Summer night galaxy ushered in an excellent observation season, professionals tips on how to watch and shoot

Poster production: Feng Juan

  Xinhua News Agency, Tianjin, June 14 (Reporter Zhou Runjian) "The realm of Penglai is separated by wind and smoke, and the Milky Way is connected for nine days." On a summer night, if the weather is fine, in an environment with little light pollution, you will see a milky white light band spanning the sky and running through the north and south above your head. It is like a river, galloping endlessly, and the constellations are bright and star-studded. This is the famous Milky Way.

  The Milky Way photographed by Beijing astronomy enthusiast Dai Jianfeng at the Yaha Pass in Kangding, Sichuan in November 2019. (Photo provided by me)

  The Milky Way is made up of a large number of stars, which were also known as Tianhan, Xinghan, Tianhe, Jianghe, etc. in ancient times. Although the Milky Way can be seen all year round, summer is the perfect season to appreciate the Milky Way. This beautiful band of light extends from the east-north horizon to the south.

  The Milky Way photographed by Beijing astronomy enthusiast Wang Junfeng in Zhangye, Gansu Province in May 2019. (Photo provided by me)

  "The sky is as cold as water at night, and I lie down and watch the Cowherd and Vega star." Song Yuanyuan, director of the Tianjin Astronomy Association and an astronomy science expert at the Tianjin Science and Technology Museum, said that in the middle of the Milky Way, there are three bright stars – Vega in Lyra, Cowherd in Aquarius and Tianjin Si in Cygnus – which form the symbol of the summer starry sky – "Summer Triangle", which is approximately a right triangle.

  Vega is located at a right angle, emitting a diamond-like light on the west bank of the Milky Way, and is called the "Queen of Summer Nights". The southern vertex of the "Summer Triangle" is Altair, which is on the east bank of the Milky Way and faces Vega across the river; the other vertex of the "Summer Triangle" is Tianjin IV, located at the "tail" of Cygnus, which spans the Milky Way, with two wings extending north and south, and the neck extending along the Milky Way, with the head facing southwest and the tail facing northeast.

  The Milky Way photographed by Beijing astronomy enthusiast Wang Junfeng in Zhangye, Gansu Province in May 2019. (Photo provided by me)

  Extending southward from Vega along the bank of the Milky Way, you can see a bright red star, which is Antarctica in Scorpio, also known as "fire". Moving southward from Cowherd along the Milky Way, you can find Sagittarius, which is often called Sagittarius. "The Milky Way in the Sagittarius part is the widest and brightest. Because the direction of Sagittarius is the direction of the center of the Milky Way, which is the famous’Galactic Center ‘. The Chinese 28 constellations, Dou (Nandou Six Stars) and Gi, are in Sagittarius. For the northern hemisphere, the more southern the area, the higher the Sagittarius rises, the more conducive it is to observe those gorgeous deep-sky objects in the direction of the’Galactic Center’." Song Yuanyuan said.

Poster Production: Fang Jinyang

  Bright Milky Way, starry, how to shoot the magnificent appearance of the Milky Way?

  In the eyes of veteran astronomer Wang Junfeng, shooting the Milky Way is all about "the weather, the location, and the people." He introduced that the best time to shoot the Milky Way in the northern hemisphere is from the end of May to the end of September every year, based on comprehensive factors such as human sleep habits, climate and temperature.

  The Milky Way photographed by astronomy enthusiast Jiang Tao of Sichuan Province in Songge Mani Shijing City, Shiqu County, Sichuan Province in May 2020. (Photo provided by me)

  In addition to understanding the laws of the rise and fall of the Milky Way, the moon phase also has a great impact on the shooting of the Milky Way. To obtain a good shooting effect, it is necessary to avoid the influence of the full moon. From the 23rd of each lunar month to the seventh day of the following month, it is a more suitable time for shooting.

  The Milky Way photographed by Shanxi astronomy enthusiast Liu Zhao in Shunwangping Scenic Area, Yuncheng, Shanxi Province in June 2020. (Photo provided by me)

  Shooting the Milky Way alone is beautiful, but combining the landscape will make the photo icing on the cake, and the landscape has the function of indicating the geographical location. Therefore, the shooting point should choose a high-altitude area with a wide field of vision, a natural landscape or building with obvious geographical indications, and a suitable prospect.

  Shooting the Galaxy first requires one or more shooting equipment with long exposure function, either a camera or a mobile phone, a wide-angle lens with a large aperture is preferred; secondly, a stable tripod is required, and a shutter cable is recommended. A simple shutter cable will make your shooting a lot easier. Finally, you need to prepare the necessary equipment for night travel, headlights, cold, moisture, dust and insect-proof clothing, tents, supplies, etc.

  The Milky Way photographed by Beijing astronomy enthusiast Wang Junfeng at the Nanshan Observatory in Xinjiang in June 2019. (Photo provided by me)

  Everything is ready, only the parameters are set. If you shoot with the camera, you need to set the manual mode (M block) to shoot the Milky Way, turn on the lens to manually focus (the lens focus switch is switched to MF), the focus position is infinitely far, the aperture theory is the largest, and the image quality is better by subtracting one stop. If you want a longer exposure and the star point is not off-line, it is recommended to use an equator. The white balance can be adjusted according to personal preference, and the original data source format (RAW) can also be adjusted later. At this point, press the shutter, wait a moment, and a gorgeous Galaxy blockbuster will appear in the camera.

  The Milky Way photographed by astronomy enthusiast Zhang Bingbing of Shandong Province in Tianhengdao, Jimo District, Qingdao City in June 2021. (Photo provided by me)

  In recent years, with the continuous improvement of mobile phone hardware and algorithm optimization, mobile phone shooting Galaxy has become simple and easy to operate. "At present, both Hongmeng system and Android system mobile phones can switch to professional mode to shoot Galaxy, and even some brand mobile phones have star mode and time-lapse mode. Just hold the phone on a tripod to fix it, switch to star mode or time-lapse mode, and press to shoot. In professional mode, the parameters can refer to the camera settings." Wang Junfeng added.

Galaxy micro-recording. (video content provided by Beijing astronomy enthusiast Wang Junfeng)

  In June, the summer night is quiet, the night is in the arms; the galaxy is bright, like a dream. Let’s find a good weather, pack our bags, and record the beautiful Milky Way together under the poetic night sky.

Producer: Zhao Cheng

Producer: Hu Qinghai

Planner: Liu Xinhui

Text: Zhou Runjian

Editor: Lian Changyan

Xinhua News Agency, jointly produced by Xinhua News Agency Tianjin Branch

Produced by Star Studio

SHEIN: Brand Rise in China! Breaking the pattern of fashion industry with efficient supply chain

For a long time, the right to speak and define the global fashion industry has been dominated by the fashion giants in developed countries such as Europe and America. The influence of China clothing brands on the international fashion stage is relatively weak, and there are few brands that can directly affect the global fashion trend. However, with the changes of the times and technological innovation, this pattern is undergoing profound changes. As one of the four major brands in the world, SHEIN, with its excellent innovation ability, efficient supply chain management and unique market strategy, has not only won the enthusiastic pursuit of consumers around the world, but also successfully broken the market structure dominated by international established fashion brands for a long time.

Today, SHEIN is becoming popular all over the world and has become one of the four most popular fashion brands in the world. Recently, in the latest list of "Top Ten Fastest Growing Brands in America" released by Morning Consult, an authoritative consulting company in the United States, SHEIN was selected together with global head brands such as ChatGPT, OpenAI, Facebook and CocaCola, and it is also the only fashion brand selected in the world.

In 2023, SHEIN once again won the global shopping APP download list, and ranked second in the favorite clothing brand of American young people; And together with well-known brands such as Apple, Gucci, Mercedes-Benz, etc., it won the Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands List of Brandz (No.70); In 2022, SHEIN surpassed internationally renowned brands such as Nike and Adidas to become the most searched clothing brand in Google, and replaced ZARA as the most popular fashion brand in the world in 2022. At the same time, SHEIN is also the hottest brand in the United States in ADAGE in 2022.

These honors have witnessed SHEIN’s unparalleled rising speed and extensive influence in the international market.

There are many factors that consumers like fashion, such as the material of luxury goods, brand stories, fashion trends and so on. SHEIN is unique in this respect, and it shows a unique solution when facing some core challenges of the fashion industry. For example, the dilemma that the fashion industry often faces-how to strike a balance between providing a variety of product categories and maintaining high cost performance, SHEIN has successfully overcome this problem and achieved a wide range of products with affordable prices. Another example is inventory management, which is the biggest headache for fashion merchants. With its excellent supply chain management and agile operation strategy, SHEIN has effectively reduced the risk of inventory backlog, thus standing out from the industry.

It can be said that the success of SHEIN is the innovation brought by technology and supply chain efficiency. Through the flexible supply chain, SHEIN can make timely response and adjustment according to the needs of the market and consumers, thus reducing the possibility of inventory waste from the source. In short, SHEIN relies on its innovative flexible supply chain mode of on-demand production, uses the actual market demand to predict sales and control production, and finally reduces overproduction. On the premise of real-time analysis and tracking fashion trends, all SKUs start with very small orders, and each SKU generally starts with 100-200 pieces. If the sales trend is good, the order will be returned immediately, but if the sales are not up to expectations, the production will be suspended.

In addition, thanks to the cost reduction brought by the efficiency improvement of the supply chain, SHEIN gives back 100% of these values to the end consumers and shares the created value with consumers. This move has greatly reduced the sales price of goods, which is also the reason why SHEIN’s products are cost-effective.

SHEIN’s flexible supply chain has become the biggest killer in the fashion field. In the report Agile Supply Chain: A New Source of Competitive Advantage in Fashion Industry, Boston Consulting Group mentioned that innovative agile supply chain represented by SHEIN has become the general trend of the industry, which can bring more potential income, higher capital utilization rate, lower storage discount cost, less waste and more competitive price advantage.

Therefore, the rise and success of SHEIN is not only an individual breakthrough of the brand, but also reflects the role change of China fashion industry from follower to leader in the context of globalization. It provides a brand-new development model for the global fashion industry, showing how technology and innovation can deeply reshape the supply chain, improve efficiency and reduce costs, and then promote the sustainable development of the whole industry. In the future, SHEIN will continue to lead a new round of changes in the global fashion industry with more flexible and efficient supply chain management and unique market strategy, and bring more high-quality and cost-effective fashion products to global consumers.


Behind the imminent birth of China Table Tennis, Deng Chao did these things!

Special feature of 1905 film network When I first went to the Spring Festival Gala in 2022, I was most impressed when I came home and said, "Can you do something fresh?". Deng Chao explained, "I have worked hard. The stage moves were designed by everyone. Me and I sang and danced together, so I said to them,’ You two have a lot of stage experience, so just give me a little less design, and we will just have a look at each other.’ "But I didn’t expect three people to perform songs, Chris Lee and Jackson Yee looked rather sedate, while Deng Chao, who was on the same stage, was particularly lively and danced constantly. Even Sun Li couldn’t help but send Weibo to ridicule: "Super brother, calm down and jump out of the painting!"

For Deng Chao, he likes to try different fields and want to shoot different stories. At present, the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing is being held in full swing. As the initiator of the "Postcards of Love" jointly launched by the Cultural Activities Department of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, the Film Channel Program Center and the 1905 Film Network, Deng Chao accepted an exclusive interview with our column. Apart from talking about his favorite winter Olympics and his happy mood at the first CCTV Spring Festival Evening, he also brought the first exposure of the film.

Winter Olympics and China Table Tennis

Many netizens said that after the Spring Festival Evening, Deng Chao became an adjective. Deng Chao also didn’t expect, then what "Winter Olympics Deng Chao", even more surprised him. It turned out that the foreign athlete, like him, was an "atmosphere team leader". In this regard, he feels that it is enough to bring happiness to everyone.

Deng Chao has always been fond of sports. Although he is not a professional athlete, he is obsessed with curling. He thinks it is fun and precise. He even goes to various clubs and where to practice curling. But someone reminded him that curling is a very intellectual sport. Deng Chao asked him what he meant, but the man just said that he needed high-precision calculation, which was in line with the identity of Chaoge Xueba. Deng Chao accepted this statement.

Deng Chao, as the star of the movie "Ping Pong in China", is concerned about the Winter Olympics. He thinks that sports competitions are very helpful for the creation of sports films. He said, "This is absolutely on-site teaching. We read the script around yesterday and stopped in the middle of it because there was a game. I also make sports movies by flipping through a lot of videos and the matches at that time. One of our demands as filmmakers is to hope that more people can remember a sports event even if they never understand it. This is what we can do. "

For this China Ping-Pong, Deng Chao began to practice table tennis by himself every day. He also changed his customary right hand to his left hand, and even began to use his left hand when eating, completely changing his living habits for the role.

Premiere "secretary"

In the new film "You are My Light", which will be released on February 25th, Deng Chao plays a secretary. Although there are not so many scenes, as soon as he sees the character’s modeling and state, he knows that the role has stood still, which makes him very moved.

Previously, Deng Chao also participated in the movie channel’s "Fighting Poverty — "Starlight Action" has also become his experience and material for playing this role. In his view, "every time you decide to start your life with a character, you are very, very scared." When you recognize a person, you will have so many moments to learn from him, and the rest of the time will begin to be anxious, but this anxiety is also happy, because you know that person is not you, and he is many times taller than you. In that field and story, he and the audience want to convey such a voice, theme and metaphor, and this kind of learning and anxiety is the nature of our work. "

Deng Chao believes that the secretary’s spirit will be passed down like a mantle in this film, bringing the audience the great love of "giving up a small family for everyone". He is full of expectations for this.

Is it dead? Ten domestic potential new tours were launched in ten days, and Tencent participated in the war strongly!

With the normalization of the release of the version number, the whole game circle recovered and agitated like spring. In the last ten days of March alone, at least ten domestic new tours have set off a test frenzy, including the open world, classic IP new works, big-name IP adaptation, innovative gameplay with full potential and so on. Interested players can pay attention to the test time and participation method.

Ming Chao

Manufacturer: Kuluo R&D, Tencent Investment.

Test time: the recruitment will be started on March 21st, and the limited free file deletion test will be started on April 20th.

Kuluo’s new world tour "Ming Chao" will be opened, and the official announcement will start the "resonance test" on April 20. The recruitment time will last from March 21 to April 15, and the official will randomly select players to issue test qualifications after the recruitment.

This test is a limited free file deletion test, which is open to PC, Android and iOS platforms at the same time. The data between PC and mobile platform is interoperable, but the qualification will be bound to the equipment used for the first time, and the equipment cannot be replaced during the test.

In the middle of last year, "Ming Chao" opened a 0.5 technical test, which gave players a glimpse of the initial face of this "sexual indifference" style of the second-dimensional open world. It has more freedom to explore parkour system than the original god, such as running directly on the mountain wall, rippling for a long distance with air hooks and claws and so on. The combat system emphasizes the action infinitely, and the attack methods such as bullet time, rebound and QTE emerge one after another, but there are also many problems such as insufficient sense of attack and dull face of the character.

Some time ago, Kuluo also accepted Tencent’s investment and retained the right of independent development. This "resonance test" will give us a new look of Kuluo after more than half a year’s development.

"New Tianlong Babu" Mobile Tour

Manufacturer: Changyou R&D, issued by Tencent.

Open test information: March 22nd, Anzhuo Shenlong test.

After 10 months of painstaking recasting, the "New Dragon Eight Parts" mobile game officially launched the "Dragon Test" on March 22, and the test type is Android limited number paid file deletion test.

"New Tianlong Babu" was created by Changyou’s original team. The game uses Unity5-PBR technology engine to restore the real world of the Northern Song Dynasty, reshape famous scenes such as Dali City, Yanmenguan and Yanziwu, and create a 3D visual feast. There are also classic characters such as Qiao Feng, Duan Yu, Xu Zhu, Arjun and Wang Yuyan, which reproduce the original tortuous and bizarre heroic story.

There are many Tianlong IP games on the market, and this "New Tianlong Babu" mobile game was transplanted from the end tour by Changyou Company and jointly produced by Tencent Changyou.

A look at Tencent’s agent operation, many players are afraid of shaking three times. Tencent obviously noticed this, and specially released an article entitled "How does New Tianlong land in the player trading system?" The article shows the existence and development of "free trading" and "setting up stalls" in the mobile game of "New Tianlong Babu", that is, you can move bricks!

In addition, the primary and secondary currencies in the game can be converted as needed, which means that the gold coins in the game can be reversely converted into ingots. This breakthrough is believed to inject more possibilities into the free trading market in the game.

Diary of My Royal Sword

Manufacturers: Yuefu Mutual Entertainment R&D, Chinese Mobile Games Distribution

Test information: March 22nd "Royal Sword Test" Android limited file deletion billing test.

Test time: 10: 00 on March 22nd to 23:59 on March 29th.

"My Royal Sword Diary" is a domestic RPG mobile game with Xiuzhen exploration card, which was jointly issued by Shanghai Yuefu Mutual Entertainment and Shenzhen Zhongyou Mobile Game, and passed the version number approval on July 30, 2022.

This game was created by the original class of the three kingdoms of the youth, and the main slogan is "the mobile game of fixing truth played by young people". The game is expected to be officially launched in mid-May this year, and on March 22nd, My Royal Sword Diary ushered in the ultimate paid internal test.

In the game, the player plays an ordinary disciple of Qingyun Sect, and by coincidence, he is inherited by the Emperor and becomes the master of the heavenly book. The imperial sword explores and cultivates the truth from all walks of life, makes friends with all parties, refines the alchemist and demon, and the demon spirit array fights to resolve the crisis of Zongmen Sect. All kinds of experiences in practice make the protagonist grow into a monk who cares about the world and resolutely embark on a journey to save the whole world.

The devil may cry-the battle of the peak

Vendors: Capcom authorization, Yunchang game research and development.

Test information: "Awakening Test" on March 23rd.

Authorized by CAPCOM and developed by Yunchang Games, The Devil May Cry-Battle of the Peak was officially released as early as June 11th, 2021, and now version 2.0 is coming soon.

This new version mainly focuses on the completion and optimization of gameplay. Previously, players have been feedback that there are too few gameplay, so 2.0 has drastically adjusted the original copy gameplay according to the player’s suggestion, and added new challenges, such as the new version of Blood Palace, Roguelike copy, jumping skills, and PVP that players have been waiting for a long time.

In version 2.0, visual contents such as game scenes, character models, skill special effects, and UI have also been transformed to varying degrees, with emphasis on adjusting the texture of details.

In the "Awakening Test" on March 23rd, players will be able to explore richer main plots, experience new and upgraded combat operations, and manipulate new characters who are familiar with the devil may cry series.

It is understood that after the version goes online, players can also get the role Nero for free.

"warm snow" mobile game "ember dream" DLC

Manufacturer: Mud game research and development, exclusive agent of bilibili game.

Open test information: Android limited file deletion test on March 24th.

Guofeng action martial arts adventure Roguelite game "Warm Snow" mobile game version of "Emerald Dream" DLC will start a small-scale pre-emptive limited file deletion test at 11: 00 am on March 24th. This test is a DLC version test of the game, and you need to own and unlock the "Warm Snow Mobile Game" itself and have the test qualification to participate. And because of the nature of the "confidential test", maybe we won’t know the test content until it is officially launched.

"Warm Snow" is a Rogue game with dark national wind action, which is unique in picture, feel and plot setting, and has achieved excellent results in word-of-mouth sales after its release.

Mobile games transplant the game ontology in full, and adopt the form of free download and paid unlocking, so that you can download the game for free and experience the first level for free, and the subsequent content will cost 25 yuan to buy out and unlock the game ontology.

In the next version, the production team will update the DLC "Dream" and the latest "Endless Mode" on the PC side to the players for free, and at the same time, they are also trying to add some exclusive functions on the mobile side, such as key connection and monster position indicator light. Interested players can continue to pay attention.

Strange Tales of Goddess: Phantom of the Night

Manufacturer: SEGA authorized, Perfect World R&D.

Test information: March 29th "Sneak test"

Authorized by SEGA, with the deep participation of ATLUS, the first mobile game of the 5》IP series "Strange Tales of Goddess 5" created by Kuroha Studio of Perfect World Games, The Phantom of the Night (P5X for short), the first test was officially finalized on March 29th, and the test recruitment is currently in full swing.

As a new series of P5 works logging into the mobile terminal for the first time, P5X is not only committed to restoring the stylized audio-visual performance of IP, but also fully considers the habits of mobile phone users, aiming at creating a P5 mobile game that directly hits the aesthetics of all young people.

This book focuses on the theme of "desire" and tells a brand-new story that teenagers who have awakened the ability of "personality mask" meet and get to know each other, face difficulties side by side and grow up under the background of "low desire". The mysterious old man with a long nose, a strange underwater room, an owl who can "speak" human words, and a world completely different from reality, these seemingly unrelated things are linked together because of a certain opportunity …

The protagonist of the game and the exclusive personality mask of the protagonist are personally manipulated by Seiji Kojima. As a senior role designer of the ATLUS art team, a series of characters he designed for "Unusual Records of the Goddess 5" are deeply loved by players.

According to the released PV, the game’s high degree of restoration has been well received (even exactly the same), and many players have experienced this mobile game as a meal replacement before P6 came out. "Finally, I don’t have to play P5 in other linked mobile games."

How about the specific gameplay? Let’s find out after the test.

Walking with the new moon

Manufacturer: candle salary network research and development

Test information: March 30th "Orange Test" Android file deletion test without charge.

"Walking with the New Moon" is a horizontal exploration and turn-based strategy game with urban supernatural theme independently developed and launched by Candle Pay Network.

In the first exposure of PV a few months ago, we can see the collision of Chinese background style with Cthulhu, urban tales of mystery and other elements, the elephant slide with rolling eyes, the picture frame with feet, and the refrigerator with open and close doors. All the settings are very bizarre and funny; The grounded background of passers-by and tea restaurants who speak Cantonese Putonghua may give Cantonese people a strong sense of intimacy.

Just a few days ago, "New Moon Companion" released a brand-new PV again, with a large amount of "next episode preview" PV, which also greatly increased the player’s goodwill.

Gameplay is a very common turn-based card among the two-spined apes. We look forward to this test together.

Aurora at White Night

Manufacturer: Yonghang Technology Development and Tencent Distribution.

Test information: March 30th "Sailing" test, Android limited file deletion without charging test.

"White Night Aurora" is a magical strategy-style war chess elimination mobile game developed by Beijing Yonghang Technology Co., Ltd. and issued by Tencent, and it is also the only new tour in this period that returns to China after going out to sea.

With a strong artistic level and easy-to-use strategy, Aurora on a White Night has made a difference in a number of secondary games. In particular, the role drawing, which is often drawn out of circles and comparable to illustrations, often makes people marvel at the artistic strength of this game.

However, some time ago, "White Night Aurora" was also rushed to the forefront because the painter He Tu used AI technology.

The game was launched in Japan, Europe and America on June 17th, 2021, and in China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan on September 16th, 2021. On the first day of its launch, Nissho topped the free list of Japanese App Store and Google Play.

After obtaining the game version number on January 17, 2023, the national costume of "Aurora at White Night" entered an orderly publicity period. A few days ago, it was the nth time that Wit Studio, the hegemonic company, launched the animation OP "The Edge of Black and White", and the player said, "Boy, I have to watch it now."

"White Night Aurora" will start the "sailing test" on March 30, and interested players can pay attention to it.

Spiral Waltz 2 Wars of the Roses

Manufacturer: Cross Star Studio

Test information: March 30th, rehearsal ball, Android limited payment file deletion test, the whole platform has a total of 30,000 test places.

The dressing mobile game "Spiral Waltz 2 Wars of the Roses" produced by Cross Star Studio is about to start a limited test, and the game has obtained the version number on December 28, 2022.

As a highly acclaimed sequel to the Spiral Waltz, the Spiral Waltz 2 Wars of the Roses, created by the original crew, not only inherits the advantages of the previous work, but also further surpasses and upgrades the gameplay, pictures and plots.

The new concept of "scene dressing" revolutionizes dressing up and brings a unique game experience; Full costume+full scene Live2D dynamic dressing experience, embellished with exquisite hand-painted original paintings; Millions of plot texts and dozens of characters with different personalities bring a grand world view to the players. The player will be transformed into a noble girl "Kalia Lovela" and step into a fantastic and magnificent stage. The authority of fate is in his own hands.

Since this test is a limited test, the game will be closed after the number of registered users reaches the upper limit of the server. Players who want to participate in the test need to download it as soon as possible. Players who have not experienced it should pay attention to the subsequent test.

Code word: pupil

Manufacturer: R&D of Tianren Laboratory

Open test information: On March 31st, Android and IOS limit numbers were deleted without charge.

The horizontal adventure mobile game "Cipher: Pupil" independently developed by Tianren Lab announced that the first "preview test" (file deletion) of the game will be officially launched on March 31st. At present, the recruitment for the test is being carried out on major platforms and official website, and it will end on the 27th of this month.

Its story takes place in a new city "Kowloon City" consisting of nine blocks, where traditional and modern fashions collide and converge into a unique atmosphere of the city that is retro, trendy and bizarre.

"Code: Pupil" adopts the way of horizontal parkour, and has many innovations in horizontal action play.

The unique ball-eating combat gameplay lowers the operating threshold and allows players to focus more on the interaction with boss; Players can also summon teammates to fight by picking up "special help balls" and display their skills; In addition, the development team also strengthened the experience positive feedback of avoidance operation, so that avoidance is no longer a helpless move; These designs have greatly strengthened the combat strategy.

Generally speaking, "Secret Code: Pupil" can be regarded as a new two-dimensional tour worth looking forward to in the near future, and I look forward to the test performance of the first test.

Leaving the NBA at 25? Foreign media: Nilikina received an offer from the French team and the guerrillas were also interested in him.

Live broadcast on August 4 th According to Serbian media Mozzart, French player Nilikina may return to Europe to play.

Aswell, a French team, and Partizan Belgrade, a Serbian team, have been talking about their interest in Nilikina. Mozzart said that only Aswell made a specific offer for Nilikina.

As a free agent, Nilikina’s goal is to stay in the NBA, and his position as a lone ranger has been replaced by Exum.

Nilikina, 25, is the No.8 show in 2017. Before entering the NBA, she played for the French team Strasbourg and played for the Knicks and the Lone Ranger in the NBA.

In the 2022-23 season, Nilikina played 47 regular-season games for the Lone Ranger, averaging 2.9 points, 1.3 rebounds and 1.2 assists in 12.9 minutes, with a shooting percentage of 36.4%.

5:3! Bayern completed revenge, 3 full-backs, 2 goals, 1 goal and 2 goals. It’s really unfair to lose in Paris.

On the evening of March 11th, Beijing time, the 24th round of Bundesliga started in full swing, and Bayern continued to sit in Allianz Stadium to face augsburg. In the first half, Berisha used pawar’s mistake to break the deadlock. Cancelo and pawar scored two goals in four minutes to overtake the score. Then pawar scored twice and Sane headed the ball to expand the score. Berisha also scored twice in the second half, Alfonso Davies stabbed and sealed the victory, Vargas pulled another goal in injury time, and finally Bayern beat augsburg 5-3.

In the second leg of the Champions League knockout two days ago, Bayern easily knocked off the horse 2-0, and didn’t give Mbappé and Messi too many chances. However, Bayern, who is back in the league, will still face a big threat, with Dortmund, Berlin United and other teams chasing after. In addition, Bayern lost to augsburg in the first leg.

In this game, Shu Bo-Mo Ting was absent due to a back injury, and Mane returned to the starting lineup as the center. Muxiala, Sane, Gnabry and Alfonso-Davies ambushed behind him, and kimmich was single-backed; Cancelo, Yupamelano, Delicht and pawar form the defence, and the goalkeeper is Sommer.

Only three minutes into the opening, Bayern made a mistake in defence.Pawar inadvertently headed the ball and staged an own goal assist. Berisha picked the ball with his right foot in the restricted area and pushed it over Cancelo, scoring 0-1! Augsburg takes the lead by going from customer to customer.

As the team with the fiercest firepower this season, daring to score Bayern’s goal may mean a fiasco. Sure enough, in the 15th minute, Bayern patiently organized the frontcourt and Alfonso Davis scored the ball on the left.Sane passes to the right again, and Cancelo gets the ball in the restricted area, and his left foot shakes the defense, and his right foot explodes into the far corner to score, 1-1!This was Cancelo’s first goal in Bayern, and he also got three assists in the past eight games.

In the 19th minute,Kimmich’s right set-piece was sent to the penalty area, Driget’s header ferry was cleared, Ma’s barbed pass in the penalty area, and pawar grabbed the goal, 2-1!Pawar redeem oneself by good service! It took only 4 minutes for Bayern to finish the lead in the score.

In the 35th minute,Kimmich kicked the corner, Driget’s header was blocked, and pawar staged the version 2.0 of the Peach Blossom Shadow Flying Excalibur. He directly volleyed and scored twice, 3:1!So far this season, pawar has scored five goals on behalf of Bayern in various competitions, which is the highest number of goals scored by the French defender in a single season.

In the 39th minute, Mane turned and volleyed in the restricted area, and Jikaiweiqi flew to block the ball out of the baseline with one hand.In the 44th minute, Bayern broke the ball in the frontcourt, and Sane pushed straight to the left. Mane swung open the angle and the shot was saved. Sane followed the header in front of the door to make up the shot and broke the net, 4:1!Sane scored the seventh goal in the league, which was his first goal after the World Cup.

In the 50th minute after coming back from the second half, Bayern fought back in the middle circle, Grabri pushed the direct pass, Sane got the ball straight, and Mane followed up and pushed the goal, but the offside goal was invalid. In the 53rd minute, Mane tried a long-range shot at the top of the arc, and the ball was slightly higher. It can be seen that after coming back, Mane hoped to find the feeling of scoring again. In the 58th minute,Arne Mayer’s long-range shot was saved by Sommer. Driget was fined a yellow spot package for a foul while defending in the restricted area. Berisha cheated Sommer with a penalty kick, and the score became 4-2!

In the 74th minute,Bayern made a comeback. After Cancelo pushed the ball on the right, the instep of the outer foot passed to the back point. Alfonso Davies followed up and stabbed the next city, 5:2!Bayern once again expanded the score to 3 goals, which was Alfonso Davis’ first goal of the season. Seeing that the victory or defeat has been decided, nagel Mann also let the substitute players come out to find the feeling of the game, and the main players such as Gnabry, Mane, Muxiala and Derrych came off to rest one after another. In injury time, Vargas fell to the ground and shoveled to narrow the score again.

In the end, Bayern beat augsburg 5-3 at home, avenged the loss in the first leg, and continued to lead the Bundesliga standings. Counting this game, Bayern scored 8 wins and 1 loss in the last 9 games. Seeing Bayern in such a fiery state, we can only say that Paris is really right to lose.