Guo Fucheng’s "City Alert" style is out of place, not afraid of Xiong Dailin’s ridicule

Guo Fucheng was not afraid to be burned to death when compared with Andy Lau

        In addition to playing the clown, Guo Fucheng was also soaked in sea water after falling into the sea in the film. In order to achieve the feeling of obesity, he spent four hours a day applying makeup. "After the first day of filming, he went to the hospital. His skin was covered in red spots, and the glue and sweat were stuck together." Chen Musheng praised Guo Fucheng’s positive attitude during filming, but such a fat look inevitably reminded people of Andy Lau’s big fat image in the movie. "I’ve seen it, but I haven’t remembered it for too long." Guo Fucheng also said that the two looks are not comparable, "It still depends on the audience’s reaction, but I’m puffy, not fat."

        Not only did Guo Fucheng suffer a lot in makeup, but he also suffered a lot in filming such a movie with a lot of action and explosive scenes. "It was an explosive scene, with a total of 100 reaction bands. After one reaction band exploded, a martial artist was injured in the chest. If I want to shoot a hundred, I will be burned to death, and then the director said, ‘You can wear clothes,’ so I had to say, ‘Okay.’" Guo Fucheng, who was so desperate to film, said that he had no expectations of winning awards. Acting is endless, and he will never act with baggage. In addition, Guo Fucheng also sang the theme song of the movie "The Whole City Alert" "Forgot What".

Next page More wonderful pictures

The female version of Yin Tianchou was born, "The New King of Comedy" Xingye "Women are stronger"

1905 movie network news Directed by Stephen Chow, the film starring Wang Baoqiang and E Jingwen has been set for the first day of the new year, and the pre-sale has now been fully opened. What influenced countless people 20 years ago, 20 years later, it debuted with a new attitude. What remains unchanged is the story that still focuses on "little people". On the first day of the new year in 2019, I laughed out tears with "The King of New Comedy"!

At present, the "King of Comedy, A New Beginning" theme roadshow is in full swing, and Zhou Xingchi and a group of starring stars rushed to all over the country to meet the audience. On January 26, Zhou Xingchi and his starring stars, E Jingwen, Jing Ruyang, Huang Xiaopeng, and Xiao He, came to Badu Hefei to meet the audience, share the original intention of the creation of "King of Comedy", and talk about their respective understanding of "actor’s self-cultivation". Five people interacted with the audience enthusiastically on the spot, and they were pleasantly surprised to send red envelopes! Sending Chinese New Year happiness to the Hefei audience in advance!

The protagonist of the new film "Female version of Yin Tianchou" Xing Ye said that "women are stronger"

The "King of New Comedy" roadshow came to the outdoor square in Hefei, attracting thousands of spectators. When Zhou Xingchi and the creators appeared, the square was filled with cheers. Xing Ye humorously introduced himself, "I am Dragon Set Zhou Xingchi, this is my Dragon Set Team! The weather is very cold today, everyone has worked hard!" It attracted a lot of laughter and made everyone feel warm in the cold.

As a classic comedy that has influenced countless people, "The King of Comedy" has ushered in a new chapter after 20 years. The script has been polished for three years, focusing on the little people again, and this classic prop folding stool has also "reappeared in the rivers and lakes", surprising the audience: "It’s still a familiar taste! I love Zhou Xingxing all my life!" The new year of 2019 is another year accompanied by Xingye!

When talking about why the film featured a woman as the protagonist, Xing Ye did not hesitate to express his admiration for women, "Because I often feel that women are stronger, so I really want to make a work for women." The heroine, E Jingwen, also said, "Xing Ye was a struggling man before, but in fact, women are also working hard to create the future they want." When talking about the understanding of "actors’ self-cultivation," the star Jing Ruyang said, "It is to pursue the ultimate and achieve perfection."


Star Lord’s Message 2019 "Not second and third, you are first!"

Stephen Chow has always focused on telling the story of the little people. The spirit of "The King of New Comedy" is actually to reflect the little people who live seriously and pursue hard. In them, the audience can see authenticity, confidence, seriousness, and even seriousness. They are full of enthusiasm for their work and will not give up no matter how difficult they encounter.

At the Hefei roadshow, Zhou Xingchi said, "In fact, everyone can be the protagonist of their own life. Don’t be afraid of failure, hardship or all kinds of resistance, and work hard with enthusiasm, just like the’wind ‘." And led the audience to shout "Work hard! Fight!" to encourage everyone to stick to their dreams and be the "king of comedy" in their own life.

In addition to chatting with everyone about the original intention of "The King of New Comedy", Xingye and the creators also brought several rounds of red envelope benefits to the audience. At the scene, Xingye commanded the rocker arm to swing left and right, and randomly stopped, locking an audience. Xingye and the creators chose any word in "New" "Happy" "Drama" "King" for the audience, and revealed the amount of red envelopes. The live interaction was very enjoyable, completely igniting the atmosphere. The maximum amount of red envelopes was issued by Xingye himself, which can be described as a koi carp! Xingye and the creators also cheered for everyone in the New Year. "I hope everyone will continue to work hard and strive in the new year. You are not second or third, you are first!"


The most familiar Stephen Chow-style comedy is to make you "laugh and cry". At present, the pre-sale of "New King of Comedy" has been fully opened, hurry up and grab tickets! On the first day of the new year in 2019, with "New King of Comedy", laugh out tears and work hard!

Hengda suddenly skyrocketed! Hengda Automobile previously announced that 29% of its shares would be acquired

K Figure 00708_0

K Figure 06666_0

  Today, the Hong Kong stock Hengda series suddenly moved higher, and as of press time,Up more than 45%,Up more than 14%.

  As for the reason for the increase,Times reporters sent inquiries to Evergrande, but no response had been received as of press time.

  On May 27, trading resumed, and the intraday share price rose by more than 100%. As of the close of the day, it was reported at HK $0.71, an increase of 86.84%. Since then, the company’s share price has continued to decline, and as of the close of the latest trading day, the cumulative decline has reached 22.37%.

  Previously, it was announced that 29% of the shares would be acquired

  On May 26, Hengda Automobile announced that 29% of the company’s shares would be acquired immediately. It is reported that the company’s joint and individual liquidators representThe Group (in liquidation), Evergrande Health Industry Group Limited, Acelin Global Limited (collectively, the Potential Vendors) entered into a term book with a third party purchaser (the Potential Purchaser) who, to the best of his knowledge, knowledge and belief, having made all reasonable enquiries, is independent of the Company and its affiliates, pursuant to which the Potential Vendor and the Potential Purchaser may enter into a definitive Sale and Purchase Agreement for the sale and purchase of shares in the Company held by the Potential Vendor.

  Specifically, the potential seller holds a total of 6.348 billion shares (approximately 58.5% of the total issued shares) (potential shares for sale), subject to the conclusion of the sale and purchase agreement, 3.145 billion potential shares for sale (approximately 29% of the total issued shares) will be acquired, and the remaining 3.20 billion shares (approximately 29.5% of the total issued shares) will become the subject of an option for a certain period after the date of the sale and purchase agreement.

  The terms of the agreement also revealed that the potential buyer will provide loans to the company to finance the group’s continued operation and development of the group’s electric vehicle business. Evergrande admitted that the company is currently severely short of funds and the Tianjin factory has stopped production operations since the beginning of this year.

  Was ordered to return 1.90 billion yuan subsidy

  On the evening of May 22, Hengda Automobile announced that its subsidiary HengdaAutomobile Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. recently received a letter from the relevant local administrative departments, demanding the cancellation of a series of previously signed investment cooperation agreements and the return of various incentives and subsidies that have been issued totaling about 1.90 billion yuan.

  According to Hengda Automobile’s financial report, the company has disclosed that it mainly builds production bases in Tianjin, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Since April 29, 2019, Hengda Automobile Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. and related subsidiaries have signed a number of investment cooperation agreements with relevant local administrative departments. However, as the company’s financial crisis broke out, resulting in the failure to fulfill its contractual obligations with local governments, the relevant local administrative departments proposed to terminate the agreement and requested the return of the awards and subsidies that had been issued in accordance with the law.

  Evergrande Automobile’s financial report shows that in the "deferred income" government subsidy part of the annual reports over the years, the government subsidy fund data in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 are: 0 yuan, 1.363 billion yuan, 1.194 billion yuan, 409 million yuan and 0 yuan respectively. It can be seen that after signing cooperation agreements with local governments in 2019, Evergrande Automobile’s government subsidy funds rose sharply, and returned to zero after the subsequent debt crisis.

  On the evening of March 27, Hengda Automobile disclosed its financial report for 2023. The financial report shows that as of December 31, 2023, Hengda Automobile’s cumulative loss has reached 110.841 billion yuan, of which the loss in 2023 is about 12 billion yuan. As of the end of 2023, Hengda Automobile’s total assets are 34.851 billion yuan, and its total liabilities are 72.543 billion yuan, of which 26.484 billion yuan is borrowed; during the same period, Hengda Automobile’s cash and cash equivalents are 129 million yuan, which is far from enough to cover the loan.

The movie channel 2.27-3.4 will broadcast many classic love movies.

Special feature of 1905 film network Spring has arrived, everything is revived, and there is a vibrant scene everywhere. Flowers are red, willows are green, and the world is beautiful. It’s really fascinating. And spring is not only the season when flowers bloom and everything grows, but also the season when love is most likely to germinate.

From February 27th to March 4th, the movie channel has carefully prepared a number of love movies for everyone, so let’s welcome this season of love together.

Love+philosophy Show classical beauty

Film stills

"Coffee Commune" is a self-directed romantic comedy, starring,, and. It tells the story of a young man who came to Hollywood to pursue his movie dream, then fell in love and indulged in the famous coffee commune of that era.

The colors in the film are warm, colorful and full of hope. The classical atmosphere gives this classic "Woody Allen-style" story a little novelty, which makes the film filled with a charming illusory temperament and philosophical meaning.

In the film, director Woody Allen, with the help of the hero, said Socrates’ sentence that "an unexamined life is not worth living", and then retorted that "but a scrutinized life is not easy".

The development track of love cannot be planned. Now that we have chosen each other, we should bravely face everything that is coming.

In the film, the photographer’s dark shots are beautiful, turning the wooden office and dining room into fantastic scenes. Every shot glows with a vibrant classical beauty, which makes people want to take their lover in for a drink.

Beach+music Full of love

Film stills

In the classic film "What Tea in Summer", Summer came to Dandan Island, Malaysia after emotional trauma, and met the beach rescue team member Mo Tea, and they started a romantic love.

The film tells the audience a ups and downs love story in a relaxed and happy way. The whole film is very beautiful on location, with gorgeous colors to explain the beauty of life and the enthusiasm of love.

Vivid illustrations, colorful transitions, relaxed and funny dialogues, and pure and lovely songs and soundtracks have all become the unique features of this film. Songs such as "The girl on the other side looks over" and "The waves are blossoming" in the film are still regarded as confession songs for girls by many boys.

Love+martial arts Heroic spirit burst into flames

Film stills

The martial arts film Yang Guo and Little Dragon Girl, released in 1983, was directed by Huashan, starring, etc. Based on the novel "The Condor Heroes", the film tells the story that Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv met and fell in love, and because of various misunderstandings, they interpreted a love-hate story.

This film is a rare martial arts work in Leslie Cheung. Compared with other versions, Yang Guo played by Leslie Cheung has the youthful temperament of a handsome and beautiful boy.

While Weng Jingjing’s little girl Long Mingyan is moving, she has a little more Jianghu temperament.

A pair of martial arts experts bring a full screen of youth. Do you love them?

Simple Cinderella Gorgeous princess

Film stills

Cinderella, the first live-action version, is a fantasy drama film directed by, starring, etc. Based on fairy tales, the film adds innovative adaptation, and the main line of the story still revolves around Cinderella’s courage in difficulties and her romantic love with the prince.

Many classic scenes in the original work are also presented in the film one by one, including the fairy godmother turning the pumpkin into a carriage, Cinderella’s gorgeous transformation, and the loss of crystal shoes on the steps of the palace.

The blue dress worn by Cinderella in the film was carefully sewn with many tiny Swarovski crystals, and it is said that a total of 10,000 were used.

This movie makes the sparkling Cinderella come to you from the fairy tale. In reality, no matter what the person you love wears, I believe that in your eyes, it will shine like wearing 10,000 crystals.

Be on the screen many times Achieve the best work

Stills of the movie Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre, released in 1970, is a classic film directed by Delbert Mann and starring susannah york and George C. Scott. The film is adapted from Charlotte Brontexq’s masterpiece of the same name and tells the story of several emotional experiences in Jane Eyre’s life.

Jane Eyre has been repeatedly put on the screen for 8 times, and the British version in 1970 is recognized as the highest artistic and production level.

Jane Eyre in the film is like the struggle history of "Cinderella" in real life. She bravely faces difficulties and setbacks and pursues equality between men and women and between the poor and the rich. As she herself said, "I have the same soul and heart as you."

Over the years, many well-known romantic films at home and abroad have been growing up from generation to generation, adding a touch of sweet color to our ignorant period. So many excellent love movies, which one is the classic that you can’t surpass in your heart?

Program preview:

February 27th (Monday) Coffee Commune

February 28th (Tuesday) "Summer Tea"

On March 2nd (Thursday), Yang Guo and Little Dragon Girl

March 3rd (Friday) "Cinderella"

March 4th (Saturday) Jane Eyre

Geely Automobile Guishengyue: I am confident of winning the final victory in the fierce competition in the automobile market.

Securities Times E Company News, on March 20th, Geely Automobile held its 2023 annual performance conference in Hong Kong. At the press conference, Gui Shengyue, chief executive officer and executive director of Geely Automobile Holdings Co., Ltd. said that Geely Automobile has full confidence to win the final victory in the fierce competition in the automobile market. Gui Shengyue said that his confidence mainly comes from four levels. First, Geely Automobile has great ability and potential of new energy and intelligence, which has been confirmed in the current achievements; Second, Geely Automobile has the ability to respond to market changes at any time to meet the needs of various users and maintain the healthy and stable development of the company. I believe that the evaluation of car companies in the capital market will eventually return to profitability; Third, Geely Automobile insists on fighting a value war and a moral war. Every time Geely Automobile sells a car, it is responsible for users and environmental protection, and "long-term doctrine" will definitely be rewarded by the market. In addition, the advantages of the entire Geely Group will also be fully reflected in Geely Automobile. For example, achievements such as AI, maps and satellites will empower Geely Automobile and further establish Geely Automobile’s leading position.

Enjoy the green mountains and green waters and the scenery of Spring City! Kunming is really beautiful

Kunming is located in the low latitude plateau, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and adjacent to Dianchi Lake in the south. "The weather is often like February and March, and flowers bloom all the time in spring". It is known as the "Spring City" at home and abroad. Kunming has beautiful mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery, and natural and human landscapes set each other off, which makes people linger …
In Kunming, there is a feeling called Daguanlou and a beauty called Cuihu. There is a flower sea called Dounan; There is a taste called Kunming Old Street; There is a kind of poetry, called cultural lane; There is a kind of romance called Laoyuhe Wetland Park …
The beauty of Kunming is overwhelming:
daguan pavilion
A "hi" and a "sigh"
Talk about the spectacular scenery of a hundred miles.
On "Scenery" and "History"
Talking about the vicissitudes of life in Kunming
The grand view is
The endless horizon and mind.
This breadth is beyond words,
Only when you really climb the Daguanlou can you deeply understand it!
Ten acres of lotus fish world, half city willow caresses the balcony.
Beauty of Cuihu Lake
Is beauty enchanting or not?
Quietly watching the dispute of cloud history
Always stay in the hearts of literati and poets
Cuihu is the symbol of Kunming.
A photographer said
Overlooking the whole Kunming city from high altitude.
Cuihu is the most amazing protagonist.
Black Dragon Pond Park
Bright red is like a drop of Xia Ming, and the number of azaleas is hot and beautiful. "
The thought of Kunming
It is the spring scenery in the garden.
"Rhododendron powder" is always so sweet
Every year in March and April, 350,000 azaleas in Heilongtan Park, together with nearly 4,000 pots of Ma Yinghua and Yingshanhong, make visitors wander in the beautiful scenery of flowers in four seasons as soon as they enter the park.
Dounan flower market
Yunnan produces good flowers.
Dou nan ju Hao Hua
Dounan flower market sells good flowers
This is the best portrayal of Dounan flower market in Kunming.
The Dounan Flower Market at night is more lively than during the day, and the air is full of sweet flowers. The sound of inquiry and bargaining is one after another, and it is bustling and lively, just like a picture of flowers on the river.
Laoyuhe Wetland Park
As a veritable spring city in China, Kunming has flowers all year round, with different seasons and colors. Whenever you go to the Fishing River Wetland Park, you can feel as if you are in the ocean of flowers.
Every weekend, it’s really refreshing to come to the Fishing River Wetland Park, blow the wind, look at the blue sky and white clouds, close your eyes and listen to the sound of splash for a while!
Beijing Road Flower Boulevard
In the history of Kunming’s development, there is a road extending from 300 meters to 15,660 meters-Beijing Road.
In the past few years, after the continuous greening and landscape upgrading project in Beijing Road, flower paths have been built in the center and both sides of the road, making the flowers smell all over the city and welcoming people with sincerity. Let Kunming, the "first avenue", form a rich landscape color with surrounding buildings.
Beijing Road "Flower Avenue"
It not only reflects the city image of new Kunming
Also as a "beautiful spring city"
"Window" and "Business Card" of City Image
culture lane
As a characteristic street in Kunming, Culture Lane includes the world-famous "Southwest United University" and Yunnan University with a long history because of the gathering of famous schools nearby. For a time, there are a lot of talents here, and professors and students are here to "point out the mountains and inspire words", which has become a popular story.
Nowadays, while continuing its profound cultural heritage, Cultural Lane has also become a gathering place for young people. It is full of labels of "youth, trend and internationalization", and it has gradually become a "lifestyle" for Kunming people to go to Cultural Lane.
Kunming old street
Chengdu has Kuanzhai Lane.
Shanghai has a new world.
Then there are characteristic old streets in Kunming.
No matter which road you take, as long as you have the heart, you will find the surprises hidden in this city. Opening a place is a mystery. You don’t have to bother to plan long-distance travel, and you don’t have to watch the passive travel in the circle of friends. Just visit several old streets in Kunming and you can start a journey for a while!
Kunming Confucian temple
Kunming Confucian temple
Located on Renmin Middle Road, the most prosperous main road in Kunming.
Here to worship, columns, beams. ……
A seemingly one-stop scene
Behind it is the efforts of hundreds of people for ten years.
The completed Dacheng Hall covers an area of 952.55 square meters.
Of all the Confucian temples in Yunnan Province at present,
The largest Dacheng Hall.
Kunming Confucian Temple was founded in 1276 AD in Yuan Dynasty. In the long years after 700 years, the times changed, and the Confucian Temple was ill-fated, destroyed several times and rebuilt several times. Now we walk into the narrow Lingxingmen, an empty Confucian temple, with mottled trees and mud lions covered with moss. Old people play erhu and sing Yunnan opera. Time flies like the wind, and it seems that everything just ripples and has never been changed.
Recently, the list of 2019 Chinese and foreign cold-proof tourist destinations was released. Among them, Xishuangbanna, Kunming, Lincang and Dehong in Yunnan were awarded the "Top Ten Cold-proof Tourist Cities in China in 2019", and Kunming ranked third. When the north is still frozen for thousands of miles and Wan Li is snowing,
Kunming at this time
be the same as before
Beautiful weather, birds and flowers …
The Spring Festival holiday is approaching.
Welcome to Kunming to avoid the cold and be a guest.

Cheating in the exam less than 10 days after admission, 3 freshmen were punished and 1 dropped out.

  Three students were punished for cheating in the exam less than 10 days after they entered school. Among the three students, one student who was detained for probation chose to drop out of school and reread high school. This incident caused a sensation among the teachers and students of Tianjin University, and "shock" and "pity" became a common reflection.

  Tracking: cheating in exams exposes lack of integrity

  Not long ago, Tianjin University issued a disciplinary decision, which punished three freshmen of 2008 who cheated in the professional examination at the beginning of the semester, one with a serious warning and two with probation. The disciplinary decision was posted in front of the school office building, but the names of the three students were not disclosed. A warning was added to the disciplinary decision: recently, three students violated the Regulations on Undergraduate Management of Tianjin University and the Interim Provisions on Undergraduate Examination of Tianjin University, exposing some students’ moral deficiencies such as honesty. Honesty, trustworthiness and no fraud are the bottom line of Tiandeng’s professional ethics, and I hope everyone will take it as a warning.

  Principal: Serious handling is strict for love.

  President Gong Ke spoke frankly about the cheating of freshmen, calling it a disgrace. He said: "I sincerely hope that students will be brave after knowing shame!" "

  "Less than 10 days after the freshmen of 2008 entered the school, such a serious examination violation occurred, which was seriously dealt with by the school discipline. As the principal, I am very sad!" Gong Ke, president of Tianjin University, said, "Honesty is the bottom line of human beings and the foundation of social fairness and harmony. As Tianjin University, which trains high-quality innovative talents, we have always adhered to the "double strictness" principle of "rigorous scholarship and strict teaching requirements" to cultivate the integrity of teachers and students, and there is no room for accommodation on the "bottom line". Cheating in exams is a reflection of students’ lack of honesty, which undermines the fairness and seriousness of school exams. If we are soft-hearted in dealing with this problem, it will not only affect the growth of students, damage the reputation of the school, but also’ cast’ a great disaster that will ruin the social atmosphere. "

  "Tianjin University’s scholarship policy of" rigorous scholarship and strict teaching requirements "is aimed at every teacher and student at school, and no one can be an exception." Gong Ke said, "The seemingly harsh punishment of’ lax teaching and lazy teachers’ is not strict for’ strictness’, but strict for love. The’ double strictness’ has created the historical glory of Tianjin University and made millions of alumni who have made brilliant achievements in all walks of life. Tianjin University should and must be strict. This is responsible for the history of Tianjin University, for the national goal of cultivating innovative talents, and for the life of every university student! "

  Academic Affairs Office: Examination discipline is the high-voltage line.

  "In the process of understanding the situation, we found that some students developed bad habits such as cheating in exams and plagiarizing homework before entering the university, and they have never been punished accordingly, so they have a fluky psychology and think that they can do the same in the university." The relevant person in charge of the Academic Affairs Office of Tianjin University said, "In Tianjin University, examination discipline is a high-voltage line, so you can’t touch it!"

  Teachers and students reflect: It’s really not worth it.

  Freshmen who just entered the school were punished for violating the examination discipline, which caused quite a stir on the campus of Tianjin University, and "shock" and "pity" became common voices. "After studying hard for three years, I finally got into the university, but I was punished for cheating. It’s really worthless." A student of Tianjin University said.

  "This is a lesson for everyone. Just knowing this, including college leaders, counselors and students, was shocked and touched each of us very much. " The counselor of the punished student said, "But calm down, this is not necessarily a’ bad thing’."

  It is understood that after the incident, President Gong Ke had a face-to-face communication with the three punished freshmen.

  "One of the students who was punished by staying in school chose to drop out of school and reread high school, but I still kept in touch with him and encouraged him to be admitted to his ideal university again. The other two students are very energetic at present, saying that they will correct their mistakes through hard work. " A counselor said, "These two students now have a goal, that is, to become an’ excellent student’ through their own efforts, and to walk into the principal’s office again as an’ excellent student’ and have a heart-to-heart talk with the principal!" (Liu Xiaoyan Meng Zhaoxi)

Editor: Wang Jiaolong

The list of the world’s top 500 is released, and Changhong is on the list.

  12moon19World Brand Lab (World Brand Lab)2023World brand of the year500The list of "Strong" was announced.48A China brand entered the list, and China enterprise Changhong ranked first in the world brand list.285Bit, relatively2022Annual increaseoneBit. At the same time, China Air China, Changhong, Haier Zhijia, etc.35A leading brand was selected "2023China Brand Award of the Year ".

  According to relevant analysis, Changhong’s outstanding performance in brand first comes from continuous technological innovation and brand innovation, and constantlyInject fashion, trend, intelligence and other connotations into the brand, andPromote brand rejuvenation and upgrading,Thus, it has built its own industrial ecological moat.

  Innovation: Strengthening the Cooperation Mode of Industry-University-Research

  Sichuan Changhong said on the interactive platform a few days ago that it will continue to strengthen its core competence around business directions such as smart home, industrial Internet and system solutions in specific application fields. In color TV, "Changhong" brand formed "CHiQ","Changhong ","Oboni"Brand matrix, including8KHigh brushMini-LEDNew products, including TV, have a clear trend of large screen and high end. The company’s overseas TV business achieved an output of about 100% in the first half of the year.482Ten thousand units, the sales volume is about43710,000 units, an increase of about.15%6%, North America, the Middle East and other major markets achieved double growth. The company actively expanded overseas markets in white goods business, and realized the rapid growth of washing machine export business. In addition, the company strengthened marketing transformation and established a user-centered full-link service operation system, which promoted the formation of an online and offline omni-channel system. Changhong Jiahua, a subsidiary of the company, maintains good cooperative relations with Huawei in the fields of data storage, data communication and digital energy.

  In recent years, Changhong Holding Group has actively promoted10A "stuck neck" technology and19A major technological innovation project. last year12In June, Changhong Holding Group successfully independently developed.MCUIntelligent control chip adopts ultra-low power consumption process design, which makes household appliances more energy-saving and realizes "domestic core" instead of "imported core". this yearsixIn June, Changhong once again launched the application of the world’s first artificial intelligence model in the field of TV, which made TV enter the era of "strong artificial intelligence".

  Changhong’s pace of innovation is getting faster and faster.10moon11On, Sichuan Changhong Electronics Holding Group Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, as well as intelligent robots.Wait for five joint laboratory agreements. The two sides will jointly build a joint innovation center, promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, jointly promote comprehensive and deepening cooperation, and help Changhong build its competitive advantage in industrial technology.

  Liu Jiang, Party Secretary and Chairman of Changhong Holding Group, introduced that Changhong will further strengthen the positioning of Industry-University-Research cooperation in the enterprise innovation system in order to build the long-term technological competitive advantage of the company’s industry; At the same time, seek industrial investment opportunities through school-enterprise cooperation, enrich Changhong’s industrial ecology, and help the construction of the twin-city economic circle in Chengdu-Chongqing area.

  Expansion: "Enterprise Aircraft Carrier" surfaced.

  In recent years, Changhong has created the overall solution of "smart home" and "smart manufacturing" and strengthened the transformation and development of mature industries such as smart home appliances; At the same time, accelerate the layout of emerging industries such as new energy and semiconductors, and create new space for high-quality development, which further expands the brand extension of Changhong.

  It is noteworthy that Changhong’s industrial layout presents a systematic layout, and each business does not exist and develop in isolation, but is linked or coordinated with each other. For example, its compressor, supporting the refrigerator category of mature industries; The semiconductor industry empowers smart home appliances; The layout of new energy opens up the industrial chain … Such systematic construction of business and capability has realized the value transfer and sharing within the enterprise, and provided stronger kinetic energy for the subsequent development.

  Changhong Multi-industry Corps is creating more possibilities. The listing of "Huafeng Technology" also marks the formation of Changhong in the capital market.7+3"The new situation, namelysevenListed companies (Sichuan Changhong, Changhong Meiling, Changhong Huayi, Changhong Jiahua, Changhong Energy, Zhongke Meiling, Huafeng Technology),threeThree New Third Board listed companies (Changhong Minsheng, Changhong Gerun and Ailian Technology) have initially built a "corporate aircraft carrier" with two-way empowerment of industry and capital. This "enterprise carrier" has been cultivated.20A "specialized and innovative" enterprise, serving the world.100A well-known brand,fiveMore than 100 million users.

  Connection: resonate with consumers at the same frequency

  rainbowCHiQexistThe first show of the ski world cupIt is just a microcosm of its marketing.In recent years, Changhong has continuously injected fashion, trend and intelligence into the brand, andPromote brand rejuvenation and upgrading, and build an internationally renowned brand with global competitiveness.Changhong helped the national badminton team to compete in major international competitions and become the champion partner of the champion; and361Cross-border cooperation with other brands will enter the vision of young people in a younger and more dimensional way, providing users with multi-scene experiences.

  According to relevant analysis, Changhong’s series of brand activities are constantly strengthening the connection and interaction with consumers, and looking for the resonance between the two sides in terms of values. Therefore, the leap of Changhong brand value is not only the embodiment of the strength of technology, industry, intellectual creation and marketing, but also the result of the brand resonating with the tide of the times.

The tourism market is booming and the consumption vitality continues to be released.

In the Datang city that never sleeps in Xi ‘an, Shaanxi Province, the "secret box of the prosperous Tang Dynasty" is popular, attracting many tourists to experience interaction; With the "three-piece cookie oven with dipping sauce and soul barbecue", Zibo, Shandong Province has become a top tourist city; The "village supermarket" in Rongjiang, Guizhou Province spread all over the network, driving the local tourism market to "blowout"; Spending the least money and playing the most cards, "special forces tourism" has become popular among young people … One hot word after another, one online celebrity project after another, and one scene of fiery consumption, which reflects the vigorous driving force for the recovery and development of China’s tourism industry and the great vitality of tourism consumption.

Since the beginning of this year, all localities have regarded tourism as an important industry to expand domestic demand and boost consumption, introduced support policies, introduced measures to benefit the people, and carried out promotional activities to promote the tourism market to show a trend of "high opening, steady walking and accelerated recovery". According to the data recently released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, in the first half of 2023, the total number of domestic tourists and domestic tourism revenue (total tourism expenditure) were 2.384 billion yuan and 2.30 trillion yuan respectively, with year-on-year growth rates of 63.9% and 95.9% respectively.

Travel demand is released.

The tourism market has accelerated its recovery.

"Climbing Siguniang Mountain in Sichuan is really a good place to spend the summer." Not long ago, Zhu Mo, a girl from Nanjing, called friends and friends to complete the "punching in" for the third time this year. Previously, she and her friends explored the most beautiful highway in China, Sichuan-Tibet National Highway 318, and completed the "Special Forces Tour" of climbing Mount Tai at night to watch the sunrise. "We love outdoor travel so much that we can’t wait to plan our next trip after a journey."

There are not a few people who are enthusiastic about traveling like Zhu Mo. In the first half of this year, the demand for mass travel was released, and the domestic tourism market accelerated its recovery and continued to explode.

The tourism market in Xinjiang is extremely hot. Tianshan Tianchi, Sailimu Lake, Bayinbuluke and other scenic spots have ushered in the peak of reception. After the single-library highway was restored to traffic, the tourism orders in Xinjiang increased significantly. Data show that in the first half of this year, Xinjiang received a total of 102 million tourists, up 31.49% year-on-year, and achieved a tourism income of 92.276 billion yuan, up 73.64% year-on-year.

With "there is a life called Yunnan" more deeply rooted in people’s hearts, the popularity of Yunnan tourism market continues to rise. Zhao Guoliang, Party Secretary and Director of Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said that in the first half of this year, the province received 539 million tourists, achieving a total tourism revenue of 639.432 billion yuan, up 40.0% and 48.8% respectively, which were 134.9% and 122.2% respectively in the same period of 2019.

According to the comprehensive calculation of the monitoring data of Jiangsu Smart Travel Platform, in the first half of this year, Jiangsu received 478 million domestic and foreign tourists, a year-on-year increase of 98.3%; The total tourism revenue reached 610 billion yuan, up 83.5% year-on-year, up 10.7% and 2.3% respectively compared with the same period in 2019.

Qian Ning, deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said that since the beginning of this year, Jiangsu has accelerated the upgrading and expansion of cultural tourism consumption, effectively guided and expanded cultural tourism consumption, and accelerated the release of cultural tourism consumption potential with richer consumption scenarios and more diversified consumption choices. "We have created a number of immersive experience projects with unique creativity, such as" natural history on the cloud "and" dazzling intangible heritage ".The coverage of digital RMB acceptance in the province’s tourist attractions has reached more than 1/5, and the cumulative sales of’ Shuiyun Jiangsu’ digital tourist card has reached 34.52 million yuan, driving tourism consumption by 125 million yuan."

The recovery of Hunan’s tourism market is equally rapid. In the first half of this year, 416 tourist areas monitored by the province received 182 million tourists, up 116.86% year-on-year. Operating income reached 21.455 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 135.01%. According to the relevant person in charge of the Hunan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, in June this year, Hunan has issued an initiative to all cities, prefectures and 389,000 cultural travel volunteers in the province to encourage and guide the vast number of cultural travel volunteers to "go where the masses need it most" during the summer vacation and carry out cultural travel volunteer service activities such as "civilized tourism" and "tourists are satisfied in Hunan".

"The tourism consumption data in the first half of the year is a normal rebound after three years of epidemic, and it is expected that this year will exceed the level of 2019." Jin Wei, deputy director of the Cultural Finance Research Center of the National Finance and Development Laboratory and secretary-general of the 50-member Forum on Cultural Finance in China, believes that the evolution of scenic spot tourism to global tourism, sightseeing and holiday tourism to personalized tourism and short-term tourism to long-term residence will have a great impact on the tourism market in the post-epidemic era.

Ma Yiliang, chief statistician of china tourism academy (Data Center of Ministry of Culture and Tourism), analyzed that in the first half of this year, the overall performance of China’s tourism market met expectations, showing the characteristics of accelerated recovery and scattered hot spots. Since the May Day holiday, the tourism market has remained at a high level. In the middle and late June, the summer tourism markets in various places started one after another, and the number of tourists in most destinations continued to climb. "The recovery of the tourism market in the first quarter was relatively slow. In the second quarter, the market heat has spread to remote destinations on a large scale, and the uneven recovery of the regional tourism market has been alleviated."

Enterprise confidence is effectively boosted.

Business performance has grown steadily.

With the rapid recovery of the domestic tourism market, tourism enterprises actively innovate and develop product projects, effectively improve the service level, and achieve a "big turnaround" in business performance.

Up to now, more than 20 A-share listed tourism enterprises have disclosed their performance forecasts for the first half of the year, among which more than 10 enterprises expect to record positive net profits for the first half of the year, and many enterprises such as Lijiang, Qujiang Wenlv, Jiuhua Tourism and Guilin Tourism have recorded net profits for the first half of the year.

"In the first half of the year, the overall operating data of BTG Home Inns was unexpected, and the average occupancy rate recovered to about 80% in the same period of 2019; The average house price is 120% in 2019. At present, the overall situation in 2023 is optimistic, especially in the leisure tourism sector. " Sun Jian, general manager of BTG Home Inn Group, told reporters that the three-year epidemic impact has made the hotel industry face many challenges and given the hotel people time to think calmly. "Since the beginning of this year, what we have done is actually very simple, which can be summarized by the words’ specialization and novelty’. For example, in terms of’ specialization’, BTG Home Inns has rebuilt three major capabilities: one is professional product research and development capabilities, the other is professional customer marketing capabilities, and the third is professional hotel operation capabilities. "

"In the first half of 2023, Huangshan Scenic Area received 2,091,600 tourists entering the mountain, up 527.00% year-on-year. The main business achieved good growth, and the overall performance is expected to turn losses into profits." Yang Yi, director of Huangshan Tourism Promotion Center, said that behind such achievements, Huangshan Scenic Area actively grasped opportunities, scientifically formulated market policies, increased marketing efforts, and innovated and iterated diversified tourism products.

"In the first half of 2023, various businesses of Guilin International Travel Service grew in an all-round way, achieving an operating income of nearly 60 million yuan, seven times that of the same period last year, achieving explosive growth." Chen Xi, Chairman of Guilin International Travel Service, said, "The Zhou Bianyou products of Guilin International Travel Service sold out immediately after the opening of the group, and the business of official visits and overseas visits surged, and the consultation on outbound tourism business was hot; The ticket business in scenic spots has grown rapidly. Taking Impression of Sister Liu as an example, more than 150,000 tourists have been organized, with a year-on-year increase of over 200%. In addition, the conference and exhibition business has accelerated its recovery; The research business continues to be hot, and has received a total of 12,000 students. "

In 2020, the hit variety show "Where is Dad?" once made Yunnan Puzhe black fire. With the recovery and development of tourism, there is once again a tourist boom here. Especially since the summer, thousands of tourists have flocked to the 10,000-mu lotus pond in the scenic spot to enjoy the charm of natural scenery. According to statistics, in the first half of 2023, Puzhehei Scenic Area achieved a tourism income of 24.6623 million yuan, an increase of 82% over the same period in 2022.

According to the big business data released by the Ministry of Commerce on July 20th, in the first half of this year, online travel products, scenic spot tickets and online entertainment sales increased by 272.4% and 69.8% respectively, which was 156.6 and 50.6 percentage points faster than that in the first quarter.

Wang Degang, vice president of china tourism association, president of Shandong Tourism Industry Association and president of Shandong University Tourism Industry Research Institute, said that in the first half of this year, the national tourism industry has fully resumed normal development. At present, it is the peak season of summer tourism. Cultural and tourism departments all over the country have adopted policies and measures to actively expand the consumption of cultural tourism and stimulate economic growth, vigorously promote market players to develop new products, new formats and new services suitable for summer tourism, and stimulate the consumption potential of cultural tourism. Scenic spots, amusement parks and other tourist sites are crowded, the occupancy rate of hotels and homestays is close to saturation, and the consumption of catering, shopping and entertainment has increased at a high level, which fully shows the strong recovery of the tourism market and the recovery and prosperity of the tourism industry.

The overall industrial development is improving.

Recovery and revitalization of the future can be expected.

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the contact service industry grew rapidly in the first half of this year, and the added value of accommodation and catering industry increased by 15.5% year-on-year. The demand for services such as exhibitions and tourism has increased, and related service industries have also maintained rapid growth.

The tourism market is hot and the business operation is improving, which also drives the industry confidence and the overall improvement of the industrial chain. The Report on Investment & Procurement Index of Cultural Tourism Industry in the First Half of 2023 jointly released by china tourism academy and China Amusement Park Association on July 11th shows that in the first half of 2023, the overall investment in cultural tourism industry picked up, and the confidence index of entrepreneurs in cultural tourism industry and investment field increased significantly.

79.2% of cultural tourism investment/operation enterprises carried out investment activities, and 46.0% of tourism manufacturing/service enterprises carried out investment activities. In 2023, the investment in the cultural tourism industry gradually stepped out of the cold winter and entered the recovery channel, and the return on investment of cultural tourism enterprises showed a trend of stabilization and recovery.

Local tourism authorities have also made constant efforts to guide the industry to develop well. Yan Naimin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, said that in order to ensure the healthy development of tourism, Xinjiang continued to intensify the rectification of the tourism market, and strictly investigated "unreasonable low-cost tours", operating travel agency business without permission, changing routes without authorization, and compulsory shopping. At the same time, we will strengthen the supervision of the hotel market in conjunction with relevant departments, promote the implementation of guided price and maximum price measures in various places, resolutely crack down on problems such as price gouging and non-performance of travel contracts, promote the "Smile Xinjiang" action, and further polish the brand of "Xinjiang is a good place".

"In the first half of this year, Guangxi made two-way efforts from both ends of supply and demand to promote a strong recovery of the tourism economy, and the tourism market reappeared the steaming’ fireworks’. The tourism economic indicators of the whole region generally recovered to the same level in 2019." Qiu Yuhong, director of the Policy and Regulation Division of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, said.

According to the data of Meituan B&B, in the first half of this year, the number of B&B employees on the platform increased by 47% year-on-year, and the number of employees after 00 increased by 140%. According to reports, in order to help young entrepreneurs quickly fill the shortcomings of management and marketing, Meituan B&B also launched more than 260 free courses online, guiding more than 30,000 B&B practitioners to grow continuously, and finally getting the "awesome landlord" traffic incentive.

"The recovery of the tourism market is stable and good, tourism professionals has accelerated its return, and the situation that the balance sheet of tourism enterprises continues to be repaired is increasingly significant." Ma Yiliang believes that in the first half of this year, various localities actively organized festivals such as music festivals, concerts and village supermarkets, and launched "pet tourists" measures such as tourist bus, opening government parking lots and inclusive traffic law enforcement, which played a key role in accelerating the recovery of the tourism market and guiding and stimulating tourism consumption, and accumulated valuable experience for the camera regulation of tourism economy.

(Interviewer: Wang Yang Grace Wai Wong Zhao Tengze Hui Gao Kuang Weinan Wang Sichao Yan Zijun Li Yuanfeng Written by Wang Yang)

Source: China Tourism News

Baseball made the final four, and China beat the Japanese team for three consecutive victories.

Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, October 3 (Reporter Lin Guangyao, Liu Bo) On the 3rd, the baseball event of the Hangzhou Asian Games ended in round robin, and the China team beat the Japanese team 1-0, and advanced to the semi-finals with a three-game winning streak in the group stage.

In the opening game, China made a good start. Liang Pei and Li Ning ran to the third and second bases respectively, posing a threat to their opponents. The Japanese team, under the tight defense of China team, had three batters out successively. The two sides drew 0-0 in the first game.

In the second game, Cao Jiean hit the base and successfully ran to the third base through Lu Yun’s hit and Yang Jin’s sacrifice touch. After that, when the bases were full, Liang Pei’s hit created a scoring opportunity. Cao Jie successfully scored the base run, and China led 1-0.

Since then, the battle between the two sides was deadlocked. Finally, relying on a key strike out and a wonderful double kill, China kept the score of 1:0 to the end, and Lectra beat the Japanese team and entered the super round with the first place in Group A. This is also the first time that China defeated the Japanese team in the history of the Asian Games.

"Everyone played their best tonight, especially Liang Pei, whose hit helped us win the most crucial point. The performance of several pitchers in our team is also very beautiful. They throw every ball well and help the team maintain its advantage to the end. " After the game, China team player Li Ning said in an interview.

"Thanks to the cheers of the audience, their cheers and applause gave us great encouragement." Li Ning said: "This is a historic breakthrough for us and a good start. Next, we will go all out to play every game."

In other matches of the day, China Taipei beat China Hongkong 15-0, South Korea beat Thailand 17-0, and the Philippines beat Laos 7-0.

China, China Taipei, Japan and South Korea advanced to the semi-finals after the group single round. China will play China Taipei in the Super Round which starts on October 5th.

Source: Xinhua News Agency