It is revealed that "Black Myth" will be a trilogy: there are also "Black Myth: Jiang Ziya" and "Black Myth: Zhong Kui".

The whistleblower Ignusthewise accurately broke the news that the new information of "Black Myth: Wukong" was released on May 19.Recently, he tweeted that there are new rumors online that "Black Myth" will be a trilogy, and he can confirm that this is true.

It is revealed that "Black Myth" will be a trilogy: there are also "Black Myth: Jiang Ziya" and "Black Myth: Zhong Kui".

Ignusthewise said: "Game Science has applied for the trademarks of Black Myth: Jiang Ziya and Black Myth: Zhong Kui, and they may start developing these two games after the release of the Black Myth: Wukong DLC."

It is revealed that "Black Myth" will be a trilogy: there are also "Black Myth: Jiang Ziya" and "Black Myth: Zhong Kui".

Ignus Thewise believes that Game Science developed the "Black Myth" trilogy plan because "Black Myth: Wukong" has received a good response in Europe and the United States, and many Chinese investors are also optimistic about them, so they have received additional development funds.

Note: The news of ignusthewise this time may come from the domestic forum, so we only need to know about it, and all news is subject to the official!

It is revealed that "Black Myth" will be a trilogy: there are also "Black Myth: Jiang Ziya" and "Black Myth: Zhong Kui".

"Black Myth: Goku" will be released on August 20th, coming to PC (Steam/Epic/WeGame) and PS5. Recently, the official added Italian achievement information, changed the client side icon, etc.

Article source: 3DM game network

BYD Qin Guangzhou started from 58,000, with the highest discount of 0.86 million.

In the cold winter of 2019, independent brands that rely on SUVs to achieve continuous growth were hit hardest. Eighty percent of independent brands failed to achieve their sales targets in 19 years, and it seems that they collectively fell into the ice hole. As for the new car-making forces at the forefront, many people think that in the general environment of falling sales and tightening capital, if they can survive 2020, they will win half. More people are worried that few of the capital investment industries in the past few years have become a climate. If the new energy and shared travel that are bet by many capitals next year cannot become new high-quality industries, what should we do? However, most consumers will think that these have nothing to do with themselves. What really matters is how much the car sells? How much cheaper can it be? Then let’s take a look at the new car market recommended for everyone today.

The biggest discount of BYD Qin’s transaction price in the past month reached 8.63 fold, the cash of new cars dropped by 10,100 yuan, and the national sales of new cars started at 75,000 yuan. Among them, the lowest transaction price of BYD Qin in Guangzhou is 58,000 yuan, and the price is for reference only. The actual transaction price is subject to the local dealer.

The figure below shows the sales data of BYD Qin. The national sales volume in the last month was 938 vehicles. I wonder if BYD is still satisfied with this result. Most people will follow the sales volume when buying a car, which is the main basis for most people to judge whether a car is good or not without in-depth understanding of a car. Although it is not accurate, it is not groundless, but if you have higher requirements for car selection, you need to make more efforts to fully understand it.

At this time, if you are planning to change a new car, you can evaluate the used car through our platform and see how much the car in your hand can sell.

When we buy a car, we will pay attention to all aspects of this model in advance, especially the posts and word-of-mouth posted by car owners in major forums and vertical websites. Apart from the navy, there are still some car owners’ real car experience that is worth learning. Let’s take a look at BYD Qin’s word-of-mouth score. BYD Qin’s comprehensive score is 4.75, and the result is not bad, so BYD Qin can consider it.

If you have seen the above, you still have doubts about whether BYD Qin is worth buying, then you can also look at the performance of BYD Qin Jingpin. Among the following competing products, Geely Vision sold the most last month, with 8,979 cars. There is always one for you.

If the price of BYD Qin is suitable in the near future, then the friends will hurry! 38 cities across the country have linked promotions, and there are even discount models as low as 30%.

Geely Automobile Guishengyue: I am confident of winning the final victory in the fierce competition in the automobile market.

Securities Times E Company News, on March 20th, Geely Automobile held its 2023 annual performance conference in Hong Kong. At the press conference, Gui Shengyue, chief executive officer and executive director of Geely Automobile Holdings Co., Ltd. said that Geely Automobile has full confidence to win the final victory in the fierce competition in the automobile market. Gui Shengyue said that his confidence mainly comes from four levels. First, Geely Automobile has great ability and potential of new energy and intelligence, which has been confirmed in the current achievements; Second, Geely Automobile has the ability to respond to market changes at any time to meet the needs of various users and maintain the healthy and stable development of the company. I believe that the evaluation of car companies in the capital market will eventually return to profitability; Third, Geely Automobile insists on fighting a value war and a moral war. Every time Geely Automobile sells a car, it is responsible for users and environmental protection, and "long-term doctrine" will definitely be rewarded by the market. In addition, the advantages of the entire Geely Group will also be fully reflected in Geely Automobile. For example, achievements such as AI, maps and satellites will empower Geely Automobile and further establish Geely Automobile’s leading position.

Many first-line filmmakers concentrate on helping the poor with their words and people’s livelihood.

Fighting poverty, filmmakers are in action.

Recently, Jackie Chan, who has always been a positive energy benchmark in the entertainment industry, proposed to organize film and television artists to fulfill their social public welfare responsibilities and participate in poverty alleviation at this year’s National People’s Congress. He believes that entertainers should become the vanguard of poverty alleviation forces, give full play to their social influence, and call for serious investigation to achieve accurate poverty alleviation in the true sense.

Jackie Chan proposed that artists should help the poor.It is duty-bound to attack hard

Poverty alleviation is a major livelihood project and the common responsibility of the whole society, and film and television artists are duty-bound! Jackie Chan’s initiative has won wide recognition and positive response from the industry. On the occasion of the two sessions, the Media Center of the Film Channel specially planned a large-scale special topic of "Fighting Poverty and Fighting Filmmakers in Action", and carried out an echo report of "On-site suggestions and positive responses".

During the two sessions, frontline reporters interviewed Jackie Chan, Feng Yuanzheng, Gong Hanlin, Jianqi Huo, Jia Zhangke, Zhang Kaili and others on topics such as "Precise Poverty Alleviation", "Actor’s Social Responsibility" and "Star Public Welfare", and they all received positive responses.

Off-site, we invite literary and art workers who are keen on public welfare and have a strong sense of social responsibility to respond to Jackie Chan’s appeal and participate in discussions on topics such as "precise poverty alleviation". Since March 8th, the film channel China Film Report has successively launched a series of interviews on "Filmmakers Fighting Poverty in Action", inviting powerful filmmakers Jackie Chan, Huang Xiaoming, Li Bingbing, Wang Xueyin and WU GANG, as well as young actor representatives Cheney Chen, Jing Tian, Vivi, Wang Baoqiang, Wu Yifan, Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Yang Zi, Zhai Tianlin, Zhang Yishan and Zhou Dongyu to be interviewed. The interview will integrate the superior resources of the media center, and expose the content on all media platforms such as CCTV6 "China Film Report", 1905 Film Network, film channel client, official microblog matrix and WeChat WeChat official account.

Jackie Chan is at the scene of the two sessions.

Jackie Chan will take the lead in the first program, which will be launched on March 8, in the interview series of "Fighting Poverty and Fighting Filmmakers in Action". Over the years, Jackie Chan has been doing his best in public welfare undertakings, and he has done Wan Li Road for charity. He has a deep understanding: the road to public welfare is long and difficult, but many people make great efforts. Therefore, he hopes to call on all walks of life to jointly fight the tough battle against poverty, and at the same time, he expresses his gratitude for everyone’s support and response. "Over the years, I have been supported by the performing arts, and I have called for everything. They all believe me and I thank them. It is much more convenient to do charity now. "

As a senior in the entertainment industry, Wang Xueyin is also one who fully supports the fight against poverty. Facing our camera, he said: Accurate poverty alleviation is a very great commitment of the country, which can make the lives of farmers in our country better and better, which reflects the strength of our country. And let the whole society understand the good intentions of the country, what is precision poverty alleviation, and what role it can play after precision poverty alleviation.

Shooting in Zhou DongyuLove of hawthorn tree

In response to Jackie Chan’s call, young people in the entertainment industry are also taking action. Zhou Dongyu, a young actress, will bring her story in the interview. Having filmed in Bailihuang, she has a deeper understanding of poverty. Combining her own experience, she expressed her support for poverty alleviation and her love for beautiful rural areas: "To tell the truth, I like some beautiful rural areas, but now some places in our hometown are also quite poor and have not paved the way. Therefore, we must work hard to make every rural area and every mountainous area more beautiful. This is also my great wish. "

Yang Yang established Sunshine Special Fund.

Yang Yang, who is also the representative of Zheng Energy, a young actor, has always been on the road of public welfare. He was awarded the Beijing Development Action Ambassador by the China Development Research Foundation, and he also has his own understanding of precision poverty alleviation. In the interview, he said: "Accurate poverty alleviation is a more efficient and scientific way to help the poor, that is, who should use the money, how to use it, and how to use it, which is more targeted." Yang Yang, which set up the Sunshine Special Fund, is doing its bit to help more children, hoping that the children will not lose at the starting line.

2018 is the first year to implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up, and a crucial year to build a well-off society in an all-round way and get rid of poverty. "Let the poor people and poor areas join the whole country to enter a well-off society in an all-round way" is not only a slogan, but also a cohesive force. Accurate poverty alleviation requires the participation of the whole society. As a public figure, we should stand at the forefront of poverty alleviation. On the road to poverty alleviation, only when everyone does their duty and contributes can the trickle converge into a powerful and majestic force.

The Film Channel Media Center will gather together, give full play to the influence of its own media platform, draw attention from the society with the help of the influence of public figures, unite the forces from all walks of life, participate in precision poverty alleviation together, and jointly launch the historic decisive battle against poverty! In the future, the movie channel will invite more filmmakers to join the action of "getting rid of poverty". (Names are sorted by surname pinyin)

Heavy rainfall is on the scene! The stronger cold air is coming, and the temperature in Zhejiang will plummet all the way

After the last wave of cold air, the temperature in Zhejiang finally returned to what it should look like in autumn.

Precipitation strikes.

At noon today, the whole province turned to rain one after another, with moderate to heavy rain, local heavy rain and thunderstorms. The overall precipitation this year is less, and it is good news to drop some rain!

Cold air is coming again.

After beginning of winter, cold air activities became more frequent, one after another. Sure enough, beginning of winter was the most intense solar term.

There will be a new cold air immediately, which will affect Zhejiang tonight, this time stronger than the last time. Today will be the hottest day in the next few days. Due to the influence of vortex precipitation and cold air, the daily average temperature will drop day by day from tonight to November 13th, and the process temperature drop can reach 7-9℃.

The cold feeling will be further aggravated in the morning and evening, so friends need to pay attention to the early warning and forecasting information, add clothes in time, and beware of catching a cold.

Weekly weather forecast

This afternoon to night

There are showers and local thunderstorms in the northwest and southeast coastal areas of Zhejiang, and showers and local thunderstorms in other areas from cloudy afternoon; Among them, there are moderate to heavy rains and local heavy rains in the north-central Zhejiang and the northern western Lishui.

Among them, there are 5~7 gusts in some inland areas of Zhejiang from midnight today to tomorrow, and 8 gusts in high-altitude mountainous areas and rivers and lakes.

November 10th.

There are cloudy showers, partial moderate rain and partial heavy rain in central and southern Zhejiang; There is sometimes light rain in cloudy areas in northern Zhejiang.

The lowest temperature on November 10th: 14-16 degrees in coastal areas and 12-14 degrees in other areas; Maximum temperature: 20-22 degrees in coastal areas and 17-19 degrees in other areas.

November 11th.

The northern part of Zhejiang is cloudy to cloudy with light rain, while other areas are sometimes cloudy with light rain.

November 12th.

It is cloudy and sometimes rainy in the whole province.

13-15 November

The whole province is cloudy.

November sixteenth

It’s cloudy and rainy in the whole province.

17-8 November

The whole province is cloudy.

Cold air process influence

Cold air began to affect Zhejiang tonight. There are 5~7 gusts in some inland areas, and 8 gusts in high-altitude mountainous areas and rivers and lakes, and the coastal gale lasts for a long time, from tonight until the 13th.

Attention should be paid to the prevention of strong winds along the coast. Water operations and passing ships in relevant waters should take shelter from the wind in safe areas and strengthen port facilities to prevent ships from anchoring, grounding and collision.

People should stay away from buildings, billboards, tall trees and simple buildings where falling objects may occur.

Clean up all kinds of sundries such as bricks and flowerpots piled on the roof, windowsill, balcony and terrace to prevent them from blowing off.

Citizens and friends need to add clothes, crops and exposed water pipes in time to take anti-freezing measures.

The temperature fluctuates greatly in autumn and winter, so you need to know the tricks to prevent colds ~

A cold has three main characteristics:

It is often dominated by wind-cold and cold. Sudden air is easy to make people catch cold, which makes people feel cold all over, and then they have a headache, stuffy nose and runny nose.

Infectious. Most people stay in a closed room for a long time to keep warm. When people with colds sneeze and cough, fine particles will float in the air and infect more people.

It is more likely to cause or aggravate respiratory diseases. A cold in cold weather will have more symptoms of respiratory infection, causing or aggravating diseases such as rhinitis, asthma, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia.

Prevention is the key to colds. The first is daily life. The warm parts that the human body should pay special attention to in autumn and winter are the head, neck, back and feet, so as to improve the human body’s defense ability.

Secondly, don’t blindly wear skirts and expose your ankles, but pay attention to the warmth of your legs and ankles.

Again, pay attention to drink plenty of warm water. Put a basin of water in the room or use a humidifier to improve the humidity of the room and reduce the irritation of dry air to the respiratory tract.

It is suggested that windows should be opened frequently in autumn and winter to keep the indoor air fresh. Try to go to public places as little as possible; Get more sunshine, take part in outdoor activities and exercise; Dry the bedding frequently in cold weather. Eat more vegetables in your daily diet, such as vegetables, cabbage, radish, etc.

The content is integrated from Zhejiang Weather and China Weather Network.

Original title: "Heavy rainfall debut! Stronger cold air is coming, and the temperature in Zhejiang will plummet all the way. "

Crimes against the world are numerous-the beginning of American military hegemony

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 6th (international observation) Crimes against the world are numerous — — The beginning of American military hegemony

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Si Zhu Ruiqing

  "This country was established through a ruthless and soul-destroying war. Only by recognizing this can we understand the past and present of the United States. " Holger Hawke, a German historian, wrote in The Scar of America: The War of Independence and the Violent Gene of American Politics.

  The history of the founding and development of the United States coincides with its historical pace of war and expansion. Since its independence for more than 240 years, the United States, with its colonial genes and imperial dreams, has evolved from a new political power in a corner of North America to a global military hegemony through continuous wars and military expansion, and has used hegemony to bully and bully.

  Countless facts tell the world that America’s military hegemonic behavior of bullying and usurping power violates the general trend of peace and development, brings great catastrophe and endless harm to many countries, is the main source of world unrest and the biggest challenge that threatens the civilization and progress of human society.

  "Destiny is Destined by Heaven": Spiritual Hypothesis Supporting Hegemony

  The United States boasts itself as a "city on the top of a mountain", while Americans regard themselves as "God’s voters" and think that the United States is a country with a "destiny". For hundreds of years, Americans have given so-called "legitimacy" and "sanctity" to American military expansion and hegemony.

  According to the report "The Origin, Reality and Harm of American Military Hegemony" issued by Xinhua News Agency’s national high-end think tank (referred to as the report), the United States relied on force to expand continuously, and used the US-Mexico War and the Spanish-American War to expand westward and seaward. After two world wars, it rose to become a global superpower and formed a dominant unipolar hegemony after the Cold War. In the process of the United States moving towards global military hegemony, the theory of "Destiny by Heaven" has always provided a mental hypothesis and an excuse for action for the United States to develop and consolidate its military hegemony, and has constantly influenced American policies and behaviors — — It is not only the basis and excuse of using military means to expand territory and violently persecute aborigines in American history, but also the ideological root of the United States’ struggle for world dominance, exporting values and foreign military intervention since the 20th century.

  George Herring, an American diplomatic scholar, once pointed out that from expelling Native Americans, seizing one-third of Mexico’s territory, colonizing Filipinos and Puerto Ricans, and invading Iraq in 2003, "the United States ‘ Great mission ’ The understanding has been used to rationalize its military expansion. "

  In addition, Americans are constantly trying to find a theoretical basis for their own expansion behavior. Social Darwinists in the United States say that countries, like nature, follow the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest. Scholars of international relations put forward hegemonic stability theory, democratic peace theory and so on, advocating that the unipolar system of the world led by the United States can bring lasting peace.

  The report holds that, in fact, these arguments can’t stand the test of history and reality. No matter how they are changed, they are all theories that defend and serve the military hegemony and interests of the United States, and their core reflects the imperial thoughts of the United States of belligerence, expansion, intervention and moral whitewash.

  Soft and Hard: Various Means to Maintain Hegemony

  "War has become an inseparable part of this country’s history. Rather than saying that the United States has been at war since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, it is better to say that the war itself created the United States. The war fought by the United States has made the United States today and will also shape the future United States. " French historian Thomas Rabineau described the "unbreakable" relationship between the United States and the war.

  War and military action are the most direct means for the United States to maintain its military hegemony. In its more than 240-year history, the United States has not fought for less than 20 years, making it the most combative country in the history of the world. Through successive wars, the United States laid military bases covering the whole world as strategic anchor points to control the world, regarded Latin American and Caribbean countries as "backyards", controlled the geopolitical throats of Eurasia such as the Middle East, deployed troops to Africa, and controlled important resources and raw materials by military means.

  According to a 2021 study by Quincy Institute of Governing the Country, an American think tank, at present, the United States has 750 military bases in 80 overseas countries and regions, almost three times the number of American embassies, consulates and missions abroad, and the annual operating cost may be as high as 55 billion US dollars. Since 2001 alone, overseas military bases have supported the United States in launching wars or military operations in at least 25 countries.

  The report pointed out that in order to maintain global military hegemony, the United States not only directly controls it by launching or intervening in wars, laying a global network of military bases, but also indirectly controls it by building an alliance system and using rules and mechanisms.

  Marked by the establishment of NATO in 1949, the United States began to build a military alliance, and then established bilateral alliances such as the United States, the Philippines, the United States and Japan, and the United States and South Korea, in an attempt to gain the overall military strength advantage through alliance so as to deter opponents and realize their own political and security interests. Nowadays, more and more countries find that the alliance system is actually a tool for the United States to maintain military hegemony, and as an "ally", it has to obey the will of the United States. As Sevim Dagdelen, a member of the German Bundestag, said, "What the United States wants is not an ally, but a loyal servant."

  Various rules and mechanisms are another important means of stealth control in the United States, such as using laws and regulations such as the Export Management Regulations and the Arms Export Control Law to build a dual-use and military export control system; Establish legislation in specific areas such as the Atomic Energy Law; Establish or lead multilateral mechanisms such as Paris Coordinating Committee, Missile Technology Control Regime and Wassenaar Arrangement. The existence of these international rules and mechanisms essentially serves American security interests.

  In recent years, Americans have also concocted the phrase "rules-based international order" to beautify packaging hegemonism. Alexander gusev, director of the Russian Institute of Strategic Planning and Forecasting, pointed out that the United States deliberately keeps the definition of "rules-based international order" vague, because the less specific these so-called "rules" are, the more it can "dress up" them at will. Once a country violates the will of the United States, the United States will accuse it of "violating the rules" and there is reason to punish it.

  Endless harm: the disaster caused by the abuse of hegemony

  "We can have a special national flag — — Our country can do the same: we can just keep our usual national flag, paint the white stripes black and replace the stars with skull symbols. " In 1901, Mark Twain, an American writer, wrote such words to condemn the imperialist behavior of the United States in waging war and bloody slaughter in the Philippines.

  The chariots driven by American military hegemony have brought endless harm. The war to conquer Indians directly wiped out millions of Indian population; In the colonial war in the Philippines, 200,000 to 1 million Filipinos died; In the Korean War, more than 3 million civilians died; In the Vietnam War, 2 million civilians died; In the Iraq war, 200,000 to 250,000 civilians died … … According to the figures released this year by Brown University’s "War Cost" project, after the "September 11" incident, the United States launched wars or "anti-terrorist actions" in at least 85 countries around the world, which directly led to more than 940,000 deaths, including 432,000 civilians, and 38 million people were displaced or became refugees.

  As Walter Russell Meade, an American scholar and professor at Bard College, said, "The United States is the most dangerous military force in the history of the world."

  American military behavior in the world not only directly caused huge humanitarian disasters, but also brought a series of complex social problems including social unrest, refugee tide, psychological trauma, ecological crisis and so on.

  For example, the US military left about 350,000 tons of explosive bombs and mines in Vietnam, and it is estimated that it will still take 300 years to completely remove them. From 2002 to 2016, there were at least 270 environmental pollution incidents at three US military bases in Okinawa, Japan, most of which were not notified to the Japanese government. In May, 2022, the US military base in Longshan, which South Korea is recovering, was seriously polluted by exposed soil and groundwater. The Ministry of Environment of South Korea found that the total petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil of the dormitory site in Nanyingqu of the base exceeded the standard by 29 times, and the carcinogens benzene and phenol in the groundwater exceeded the standard by 3.4 times and 2.8 times respectively.

  According to the data released by the Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs of Brown University in 2019, since the global war on terrorism in 2001, the US military has produced 1.2 billion tons of greenhouse gases in the process of equipment and deployment, combat operations, weapons manufacturing, etc. "It is one of the largest greenhouse gas emitters in the world".

  American military hegemonic behavior has brought disasters to all countries in the world, but also brought serious trauma to the United States itself. Rabineau pointed out in the book "American War Culture" that almost every generation in the United States has swallowed the evil consequences of the political, economic and social chaos caused by the war.

  According to the data of Brown University’s "War Cost" project, more than 7,000 American soldiers and about 8,000 American defense contractors were killed in the war launched by the United States after the "9.11" incident. More than 30,000 American soldiers committed suicide, which is four times the number of people killed in the battle. The sky-high military expenditure invested by the United States to maintain military hegemony has also put an increasingly heavy burden on American nationals. After 2001, the war-related expenditure in the United States has exceeded 5.8 trillion US dollars. More importantly, America’s military hegemony and foreign war acts have bred and encouraged extremist forces and self-consumed, and the "9.11" incident is a typical case.

  "It is for the United States to build a country in war, expand in war and dominate in war." The report writes that the military expansion of the United States continues today, and American military hegemonism is still bullying and destroying the world we live together.

Table tennis World Youth Championship ends! Guoping won 9 titles, 5 were wiped out by the whole army, and Japan snatched 4 gold medals.

In the early morning of December 4th, Beijing time, the 2023 World Table Tennis Championships came to an end. In this competition, the national table tennis team won U19 (group under 19) men’s team, women’s team, men’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles, while U15 (group under 15) won the gold medals in men’s team and men’s singles, and the other five events were completely wiped out, especially the women’s team lost all.

In terms of foreign associations, the Japanese team won the U15 women’s team, women’s singles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles. As for the U15 men’s doubles, the gold medal was taken away by China Taipei players. The three Chinese and Japanese-Lin Shidong, Kuaiman and Xiao Yanyou-won the quadruple, and some people were happy and some were sad!

See below for more details.

Friends who are concerned about table tennis know that table tennis has been severely impacted by young players from foreign associations in recent years, and the younger the age, the smaller the advantage. This World Youth Championship can fully explain this point.

In the first group contest,Guoping U19 Women’s Team and U19 Men’s TeamThe two events played a stable role and won gold medals in succession; as forGuoping U15 Men’s TeamFirst, I beat the Japanese team in the semi-final, the deciding game and the last two points, and then I beat the China Taipei team 3-1 to reach the top.Japan U15 Women’s TeamHe won the championship for the first time by beating China 3-2 in the final.

In the following competitions, the scores of U19 and U15 were more divided, among which U19 athletes lost foreign wars, but eventually they won the men’s singles.Lin ShidongWon the gold medal, Wen Ruibo lost 1-4 in the final and became the runner-up, women’s singles.KuaimanThe final defeated Elena of Romania, andLin Shidong/Kuaiman, Lin Shidong/Wen Ruibo, Kuaiman/Xu YiThen you will win three doubles titles. Congratulations!

However, as mentioned before, the U15 women’s table tennis team didn’t win a gold medal, and it was completely destroyed by the foreign association players’ team. In addition to the team, the U15 men’s team also had singles.Sun YangWatanabe, who swept Japan 4-0 in the final, won the championship.

In terms of foreign associations, Japan U15 women’s team has already defeated Guoping, and in addition, women’s singles.Xiao Yan you CaiWinning Chinese and Korean players to the top in a row, Liu Yilin, the daughter of Korean Olympic champion Liu Nankui, swept 4-0 in the final, in women’s doubles.Xiao Yan You Cai/Gao Sen Ai YangAlso won the gold medal, and the mixed doubles were.Watanabe Min Ren/Xiao Yan You CaiIn the final, Sun Yang/Yan Yuling, a national table tennis team, narrowly beat 3-2, and Xiao Yanyou became the quadruple champion.

China Taipei team won the only gold medal in U15 men’s doubles.Guo Guanhong/Xu XianjiaBecame the biggest dark horse-the above is the final result of this World Youth Championship. I hope that the national table tennis teenager will win without arrogance and lose with grace and strive for better results next year!

International football

Xinhua News Agency, Hong Kong, October 31 (Reporter Wei Hua) On the 31st Beijing time, Argentine star Messi won the Golden Globe Award for the eighth time without any dispute. When Messi turned and left the Chatelet Theatre, a new suspense surfaced: Who will be the next "Mr. Golden Globe"?

As the most prestigious individual award in international football, the Golden Globe Award has not been awarded to players born after 1990. It is not that this generation is not talented enough, but that the "post-80 s" are too dazzling. From becoming the first "80s" Ronaldinho to win the Golden Globe Award in 2005, to Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo who divided up 13 golden globes, and then to modric and Benzema who staged veteran legends, the 80s almost monopolized the Golden Globe Award selection in the past 20 years.

On October 30th, Messi held the Golden Globe trophy at the award ceremony. Xinhua News Agency reporter Gao Jingshe

Nowadays, most of them are near the end of their careers or far away from the center stage of Europe. The story of Messi, Mero and this generation of famous players is coming to an end. Predictably, a "post-90 s" or even younger Golden Globe winner is ready to come.

Messi can win the Golden Globe again, and the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 championship is his biggest weight. But if Muani can score a single-handed goal at the last minute of extra time in that World Cup final, thus helping the French team to defend its title successfully, will this year’s Golden Globe Award be awarded to Mbappé? This assumption is meaningless, but Mbappé, who was born in 1998, is also the closest to the Golden Globe Award among the new generation of stars.

Needless to say, Mbappé, a young and famous player, won the World Cup as the core when he was less than 20 years old. Real Madrid’s thirst for talents for many years also showed the value of the French top star. Although it was not pleasant with Paris Saint-Germain in the past summer, Mbappé, who returned to the court, still showed his ability to lead the team with one core. As far as the current strength of the French team is concerned, there is a high probability that the French team will not do badly in the European Championship next year, which is Mbappé’s greatest advantage.

On October 21st, Mbappé (first from the right), a player of Paris Saint-Germain, broke through with the ball in the Ligue 1 match. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Jack Chen)

As one of the most expensive players at present, Mbappé never lacks topics and exposure, but compared with his worth, Ligue 1 is still a "small temple". If you want to get your hands on the golden ball in the shortest time, Mbappé needs a bigger platform.

When it comes to Mbappé, Harland is indispensable. Since entering people’s field of vision, Harland has been labeled as a "goal machine": he scored 9 goals in a single game in the U20 World Youth Championship, scored a hat trick in Dortmund’s debut, and broke the Premier League scoring record in his debut season in Manchester City … In this Golden Globe Awards ceremony, the Norwegian was also named the best striker.

But Harland’s shortcomings are also obvious, the first is his ability to decide the game in key games. Harland’s goal-scoring efficiency is beyond doubt, but with Manchester City’s participation in several finals, including the Champions League finals, Harland failed to score. This season, in the Premier League battle between Manchester City and Arsenal, Harland didn’t even finish a shot, which is obviously not the standard that a "Mr. Golden Ball" should have. In addition, Harland’s biggest constraint comes from the national team. The overall strength of the Norwegian team is really limited, and whether it can participate in next year’s European Championship is unknown. Once it is absent from this most important competition next year, Harland will at least lose more than one position in the 2024 Golden Globe competition. If the national team can’t make a substantial breakthrough, then Harland, who won the second place in the Golden Globe Award this year, can only hope that in a non-competition year, she will once again hit a bright data and break the "enough".

On October 29th, Manchester City player Harland scored a penalty in the Premier League. Xinhua News Agency/Reuters

Before this season, Mbappé and Harland were "fault leaders" among the younger generation, but now another player has appeared beside them, and that is Bellingham. After joining Real Madrid this summer, Bellingham’s talent was further released. Under the condition that Real Madrid’s center was weak, Bellingham shouldered the offensive beam of the team by himself, scored key goals in many games, scored two goals to help Real Madrid reverse Barcelona not long ago, and scored 13 goals in 13 games. Bellingham’s amazing performance had to be reminiscent of Zidane, who also wore the No.5 jersey. At the age of 20, the England youngster showed his age-incongruity.

In this award ceremony, Bellingham won the Copa Award representing the best young player, but some netizens joked that Bellingham’s competition for this award was simply a "dimensionality reduction blow". Even in the ranking of the Golden Globe Awards, Bellingham ranked 18th, which is not easy.

On September 20th, Real Madrid player Bellingham celebrated his goal in La Liga. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Zhang Yuheng)

How long can Bellingham, who was born in midfield, keep scoring? This is very important in the Golden Globe Awards which value personal data. However, playing in Real Madrid, which is good at "creating momentum" for the Golden Globe Award, means that Bellingham has the best stage. Coupled with the emergence of talents in England in recent years, the vision of "letting football go home" is getting closer and closer to reality. As long as Bellingham does not ruin his future, he has the best hope to become another "Mr. Golden Globe" in England after michael owen.

The Sun Knicks deal is about to be reached, Eton Bill leaves the team, and brunson Blue Bean assists KD Booker.

Although the Phoenix Suns didn’t win the championship last season, this team has accumulated enough experience. Although it has reached the finals before, Booker’s ability can still be stabilized without Paul. Without him, the Suns will be swept out by the Nuggets.

The Suns have been mulling a deal to send Ayton away all summer. Even if Paul is traded for Bill, the team will consider packing them for new stars. Many players in the Knicks have become potential targets. Jones and others will finalize the deal as soon as possible at the end of this month!

According to the new york reporter, the Suns are planning a deal about Elton. The team’s goal is to get brunson and Mitchell Robinson from the Knicks. The Suns’ management has made up its mind to chase them, and Elton will be the main body of the deal.

The team intends to exchange Bill+Elton+draft picks for brunson, Mitchell Robinson and Randall of the Knicks, and the management of the team is ready to disagree. The Suns will draw out the only draft picks in their hands and give them to the Knicks. As long as the other party accepts the offer, the Suns can continue to improve their chips.

The commercial value of Bill and Aiton is much higher than these people. Although the record of going to the Knicks is not necessarily good, the income will make the Knicks management very satisfied. The nba transaction is not just to strengthen the lineup, but the main purpose is to consider the income of ticket advertisements. After all, this is a business negotiation.

Bill+Barrett+Elton’s trident combination can actually guarantee this team to be in the playoffs. The most important thing is that the team can save a lot of salary space. brunson has already started to prepare to renew his contract and ask for a big contract. The annual salary of 40 million is a similar figure. If this is the case, the Knicks might as well trade all-star players in advance to improve their income, and so does Elton.

With the addition of brunson, Robinson and Randall, the Suns’ offense is actually even better. The combination of brunson+Booker+Durant+Randall+Mitchell Robinson is no worse than last season. If a team wants Randall, the Suns can also consider trading, and it is also a good choice to find a defensive fourth position.

This summer, the Suns used all the space in their hands to strengthen their lineup. At present, it is not bad, especially the participation of veteran Gordon, which is very crucial.

I think, if this deal is reached, it is also a good choice to exchange Randall for some blue-collar players, and the draft pick can also be built in to make Gordon the third starting position.

Gordon’s defense is the most needed weapon for the Suns, and his skills are excellent. The development during the rocket period gave him enough confidence, depending on how vogel adjusts the arrangement.

There is still a lot of time before the start of the new season. Sun doesn’t have to hurry to complete the transaction, otherwise it will be forced to eat the junk contract or premium contract. Bill’s junk contract made Sun feel very uncomfortable. At that time, he should try to exchange Paul for brunson. No matter whether it is possible or not, there is no need to worry about the initiative and the balance of the lineup.

Finally, I wish the Sun a championship and a smooth dream!

Lakers offer 5 for 1! The countdown to Harden’s joining! Mouth: The negotiation is drawing to a close.

The Lakers offered a five-for-one offer, and the countdown to Harden’s joining came to an end. At the beginning of this year’s offseason, James Harden, the star of the Sixers, applied for a deal. However, two months later, Harden’s deal still did not develop further.

Now James Harden wants to leave the 76ers team very much, and he also wants to play with his new teammates in the new season. If the 76ers trade him away in the middle of next season, he certainly won’t have so much time to play chemistry with his new teammates, and he will be wasted again.

And now I’m afraid that the management of the Sixers will directly give James Harden to Xuezang in a fit of pique, and this will also make his trading value plummet. It can be said that Harden must have personal problems besides the team’s problems, but he didn’t express anything in front of the media.

Recently, according to US media reports, the Los Angeles Lakers offered to the management of the 76ers to negotiate a deal. They were willing to offer eight village bases, Vincent, Vanderbilt Russell and a first-place rotation to get Harden. What do you think of this?