Autonavi map upgrades lane-level navigation 5.0, multi-scene lane-level safety warning and other functions

Recently, at the 16th China Automotive Blue Book Forum, Autonavi Maps officially released AutoSDK 750 for the automotive industry, launchingNew energyNavigation, multi-scene lane-level safety warning, lane-level navigation 5.0, co-pilot screen weekend travel assistant, driver interconnection seamless connection experience, scene engine quick departure and other functions have been updated.

Andy Lau sends off his "father-in-law" for the last journey, the media squatting (Photos)

Wai Tsai’s mourning behavior was also criticized by the neighbors for being too selfish.

  On the afternoon of July 11, the famous singer Andy Lau sang a new song while attending a large-scale charity sale in Hong Kong. Posted by China News Agency, photographed by Zheng Zuosheng

  China News Service, August 21. The woman behind Andy Lau, Zhu Liqian, and her deceased husband, Zhu Jincheng, will be buried at about 10 am tomorrow, and will be buried immediately. Hong Kong media said that it is estimated that Andy will appear to bid farewell to his "father-in-law" for the last journey.

  Andy Lau’s girlfriend Zhu Liqian’s father, Zhu Jincheng, died suddenly on Tuesday (18th) at the age of 73. It was reported that Andy and Zhu Liqian flew to Malaysia immediately to die. Andy has kept his relationship a secret for 24 years, and this trip to Malaysia to bid farewell to his "father-in-law" was also very low-key. The two disappeared in the Zhu family mansion.

  After the news of Zhu Liqian’s father’s death came out, in addition to the Malaysian media, Hong Kong media also flew to the local area one after another to gather at the Zhu family for interviews. The security of the mansion was tight, and the iron door was locked to prevent outsiders from entering.

  According to media reports, the funeral hall in the Zhu family mansion yesterday has put Zhu’s father’s last photo, in which he is very serene, decorated with white flowers next to the last photo, and put oranges and lights in front of the altar to honor the deceased.

  The funeral ceremony of Zhu’s father used Buddhist rituals. The night before, the family had done rituals and burnt for Zhu’s father. They decided to hold a funeral at 10 am tomorrow and bury him at 11 am. Zhu’s father and his deceased wife were buried together in Yishan, Fujian.

Further reading:

Inventory: The 10 women who most want to marry Andy Lau

Zhu Liqian: I have admired Andy Lau since I was a child

Zhu Liqian and Andy Lau: 23 Years of Love Began by Fans (Photos)

6 Women Who Had "Dyed" With Andy Lau (Photos)

Zhu Liqian: No longer be Andy Lau’s "underground lady"? (photo)

Andy Lau and Zhu Liqian’s 10 secrets of underground love (Photos)

  Related links:

  • Zhu Liqian: No longer be Andy Lau’s "underground lady"? (picture) 2009-08-20
  • Zhu Liqian: I have admired Andy Lau since I was a child 2009-08-20
  • How did Zhu Liqian upgrade from a fan to Andy Lau’s girlfriend 2009-08-20
  • Zhu Liqian and Andy Lau: 23 Years of Love Began by Fans (Photo) 2009-08-20
  • Andy Lau Zhu Liqian’s 20-year love affair revealed, and the two first learned about letters (picture) 2009-08-20
  • Zhu Liqian’s father died suddenly, and Andy Lau flew to Malaysia for a funeral 2009-08-20

The movie channel 2.27-3.4 will broadcast many classic love movies.

Special feature of 1905 film network Spring has arrived, everything is revived, and there is a vibrant scene everywhere. Flowers are red, willows are green, and the world is beautiful. It’s really fascinating. And spring is not only the season when flowers bloom and everything grows, but also the season when love is most likely to germinate.

From February 27th to March 4th, the movie channel has carefully prepared a number of love movies for everyone, so let’s welcome this season of love together.

Love+philosophy Show classical beauty

Film stills

"Coffee Commune" is a self-directed romantic comedy, starring,, and. It tells the story of a young man who came to Hollywood to pursue his movie dream, then fell in love and indulged in the famous coffee commune of that era.

The colors in the film are warm, colorful and full of hope. The classical atmosphere gives this classic "Woody Allen-style" story a little novelty, which makes the film filled with a charming illusory temperament and philosophical meaning.

In the film, director Woody Allen, with the help of the hero, said Socrates’ sentence that "an unexamined life is not worth living", and then retorted that "but a scrutinized life is not easy".

The development track of love cannot be planned. Now that we have chosen each other, we should bravely face everything that is coming.

In the film, the photographer’s dark shots are beautiful, turning the wooden office and dining room into fantastic scenes. Every shot glows with a vibrant classical beauty, which makes people want to take their lover in for a drink.

Beach+music Full of love

Film stills

In the classic film "What Tea in Summer", Summer came to Dandan Island, Malaysia after emotional trauma, and met the beach rescue team member Mo Tea, and they started a romantic love.

The film tells the audience a ups and downs love story in a relaxed and happy way. The whole film is very beautiful on location, with gorgeous colors to explain the beauty of life and the enthusiasm of love.

Vivid illustrations, colorful transitions, relaxed and funny dialogues, and pure and lovely songs and soundtracks have all become the unique features of this film. Songs such as "The girl on the other side looks over" and "The waves are blossoming" in the film are still regarded as confession songs for girls by many boys.

Love+martial arts Heroic spirit burst into flames

Film stills

The martial arts film Yang Guo and Little Dragon Girl, released in 1983, was directed by Huashan, starring, etc. Based on the novel "The Condor Heroes", the film tells the story that Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv met and fell in love, and because of various misunderstandings, they interpreted a love-hate story.

This film is a rare martial arts work in Leslie Cheung. Compared with other versions, Yang Guo played by Leslie Cheung has the youthful temperament of a handsome and beautiful boy.

While Weng Jingjing’s little girl Long Mingyan is moving, she has a little more Jianghu temperament.

A pair of martial arts experts bring a full screen of youth. Do you love them?

Simple Cinderella Gorgeous princess

Film stills

Cinderella, the first live-action version, is a fantasy drama film directed by, starring, etc. Based on fairy tales, the film adds innovative adaptation, and the main line of the story still revolves around Cinderella’s courage in difficulties and her romantic love with the prince.

Many classic scenes in the original work are also presented in the film one by one, including the fairy godmother turning the pumpkin into a carriage, Cinderella’s gorgeous transformation, and the loss of crystal shoes on the steps of the palace.

The blue dress worn by Cinderella in the film was carefully sewn with many tiny Swarovski crystals, and it is said that a total of 10,000 were used.

This movie makes the sparkling Cinderella come to you from the fairy tale. In reality, no matter what the person you love wears, I believe that in your eyes, it will shine like wearing 10,000 crystals.

Be on the screen many times Achieve the best work

Stills of the movie Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre, released in 1970, is a classic film directed by Delbert Mann and starring susannah york and George C. Scott. The film is adapted from Charlotte Brontexq’s masterpiece of the same name and tells the story of several emotional experiences in Jane Eyre’s life.

Jane Eyre has been repeatedly put on the screen for 8 times, and the British version in 1970 is recognized as the highest artistic and production level.

Jane Eyre in the film is like the struggle history of "Cinderella" in real life. She bravely faces difficulties and setbacks and pursues equality between men and women and between the poor and the rich. As she herself said, "I have the same soul and heart as you."

Over the years, many well-known romantic films at home and abroad have been growing up from generation to generation, adding a touch of sweet color to our ignorant period. So many excellent love movies, which one is the classic that you can’t surpass in your heart?

Program preview:

February 27th (Monday) Coffee Commune

February 28th (Tuesday) "Summer Tea"

On March 2nd (Thursday), Yang Guo and Little Dragon Girl

March 3rd (Friday) "Cinderella"

March 4th (Saturday) Jane Eyre

Lei Jiayin’s desperate spy war drama "Peace Hotel" was finalized

Directed by Li Jun, a famous director, written by Zhang Lai, a "ghost talent", and starring Chen Shu, Lei Jiayin and Li Guangjie, the humorous suspense spy war drama "Peace Hotel" was officially booked on Zhejiang Satellite TV, and it started broadcasting at 19:30 every day from January 25th. In the play, Lei Jiayin plays the bandit Wang Dading, who is full of evil spirits but also a folk patriot. Chen Jiaying (Chen Shu), who meets by chance, pretends to be a husband and wife and fights with the enemy. It looks very enjoyable. The play shows the world pattern at that time with the Peace Hotel. On the basis of step-by-step gripping, there is no lack of relaxed and humorous elements. The first cooperation between Chen Shu and "ex-husband brother" Lei Jiayin also made the audience look forward to it.

Lei Jiayin challenged the intellectual bandits to fight the drama "the unity of man and drama"

In addition to the gripping plot, the characters in the play are "hand-eye-to-eye", and the integration of people and drama is another highlight. Wang Dading is "the only bandit with higher education in the three northeastern provinces". On the surface, Chen Jiaying is a senior detective expert in the confidential department of Manchuria Railway and only a dozen behavioral trace analysis experts in the world. In fact, she is a member of the underground party of the Communist Party of China. Their identity sounds unusual, but it is also consistent with the temperament of the actors themselves.

Lei Jiayin, the "ex-husband" who came out of My First Half of Life, challenged the role of "literary bandit" in the play. He played Wang Dading, who loved reading Shakespeare and dreamed of robbing the rich to help the poor, and pretended to be a loving couple with Chen Shu. In the play, he has a moustache and a big oil head, and he has a sense of joy. It is simply a true color, and his funny personality is undoubtedly revealed. Chen Shu, who wears cheongsam to the extreme, plays a female agent with high intelligence. Her behavior is decisive, her will is firm, and she exudes a fierce beauty. This role coincides with Chen Shu’s elegant Leng Yan temperament. Li Guangjie, a serious face, plays the persistent police sergeant without any sense of disobedience. Other actors and roles in the play are also very unified, and they have a strong sense of substitution.

Humor opens a new type of spy war. Li Jun’s tough guy style brings a different feeling.

"Peace Hotel" not only has the dangers of traditional spy war dramas, but also adds appropriate humorous jokes to make the drama more grounded. In the film, Chen Shu solemnly said "close the door and let Wang Dading go", which made people laugh. Lei Jiayin, as a bandit, didn’t put on airs. Li Guangjie slapped him in the face and lectured him with a face full of arrogance. Lei Jiayin’s joyful expression with rich body movements is also full of "laughter". He always uses a famous Shakespeare saying for fear that others will not know that he is an intellectual literary youth. Such a funny plot is interspersed in the exciting spy war plot. It can be said that the style of Peace Hotel is full of new ideas, and the humorous style of "dancing under high pressure" is fascinating.

Li Jun, the director of the play, has directed many excellent works such as "Beishangguang doesn’t believe in tears" and "Please turn on your mobile phone when landing". He focuses on the creation of realistic themes, is good at showing the inner struggles of characters, and has created many classic tough guys. The director’s tough style is integrated into this spy war drama, which is believed to bring new feelings to the audience.

Quality spy war, climax after climax, and many attractions make Peace Hotel one of the most anticipated dramas during the Spring Festival. Every day from January 25th at 19:30, Zhejiang Satellite TV China Blue Theater will be wonderful!

How is it "tricky" that fog lamps fail to pass the annual inspection by sticking A4 paper?

CCTV News:According to the relevant laws and regulations of our country, small and micro non-operating passenger cars, vehicles registered for more than 6 years, should regularly go to the motor vehicle inspection station for a comprehensive safety inspection every year. This is like a systematic physical examination of vehicles on a regular basis. Only vehicles with annual inspection certificates can be allowed to drive on the road. However, in recent days, CCTV reporters visited Harbin, Heilongjiang Province and found that some inspection stations allowed unqualified vehicles to "get away with it".


The appearance inspection failed, but it was repaired with A4 paper.

Recently, in the courtyard of the motor vehicle comprehensive performance testing station in Shuangcheng District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, there was a long queue of vehicles for annual inspection. Mr. Gao, a citizen of Harbin, has a black car registered in 2007. After he filled out the vehicle inspection form and paid the vehicle inspection fee of 330 yuan in the service hall of this inspection station, the staff of the vehicle inspection station first conducted a visual inspection of his car.

Due to the lack of fog lights on the front bumper, Mr. Gao’s car failed the appearance inspection. Just as Mr. Gao was worried about this, another staff member of the inspection station told Mr. Gao that he could help find a way to fix the fog lights.


Under the guidance of the staff of the inspection station, Mr. Gao came to the copy agency located in the courtyard of this inspection station. In fact, this shop with a spray number copy plaque is a closed maintenance department, and the repairman looks familiar with the staff of this testing station.

After the inspection station staff communicated with the repairman, the repairman first plugged the fog lamp hole on the bumper with A4 paper, and then glued the paper with scotch tape. Mr. Gao was surprised by the repair method of sticking paper on the fog lights when they were missing. Seeing that the owner was worried about the color inconsistency, the maintenance worker sprayed black paint similar to the car at the position where the hole was blocked. In order to keep the color consistent. He also sprayed black paint on the fog lamp on the other side. Subsequently, the maintenance worker charged Mr. Gao the 100 yuan maintenance fee, and promised Mr. Gao that he could help him pass all the next tests.


It is reported that on the same day, vehicles that fail to pass the appearance inspection will go to this copy agency for simple repair under the guidance of the staff of the inspection station.

 Can the "paper fog lamp" pass the annual inspection?

According to Article 19 of the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Road Traffic Management, motor vehicles must be kept in good condition and clean. Brake, steering gear, horn, wiper, rearview mirror and lighting device must be kept complete and effective. Only vehicles that meet the above requirements can pass the annual inspection.

After collecting the maintenance fee, the repairman asked Mr. Gao to wait in line. I saw the repairman say hello to the inspector, and the inspector asked Mr. Gao’s car to cut in line first. The repairman skillfully put the tripod and fire extinguisher in the corner of the inspection station at the rear of the car, and then whispered a few words to the inspector. In this way, Mr. Gao, a car with paper fog lights, passed the appearance inspection.


In the following testing links, such as exhaust gas detection, brake detection and lighting detection, Mr. Gao’s car is all green. After 40 minutes, the test report of this car came out: the vehicle appearance, braking, vehicle lighting, exhaust emissions and other links have reached the qualified standards. Especially in the vehicle lighting detection, the paper-stuck fog lights actually passed the detection. 


As long as you pay the "problem car", you can get on the road.

The annual inspection of motor vehicles is the first insurance for road traffic safety. Once the annual inspection is absent, it will easily lead to "problem vehicles" on the road and increase the safety hidden danger of road traffic. Why should the inspection station let the "problem car" get away with it? Is this phenomenon widespread?

Around a large motor vehicle inspection station in nangang district, Harbin, there are more than a dozen intermediaries involved in the annual inspection of automobiles. The staff of a vehicle inspection agency told the reporter that it is not a problem to pass the inspection as long as the agency fee is paid. The staff of the vehicle inspection agency said that the annual inspection car will be charged to 380 yuan, which is only 50 yuan more than the motor vehicle inspection price stipulated by the state. "The place that can be whole is whole, and if it can be fooled, it will be fooled." The intermediary staff also said that as long as there is a car to test, it can basically pass. The inspection station makes money from the inspection fee, and a car can be inspected happily, which is the scene that the inspection station hopes to see.

In addition, cases of the same situation include:

A mini-van with xenon headlights was taken to the maintenance department for repair by the intermediary because it failed to pass the lighting test. The owner said that as long as you spend money to find an intermediary, there will be no problem in the next test. As long as the owner spends 50 yuan more, someone will help to remove the unqualified lamp, wait for the test, and then put it back on the car.


In January this year, the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security released data showing that by the end of 2016, the number of motor vehicles in China had reached 290 million. Among them, the total number of private cars reached 146 million. This means that there are 36 private cars for every 100 households in China. If there is something wrong with the annual inspection procedure, the traffic safety of vehicles and pedestrians will naturally be impossible to guarantee.

The flavor of the year in poetry is not as good as the sixth day of the sixth month.

In your eyes, what day is the sixth day?

Did the family start cleaning the house early in the morning to "send the poor", or did they take a break after visiting relatives for the New Year a few days ago, or did they start counting down the holidays with their hands?

In the eyes of Zhu Shuzhen, a poet in the Song Dynasty, the sixth day was so lively that even the Lantern Festival night could not compare with it.

The sixth day is full of pomp and bright lights.

Yi Qin ‘e, the sixth day of the first month, night and month

Song Zhu Shuzhen

Bend and bend, and the new year’s crescent moon hooks the cold jade. Hook cold jade, phoenix shoes are small, and Cui eyebrows are frowning.

Moths and snow willows add makeup, while Candle dragon wahoo competes for it. It’s not as good as the sixth day of the Lunar New Year.

Zhu Shuzhen,No. Youqi Jushi, a poetess in the Song Dynasty, is one of the most abundant female writers who have preserved her works since the Tang and Song Dynasties. This word describes the lively scene of the sixth day of the Lunar New Year in the Song Dynasty. Bend a new year’s crescent moon, charming as a hook, cool as jade. The moon in the sky is as hooked as jade, the embroidered shoes of the people on the ground are wrapped in slender feet, and the emerald arch eyebrows are smiling. Dressed-up women with moths in their heads and snow willows in their hair, and fire trees and silver flowers, Candle dragon danced vigorously and galloped after them. Such a grand occasion, even on the night of the Lantern Festival, is far less than this sixth day.

Li Song’s View of Lights in the Southern Song Dynasty is now in the National Palace Museum in Taipei.

"Moths and snow willows add makeup, and Candle dragon fire trees compete." This word is inevitably reminiscent of Xin Qiji’s famous "Jade Case Yuan Xi", "Thousands of trees bloom in the east wind night, and the stars are like rain. The BMW carving car is full of incense, the phoenix flute is moving, the jade pot is turning, and the fish and dragon dance all night. "

In Song Dynasty, the economy was prosperous, and the entertainment activities were more abundant than those in the previous generation. People paid special attention to festivals such as Spring Festival. From the New Year’s Day to the Lantern Festival, people not only carry lanterns in their hands, but even trees and rivers are covered with lights.

In Zhu Shuzhen’s eyes, the lights set each other off on the sixth day of this month, women dressed up to travel, and the fire tree and silver flowers, even on the Lantern Festival night, are not as lively and happy as the sixth day.

It is a good day to send the poor, start a business and go out.

Aside from the background of the Spring Festival, folk customs such as sending the poor are also popular on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year. Nowadays, when people send the poor, they mostly clean the house, throw away the garbage and make people happy. In ancient times, due to the limitations of the times, people were more serious about "sending the poor".

In ancient times, people would "make minced meat, abandon rags, and worship in alleys", that is, clean up all the dirty debris and rags outside the house, and then burn them for sacrifice to send the poor.

In Han Yu’s "Sending the Poor", it is mentioned that it is necessary to "make a car out of willows and lead the sails to the wall" for the poor. That is to say, when sending the poor, we should not only prepare symbolic vehicles and boats for the "poor", but also bring dry food to the "poor". In some places, there is also the practice of "sending the poor by banana boat". Such a solemn ceremony is to send the "poor ghost" away well to welcome a better life in the new year.

In addition to sending the poor, the sixth day of the sixth year means "great luck", and after the sixth day, people gradually return to normal life from the festive flavor, so many businessmen will choose to open the market on the sixth day. Every new year’s day, firecrackers to celebrate the opening of the market are one after another, deafening and very lively. At the same time, the shopkeeper will stick a big red couplet on the door panel, "Everything is prosperous", and invite a "lovely person", that is, parents, husbands, children and in-laws, to stroll around the store for a few times and send auspicious words such as "make a fortune, congratulations on making a fortune", hoping that business will be prosperous and life will be rich in the new year.

China people also have the traditional custom of "going out in 369", which means that the third, sixth and ninth days of the lunar calendar are auspicious days to go out. Therefore, it is advisable to go out on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, and you should also play around. In some areas, it is popular on the sixth day, and at three, six and nine o’clock at noon, go out for a walk. Those who don’t want to travel far can also turn around the yard clockwise twice before going home, which means good luck. In the old days, farmers began to farm on this day to prepare for spring ploughing.

The sixth day of the first month is not only an important moment to sum up and clean up the past year, but also a sign to welcome the start of work and business activities in the New Year, and also an important date for farmers to start spring ploughing.

Up to now, although the form of the old customs has gradually changed, people’s good wishes to eliminate disasters and solve the problem are still the same. Send the poor on the sixth day. May everyone send away their troubles and bad luck, and make a fortune in the new year. Good luck!


SHEIN: Brand Rise in China! Breaking the pattern of fashion industry with efficient supply chain

For a long time, the right to speak and define the global fashion industry has been dominated by the fashion giants in developed countries such as Europe and America. The influence of China clothing brands on the international fashion stage is relatively weak, and there are few brands that can directly affect the global fashion trend. However, with the changes of the times and technological innovation, this pattern is undergoing profound changes. As one of the four major brands in the world, SHEIN, with its excellent innovation ability, efficient supply chain management and unique market strategy, has not only won the enthusiastic pursuit of consumers around the world, but also successfully broken the market structure dominated by international established fashion brands for a long time.

Today, SHEIN is becoming popular all over the world and has become one of the four most popular fashion brands in the world. Recently, in the latest list of "Top Ten Fastest Growing Brands in America" released by Morning Consult, an authoritative consulting company in the United States, SHEIN was selected together with global head brands such as ChatGPT, OpenAI, Facebook and CocaCola, and it is also the only fashion brand selected in the world.

In 2023, SHEIN once again won the global shopping APP download list, and ranked second in the favorite clothing brand of American young people; And together with well-known brands such as Apple, Gucci, Mercedes-Benz, etc., it won the Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands List of Brandz (No.70); In 2022, SHEIN surpassed internationally renowned brands such as Nike and Adidas to become the most searched clothing brand in Google, and replaced ZARA as the most popular fashion brand in the world in 2022. At the same time, SHEIN is also the hottest brand in the United States in ADAGE in 2022.

These honors have witnessed SHEIN’s unparalleled rising speed and extensive influence in the international market.

There are many factors that consumers like fashion, such as the material of luxury goods, brand stories, fashion trends and so on. SHEIN is unique in this respect, and it shows a unique solution when facing some core challenges of the fashion industry. For example, the dilemma that the fashion industry often faces-how to strike a balance between providing a variety of product categories and maintaining high cost performance, SHEIN has successfully overcome this problem and achieved a wide range of products with affordable prices. Another example is inventory management, which is the biggest headache for fashion merchants. With its excellent supply chain management and agile operation strategy, SHEIN has effectively reduced the risk of inventory backlog, thus standing out from the industry.

It can be said that the success of SHEIN is the innovation brought by technology and supply chain efficiency. Through the flexible supply chain, SHEIN can make timely response and adjustment according to the needs of the market and consumers, thus reducing the possibility of inventory waste from the source. In short, SHEIN relies on its innovative flexible supply chain mode of on-demand production, uses the actual market demand to predict sales and control production, and finally reduces overproduction. On the premise of real-time analysis and tracking fashion trends, all SKUs start with very small orders, and each SKU generally starts with 100-200 pieces. If the sales trend is good, the order will be returned immediately, but if the sales are not up to expectations, the production will be suspended.

In addition, thanks to the cost reduction brought by the efficiency improvement of the supply chain, SHEIN gives back 100% of these values to the end consumers and shares the created value with consumers. This move has greatly reduced the sales price of goods, which is also the reason why SHEIN’s products are cost-effective.

SHEIN’s flexible supply chain has become the biggest killer in the fashion field. In the report Agile Supply Chain: A New Source of Competitive Advantage in Fashion Industry, Boston Consulting Group mentioned that innovative agile supply chain represented by SHEIN has become the general trend of the industry, which can bring more potential income, higher capital utilization rate, lower storage discount cost, less waste and more competitive price advantage.

Therefore, the rise and success of SHEIN is not only an individual breakthrough of the brand, but also reflects the role change of China fashion industry from follower to leader in the context of globalization. It provides a brand-new development model for the global fashion industry, showing how technology and innovation can deeply reshape the supply chain, improve efficiency and reduce costs, and then promote the sustainable development of the whole industry. In the future, SHEIN will continue to lead a new round of changes in the global fashion industry with more flexible and efficient supply chain management and unique market strategy, and bring more high-quality and cost-effective fashion products to global consumers.


Come and see the fitness crowd, and pay attention to these sports details.

Endurance exercise can consume more fat.

General endurance sports, such as middle and long-distance running and ball games, mainly consume muscle glycogen. Only ultra-long endurance sports with exercise time of more than 45 minutes can obviously consume fat, such as long-distance running and marathon. But for the public, sports are not important. No matter whether you choose to walk, run, ride a bike or swim, as long as you take a small amount of exercise and exercise for a long time, you can consume more fat.

Fasting exercise has advantages and disadvantages.

If you don’t have hypoglycemia, you don’t use hypoglycemic drugs because of diabetes, you don’t have physical weakness, and you don’t have competition tasks, you can choose to exercise on an empty stomach during fitness exercise, which can not only be "lightly packed" but also help mobilize fat reserves.

If the exercise time is not long enough, even if you exercise on an empty stomach, the consumption of fat is very limited and the effect of losing weight is not obvious. Some people worry that fasting exercise will not cause energy shortage and damage the body. In fact, as long as it is not a long-term exercise like long-distance running and marathon, the muscle glycogen stored in normal people’s muscles is enough to supply the energy needed for exercise, so there is no need to worry.

If you want to shape, you can try low-intensity equipment training.

Low-intensity equipment training means small weight, multiple times and multiple groups, which will not produce strong big muscle blocks, but also contribute to the consumption of subcutaneous fat of limbs, making muscles firm without thickening, and is suitable for bodybuilders who want to practice lines.

You can take part in fitness exercise when you are in a bad mood.

People’s emotions will directly affect the normal functioning of the human body, and then affect the heart, cardiovascular and other organs. More importantly, it will cause distraction and potentially lead to the danger of sports injury. However, proper exercise can adjust the mental state of the body, make people feel relaxed and clear-headed, thus relieving mental stress and improving mental state. Therefore, you can go to the gym when you are in a bad mood, which is more positive than being bored indoors alone.

Source: National Healthy Lifestyle Action

International football

Xinhua News Agency, Hong Kong, October 31 (Reporter Wei Hua) On the 31st Beijing time, Argentine star Messi won the Golden Globe Award for the eighth time without any dispute. When Messi turned and left the Chatelet Theatre, a new suspense surfaced: Who will be the next "Mr. Golden Globe"?

As the most prestigious individual award in international football, the Golden Globe Award has not been awarded to players born after 1990. It is not that this generation is not talented enough, but that the "post-80 s" are too dazzling. From becoming the first "80s" Ronaldinho to win the Golden Globe Award in 2005, to Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo who divided up 13 golden globes, and then to modric and Benzema who staged veteran legends, the 80s almost monopolized the Golden Globe Award selection in the past 20 years.

On October 30th, Messi held the Golden Globe trophy at the award ceremony. Xinhua News Agency reporter Gao Jingshe

Nowadays, most of them are near the end of their careers or far away from the center stage of Europe. The story of Messi, Mero and this generation of famous players is coming to an end. Predictably, a "post-90 s" or even younger Golden Globe winner is ready to come.

Messi can win the Golden Globe again, and the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 championship is his biggest weight. But if Muani can score a single-handed goal at the last minute of extra time in that World Cup final, thus helping the French team to defend its title successfully, will this year’s Golden Globe Award be awarded to Mbappé? This assumption is meaningless, but Mbappé, who was born in 1998, is also the closest to the Golden Globe Award among the new generation of stars.

Needless to say, Mbappé, a young and famous player, won the World Cup as the core when he was less than 20 years old. Real Madrid’s thirst for talents for many years also showed the value of the French top star. Although it was not pleasant with Paris Saint-Germain in the past summer, Mbappé, who returned to the court, still showed his ability to lead the team with one core. As far as the current strength of the French team is concerned, there is a high probability that the French team will not do badly in the European Championship next year, which is Mbappé’s greatest advantage.

On October 21st, Mbappé (first from the right), a player of Paris Saint-Germain, broke through with the ball in the Ligue 1 match. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Jack Chen)

As one of the most expensive players at present, Mbappé never lacks topics and exposure, but compared with his worth, Ligue 1 is still a "small temple". If you want to get your hands on the golden ball in the shortest time, Mbappé needs a bigger platform.

When it comes to Mbappé, Harland is indispensable. Since entering people’s field of vision, Harland has been labeled as a "goal machine": he scored 9 goals in a single game in the U20 World Youth Championship, scored a hat trick in Dortmund’s debut, and broke the Premier League scoring record in his debut season in Manchester City … In this Golden Globe Awards ceremony, the Norwegian was also named the best striker.

But Harland’s shortcomings are also obvious, the first is his ability to decide the game in key games. Harland’s goal-scoring efficiency is beyond doubt, but with Manchester City’s participation in several finals, including the Champions League finals, Harland failed to score. This season, in the Premier League battle between Manchester City and Arsenal, Harland didn’t even finish a shot, which is obviously not the standard that a "Mr. Golden Ball" should have. In addition, Harland’s biggest constraint comes from the national team. The overall strength of the Norwegian team is really limited, and whether it can participate in next year’s European Championship is unknown. Once it is absent from this most important competition next year, Harland will at least lose more than one position in the 2024 Golden Globe competition. If the national team can’t make a substantial breakthrough, then Harland, who won the second place in the Golden Globe Award this year, can only hope that in a non-competition year, she will once again hit a bright data and break the "enough".

On October 29th, Manchester City player Harland scored a penalty in the Premier League. Xinhua News Agency/Reuters

Before this season, Mbappé and Harland were "fault leaders" among the younger generation, but now another player has appeared beside them, and that is Bellingham. After joining Real Madrid this summer, Bellingham’s talent was further released. Under the condition that Real Madrid’s center was weak, Bellingham shouldered the offensive beam of the team by himself, scored key goals in many games, scored two goals to help Real Madrid reverse Barcelona not long ago, and scored 13 goals in 13 games. Bellingham’s amazing performance had to be reminiscent of Zidane, who also wore the No.5 jersey. At the age of 20, the England youngster showed his age-incongruity.

In this award ceremony, Bellingham won the Copa Award representing the best young player, but some netizens joked that Bellingham’s competition for this award was simply a "dimensionality reduction blow". Even in the ranking of the Golden Globe Awards, Bellingham ranked 18th, which is not easy.

On September 20th, Real Madrid player Bellingham celebrated his goal in La Liga. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Zhang Yuheng)

How long can Bellingham, who was born in midfield, keep scoring? This is very important in the Golden Globe Awards which value personal data. However, playing in Real Madrid, which is good at "creating momentum" for the Golden Globe Award, means that Bellingham has the best stage. Coupled with the emergence of talents in England in recent years, the vision of "letting football go home" is getting closer and closer to reality. As long as Bellingham does not ruin his future, he has the best hope to become another "Mr. Golden Globe" in England after michael owen.

Top 20 FIFA Men’s Football Team: Brazil ranks first, Belgium and Argentina rank second and third, and Italy ranks seventh.

Live broadcast: On June 23rd, FIFA announced the latest ranking of the national men’s soccer team in the world, with Brazil ranked first, Belgium and Argentina ranked second and third. Italy ranked seventh, France, England, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal and other powerful countries all entered the top ten, while Germany ranked eleventh.

FIFA’s latest men’s soccer rankings

1. Brazil

2. Belgium

3. Argentina

4. France

5. England

6. Spain

7. Italy

8. Netherlands

9. Portugal

10. Denmark

11. Germany

12. Mexico

13. Uruguay

14. America

15. Croatia

16. Switzerland

17. Colombia

18. Senegal

19. Wales

20. Sweden

(CC fried meatballs)