported that Giles is the No.20 show in the first round in 2017. At present, he is only 25 years old, with a height of 2.11 meters and a wingspan of 2.22 meters.

For the Nets, considering Giles’ age and height, Giles, whose potential and talent have yet to be tapped, is really worth betting on!

However, according to the report of new york reporter Begley, the Warriors also invited Giles for trial training, and the latter had the opportunity to compete for the last lineup of the Warriors.

At present, the tallest player on the Warriors’ list is Saric, who is 2.08 meters tall. Giles, who is 2.11 meters tall, can bring height and rebound to the Warriors’ inside!

According to ESPN, the agent revealed that free agent guard Frank Ntilikina joined the Hornets and both sides signed a one-year contract.

According to follow-up reports, the Hornets’ one-year contract with Nilikina is partially guaranteed, and Nilikina will occupy a place in the Hornets’ lineup.

Last season, Nilikina played for the lone ranger, playing 47 games in the regular season, averaging 13 minutes, and getting 2.9 points, 1.3 rebounds and 1.2 assists.

For the wasp, Nilikina, who is only 25 years old, is still in the rising stage of his career, and can provide vitality and instant fighting power for the wasp at the time of employing people.

According to Hoops Empire, Green Army defender Derrick White can renew his contract ahead of schedule in September this summer, and the two sides can sign a three-year contract of $85.5 million.

It is reported that White’s previous four-year $70 million contract has the last two years left, and White is eligible to renew the contract with the Green Army for three years in advance.

According to the latest labor agreement, White can sign a big contract with a salary increase of 140% and a new contract with an annual salary increase of 8%!

In the regular season last season, White played 82 games on behalf of the Green Army to keep full attendance, averaging 28 minutes per game and getting 12.4 points, 3.6 rebounds and 3.9 assists.

In addition, the performance of White, who helped the Green Army reach the playoffs, was also remarkable. He averaged 30 minutes per game and could hand over 13.4 points, 3 rebounds, 2.1 assists and 1 block.

As a matter of fact, the intention of the Green Army and White to reach an early contract renewal is not groundless, and it can even be said that it has a long history.

After all, after trading Smart to Grizzlies in the offseason this summer, White’s position and role in the Green Army have been improved by the naked eye!

It is reported that White will be the starting point guard of the Green Army in the new season. The performance of White and the Green Army with Tatum, Jaylen Brown and Boshen is really worth looking forward to!

Aunt Guangdong plays mahjong ten times and nine times to win! Won more than 70 thousand in six months. How did she do it?

Recently, a woman in Guangdong was playing.mahjongI won nine out of ten and won more than 70,000 yuan in six months. This news has aroused the attention and discussion of many people, and everyone is concerned about this kind of "mahjongHow did "Talent" do it is full of curiosity and speculation. In fact, I want to be inmahjongWinning is not just about luck andnatural endowmentsInstead, it is necessary to accumulate and improve the comprehensive quality in many aspects.

First of all, if you want to be inmahjongTo win, one must have certain technical ability.

He needs to have a certainmahjongBasic knowledge, such as card type, rules, licensing principles, and the practical application of different ways of playing, needs in-depth study, such as understanding skills such as drifting and breaking.

Not only that,mahjongYou need to rely on your insight, analysis, memory and calm response ability in tense moments, which are all necessary.

Secondly, a person also needs iron willpower and patience. He must be able to keep a clear head at any time and give full play to his best level. Can’t be influenced by others, becausemahjongThe turning point of every card, even every time you play a card, will affect 3.gameThe trend.

Keep calm and learn to understand and control.gameCommunication, especially in the face of a pit that cannot be resolved in a short time.

Some successful experiences mainly focus on how to deal with the accumulated cards and the cards you get, and how to make good decisions by using your own experience and knowledge. If there is no good judgment and decision-making, inmahjongOften fail in haste.

Third, the quality of the winner also includes the ability of communication and coordination.mahjongNeed to communicate and cooperate closely with other players, team spirit wins.keyOne.

Some more advanced skills also require teamwork, such as associative memory and truth (a strategy to increase speculation).

participate inmahjongIt is necessary to have good interaction and response, and to be good at dealing with communication and exchanges with people, not the epitome of going it alone.

Even inmahjongDuring the rest period, we should also maintain a high reputation and the way of getting along with the team, especially the winner is not arrogant, and his words and deeds consciously safeguard his own virtue and value system.

Finally, it is the mentality of winning. A glance shows that a positive mentality is to win.mahjongWinning the gamekey.

Winning or losing is a matter for military strategists. The so-called Chuangguan Avenue must face the strange spicy taste and rhythm, not try to keep calm and calm.

After experiencing victory and failure, we should not only see the victory side, but also regard failure as an integral part of success, and sum up experiences and lessons from it, so as to keep unchanged and cope with all changes.

People are not immortals. It is a natural phenomenon to lose and win, so don’t take the outcome too seriously. If you win, you will be happy. If you lose, you will have some self-esteem for temporary failure.

Based on the above contents, we can draw the conclusion thatmahjongWinning requires the improvement and tempering of comprehensive quality, not only the mastery of technical ability, but also the ability of communication and coordination, patience, willpower, emotional restraint and so on.

"Guangdong a woman to play.mahjongAlthough the news "Ten Beats and Nine Wins" has attracted a lot of attention, I believe that the efforts and efforts behind it have not been accumulated in the past few months.

Behind the glamorous appearance of any successful person, there is pay, tears and sweat. We don’t know whether this woman will continue to win next, but the saying that’ the winner is king’ can be described asmahjongIt has been fully interpreted in.

After seeing these cards, are you ready to move? But watching others play cards and playing cards by yourself are definitely two completely different things. If you want to get started as soon as possible, I recommend a mahjong textbook "Illustrated Mahjong+Super Memory" for you.

This book is divided into two volumes. The first volume, Illustrated Mahjong, mainly explains in detail the design rules of mahjong tiles and several common ways of playing them. After you get to know them from the shallow to the deep, I will teach you some common routines of playing cards and some tips of card line analysis.

If you want to master a skill, then it is essential to have a theoretical foundation. Why do some people play mahjong all their lives, or are they said to play cards at random? It is because in the early theoretical study, I didn’t lay the foundation, set up the correct thinking of playing cards, and didn’t have a correct understanding of mahjong tiles.

If you want to play mahjong well, instead of simply joining in the fun, then I strongly recommend this book, which not only explains how to play mahjong for you. At the same time, it also straightened out your thinking of playing cards in the future, that is, helped you lay a solid foundation in the early stage.

Compared with many online gossips, this book is more authoritative, systematic and comprehensive. And summed up the playing methods of most kinds of mahjong cards in China, whether you want to learn southern mahjong or northern mahjong? The tutorials in it are all available.

WL picture shows mahjong winning skills, super mnemonics, practical practical skills guide for playing mahjong.