Cheung Ka Fai plays schizophrenic in "Mong Kok Prison" to illustrate social realism

Meng Yao and Cheung Ka Fai starred in "Mong Kok Prison"

  Unlike "Zero Dog," director Wang Jing will film "Mong Kok Prison" after the filming of "Onei Agent Lingling Dog". Unlike "Zero Dog", "Mong Kok Prison" will continue the people and lives in "Money Empire", which has both social realism and human care. The Academy Award-winning actor Cheung Ka-fai will play a schizophrenic in "Mong Kok Prison", while the role of "Crystal Girl" Meng Yao is a bit mentally retarded.

Wang Jing is not funny. "Mong Kok Prison" writes about a cruel life

  "Money Empire", which was released in the mainland in May, made fans who had been waiting for Wang Jing for a long time happy and sad. They were happy that the idol finally came out and brought a very different Hong Kong film. The sad thing was that the idol was no longer entertaining, whether it was a transformation or a take-all. Fortunately, the comedy of "Onei Agent Lingling Dog" brought a lot of comfort to fans who liked Wang Jing, while "Mong Kok Prison", which continued the brutal style of "Money Empire", continued to make people look forward to it.

  Although director Wang Jing doesn’t care about the awards, just because he personally likes to write the script of "Mong Kok Prison", he has considered the cast. In addition to Zhang Jiahui and Meng Yao, who have cooperated for a long time, he will also invite Bao Qijing and Chen Liyun, who have performed well in the movie "Day and Night in Tin Shui Wai", and the combination of one emperor and two queens + royal crystal girls shows Wang Jing’s emphasis on this film.

Wang Jing’s ruthless hand on Zhang Jiahui, Bao Qijing, and Meng Yao are all "sick"

  Many viewers are obsessed with the violent clips in "Money Empire", and in "Mong Kok Prison", Wang Jing shows her "ruthless" hand again, not in the film, but in the "ruthless" hand on the actors. Zhang Jiahui’s character in the film is schizophrenic, Bao Qijing will suffer from dementia in the film, and the most "pitiful" number crystal girl Meng Yao is not only mentally retarded, but also has suffered sexual violence.

  Unlike the boss scene in "Money Empire", "Mong Kok Prison" is the life of the little people, and in fact, the little people are the group that Wang Jing has always paid attention to and expressed in most of the movies. "Mong Kok Prison" means that everyone has a past that cannot be mentioned and the inner innocence of the protection, everyone is trapped in Mong Kok Prison.

The rise in oil prices has made Japan the biggest beneficiary

  The three oil crises of the 1970s and 1990s profoundly changed the industrial structure of the automotive powerhouses in Europe and the US. But they also represented opportunities. If there was only one winner in this far-reaching series of historical events, it was Japanese cars.

  Before the oil crisis, although Japanese cars had an export layout in overseas markets, their share was always small. At the same time, the inherent impressions of Europeans and Americans such as counterfeit products, quality and low grade always lingered on the top of Japanese cars. However, after the oil crisis, Western consumers had to accept the reality, and Japanese cars ushered in the trend of going global.

  Taking advantage of the opportunity of the oil crisis, Japanese cars eventually became an important pole of the global automobile industry. But in addition to the impact of objective events now known as "black swans", the subjective initiative of the Japanese automobile industry is also worthy of future memories. Freezing three feet is not a day’s cold, the formation of an automobile industrial country is the main reason.

  Growing up in war

  The original Japanese auto industry was born in the 1930s, 30-50 years later than the developed countries in Europe and the United States. At that time, the Japanese market was dominated by American cars, and giants such as General Motors and Ford established assembly plants in the country. Later, factories such as Toyota and Datsun (the predecessor of Nissan) created the first cars produced by Japanese companies by reverse-copying European and American models such as Chevrolet, Chrysler, and Austin.

  At the same time, in order to encourage the production of autonomous vehicles, the Japanese government also promulgated the "Automobile Manufacturing Business Law", which stipulates that companies that produce more than 3,000 cars a year must be approved by the government, and more than half of the shares must be owned by local companies. However, the Great Depression that swept the world at the time brought the fledgling Japanese automakers to the brink of bankruptcy.

  At this time, they were saved by a full-scale war of aggression launched by Japanese militarism. The early Japanese car companies were transformed into arsenal factories that started the war machine, but they were also quickly dealt a heavy blow by the defeat of the war. After the end of World War II, Japan, a defeated country, was devastated by society and economy, and its fledgling automobile industry was also on the verge of destruction.

  In this context, the Japanese government, which had just announced its unconditional surrender, still called together the few car companies at the time, demonstrating the government’s support for the auto industry. On the other hand, the United States, out of consideration against the Soviet camp, stationed troops in Japan and began to support Japan’s economy. Especially during the Korean War, the US military provided a large number of military truck orders to the nearest Japan, allowing Japanese car companies that were struggling after the war to quickly recover. For Japanese cars, this also provides an opportunity for them to open up the US market in the future.

  In order to make up for the lack of resources during the economic difficulties, the Japanese government began to encourage the production of short-wheelbase and small-displacement cars through preferential policies such as tax reduction, resulting in the series of cars known as K-Cars. These economical and practical cars not only quickly popularized cars in postwar Japanese households, but also laid the foundation for the subsequent industrial upgrading of Japanese cars. With the support of policies, the number of car companies in Japan after the war rapidly increased from single digits to nearly 30.

  Since the 1950s, the Japanese government has promulgated the "Basic Guidelines for the Introduction of Foreign Investment in Passenger Vehicles", and began to continuously introduce technology to developed countries in Europe, America, and Japan’s car companies have successively established cooperative relations with overseas auto giants. In 1950, Toyota’s then president, Eiji Toyoda, made a special trip to Detroit to inspect Ford’s factories; Nissan’s predecessor, Datsun, officially purchased the patents of Austin in the United Kingdom in 1952 and assembled cars in Japan in the form of CKD. Austin provided technical assistance to Datsun. In addition, cooperation between Hino and French Renault, Mitsubishi and Chevrolet of the United States is also developing.

  By the early 1960s, Japanese car companies had completed the original accumulation of technology, and the annual production and sales of domestic cars exceeded 400,000. In November 1963, Japan further established the automobile industry as a strategic industry at the Industrial Structure Review Conference. From the 1950s to the 1970s, Japan has introduced more than 400 technologies from developed countries in Europe, America and other countries.

  However, while absorbing technology, the Japanese government has also implemented measures such as tariffs and foreign exchange controls to protect the domestic automobile industry, and implemented them through legislation such as the Enterprise Rationalization Promotion Law and the Machinery Industry Revitalization Temporary Measures Law. The tariff barrier for imported automobiles was once as high as 40%. And the penetration of foreign capital into Japanese automobile companies is also strictly guarded.

  In addition to government support, the improvement of technology, quality and management by Japanese automakers at that time also greatly improved the quality of Japanese cars. For example, the Toyota production method, which has far-reaching impact on future generations, was born in the early 1950s. And some classic models that continue to this day, such as Toyota Crown, Corolla, Nissan Bluebird, Honda Civic, etc., were also introduced one after another in the 1950s and 1960s.

  In addition, in order to strengthen the overall quality of Japanese cars and eliminate uncompetitive enterprises, under the leadership of the Japanese government, Japanese cars carried out a series of mergers in the 1960s, reducing the number of highly competitive 30 to about 10, which increased the concentration of the industry.

  By 1970, the annual sales of Japanese cars had reached 4.10 million, 10 times that of the early 1960s, and the number of cars owned by 1,000 people had risen from 14 in 1960 to about 170.

  After all, the local market demand in Japan is limited. At the same time as the rapid growth of the industry, Japanese car companies are also trying to export. However, throughout the 1960s, Japanese cars were mainly aimed at the third world countries in South America and South East Asia. The best-selling models in Japan, such as the Toyota Crown, were also exported to the United States, but sales were also very low because they did not meet the needs of American consumers.

  It was not until the arrival of the first oil crisis that Japanese cars were "a blessing in disguise" and really went to the world, especially major automobile consumer markets such as Europe, America and others.

  blessing in disguise

  In 1970, at the call of American social environmentalists at that time, the US government introduced the "Air Purification Act" (Musky Act), which stipulated that after five years, cars emitted only one-tenth of the pollutants. This bill undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to the three American giants that were popular at that time, but it provided an opportunity for Japanese cars to further open up the US market.

  In 1972, the CVCC engine developed by Honda became the first engine to comply with the Musky Act and quickly gained popularity in the United States.

  In October 1973, shortly after the outbreak of the Fourth Middle East War, the United States publicly sided with Israel and provided it with $2.20 billion in military aid. In order to sanction the United States and the West, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) began to implement a series of production cuts and oil embargoes. After the war, the oil exporting countries continued to cut production by more than 10% and pushed to raise the price of oil from $3 per barrel to $13, which was the first oil crisis.

  The oil crisis dealt a heavy blow to the developed automobile industry in Europe and the United States. During this period, global automobile production fell from nearly 40 million to 33 million. Car consumers in Europe and the United States had to give up their favorite large-displacement cars and performance cars in favor of affordable small-displacement cars. The auto giants were also forced to abandon their original production plans for large cars.

  Throughout the 1970s, Japan’s domestic auto market ended a period of rapid growth, with sales increasing from 4.10 million to 5 million. After the shock, Japan launched a new energy technology development plan in 1974, and introduced an industrial policy to reduce energy consumption, focusing on the development and promotion of energy-saving technologies and equipment. Later, the Energy Conservation Law was introduced to restrain it.

  But at the same time, Japan’s industrial structure dominated by small-displacement vehicles has allowed Japanese cars to find opportunities to break through overseas. Although the previous Japanese cars were scorned by many Europeans and Americans because of their brands, more people began to choose cars with better fuel economy due to the economic pressure caused by fuel consumption. At this time, in addition to affordable prices, Japanese cars have made great progress in technology and production management. In the past, the stereotype of counterfeit products and inferior quality in the eyes of Westerners was changed. Coupled with the good relations between Japan and the United States, Japanese cars soon became popular in the American market.

  In 1975, Japan’s domestic automobile production exceeded 7 million for the first time; by 1977, Japan’s automobile exports had reached 4.35 million, three times more than in 1970; the proportion of exported automobiles in total automobile production skyrocketed from 20% in 1970 to more than 50%.

  The shadow of the first oil crisis has not yet dissipated. With the outbreak of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the Iran-Iraq War, the second oil crisis followed in the early 1980s, with oil prices rising from $14 per barrel to nearly $40. Global car sales fell for four consecutive years during the crisis, from 42 million to less than 39 million.

  This time, however, Japan’s increasingly mature auto industry has achieved greater success. During the second oil crisis, Japan’s domestic automobile production exceeded 10 million and 11 million in a row, and its exports exceeded 6 million for the first time. In 1980, Japanese automobiles surpassed the United States for the first time to become the world’s largest.

  The most important reason why Japanese cars can overtake American cars is the continued "attack" on the US market. During the second oil crisis, the production of American cars fell from 11 million to 8 million. In contrast, from 1978 to 1980, the number of Japanese car exports to the United States increased from 1.50 million to nearly 2 million, and the sales reached 2.40 million. The proportion of imported cars in the United States reached 80%, and the share of Japanese cars in the US market was as high as 20%.

  The real crisis

  Japan’s economic take-off and the strength of Japanese cars in the US market have threatened the US government and automakers. Under the impact of Japanese cars, American giants such as GM, Ford, and Chrysler have laid off more than 220,000 workers. The United Auto Workers (UAW) even broke out a campaign to smash Japanese cars.

  Under pressure from the United States, after negotiations between Japan and the United States, an agreement on independent restrictions on Japanese exports of cars to the United States was formed in 1981, which stipulated that the export scale of Japanese cars to the US market in subsequent years was limited to 1.68 million cars in 1981-1983, 1.85 million cars in 1984, 2.30 million cars in 1985 and 1986, and then dropped to about 2 million cars in subsequent years.

  At the same time, Japanese automakers began to choose to set up factories or joint ventures in the US market to avoid policy restrictions. After 1982, Honda, Nissan, Toyota, and Mazda successively established factories in the United States. In addition, joint ventures between Toyota and General Motors, Mitsubishi and Chrysler were also established during this period.

  On the other hand, under the premise of limited sales, Japanese cars to improve brand perception and increase profitability, Honda, Toyota, Nissan and other leading companies have launched high-end models for the needs of North American consumers, Acura, Lexus and Infiniti were born in this period.

  As a result, despite the decrease in imports, the profits of Japanese automakers have actually increased due to the high-priced luxury cars produced in the United States. With the outbreak of the Gulf War, the third oil crisis came. In the 1990s, the world’s car production decreased from nearly 50 million to 47 million, but Japan’s domestic car production approached 13.50 million, and sales reached a historical peak of 7.77 million. In addition, Japan’s overseas car production also exceeded 3 million for the first time, and the proportion of Japanese cars in the world rose to nearly 40%.

  However, luck has not always favored Japanese cars. Since the Plaza Accord in 1985, Japan’s domestic economic bubble burst due to the appreciation of the yen, which ushered in the "lost decade", and Japan’s domestic car production and sales have also slipped from their peak and began to decline year by year.

  Under the policy protection of domestic enterprises and the continuous suppression of Japanese cars. In 1994, American cars regained the first place in the global market. In 1995, the US government further announced a 100% tariff on luxury cars from Japan. The following year, Japanese car exports fell directly to 3.71 million, a decrease of 45% compared with the 1985 Plaza Agreement.

  Faced with the difficulties caused by economic stagnation, Japanese automakers are not sitting still. In order to continue to cater to the industry trend of energy conservation and emission reduction, Japanese automakers continue to develop engine technologies with stronger fuel economy. In 1997, the Toyota Prius based on THS hybrid technology was launched, and it became the best-selling model in North America again in the early 21st century. Later, the Honda i-MMD and Nissan e-Power were launched one after another, and the Japanese hybrid once again played a brand effect in the global market.

  In addition, while the US market is encountering bottlenecks, Japanese automakers are also continuously providing growth impetus by expanding into more overseas markets and increasing their emphasis on the emerging Chinese market. Entering the 21st century, Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Mazda, Mitsubishi and Suzuki have successively established joint venture factories in China, and have continuously introduced overseas best-selling models into domestic production and sales.

  Today, Japanese cars still have a 30% market share worldwide. Toyota is still the world’s largest automaker, with Honda and Renault-allied Nissan also in the top 10. In the United States, Toyota surpassed General Motors for the first time last year. In the Chinese market, the share of Japanese cars that came from behind has also reached more than 20%, which is on par with Germany. The value retention rate of mainstream Japanese brands is also among the best in China.

  Take a look.

  The rise of Japanese automobiles has been regarded by many in the industry as a model for the development of Chinese automobiles. For example, the Japanese government’s protection of local automobile companies and the control of the shareholding ratio of joint ventures, as well as the policy support for the production of small-displacement automobiles, have been used for reference by the Chinese automobile industry that has fully emerged after the reform and opening up.

  In addition, the experience of Japanese cars expanding overseas markets and gradually going global 60 years ago is also similar to the aggressive route of today’s leading Chinese independent brands. At present, Chinese independent brands are exporting small cars to developing countries in Southeast Asia and the Middle East in the early years, and turning to more regional markets. Even Europe exports some mid-to-high-end models and new energy vehicles, and sells back some cars produced by European and American automakers in China to the mainland.

  However, there are still significant differences in the automobile development environment and era background between Japan and China.

  Japan is an island country with relatively few natural resources, and it relies almost entirely on imports for the basic energy that supports the automobile industry, which is also the inherent disadvantage of the rise of Japanese cars. On the contrary, China not only has rich land resources, but also has the largest population and the largest market in the world.

  In today’s world, a series of black swan events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, Sino-US trade, and the situation in Russia and Ukraine have seriously impacted the world economy and the process of globalization. The shadow of previous oil crises still hangs over the heads of major countries. Although China is rich in resources, it is as dependent on oil imports as Japan. Getting rid of dependence on oil and reducing carbon emissions has become the consensus of major automobile industrial countries.

  The oil crisis of the 1970s and 1990s had the greatest impact on the automobile industry because of the irreplaceability of petroleum energy. However, with the development of technology, new energy vehicles led by electricity began to show a substitute role for fuel vehicles. Therefore, the development of new energy vehicles, which is the trend of overtaking cars in China’s car corners, has been formulated as a national policy by our country. At present, China has been the world’s largest new energy vehicle market for seven consecutive years, accounting for more than half of the global share. The overtaking of traditional fuel vehicles in Europe and the United States 50 years ago by Japanese cars is now being recreated by China’s automobile industry.

Being a reasonable and good parent requires constant efforts and study.

  On November 27th, 2017, in Tianjin, on the weekend, Zhang Xiaozhe took time to accompany his son to the children’s area of the library to read books and enjoy the rare parent-child time. (Profile picture) Photo courtesy of vision china

  "Being a parent is a learning process, and no one is born a good parent." Associate Professor Guo Yanqing of Peking University Sixth Hospital said, "Because of the arrival of children, a person has the identity of a parent, and in the process of taking care of and disciplining children, he slowly learns how to be a parent. Being a parent is a career that is never too old to learn. "

  How to be a good parent? Guo Yanqing told the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network that good parents should be "reasonable" and "reasonable". "Empathy" simply means "Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you". In Guo Yanqing’s view, the most prominent manifestation of "unwillingness" in parent-child relationship is parents’ excessive control over their children and excessive involvement in their lives. This kind of excessive control and excessive involvement is the performance of "unreasonable".

  Excessive control will form an aversion to children.

  Guo Yanqing said that to "empathize" with children, we must first regard children as free and independent individuals who need to be respected. Parents should grow up with their children and realize that children should not be the object of parental control, but a subject of self-development. Excessive control and involvement of parents will disrupt the natural growth of children and hinder their space and willingness to grow up. "In fact, children have their own ability to be independent. Like all living things, they can grow and develop naturally and automatically as long as they are in an environment suitable for growth."

  However, it is a common fact that because children are the people that parents care most about, many parents will manage their children by encouraging them to learn well, but the result is likely to be that parents’ control has turned into aversion to children. In the face of aversion to stimuli, children naturally appear various escape behaviors such as deception and violent resistance.

  Therefore, Guo Yanqing pointed out that to be an "understanding" parent, we should first regard the child as an independent and independent individual, let nature take its course, respect nature, and regard ourselves as a condition for the child’s growth from the perspective of children, rather than the child’s savior. "Although parents have brought their children into this world, they do not have the right to control and influence their children, let alone regard them as their own tools." Guo Yanqing said.

  "Whether it is management", create conditions for children to "self-manage"

  How can parents be "understanding"? Guo Yanqing put forward the eight-character principle of "whether it is management or active satisfaction". Taking children’s homework as an example, Guo Yanqing explained that managing children’s homework is a headache for many parents. Many parents will repeatedly remind their children to do their homework, and keep a close eye on the process of doing their homework. Even children have to interfere in going to the toilet and picking their noses, which leads children to think that doing homework is not their own business, but the parents’ business. But in fact, if parents "don’t care", don’t remind their children to do their homework, and don’t care whether their children have finished their homework, when it is time to hand in their homework, children will naturally realize that doing their homework is their own business. Therefore, parents’ "no matter" is to provide conditions for children’s "self-management".

  The principle of "whether in charge or not" also applies to family members. In a family, if the mother is always in charge of the children, then the father will not intervene, because in fact, the father has no chance to manage the children. "We often see mothers blaming fathers for neglecting their children, but in fact, if mothers let go for a period of time (within a week), they will find that fathers’ behavior in managing their children has increased." Guo Yanqing pointed out that parents who care too much about their children are actually obliterating the conditions for children’s self-discipline, which are actually necessary conditions for children’s own independence and independent development.

  At the same time, he stressed that "whether it is in charge" is not to ignore the children, but to realize that parents have no right to autocratic management of their children. Sometimes it is necessary to "turn a blind eye" to children. When the parents close their eyes, the children will be independent.

  "Actively meet" children’s requirements and follow several standards.

  When children want something from their parents, how should parents respond? Guo Yanqing believes that parents should be "actively satisfied". There are several criteria for "active satisfaction": psychological criteria, timing criteria and operational criteria.

  The first is the psychological standard of satisfaction. The object of active satisfaction is children, so satisfaction should be based on children’s psychology, and parents should satisfy what children really need and want. However, in the daily management of children, parents often take their own needs as the standard to meet their children, not their real needs. For example, Guo Yanqing said, for example, if a child wants a red toy and there is only green in front of him, it takes a lot of walking to buy a red toy. At this time, parents may think that the green toy is the same, so they buy a green toy. But in fact, the child’s wishes have not been met.

  The second is the timing standard of satisfaction. When should parents satisfy their children? Guo Yanqing believes that grasping the opportunity of satisfaction is a key link in establishing parent-child relationship. For example, when a child sees something, his eyes shine, or he can’t put it down, or he expresses his demand for something in words. This is the time to meet.

  The third is to meet the operating standards. Specifically, how to implement the behavior of satisfaction? Guo Yanqing put forward the principle of "initiative, generosity and unconditional". Since parents want to satisfy their children at the right time and let them get what they want, they should take the initiative and be generous, and don’t talk about conditions, and don’t talk about conditions such as "You can finish your homework" and "You can take the fifth exam now and the third exam next semester".

  However, in the process of daily management of children, there may be another situation that does not meet the above three standards, that is, when parents refuse their children’s requirements, children have problem behaviors, such as rolling on the ground and crying, and parents have to meet their own requirements, but parents can’t meet their children at this time. Because this involves the basic principle of behavior management, that is, it cannot strengthen problem behavior. "If parents satisfy their children when they have problem behaviors, their problem behaviors will be strengthened. This is the exclusion criteria that are met. " Guo Yanqing said.

  Guo Yanqing concluded that when parents master the standard of active satisfaction, give their children autonomy and give them the opportunity to be independent and independent, parents will also feel at ease in their daily lives. If parents always turn their eyes to their children, turn their children’s affairs into their own affairs, and turn their children’s time into their own time, neither parents nor children will be happy.

  Parents’ demands on their children should be reasonable and feasible.

  Guo Yanqing believes that to be a good parent, one must also be "reasonable", which means "reasonable requirements".

  Parents should help their children grow up, but not replace them. In the process of children’s growth, there should be proper management and control. What is proper management and control? What are the reasonable requirements of parents for their children? Guo Yanqing believes that parents should meet four conditions at the same time when making demands on their children.

  First, what parents ask their children to do must be something that children are capable of doing. Guo Yanqing pointed out that parents should have an understanding of their children’s basic abilities and know what their children are capable of doing, and they should not ignore their basic abilities when managing their children. For example, parents think it is natural to ask their children to finish homework, but because each child’s ability is different, and the teacher arranges homework according to general standards, when the difficulty of homework exceeds the child’s ability, the child will only "be lazy" and "dawdle" in front of homework, or simply give up.

  Guo Yanqing especially reminded parents not to easily think that their instructions or demands for their children are all capable of being done by children. Sometimes, only parents think that children can do it, but in fact, children may not have this ability. The premise of parents’ requirements for their children is that they know the roots of their children’s abilities. The more parents know about their children, the more effective the instructions will be. This condition seems simple, but it actually means that parents should know enough about their children.

  How can parents know their children well? Guo Yanqing said that there is no shortcut to understanding children, that is, to be "groping" with children, to take time to observe children, and to conduct various temptations during the observation process in order to find out the bottom of children. If parents don’t get along with their children enough, they just make demands regardless of their children’s actual ability, then they are not helping their children grow up.

  The second condition is "can but not difficult". Although the things assigned by parents to children are capable of being done by children, it does not mean that children can successfully complete them. There are many conditions that affect children’s starting tasks, one of which is the difficulty of things. In the face of difficulties, everyone will have escape psychology, which is a natural mentality and a common weakness of human nature. Therefore, when parents assign tasks to their children, they must pay attention to the fact that it is not too difficult, that is, "it is possible but not difficult."

  For example, solving a math problem takes 3 minutes for the first child, half an hour for the second child and 3 hours for the third child. If solving this problem is assigned to these three children as a task, which child is most likely to have evasive behavior? The answer is obvious. Therefore, when parents make demands on their children, they should pay attention to let them do things that are capable and not too difficult at the same time. This also requires parents to get along with their children for a long time and observe them, so as to have a good understanding of their abilities.

  The third condition is that parents should grasp the time, and the tasks assigned to their children do not take too long for them to complete. "For example, if a child can solve a math problem in 3 minutes, if the parents give him 100 questions, it is easy to stimulate the child to escape." Guo Yanqing explained. So for children, how long is short and how long is long? Guo Yanqing believes that this is an individualized problem. Maybe three minutes is too long for one child and 30 minutes is too short for another. Parents need to spend time getting to know their children before they can individually measure a child’s tolerance time for a certain task.

  The fourth condition is that if the task assigned to the child is something that the child can do, and it is not difficult to do, and the time is relatively short for him, but the child is still unwilling to do it, then parents can assist the child to complete it. For example, parents ask their children to throw the banana peels they left on the ground into the trash can. This instruction is that children have the ability to do it, which is not difficult and takes a short time, but children just don’t do it. At this time, parents should help him hand in hand and pick up the banana peels and throw them into the trash can with him.

  If the parents’ requirements for their children meet the above four conditions, then this requirement is reasonable and feasible.

  Guo Yanqing concluded that parents should try not to give orders to their children in their daily lives. "No matter whether they are in charge," they should give their children autonomy, let them explore the world freely, and give them access to various conditions and opportunities in the world. These conditions and opportunities can stimulate their growth. At the same time, parents are one of the conditions for children’s growth. Therefore, when necessary, parents should manage their children, but the management should be "reasonable" and based on full understanding of children.

  "Being reasonable" requires constant efforts and study.

  Guo Yanqing believes that to be a "reasonable" good parent, efforts can be made in three directions.

  First, we should manage ourselves and set an example. When they see some problems with their children, parents should first ask themselves if they have these problems. Parents should solve their own problems first, so that their children can set a good example.

  Second, we should cultivate our mind and raise our tolerance. Everyone should realize that others are different from themselves, and everyone has his own preferences, cognition and emotional attitude. If everyone thinks he is right, it is easy to conflict with others. Guo Yanqing pointed out that the process of conflict is not good, but the result of conflict is sometimes good, which makes everyone realize their own shortcomings and the differences of others. Conflict can improve everyone’s tolerance. "Tolerance is not thought out, but needs to be experienced in life. It is true tolerance to experience all kinds of conflicts and cultivate your tolerance in this process. "

  Third, we should be good at learning scientific methods to deal with problems. Guo Yanqing said that there are many skills in managing children, which are actually included in the field of applied behavior analysis. "Applied behavioral analysis has summed up many effective measures and ways to change people’s behavior. Parents may wish to learn. "

  Zhongqingbao Zhongqingwang reporter Xia Wei Source: China Youth Daily

History episode 2

Animal husbandry has also developed, right? Now is not to solve the problem of survival, why eat something delicious? The country had the technology of planting wheat a long time ago, but wheat was not eaten in large quantities and nationwide. Why? That’s called wheat rice, wheat. Anyway, the granules are hard and uncooked, and they are very annoying to eat, so I didn’t eat wheat.

What is a country? North is south, what is this number? It’s Xiaomi. Does Xiaomi know what it is? Just the porridge is small, porridge millet is eaten in the north and rice in the south. What to eat? But rice.

But when it came to the Northern and Southern Dynasties, what was it like at that time? Great changes have taken place. Why? At that time, Tang, Song and Ming Dynasties were used to travel to the Yuan Dynasty. What was it like then? Xu Jin Guo began to attack China, and they were all nomadic people. What should China people say people in middle-aged areas eat? History, I like to eat one grain at a time, regardless of millet, rice or granules.

But like nomads and westerners, what are they? Fans, make things into noodles, make steamed bread and steamed buns. Why are they like this? Think about that group of nomads who ride horses to clean everywhere and fight everywhere every day. It’s not realistic for each of them to eat a bowl of fried rice with eggs, is it? So they just carried some wolves, cakes and steamed buns on their backs, and it was said that there were still things to chew when they walked in the middle door, so their doorknob technology spread to the middle, and they knew that the wheat had never been eaten right.

What should I put? Wheat is ground into flour, and then it will be made into steamed bread and Barbie. So what was it like at that time? I finally know what? Staple food, its capital was in the north before then. Where in Beijing? The north side represents the whole Central Plains, so at that time it was basically pasta, so in ancient times it was basically pasta.

The staple food is it. After eating this staple food, it is a dish, which makes me even more angry. This dish in our country has never been eaten since the record. Do you know why? Almost all the dishes are purely imported. The dishes we used to eat were not available in Li Shizhen and Compendium of Materia Medica. Maybe the grass and wild cakes on the roadside were eaten in ancient times, but we haven’t eaten them yet. Do you know why they are not delicious?

Like Confucius at that time, do you know what their main dish was? Okra, eating okra in a restaurant feels very tall, it’s so simple, it looks quite high-end, eating crabs is terrible and sticky, and almost everything is imported. So all of it is imported, and the real inheritance is from ancient times to Chinese cabbage, not guessing leeks, but leeks are not eaten by many people, so they are not very spicy, right? For example, if you want to eat leeks, you won’t be allowed to eat them. Why? Class 52 wants to eat some leeks in the final exam tomorrow. jiaozi, if it doesn’t work, ask why. No matter how much you continue to smell, you can faint in one breath, and you can beat cheating in the Zhu Jueyu exam, so leek is the only one from ancient times to the present.

"Beauty Technology" in the Post-epidemic Era: Digitalization Empowering Intelligent Manufacturing and Boosting the Upgrading of Beauty Industry Chain

In the spring of 2020, a sudden epidemic caused great changes in consumers’ habits and lifestyles, and various new demands from users turned to force enterprises to make an imminent transformation.

Under the epidemic situation, all walks of life have "passively" reshaped all kinds of "new normals". At the same time, technology and digitalization have helped the industry to "actively" empower all links in the industrial chain and help enterprises transform and adapt to these new normals. Bain’s latest report shows that the COVID-19 epidemic has greatly accelerated the digital transformation of the global retail industry. With its leading digital maturity, the Asia-Pacific region has not only promoted the development of the whole industry, but also pointed out the direction of digital transformation for other regions.

How to develop the internal circular economy in China is determined not only by the current global economic environment, but also by the economic growth mode of China. Under the strategic basis of expanding domestic demand, "internal circulation" will lead all walks of life to upgrade the quality of consumption.

Under the influence of market diversity and other factors, how can brands win the "new normal" in the post-epidemic era? Recently, the "China Smart Creation Promotion Plan" initiated and hosted by 21st century business herald, a leader of digital think tank financial media, led a delegation to visit Ruxin’s Fengxian production base in Ruxin China, and held a roundtable forum on smart technology empowering beauty industry in Ruxin Greater China Innovation Headquarters Park to discuss with relevant industry experts the internal logic of technology empowering beauty industry in the post-epidemic era, so as to find new demands, new consumption and new opportunities for the beauty industry in the future.

The new trend in the post-epidemic era: the dimension of beauty is becoming more and more comprehensive

China market is becoming the development booster of global enterprises. Ruxin Group has also made great progress in the vast China market. Thanks to China’s stable market, bright prospects and open business environment, China has grown into the world’s largest market for Ruxin, a foreign-funded enterprise, since it entered China for 17 years.

For example, Fengxian District, the Oriental Beauty Valley where Nuxin is located, is the capital of cosmetics industry in China.

According to Gu Weixing, director of the Investment Promotion Office of Fengxian District People’s Government, the international beauty and health giants have paid more and more attention to the China market and China consumers since 2016. "Cosmetic enterprises in Fengxian account for more than one-third of the total number of cosmetic enterprises in Shanghai. Putting it all over the world, China’s achievements in the prevention and control of this epidemic will inevitably increase the confidence of international brands in the China market and further enhance their vision of increasing investment in China. " Especially in recent years, with the domestic consumer demand, brand building and industrial scale jumping far beyond the imagination of international big names, "the annual growth is double digits, at least more than 30%, which not only shocked them, but also made them feel a sense of crisis and eager to participate in this market. Shiseido has settled in Oriental Beauty Valley this year, and more international brands such as L ‘Oré al and Chanel are also in close talks with us. Oriental Meigu has gradually become the bridgehead for China brands to "go out" and foreign brands to "come in". "

Jin Jian, executive president of Shanghai Daily Chemicals Industry Association, said that the main income of China cosmetics industry exceeded 70 billion in 2019, and it is expected to reach more than 100 billion by 2025. "Shanghai is the forefront of China’s cosmetics industry. In 2019, the output value of Shanghai’s cosmetics industry was about 40 billion, and its exports exceeded 3 billion. About 80% is commissioned processing. There are about 60 headquarters of multinational companies in Shanghai, and there are also many research centers of domestic and foreign enterprises. "

After the outbreak, many new demands, new models and new categories have emerged in the cosmetics industry. Jin Jian believes that first, cutting-edge products and products with new functions have become new trends. "For example, online celebrity likes beauty products with goods, and consumers pursue more innovative, functional and cheaper cosmetics, including the rapid development of intelligent beauty instruments." Second, it shows the deviation of consumption behavior. "From most offline channels, such as specialty stores, department stores and supermarkets, it gradually turns to online sales, and the proportion of online sales has reached more than 70%." Third, the proportion of local brands has gradually increased, and there has been a new national trend in beauty products. "Fourth, after the epidemic, the cosmetics industry is also more inclined to the big health industry. Beauty and health are reflected in all aspects, not just the face."

Behind this, there is also the soil for the rise of smart beauty instruments. Gong Wei, an observation partner of Meiye, said, "The core factor of the rise of home beauty instruments is that the China market is very large and consumers have demand. Second, young people’s consumption concepts are constantly changing. Customers born after 1990 may not want to lie in the beauty salon for two or three hours. "Young consumers have gradually become important users and growth points of household skin care products and household beauty instruments."

Gong Wei thinks, "From the perspective of beauty service industry stores, the equipment is getting smaller and smaller, and home beauty instruments seem to have taken away some consumers. But in fact, we find that consumers are gradually maturing. Whether it is going to the store, home beauty instruments or skin care products, the relationship between the three is the integration and competition, which just reflects that consumers’ demand for beauty is becoming more and more comprehensive, which is a very good trend. "

Jin Liyin, deputy director and professor of the Marketing Department of Fudan University School of Management, believes that the structure of the cosmetics market has changed from concentration to diversification. In recent years, domestic niche brands have risen rapidly. "Consumers no longer fix their choices on traditional big brands, but are willing to try more diversified brands, from the external value of the brand to the internal value conversion. Enterprises need to do in-depth segmentation in order to master diversified needs. In addition, the boundaries of cosmetics industry are constantly expanding, and many new technologies are integrated with cosmetics, resulting in the concept of solutions. To satisfy consumers, it is more important for cosmetics companies to expand their horizons. It may be a more important trend to do more industrial integration and broadening. "

Digital empowerment manufacturing: improving quality and efficiency

These new demands are observed, such as the continuous expansion of investment in China market. In 2014, Ruxin invested 500 million yuan to complete Ruxin Greater China Innovation Headquarters. In 2019, the second phase project of Greater China Innovation Headquarters Park with a total investment of 360 million in Fengxian District of Shanghai has also broken ground.

Preview of the effect of the second phase project of Ruxin Greater China Innovation Headquarters Park

After the resumption of work, a total of 1,200 38-meter piles were driven on May 6, and the foundation construction has been basically completed. Now, the rough outline of warehouses, workshops and office buildings can be clearly seen from the bird’s eye view of the project site. It is expected that the project will be handed over in mid-October next year and the factory will be relocated and mass-produced in January 2023.

For example, President China solemnly said, "This is a challenging time node goal, and we will also work together to overcome difficulties in order to achieve the goal: if the new future is in China."

According to the Bain report, if retail enterprises want to maintain rapid development in the rapidly changing Asia-Pacific market, it is urgent to choose correct development strategies and give priority to the following six areas: remolding value proposition, winning in digital interaction, from heavy assets to heavy operation, doing a good job in terminal distribution and supply chain flexibility, clarifying ecosystem goals, and digital upgrading.

Ruxin also responded to these aspects in time. By constantly improving the strength of scientific research, such as introducing science and technology into products and services, we will continue to lead the development direction of domestic industries while serving China consumers.

During the visit, Qi Xingdong, vice president of supply manufacturing in New Greater China, said, "Taking the domestic cycle as the main body means that expanding domestic demand will become the development focus of China for a long time, and it also means that more policies and resources will be inclined to expand domestic demand in the future. At the same time, by taking advantage of China’s huge market advantage and tapping the potential of domestic demand, we can promote the integration of domestic market and foreign market. If you are familiar with the China market and China consumers, you are full of confidence in the future of the China market. "

At the 3rd China International Import Expo(CIIE) to be held in November this year, Nu Skin will make its debut, and use this international stage to showcase the latest and high-quality intelligent skin care black technology products.

For example, Sheng Ziren, vice president of marketing in New China, said, "Our company began to enter the field of beauty instruments 19 years ago, and the self-cultivation beauty instruments have been updated to the third generation. At the end of this year, we will produce new products. At present, in the Chinese mainland market, the performance of beauty instrument series products accounts for more than 40%. "

According to reports, the newly launched ageLOC Boost porcelain polishing machine this year is the first product adhering to the latest research and development concept of the trinity of scientific research, technology and sources, and will also be exhibited in China International Import Expo(CIIE).

"This product incorporates innovative variable pulse micro-current technology, uses safe raw materials to stimulate skin vitality and bid farewell to skin inertia, which is a new milestone in NU SKIN’s research and development history. In addition, we cooperated with a world-renowned award-winning design company to develop the shape of Boost porcelain polishing machine. The concept of ergonomics was cited in the design, and the keyless and magnetic induction charging were integrated to maintain the texture and make consumers more comfortable and convenient to use. Really achieved the perfect combination of new technology and new aesthetics. " Sheng Ziren introduced.

In addition, there is another beauty instrument ageLOC Me, which is at the forefront of personalized skin care technology. This is an instrument from personal tailor, which can choose different skin care products according to different skin types and skin problems of everyone. What is more challenging is that even the same person chooses different skin care products in different seasons and different geographical environments. Sheng Ziren said, "We have invested more than 40 million US dollars to develop this product. More than 100 engineers and technicians have developed machines for five years, and combined with intelligent skin care instrument terminals, more than 2,000 formulations and skin test apps, they provide customers with exclusive maintenance products."

During the day’s visit, Ju Hong, director of the new personal care products Fengxian production base, said that the new product research and development will present two characteristics: "intelligent creation" and "digitalization". The second phase project of Greater China Innovation Headquarters Park, which represents Ruxin’s top-level intellectual manufacturing level in the world, will be built according to the standard of Industry 4.0, adopting the latest technology and intelligent management system, and implementing quality management throughout the whole production process, including product whole-process traceability anti-counterfeiting platform, automatic storage system, seamless production and logistics links, etc. "It is estimated that the production capacity can be doubled after completion, which can better meet the demand generated by the expansion of domestic demand."

In the first quarter of this year, over 80% of Ruxin’s revenue came from the company’s digital construction. In the future, it will continue to strengthen the company’s digital construction through strategic investment in technical infrastructure and digital tools, and feed back its business with technical digitalization.

The second phase of the project will build 12 new product production lines to realize the combination of automation, intelligent manufacturing and flexible manufacturing. After the completion of the project, Ruru’s production automation level will be improved, production efficiency and product quality will be improved, and the labor cost will be further reduced. By reducing the interference of human factors in the production process, product quality, safety and production efficiency will be improved, Ruru’s position in the cosmetics market will be improved, and the competitiveness of enterprises will be enhanced.

For example, the Fengxian District Government of Shanghai where Nu Nu is located is also very supportive of its new projects. For example, the second phase of Nu Nu Greater China Innovation Headquarters Park is a key project in Shanghai. On the site selection, the Fengxian District Government gives strong support to Nu Skin, which is convenient for enterprises and neighboring industries to have closer exchanges in technology and industrial chain, and it is more favorable to attract outstanding talents by relying on regional advantages.

Grasping the New Demand of "Post Wave": Individualization and Diversification

For example, one of the highlights of the new factory project is flexible manufacturing, which means that it can better meet the needs of young consumers. Ju Hong said, "At the initial stage of the project design, we have fully realized that the future consumers are a very personalized generation, and they like to be different, personalized and customized. We have designed a total of 12 production lines. In the future, through the cooperation of multiple production lines, we can flexibly schedule products to meet different types of packaged products and realize flexible manufacturing. Customer-oriented, with demand for fixed production. "

Nowadays, Generation Z (post-95 and post-00) has started to enter the university or the workplace, and its consumption power is constantly improving. Together with the "millennials", it has become the main force of consumption. According to McKinsey’s latest Research on Generation Z Consumers in Asia-Pacific Region, Generation Z wants brands to be personalized and customized, which can make them different, so brands can’t be satisfied with their past success. In order to maintain the first-line position in the market, brands need to give full play to their traditional advantages and invest in rapid and sustainable innovation.

These young people live in the digital world, and their study, shopping and entertainment are inseparable from the digital environment. They are the real "net-born generation". Being picky and accustomed to meeting their own requirements, Generation Z likes to study products before shopping, especially willing to compare prices. In China, the proportion is 50%. Generation Z also has more requirements for services and functions, such as personalization, customization, exclusive or limited products, and joint models.

How to win these "back waves" in the post-epidemic era?

Ruxin’s answer is to continue to strengthen the pace of "brand rejuvenation" on the demand side, aim at young consumer groups, and make innovations and changes from product lines to pricing. In order to keep interactive communication with young consumers, we should optimize the consumption experience of young people in both marketing activities and product design, and make the whole link process of understanding, planting grass, buying and experiencing accurate, direct and fast.

Jin Liyin believes that the cosmetics industry is a fully competitive industry with a high degree of product homogeneity. "It is an industry with commanding heights in marketing. Many companies have done a good job in manufacturing technology and product research and development. Who can gain insight into consumer demand in time, iterate quickly, and improve brand power, who may win."

It is worth noting that when describing consumer portraits, first, the segmentation needs of different age groups are different, and second, from the functional point of view, the needs must be related to the scene. Third, the market cannot be simply and extensively divided into first-,second-and third-tier cities. "The demand crowd cannot be solidified. It was hard for us to imagine that men also used skin care and cosmetics. Enterprises should look at this very fast-changing market in China with a more open and divergent thinking. " Jin Liyin said that products like beauty and technology, "to improve consumers’ cognition and acceptance, leading brands should do some market education. When enterprises research and develop products, they are more from a technical point of view. When facing consumers, it is necessary to go technical and start from the perspective of solving problems. "

How to win with products? An excellent product either needs technical barriers or depends on scale effect to win. "The beauty industry is an industry with a relatively high degree of homogenization. From this perspective, good products must have differentiated value."

In addition, the Bain report believes that the attack of COVID-19 has accelerated the trend of "pursuing cost performance" that emerged in 2019, and the online trend has also accelerated. Bruno, a global partner of Bain Company, said, "Consumers have no choice but to rely on online shopping because of the epidemic. Even after the opening of offline stores, many people continue to choose online shopping."

The live e-commerce that was still unknown three years ago achieved a blowout in 2019, which more than tripled. At present, it accounts for 4% of online retail sales and 1% of total retail sales. The online shopping festival is in the ascendant, and the channels are further transferred to online, which makes the promotion rate of various categories increase significantly in 2019: personal care products, home care products and maternal and child categories are particularly obvious. In 2019, the online promotion rate increased from 40% in the previous year to 43%, while the offline sales promotion rate was only 23% in the same period, far below the online level.

Deng Min, global partner of Bain Company, said, "Faced with the uncertainty of the future, brands need to upgrade and innovate themselves. Only by closely tracking and reassessing the market, industry environment and consumption behavior patterns in the post-epidemic era can we optimize and establish a product portfolio that meets consumer demands and reasonable pricing. "

Brands need to sort out product innovation plans, accelerate the launch of new products in the post-epidemic era, and at the same time lay out high-end and parity segmentation. In addition, brands should also follow the "4D" rule, focus on winning channels, attach importance to online, O2O and live broadcast, constantly build consumer trust, and root in the local market: Design for China consumers, realize China team’s decision in China, Deliver at China speed, and promote the digitalization of China business.

Challenges and opportunities of industrial chain: talent cultivation and technology empowerment

China’s beauty industry is on the road of independent industrialization, and at the same time, it faces certain challenges.

"From the perspective of the development of China’s cosmetics industry, the biggest bottleneck is the gap with international brands in research and development capabilities and scientific research talents." Jin Jian, for example, hyaluronic acid is a very mature product in the industry, but the cost, purity and purity of its raw materials will affect the function and price of hyaluronic acid. "On the other hand, cosmetics also need to be beautiful, packaged, convenient and practical."

From raw materials to hardware design, cosmetics need strong industrial chain support. "There are industrial defects, because the history of this industry in China is relatively short. Others have accumulated for 400 years. No matter how fast we move, it is impossible to finish the precipitation of others for 400 years in 30 years." Gong Wei said that during his inspection tour in France, the other party provided an official handbook. "There are 400 enterprises in it, and it’s like finding a treasure when we get the handbook. Divided into several categories, such as raw materials, flavors and fragrances, brand design, packaging design, etc., similar to corporate yellow pages. For example, a brand design company has a clear name, which year it was established, how many employees and how to contact them, so it can be directly docked. However, this aspect has not yet become a system in China. "

In addition to merchants, for consumers, new brands are emerging one after another, and there are more and more contents that need to be "learned". "For example, hyaluronic acid, consumers don’t know how to distinguish between good and bad. These more detailed science popularization needs not only the industry itself and associations to standardize, but also more mature concept science popularization for consumers. At the same time, it will be better for the government to start promoting it. "

How to cultivate this industrial chain? Gu Weixing said that most industries in China are in the process of continuous learning, moving towards independent research and development, creating independent brands, and exploring the path of internationalization. "Up to now, we have made some cutting-edge brands in China, breaking the original offline channels and expanding various new sales channels such as online marketing."

To improve the industrial chain, in addition to raw materials, research and development, and brands, "we still have a big gap in some core technologies, and we still have to rely on talents to catch up." For example, many brand products are good, but there is no good marketing and design, which gives people the feeling that they are just one level away. At this time, professionals in the field of industrial design are needed, and this aspect is still not perfect. Our government must connect with universities from the perspective of industry management to keep up with market demand. Play a role in industrial ecology, talents and functional agglomeration. "

In addition to cosmetics research and development, there is a shortage of talents in downstream service organizations. Gong Wei said that many talents in the domestic cosmetics industry were trained by international manufacturers in the early years. "But there are no professionals in this field in our beauty salon industry. The supply of talents in the medical and beauty industry is very small. There are only 15 doctors of plastic surgery who graduate from China every year, which can’t fully meet the needs of this market. "

From the perspective of industrial agglomeration, Oriental Beauty Valley has made its own way: at present, Oriental Beauty Valley has formed an industrial cluster covering biomedicine, beauty and skin care products, perfume, food, health care products and other categories. And eight centers, including R&D center, design center, testing center, exhibition center, marketing center, experience center, industry service center and expert guidance center, have been built. These eight centers serve all kinds of innovative enterprises in the beauty and health industry in the United States and provide personalized and professional services for enterprises in the whole industry chain of the beauty and health industry.

In terms of talent gathering, Dongfang Meigu Research Institute was established with Shanghai Universities of Applied Sciences, focusing on cosmetic science and technology research and development, and involving two professional directions of cosmetic art design and brand marketing management at the same time, providing the latest technical support platform and abundant talent resources for small and medium-sized cosmetic enterprises; In terms of supporting services, we will cooperate with Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau to build one of the most advanced cosmetics testing laboratories in China to provide convenience for import and export enterprises. In terms of R&D and innovation, cooperation with the National Cosmetic Quality Supervision and Inspection Center has provided testing services for enterprises with higher efficiency and lower cost; In Fengxian District, the first service pilot window connected with the Trademark Review Cooperation Center in China has been set up.

From the manufacturing point of view, Sheng Ziren said, "The combination of beauty and technology is an inevitable trend. From the past, it relied on ingredients, and then on technology, machines, big data and artificial intelligence. In addition to finding market demand, another possibility is to create market demand, because many times excellent product consumers don’t know it. Now is the time to communicate in a language that consumers can understand. How to make consumers feel the benefits when good products come out is something that enterprises need to manage well. In terms of product quality assurance, Ruxin strictly follows the whole process quality management system of "6S Quality Measures" and strictly checks the standards from six aspects: topic selection, source, specification, standardization, safety and demonstration to fulfill its commitment to product quality. "

Industry tips:

Oriental Beauty Valley covers beautiful and big health industries such as cosmetics and biomedicine. From the perspective of cosmetics industry, in terms of quantity, the number of enterprises in Oriental Beauty Valley accounts for more than 1/4 (26%) in Shanghai, ranking among the top in the city, accounting for more than 40% of the sales of related enterprises in the city. It is a large-scale cosmetics gathering place in Shanghai.

Shanghai Daily Chemicals Industry Association is a municipal social organization established on December 9, 2005 with the approval of Shanghai Economic and Information Technology Commission and Shanghai Social Organization Administration. The association covers four major daily chemical industries, including cosmetics, flavors and fragrances, detergents and toothpaste.

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Director Wang Keran: There are two magic weapons for the success of the drama market.

The Beijing News (Reporter Zhang Jianlin) On September 15th, 2023, the Beijing Cultural Forum "Integration of Literature and Tourism: Combining Literature and Plastic Tourism with Tourism" was held, which was the first national and international forum with the theme of "Integration of Literature and Tourism". At the forum, Wang Keran, the founder and director of Yanghua Drama, shared his story. He said that drama plays an important role in the integration of literature and tourism, and there are two magic weapons for the success of the drama market, among which the lofty spiritual core is the key to the long-term survival of drama.

On September 15th, Wang Keran, the founder and director of Yang Hua Drama, spoke at the parallel forum of "Integration of Literature and Tourism: Using Literature to Plastic Tourism and Using Tourism to Promote Literature" of the 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum. Beijing News reporter Wang Jianing photo

In June this year, Wang Keran and his team made a cultural trip in Europe. Starting from the French Actors’ Spring Drama Festival, they visited the People’s Theatre in Lyon, France, watched the commercial drama performance in Paris, and finally went to Vendai Province, where they were invited to visit the "Madman’s Country Drama Valley" for three days.

The local drama park has a history of 46 years in France, and there is no amusement equipment, but it can attract about 2.6 million tourists every year, and its annual operation period is only seven months. "When we went, we thought it was the same plan as all kinds of’ performing arts shows’ that we had seen in a dramatic way. However, on the day we arrived, everything we watched shocked me and the team." Wang Keran said.

Wang Keran and his party watched about 12 performances in three days, and each performance was performed in theaters of different specifications based on historical stories. Specification refers not only to the size, but also to different theater forms, including framed theaters of different sizes, live performance theaters, and some performances that build historical environments and present historical buildings. All performances have a huge scale, or shocking sound, light, electricity and mechanical systems.

"Those contents are all based on such a system that all performances are (around) the timeline from history to the present." Wang Keran said that they designed the content with themes such as the spirit of defending the country and the lofty sacrifice. And every play, performance and core expressed by these themes are permeated with the most important and core emotions of human beings since the formation of civilization.

The core performance of "Madman Country Drama Valley" is "Big Night Show". The "Big Night Show" has a daily audience of 15,000, and there are two performances every weekend from June to September every year. Because of the great temperature difference between day and night, only these months in summer are suitable for outdoor performances.

"I was very surprised to find that the performance was full, and its audience was composed of audiences in France and surrounding French-speaking areas, and it was not promoted to the whole world. However, it has relied on its own audience for 46 years, and every year, every month and every game has achieved a perfect full number. " Wang Keran said.

In addition, they found that the viewing ratio of adults and children was basically 1.5:1. Judging from the age of the children, there are six or seven years old and seventeen or eighteen years old. The "Big Night Show" shows the growth and struggle of this nation from the Middle Ages to the modern times, and presents the great spirit needed to protect the country and defend the country through various dramatic means.

In Wang Keran’s view, the souls of these shows are all real dramas and profound dramas, which can attract countless people to participate in a patriotic drama education action in 46 years.

"There are two magic weapons for the success of the drama market, one is entertainment, and the other is sublimity." Wang Keran believes that the core of the long-term survival of drama is sublimity, because entertainment can be constantly replaced by various technical means, and sublimity can always obtain the core height with tenacious vitality through drama.

Wang Keran said that literary travel has a huge space, and the action of the great and lofty drama soul can be an important support and combination in the integration of literary travel. Beijing can have business, but what we are more proud of in Beijing is that it can attach great soul to the action of commercial value.

Sansini suggested that Reggie go to little Inzaghi, and Magic Bird appreciated the quality of lautaro.

Due to the aging front line-up of Inter Milan, Mallota hopes to bring in Gerteji, who is already in Serie A, and hope that he can play for the top teams in Serie A.. Sansini encouraged Lettergei to move to Inzaghi, but the conditions at Meazza Stadium are very good, and whether the club can win the Annual Cup or not, Inzaghi’s team is in good shape. He is very kind and friendly to young players. "Le Teji is a good shooter with comprehensive skills, but he still has a lot of work to do. Regarding Letterjee’s choice of Italian nationality, Sansini admitted that Argentina had lost a talented striker, but he respected Letterjee’s choice and believed that Letterjee could be the pride of Apennine football.

"If Inter Milan win the Grand Cup, lautaro will complete the Grand Slam of his life. Many people lamented that the striker of the pampas Hawks was so lucky. In sansini’s view, no one ignores the quality and spiritual quality of lautaro Luo. " -Magic Bird appreciates lautaro’s quality. Although lautaro still has some technical shortcomings, it makes him a better player in European football, but after joining the mainstream, his basic skills are somewhat backward. However, Sansini admits that lautaro’s psychological quality is getting better and better, which can wake him up at a critical moment and make him destined to reach the final of a big competition. Admittedly, Magic Bird attaches great importance to the players’ will quality, and the respect of Portuguese famous coaches for lautaro is enough to show that it is no coincidence that lautaro’s success and glory. Mourinho once said that lautaro was like a desperate Sabouraud, and Rome had planned to bring in the Argentine star.

In sansini’s view, the players that Magic Bird appreciates don’t necessarily have aura, and they are not necessarily gifted because of their different styles of play and physical qualities. But what they have in common, from Drogba to lautaro, is that their football quality is very high, they have a keen eye for winning or losing, and there is room for winning or losing. Sansini added: "It’s a pity that lautaro missed Mourinho. I hope to see cooperation between two people. After all, the current football is concerned with the spirit of the magic bird, and there are not many directors who can do it. " At the same time, sansini reminded Inzaghi that Inter Milan now has a team with high quality and courage to fight, and a team that wins by teamwork and tactical accomplishment. After all, the overall strength of Guardiola’s team this season is too strong, surpassing Barcelona’s "dream three mornings" at that time.

Losing to Inter Milan in the semi-final is enough to prove the importance of spirituality in football when Barcelona is in a dream for three hours. Sansini also stressed that the Champions League final is a debate, Inzaghi’s strategy is more important, and the team’s strength is not so obvious. Letterjee’s debut in Italy was wonderful. Mancini, who struggled without a striker, saw hope. He and Raspadori are the future of Apennine football in attack. In order to get in touch with his teammates in the national team and adapt to the rules of Italian football as soon as possible, it is not unreasonable for Letterjee to go to Serie A. Judging from the current situation, the Nerazzurri are in a leading position in the "Letegi Competition". First of all, Inter Milan has a record foundation, which is the basic condition for Inzaghi to have the opportunity to welcome talented teenagers.

Some fans will say that the strikers at Meazza Stadium are not rich, and lautaro, Lu Kaku and Zhe Ke are all world-class strikers under the right conditions. But Sansini said that Zhe Ke is too old and may face health problems and injuries next season. Lautaro showed his strength when he needed it most, but he was unstable in the regular season, and he was not a reliable player in the team for a long time. "Mallota may not be able to renew his contract with Lu Kaku. Even though the Belgian star is unwilling to return to Stamford Bridge, there are still many big clubs willing to bring him in. After all. In fact, there are too few big centers in football. "Today." From this point of view, Inter Milan is very short of strikers next season, and it may not be enough for Mallota to just bring in a striker. If Lettie turns to Inzaghi, young players may not have to worry about playing efficiency at all, or they may not get a chance to rest.

It turns out that Sancini has hinted that Letizi will switch to Inzaghi. The author (an old colleague) would like to add that Inzaghi is likely to coach the Italian team in the future. The Italian Football Association has no intention of letting him go because his ability is too obvious. Letezi needs to form a tacit understanding with the future national team coach, which is of great benefit to his long-term planning of national team career. Magic Bird appreciates the quality of lautaro, so the style of Inter Milan at this stage is completely different from that of 13 years ago, and the concept of football is also different, but this team is still an old team of Milito and has spirituality. This is another advantage of Inzaghi.

Former Manchester United assistant: The team should buy De Jong, but he seems to be very happy in Barcelona, so he didn’t leave.

Live on May 20 th, former Manchester United assistant Rene Murenstin recently said in a dialogue with the club’s official Nordic fan club that the Red Devils should sign De Jong.

Mullenstein, who served as Ferguson’s assistant, said: "Manchester United need a very good midfielder. I know they have casemiro, Eriksson and Bruno Fernandez. They are all experienced and powerful, but these three people have a little problem because their mentality is more inclined to attack."

"I will do my best to sign De Jong 100%. He is energetic and has good physical fitness. He can play a very, very good tactical role in the team organization stage."

"To be honest, I think if De Jong was unhappy in Barcelona, he would have joined Manchester United. But he is obviously happy to play for Barcelona, because otherwise he came to Manchester United last summer. There are always ways to solve financial problems such as Barcelona still owes him salary, so this can’t be the reason why the deal finally collapsed, but I can understand why Tenghahe wants to pursue this player. "

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