Chen Tingchen led a group to study and inspect Changchun "high-precision" institutions: in-depth cooperation, empowering manufacturing!

Study and visit "high-end" institutions

"Matchmaking" for Jiaojiang enterprises

To empower "Made in Jiaojiang"

On October 18, Chen Tingchen, Secretary of the District Party Committee, led a delegation to Changchun, Jilin to inspect the FAW Research and Development Institute of China and the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to exchange and connect on relevant cooperation matters. Wang Guoping, Yan Lingzhang and other district leaders participated in the inspection.

Deepen cooperation

Boosting Jiaojiang Automotive and Parts Industry

High-quality development

After more than 60 years of development, FAW has built a product pattern of multi-variety development such as medium, heavy, light, micro, passenger, and sedan cars. In July this year, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader came to the FAW Group Research and Development General Institute during his inspection in Jilin. He walked into the laboratory to learn about the technology research and development of enterprises, and inspected the latest styles of vehicle products of "Hongqi" and other independent brands. Changchun China FAW Research and Development General Institute is a national-level enterprise technology center and has close industrial ties with Jiaojiang. The delegation listened carefully to the innovative measures of the institute in breaking through key technologies, strengthening national brands, grasping development trends, and achieving overtaking in curves. They intuitively felt the changes brought about by high-tech such as media-free holography and heart rate steering wheels to the automotive industry.

Everyone agreed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the important instruction spirit of the Supreme Leader General Secretary when he inspected the FAW R & D General Institute. It is necessary to adhere to the innovation leadership, adhere to the breakthrough of key core technologies, and develop Jiaojiang automobile and parts industry. In the face of increasingly fierce manufacturing competition and the continuous development of informatization and intelligence, Jiaojiang Manufacturing is to strengthen the determination and confidence of independent innovation, break through key technologies, grasp the development trend, and achieve a wider track run.

Changchun Institute of Chemical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences

High fit.

There is broad room for cooperation

Chinese Academy of Sciences Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry mainly focuses on the three major fields of resources and environment, advanced materials, and new energy, and develops advanced structures, advanced composites, and advanced functional materials. After a detailed understanding of the scientific research layout, talent team, and typical achievements of Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lu Lehui, deputy director of Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, held a scientific research cooperation discussion with the delegation.

Chen Tingchen believes that the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has a high degree of compatibility with Jiaojiang District in many aspects such as future materials and biotechnology, and also has a broad space for cooperation. Please help Jiaojiang become the future material innovation source of the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Taizhou, and use innovation to generate new momentum for development. Further expand the cooperation space, on the basis of the original cooperation projects, innovate the cooperation model, and promote more scientific research achievements of the Institute of Applied Chemistry to be applied in Jiaojiang, so as to achieve a win-win situation for both parties.

Lu Lehui said that with the pilot construction of the characteristic research institute as a breakthrough point, the Changchun Institute of Science and Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has strengthened the cross-integration of cutting-edge chemistry and materials, focused on key research areas such as advanced materials, resources, ecological environment, life and health, and focused on developing the innovation base platform. The cooperation between the Institute and Jiaojiang District has a solid foundation and broad prospects. It is hoped to further deepen the win-win cooperation between the two sides in future materials and key industrial projects, seek new development, and jointly accelerate the implementation of more mature projects and the industrialization of results, meet the development needs, and make the results truly benefit the people.

Wang Dapeng, Director of Science and Technology Department of Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended the discussion.

Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

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Editor: Chen Qi

Editor in charge: Wang Hanxue

Producer: Wu Mindong

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Original title: "Chen Tingchen leads a group to study and inspect Changchun" high-precision "institutions: deep cooperation, empowering manufacturing!"

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Ministry of Transport: Encourage localities to reduce taxi "element money" in stages

  CCTV News:At a press conference held by the State Council’s joint prevention and control mechanism today (6th), Vice Minister of Transport Liu Xiaoming said that all localities are encouraged to take measures such as phased reduction and exemption of taxi "part money" to effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of taxi drivers.

  Liu Xiaoming introduced that in February, the passenger traffic of railways, highways, waterways and civil aviation decreased by 79.9%, the freight traffic decreased by 26.5%, and the order volume and transportation volume of taxis (including online car-hailing) decreased by 85%. It can be seen from this that the income of truck drivers and taxi drivers has dropped significantly. In response to these problems, the Ministry of Transport, together with relevant departments, is stepping up the implementation of the policy.

  At the same time, organize industry associations, online freight platforms, and key logistics enterprises to monitor and analyze the freight logistics industry, release monitoring reports on the operation of the industry, and guide cargo owners, logistics enterprises, and truck drivers to rationally set transportation prices and share the benefits of the toll-free policy.

  Guide local transportation departments to timely sort out and summarize the situation of transportation and logistics enterprises performing emergency transportation tasks during the epidemic prevention and control period, and closely cooperate with the financial department to compensate enterprises performing emergency transportation tasks that belong to the government’s purchase of public services. Guide all localities to actively strive for the support of local financial departments, strengthen the accounting of income and costs, and increase subsidies and support for urban public transportation and urban rail transit enterprises.

  Coordinate and increase financial support for passenger and freight transportation enterprises, especially small, medium and micro enterprises. We actively communicate and coordinate with the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, and encourage insurance companies to appropriately reduce or exempt the insurance fees of operating vehicles, ships and aircraft that are suspended during the epidemic by extending the insurance period and deducting the renewal fee. In conjunction with the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the Financial Institution Group is encouraged to provide special project credit lines and loans at preferential interest rates to passenger and freight transportation enterprises, especially private and small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households affected by the epidemic, and to treat taxi drivers and road freight drivers as relevant policies for individual industrial and commercial households, and to support bank loans.

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"Betta Fish" was broadcast live into the military camp: What kind of waves were stirred up in 3 days and 72 hours?

A few days ago, the New Corps of the Hubei Military Region invited DouYu, the leading enterprise of domestic webcasting, to enter the military camp to broadcast live the training, work and life of the new soldiers who joined the army in September this year.

From November 8 th to 11 th, for 3 days and 72 hours, more than 600 recruits of the new corps faced the camera lens broadcast on the Internet for the first time, showing the military camp style and the image of officers and men in the new era in an all-round way.

Through DouYu’s lens, the majority of netizens not only see the gratifying changes in today’s military camps, but also truly feel the new pulse of ideological and political work in the army in the new era.

The growth of the new soldiers is clearly recorded by live cameras and shown to the majority of netizens. Xu chentu

What kind of waves did "Betta Fish" stir up when it entered the barracks?

"I heard that DouYu selected anchor online celebrity to enter the military camp. I signed up without hesitation, and I begged again and again. This is a very precious experience for me." Standing in the training ground of the recruits, "outdoor" said.

When it comes to "Outdoor", it is famous in the field of "online celebrity anchor". They are composed of two cousins, Fu Hailong and Pan Bin from Chongqing, and have more than 1.3 million fans. Pan Bin said frankly: "Some people in the society think that the atmosphere of the army is very rigid and the soldiers are very strict. This time, after the new corps and officers and men got in touch with each other at zero distance, I really feel that the army stresses both discipline and friendship, and the atmosphere is really good, completely eliminating some misunderstandings about the army between me and my fans and really getting to know the military camp again."

Seek depth with concreteness and impress people with truth. At 12 o’clock on the morning of November 11th, the real-time peak popularity of the webcast reached 5,653,600, and the cumulative number of hits in three days exceeded 104.22 million, with a cumulative barrage of 45,364,900. What is even more surprising is that the event was pushed by more than 300 websites across the country, with a reprint volume of more than 200,000 times.

"The barrage expresses the instant feelings of netizens." Qian Jing, a director who graduated from Simon Fraser University in Canada, told reporters: "Although you can’t see who sent it, every one is true."

Qian Jing flashed a screen shot: "This is a regretless youth, and I really like the army!" "Without them, can you sit here and watch the live broadcast comfortably?" "You have to learn not to abandon and not to give up!" "Very touched, this is the China soldier." "My old company commander appeared!" "This kind of activity is good, when will the second season come out?" "Tired or not, think about the revolutionary doyen …"

"Analyzing the data, we found,’ I’m going to be a soldier!’ Five words have been used for more than 40 times, which represents the strong desire of the younger generation. In this regard, Zhu Yuanfeng, head of the new corps of Hubei Military Region, was overjoyed: a live webcast has produced multiple social effects, which shows that there is still much room for us to enhance the times of ideological and political work.

The novel form of ideological and political work of the New Corps has aroused great interest of the anchors of "online celebrity".

"Betta fish" swam into the military camp, which originated from the idea of "living water"

"Companionship is the longest confession." This sentence, which has been popular on the Internet in recent years, has touched countless military families separated from each other. Because her boyfriend is a naval officer, Wu Wenjie also has some experience about it.

As one of the anchors who participated in the "Fighting Fish into the Barracks", Wu Wenjie is also a key member of the "online celebrity Party Branch". She thought she knew more about soldiers, but she cried four times in two days: the first time she couldn’t help crying when she finished 120 push-ups; The second time I cried when my arms were all worn out in tactical training; The third time was to train to the limit, but the "relaxation activity" arranged by the monitor for her was to cry when she sprinted 1200 meters. The fourth time, the activity was coming to an end and leaving his comrades-in-arms. Wu Wenjie cried miserably.

"It’s only after experience that I know that it’s really not easy to take the responsibility of defending the country as a man, and it’s really excellent!" Wu Wenjie said that her boyfriend saw her live broadcast and sincerely praised her and this activity.

The military camp is an armed unit with closed management. How did this activity facing the live broadcast of netizens enter the military camp?

"At present, officers and men are undergoing profound changes in their ideological concepts and values, while our ideological and political work is facing’ chronic diseases’ such as outdated models and single methods." Li Jun, political commissar of the New Corps of Hubei Military Region, suddenly felt a sense of urgency after an in-depth and meticulous investigation of recruits’ thoughts: the military camp is not a vacuum, and ideological and political work cannot be divorced from the background of the times and social environment. If we dare not face the challenge of ideological and political work in the new era, we will not be able to shoulder the historical mission of strengthening the army.

After in-depth problem-oriented thinking, the Party Committee of the New Corps planned a live webcast to enter the military camp, and formally reported to the Party Committee of the Hubei Military Region, which won the support of the superiors: if you can’t pass the network barrier, you can’t pass the era barrier. Under the premise of strictly observing the confidentiality provisions, you can do a good job in the activities and make an impact, thus creating a new path for ideological and political work in the new era.

The webcast entered the military camp, and various funds were invested heavily. Who will spend the money? When Li Jun found Wuhan DouYu Company, indicating the national defense effect and social effect that the activity would produce, Chen Shaojie, the chairman of DouYu Company, immediately made a decision: to participate wholly, and to invest a huge amount of advertising resources for promotion.

What’s even more surprising is that in the process of planning DouYu to enter the military camp, the working group of the Central Network Information Office, which is being investigated by Betta Company, also applauded it, taking this activity as the first stop of the large-scale theme activity of "Hello, New Era" of the Central Network Information Office.

In order to effectively ensure the smooth live broadcast activities and spread positive energy, the New Corps of Hubei Military Region strictly controls political censorship, news reporting, security and confidentiality, and on-site control, and also closely monitors the live broadcast process by using Jingchu. com’s public opinion big data system, creating a precedent for the monitoring and disposal of webcasting by big data analysis system in China.

The novel form of ideological and political work of the New Corps has aroused great interest of the anchors of "online celebrity".

"Betta fish" stirred up the new corps, stirring up more than just waves.

Just after finishing the work at hand, Deng Jiali arrived in Wuhan from Yangjiang, Guangdong Province overnight. On this trip, he will witness the important moment of his son Deng Xiucheng’s life.

Like Deng Xiucheng, for more than 600 recruits in the Hubei Military Region, November 11th is an unforgettable and memorable day-they were awarded the rank of Private, wore caps, neckties and epaulettes, and officially became glorious PLA soldiers.

To the surprise of these soldiers, their parents were invited to participate in the "adult ceremony" of the recruits’ military camp, and they saw their children "quenched" through tempering and became men in the military camp. Together with parents, there are millions of netizens on the Internet who feel the new style of soldiers in the new era through DouYu.

"Betta" is on fire! While tens of millions of netizens kept refreshing the click-through rate and visiting messages, more than 20 media outlets, including People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, china national radio, Hubei Daily and Hubei Radio and Television Station, interviewed on the spot, and turned their attention to the more significance brought by DouYu’s entry into the military camp.

Such activities "boost morale". Zhang Along, a private from Guangzhou University, said frankly: Usually, training is very hard, and you will be lazy unconsciously. Now, facing the live camera, you have to train hard and show the hard-working side of the soldiers in front of the vast number of netizens. With the praise and encouragement of netizens, you understand the sacred mission and responsibility you shoulder.

Such activities are "aura". Chen Jian, a squad leader who has been with recruits for four years, told reporters that in the past, ideological and political education for recruits was often written on a blackboard and watched in PPT, which was boring. However, "Betta Fish" entered the military camp to broadcast our training life live, which enhanced the sense of honor and mission of the soldiers in the interaction. This subtle education method is both smart and effective.

Such activities "gather popularity". In the past few weeks, the staff of Hubei Network Information Office, who has been paying attention to DouYu, expounded his views from the perspective of new media communication: Webcast is a new interpersonal communication mode, which has enhanced the credibility and persuasiveness of national defense education by constantly attracting popularity.

The three-day live broadcast time is fleeting, and netizens seem to be wanting more, but the Hubei Military Region has opened a door to explore the ideological and political work in the new era, and there are more wonderful things waiting to be staged …

Adventures of "Betta Anchor" in Military Camp

Some things can only resonate with personal experience. These two days, the webcast room of online celebrity’s "Amazing Aunt" continued to burst. What makes the majority of netizens watch and discuss online is what she saw, heard and felt when she visited the New Corps of Hubei Military Region.

Xiao Shujie, the "ever-changing aunt", is a signing anchor of DouYu Platform. Her lively and cheerful hosting style left a deep impression on netizens. As a professional "online celebrity anchor", Xiao Shujie traveled all over the country. Her camera aimed at many "delicious food" and "beautiful scenery", but she didn’t have a chance to enter the military camp.

Under the real-time focus of the camera lens, Xiao Shujie and DouYu team officially entered the new corps of Hubei Military Region at 2 pm on November 8.

In just one hour, Xiao Shujie’s live room attracted more than 120,000 netizens. However, what surprised her even more was that in just three days of military camp life, the military camp in her mind was completely subverted-

One of the adventures: "big pot rice" smells better than "takeaway"!

Like many girls, Xiao Shujie likes to taste all kinds of delicious food. Nowadays, it is convenient and fast to order online. She especially likes to order "take-away" and occasionally "show off while eating".

Before she arrived at the new corps, many fans reminded Xiao Shujie that the army was a "big pot of rice" and its taste was not good, so she quietly prepared a lot of "dry food".

However, on the first day of dinner, there were three meats and two vegetables and one soup on the table: red-cooked chicken, braised pork with plum vegetables, braised diced yellow pepper with tomatoes, shredded hot and sour potatoes, stir-fried Chinese cabbage and melon ribs soup, all of which were delicious. Xiao Shujie, who usually pays attention to her appetite, wolfed down two bowls of rice and exclaimed: "Big pot rice" is more fragrant than "takeaway"!

Adventure 2: Military songs have a different feeling!

Xiao Shujie especially loves to sing karaoke and is full of curiosity about the recruits’ "learning to sing military songs": Is the music beautiful? Are the lyrics lingering?

As the majestic song sounded, Xiao Shujie’s body suddenly shook. Although she hadn’t learned it before, Xiao Shujie couldn’t help humming along, singing and beating time, and her voice became louder and louder.

Looking at the live broadcast, many netizens issued a barrage: singing military songs is very similar and energetic. Xiao Shujie replied: "In the past, singing was self-satisfied. Today, singing military songs is passionate."

Until she went to sleep at night, Xiao Shujie’s ears seemed to be still echoing: the feeling of the moon on the top of her head is safe in the world, and the soldiers are always listening to the call, and love is dedicated to millions of families, and the true feelings are held in front of the people …

Adventure 3: The whole class stood up and sat with themselves to eat.

The next morning, Xiao Shujie failed in shooting.

At noon, in order to spur the recruits to train hard, the other classes stood up to eat who didn’t play well. As a result, Xiao Shujie’s fourth class stood up and sat with Xiao Shujie to eat.

Xiao Shujie, who stood up several times and was pressed on the stool, suddenly felt an inexplicable impulse: this time she dragged down the whole class, so she must train hard and do well next time!

At this time, Xiao Shujie’s live broadcast room was suddenly screened by the barrage: "See, this is the true feelings of comrades!" "Nothing is more powerful than unity!"

The fourth is not an adventure, but an unforgettable one: hanging on the horizontal bar "tears keep falling"-

In the afternoon physical training, Xiao Shujie, who usually doesn’t do much exercise, has completed 3 km running, 3 groups of push-ups, sit-ups and flat support, feeling exhausted. When I arrived at the horizontal bar training, I couldn’t help but burst into tears.

At this point, the live camera was aimed at her: "Fans bet you won’t last a minute!" Xiao Shujie replied with tears: "I can persist!"

Time goes by, and there are still 10 seconds from the training standard of 3 minutes. The whole class of recruits shouted in unison: "Come on, Xiao Shujie!"

"10, 9, 8 … 3, 2, 1", when Xiao Shujie finally finished all the physical training, the recruits in the class clung to her tightly. All kinds of gifts swarmed in the live broadcast room, and the barrage once again dominated the screen: "I didn’t expect you to persist, which really made us sit up and take notice." "The military camp gave you strength!" ……

Wiping away tears, Xiao Shujie left a youthful feeling in the webcast room: during the three-day military camp life, I laughed and cried and was moved. Whenever I couldn’t persist, I would sing in my heart, and every time I finished singing a song, I was one step closer to victory …

Be good at listening to the voice of the times

Huang Ming Village, Director of Political Work Bureau of Hubei Military Region

Webcast once made the troops "forbidden" to stay away, just like when mobile phones and the Internet first met military camps, many people chose to avoid and block them in the face of the voice of officers and men. Today, when we let go of the gates of thinking ideas, they are not the "scourge" people imagined, but also play an unexpected role in the military education management. Listening to the voice of the times, let us gain a lot.

Every era has its own voice. Compared with the past, the "voices" of officers and men in the new era are not less but more, not simple but complicated. In the past, officers and men were simple-minded, honest and obedient, but now young officers and men are well-informed and individual. In the past, the psychological demands of officers and men were relatively single, and they were "half instructors" to do a good job in food; At present, the spiritual needs of young officers and men tend to be diverse, and any new things that appear in society will stimulate their desire to have a taste and try.

The "new" voice of officers and men is not terrible. What is terrible is knowing that it is a "new voice" and coping with it in the "old way". In the face of new things emerging in the new era, some comrades look at them with "colored glasses" and are used to defining them with old frames. Some people have an "either-or" cognitive model, which they can’t understand or get used to, and blindly judge "today’s him" with "past me"; Some people are worried that "the gun will shoot the first bird" and "the rafters of the outcrop will rot first", avoiding sensitivity and avoiding hot spots; Some people are worried that the gate will be released, and they will not be able to close it. They are used to "fencing the fence", and they will be fortified at all levels and blocked everywhere.






Lei Jiayin’s desperate spy war drama "Peace Hotel" was finalized

Directed by Li Jun, a famous director, written by Zhang Lai, a "ghost talent", and starring Chen Shu, Lei Jiayin and Li Guangjie, the humorous suspense spy war drama "Peace Hotel" was officially booked on Zhejiang Satellite TV, and it started broadcasting at 19:30 every day from January 25th. In the play, Lei Jiayin plays the bandit Wang Dading, who is full of evil spirits but also a folk patriot. Chen Jiaying (Chen Shu), who meets by chance, pretends to be a husband and wife and fights with the enemy. It looks very enjoyable. The play shows the world pattern at that time with the Peace Hotel. On the basis of step-by-step gripping, there is no lack of relaxed and humorous elements. The first cooperation between Chen Shu and "ex-husband brother" Lei Jiayin also made the audience look forward to it.

Lei Jiayin challenged the intellectual bandits to fight the drama "the unity of man and drama"

In addition to the gripping plot, the characters in the play are "hand-eye-to-eye", and the integration of people and drama is another highlight. Wang Dading is "the only bandit with higher education in the three northeastern provinces". On the surface, Chen Jiaying is a senior detective expert in the confidential department of Manchuria Railway and only a dozen behavioral trace analysis experts in the world. In fact, she is a member of the underground party of the Communist Party of China. Their identity sounds unusual, but it is also consistent with the temperament of the actors themselves.

Lei Jiayin, the "ex-husband" who came out of My First Half of Life, challenged the role of "literary bandit" in the play. He played Wang Dading, who loved reading Shakespeare and dreamed of robbing the rich to help the poor, and pretended to be a loving couple with Chen Shu. In the play, he has a moustache and a big oil head, and he has a sense of joy. It is simply a true color, and his funny personality is undoubtedly revealed. Chen Shu, who wears cheongsam to the extreme, plays a female agent with high intelligence. Her behavior is decisive, her will is firm, and she exudes a fierce beauty. This role coincides with Chen Shu’s elegant Leng Yan temperament. Li Guangjie, a serious face, plays the persistent police sergeant without any sense of disobedience. Other actors and roles in the play are also very unified, and they have a strong sense of substitution.

Humor opens a new type of spy war. Li Jun’s tough guy style brings a different feeling.

"Peace Hotel" not only has the dangers of traditional spy war dramas, but also adds appropriate humorous jokes to make the drama more grounded. In the film, Chen Shu solemnly said "close the door and let Wang Dading go", which made people laugh. Lei Jiayin, as a bandit, didn’t put on airs. Li Guangjie slapped him in the face and lectured him with a face full of arrogance. Lei Jiayin’s joyful expression with rich body movements is also full of "laughter". He always uses a famous Shakespeare saying for fear that others will not know that he is an intellectual literary youth. Such a funny plot is interspersed in the exciting spy war plot. It can be said that the style of Peace Hotel is full of new ideas, and the humorous style of "dancing under high pressure" is fascinating.

Li Jun, the director of the play, has directed many excellent works such as "Beishangguang doesn’t believe in tears" and "Please turn on your mobile phone when landing". He focuses on the creation of realistic themes, is good at showing the inner struggles of characters, and has created many classic tough guys. The director’s tough style is integrated into this spy war drama, which is believed to bring new feelings to the audience.

Quality spy war, climax after climax, and many attractions make Peace Hotel one of the most anticipated dramas during the Spring Festival. Every day from January 25th at 19:30, Zhejiang Satellite TV China Blue Theater will be wonderful!

Panda hits the audience and turns "boycott" into a Don Quixote joke.

  Kung Fu Panda, a Hollywood summer animation masterpiece, officially appeared in China on Friday. At the premiere of the Shanghai Film Festival yesterday, artist Zhao Bandi’s appeal that "everyone in China should boycott Kung Fu Panda" obviously became a Don Quixote joke. There is a long queue in the second hall of Shanghai Cinema, and the audience is full. The Kung Fu Panda has not yet started, and the atmosphere at the scene has been very lively by a lovely and huge panda doll. The panda "Po" played for 100 minutes and the audience laughed dozens of times. At the end of the screening, the audience expressed their love for the film with warm applause. "It’s so beautiful and awesome!" As a China-themed Hollywood movie, ordinary audiences in China feel happy and excited from Kung Fu Panda, while filmmakers in China should feel ashamed and humiliated.

  "Po" made the audience laugh from beginning to end.

  Kung Fu Panda shows a martial arts world, and you can even regard it as an animal version of Kung Fu. Without the animation coat, it is a simple story of a little person who won by luck, hard work and courage. The hero is the big and fat panda "Po". He is lazy, clumsy and greedy. He usually helps his father (a duck) in the noodle restaurant. Only in his dream, he is a handsome and cool warrior with superb kung fu. He stumbled into the "God" in the Great Fairy Point of the tortoise.

  The candidate of "Dragon Warrior" is the same as the five masters (tiger, monkey, crane, mantis and snake). Under the training of the "raccoon" master, he becomes a generation of dragon warrior, and finally defends "Peace Valley" and defeats the evil ambitious remnant leopard. Kung Fu Panda can make you laugh from beginning to end, and the dialogue, modeling, plot, details, animal expressions and martial arts movements are all hilarious. For example, Po tried his best to enter the tournament. He climbed the 1888 steps and was panting. When he finally climbed to the door, he was about to cheer, but the door just closed. His first contact with kung fu training and his violent beating by the master are very funny. The plots of Bao’s "grabbing buns", "acupuncture" and "stealing cookies" make the audience laugh through the panda’s embarrassing and rich expressions. However, being fat also has the advantage of being fat, because even "acupoints" are useless to him.

  Master "Po" isJackie Chan

  The humorous and sometimes ugly fighting action of "Po" reminds the audience of Jackie Chan’s movies. Indeed, director Stevenson once said that Jackie Chan is the most important when designing actions for "Po" because his kung fu is full of humor and is closest to the theme. At the same time, "Jet Li and Bruce Lee’s kung fu are all referenced, even including Stephen Chow (Q bar)." What’s more striking is that the voice cast of Kung Fu Panda is quite strong, with Jack Black providing the voice for Po, Dustin Hoffman providing the voice for Master Raccoon and Angelina Jolie providing the voice for Tiger. There are Jackie Chan, Liu Yuling and others, and the Chinese version invites stars such as Wilber Pan and Patty Hou to join us.

  As the director said, Kung Fu Panda is a "love letter" dedicated to China, and everything in this film comes from China. In the film, those kung fu, pandas, landscapes, Tai Chi, temple fairs, calligraphy and acupuncture belong to China; Animals eat noodles, use chopsticks, and Tigress wears a Tang suit. Monkeys, poisonous snakes, red-crowned cranes, tigers and mantis are the most famous and distinctive representatives of boxing martial arts in China.

  "China filmmakers should wake up."

  In the past, Hollywood films based on the theme of China were more or less criticized for "not being China enough and misreading China". In Kung Fu Panda, the reporter found that Hollywood seems to have really "read" China. Except for the characters and props, the concept and culture of the film are all Chinese. Both Panda Po and Canbao are trying to get the secret book of the Dragon, but in fact, there is not a word in the secret book. Po learned the true meaning of "believe in yourself" from the secret book without words. Master Oogway’s series of proverbs: Everything is predestined, there is no coincidence in the world, and he said "My time is up" and then turned into a fairy, all of which won the essence of China culture. It seems that after a long period of "training", Hollywood has gradually been able to control the "mysterious and complicated" China culture, instead of just using some specious China elements to put on a show. Therefore, Kung Fu Panda is enough to make all China filmmakers feel ashamed. A movie fan sighed after watching it, "Everything in this movie is from China, but why can’t people in China shoot it?" When talking about the so-called Kung Fu Panda, which calls for a boycott of "taking advantage of the fire to rob", more viewers feel that it is better to retreat from the net than to boycott it. "It’s time to wake up." Kung Fu Panda "is so beautiful. China filmmakers should be ashamed. If we don’t work hard, we will give away everything."

  "Kung Fu Panda" detonated at zero in Nanjing

  This summer’s opening blockbuster, Kung Fu Panda, a 3D animated blockbuster produced by American DreamWorks, will meet the audience in mainland China from tomorrow. At the screening meeting in Nanjing yesterday, "Kung Fu Panda" made the adult audience laugh, and the general reaction was "good-looking, worth seeing!" Manager Ouyang Chong of the Workers’ Studio said that the Workers’ Studio will detonate Kung Fu Panda at 0: 00 tonight, which is the first time they have detonated an animation at 0: 00.

  With the heavy landing of Kung Fu Panda on June 20th, the summer movie file in 2008 officially kicked off. Just like the fat figure of the fat panda "Po", this summer’s first shock wave is absolutely heavyweight. "We have been ready for a long time. This time, we took a total of three copies, two digital films and one digital film. The numbers are in Chinese and English. The film is only available in Chinese. Ten of the 13 halls will be used to play Kung Fu Panda. On average, there will be a rolling broadcast of this film every ten minutes to a quarter of an hour, which is the film with the highest screening density so far this year. Such a high screening density is comparable to Zhang Yimou’s "Golden Flower in the City". " Ouyang Chong told the reporter excitedly that Kung Fu Panda was completely operated according to Hollywood blockbusters, not a simple cartoon. Ouyang Chong also explained why Kung Fu Panda was so popular with them. "This film is not for children in the traditional sense, but also suitable for adults. There are many fashion elements, including many China elements and humorous elements unique to the West, which are familiar to most audiences. "

  In addition to setting a record for the first zero-point detonation cartoon, the copy of Kung Fu Panda is specially encrypted, which can only be released at a specific screening time. This has set a record for the animation copy and encryption. A copy of a movie that needs to be encrypted like this, the first one earlier this year was forbidden kingdom. Tongli

Editor: Li Dan

From AI perfume to AI beauty algorithm, can we find the optimal aesthetic solution?

  The information that artificial intelligence system needs to perceive mainly comes from its vision, hearing and touch, and smell is also a valuable direction. At present, researchers have been studying odor sensors and their applications in environmental protection and other fields.

  During my stay in China International Import Expo(CIIE), in addition to "hard-core" intelligent technologies such as bionic robots and automated production lines, AI beauty consultants, virtual makeup artists and customized skin care products driven by artificial intelligence also attracted many people’s attention. In recent years, artificial intelligence, which shines brilliantly in the fields of image, video and speech recognition, has gradually penetrated into the beauty industry. The market shows that the perfume prepared by artificial intelligence has received good feedback from consumers.

  "Perfume preparation is a complex system engineering, involving raw materials, processes, users, markets and many other factors. Searching for the right solution in the vast parameter space is a huge workload. It is difficult to exhaust all feasible solutions only by relying on manual experience, and it is likely to miss the best solution that is most popular with the market and users." Sun Zhenan, a researcher at the Institute of Automation, China Academy of Sciences, said in an interview with a reporter from Science and Technology Daily.

  AI flavoring does not depend on fragrance to judge the order of putting spices.

  "The information that the artificial intelligence system needs to perceive mainly comes from its vision, hearing and touch, and the sense of smell is also a valuable direction. At present, researchers have been studying odor sensors and their applications in environmental protection and other fields." Sun Zhenan said.

  Previously, IBM made an artificial intelligence perfume apprentice — — Philyra。 Philyra is a creative artificial intelligence, which can study the existing perfume formulas and compare and analyze their components to develop new perfume formulas. Philyra can also obtain the popularity of perfume in different genders, ages and best-selling places. Combined with big data algorithm, Philyra will output a new perfume formula, which can achieve good results in the predetermined target population.

  Sun Zhenan explained that unlike perfumers who need decades to train their sense of smell, artificial intelligence does not rely on the sense of smell to make perfume. AI Blending uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze and learn information such as perfume formula, raw materials, historical sales data and industry trends to predict human preferences, thus creating a new perfume formula for the target population.

  David Appel, a master perfumer, did an experiment with Philyra: a perfume made entirely by Philyra was model A; The b model is mainly made by Philyra, and the perfumer is used as an auxiliary modification; The C model is led by the perfumer and assisted by Philyra. After the completion of the three perfumes, they were put into test. The test results showed that most people chose the A perfume created by artificial intelligence.

  "Compared with artificial perfuming, AI perfuming does not rely on fragrance to judge the order of perfuming, but uses deep learning algorithm to analyze and customize the blending method, which is a method different from traditional perfuming thinking; AI perfume will not be influenced by personal preference, experience and cultural prejudice, but digitally quantify the sense of smell and explore more creative composition combinations and formula; With its powerful computing power, AI perfume can quickly calculate the most popular perfume formula for target customers, shortening the perfume development cycle. " Sun Zhenan pointed out.

  It is also used in intelligent medical beauty, hairstyle design and other scenes.

  According to Euromonitor Consulting’s forecast, 2019— In 2023, China’s cosmetics industry will maintain a compound growth rate of 8.3%. Faced with the growing cosmetics consumer market and the popularization of concepts such as scientific skin care and functional skin care, major beauty and skin care businesses are also actively using cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence to launch customized products that better meet consumers’ individual needs and bring more comprehensive product experience.

  Sun Zhenan said that in addition to preparing perfume, artificial intelligence is also used in many scenarios such as intelligent medical beauty, hair design, virtual makeup, customized skin care products, skin diagnosis and so on.

  Sun Zhenan, a researcher from the Institute of Automation, China Academy of Sciences, and his team of researchers have explored the editing of face images and the application of beauty, medical beauty and entertainment.

  For example, at the IEEE International Conference on Computer and Pattern Recognition in 2019, they proposed a face age transformation technology based on wavelet domain, which can predict the change of face with age, and this technology can also be applied to personalized recommendation of skin care products; In 2020, they proposed a face attribute editing technology based on sample importance sampling, which can edit the skin color, hair color, adding or removing glasses and other attributes of the face, and can be applied to the makeup design of the beauty salon industry to provide users with diverse choices and references; In 2020, a face composition editing technology based on reference images was proposed, which can manipulate the shape of facial features and assist medical cosmetology, give more guidance to doctors and patients through the preoperative prediction of plastic surgery and trauma repair surgery, and make a more scientific cosmetic plan.

  "The application technology of artificial intelligence in the beauty industry has saved labor costs for enterprises, improved customer service efficiency and brought convenient and comprehensive user experience for consumers to purchase products." Sun Zhenan said.

  Sun Zhenan pointed out that from the current application, the personalized customized skin care system allows each user to have a dedicated skin care beautician, analyze the photos provided by the user by using face recognition and face analysis technology, and evaluate their skin condition, and then use the recommendation algorithm to select the most suitable product from the existing products for recommendation; The facial beauty evaluation system provides valuable methods and tools for medical cosmetology, which can assist the hospital in cosmetic surgery. By comparing the detected data with the standard beauty model, it provides the cosmetic surgeon with the best scheme for improving each part. AR intelligent makeup trial uses face recognition and virtual makeup rendering algorithm to realize the makeup effect of products with different brands and colors on the face, which reduces the cost of makeup trial, expands the beauty retail terminal and meets the demand of fast fashion.

  For aesthetic standards, people and machines will influence each other.

  Different people have different opinions about beauty, and it is difficult to quantify and form a standard. However, "everyone has a love for beauty", and the aesthetic concept of the public still has rules to follow. For example, a beauty who is truly beautiful can still be recognized by almost everyone.

  "Artificial intelligence’s understanding of beauty requires the training of big data. At present, the definition of beautiful faces and the face value of artificial intelligence cannot be separated from the supervised data marks of human beings, because artificial intelligence has no understanding of beauty itself, and its grasp of beauty depends on the face data it has learned and the label data set that artificially defines and quantifies beauty." Sun Zhenan said.

  David Appel thinks that artificial intelligence is not a threat but an object that needs cooperation. Machines have no unnecessary feelings and prejudices, which can significantly enhance human creativity and provide the most novel algorithms.

  Previously, the CARTO artificial intelligence fragrance blending system was produced in the well-known perfume company Givaudan. The system used the odor atlas collected by IBM, hoping that the fragrance could maximize its olfactory performance in the formula.

  For another example, Shiseido Optune personalized customized skin care system consists of a smartphone application Optune App and a dedicated machine Optune zero. Optune App displays the user’s skin condition (skin texture, pores, moisture content, etc.) by analyzing the photos taken by users with machine learning technology, and sends the data to Optune Zero through the cloud, which selects the most suitable combination of essence and moisturizing products from existing products according to the algorithm and produces them directly from the machine.

  "In order to eliminate the preference of artificial intelligence for human aesthetics, the data used in the training algorithm should be as comprehensive and diverse as possible, and multi-dimensional and multi-angle standards should be integrated for learning. However, it does not rule out that autonomous evolutionary intelligence has the ability to discover beautiful people and things unsupervised. For example, machines may automatically search for star photos that attract public attention to learn aesthetic standards independently. " Sun Zhenan said.

  In Sun Zhenan’s view, with the application of artificial intelligence in the beauty industry, people and machines will influence each other on aesthetic standards. "On the one hand, human beings have a personal preference for the standard of beauty in a broad sense. When algorithm experts use a certain definition of beauty as a standard for machines to learn, machines tend to be aesthetic standards of this definition. On the other hand, when the machine recommends the medical beauty scheme it thinks for a long time, the user aesthetic system of the artificial intelligence system will also be affected. "

The tourism market is booming and the consumption vitality continues to be released.

In the Datang city that never sleeps in Xi ‘an, Shaanxi Province, the "secret box of the prosperous Tang Dynasty" is popular, attracting many tourists to experience interaction; With the "three-piece cookie oven with dipping sauce and soul barbecue", Zibo, Shandong Province has become a top tourist city; The "village supermarket" in Rongjiang, Guizhou Province spread all over the network, driving the local tourism market to "blowout"; Spending the least money and playing the most cards, "special forces tourism" has become popular among young people … One hot word after another, one online celebrity project after another, and one scene of fiery consumption, which reflects the vigorous driving force for the recovery and development of China’s tourism industry and the great vitality of tourism consumption.

Since the beginning of this year, all localities have regarded tourism as an important industry to expand domestic demand and boost consumption, introduced support policies, introduced measures to benefit the people, and carried out promotional activities to promote the tourism market to show a trend of "high opening, steady walking and accelerated recovery". According to the data recently released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, in the first half of 2023, the total number of domestic tourists and domestic tourism revenue (total tourism expenditure) were 2.384 billion yuan and 2.30 trillion yuan respectively, with year-on-year growth rates of 63.9% and 95.9% respectively.

Travel demand is released.

The tourism market has accelerated its recovery.

"Climbing Siguniang Mountain in Sichuan is really a good place to spend the summer." Not long ago, Zhu Mo, a girl from Nanjing, called friends and friends to complete the "punching in" for the third time this year. Previously, she and her friends explored the most beautiful highway in China, Sichuan-Tibet National Highway 318, and completed the "Special Forces Tour" of climbing Mount Tai at night to watch the sunrise. "We love outdoor travel so much that we can’t wait to plan our next trip after a journey."

There are not a few people who are enthusiastic about traveling like Zhu Mo. In the first half of this year, the demand for mass travel was released, and the domestic tourism market accelerated its recovery and continued to explode.

The tourism market in Xinjiang is extremely hot. Tianshan Tianchi, Sailimu Lake, Bayinbuluke and other scenic spots have ushered in the peak of reception. After the single-library highway was restored to traffic, the tourism orders in Xinjiang increased significantly. Data show that in the first half of this year, Xinjiang received a total of 102 million tourists, up 31.49% year-on-year, and achieved a tourism income of 92.276 billion yuan, up 73.64% year-on-year.

With "there is a life called Yunnan" more deeply rooted in people’s hearts, the popularity of Yunnan tourism market continues to rise. Zhao Guoliang, Party Secretary and Director of Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said that in the first half of this year, the province received 539 million tourists, achieving a total tourism revenue of 639.432 billion yuan, up 40.0% and 48.8% respectively, which were 134.9% and 122.2% respectively in the same period of 2019.

According to the comprehensive calculation of the monitoring data of Jiangsu Smart Travel Platform, in the first half of this year, Jiangsu received 478 million domestic and foreign tourists, a year-on-year increase of 98.3%; The total tourism revenue reached 610 billion yuan, up 83.5% year-on-year, up 10.7% and 2.3% respectively compared with the same period in 2019.

Qian Ning, deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said that since the beginning of this year, Jiangsu has accelerated the upgrading and expansion of cultural tourism consumption, effectively guided and expanded cultural tourism consumption, and accelerated the release of cultural tourism consumption potential with richer consumption scenarios and more diversified consumption choices. "We have created a number of immersive experience projects with unique creativity, such as" natural history on the cloud "and" dazzling intangible heritage ".The coverage of digital RMB acceptance in the province’s tourist attractions has reached more than 1/5, and the cumulative sales of’ Shuiyun Jiangsu’ digital tourist card has reached 34.52 million yuan, driving tourism consumption by 125 million yuan."

The recovery of Hunan’s tourism market is equally rapid. In the first half of this year, 416 tourist areas monitored by the province received 182 million tourists, up 116.86% year-on-year. Operating income reached 21.455 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 135.01%. According to the relevant person in charge of the Hunan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, in June this year, Hunan has issued an initiative to all cities, prefectures and 389,000 cultural travel volunteers in the province to encourage and guide the vast number of cultural travel volunteers to "go where the masses need it most" during the summer vacation and carry out cultural travel volunteer service activities such as "civilized tourism" and "tourists are satisfied in Hunan".

"The tourism consumption data in the first half of the year is a normal rebound after three years of epidemic, and it is expected that this year will exceed the level of 2019." Jin Wei, deputy director of the Cultural Finance Research Center of the National Finance and Development Laboratory and secretary-general of the 50-member Forum on Cultural Finance in China, believes that the evolution of scenic spot tourism to global tourism, sightseeing and holiday tourism to personalized tourism and short-term tourism to long-term residence will have a great impact on the tourism market in the post-epidemic era.

Ma Yiliang, chief statistician of china tourism academy (Data Center of Ministry of Culture and Tourism), analyzed that in the first half of this year, the overall performance of China’s tourism market met expectations, showing the characteristics of accelerated recovery and scattered hot spots. Since the May Day holiday, the tourism market has remained at a high level. In the middle and late June, the summer tourism markets in various places started one after another, and the number of tourists in most destinations continued to climb. "The recovery of the tourism market in the first quarter was relatively slow. In the second quarter, the market heat has spread to remote destinations on a large scale, and the uneven recovery of the regional tourism market has been alleviated."

Enterprise confidence is effectively boosted.

Business performance has grown steadily.

With the rapid recovery of the domestic tourism market, tourism enterprises actively innovate and develop product projects, effectively improve the service level, and achieve a "big turnaround" in business performance.

Up to now, more than 20 A-share listed tourism enterprises have disclosed their performance forecasts for the first half of the year, among which more than 10 enterprises expect to record positive net profits for the first half of the year, and many enterprises such as Lijiang, Qujiang Wenlv, Jiuhua Tourism and Guilin Tourism have recorded net profits for the first half of the year.

"In the first half of the year, the overall operating data of BTG Home Inns was unexpected, and the average occupancy rate recovered to about 80% in the same period of 2019; The average house price is 120% in 2019. At present, the overall situation in 2023 is optimistic, especially in the leisure tourism sector. " Sun Jian, general manager of BTG Home Inn Group, told reporters that the three-year epidemic impact has made the hotel industry face many challenges and given the hotel people time to think calmly. "Since the beginning of this year, what we have done is actually very simple, which can be summarized by the words’ specialization and novelty’. For example, in terms of’ specialization’, BTG Home Inns has rebuilt three major capabilities: one is professional product research and development capabilities, the other is professional customer marketing capabilities, and the third is professional hotel operation capabilities. "

"In the first half of 2023, Huangshan Scenic Area received 2,091,600 tourists entering the mountain, up 527.00% year-on-year. The main business achieved good growth, and the overall performance is expected to turn losses into profits." Yang Yi, director of Huangshan Tourism Promotion Center, said that behind such achievements, Huangshan Scenic Area actively grasped opportunities, scientifically formulated market policies, increased marketing efforts, and innovated and iterated diversified tourism products.

"In the first half of 2023, various businesses of Guilin International Travel Service grew in an all-round way, achieving an operating income of nearly 60 million yuan, seven times that of the same period last year, achieving explosive growth." Chen Xi, Chairman of Guilin International Travel Service, said, "The Zhou Bianyou products of Guilin International Travel Service sold out immediately after the opening of the group, and the business of official visits and overseas visits surged, and the consultation on outbound tourism business was hot; The ticket business in scenic spots has grown rapidly. Taking Impression of Sister Liu as an example, more than 150,000 tourists have been organized, with a year-on-year increase of over 200%. In addition, the conference and exhibition business has accelerated its recovery; The research business continues to be hot, and has received a total of 12,000 students. "

In 2020, the hit variety show "Where is Dad?" once made Yunnan Puzhe black fire. With the recovery and development of tourism, there is once again a tourist boom here. Especially since the summer, thousands of tourists have flocked to the 10,000-mu lotus pond in the scenic spot to enjoy the charm of natural scenery. According to statistics, in the first half of 2023, Puzhehei Scenic Area achieved a tourism income of 24.6623 million yuan, an increase of 82% over the same period in 2022.

According to the big business data released by the Ministry of Commerce on July 20th, in the first half of this year, online travel products, scenic spot tickets and online entertainment sales increased by 272.4% and 69.8% respectively, which was 156.6 and 50.6 percentage points faster than that in the first quarter.

Wang Degang, vice president of china tourism association, president of Shandong Tourism Industry Association and president of Shandong University Tourism Industry Research Institute, said that in the first half of this year, the national tourism industry has fully resumed normal development. At present, it is the peak season of summer tourism. Cultural and tourism departments all over the country have adopted policies and measures to actively expand the consumption of cultural tourism and stimulate economic growth, vigorously promote market players to develop new products, new formats and new services suitable for summer tourism, and stimulate the consumption potential of cultural tourism. Scenic spots, amusement parks and other tourist sites are crowded, the occupancy rate of hotels and homestays is close to saturation, and the consumption of catering, shopping and entertainment has increased at a high level, which fully shows the strong recovery of the tourism market and the recovery and prosperity of the tourism industry.

The overall industrial development is improving.

Recovery and revitalization of the future can be expected.

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the contact service industry grew rapidly in the first half of this year, and the added value of accommodation and catering industry increased by 15.5% year-on-year. The demand for services such as exhibitions and tourism has increased, and related service industries have also maintained rapid growth.

The tourism market is hot and the business operation is improving, which also drives the industry confidence and the overall improvement of the industrial chain. The Report on Investment & Procurement Index of Cultural Tourism Industry in the First Half of 2023 jointly released by china tourism academy and China Amusement Park Association on July 11th shows that in the first half of 2023, the overall investment in cultural tourism industry picked up, and the confidence index of entrepreneurs in cultural tourism industry and investment field increased significantly.

79.2% of cultural tourism investment/operation enterprises carried out investment activities, and 46.0% of tourism manufacturing/service enterprises carried out investment activities. In 2023, the investment in the cultural tourism industry gradually stepped out of the cold winter and entered the recovery channel, and the return on investment of cultural tourism enterprises showed a trend of stabilization and recovery.

Local tourism authorities have also made constant efforts to guide the industry to develop well. Yan Naimin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, said that in order to ensure the healthy development of tourism, Xinjiang continued to intensify the rectification of the tourism market, and strictly investigated "unreasonable low-cost tours", operating travel agency business without permission, changing routes without authorization, and compulsory shopping. At the same time, we will strengthen the supervision of the hotel market in conjunction with relevant departments, promote the implementation of guided price and maximum price measures in various places, resolutely crack down on problems such as price gouging and non-performance of travel contracts, promote the "Smile Xinjiang" action, and further polish the brand of "Xinjiang is a good place".

"In the first half of this year, Guangxi made two-way efforts from both ends of supply and demand to promote a strong recovery of the tourism economy, and the tourism market reappeared the steaming’ fireworks’. The tourism economic indicators of the whole region generally recovered to the same level in 2019." Qiu Yuhong, director of the Policy and Regulation Division of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, said.

According to the data of Meituan B&B, in the first half of this year, the number of B&B employees on the platform increased by 47% year-on-year, and the number of employees after 00 increased by 140%. According to reports, in order to help young entrepreneurs quickly fill the shortcomings of management and marketing, Meituan B&B also launched more than 260 free courses online, guiding more than 30,000 B&B practitioners to grow continuously, and finally getting the "awesome landlord" traffic incentive.

"The recovery of the tourism market is stable and good, tourism professionals has accelerated its return, and the situation that the balance sheet of tourism enterprises continues to be repaired is increasingly significant." Ma Yiliang believes that in the first half of this year, various localities actively organized festivals such as music festivals, concerts and village supermarkets, and launched "pet tourists" measures such as tourist bus, opening government parking lots and inclusive traffic law enforcement, which played a key role in accelerating the recovery of the tourism market and guiding and stimulating tourism consumption, and accumulated valuable experience for the camera regulation of tourism economy.

(Interviewer: Wang Yang Grace Wai Wong Zhao Tengze Hui Gao Kuang Weinan Wang Sichao Yan Zijun Li Yuanfeng Written by Wang Yang)

Source: China Tourism News

There will be no contest in the next two years! These three questions require China women’s football team to think hard.

Reporter Jin Cuo reports On November 1 ST, Xiamen Egret Stadium, when the Australian referee blew the final whistle, Shui Qingxia first stamped, then stood still, and her face was full of unwillingness-the last Olympic preliminaries, China and South Korea 1-1, both out early. After the World Cup and the Asian Games, the women’s football team in China also suffered a failure in the Olympic preliminaries, because "all three failed".

China women’s football team will have no competition task for more than two years before the start of the 2026 Women’s Asian Cup. How to sink down and find the direction? What kind of road should we take? Who should lead the team on this new journey? This is everyone’s question, including Song Kai, the president of the Football Association, who watched the live broadcast.

In three matches, China women’s football team won 1, drew 1 and lost 1, which is in line with the current strength. There is no surprise, only confusion.

633 days ago, when the China women’s football team regained the Asian Cup championship in India after 16 years, the outside world thought that the sonorous rose had found the right girl, and it was just around the corner to rise again, but it was even hit, hurting many people and waking many people. It turned out that the Asian Cup champion was only a flash in the pan-it was also a fate, and a variety of coincidences made it that champion.

Shui Qingxia later said that she hoped the players would continue to work hard and "don’t lie on the credit book"-in the past, China women’s football team was "disdainful" to the Asian Cup champion to some extent, because we were fighting for the World Cup champion and the Olympic gold medal, but now we can’t even get into the Olympic Games.

A cruel fact is that the Asian Cup champion may be the "honor" ceiling of China women’s football team for quite some time.

Over the years, China women’s football team has given the outside world an illusion that our personal skills or basic skills are still good. But judging from the three competitions this year, the skills of China women’s football team are very poor! Sometimes, even if there is no confrontation, the basic movements are not in place. There are almost all the "faults" of men’s football and women’s football. Therefore, in China football, the so-called "masculinization" of women’s football is actually an irony.

Some people will say that, at least, the women’s football team in China fought hard, and there is no doubt about this. However, if there is only a "fighting spirit", it is sad, because you find that sometimes you can’t fight hard, and that’s the case with the World Cup against England, even though some players "deny it".

Of the 22 players selected for the Olympic preliminaries, there are really not many players who give people hope. Returning to the Women’s World Cup, we are thinking about a question. In the case that Europe and the United States are better than us, what direction should China women’s football team or Asia take? The Philippines and South Korea chose naturalization, while the direction of Japanese women’s football team is to continue to adhere to technicalization-and what about China women’s football team? This point, from one of the few players who has been unanimously affirmed by the outside world in the three competitions this year, may not be difficult to get the answer. You can vaguely see the shadow of the old women’s football team in her body.

In the next few years, we don’t have a big game to play. In fact, we can settle down and train well. Youth training is the foundation. At the level of the national team, whether many veterans will continue to be retained, or whether they will be given a heavy responsibility after being retained, their use, or role conversion, needs the coaching staff to think carefully and carefully-or, let’s just say it, let young people show more, and use it as the spirit of youth training to reshape the sonorous rose.

Some people may say that the Korean women’s football team is different from ours, but in fact, this "difference" is even more embarrassing-after four years of "closed door", North Korea returned to the rivers and lakes in the Asian Games and won the silver medal, and its strength is still the same. Moreover, it has completed the replacement. In this Olympic preliminaries, they reached the final four.

The living environment of Korean women’s football team is not clear to the outside world, but we know that there are no players studying abroad, and they all play in local leagues. One question is, is the level of Korean leagues higher than that of women? If so, doesn’t that mean that the league we have worked so hard to build is just a show?

But that’s the answer. Although the women’s super clubs didn’t get the bonus of "Jinyuan Football" in those years, most of them can survive now with government background. Moreover, because they undertake the task of the National Games, they are still valued to some extent, at least they won’t be easily abandoned. But the cruel fact is that the training level of the clubs, including women’s super clubs, is really not good, or even worse than that of the sports teams in those years.

The root cause is closely related to the level of coaches. An insider said: China’s local coaches prefer the men’s Super League, China A, China B and the echelon, and only when there is no place to go will they choose the women’s football team. Their level is not high, and even the coaches in the women’s football team are even lower. Even so, these coaches are highly mobile and can’t stay. So, will the players taught by this kind of coach have a future? Or "usable"?

Shui Qingxia, who has many years of coaching experience in the club, admits that the training level of women’s super teams is very average except for a few strong teams. Therefore, before the competition, she is more willing to let the players train for a long time, so that she can "make up lessons".

Of course, such a choice is only a kind of thinking, not a wooden bridge. For the women’s football team in China, it is actually possible to walk on two legs, one is focused training, and the other is continuous study abroad. Long-term training, there are many opponents of public opinion, but there are not a few supporters in the circle, especially in the local coach circle. It is even said that the way the national team plays women’s super is also an exploration. "Even if these people can’t play the main force in the future, they will at least increase the thickness of the bench."

As for studying abroad, most people agree with it, and it is already in action. In this Olympic preliminaries, China women’s football team has eight players studying abroad, plus injured Shoupeng Wang. The number is not small, but from the performance point of view, it does not show any advantages. It is a fact that few of our players studying abroad play a leading role in the club, and some even just play the role of soy sauce. It is useless for players to study abroad for the sake of studying abroad and for the sake of "making friends".

Therefore, in the future, studying abroad is not just a whim of a season, but requires continuous output, and at the same time, it is necessary to choose a more suitable club and league for players. It is necessary to help the players improve, but also to consider their own strength positioning, not to mention that studying abroad will definitely be able to play the main force-at least to compete for posts, rather than just blindly pursuing giants, so that the best results can be achieved.

After the Olympic preliminaries, Shui Qingxia and her coaching staff ended their mission. As for the future, she doesn’t know.

For Shui Qingxia, there is a lot of criticism from the outside world. She thinks that her level is limited and she can’t continue to improve women’s football. After the World Cup, there have been voices calling for her to leave class.

Shui Qingxia went through several twists and turns when she took office. After leading the United team to win the gold medal in the National Games, she did not sign up for the women’s football coach, but in the end, the senior management chose to push her to that position.

The level of Shui Qingxia’s coaching is different, but it is wrong to kill her with a stick. After all, the current women’s football team may not be better than her.

China women’s football team has a "gap period" of more than two years, so it doesn’t need to be so utilitarian. Next, it can be "managed" well, and the China Football Association should also consider whether to change coaches, and if so, what kind of coaches to change.

At present, there are several options for the future women’s football coach. One is to keep water to celebrate the summer; The second is to hire foreign coaches; The third is to choose local male coaches.

The three choices have their own reasons and disadvantages, but what the China Football Association should remember is that the women’s football team has been tossing and turning, and foreign coaches have invited it. The men have Bruno and Eyjolfsson, and the women have domanski and Elizabeth. The only successful one is Bruno. Unfortunately, because of the poor record in the warm-up match, the China Football Association and others dismissed it, resulting in FIFA; Local men’s coaches have also been used, such as Zhang Haitao and Pei Encai in the early days, Li Xiaopeng and Hao Wei later, and Jia Xiuquan recently. It is true that Ma Yuanan and Ma Liangxing have found the right pulse and are close to success, but what they do now may not be suitable.

Therefore, the future China women’s football team, the coach must "fit" or "adapt", but what kind of fit? This requires Song Kai and representatives from all aspects of the women’s football community to conduct in-depth research and communication, and listen to opinions widely. If Shuiqingxia does not stay, Japanese coach is actually a good choice.

22 seasons is not the limit? How many years can James play and how old will he retire?

Last season wasThe 20th season of James’ career.It is also the 20th season of Haslem’s career, but Haslem retired at the end of the season, and James will continue to fight.

Before that, there were only a handful of players who could play for at least 20 seasons in history, and even if James and Haslem were included, there were only 10 players in total. James will be in his 21st season next season, alongside parrish, Garnett, Nowitzki and Willis.

Not only that, because James and the Lakers still have a two-year contract, thisIt means that James will play at least two more seasons.That is to say, to play 22 seasons, which will tie the historical record created by Carter. Two years later, James is only 40 years old. Theoretically, he may continue to fight, breaking Carter’s record and becoming the longest-serving player in history.

For James, age is not a problem, and strength is not a problem. althoughJames will be the oldest player in the league next season.But he can still maintain a very high level of competition. In the past two seasons, James’ personal performance has been excellent, not similar to the peak period, and there is no player so old in history who can play around 30 points per game.

Therefore, as long as he doesn’t suffer from serious injuries, even though his condition will decline with age, James can still maintain a high level, which is the basis for him to continue his campaign. Except James, other players who have played for 20 seasons are basically role players. Even historical superstars such as Kobe, Jabbar and Nowitzki are no longer brave at the end of their careers.Only James can remain a superstar..

How long James can fight depends not only on his age and strength, but also on his two sons, because he has always had a wish.Want to compete with his son. In 2024, James’ eldest son Brownie is expected to land in the NBA, so this wish is very promising. Although Brownie had experienced the danger of cardiac arrest before, her health was not serious.

In addition, James’s second son will soon enter the NBA, and James may persist until his son lands in the NBA, and at the same time fight side by side or compete with his two sons. In this way, James will be 42 or 43 years old.In theory, it is possible to play for 25 seasons.Even if you can’t play for 25 seasons, it is possible to break Carter’s record of 22 seasons.