Meitu’s skin-friendly AI skin measurement system becomes the key to identifying the "inflection point" of skin aging

On August 2, Meitu Yishu, an AI skin testing brand under Meitu Company, held a sharing session with the theme of "Redefining the Golden Age of Anti-Aging Products". Meitu Yishu’s "Joint Laboratory of Skin Testing and Digital Standards" released important findings in the field of anti-aging, revealing the "inflection point" of aging in different age groups, and assisting consumers in scientific evidence-based skin care.

The results of the "inflection point" of aging study found that for mouth lines, eyebrow lines and forehead wrinkles, the inflection point of aging is often relatively late, around the age of 30; for nasolabial folds, tear furrows, eye lines and current wrinkles, the time of aging onset is relatively early, around the age of 25. These findings will guide consumers around the age of 25 to prioritize eye products when considering anti-aging products, and around the age of 30, they can start to pay attention to the forehead and lower facial area.

The results of this study were presented at the International Society of Dermatology Research Congress (ISID) in 2023 by Meitu’s Joint Laboratory of Testing and Digital Standards for Skin, which attracted wide attention in the industry. With more than 430,000 participants, the study is the most extensive of its kind to date. It uses the panoramic AI skin measurement system Meitu to identify key inflection points in the development and severity of wrinkles, marking an important step forward in using AI to understand skin aging.

With the panoramic AI skin measurement system Meitu Yishu, Lab-SADS researchers were able to accurately quantify the facial wrinkle phenotype and understand the progression of skin aging at a more fine grained level in multiple areas of the face. On this basis, Lab-SADS researchers analyzed eight wrinkle-related skin aging characteristics, developed a polynomial regression model to estimate the aging rate, and used AI algorithms to quantify aging based on a large population cohort. Finally, modeling shows the key time points of aging.

Through the analysis of the samples, Meitu Yifu reveals the characteristic changes and aging trends of skin in different age groups, not only helping consumers to find the inflection point of each aging dimension more clearly, but also which facial areas and aging manifestations should be paid attention to. It also provides beauty agencies with anti-aging suggestions and products for consumers of different ages. It also provides important clues and scientific basis for the research and development of anti-aging products.

Wang Fudi, a scientific research consultant at Meitu Yifu, also pointed out at the sharing session that different races have different aging characteristics and time points. To this end, Meitu Yifu has done artificial labeling for different races when developing algorithms, which can accurately quantify the facial aging of different races. 

According to iiMedia Research (iiMedia Consulting) data show that the global anti-aging market size from $139.50 billion in 2015 to $216 billion in 2021, 2021 global anti-aging market size growth rate of up to 11.1%, the future global anti-aging market size is expected to maintain a high growth rate, 2025 market size of nearly 300 billion US dollars, the anti-aging market has great potential for development.

Since its establishment, Meitu Yifu has adhered to the technology-oriented and deeply cultivated the field of AI skin testing. On the basis of in-depth algorithm technical support, Meitu Yifu’s algorithms in skin analysis, face detection, image processing and other fields are in a world-leading position, and the accuracy rate far exceeds that of congeneric products. Meitu Yifu also created a number of patented skin testing technologies, covering the identification of acne spots and moles, sensitive skin detection, dark circles detection, etc., providing top technical support for skin testing services. In addition, Meitu Yifu also participated in the formulation of China’s first skin aging evaluation standard "Human Skin Aging Evaluation Standard". So far, Meitu Yifu has landed in more than 2,900 offline stores around the world, and has reached strategic cooperation with more than 130 well-known brands such as Dior, Shiseido, and Fan Wenhua.

By linking the quantification of skin problems, skin care, and Product Research & Development, Meitu can gain a deeper understanding of the mechanism and characteristics of skin aging, thus providing a more scientific basis for future skin care Product Research & Development to meet the needs of consumers of different ages and achieve better skin care results.


Andy Lau attended a special dialogue session at the Toronto Film Festival to share his journey

1905 movie network news On September 16, local time, Toronto, Canada, attended a special dialogue session held at the 48th Toronto International Film Festival to share his journey of more than 40 years of career.

The Toronto International Film Festival has awarded Andy Lau the "Special Contribution Award", making him the first Chinese filmmaker to win the award. "This Special Contribution Award means a lot to me, it means: everyone has the potential to do more than you can imagine, thank you," said Andy Lau. "So choose your own path, work hard and be the best you can be. I will never forget the love you gave me, thank you."

Andy Lau is starring in a new film to Toronto, which tells the story of the award-winning superstar Liu Weichi (Andy Lau, played) in the process of going to the countryside to experience life, causing a series of ridiculous farce that makes people laugh and cry. At the same time, it shows the variety of beings in the entertainment industry.

In the past few years, why did Wang Jianlin suddenly "make a comeback"?

City Express news, 69 years old this year, Wang Jianlin, who is about to enter his seventies,Recently, it has begun to appear frequently in the public eye

The retired Lao Wang, recentlyClass A share market reduction operationIt has attracted much attention.

According to the statistics of Changjiang Business Daily, from 2019 to 2022, Wanda Film’s net profit loss exceeded 12.60 billion yuan in the past four years, while the company’s cumulative net profit from 2013 to 2018 was only 7.575 billion yuan.

Among them, in 2019, Wanda Film 10.50 billion yuan to acquire 95.7683% equity of Wanda Film and Television, but the company has not completed the performance bet for three consecutive years. Even if Zhang Lin regains control of Wanda Film,Failed to reverse the decline

Entering 2023, the national movie box office is picking up, Wanda Film’s share price is rising, but the company’s controlling shareholders are waiting for an opportunity to cash out.

On the evening of April 19Wanda Film announced that Wanda Investment plans to reduce its holdings of the company’s shares by no more than 65.3811 million shares, calculated according to the closing price on the announcement day.The maximum cash can be about 950 million yuan. The reason for the reduction is: shareholders’ own capital needs.

And just over a month agoWanda Film’s controlling shareholder, Wanda Culture Group, has reduced its 43.5653 million shares.Cash out about 583 million yuan

You know, the actual controller of Wanda Investment and Wanda Culture Group is Wang Jianlin, founder of Wanda Group.He reduced his holdings these two times, and the maximum cash can exceed 1.50 billion yuan

"One billion as a small goal"Lao WangShort of money?

In fact, Wang Jianlin’s life has witnessed the rise, prosperity and transformation of China’s real estate industry.

Online takeaway market breakthrough 300 billion Internet + catering reshape people’s table

  Do you want to understand the changes brought by the Internet to the Chinese restaurant industry? The most intuitive way is to go to the streets of major cities and see the takeaway "knights" flying everywhere. Every dish they deliver, every route they drive, and even the pricing of every logistics cost is supported by Internet information technology such as big data and cloud computing. In recent years, "Internet + catering" has flourished and brought profound changes to the Chinese table.

  The catering industry is fully "touching the net"

  For many urban white-collar workers, the first thing they do after work in the morning is to open the takeaway software on their mobile phones to see if there is any food takeout that suits their appetite, and then place an order, pay, and wait for delivery… Nowadays, takeout not only penetrates into office buildings, student dormitories, and residential areas, but even on high-speed rail, they can open a mobile app or scan a QR code to book takeout in advance.

  The changing scenes of daily life reflect the transformation of the Chinese catering industry. From the past of single-store marketing, paper menu ordering, and cash checkout, to the current prevalence of takeaway platforms, massive menu options, and online payment of meals, the Internet has realized a deep integration with the traditional catering industry.

  Data show that in 2017, the national catering industry revenue 3.9644 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.7%. From January to April this year, the national catering turnover reached 1.2736 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.1% year-on-year, and continued to maintain double-digit growth. This means that China’s catering industry has been in a state of stable and high growth.

  What are the intrinsic factors for achieving growth? The catering industry has been fully "connected to the Internet". With the in-depth application of Internet technology in the catering industry, the online catering industry has become the third regular dining mode for consumers other than "cooking by themselves" and "going to the restaurant". Statistics show that the size of the online takeaway market exceeded 300 billion yuan in 2017, an increase of 13.6 times compared with 20.37 billion yuan in 2011.

  Changes in the food and beverage market go hand in hand with changes in people’s food and beverage consumption habits. It is reported that in online takeout, the order transaction volume in residential areas accounts for about 50%. This means that many people have chosen to use takeout instead of "cooking at home". A report released by the China Business Industry Research Institute confirms this change. The report shows that the user scale of China’s Internet food and beverage takeaway market has reached 320 million in 2017, and the user scale is expected to reach 360 million in 2018. Internet catering is drastically changing users’ food and beverage consumption habits.

  "With the development of information technology and its continuous integration with catering companies, some catering companies have begun to shift to cross-border operations, and takeaway is a driving force. This not only brings greater business opportunities for catering companies, but also brings different catering consumption experiences to consumers," said Jiang Junxian, president of the China Cuisine Association.

  "Unmanned Restaurant" is accelerating

  In fact, "Internet + catering" is no longer as simple as delivering food. Recently, the opening of a "smart restaurant" in Qingdao has attracted the attention of local citizens. Customers can order food simply by scanning the code at the office or using the "smart restaurant" mobile app. The system also uses big data technology to recommend customers’ favorite foods. About 10 minutes after placing an order, customers will receive a text message with the cabinet number and the pick-up code to pick up the meal at the password cabinet.

  "It only takes ten minutes for customers to walk from the office to the password cabinet, and then they can take out their own dishes and eat. The middle links such as ordering food at the store and waiting for food at the store are completely removed," the person in charge of the restaurant said.

  Bai Xiufeng, dean of Meituan School of Catering, believes that online catering is already the trend and continues to deepen. "The typical consumer experience is to order and eat in advance, no need to queue up at the store, order food, no need to queue up to pay and issue invoices, etc. All aspects of dining are completed online," Bai Xiufeng said.

  A step further than the "smart restaurant" is the "robot restaurant" or "unmanned restaurant" that has appeared all over the country. As early as October 2017, Alibaba’s first "unmanned restaurant" opened in Hangzhou. The highlight of the restaurant is the "face-to-face payment", which does not require mobile phones and wallets, nor cashiers and waiters, and intelligently orders food and leaves after eating. In February this year, Alibaba’s robot restaurant "Hema" Nanxiang Store in Shanghai opened. In this restaurant covering an area of more than 7,000 square meters, customers need to use the Hema app to choose a seat in front of the screen at the entrance of the restaurant. After taking a seat, they order food by scanning the desktop QR code, and the delivery robot will deliver the food to the table. The cooking progress and delivery process can be monitored in real time through the screen in front of the table.

  Coincidentally, also announced on May 29 that its robot restaurant will be launched in August. The restaurant can be unmanned through robots to order, cook, and deliver dishes. The all-round robot chef can serve more than 40 dishes from eight major cuisines.

  Industry insiders say that such restaurants will be available in major cities across the country in the next few years. Although it is not realistic to fully realize "unmanned", the realization of some functions is not out of reach. For example, the development of intelligence systems to replace ordering staff and cashiers; the use of welcome robots, service robots, intelligent cooking machines to carry out various operations; the use of face-swiping payment.

  Personality diversity becomes a major trend

  Nowadays, "Internet +" has been fully penetrated and deeply expanded in the food and beverage industry chain in terms of food procurement, system management, online and offline marketing, transactions, reservations, ordering, queuing, payment, comments, etc. In the context that mobile payment has become the mainstream payment method in the catering industry, and otaku men and otaku women have become important customers, how will the future catering industry change?

  The report released by the China Cuisine Association shows that the demand for catering consumption is developing towards diversification. For practitioners, the increasing trend of personalization and segmentation, as well as the trend of multi-format differentiated management, will bring them many challenges.

  How to "grab the stomach of young people" is a question that the catering industry needs to think about. According to Meituan’s statistics, young people aged 20-35 contribute 74% of the orders for catering consumption, and are the main force and new force of online catering consumption. Young people’s catering needs are more personalized and segmented, and they are also more willing to try a variety of novel things, which requires restaurants not only to meet the needs of young users in terms of consumption forms, but also to broaden their horizons in product development.

  In the era of personalization and segmentation, whether Internet information technology can be deeply integrated with user requests directly determines the success or failure of modern catering practitioners.

  Experts believe that the future development of the catering industry can be summarized as the three major trends of online and offline integration, supply chain vertical integration and catering retailing. "Through online and offline integration, data and technology, restaurants can turn every customer into a user and every user into a member in the future. Store managers can understand the preferences of each customer through big data and provide services for thousands of people. This is an innovation that the catering industry will definitely face."

Jinan artificial intelligence industry accelerated growth, focus on Jinan government network

In today’s rapidly changing technology, we have unknowingly used the convenience brought by artificial intelligence (AI). For example, when you handle business in Jinan Administrative Examination and Approval Service Hall, Jinan Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation and other business halls, the smart government service hall will provide you with convenience; when you use medical self-service equipment to handle business in Jinan tier 1 hospital, or use navigation for travel, AI is quietly helping you.

With industrial upgrading, artificial intelligence has become an important driving force for a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. In Jinan, many companies in the field of artificial intelligence are constantly expanding application scenarios, fully mining the value of data, and using AI intelligence to empower modern industries to upgrade, promote social development to be more intelligent and efficient, and help cities become smarter. In this process, "industrial AI" is driving "AI industrialization", and Quancheng AI industry is accelerating growth.

Artificial intelligence leaders continue to climb and jump

When the national artificial intelligence industry is booming, Jinan has emerged a number of competitive representative enterprises in the industry. For example, Inspur and Shensi Electronics were selected as the top 30 AI China’s strongest artificial intelligence companies.

From the development path, empowering the transformation and upgrading of the real economy and the construction of smart cities has become a key area for Jinan artificial intelligence enterprises to continue to cultivate.

For example, Shensi Electronics has cooperated with Jinan Second Machine Tool and Baidu to implement smart factory solutions, promoting digital and intelligent transformation of key scenarios such as numerical control of stamping equipment product production and quality inspection, operation and maintenance and acceptance, maintenance and after-sales services, and promoting comprehensive quality improvement and efficiency.

In addition to the above applications, the artificial intelligence solutions created by Shensi Electronics have been applied in batches in industries such as energy, government affairs, medical care, emergency response, public security and finance. With such a wide range of industry applications, Shensi Electronics has only used it for 7 years. In this regard, Min Wanli, chief scientist of Shensi Electronics, said that the company has always maintained high-intensity independent research and development and technological innovation advantages, and accelerated the promotion of artificial intelligence empowered real economy innovation applications.

As a leading AI enterprise in Jinan, Inspur is also accelerating the inclusion of industrial AI, and has realized the implementation of industrial AI in the fields of finance, railways, electric power, transportation, smart cities, petroleum and petrochemical industries. For example, in the field of production, Inspur has built a world-leading server intelligent manufacturing factory. Compared with traditional production methods, manpower is reduced by 75%, production efficiency is increased by 30%, and production capacity is increased by nearly 4 times.

Deep empowering segmentation scenes break new ground

Application scenarios can be described as the vitality of artificial intelligence technology. From the development of Jinan artificial intelligence industry, in addition to the leading enterprises that have covered many industries with AI technology such as Inspur and Shensi Electronics, there are also a number of enterprises that focus on a certain field and are deeply empowered.

Zhongyang Health Technology Group Co., Ltd., which has been deeply involved in the field of medical informatization for more than 20 years, has become a leader in artificial intelligence application solutions in the medical field across the country. Its intelligent diagnosis auxiliary system for pulmonary nodules, intelligent diagnosis system for rib fractures, and intelligent auxiliary diagnosis system for coronary CTA have been used in more than 220 hospitals across the country; the ICD artificial intelligence coding system has reached the current leading level in China and has been used in hundreds of hospitals in nearly 100 cities across the country, successfully solving the problem of disease coding in the industry.

Just recently, the dynamic ECG intelligent assisted diagnosis system built by Zhongyang Health for many years was successfully launched in Juxian People’s Hospital. "From the application effect, it far exceeds expectations. It used to take 40 minutes for a doctor to see a 24-hour dynamic ECG, but now it takes less than 5 minutes to complete the ECG diagnosis after applying our artificial intelligence system. While improving the quality of diagnosis, it greatly improves the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment." Gao Xiyu, head of scientific research at Zhongyang Health, said. Behind such intelligence and efficiency is a large amount of training of massive data and excellent AI technical support.

Coincidentally, Lanjian Intelligent, which has been deeply cultivated in the field of logistics technology for 30 years, has become a leader in the field of smart logistics. As early as 2021, Lanjian Intelligent, with its honeycomb intelligent warehousing system, became one of the enterprises selected by Jinan MIIT for the "New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Industry Innovation Key Task Units". And its "Honeycomb E-commerce 4.0 System" caused a sensation in the e-commerce industry once it came out, solving the technical difficulties of "finding people for goods". It once achieved a super efficiency of 12,000 boxes/hour on "Double Eleven", handling nearly 150,000 goods a day, and only 8 pickers. At present, the Lanjian intelligent honeycomb intelligent warehousing system has basically achieved full coverage in the e-commerce industry, and has successfully built the world’s largest "honeycomb" multi-wear system in the e-commerce industry. In the opinion of Wu Yaohua, founder and chairperson of Lanjian Intelligent, automation can fly higher and farther with intelligent wings.

From the scene, go to the scene. For artificial intelligence companies, it is crucial to accurately grasp the pain points of the industry, deeply empower the scene, and get through the "last mile". Many artificial intelligence companies in Jinan are focusing on the need for continuous empowerment in the industry.

Quancheng AI industry accelerates towards 50 billion level

As an important engine of industrial development and urban butterfly change, the artificial intelligence industry has become a field where various places have rushed to the beach. Jinan is also accelerating the pace of development of this industry and continues to carry out the "AI Spring City" empowering action.

In terms of industrial development logic, the growth of the artificial intelligence industry requires not only a deep understanding of industry pain points and application scenarios, but also technical support. Behind this, computing power, algorithms, data, etc. are all important factors.

From the current development of Jinan, in terms of basic layer, Jinan has become China’s computing power highland. The production and sales volume of servers is the first in the country and the second in the world, and the production and sales volume of AI servers is the first in the world. It supplies more than 1/3 of our country’s servers and more than 50% of AI computing power. In particular, the National Supercomputing Jinan Center has achieved complete autonomy and control of core technologies in the field of supercomputing. In terms of software technology, Jinan artificial intelligence core software technology is basically mature, and open APIs integrating vision, voice, interaction and other technologies have become the trend of industrial development.

Based on many development advantages, Jinan has become the national artificial intelligence innovation application pilot area, a new generation of artificial intelligence innovation and development pilot area, and a national industrial Internet demonstration area. The only city in the country where "three zones are superimposed". Such advantages help Jinan become a "depression" for resource gathering – the major ecological project "China Counting Valley" jointly built by provinces and cities has been landed in Jinan and is accelerating construction. The first phase of the park was put into use in the first half of this year. In the future, it will become a new highland for the computing power industry and a new beacon for the smart industry; Huawei’s three major innovation centers and regional headquarters, Baidu Shandong data annotation base and other projects have all landed in Jinan; artificial intelligence island accelerated construction…

At present in Jinan, the artificial intelligence industry has formed a relatively complete artificial intelligence industry chain from basic support, core technology to industry application. In 2022, Jinan has 358 artificial intelligence enterprises, and the scale of artificial intelligence core industries reached 27.10 billion yuan, an increase of 17.6% year-on-year, driving the scale of related industries to 100 billion. 11 companies were selected for the MIIT industry innovation key task list.

Under the trend of new technologies changing with each passing day, how can Jinan artificial intelligence industry achieve a greater leap?

As a senior expert in the field of artificial intelligence, Min Wanli suggested that "industrial AI" should drive "AI industrialization", encourage AI + leading enterprises to create new kinetic energy benchmarking applications, and replicate to the whole industry through service to form a pattern of "Shandong Germination National Blossom". In development, AI will be turned into a service, and the government will build an AI empower platform, where AI companies and entrepreneurs will serve industry customers and lower the non-technical threshold for AI popularization. Min Wanli said that industry experts and front-line practitioners can be trained as AI navigators and practitioners, and a "doctoral + graduate + engineer + industry expert" talent ecosystem can be built; in development, it is recommended to create sustainable green AI, encourage the miniaturization of large models, avoid paving the path of computing power, and get rid of dependence on high-end chips.

For the development of the AI industry, Jinan has drawn a blueprint, which will further promote the "computing power, algorithm, and arithmetic" industry to become stronger, better, and bigger. According to the plan, we will strive to double the development of Jinan’s AI core industry by 2025, reaching 50 billion level, and driving the scale of related industries to reach 200 billion level.

Lei Jun announced a live broadcast to send Xiaomi SU7 car model to talk about the unexpected after the SU7 was opened and sold.

Zhongguancun online news:At 4pm on April 18th, Lei Jun will launch a live online broadcast with the theme of "Never Unexpectedly" to talk with users about the feelings of Xiaomi SU7 after it is put on sale. Subsequently, Lei Jun also said that the live broadcast specially prepared some small gifts for users, including very popular mugs and car models, and one will be drawn every minute during the live broadcast.

Lei Jun said that the order of Xiaomi SU7 "far exceeded our most optimistic expectation", Xiaguang purple became the hottest color, and the proportion of female car owners was very high … Users interested in these sales details can pay attention to this live broadcast.

It is worth noting that Xiaomi SU7 will also start 24-hour limited-time reconfiguration from 9: 00 on April 19, and users of non-original locked orders can reconfigure it in Xiaomi Auto APP.

Activate night economy! Take you to visit the fashion models, literary styles and freshness of Zhengzhou’s three nightlife circles.

  High-tech Zone Park Mao

  Zhengdong new area Haihui center

  □ Planning and Coordination: An Wei Zhu Kun Executive: Dahebao Dahe Client Reporter Duan Weiduo Wen Wu Guoqiang Photography

  [If you open the column]

  Some people say that in the adult world, life is during the day and life is at night.

  For example, in the watery night, it is easy to remove the disguise and fatigue, or have a drink with two or three friends, or take a walk with your wife and children, so that life can return to your true self. In this way, the night economy and night culture have survived forever and have been passed down to this day.

  Recently, the Central Civilization Office issued a document. In order to cope with the impact of the epidemic, in this year’s national civilized city evaluation index, the occupation of roads, road markets and mobile vendors will not be listed as the evaluation contents of civilized cities, and the "stall economy" has triggered a hot discussion throughout the network; In the past few days, many places have issued policies to support the development of the night economy and the preservation of the fireworks at night.

  What is the current situation of night economy development in various parts of Henan Province? What bottlenecks have you encountered in the development process? How to plan development in the future? Is the "stall economy" of the hot network a flash in the pan or can it really be standardized and developed into a new normal? From now on, Dahe Daily has launched a series of planning reports "Travel Notes at Night", which today presents a heavy nightlife visit in Zheng, Bian and Luo.

  [Visiting the North City] While rolling around, the dog blows cool wind from Beilonghu.

  Coordinates: Longhuli

  "After a long time, I finally want to look up, and you will wait for me on the other side. You are still mine, mine and mine …"

  On the evening of June 2nd, the last sunset glow in the sky glowed with yellow macaroon color, and the lights on Longhuli Commercial Street surrounded by Beilonghu and Dongfeng Canal were on. The young singer played the keyboard and sang Chen Li’s "Walking Horse".

  With music as the boundary, there is a brightly lit open-air market to the north, and all kinds of colorful little things are placed in stalls of exquisite literature and art. Whether it is a traditional dough kneader or fairy wand in online celebrity, it is always more tempting in the night than in the daytime, and people can’t help but stop to read it. The high value and the price of civilians are easy for buy buy to buy if they are not careful.

  Going south, there is a large open-air dining. After a busy day’s life, everyone gathered here from all directions, either because of friendship, or because of love, or even if it is still to maintain work, with a cool glass of beer, everyone unloaded the burden in the night. It’s a beautiful day to be able to slap a dog while stringing.

  As the first commercial entity in Beilonghu area to enter the market and operate, Longhuli has set up a new way to open Zhengzhou nightlife to a certain extent.

  "I don’t understand the darkness of night during the day! I heard that it is very good here, and I specially came to sit with my friends. " Mr. Zhao, a citizen, told Dahe Daily that the traditional open-air barbecue always seems to be associated with dirty mess, but Longhu not only retains the freedom and carefree of the traditional open-air barbecue, but also is relatively cleaner, which is very suitable for young people to get together. Surrounded by water system here, although you can’t see it, it seems that you can feel the cool wind blowing from the side of Beilong Lake when you sit down.

  In addition to the relatively new overall planning, the department also arranged for a special person to clean up the garbage. A cleaning aunt told reporters that they should always keep the ground clean and tidy, and cleaning will not get off work until 1 am.

  Liu Pengge, the chairman of Henan Longhuli Commercial Management Co., Ltd. said that Longhuli was opened to the outside world in units of stores, which was different from the collective opening of traditional businesses at a certain time. On December 8, 2018, Grain Rain Yun, Banqiu, TIMCHA, JHW and other stores opened one after another. Longhuli Commercial District covers an area of 46,000m2, and there are currently 28 shops in operation, including 5 investment brands and 23 self-operated brands.

  [Visiting Dongcheng] Why do you walk at night? "I’m tired, I’m coming, I’m all right, I’m leaving."

  Coordinates: Haihui Center

  If Longhuli is an emerging petty bourgeoisie gathering place, then the Haihui Center, which opened in 2017, is relatively more mature in temperament. In addition to the traditional brand restaurants such as Haidilao and Starbucks, various distinctive light and luxurious bars may be the ultimate magic weapon to attract young people and gather people at night.

  "I’m tired, I’m coming, I’m ready, I’m leaving", which is a slogan written on the wall in a bar in Haihui Center, which may explain why many people like to go out at night. Unlike traditional bars, which always sell wine by the dozen, and the price is quite high, these places focus on bar culture and catering characteristics, and the prices of various wines are very transparent. The special beers from France, Denmark, Germany, the United States, Britain and other places are placed in huge freezers, and consumers can choose by themselves. Together with two or three friends, they can taste beer from the three countries for less than 100 yuan.

  The other one specializes in all kinds of craft beer. On the wall of the store or on the T-shirt of the waiter, their store advertised that "when the world panicked, only the fine wine was with me".

  Beer can be Chinese and western, and it is a "perfect match" with spicy crayfish or steak.

  "We are not drinking wine, but the night in Zhengzhou." A consumer said.

  "Eating is not just eating, but a healing process." Another consumer said.

  While the night was just right, three or five friends ate and chatted, and when they looked up, they saw a full moon in the sky. After eating and drinking enough, I left for a walk, only to find that a street singer was singing Jay Chou not far away, and I couldn’t help sitting on the steps for a while. At that moment, you might really feel how beautiful the night in Zhengzhou is.

  [Visit Xicheng] Gaoxin Night Lane, the fashion version of the stall you want is coming!

  Coordinates: Park Mau

  As an old-fashioned night market in Zhengzhou, Jiankang Road Night Market has renewed its energy, and every night, it is full of fireworks. Recently, in order to respond to the call of Zhengzhou City to build a night economy and restore the market economy affected by the epidemic as soon as possible, the High-tech Zone Management Committee and Langyue Park Mao launched the activity of "Ximei High-tech High-tech Night Lane", which attracted many citizens.

  The night market street is set in a square, where the main theme is trends, cultural creation and fashion. There are not many booths, but they are exquisite and very romantic after being decorated with lights.

  In addition to the cultural and creative market, there are also many contents such as catering, street music, open-air movies and so on. Both adults and children can find their own fun.

  In order to help merchants to resume business and economic recovery, the High-tech Zone Management Committee will also invest about 12.25 million yuan in fashion coupons and blessing bags to stimulate the night economic development of the High-tech Zone.

  [Management] Enriching cultural activities at night is more active at night than during the day

  Recently, the development of night economy has become a "hot word". From the national level to the Zhengzhou level, a series of policies have been issued to support the development of night economy. "Because of the epidemic, the catering industry has suffered an unprecedented severe test." Liu Pengge said, however, in an extraordinary period, there must be extraordinary efforts and attempts. For example, by increasing and optimizing the take-away service, forming a community to share food and joy, and providing safer and more secure delivery services, it has accumulated a reputation for the opening of the restaurant and the resumption of normal business. "For now, the activity in some business districts at night is higher than during the day. The domestic epidemic prevention and control situation is stable, and the arrival of summer has also enabled the activation of the night economy to have more positive climatic conditions and consumer psychology, and the passenger flow has obviously improved. "

  [saying] to spread the economy, parity, fashion and characteristics can retain people better.

  What is the current operation of the open-air market, also known as the "stall economy"?

  During the reporter’s visit, I learned that many stall owners will give priority to small items that are cheap, fashionable, distinctive and valuable, such as headdresses, various cultural and creative products, mosquito repellent and umbrellas. In the process of shopping, people may "buy at will".

  "Introducing cultural and creative brand businesses and promoting stall economy is one of the ways to build a landmark commercial night economy and cultivate a diversified new market for night consumption." Liu Pengge introduced that the summer night market will become the normal state of Longhuli block.

  According to Huang Yongsheng, Commercial Manager of Gongyuan Mao, Gaoxin Night Lane has continuously attracted people from the Hi-tech Zone to experience food and participate in interaction since its opening. Only at the event site, the average daily passenger flow exceeded 20,000.

The park officially opened on New Year’s Day! Tangxiang Park, a sports theme, debuted.

The transformation of Tangxiang Park not only meets the needs of residents, but also adheres to the ecological bottom line. According to the difference of transformation strength and human disturbance, the plot is divided from south to north.leisure sportEcological symbiosisandEcological wildernessThree ecological areas.

the south

In the leisure sports area close to the residential area, optimize the forest conditions, appropriately reduce the density of trees, and focus on building an all-age amusement park and sports competition area to create a more comfortable sports and leisure environment for the citizens.?


Ecological symbiosis space focuses on combing the current plants, creating micro-habitats on the forest edge and waterfront, constructing moderate rest space under the forest, breaking through the greenway break point on the ring, running through the cycling camping area and the leisure area under the forest, and adding a post station.?


The outer ring area near A20 is an ecological reserve space, which is the core of biodiversity protection. We should respect the natural base as much as possible, reduce crowd activities, reserve biological channels, and improve the safety and stability of the ecosystem.

Is it dead? Ten domestic potential new tours were launched in ten days, and Tencent participated in the war strongly!

With the normalization of the release of the version number, the whole game circle recovered and agitated like spring. In the last ten days of March alone, at least ten domestic new tours have set off a test frenzy, including the open world, classic IP new works, big-name IP adaptation, innovative gameplay with full potential and so on. Interested players can pay attention to the test time and participation method.

Ming Chao

Manufacturer: Kuluo R&D, Tencent Investment.

Test time: the recruitment will be started on March 21st, and the limited free file deletion test will be started on April 20th.

Kuluo’s new world tour "Ming Chao" will be opened, and the official announcement will start the "resonance test" on April 20. The recruitment time will last from March 21 to April 15, and the official will randomly select players to issue test qualifications after the recruitment.

This test is a limited free file deletion test, which is open to PC, Android and iOS platforms at the same time. The data between PC and mobile platform is interoperable, but the qualification will be bound to the equipment used for the first time, and the equipment cannot be replaced during the test.

In the middle of last year, "Ming Chao" opened a 0.5 technical test, which gave players a glimpse of the initial face of this "sexual indifference" style of the second-dimensional open world. It has more freedom to explore parkour system than the original god, such as running directly on the mountain wall, rippling for a long distance with air hooks and claws and so on. The combat system emphasizes the action infinitely, and the attack methods such as bullet time, rebound and QTE emerge one after another, but there are also many problems such as insufficient sense of attack and dull face of the character.

Some time ago, Kuluo also accepted Tencent’s investment and retained the right of independent development. This "resonance test" will give us a new look of Kuluo after more than half a year’s development.

"New Tianlong Babu" Mobile Tour

Manufacturer: Changyou R&D, issued by Tencent.

Open test information: March 22nd, Anzhuo Shenlong test.

After 10 months of painstaking recasting, the "New Dragon Eight Parts" mobile game officially launched the "Dragon Test" on March 22, and the test type is Android limited number paid file deletion test.

"New Tianlong Babu" was created by Changyou’s original team. The game uses Unity5-PBR technology engine to restore the real world of the Northern Song Dynasty, reshape famous scenes such as Dali City, Yanmenguan and Yanziwu, and create a 3D visual feast. There are also classic characters such as Qiao Feng, Duan Yu, Xu Zhu, Arjun and Wang Yuyan, which reproduce the original tortuous and bizarre heroic story.

There are many Tianlong IP games on the market, and this "New Tianlong Babu" mobile game was transplanted from the end tour by Changyou Company and jointly produced by Tencent Changyou.

A look at Tencent’s agent operation, many players are afraid of shaking three times. Tencent obviously noticed this, and specially released an article entitled "How does New Tianlong land in the player trading system?" The article shows the existence and development of "free trading" and "setting up stalls" in the mobile game of "New Tianlong Babu", that is, you can move bricks!

In addition, the primary and secondary currencies in the game can be converted as needed, which means that the gold coins in the game can be reversely converted into ingots. This breakthrough is believed to inject more possibilities into the free trading market in the game.

Diary of My Royal Sword

Manufacturers: Yuefu Mutual Entertainment R&D, Chinese Mobile Games Distribution

Test information: March 22nd "Royal Sword Test" Android limited file deletion billing test.

Test time: 10: 00 on March 22nd to 23:59 on March 29th.

"My Royal Sword Diary" is a domestic RPG mobile game with Xiuzhen exploration card, which was jointly issued by Shanghai Yuefu Mutual Entertainment and Shenzhen Zhongyou Mobile Game, and passed the version number approval on July 30, 2022.

This game was created by the original class of the three kingdoms of the youth, and the main slogan is "the mobile game of fixing truth played by young people". The game is expected to be officially launched in mid-May this year, and on March 22nd, My Royal Sword Diary ushered in the ultimate paid internal test.

In the game, the player plays an ordinary disciple of Qingyun Sect, and by coincidence, he is inherited by the Emperor and becomes the master of the heavenly book. The imperial sword explores and cultivates the truth from all walks of life, makes friends with all parties, refines the alchemist and demon, and the demon spirit array fights to resolve the crisis of Zongmen Sect. All kinds of experiences in practice make the protagonist grow into a monk who cares about the world and resolutely embark on a journey to save the whole world.

The devil may cry-the battle of the peak

Vendors: Capcom authorization, Yunchang game research and development.

Test information: "Awakening Test" on March 23rd.

Authorized by CAPCOM and developed by Yunchang Games, The Devil May Cry-Battle of the Peak was officially released as early as June 11th, 2021, and now version 2.0 is coming soon.

This new version mainly focuses on the completion and optimization of gameplay. Previously, players have been feedback that there are too few gameplay, so 2.0 has drastically adjusted the original copy gameplay according to the player’s suggestion, and added new challenges, such as the new version of Blood Palace, Roguelike copy, jumping skills, and PVP that players have been waiting for a long time.

In version 2.0, visual contents such as game scenes, character models, skill special effects, and UI have also been transformed to varying degrees, with emphasis on adjusting the texture of details.

In the "Awakening Test" on March 23rd, players will be able to explore richer main plots, experience new and upgraded combat operations, and manipulate new characters who are familiar with the devil may cry series.

It is understood that after the version goes online, players can also get the role Nero for free.

"warm snow" mobile game "ember dream" DLC

Manufacturer: Mud game research and development, exclusive agent of bilibili game.

Open test information: Android limited file deletion test on March 24th.

Guofeng action martial arts adventure Roguelite game "Warm Snow" mobile game version of "Emerald Dream" DLC will start a small-scale pre-emptive limited file deletion test at 11: 00 am on March 24th. This test is a DLC version test of the game, and you need to own and unlock the "Warm Snow Mobile Game" itself and have the test qualification to participate. And because of the nature of the "confidential test", maybe we won’t know the test content until it is officially launched.

"Warm Snow" is a Rogue game with dark national wind action, which is unique in picture, feel and plot setting, and has achieved excellent results in word-of-mouth sales after its release.

Mobile games transplant the game ontology in full, and adopt the form of free download and paid unlocking, so that you can download the game for free and experience the first level for free, and the subsequent content will cost 25 yuan to buy out and unlock the game ontology.

In the next version, the production team will update the DLC "Dream" and the latest "Endless Mode" on the PC side to the players for free, and at the same time, they are also trying to add some exclusive functions on the mobile side, such as key connection and monster position indicator light. Interested players can continue to pay attention.

Strange Tales of Goddess: Phantom of the Night

Manufacturer: SEGA authorized, Perfect World R&D.

Test information: March 29th "Sneak test"

Authorized by SEGA, with the deep participation of ATLUS, the first mobile game of the 5》IP series "Strange Tales of Goddess 5" created by Kuroha Studio of Perfect World Games, The Phantom of the Night (P5X for short), the first test was officially finalized on March 29th, and the test recruitment is currently in full swing.

As a new series of P5 works logging into the mobile terminal for the first time, P5X is not only committed to restoring the stylized audio-visual performance of IP, but also fully considers the habits of mobile phone users, aiming at creating a P5 mobile game that directly hits the aesthetics of all young people.

This book focuses on the theme of "desire" and tells a brand-new story that teenagers who have awakened the ability of "personality mask" meet and get to know each other, face difficulties side by side and grow up under the background of "low desire". The mysterious old man with a long nose, a strange underwater room, an owl who can "speak" human words, and a world completely different from reality, these seemingly unrelated things are linked together because of a certain opportunity …

The protagonist of the game and the exclusive personality mask of the protagonist are personally manipulated by Seiji Kojima. As a senior role designer of the ATLUS art team, a series of characters he designed for "Unusual Records of the Goddess 5" are deeply loved by players.

According to the released PV, the game’s high degree of restoration has been well received (even exactly the same), and many players have experienced this mobile game as a meal replacement before P6 came out. "Finally, I don’t have to play P5 in other linked mobile games."

How about the specific gameplay? Let’s find out after the test.

Walking with the new moon

Manufacturer: candle salary network research and development

Test information: March 30th "Orange Test" Android file deletion test without charge.

"Walking with the New Moon" is a horizontal exploration and turn-based strategy game with urban supernatural theme independently developed and launched by Candle Pay Network.

In the first exposure of PV a few months ago, we can see the collision of Chinese background style with Cthulhu, urban tales of mystery and other elements, the elephant slide with rolling eyes, the picture frame with feet, and the refrigerator with open and close doors. All the settings are very bizarre and funny; The grounded background of passers-by and tea restaurants who speak Cantonese Putonghua may give Cantonese people a strong sense of intimacy.

Just a few days ago, "New Moon Companion" released a brand-new PV again, with a large amount of "next episode preview" PV, which also greatly increased the player’s goodwill.

Gameplay is a very common turn-based card among the two-spined apes. We look forward to this test together.

Aurora at White Night

Manufacturer: Yonghang Technology Development and Tencent Distribution.

Test information: March 30th "Sailing" test, Android limited file deletion without charging test.

"White Night Aurora" is a magical strategy-style war chess elimination mobile game developed by Beijing Yonghang Technology Co., Ltd. and issued by Tencent, and it is also the only new tour in this period that returns to China after going out to sea.

With a strong artistic level and easy-to-use strategy, Aurora on a White Night has made a difference in a number of secondary games. In particular, the role drawing, which is often drawn out of circles and comparable to illustrations, often makes people marvel at the artistic strength of this game.

However, some time ago, "White Night Aurora" was also rushed to the forefront because the painter He Tu used AI technology.

The game was launched in Japan, Europe and America on June 17th, 2021, and in China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan on September 16th, 2021. On the first day of its launch, Nissho topped the free list of Japanese App Store and Google Play.

After obtaining the game version number on January 17, 2023, the national costume of "Aurora at White Night" entered an orderly publicity period. A few days ago, it was the nth time that Wit Studio, the hegemonic company, launched the animation OP "The Edge of Black and White", and the player said, "Boy, I have to watch it now."

"White Night Aurora" will start the "sailing test" on March 30, and interested players can pay attention to it.

Spiral Waltz 2 Wars of the Roses

Manufacturer: Cross Star Studio

Test information: March 30th, rehearsal ball, Android limited payment file deletion test, the whole platform has a total of 30,000 test places.

The dressing mobile game "Spiral Waltz 2 Wars of the Roses" produced by Cross Star Studio is about to start a limited test, and the game has obtained the version number on December 28, 2022.

As a highly acclaimed sequel to the Spiral Waltz, the Spiral Waltz 2 Wars of the Roses, created by the original crew, not only inherits the advantages of the previous work, but also further surpasses and upgrades the gameplay, pictures and plots.

The new concept of "scene dressing" revolutionizes dressing up and brings a unique game experience; Full costume+full scene Live2D dynamic dressing experience, embellished with exquisite hand-painted original paintings; Millions of plot texts and dozens of characters with different personalities bring a grand world view to the players. The player will be transformed into a noble girl "Kalia Lovela" and step into a fantastic and magnificent stage. The authority of fate is in his own hands.

Since this test is a limited test, the game will be closed after the number of registered users reaches the upper limit of the server. Players who want to participate in the test need to download it as soon as possible. Players who have not experienced it should pay attention to the subsequent test.

Code word: pupil

Manufacturer: R&D of Tianren Laboratory

Open test information: On March 31st, Android and IOS limit numbers were deleted without charge.

The horizontal adventure mobile game "Cipher: Pupil" independently developed by Tianren Lab announced that the first "preview test" (file deletion) of the game will be officially launched on March 31st. At present, the recruitment for the test is being carried out on major platforms and official website, and it will end on the 27th of this month.

Its story takes place in a new city "Kowloon City" consisting of nine blocks, where traditional and modern fashions collide and converge into a unique atmosphere of the city that is retro, trendy and bizarre.

"Code: Pupil" adopts the way of horizontal parkour, and has many innovations in horizontal action play.

The unique ball-eating combat gameplay lowers the operating threshold and allows players to focus more on the interaction with boss; Players can also summon teammates to fight by picking up "special help balls" and display their skills; In addition, the development team also strengthened the experience positive feedback of avoidance operation, so that avoidance is no longer a helpless move; These designs have greatly strengthened the combat strategy.

Generally speaking, "Secret Code: Pupil" can be regarded as a new two-dimensional tour worth looking forward to in the near future, and I look forward to the test performance of the first test.

Florentino was exposed as a real Madrid default! 2 strokes to get rid of Gemini! Lead the transfer window in January

According to the latest report of Spanish media OKDiario, Real Madrid President florentino has confirmed the winter window strategy within the club. It is reported that under the premise of confirming Mbappé Ming Xia’s joining, Real Madrid has formulated the signing strategy in January, and will go all out to sign Dortmund striker Harland.

Although Real Madrid’s bid for Mbappé failed in the summer transfer window this year, which also frustrated many Real Madrid fans who expected Mbappé to join, everyone knows that Ming Xia Mbappé will visit the Bernabeu almost nine times out of ten, but Real Madrid President florentino, who has always stood in the upper air, will not comfort himself like this. According to reports, in order to boost the morale inside and outside the Real Madrid club, florentino has made it clear within Real Madrid that Harland will be introduced in the January transfer window, and the club must go all out.

However, Real Madrid knows very well that it is not easy to win the Harland deal, and it may even encounter difficulties comparable to signing Mbappé, because there are almost many European giants who are concerned about Harland’s future. Any top European giants who can meet Dortmund’s capital needs may impress Harland’s father and agent Raiola, the next stop of Norwegian Fengba, and cannot make a key decision because of florentino’s determination. Earlier, some media reported that Dortmund striker Harland made it clear that he hoped to play for Real Madrid one day, but Harland was not sure that he would go to the Bernabeu in Ming Xia. In principle, he is likely to play for the club with the most money, and in terms of money, Real Madrid is no longer the most influential club.

In addition, the report said that the reason why Real Madrid was eager to get rid of Harland in January’s winter window was precisely because of the financial problems. florentino knew that if it waited until next summer window, it would face huge signing competition, especially Bayern Munich, the German giants. Even if the opponents didn’t really want to compete for Harland, they might raise the demand for players.

In the winter window, Real Madrid is willing to pay higher transfer funds while Harland’s contract is still in place, so as to take the lead and face less competition. Because most potential buyers are waiting for Harland’s 75-million-euro termination clause to take effect, it is reported that Real Madrid, which started in Winter Window, is willing to offer a minimum offer of 90-million euros, or even higher, but the specific plan has not been revealed, but media analysis said that what Real Madrid is likely to have prepared is a plan with a final amount of 150-million euros.

Harland’s agent, Raiola, is the only problem that Real Madrid needs to solve before starting work. The cold relationship with Raiola is a very distressing problem for Real Madrid, because Raiola has asked Real Madrid for high salary and commission many times before, and the two sides are finally unhappy because of this. Want to know more exciting content, come and pay attention to the football express