Ren Xianqi challenges the Silk Road with off-road cycling and experiences blowing sheepskin rafts to make ramen

Ren Xianqi

    The travel program "One Earth" will broadcast a new episode of "One Earth – Silk Road Game" on December 11. And invited the heavyweight guest Ren Xianqi to be the host. This journey lasted more than 20 days. Xiao Qi, together with more than a dozen film crew staff, formed a convoy, starting from Xi’an on off-road motorcycles, passing through Lanzhou, Wuwei, Zhangye, along the Hexi Corridor to Dunhuang, Turpan, and ending in Xinqiang Urumqi, the whole journey reached more than 2,000 kilometers. The process is stylish, FUN, bitter, and sweaty… An all-male team, together to complete the man’s Silk Road dream.

    This time, "One Earth" Xiao Qi teamed up with the film team to shoot Hong Kong’s first off-road motorcycle tour of the Silk Road. For thousands of years, the Silk Road has been a cultural exchange route between China and the West, and it is also the cradle of many ethnic minorities in China. In ancient times, caravans crossing the Silk Road could be described as dangerous. Xiao Qi also had to be well prepared to cross the Silk Road with off-road motorcycles. It took a year from conception to filming, and finally took place in August 2010. Xiao Qi first joined the filming team in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, and communicated with a group of local off-road motorcyclists to understand the different risks that may be encountered on the Silk Road before driving a motorcycle through the Silk Road. After arriving in Lanzhou, Xiao Qi was very excited. He said: "Here, the bucket can create the effect of rolling sand and dust. It feels very good. It is a paradise for off-road motorcycle enthusiasts." Because Lanzhou is located on the Loess Plateau, surrounded by a layer of sand that is more than 300 meters thick and weathered, Xiao Qi can enjoy the addiction of fire chariots here. It turns out that in Lanzhou, there are many shops specializing in off-road motorcycle business, and they also organized an association. When they have time, they will get together to fight. After Xiao Qi found out, he wanted to fight with them. 

Ren Xianqi

    In addition to the motorcycle, Xiao Qi also visited different ethnic minorities, as if learning to make traditional sheepskin rafts with Hui people, experiencing the life of Tibetans in Gansu grazing and shearing white yak hair, and traveling to Minqin County, which is often affected by sandstorms, and the Hexi Corridor, which is baptized by war, to learn about the various ways that ethnic minorities survive on the Silk Road. After nearly a month of filming, Xiao Qi not only learned about the local culture, but also learned a lot of "skills", including making traditional sheepskin rafts and Lanzhou ramen. In ancient times, the only way to cross the Yellow River was to take a sheepskin raft made by Hui people. The process of the sheepskin raft is complicated, and the hardest part is to blow up the sheepskin bag so that the raft can float on the river. Xiao Qi turned into a sheepskin raft master and tried to inflate the entire sheepskin raft, but unfortunately the challenge failed, even if a strong man wanted to inflate a sheepskin bag. Although the task was not very successful, the determined and unyielding Xiao Qi kept up his efforts and challenged another "simple task", which was to concoct Lanzhou ramen. Making ramen noodles has always been very difficult. Master Xiao Qi also understands the truth that everything is hard. Although the final product is a little different, the entrance is also refreshing. (Photo and text/Tungstar)

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Ren Xianqi bounces up Dongbula’s "One Earth" and re-walks the ancient Silk Road

Next page More wonderful pictures

Why did "online celebrity Poison Toys" enter the market?

  ● Bubble glue, wax seal and "nano-glue blowing music" … … There are a large number of "three noes" toys with simple packaging and no production information online and offline, and no safety reminders or tips are used. However, they are very popular among primary and secondary school students because of their diverse colors and strange shapes.

  ● On social platforms, many parents complained that their children were burnt when playing with wax seals, and some parents said that their children had dizziness, nausea and rhinitis after playing, and attached photos and videos. The reporter bought two kinds of bubble gum, and washed his hands with clear water after playing, leaving a gum smell on his hands.

  ● Identify the quality and safety issues in the children’s toy market and strengthen supervision measures. Establish a complete and strict toy market access system, and put an end to the production of harmful toys on the production line. The establishment of a "blacklist" system will force producers and operators to enhance their consciousness of fulfilling the first responsibility of quality and safety.

  □ Our reporter Zhang Shoukun

  "Who invented this ‘ Poisonous toys ’ It’s for children. Don’t you have any children? My daughter-in-law bought back so much … …” Recently, a video of "poisonous toys" around children has sparked heated discussion among netizens.

  In the video, bloggers showed various "poisonous toys" such as bubble gum, cream gum, slime mud and wax seal. In the message area at the bottom of the video, many people said with concern that some "poisonous toys" that are not up to standard and harmful to health have become "online celebrity toys" because of their various colors and strange shapes, and they are entering the children’s world with overwhelming force.

  What "poisonous toys" are hidden around children? How to manage it? In this regard, the "Rule of Law Daily" reporter recently launched an investigation.

  A variety of poisonous toys are favored.

  There are health risks.

  "How much is this toy that looks a bit like plasticine?"

  On the evening of July 5, the reporter went to a stationery store in Hedong District, Tianjin and asked about the price of a toy. Stationery store owner told reporters that this is not plasticine, but a "bubble gum" with similar gameplay to plasticine.

  The biggest feature of foaming glue is its fluidity, which looks sticky but never touches your hands, like jelly. Foaming glue can be played in a variety of ways. The common way is to add different pigments into different crystal pastes and foaming glue, knead and squeeze them to make another glue with unique color, or knead and press them to achieve the effect of decompression.

  The boss told reporters that this toy sells very well, and many children and parents come to buy it every day. The reporter noticed that these foaming glues have various colors, but the packaging is relatively simple. There is only one plastic bottle and colloid, and there is no word on the bottle. "This is the case when purchasing goods. Don’t worry about buying it, as long as you don’t give it to children under 3 years old." The boss said.

  The reporter bought four kinds of foaming glue, which cost 12 yuan. When you open it, there will be an irritating "fragrance" coming to your nose. When you put it on your hand, it will flow around like "water" and you can squeeze and knead it at will. The reporter bought foaming glue at the same price in another stationery store nearby. When it was opened, it smelled like paint. The reporters played with these two kinds of bubble gum for a while, then washed their hands with clear water, but there was still a gelatinous smell on their hands.

  According to insiders, the reason why foaming glue can be shiny, elastic and fluid is because borax is added. Borax is the common name of sodium tetraborate, which is usually a white powder containing crystals and easily soluble in water. Widely used in industry, it can be used to produce daily chemical products such as detergents and pesticides. It should be noted that borax is highly toxic, and excessive intake can cause multiple organ cumulative poisoning. According to the Food Safety Law and the Hygienic Management Measures for Food Additives, borax is banned from being used as a food additive.

  In the investigation, the reporter learned that toys such as foaming glue, wax seal (from an ancient way of sealing letters) and "nano-glue blowing music" are also selling hot online and offline, which are very popular among primary and secondary school students.

  "Fun wax seal can exercise children’s concentration" and "Best gift for daughter" … … The reporter searched with "wax seal" as the key word on the short video platform, and many recommended videos appeared. However, on an e-commerce platform, searching with "wax seal" as the key word, there were tens of thousands of related products.

  The reporter bought a set of wax seal in an online shop that has sold more than 20,000 items. After receiving the goods, he found that there were tools such as candles, wax particles and metal spoons. As seen offline before, there was no specific key information such as factory name and address, composition description, etc.

  According to the tutorial, the reporter lit the candle, then put the wax melting spoon on the candle table, and put the colored wax particles in the spoon for heating. After a period of time, the wax particles melted and smelled a pungent smell. Subsequently, the reporter poured the melted wax particles on the pad and pressed it with the seal head to form a wax seal.

  It is understood that wax particles of wax seal are not the same substance as ordinary candles, and their main components are rosin, turpentine and insect film. Rosin is toxic in solid state, but its toxicity is weak, which is not harmful to human body. When rosin encounters high temperature, when it changes from solid state to liquid state, it will release heavy metals and harmful compounds such as lead. After oxidation, rosin contains tar and ammonia gas.

  Recently, the Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision Bureau exposed a number of wax seal products that were found in risk monitoring and had great security risks, and issued consumer warnings. In the monitoring, the prominent problems are that the temperature around the heating part of the product rises too fast, and there is a risk of scalding; Some wax seal products use candy instead of wax, and take "edible" as a selling point. However, these candies are packaged into wax seal gift packages, and there are no labels for traceability and inspection, so the quality and food safety are in doubt.

  The reporter found that on the social platform, many parents complained that their children were burned when playing with wax seals, and some parents said that their children had dizziness, nausea and rhinitis after playing, and attached photos and videos.

  And "nano-glue blowing music" looks like a roll of adhesive tape. Cut a section and heat it slightly, and blow it with a straw to make creative bubbles. Similarly, there is "bubble gum", which looks like travel toothpaste and is divided into many colors.

  The reporter bought three kinds of nano-glue and bubble glue from online and offline respectively, and their packaging did not indicate the material of the products, and two of them did not indicate the manufacturer and production address. Public reports show that if the heating time of nano-glue is not well controlled, it will also release toxic gases.

  The situation of bubble gum is also not optimistic. During the use, the reporter found that because the plastic blowpipe is only 5cm, once the mouth is loosened during the blowing process, the gas in the bubble will "ruminate" into the mouth through the blowpipe, accompanied by a pungent taste.

  Previously, some media sent three kinds of bubble gum samples for inspection. The experimental data showed that acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate and other chemical components were detected in the volatiles of three kinds of bubble gum samples, which were all toxic and harmful to human body. After inhaling into the respiratory tract, these substances will have different effects on the human body. Testing experts said that although methyl acetate, ethyl acetate and butanone are low toxic substances, long-term inhalation can still cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

  "Buy a ‘ Poisonous toys ’ Give it to the child. If the child has physical problems, who will be responsible? " This is the common aspiration of many parents under the popular science articles and videos related to "poisonous toys".

  Three products are freely circulated.

  Expose loopholes in supervision

  The reporter’s investigation found that there are a large number of "three noes" toy products online and offline, and there are no safety reminders or tips.

  "Then why are these goods allowed to be sold?" Many parents from Beijing and Tianjin, while expressing their concerns, also raised questions about toy standards and supervision.

  Wang Jibiao, director of Beijing Yinghe (Haikou) Law Firm, said that in order to ensure the safety and quality of children’s toys and protect children’s personal health and safety, the National Technical Specification for Toy Safety has developed from the original 1986 edition to the current 2014 edition, and the standardization system has been continuously improved, forming the national standard 1-4 of GB6675-2014 National Technical Specification for Toy Safety, which will be mandatory on January 1, 2016.

  "There are four mandatory national standards, and the requirements for toy production are more comprehensive and strict." Wang Jibiao said that the national standard has expanded the scope of application of the standard, not only for toys and materials designed or scheduled for children under 14 to play, but also for products that are not specially designed for play but have play functions for children under 14. At the same time, the standard improves the requirements for safety indicators such as sound, mechanical parts and combustion performance. The new standard also lists six kinds of plasticizers, such as dibutyl phthalate (DBP), as restricted substances.

  According to Wang Jibiao, relevant departments in China have successively issued a series of policies in the field of toy safety. For example, in May 2022, the State Council issued the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Action Plan for New Pollutant Control, which incorporated the pollutant content control requirements into the mandatory national standards for toys, school supplies and other related products and strictly supervised their implementation.

  According to lawyer Wang Yi, deputy director of the Management Committee of Beijing Yingke (Xi ‘an) Law Firm, in practice, there are still some imperfections in the relevant standards, such as the incomplete coverage of toy safety standards, the lack of standardization in the expression of toy safety labels, and the lack of clear provisions on the location of toy product labels, which leads to the inability to standardize safety labels.

  “‘ Three noes ’ Products and products containing harmful substances that affect children’s health can be freely circulated in the market openly, exposing the regulatory authorities’ concern for such ‘ Online celebrity Poisonous Toys ’ There are loopholes in the supervision of, and some testing and supervision standards have lagged behind, which cannot cover ‘ Online celebrity Toys ’ Raw materials, coatings, structures, parts and other elements, to ‘ Online celebrity Toys ’ The unhealthy and unsafe factors provide a certain living space. " Wang Yi said.

  In the investigation, the reporter found that these "toxic online celebrity toys" are often packaged simply, lacking product information, instructions for use and risk warning. Then, what information should be included in the packaging or instructions of toys, and should the raw materials used be clearly written like food?

  Wang Yi said that according to GB5296.5— In the Instructions for the Use of Consumer Goods in 2006, in the instructions for the use of toys, the manufacturer should indicate the product name, product model, product standard number, age range, safety warning, the name and content of the main components of the plush toy material, the safe use method and assembly drawing, maintenance and maintenance, safe service life, the name and address of the producer and distributor, etc. At the same time, toy safety labels and instructions should also conform to children’s cognitive development.

  "For the raw materials used in toys, it is very necessary to specify the specific materials and ingredients. Toys containing fillers should indicate the main ingredients or materials, such as safety materials: non-flammable, hygienic, non-hard, sharp substances, and new materials: new or disinfected materials." Wang Yi said.

  Wang Jibiao introduced that according to the provisions of Article 55 of the Law on the Protection of Minors, the production and sale of food, medicines, toys, utensils, game amusement equipment and amusement facilities for minors shall conform to national or industrial standards and shall not endanger the personal safety and physical and mental health of minors. The manufacturer of toys should indicate the precautions in a prominent position, otherwise they may not be sold. If the provisions of this article are not fulfilled, the competent department shall order it to make corrections and impose administrative penalties according to law.

  Blacklist and strengthen supervision

  Claim for damages according to law

  At the recent press conference on "Strengthening the quality and safety supervision of children’s and students’ products to protect the healthy growth of children", the relevant person in charge of the General Administration of Market Supervision said that since last year, the national market supervision departments have investigated and dealt with 4,371 cases of quality violations in the field of children’s and students’ products, involving goods worth 19.782 million yuan. This year, the inspection focused on the chemical, physical and combustible hazards of "online celebrity Toys", the dangerous stationery products with "three noes", missing warning notes or unreasonable age labels sold in shops around the campus, and the unqualified safety indicators of children’s textile products such as ropes and pH values.

  For "online celebrity Toys", how can we raise the bottom line of quality and protect the safety of children and teenagers?

  Wang Jibiao believes that in order to establish a complete and strict toy market access system, toy manufacturers should have corresponding production qualifications, produce in strict accordance with the safety production norms formulated by the state, and put an end to the production of harmful toys on the production line. At present, China has clearly implemented compulsory certification for six kinds of products sold in China: baby carriages, electric toys, plastic toys, metal toys, doll toys and ejection toys.

  "Establish a dangerous toy reporting system according to the suggestions of relevant industry experts to prevent dangerous toys from continuing to circulate more effectively. After the establishment of this system, with the help of consumer associations, medical institutions and education systems, an effective channel for discovering dangerous toys can be established through multi-network linkage, and dangerous toys can be discovered at the first time and consumer warnings can be issued. " Wang Jibiao said.

  Wang Jibiao said that at present, online sales of children’s products are developing rapidly, and online platforms need to assume regulatory responsibility for the goods or services sold. The platform should improve the entry threshold for sales, strictly observe the quality barrier, and smooth the complaint channels to ensure the quality and safety of children’s products, especially "online celebrity Toys". If the platform fails to fulfill its audit and security obligations, causing damage to consumers, the relevant departments shall investigate and deal with it according to law.

  Wang Yi suggested that we should actively carry out the risk monitoring and evaluation system for children’s toys, and identify the quality and safety problems in the children’s toy market by collecting and analyzing information such as complaints, sampling inspection, law enforcement and enterprise production, and strengthen supervision measures. At the same time, the establishment of a "blacklist" system will force producers and operators to enhance their sense of self-discipline and enhance their consciousness of fulfilling the first responsibility of quality and safety. Relevant e-commerce platforms, market platforms and regulatory authorities rely on the "blacklist" to carry out targeted verification or inspection to build a safe defense line for children’s toys.

  "It is necessary to cultivate consumers’ safety awareness, widely publicize the 3C logo, and let consumers choose toys with 3C certification. Don’t buy toys without information such as factory name and address, and cultivate correct consumption concepts." Wang Yi said.

  If a child ingests harmful substances in the process of playing "poisonous toys", can he ask the merchant or producer to make compensation?

  Xiaojuan Zhu, an associate professor at China University of Political Science and Law, believes that if the toy producer gives a risk warning, the parents fail to fulfill their duties as guardians, and the child’s improper use of toys leads to health damage, then the merchant or producer does not need compensation; If there is a lack of hazard and risk warning in the toy description or use tips, and the health damage caused to children is proved to be caused by toys, the manufacturer or merchant can be required to pay compensation according to the provisions of the Civil Code on product liability.

  In Wang Jibiao’s view, in the process of actual rights protection, it should be noted that product liability is no-fault liability for producers, that is to say, regarding the causal relationship between product defects and personal and property damage to others, the manufacturer of products should bear the burden of proof for the absence of defects in products, and the product qualification certificate and factory inspection report issued by itself cannot be used as exemption certificates.

  "Consumers generally only need to prove that excessive intake of harmful substances by biting, skin contact, breathing, etc. is an indispensable condition for damage; Harmful substances on toys increase the possibility of damage. When the above two elements are established, the equivalent causality is established. " Wang Jibiao said that consumers should consciously keep the relevant evidence items in case of injury and provide them to relevant departments for testing. At the same time, you should also provide purchase vouchers, hospital certificates, injury identification and other materials to safeguard your legitimate rights and interests.

Rare beauty! The mountain flowers are blooming and the spring scenery is picturesque.

  Cctv news(Reporter from wanglili, Yang Runde, Cui Lixia): In the spring of March, in Wangjiazhuang section along Taigu Road in Fengyugou, Jinyuan District, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, peach blossoms and apricot blossoms were in full bloom.

  Peach blossoms are red, apricot blossoms are white, and clusters are blooming in the wind, gorgeous and colorful, decorating the mountains and rivers.

  Against the backdrop of green trees in the mountains, more than 300 workers are busy replanting, pruning, repairing plates and watering, which is a busy scene.

  It is understood that the landscaping and greening projects in this section are mainly distributed in Wangjiazhuang Village and Tianjiazhuang Village of Jinyuan Street and its surrounding areas, mainly planting Pinus tabulaeformis, Sophora japonica, clove, Sophora japonica, Pinus bungeana, gold and silver wood and apricot.

  At present, it is an important period for spring watering, replanting and other management and protection. In 2022, the spring management and protection work in Jinyuan District is being carried out on a large scale. It is estimated that the total management and protection area is 11,228 mu and there are 16 garden villages.

  In recent years, Jinyuan District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province has earnestly practiced Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets’s idea, making the forestry ecological construction reach the scene of "flowers welcoming the spring, shade protecting summer, red leaves lining autumn, pine and cypress accompanying winter". (Image courtesy of Jinyuan District Information Office)

SHEIN: Brand Rise in China! Breaking the pattern of fashion industry with efficient supply chain

For a long time, the right to speak and define the global fashion industry has been dominated by the fashion giants in developed countries such as Europe and America. The influence of China clothing brands on the international fashion stage is relatively weak, and there are few brands that can directly affect the global fashion trend. However, with the changes of the times and technological innovation, this pattern is undergoing profound changes. As one of the four major brands in the world, SHEIN, with its excellent innovation ability, efficient supply chain management and unique market strategy, has not only won the enthusiastic pursuit of consumers around the world, but also successfully broken the market structure dominated by international established fashion brands for a long time.

Today, SHEIN is becoming popular all over the world and has become one of the four most popular fashion brands in the world. Recently, in the latest list of "Top Ten Fastest Growing Brands in America" released by Morning Consult, an authoritative consulting company in the United States, SHEIN was selected together with global head brands such as ChatGPT, OpenAI, Facebook and CocaCola, and it is also the only fashion brand selected in the world.

In 2023, SHEIN once again won the global shopping APP download list, and ranked second in the favorite clothing brand of American young people; And together with well-known brands such as Apple, Gucci, Mercedes-Benz, etc., it won the Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands List of Brandz (No.70); In 2022, SHEIN surpassed internationally renowned brands such as Nike and Adidas to become the most searched clothing brand in Google, and replaced ZARA as the most popular fashion brand in the world in 2022. At the same time, SHEIN is also the hottest brand in the United States in ADAGE in 2022.

These honors have witnessed SHEIN’s unparalleled rising speed and extensive influence in the international market.

There are many factors that consumers like fashion, such as the material of luxury goods, brand stories, fashion trends and so on. SHEIN is unique in this respect, and it shows a unique solution when facing some core challenges of the fashion industry. For example, the dilemma that the fashion industry often faces-how to strike a balance between providing a variety of product categories and maintaining high cost performance, SHEIN has successfully overcome this problem and achieved a wide range of products with affordable prices. Another example is inventory management, which is the biggest headache for fashion merchants. With its excellent supply chain management and agile operation strategy, SHEIN has effectively reduced the risk of inventory backlog, thus standing out from the industry.

It can be said that the success of SHEIN is the innovation brought by technology and supply chain efficiency. Through the flexible supply chain, SHEIN can make timely response and adjustment according to the needs of the market and consumers, thus reducing the possibility of inventory waste from the source. In short, SHEIN relies on its innovative flexible supply chain mode of on-demand production, uses the actual market demand to predict sales and control production, and finally reduces overproduction. On the premise of real-time analysis and tracking fashion trends, all SKUs start with very small orders, and each SKU generally starts with 100-200 pieces. If the sales trend is good, the order will be returned immediately, but if the sales are not up to expectations, the production will be suspended.

In addition, thanks to the cost reduction brought by the efficiency improvement of the supply chain, SHEIN gives back 100% of these values to the end consumers and shares the created value with consumers. This move has greatly reduced the sales price of goods, which is also the reason why SHEIN’s products are cost-effective.

SHEIN’s flexible supply chain has become the biggest killer in the fashion field. In the report Agile Supply Chain: A New Source of Competitive Advantage in Fashion Industry, Boston Consulting Group mentioned that innovative agile supply chain represented by SHEIN has become the general trend of the industry, which can bring more potential income, higher capital utilization rate, lower storage discount cost, less waste and more competitive price advantage.

Therefore, the rise and success of SHEIN is not only an individual breakthrough of the brand, but also reflects the role change of China fashion industry from follower to leader in the context of globalization. It provides a brand-new development model for the global fashion industry, showing how technology and innovation can deeply reshape the supply chain, improve efficiency and reduce costs, and then promote the sustainable development of the whole industry. In the future, SHEIN will continue to lead a new round of changes in the global fashion industry with more flexible and efficient supply chain management and unique market strategy, and bring more high-quality and cost-effective fashion products to global consumers.


Quick literacy of baseball rules! Solve your puzzles for many years in an instant (graphic version)

Last night, I sent a literacy video about baseball rules. Some fans sent a private message saying that they couldn’t keep up with their ideas and asked me for a text. So I’m going to show you a graphic version today, and I’ve added a lot of explanations and explanations, which are more detailed and understandable.

There are two boring people, throwing the ball to kill time.

One throw, one pick.

Throw, catch, throw, catch …

This game is too monotonous, so we should add some tricks. So a third person was called in to make trouble.

The man held a stick in his hand to stop the pass. As soon as the ball was thrown, he swung it away.

Those who throw and catch the ball should try to avoid the ball being intercepted and try to complete the pass.

The two sides formed a confrontational relationship.

If the ball is hit, someone has to pick it up. So I called a few more people to pick up the ball.

This kind of game is still a bit boring, so keep adding more tricks. After the ball was hit, the batter ran wildly to see if he could finish the square route and return to his original place before the ball was picked up.

If he can run back to his original place, he will get a point.

But the difficulty is too high and should be reduced. After the ball is hit, he is allowed to run to these positions and stay there first, but he doesn’t score.

Obviously, the faster the catcher picks up the ball, the more difficult it is for the batter to finish the distance.

So the batter tries to hit the ball as far as possible, and it is best not to pick it up in a short time, so that he has enough time to run the whole course.

Therefore, on the whole court, everyone is dealing with the batter, and the batter has to fight with many opponents. So everyone was divided into two camps and dressed in different colors. So it is divided into two teams, A and B.

Team a, there is only one batter for the time being; Everyone else belongs to team B.

Team a, that is, the batter, is the attacker with sticks; Team B is the defensive team, all wearing big gloves.

Offender, strive for more points; The defender tried every means to stop the other team from scoring.

This is the baseball game.

That passage just now has broken your fear of baseball. Below I will talk about the basic rules more formally. If you don’t understand some places, just skip them. It won’t have much impact.

1. Competition system

There are two teams on the field, such as Team A and Team B. The two teams take turns to attack and defend.

There are nine innings in a game. Each game is divided into two and a half games.

In the first half, Team A attacked and Team B defended; In the second half, Team B attacked and Team A defended.

In reality, the visiting team usually attacks and the home team defends in the first half. After three people from the visiting team were out, the first half ended and the second half began. In the second half, the home team attacked and the visiting team defended.

The attacking side is responsible for hitting the ball and running the base, with the goal of scoring;

The defensive side is responsible for pitching, catching and passing the ball, so that the attacker is out and the attacker is prevented from scoring.

After nine games, the team that scored more points was the winner. If the scores are the same, they will play overtime until the outcome is decided. If the scores are very different, one side will lose, and then the game can be ended early.

2. Venue

The playing field is a fan. This is a right angle. Within the right angle, it is within the boundary; Outside the right angle, it is out of bounds.

Note that the range within the boundary is infinitely extended.

This red arc is just a field line, not a boundary. Even if the ball flies over this arc, it is not out of bounds as long as it is within the right angle. It is out of bounds only if it is exceeded to the left or right.

There are four bases in all. They are home plate, first base, second base and third base. This position where the pitcher stands is called the mound.

The batter stands next to the home plate, either to the left or to the right. There is a little distance between the batter and the catcher, so there is no need to worry that the batter’s stick will swing on the catcher’s head.

3. Team members

The two teams each have nine players.

But at the beginning of each half game, only the batter plays alone. The other eight teammates are waiting outside.

The batter flew the ball, started from home plate, captured first base, and became base runner. Next, the second batter comes on the court. If he also makes it to base, then the third batter comes on the court …

Because there are only four bases. Therefore, there are only four players on the offensive side at the same time.

The nine players on the defensive side all played together from the beginning.

These nine people include: a pitcher, who throws the ball; A catcher is a person who crouches on the ground armed to catch the ball; There are also seven wild players, scattered on the field.

The seven outfielders include: left fielder, center fielder and right fielder, as well as the first baseman, the second baseman and shortstop, and the third baseman.

Step 4 run the base

A. One bag can only accommodate one person.

B base runner in the rear can’t surpass base runner in front.

C. When the batter hits the foul ball, he must start running and run for first base.

From these three ABC principles, we can deduce the concept of compulsory base entry.

When the batter rushed to the first base, base runner, who had already occupied the first base, had to go forward and rush to the second base-because a base bag could only hold one person, he had to give the first base to the batter. This is compulsory base entry.

Step 5 score

Under the siege of nine opponents, the batter captured the first base, the second base and the third base in a counterclockwise direction, and finally ran back to home plate, so that the attacker could get one point.

The rules of baseball game are designed around this core content.

It’s very difficult to run back to home plate. Many times, the attacker was killed before he ran far.

For the defensive side, as long as three attackers are out, this half game can be ended and another half game can be started, and the offensive and defensive relationship can be reversed.

Step 6 get out

How did base runner and the batter get out? In other words, how did the defender kill the attacker?

Mainly in these ways.

Type 1: catch and kill

The batsman flies the ball, and the ball is caught by the defender before it hits the ground, so the batsman is out immediately. It’s called killing.

Catch-and-kill doesn’t distinguish between inside and outside. As long as the ball doesn’t land and is received by the defender, it is catch-and-kill.

Type 2: contact killing

The defender holds the ball in his hand and touches "base runner who hasn’t run to the base bag", so base runner will be out. This is called touch kill.

Between defenders, the ball can be passed around

Type 3: Blocking

Example: The defender who stepped on the second base got the ball, and base runner, who was forced to run to the second base, was expelled. Then the ball was thrown to the first base guard, and the batter who was running to first base was also banned. This is a double kill.

Similarly, there are three kills that cause three offensive players to be out.

If there is no one on the base, only the batter rushes to the first base, then the ball is passed to the first baseman with his foot on the first base, and the batter is eliminated.

Banning is suitable for the situation of running (compulsory base entry), and its essence is to let people who are forced to base have nowhere to go. Instead of running in the case of a must-run (active base entry), you can only use a touch kill to get out.

The base guard can’t stop base runner from running the base by tripping or other physical obstacles. Only after we get the ball, we can kill base runner by touching him or blocking him.

Contact killing is easy to understand. Focus on banning.

Banning is to occupy base runner’s target base first after getting the ball and before base runner. So base runner will be homeless.

Some people will say, then can’t base runner run back? You can’t.

Because the way to ban is used, that is, in the case of forced base running (forced to run, must run).

For example, if a batter hits a foul ball, he must run to first base. Because a base can only accommodate one person, base runner, who was originally at first base, had to run to second base-he had to vacate the position of first base for the batter. So at this time, the second base keeper got the ball and occupied the second base first, so base runner was homeless and had to be out.

Type 4: Strike out

The batter was struck out when the strike reached three. Now let’s talk about what a good shot is.

7. Good ball and bad ball

This virtual yellow area is called the strike zone.

The range is the three-dimensional space directly above home plate, from the batter’s armpit to his knee.

The referee has the final say on the specific scope.

Each referee’s criteria for judging the strike zone are slightly different, so professional players will know the judgment preferences of each referee in advance.

The ball thrown by the pitcher, which crosses the area, is a good ball, and if it doesn’t cross, it is a bad ball.

However, the batter missed the ball, missed the ball, or hit the ball out of bounds, even if it did not pass through the strike zone, it was still a good ball, and the number of good balls was increased by 1. However, it should be noted that if the number of good balls has reached 2, then playing a foul ball is not a good ball or a bad ball.

8. Walk to base

If the pitcher throws four bad balls, the batter is walked to first base.

If the first base is already occupied, then the first base base runner will be safely pushed to the second base. And so on.

That is to say, if the first base, the second base and the third base are already occupied, then the batter will be walked to the base at the same time, and the third base will be safely pushed to the home plate, so the attacker will get 1 point.

9. Touch the ball

The pitcher throws the ball very fast, and it hurts when he hits the body lightly, but it hurts when it is heavy. If it hits the batter, it is a touch ball. Touching the ball will also let the batter walk to base.

It should be noted that the condition for the touch ball to be established is that the batter should have evasive action.

In many cases, the batter must play and perform accurately-not only to dodge to meet the judging conditions and reduce the harm to the body, but also to let the ball hit itself to get a walk on the base.

It’s up to the referee to decide whether to count the touch ball in the end..

But not every batter likes to walk the ball to base. Because they would rather hit a hit or even a home run by themselves (the probability is very low) than have a touch ball.

On the other hand, on the defensive side, they sometimes deliberately throw a touch ball to send the batter to first base safely. This is because some batters are too strong, and the defender is afraid that he will hit a home run, so he simply gives him a touch ball and sends the athel Loren to first base.

10. Hits and home runs

After the batter hits the ball, he successfully gets on base, so this time the bat is a hit.

So as the name implies,A hit is a hit that brings safety to base..

Hits can be divided into first base hits, second base hits, third base hits and home runs.

The so-called home run is that the batter hits the ball to the home run area (outside the home run wall), and then the batter can run safely and leisurely and score 1 point.

If there are already people on the base, they can also run back to the home plate to score.

In the best case, there are already attackers on the first base, the second base and the third base, so the batter hits a home run and all three of them and the batter can return to home plate in turn. So the attacker got 4 points at once. Such a home run is called a slam home run, also called a slam gun.

A home run with no one on the base, only one run, is called Yangchun home run, also called Yangchun cannon.

Then you should also understand the meaning of two-point gun and three-point gun.

11. Stealing bases

Once the pitcher starts his pitching posture, base runner can sprint to the next base bag.

If the batter doesn’t pose or miss the ball, the catcher will pass the ball to the baseman to get base runner out.

Note that if the ball is out of bounds, then stealing the base is invalid and you should return to the original base bag.

12. Forced return to base

The ball is caught by the defender, and the batter is killed, so base runner must return to base forcibly and touch his previous base bag again before he can start running again.

Therefore, if base runner is sure that the ball will be killed, he will stand still on the base bag and wait until the ball is received before running into the base;

If base runner is not sure whether there will be a catch, he will run a few steps and wait. If there is no catch, he will continue to enter the base. If he is caught, he will quickly return to his original base.

11. Explain some things again

The heavy-eyed man standing behind the catcher is the referee, that is, the referee, who has supreme authority. In addition to the referee, there are four referees in the vicinity of the base package, including the first, second and third bases. In some competitions, there are also right-line judges and left-line judges, with a total of six referees.

The catcher put his hand in his crotch and made various gestures. He was indicating to the pitcher what way to throw the ball. Sometimes it’s a signal to the base guard.

Someone out of bounds is doing a seemingly inexplicable action, which is a player in the command field.

The core rule of baseball is simple, that is, hit the ball out of bounds, then go around and return to home plate to score.

Knowing this, there will be no fear of difficulties.

The details of the rules are extremely complicated. But it doesn’t matter. As long as you often watch the game, the details of various rules will naturally become familiar.

So, be sure to watch more games.

Baseball is a team sport, which is very antagonistic and passionate. During the competition, there is also a strong drama and suspense. Therefore, watching baseball games is not boring at all, it is very interesting.

Although this article only talks about a few rules, knowing these is enough to support you to appreciate the game. If you don’t understand, please keep it for later use.

(End of full text)

Premier League: Winning means winning the championship in advance, and Manchester City vows to capture Chelsea? Malmo VS Hagen

Malmo has made great strides in the new season. At present, the team has achieved a total victory in eight games, ranking first in the league. Although Malmo’s state was really low last season, the club gave strong support in signing after the season, so the overall strength of Malmo in the new season has also been greatly improved. Considering that Malmo itself has strong competitiveness in the Swiss Super League, I believe this team should become one of the most powerful competitors for the league title this season.

In the last game, the team beat Halmstad 1-0 away and won eight consecutive victories.Judging from the course of the game, although the newly promoted Helmstad also showed a tough side in the game, the players’ tireless pursuit and interception also caused a lot of trouble to Malmo. However, due to the rapid physical consumption of the active defensive players, the players in Helmstad were also exhausted at the end of the second half, and Malmo seemed to have never scored a goal, but the midfield ball was in hand and Malmo players did not seem too anxious. In injury time in the second half, Malmo broke through Halmstad’s defense with a free kick in the frontcourt. Saeed, a midfielder who came off the bench in the second half, took a second pass from his teammate and scored a powerful shot to help the team grab valuable three points from the newly promoted horse.

Personally, Malmo is now in a period of high tide. The team is not only in a stable defensive state, but also rich in offensive means. The 343 formation has brought the team a greater advantage in midfield. Previous teams have failed to take any advantage in the midfield competition with Malmo, and the main striker of Malmo, Trin, has continued the good state of last season. As long as the team’s midfield suppression is not reduced, Malmo will be able to continue the winning streak in the near future.

Hogan is also in a hot state in the new season, with a record of six wins and two losses, ranking third in the league. If you want to ask which team can stop Malmo’s progress, then Hogan will definitely become one of the best candidates. Although Hogan has lost two games this season, the main goal of the defending champion this season must still be placed in the league championship, and Hogan is a team with strong offensive ability. I believe that Hogan will never lose to any Swiss super team.

It is worth mentioning that Hogan successfully defeated Miard by a score of 4-1 in the final of the Swedish Cup. Just winning the first championship trophy in the new season will certainly bring great morale to the players. Maybe a week’s double match will bring some physical burden to Hogan’s players, but the league has just begun, and the physical reserves of the main players should be far from exhausted. Moreover, Hogan will not stick to the 4-3-3 impact formation when playing against a strong enemy. The team will often sacrifice a more conservative 4-4-2 formation, which will be based on the defensive end first, and will only be fully launched after gaining a foothold, which will lead to the warring opponents not being able to easily cross Hegan’s dense midfield defense line. Once Hegan can quickly gain the lead in the counterattack process, it will be too late for opponents to attack again.

Event analysis:

Last season, there were two confrontations, and Malmo failed to get a little cheaper from Hegan. In the last ten meetings, Malmo won three games, drew five games and lost two games, slightly gaining the upper hand. Although Malmo is in excellent condition at present, Hogan’s overall strength is not weak after all, and this season, Hegan is bound to come to defend the league title. Both sides will inevitably play more cautiously in this game, and how the opponent’s offensive ability is, both coaches and players also have a clear psychological evaluation, just considering that Hegan’s players have paid a lot of physical strength after all in the Swedish Cup, Malmo, who plays at home, should also become the main attack party of this game. I believe that Malmo is very likely to win valuable three points on Hegan with more abundant players’ physical fitness and more fiery offensive display.

Manchester City is now in a state of infinite scenery. The team not only defeated its main rival Real Madrid in the Champions League, but also pushed its rival Arsenal behind in the league. Manchester City also advanced to the finals in the FA Cup. In the case that many players are in a hot state, I believe that Manchester City is very likely to achieve the great cause of triple crown this season.

In the last game, Manchester City beat Real Madrid 4-0 at home and advanced into the Champions League finals.Judging from the course of the game, although Real Madrid drew Manchester City with strong defensive toughness at home in the first round, after returning to their home, Manchester City showed a strong offensive ability. Midfielder Silva helped the team to lay a two-goal lead in the first half, and the state of Real Madrid’s main shooter Benzema in the last two games was very general. Because Real Madrid originally competed with Manchester City through defensive counterattacks, The premature backwardness also directly led to the team’s established tactics not being implemented smoothly. As a result, Real Madrid, which spread its formation in the second half, lost two goals in a row and suffered the team’s most painful Champions League defeat in recent years.

Personally, after this game, many fans and friends also sighed that the Universe Team is back. However, although this lineup of Manchester City is strong enough, it still has a big gap with Barcelona, which Guardiola coached at the beginning. De Braune is outstanding in footwork, but other midfielders in Manchester City can’t be compared with the Habubai trio at its peak, and there are no players like Messi in Manchester City. The threat of Harland is naturally not low. However, Real Madrid actually did a good job in restricting Harland. After two games, Harland didn’t get too many chances to attack. In addition, many main players in Manchester City will leave the team after this season. If players like Silva and Gundogan choose to leave, Guardiola’s pass control system will be greatly weakened.

Chelsea’s state has improved slightly recently, with a record of 11 wins, 10 draws and 14 losses, ranking 11th in the league. Although Chelsea has no relegation pressure now, for a team whose players are worth more than one billion euros, the team is undoubtedly in an awkward position in the league. After the team was defeated, the temporary coach Lampard also sighed that "it is useless to take over the coach". Then why has a team with a large number of excellent players failed to show its due competitiveness?

Personally, since Mourinho laid the foundation, Chelsea has always been a team with defensive counter-attack tactics, and the team has always implemented Mourinho’s tactical thinking in signing. It was not a wise choice for the club to dismiss tuchel before, because the team’s offensive disadvantage was mainly due to the low state of several strikers. As a head coach, tuchel could not help the players find the game state. There are no more strikers on the bench for tuchel to rotate. In addition, in recent seasons, Chelsea’s signings are biased towards the center and back court. After seeing off Lu Kaku, no player in the team even has the role of frontcourt fulcrum. How can a team that has lost the threat of quick counterattack achieve good results in the highly competitive Premier League?

Event analysis:

This season, Manchester City has met Chelsea twice in the League and FA Cup. Manchester City has won both wars and obviously gained the upper hand. In the last ten meetings, Manchester City has won six and lost four, which also has a great psychological advantage. Now Manchester City is in an extremely hot state. Although Chelsea’s state has picked up in the last two games, the team is still far from reaching its best state, and this game is especially crucial for Manchester City. As long as the team can beat Chelsea, then Manchester City can win the league two rounds ahead of schedule. Considering that Manchester City still needs to be distracted in the FA Cup final and the Champions League final, I believe it is only a matter of time before Manchester City gets three points at home. Moreover, the coaching ability of Chelsea coach Lampard is hard to compare with Guardiola. Even if Chelsea intends to stop Manchester City’s progress through the iron barrel array in this game, under the three-dimensional offensive of Manchester City, Chelsea may only give Manchester City more league goal difference advantages.

Running all the way, guarding the whole process, and successfully completing the security task of Qingdao Marathon in 2023.

April 22nd at 7:30.

2023 Qingdao Marathon

Start shooting at Hong Kong Middle Road.

Running together, the momentum is like a rainbow.

Overwhelming cheers and shouts.

Ring over the island city

At the moment, the island city shows us.

Real speed and passion

The cheers of the whole people resounded through the sky

I don’t know if you have noticed.

What about them waiting behind them?

A purplish blue.

Stand tall and energetic.

With a standardized, rigorous, meticulous and in-place working attitude.

Good mental outlook and duty image.

Go all out to escort the marathon!

Complete marathon security work for high standards and high quality.

The North Public Security Bureau carefully deployed and scientifically deployed the police.

Strictly and meticulously implement various security measures.

On the day of the game, more than 460 police officers were put into operation.

There are more than 1,150 security guards.

Shibei public security is here.

The whole race is 42.195 kilometers.

Responsible area in

With high quality and efficient service.

Effectively ensure the safe and orderly progress of the event.

Make careful preparations before the game

In order to ensure the safe and smooth running of the event.

"Marathon" Security of Shibei Public Security Bureau

Opened the curtain early.

The leaders of the sub-bureau went deep into the supervision and inspection of the security preparations for the marathon route, inspected the main intersections along the route on the spot, and got a detailed understanding of the police arrangement at the points along the route, requiring the auxiliary police on duty to closely cooperate with the staff, strengthen the linkage, and go all out to do a good job in the security of the marathon.

Build a safety wall for the competition

Spectators and athletes entered the stadium one after another.

They stick to their posts and stand ready for battle.

At various key points

Command and dispatch, patrol duty, and guide the masses

Escort the players

Build a safety wall for the competition

The whole process of guarding is not lax.

The players on the field made a wonderful "appearance"

They ran out of passion.

Ran out of the acceleration

Let’s cheer for them together

Husband, wife, escort

In the carnival of runners

With their silent protection.

They are both guardians of the stadium.

Another contestant in the competition

There is no shortage in the stadium.

The figure of the police fighting bravely for the first place

They compete with the players in the same competition, but also with the police on duty.

Together to protect the safety of the track

Guard all the way to the finish line

At the end of the field

Recording the moment of athletes.

It also carries the scene.

Guardianship and responsibility of all public security, civilian and auxiliary police

The publicity department of Shibei Public Security Bureau should do a good job in security photography of this marathon.

All the civilian auxiliary police on duty arrived at the security point at 6 o’clock in the morning.

By 11 o’clock, the audience and athletes were dismissed one after another.

Police officers of Shibei Public Security Bureau

Draw a successful conclusion to this event.

Photography | Hu Xiaoyang Zong Xiaoxiang

Editor | Liu Ling

Audit | Hu Xiaoyang

Tiger Writing AI: The Leader of the New Era of Writing?

Tiger Writing AI: The Leader of the New Era of Writing?

With the rapid development of science and technology, writing software has gradually become an indispensable tool for many people to write. Tiger Writing AI is a new type of writing software that appears recently. It is said that it can help users improve the efficiency and quality of writing and realize real intelligent writing.

Tiger AI is different from other writing software in that it uses artificial intelligence technology based on deep learning. Software can learn users’ writing habits and language styles through big data and machine learning. At the same time, it can automatically analyze the structure and grammar of articles, helping users to better organize text content and improve their writing level.

However, although tiger AI has such a broad development prospect, it also faces many challenges. First of all, many people worry that artificial intelligence will replace human work, causing writers to lose their creativity and inspiration. Secondly, using tiger to write AI, users need to spend more time learning how to operate it, which violates the writing principle that should be concise and clear.

But it is worth noting that in this information age, writing software has become one of the necessary tools for writers. As a new generation of writing software, Tiger Writing AI provides a more efficient and intelligent writing experience, which allows users to easily and quickly handle massive text content and pursue personalized expression in it.