After hiding it for many years, Zhao Liying said bluntly: If he didn’t break up with me back then, I wouldn’t be Mrs. Feng

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The teacher admired Zhao Liying’s integrity. He had previously praised Zhao Liying’s performance on a variety show. Yu’s mother had also praised Zhao Liying in the past. He was said to be a girl who understood career planning and worked hard to achieve her goals.

Zhao Liying is so famous because the idol is loved by many fans. At the same time, many people are worried about Zhao Liying’s love life and have kept it a secret for years. Zhao Liying honestly said that if that person hadn’t left me, I wouldn’t be Mrs. Feng..

I think netizens know who Zhao Liying is talking about. This is Chen Xiao, who once worked with Zhao Liying. The two had previously had a relationship rumor, and an insider confirmed that the two had been together before.

Zhao Liying is the daughter of a farmer. She is a woman from the country. He is honest, hard-working and stubborn.

Zhao Liying once said this in the TV series "The Biography of Chu Qiao". Even the Tieling Party has to work hard to survive. As long as he is alive, there will be expectations. Zhao Liying is a classic and inspirational role model. He has no other role in the entertainment industry. Despite her family background, connections and even endorsements, she still relies on her own efforts and efforts to remain invincible in the entertainment industry.

Zhao Liying didn’t come from a professional class, but Zhao Liying’s performance is no worse than that of a professional class. Zhao Liying has starred in costume dramas, and Zhao Liying has also starred in modern films. He never disappoints anyone. The dramas she has starred in are all successful dramas. Many netizens said they should watch the dramas starring Zhao Liying. It’s an inspiring process.

Zhao Liying is a girl from rural Hebei. Zhao Liying’s education is not high, but Zhao Liying has the diligence and perseverance of a villager. Zhao Liying makes people feel that she is very stable. There is no indulgence and arrogance of a city girl. It’s very simple., a very honest person, who dares to think and act.

Some netizens looked down on Zhao Liying’s identity as a farmer’s daughter, thinking that this woman was not elegant enough. Who can understand Zhao Liying’s fighting spirit? Zhao Liying had the courage to go to the set in person. He still has scars on his body. He participated in the performance, and every movement was carefully choreographed.

Shooting costume dramas, her mouth is full of food. He is looking for the truth. No one gives up their efforts like others because they are worried about gaining weight. Vladimir Zhao Liying knows how to deal with people. He is very humble and willing to help young artists.

(2) Zhao Liying entered the entertainment industry by virtue of his strength. For the development of his career, Zhao Liying missed his best feelings and has been in the entertainment industry, relying entirely on his own strength. What if you are not a professional artist? What if you are a round face? Zhao Liying used his power and work to really hit these people hard in the face. He lived up to the high expectations of the directors. He took every role seriously and performed it well. We all know the TV series "The Legend of Chu Qiao". In the TV series "Thousand Bone Flowers", "Legend of Lu Zhen", "Shanshan is Coming" and other TV series, Zhao Liying has brought us very wonderful performances.

As Yu Zheng said, Zhao Liying is a girl who knows how to plan her future. Zhao Liying plans her goals for each stage. We often say that there is no battle without preparation. Zhao Liying is a girl who likes to be thousands of miles away.

I love Chu Qiao, played by Zhao Liying in the TV series "The Legend of Chu Qiao". He led the beautiful army through the most difficult period. Chu Qiao stepped on the military horse and led the officers and soldiers into battle, showing heroism. Women are almost as good as men. This is the classic inspiration symbol we will see.

Although Zhao Liying is a country girl, she is also very practical. Step by step, she eventually became a first-line actress in the entertainment industry by virtue of her own strength. This is not easy for him. He not only won the praise of his peers, but also won the love of netizens.

The drama starring Zhao Liying includes a historical drama "The Legend of Lu Zhen." Lu Zhen is also a very classic and inspirational character in ancient history. Zhao Liying solved this farce. To improve, he invested a lot of energy in the role, constantly guessing and maintaining a good relationship with the crew. He and Gao Zhan, played by Chen Xiao, are a screen couple in the drama.

Lu Zhen and Gao Zhan’s relationship was full of ups and downs, and the ups and downs they experienced were very difficult. Many netizens were moved to tears after watching the show. In fact, Zhao Liying and Li Sheng have a very good relationship, and their relationship has also been reported by the media.

Although the two have never publicly admitted to it, netizens have also revealed some truths in some interviews. Zhao Liying admitted that the show made her fall in love with a male artist, and admitted that she cared deeply about the relationship. So why didn’t the two end up together?

It was because of this lack of connection that Zhao Liying later became Mrs. Feng. Now that Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng have separated, some netizens have posted online, asking Chen Xiao to end the marriage as soon as possible and return to Zhao Liying. Do you think it is possible?

(3) If you miss it, you miss it. Due to the different consciousness of separation, Zhao Liying and Chen Xiao eventually drifted apart. Chen Xiao and Zhao Liying are both talented and beautiful. In "The Legend of Lu Zhen", Chen Xiao is very cool and handsome, and the performance is also very good. The relationship between the two is particularly close. But the thing of fate is still missing, and the two eventually become the future Mrs. Feng, and the other leaves the ink and becomes the future Mr. Chen.

In order to better shoot the legend of Lu Zhen, Chen Xiao and Zhao Liying communicated very well and wrote very implicitly. In fact, they loved each other very much from the beginning, so it was very suitable to be together. At that time, Chen Xiaodeng’s appearance was very online, and Zhao Liying also looked very cute.

How could the two people become more and more estranged and unfamiliar? Yu Zheng said something, maybe he can answer everyone. Because the two have different requirements for work and different ideals, they eventually drifted apart.

When Zhao Liying made the Legend of Lu Zhen, it was not as popular as it is now. Therefore, Zhao Liying hopes that his work can show a higher development trend. After all, he has no family background, and it doesn’t matter. Oh, for such a country girl, this is her own adventure, so Zhao Liying wants to make more movies to consolidate her influence in the entertainment industry.

Children from poor families have had family responsibilities since ancient times. When he went abroad, Zhao Liying felt a sense of urgency. That’s why he valued his strong and reliable influence. But Li Sheng was different from him. Li Sheng’s family environment was very good, and even if Chen Xiao did not act, his relatives could support him.

Chen Xiao’s workload is not heavy, so Li Sheng does not pursue perfection in his work. Compared to Zhao Liying’s work development period, Chen Xiao does not seem to have any sense of responsibility, which also causes differences in concepts. The difference is that their consciousness is different, their ideals are different, and their paths are different.

Along the way, we hope to find a close friend who cares about you, let us walk side by side and walk hand in hand to the end of the world. However, a person is diligent and a person is lazy, and eventually the two will be different. Run towards old age.

Although there will be shortcomings, Zhao Liying will also regret it many years later. If you hadn’t broken up with me, I would no longer be Mrs. Feng. These words also sound very sad.

The entertainment industry is very competitive. Zhao Liying gave up her career, married Feng Shaofeng without hesitation, and decided to give them a child at the purest time. It can be seen that Zhao Liying gave up her career for love..

However, their marriage did not turn out as they had imagined. In the end, for various reasons, the two decided to officially break up. Let’s not talk about the past anymore, it’s just memories. Zhao Liying had just ended her marriage to Feng Shaofeng. My heart was filled with excitement about life. It is likely that when I look back, I will feel that there is a gap.

But for something like love, if you miss it, you miss it. There is no such thing as Meng Po Tang. If Chen Xiao and Zhao Liying were really together, do you think they would be happy? Chen Xiao came from a wealthy family. Did his parents admire Zhao Liying? After all, what is the difference between the two families? Can’t talking about significant others avoid differences in marital status, let alone big stars in the entertainment industry?

Some netizens said that the best fate is not the person you miss, but the person you meet. If you meet the best person, get married or get married when you are in your prime, you will be satisfied. They yearn for marriage, which is the most beautiful scene in life. Zhao Liying and Li Sheng have both achieved the most beautiful scene in life. They may have forgotten the past, but they don’t really have to let go.


Zhao Liying ended her marriage to Feng Shaofeng. This short marriage made everyone think a lot about marriage. You don’t have to feel a little depressed when choosing to connect. Crazy love can make us happy, but in marriage, we must learn to be objective, accept compromise, and even sacrifice ourselves, otherwise we can’t have true happiness. Women must always learn financial freedom. Only financial freedom can make your significant others respect you and your family. My mother-in-law thinks highly of herself.

Zhao Liying plays an inspirational role in the play, but she is also a strong woman in real life. She will not compromise with anyone, nor will she allow her mother-in-law to change her name to Wang Huxiang. Insult his character.

Zhao Liying is Zhao Liying, a simple girl who wants to go abroad. She uses her inspirational story to tell everyone that women should always be lonely. Women can only have a stronger sense of belonging if they earn more money.

Zhao Liying is a woman I admire. I hope Zhao Liying’s career can continue to be hot and not be affected by the breakup, because I hope everyone can become a strong woman, make more money, create more DNF, and achieve success. Dream hard and work hard.

Disclaimer: If the content of the article involves the content of the work, copyright pictures or other issues, please contact the author of this number within 30 days. If the report is true, we will delete the responsible article as soon as possible. The article is for reference only and does not constitute any investment and application advice.

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Don’t let "fake takeout" fool consumers

  The Market Supervision Bureau of Lianyun District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, together with some express delivery and takeaway industry associations, launched the "Food Safety, Co-Governance and Sharing" Riders Food Safety Week publicity activity. More than 250 takeaway brothers turned into "food safety propagandists" and brought food safety knowledge into the streets and alleys. The picture shows several riders in Lianyun District displaying the "Food Safety" green label.

  Photo by Wang Chun (People’s Picture)

  Takeaway stores with monthly sales of over 10,000 cannot find physical stores according to the registered address of the platform; the street stores displayed on the platform are actually small windows "hidden" in the corner of the food city; the picture environment of the online store is clean and hygienic, and the hygiene situation of on-site visits is worrying… "Takeaway stores seem to be big stores, but they are actually small workshops" "Do you care about the store environment when you order takeout?" "It turns out that the photos of takeout stores can be faked" and other topics have recently caused heated discussions on social media platforms.

  Platform multi-category business attracts entry

  Nowadays, takeaway delivery is becoming more and more convenient and fast. Ordering three meals a day, desserts and snacks, milk tea and coffee through takeaway platforms has become the consumption habit of many users. According to the 51st "Statistical Report on the Development of China’s Internet Network" released by China Internet Network Information Center, as of December 2022, the scale of online takeaway users in China reached 521 million, accounting for 48.8% of the total Internet users.

  "Fitness requires precise control of diet intake, but making your own fitness meals is not only time-consuming and laborious, but also lacks the taste and richness of ingredients compared to the fitness meals prepared by professional stores." For Xiao Tan, a fitness enthusiast who lives in Chaoyang District, Beijing, the takeaway APP is "almost a daily necessity".

  Xiao Duan, a white-collar worker in the financial industry who works in Xuhui District, Shanghai, told reporters that although three meals a day can also be solved in the company canteen, sometimes overtime is too late or on weekends, a takeaway meal becomes an option to adjust life. "Ordering a few hometown dishes, or dishes that you like to eat but the canteen does not often cook, not only saves the preparation and cleaning process before and after meals, but also a treat for yourself."

  The convenience of takeaway has attracted a huge client base, and the huge client base has brought a steady stream of orders to the takeaway platform. In recent years, the size of the takeaway market has continued to expand, and the takeaway platform has developed rapidly. By expanding multi-category businesses such as breakfast, afternoon tea, and supper, iterative marketing tools help merchants attract and retain customers, improve operational efficiency, and continuously optimize the user experience of platform users and settled merchants, and promote the digital transformation of the catering industry.

  The store photos do not match the actual situation.

  At 3pm, ordering a cup of milk tea on the takeaway platform to "recharge" is the daily routine of Xiao Yuan, an employee of an Internet company in Haidian District, Beijing. "Working until the afternoon, a cup of iced milk tea or iced coffee is the biggest comfort. I didn’t expect that the brand I often order has also appeared in negative news recently. Although it is not the store where I often place orders, I feel a little uncomfortable." Xiao Yuan said.

  The "news" mentioned by Xiao Yuan is a recent incident related to takeaway "photo deception" that has attracted attention. "Some netizens visited and found that a small store actually hung two signs of milk tea brands. Under the big sign of a local brand, the’small sign ‘of the brand I often order is hung in a corner alone, which is a world of difference from the bright store photos on the takeaway platform." Xiao Yuan described the relevant scene in the news to reporters. He believes that similar situations may be rare, but this kind of "photo deception" behavior is undoubtedly irresponsible to consumers and betrays consumers’ trust in the brand.

  A sushi restaurant chain with a monthly sales volume of 2,000 + has exquisite posters, claiming that there are 22 direct-operated stores in Shanghai, and takeaway starts at 80 yuan. However, when the offline store was found according to the address, the fabled facade lobby of Japanese-style decoration was nowhere to be seen, only a simple shop hanging "does not accept dine-in food". Among the related reports that "the photos of takeaway stores can be faked", the results of media visits are worrying.

  In addition to fake store photos, many netizens shared another kind of fake chaos – address confusion. Some netizens found that takeaway stores with monthly sales of more than 10,000 could not find brick and mortar stores according to the registered address of the platform. After a lot of effort, they finally found that they were in a food city with dozens of brands. "If it is a food city, it’s fine, but some merchants don’t even have regular stalls, just a small workshop hiding in the basement." Many netizens said in the comment area that takeaway chaos occurs frequently, and many problems need to be standardized and optimized.

  Regular inspection to ensure food safety

  Where did the takeaway chaos come from? On the one hand, in the era of word-of-mouth reading, store photos, videos, and comments from netizens have become an important basis for many users to choose; on the other hand, the rental cost of stores in central areas is getting higher and higher, and the operating cost of takeaway stores is constantly rising. It is not uncommon for takeaway merchants to "retreat into the’behind the scenes’ with’photo deception ‘".

  In this context, the business of "Photos of PS Catering Takeaway Doors" was even spawned. In the comment area of the relevant online shopping platform, there was no shortage of feedback such as "Just like the real thing" and "One pass", and different merchants bought the same facade photo.

  "When users order takeout’only dare to order the restaurant they have eaten in ‘, there has been a trust rift between users and merchants, and between users and platforms." Industry insiders believe that in the face of a large number of settled merchants, there are certain difficulties in the control and governance of the platform, and it is necessary to solve the problem of "photo fraud" completely. Catering brands need to strengthen the review of franchisees and strengthen daily supervision; takeout platforms should also give full play to their own technical and platform advantages. They should not only use high-tech means to identify and judge "photo fraud", but also organize platform staff and takeout riders to conduct regular inspections. They should pay more attention to user feedback and take multiple measures to standardize the business behavior of settled merchants. The relevant departments should constantly track new problems in the takeaway industry and strengthen supervision and law enforcement in accordance with laws and regulations.

  In the era of mobile Internet, make good use of "Internet + supervision", promote the intelligent supervision of the whole process of takeaway from entry qualification review to production, transportation and distribution to consumer supervision and feedback, and "bask in the sun" food safety. Only by working together can all parties build a transparent and safe online catering environment, so that consumers can truly enjoy the convenience brought by takeaway with confidence.

Jay Chou’s Chengdu concert ticket price plunged, and scalpers sold it at a reduced price before singing

Jay Chou Chengdu concert scene

Jay Chou Chengdu Concert Tickets

On May 1, 1905 Movie Network News, Jay Chou’s concert was held in Chengdu at the China Modern Pentathlon Event Center in Shuangliu District. An hour before the performance, some "scalpers" who sold tickets began to sell at a reduced price. The price of tickets that had been sold to 6,000 yuan each fell sharply, 5,000, 3,000, 2000… all the way down, and finally fell back to the original price of 1980 yuan each. 20 minutes before the opening, some "scalpers" even offered discounts ranging from 100, 200, and 300 yuan on the basis of the original price in order to reduce losses.

The Chengdu station of Jay Chou’s concert has been turbulent since the ticket was issued. First, the organizer launched a "God promotion" to buy the strongest T-shirt on the surface to get the privilege of buying Jay Chou’s concert tickets. After being stopped, there was news that the ticket sales would be exchanged for "official peripheral products and ticket pre-purchase rights". Fans who competed with the organizer on the way finally made it to the opening day of the concert, and found that the organizer himself had set up a stall outside the venue to sell tickets on the spot, and also discounted them.

According to the official Weibo of the fan club, it is the effect of fans boycotting scalpers

Users have commented, "Resolutely boycott scalpers. We won’t boycott today, and Jay fans will really look down on concerts in the future." "I think that all tickets for concerts in the future should be purchased under the real-name system. An ID card can buy up to 4 tickets, and the 4 tickets are all real-name verified respectively. Enter the venue to check the ticket and swipe the ID card and ticket. Boycott scalpers and resist the organizers from maliciously destroying the market." "With current technology, it is very easy to do. Look at the high-speed rail, the reason why scalpers have repeatedly banned must be because it is profitable."

Celestial Auto took the "Rubik’s Cube Platform" to the Beijing Auto Show and asked M7 to refresh the sales record of China automobile brand single model.

  At the auto china, Cyrus Auto shared its self-innovative super-intelligent platform-Cyrus Rubik’s Cube Platform, which is versatile and capable of continuous evolution. It is reported that the platform takes "panoramic safety, multi-power, ever-changing space and intelligent guidance" as its core features, and realizes cross-domain integration of safety, power, chassis and software. In the era of smart electric vehicles, it aims to provide users with a "good, easy-to-use and super-safe" car experience. 

  At present, platform development has become the consensus of the new energy automobile industry-it can not only form diversified product combinations to develop different products, but also effectively save research and development cycle, improve research and development efficiency, and also form production scale effect to reduce costs. 

  In fact, the Rubik’s Cube platform is just one of many technical achievements accumulated by Celestial Automobile. As a representative enterprise of new quality productivity, Cyrus is committed to becoming a leading technology-based enterprise, and has been in a leading position in three-power technology, extended range technology, electronic and electrical architecture and super electric drive intelligent technology platform.


  Judging from the sales results, the technical strength of Cyrus has ushered in a "sword-shining" moment. In the first quarter of this year, the sales volume of Celestial vehicles reached 94,825, a year-on-year increase of 374.77%. AITO’s whole car delivery system reached 31,727 vehicles in March, of which 6,243 new cars were delivered by the car manufacturer M93 in March, ranking first in the sales volume of China’s new power vehicles with a price of more than 500,000 yuan, and firmly in the first-line camp with traditional luxury cars BBA and Tesla. 

  Based on the new development stage of new energy vehicles in China, the new energy vehicle enterprises in China, represented by Cyrus, are grasping the connotation of new quality productivity and accelerating the realization of quantitative change to qualitative change in the new energy vehicle industry. 

  Debut in auto china with Rubik’s Cube platform. 

  At 9: 00 on April 25th, auto china 2024 will officially open. As the "opening drama" of the automobile industry, the Beijing Auto Show, which has returned strongly after four years, will become a centralized display platform for automobile trends and product trends. It is understood that this year’s Beijing Auto Show is full of "technology, intelligence and new energy". For car companies, this opportunity of "brightening muscles and showing strength" is naturally not to be missed.


  As the main force of new energy transformation in the automobile industry, many independent brand head car companies will release new cars and the latest technological achievements at this auto show. Take Cyrus as an example. At the technology innovation strategy sharing meeting, Cyrus Rubik’s Cube platform, a super-intelligent platform with changeable and continuous evolution ability, was shared. The platform takes "panoramic safety, multi-power, ever-changing space and intelligent guidance" as its core features, and realizes cross-domain integration of safety, power, chassis and software. In the era of intelligent electric vehicles, it aims to provide users with a "easy-to-drive, easy-to-use and super-safe" car experience.


  It is understood that Cyrus "Rubik’s Cube Platform" can be compatible with different models such as cars, SUVs and MPVs at the same time, which will maximize its versatility. At the same time, it can be equipped with luxury configurations such as dual-cavity air springs and rear wheel steering, and its compatibility can meet the long-term technical development requirements in the future; In terms of power, the platform can also take into account the application of different power forms, such as super-increase, pure electricity and super-hybrid, and it is the only platform in the industry that can be compatible with these three power forms at present. With the continuous exploration of extended range technology, the thermal efficiency of Celeste Extended Range 5.0 system reaches 45%, and the oil-electricity conversion efficiency is as high as 3.65kWh/L, which is equivalent to 3.65 kWh of electricity generated by 1 liter of oil, which is at the leading level in the industry.


  In terms of safety, Sailis adheres to the concept that "safety is the greatest luxury" and applies the industry-first "panoramic safety" system on the Rubik’s Cube platform, which runs through the whole life cycle of users’ cars and makes users feel more at ease by combining hardware and software.


  The data shows that the derivative models built by the Rubik’s Cube platform have more sufficient technical verification and more reliable product quality, the development cycle can be directly shortened by 3 months, the cost can be effectively reduced by 15%, and the highest generalization rate of each system platform can reach more than 85%. 

  Throughout the new energy automobile industry, platform development has become the general trend. Improving the generalization rate of technologies and products through repeated reuse of core technologies or modular design of parts systems can not only form diversified product combinations to develop different products, but also effectively save the research and development cycle, improve the research and development efficiency, and also form production scale effect to reduce costs. 

  In addition to the Rubik’s Cube platform, in the list of invention patents published in 2023 by China Automobile and Information Technology Branch, the number of open patents increased by 407.76% year-on-year, ranking first in the independent vehicle group. Thanks to the deep accumulation of technical strength, Celestial Automobile is in a leading position in three electric technologies, extended range technology, electronic and electrical architecture and super electric drive intelligent technology platform, laying a technical foundation for the dual path of pure electric and extended range intelligent electric vehicles.


  In addition to continuous training in technical hard power, as a member of the brand of new energy vehicles, Cyrus clearly put forward the idea and path of "software-defined vehicles" earlier. In practice, Celeste drives product innovation with model innovation, firmly follows the road of "integration of intelligence and electricity" and promotes the development of new energy vehicles to intelligence and networking. 

  Zhang Xinghai, Chairman of Sailis Automobile, publicly stated that Sailis has always been firm: the road of intelligent and electric integration under the software-defined automobile is electrified, which is the carrier of intelligence, intelligence and the soul of electrification. 

  Sales in the first quarter surged by 374.77%. 

  After long-term technical precipitation, Cyrus already has the strength of "bright sword". 

  According to official data, in the first quarter of 2024, the sales volume of Celestial vehicles reached 94,825, a year-on-year increase of 374.77%. AITO delivered 31,727 vehicles in March, among which, the sales volume of the new M7 in Wenjie continued to grow steadily, with 24,598 new vehicles delivered in a single month, and the cumulative delivery volume on the market exceeded 120,000 vehicles, constantly setting a new record for the sales volume of a single car brand in China. In March, M9 delivered 6,243 new cars in a single month, ranking first in the sales volume of China New Power vehicles with a price of over 500,000 yuan. 

  With the rise of independent brands in China, represented by AITO, the market competition pattern of luxury brands is facing new changes. Since the beginning of this year, AITO has consistently ranked in the top five of the luxury brand list, and belongs to the first-line camp with traditional luxury cars BBA and Tesla.


  However, compared with more than 300 million fuel vehicles in China, the million-level annual sales of new energy vehicles are only a fraction, and the industry structure is far from solidified. For Cyrus, its intellectual strength needs to be constantly increased, and then it will evolve into the next stage of competitive advantage. 

  The Sailisi Auto Super Factory located in Chongqing will be an important carrier to increase the intellectual strength. It is understood that Sailis Auto Super Factory covers an area of 2,757 mu. As the world’s leading automobile super factory, Sailis Factory is built according to the international leading standards and industrial Internet requirements, realizing the interconnection of equipment data, achieving a complete vehicle off the assembly line in 30 seconds at the earliest, with the highest production efficiency in the world, and taking the lead in applying the industry-leading 9000T integrated die casting process, which can integrate 87 parts into one part and reduce the weight by 28%.


  According to the person in charge of the factory, the factory has more than 1,000 automation equipment, and more than 3,000 robots cooperate intelligently, and the number of robots ranks first in the industry. It can realize 100% automation of key processes, which is also a high level in the whole industry. At the same time, the factory also uses the industry’s first automatic quality testing technology. Through CT scanning of the whole vehicle, it can realize 100% whole vehicle experience and 100% full-size measurement. The test data is automatically uploaded to the cloud, forming "one car and one file". This factory has not only set a new benchmark for Cyrus, but also set a global benchmark for intellectual creation. 

  Cyrus’s "instant success" comes from the accumulation of money and thin hair. Seles, transliterated from the Greek word SERES, means the country of silk, symbolizing the east and luxury. What Cyrus wants to take is a "Silk Road" of high-end products, which is the openness and tolerance of China enterprises and the pattern and tolerance of going to the world. 

  At present, China’s new energy automobile industry is at the key node of "overtaking in changing lanes". In the global competition for the dominance of electric vehicles, Sailis will hopefully become a business card for China’s new energy automobile industry to show to the world. 

  (This article does not constitute any investment advice. Investors should act accordingly at their own risk. ) 

Tik Tok/Aauto Quicker sinks elderly users VS elderly vertical APP to go out of the circle

"Short video/live broadcast is becoming the favorite content form of middle-aged and elderly people. In the process of competing for the last incremental market of China Internet-400 million middle-aged and elderly users, Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker need to sink further to shake the dominance of WeChat.

For middle-aged and old-aged vertical apps such as jelly beans, beautiful articles, color TV, and small rice cakes, which have "entered the market" since the last round of Internet entrepreneurship boom, are faced with the challenge of struggling to seek "out of the circle" or sticking to the core users to make "small and beautiful" products? "

-age club research team

Competition for short video platforms has become fierce, and Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker have rushed to attack the last incremental market of the Internet.

Wechat’s penetration into middle-aged and elderly people has basically been completed, and the proportion of middle-aged and elderly users in Tik Tok and Kuaishou is still at a low level. Compared with the saturated young users, middle-aged and elderly people are the last users in Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker.

According to the data revealed by the 2020 WeChat Open Course PRO, as of September 2019, the number of monthly active accounts of WeChat reached 1.151 billion. If the population under 12 years old (parents are not allowed to use WeChat because they are too young) and over 70 years old (too old to learn WeChat) are deducted, WeChat is basically popularized in every China person, including middle-aged and elderly people aged 50-70.

In the short video platforms represented by Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker, the number of young users has not increased, while the proportion of middle-aged and elderly users is still low, and there is still much room for growth in the future.

According to the latest data of QuestMobile, among the newly installed users of vibrato short video in March 2020, 14.5% were over 46 years old, compared with 13.0% in the same period last year, indicating that middle-aged and elderly users are rapidly migrating to Tik Tok.

In fact, middle-aged and elderly users have become important fans of many head accounts in Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker. For example, in the national official media accounts such as People’s Daily, CCTV News and Xinhua News Agency, the proportion of fans over 41 years old has reached 10%-20%.

In some emotional head accounts, fans of middle-aged and elderly users account for a higher proportion. For example, Tik Tok’s "Tu Lei" has 24% fans over 41 years old, while the fast-moving "Sichuan Coke" has 34% fans over 41 years old.

In fact, the trend of middle-aged and elderly people on the two platforms of Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker goes far beyond this. In the second half of last year, AgeClub made an in-depth analysis of online celebrity, an elderly person in Tik Tok (see Depth: How to Build online celebrity for Middle-aged and Elderly People? Explosions the development model, current situation and opportunities of Tik Tok elderly online celebrity ");

At that time, online celebrity, an elderly person in Tik Tok, mainly attracted young people and people under the age of 35. Health, emotion, culture and other contents that are really suitable for middle-aged and elderly people and mature in WeChat ecology are very scarce in Tik Tok.

1. The vibrato has changed: there are not only old online celebrity, but also Quyi, calligraphy and painting, and mother’s clothes …

Compared with last year, Tik Tok has changed significantly.

First, some elderly online celebrity, who rose rapidly last year, are now facing the dilemma of losing their powder, exhausted their creativity and failing to realize their goals properly, especially some amateur online celebrity. However, some elderly online celebrity, who have strong creative ability, solid personnel and mature operational ideas, remain hot, and their fans have increased significantly compared with last year.

For example, Uncle Na, who specializes in showing the exquisite life of elderly men, had 9.86 million fans in early August last year, and now the number of fans is 14.32 million. Another "Cai Yunen" who specializes in filming the interesting life of a 98-year-old grandmother has 6.31 million fans, nearly 4 million more than a year ago.

Recently, an elderly online celebrity "Grandma Wang who only wears high heels" has gained 10 million yuan in three months. She is 79 years old this year and has more than 15 million fans. In May, she participated in the live broadcast organized by Tik Tok and brought goods, with a single sales of 5.3 million.

It is understood that the operator behind it is a team with Tik Tok’s funny head account "Play Seven Stages" (currently 14 million fans). After several years of exploration, the operating thinking of Tik Tok online celebrity is very mature.

Another change that deserves more attention is that vertical content categories that are deeply loved by middle-aged and elderly people have begun to appear in Tik Tok, and these categories have not yet appeared head accounts, so there are great opportunities in the future.

For example, the accounts of Shaanxi Opera, Huangmei Opera and Henan Opera in Quyi category have a low number of fans, ranging from 200,000 to 400,000, but middle-aged and elderly users over 41 years old are the main fans, accounting for 50%-80%, indicating that local and long-tailed content categories have great potential in middle-aged and elderly groups.

In the category of calligraphy, the proportion of middle-aged and elderly people is also very high. There are 1.242 million fans of "Junhai Calligraphy", accounting for 43% of users over 41 years old, 1.31 million fans of "Lv Yingru Calligraphy" and 36% of users over 41 years old.

Tik Tok has also begun to appear accounts specializing in selling middle-aged and elderly women’s clothing, and the number of fans is currently 100,000-400,000.

2. Aauto Quicker Run: 50 million middle-aged and elderly people support rich content ecology.

Aauto Quicker, a short video giant, shows a different situation from Tik Tok.

Online celebrity, a funny and attractive old man who is common in Tik Tok, is rare in Aauto Quicker. The most representative one is Uncle Ben Liang, an ordinary farmer in Shandong with nearly 18 million fans. With his unrestrained "wild singing" in the fields, he became popular in Aauto Quicker, and the average number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 10,000.

Similarly, unlike Tik Tok, the long tail content which is popular among middle-aged and elderly users is more abundant in categories and accounts in Aauto Quicker.

For example, in the Quyi category, which is very popular among middle-aged and elderly people, there are many accounts of millions or even tens of millions of fans. In terms of duet, "Actor-Xuejing Yan" has more than 12 million fans, accounting for 26% over 41 years old; "Artist-Wei San" has 10.19 million fans, accounting for 23% over 41.

In addition, in Henan and other popular Henan operas, there are 1.515 million fans of "Li Yuan Chun Lei Zhu" and 1.139 million fans of "Happy Henan Opera Brother Positive Energy", accounting for about 50% of those over 41.

In terms of health and wellness, there are nearly 3 million fans of the million-level account "Shaolin Positive Energy", accounting for 38.74% over 41 years old.

In terms of calligraphy, there are 1.11 million fans of "Feeling Hard Pen Calligraphy", accounting for 24% over 41 years old.

In addition to these, accounts in folk musical instruments (suona, erhu), square dance, fishing and other categories have gathered a large number of middle-aged and elderly users. These accounts have a small number of fans ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, but they have frequent interactions and close relationships with fans, and the possibility of commercial realization is more abundant than that of advertisements and live broadcasts in Tik Tok.

In-depth interviews with a large number of middle-aged and elderly users in various cities across the country by NewAgingPro, a consulting brand of AgeClub, it is found that they have a wide range of hobbies, such as gardening, tea art, photography, chess and Go, etc., and high-quality learning content and communication scenes are what they lack most now. Short video/live broadcast can just make up for this gap.

According to AgeClub, there are 40 million to 50 million daily users in Aauto Quicker, and such a large number of users is enough to support many finely classified head accounts and rich business models.

Where is the middle-aged and elderly vertical APP that survived the big waves?

In the past two years, middle-aged and elderly users entered Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker, which was more a spontaneous process of users, and important changes will take place next. As time goes by, these giants will inevitably have more layouts for middle-aged and elderly users in the future.

Behind Aauto Quicker and other giants stepping up the layout of middle-aged and elderly people, the online behavior of 400 million middle-aged and elderly people is rapidly evolving in breadth and depth. Like young people, they will move online in the future, such as shopping, buying classes, ordering takeout and investing in wealth management. Content and social networking are still the best user portals.

Compared with pictures and texts, short video/live broadcast has unique advantages: it is easier to receive information, the content is more lively and intuitive, and most elderly people have different eye problems. Watching videos is more eye-friendly than reading words.

Even WeChat, which started with graphic content, is stepping up its transformation to video, and launched live broadcast and video numbers in the past year. According to the follow-up observation of AgeClub, after several middle-aged and elderly entertainment platforms broadcast live on WeChat, the number of simultaneous viewers will soon reach thousands or even tens of thousands, indicating that middle-aged and elderly people have a very high acceptance of live video.

In the process of competing for quickly online middle-aged and elderly users, the giants relied on the platform ecology to get dividends in the early stage, but they have not paid full attention to the development of middle-aged and elderly users from the platform strategy level. As for the APP/ applet that entered the middle-aged and old-aged market in the last round of Internet entrepreneurship boom around 2014, they have gone through many detours and also precipitated a unique model in terms of users, products and realization.

Combing the APP/ applet with candied beans, beautiful articles, color TV, small rice cakes, etc., middle-aged and elderly users account for the main proportion, and they all "survived" through big waves. Their development experience and process are very worthy of attention.

Rise: We must seize the traffic/content bonus of middle-aged and elderly users.

These apps and applets with middle-aged and old people as the main users have consciously or unconsciously seized the dividends of middle-aged and old people migrating to smart phones and WeChat in the early rapid growth.

For example, the small rice cake focusing on audio albums and short videos is a typical example of grasping the social fission dividend of WeChat and rising. The small rice cake was first launched in 2014, and it has been tepid. In January, 2017, the WeChat applet appeared. At the end of May of that year, the Xiaomi Cake launched the applet, and it was bound with WeChat official account, which opened up the seamless diversion between WeChat official account and the applet, thus rapidly expanding the user group of Xiaomi Cake.

At that time, within a month, the number of users of small rice cakes rose from 10 million to 20 million.

The start of the beautiful article also benefited from the rapid popularization of smart phones among middle-aged and elderly people, which resulted in a strong demand for editing and sharing long pictures and texts.

Founder Tang Qi once revealed that he was still working at Huawei at that time. At first, he made a simple demo and promoted it within Huawei, and then the number of users continued to rise. After the APP was officially launched, it only found relatives and friends to help forward the online articles on the first day, and then it was not promoted. Its early 10 million households were brought by users themselves.

Another path of user traffic bonus is the application of market buying. Fan Zhaoyin, the founder of Love Square Dance, once reviewed the pioneering course in the field of square dance at the forum on innovation and entrepreneurship for the elderly held by AgeClub. In 2015-2017, an APP was launched in the application market, and the average customer acquisition cost per download was only 1.5-2.0 yuan. Later, companies with a valuation of tens of millions of dollars appeared in the square dance industry. These companies are typical of financing and buying traffic.

Another middle-aged and elderly video APP entrepreneur also told AgeClub that when it was launched in the Android market, the user retention of Huawei mobile phones was higher than that of oppo and vivo, which may be the reason why people who buy and use Huawei mobile phones are older.

In addition to the bonus of middle-aged and elderly users migrating to WeChat, the bonus of content theme also plays an important role. Many middle-aged and elderly entrepreneurs have mentioned in unison that in the years of 2015-2018, there are still few contents on WeChat that meet the reading interests of middle-aged and elderly people. As long as explosive content is produced by combining the characteristics of the post-50 s and post-60 s, it is easy to quickly break out among users and gain a large number of new users.

Midcourt: Find the core requirements, polish the function/realize —— Candy beans hold fast to the leader of the square dance, American articles strengthen long graphic editing, color TV focuses on video editing, and small rice cakes focus on information flow recommendation.

After grasping the user/traffic/content bonus, it is also very important to polish the product. Whether the middle-aged and elderly user experience can be continuously optimized and improved is the key to determining whether the middle-aged and elderly APP can really retain users.

APP/ applets such as candied beans, beautiful articles, color TV, and small rice cakes are unique in their products, which reflects the deep understanding of core users, and the subsequent commercial realization can be realized smoothly.

Candy beans are aimed at the square dance group from the beginning, and they are the leader of the square dance group, so they are all around this group in terms of APP function, teaching system and operation activities.

In terms of common video playback functions, Sugar Bean has designed functions that ordinary short video apps don’t have, such as slow playback, mirror, screen projection to TV, AB loop, etc. Video can be projected to a big-screen TV, and the picture can be flipped on the mirror to facilitate comparative learning, taking care of the needs of square dance groups to learn and practice dance at home.

Many square dance leaders need to shoot their own teaching demonstration videos, and Candy Bean has added the functions of adding titles, flipping and splitting screens in shooting and editing. In order to take care of women’s love of beauty, they can also whiten and slim the characters in the video; In addition, in order to enrich the playability of the video, it is also supported to dig out the portrait from the green screen and put it in a new background, or copy a character into three or five people.

In order to enable middle-aged and elderly users to master the skills of video production, Sugar Bean recorded a series of video courses, such as "Have you used the new function of green screen keying?", "Tutorial of changing colors for clothes", "Changing the sky for real video" and "Making special effects for opening video transitions".

In operational activities, theme shooting and evaluation activities were launched according to social hotspots and time nodes, such as "Online Free Clinic Against Pneumonia" during the epidemic and "Mother’s Day Gesture Dance Selection" before and after Mother’s Day.

The live broadcast section of candied beans also has distinctive square dance characteristics. The content of the live broadcast is mainly that professional teachers are promoting paid courses such as square dance, aerobics and modeling, and a small number of anchors are carrying square dance costumes or teaching mobile video production.

Color TV is an APP that started with video editing, and later developed functions such as community and live broadcast, but the functions of video editing are unique. For example, you can freely add titles, splice multiple video materials, adjust the video order, add soundtracks and subtitles.

In order to help middle-aged and elderly users learn video production, special teaching sections "Color TV College" and "Color TV School" are launched, which mainly focus on video editing and production, as well as poetry creation and folding fan production.

In the process of making editing videos, many middle-aged and elderly users need more and newer materials and more powerful editing functions, resulting in a clear willingness of members to pay.

And members have brought a lot of income to color TV. According to Age Club’s understanding from the industry, the current membership income of Color TV is in the order of tens of millions.

At the beginning, the beautiful article mainly used mobile phone to edit long pictures and texts, which just seized the opportunity window that WeChat can only edit and publish long pictures and texts on the PC side, and it is too expensive for many middle-aged and elderly people to learn and use.

Therefore, it can be seen that the function of American articles in graphic editing is the most powerful in all apps. You can adjust the text size, color and boldness, add serial numbers to paragraphs, and adjust the alignment of paragraphs; In addition, audio and video can be added to the article, and pictures can be added in the form of single sheets or puzzles.

In terms of realization, the main income of American articles-members and prints-is extended from long graphic editing. In the membership service of 19 yuan/month and 198 yuan/year, the main functions are related to graphic editing, such as high-definition original pictures, high-definition videos, high-definition titles, massive pictures, advanced typesetting, template customization, exclusive music and exclusive templates.

Small rice cake is a rare "technical flow" in the application of middle-aged and elderly people. The technical characteristics are not reflected in the powerful and perfect editing and production of the main function "Audio Album". In fact, this functional little rice cake adheres to the principle of minimalism, and can only add words, pictures and videos without further freedom.

Small rice cakes pay more attention to the sharing and communication of middle-aged and elderly users after editing, the use time brought by browsing short videos on small programs, and the advertising click income brought by it, so they emphasize the recommendation algorithm behind short video information flow.

There are several small programs of the same kind launched by Xiao Niangao, such as blessing circle, small bench group photo album, etc., all of which are based on minimalist graphic editing+extremely fast sharing and communication+information flow recommendation, showing the same technical characteristics and traffic thinking.

Ru Haibo, the founder of Xiao Niangao, is one of the few middle-aged and elderly entrepreneurs who rushed in with the emphasis on mobile Internet opportunities. He has previously started several projects and worked as an investor in Jingwei Venture Capital.

In contrast, Jiang Yimin of Color TV was born in the chip industry, and the founder of the American article was from Huawei. The founder of Candy Bean was a technical background in video before, and they were not particularly good at business models.

Giant sinking VS small and beautiful vertical APP: Who is the future of middle-aged and elderly Internet?

The candied beans, beautiful articles, color TV, and small rice cakes that survived this round of entrepreneurial tide in 2014 have all gone out of their own unique models in terms of users, products, and realization, and there are many companies with incomes of tens of millions to hundreds of millions of yuan.

The essence of its success is to capture the group of middle-aged and elderly users who are the first to set foot on the wave of mobile Internet, are the most socially active and have relatively strong purchasing power. For example, Candy Bean captures the captain of the square dance who has a strong demand for learning new dances, and Color TV and Beauty Articles capture the vitality of middle-aged and elderly people who like traveling parties and taking photos and videos.

Vertical APP has done a perfect job in a certain segment demand for middle-aged and elderly users, successfully attracted small and heavy users, and cultivated their payment habits to achieve a small and beautiful development state.

However, the other side of the matter is that if the vertical APP wants to "go out of the circle" and expand its target users from small groups to billion-level users with more dispersed needs and greater differences, it needs to expand heterogeneous categories in content, design a more sticky social structure in users’ social relationships, and make trade-offs in improving and simplifying functions. In the past, it was no longer applicable based on the needs understanding, product experience and liquidation methods of small users.

In fact, these apps have indeed done or are doing "out of the circle" attempts. However, some restrict the expansion of content categories because of the graphic form, some are too heavy to change users’ mental cognition because of their vertical attributes, and some are hesitant in the strategic direction because of the company’s genes …

There is no doubt that giant platforms such as Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker have a deeper understanding of the needs of billion-dollar users, and the rich and complete platform ecology and closed-loop business of giants will also bring more possibilities for the middle-aged and elderly Internet.

1. Tik Tok/Aauto Quicker: Fully tap the long tail content, and middle-aged and elderly people are willing to pay for interesting and dreamy "knowledge".

After several years of rapid development, Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker have become enough content/social platforms to threaten WeChat, and the rich entrepreneurial opportunities for middle-aged and elderly people that once appeared on WeChat are likely to be repeated in Tik Tok and Kuaishou, which will be richer and more different.

As previously analyzed, although middle-aged and elderly users in Tik Tok are growing rapidly, and some accounts attract a large number of middle-aged and elderly fans, compared with the content ecology of the whole platform and the rich hobbies of middle-aged and elderly people themselves, there are still many content needs that have not been met.

Moreover, compared with the explosive topics such as emotion, health and pension displayed in the form of pictures and texts on WeChat, the form of short video/live broadcast is naturally suitable for many long-tail contents, such as gardening, tea art, photography, chess and chess, wenwan collection, etc., which are popular among middle-aged and elderly people. The video mode is more impactful and can stimulate the interest in learning and paying.

There are already cases in which high income is obtained by selling classes for middle-aged and elderly fans.

"Chen Libao Suona", a fast-paced suona anchor, is also a young wind player of the Central National Orchestra. He once participated in "I am a singer" with singer TanJing, and is a well-known post-85 s performing artist. At present, there are 450,000 fans, accounting for 27% of those over 41.

The short videos on its homepage are mainly videos of its own performances and rehearsals, as well as songs co-operated with TanJing and Sitar tan. During the live broadcast, it explains suona knowledge and answers various questions of fans, with an average of 400-500 people online.

Chen Libao’s suona courses include "zero-based speed learning series" and advanced course series, which are quite popular after its launch. The hottest course has 7,600 buyers, and the number of buyers of other courses is mostly between 1,000 and 3,000.

In addition to selling classes, Chen Libao also sells suona and other musical instruments in the live broadcast room. The price is around 1000 yuan, and nearly 10 instruments can be sold every day.

In the media interview, Chen Libao once revealed that there are college students, music teachers, business owners, bus drivers and farmers among the students, and the oldest student is over 70 years old.

In fact, middle-aged and elderly users not only buy suona courses on Aauto Quicker, but also have singing education programs for middle-aged and elderly people with millions of paying users on WeChat ecology. The logic behind it is actually the same. Middle-aged and elderly people are willing to pay for their "dreams".

2. "Wechat business" on the fast hand: Why do you choose wig products with middle-aged and elderly people as the main users?

Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker started from the Internet, and the e-commerce business that undertakes the heavy responsibility of making profits is the common focus of the two companies. As mentioned above, there have been accounts for clothing and accessories for middle-aged and elderly people. Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker undoubtedly have greater opportunities when similar businesses on WeChat are saturated.

The two platforms also pay more and more attention to online and offline communication, and both launch the same city plate to encourage local businesses to settle in, which brings new opportunities to many local service businesses.

Especially in Aauto Quicker, which is decentralized and community-oriented, traffic distribution tends to tilt to the waist and tail accounts, which has more room for local services targeting middle-aged and elderly people.

Taking the tourism category as an example, there are more than a dozen matrix accounts of "Zhangjiajie Tourism Reception", many of which have 1 million or even 2 million fans, and middle-aged and elderly users account for an important proportion, generally between 10-30%.

Similar to the recruitment and joining agent model in WeChat Ecology, there are already teams operating on Aauto Quicker, and the selected products happen to be wigs with middle-aged and elderly customers as the main target.

There are many wig accounts in Aauto Quicker, most of which are opened in wig stores to drain their offline stores.

Aauto Quicker’s account matrix "Salongwei" adopts the mature Wechat business model, creating new concepts of "wearing hairstyle" and "scene clipping" to relieve ordinary consumers’ resistance to wigs, and recruiting wig partners throughout the network through short video/live broadcast, promising to provide a perfect course training system;

For example, there is a CEO interactive system in management, an online sales system, a terminal marketing course and a product manager in marketing, and China scene tailoring in wig technology.

Another Aauto Quicker account matrix named "Elephant Replacement" provides nationwide door-to-door replacement service for C-end users, and offline training and wig raw material supply for B-end users who start businesses and open stores.

The offline training costs 2,980 yuan for 3 days, and the main contents are replacement technology, self-media promotion and physical store sales skills.

Why are wigs favored by Wechat business team? First, because of the high gross profit, according to AgeClub, the purchase price of wigs from Wechat business to stores is only 300-500 yuan, which costs 2,000-3,000 yuan.

Second, wigs require high marketing ability, because wigs are not a category with high public acceptance at present, which requires a lot of publicity and education for users and a lot of marketing training for the team, which is precisely Wechat business’s specialty.


All the above data and cases have fully explained the vitality and potential of middle-aged and elderly people in the Internet world. But we believe that this is only the beginning for 400 million middle-aged and elderly people to fully embrace the Internet life.

Looking back at the content/social development path of middle-aged and elderly people, we will find that it is halfway compared with young people, and there will be many possibilities in the future:

In the form of information, from text to voice, pictures to video;

In social relations, from acquaintances (family, colleagues, classmates, comrades-in-arms) to semi-acquaintances (community owners, square dancers, etc.) to strangers (network friends, senior college students, etc.);

On the theme, from family parent-child, health, emotion to various long tail subdivision hobbies;

In terms of demand experience, from simple operation to rich content to information property security (from online behaviors such as shopping, payment, investment and wealth management).

Hegel: China has no history in essence! Is Hegel’s view right?

In Principles of Philosophy of Right, Hegel said: "In essence, China has no history. It constantly repeats the collapse and change of the dynasty, and the whole country has not made any progress in the process. " In short, in the words of Professor Zhang Guogang, it is "in Hegel’s eyes, China is nothing".

The question is: Is Hegel’s evaluation of China’s history correct? In fact, this evaluation is not worth refuting at all, but it can’t stand the fact that there are many filial sons and grandchildren, and Hegel’s words are always regarded as the standard to belittle Chinese civilization. Therefore, the author will give three examples to see how absurd Hegel’s words are.

Europe is almost as big as China, but why are there so many countries in Europe and China unified? There are many reasons, but one of them is related to ethnic integration.

The Chinese nation was not formed overnight, but gradually merged over thousands of years and finally formed the Chinese nation. Among them, there are counter-currents and measures to promote integration.

Let’s not talk about the distant history and countercurrent for the time being. Let’s talk about three important periods of promoting national integration after the Han Dynasty: first, the sinicization reform of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and finally the Xianbei nationality was completely integrated into the Chinese nation; Secondly, the Tang Dynasty was broad-minded to accommodate foreigners, and even An Lushan, Shi Siming and other heavily armed people were foreigners; The third is that Zhu Yuanzhang accepted millions of semu people, Mongols and others and integrated them into the Chinese nation.

There are great differences between different ethnic groups, and it will take a long time, mind and wisdom to get together.Then, isn’t the history of national integration of the Chinese nation a history of progress?For thousands of years, Europe is still fragmented and still can’t be integrated, so from the perspective of national integration, Europe has no history in essence.

It should be noted that the tolerance of Chinese civilization to different ethnic groups and cultures is exactly what the world needs at present. According to the western law, unless other civilizations are eliminated by the west, all ethnic groups in the world will never be integrated, but Chinese civilization can tolerate different civilizations and is conducive to the integration of all ethnic groups in the world. Isn’t such a Chinese civilization a contribution to mankind?

After Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, a centralized and unified political system was established, but there were many defects in the unified system of the Qin Dynasty, one of which was that the Qin Dynasty was still aristocratic politics and lacked "local representatives".

After the Han Dynasty, the wise and virtuous system was introduced, such as Liu Bang’s introduction."Seeking talents", selecting talents from the people. What really changed was Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, who introduced the inspection system, which had unified criteria and examination methods for selecting talents and recommended talents from the bottom up.More importantly, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty gave every county a quota of candidates, which is equivalent to the fact that people from every place came out to be officials, and local talents had a way out, so it was naturally not easy to rebel, and the object of investigation, regardless of origin, also broke the aristocratic political pattern.

Of course, the imperial examination system gradually became stale and became a game for aristocratic families. Cao Cao launched "meritocracy" to try to resist, but eventually failed. After the Jin Dynasty, aristocratic families became stronger and stronger. Therefore, another round of reform began in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, that is, the imperial examination system was introduced. The imperial examination system was not mature at the beginning, but gradually improved. Even in order to ensure the scientific examination in backward areas, the method of "zoning quota" was adopted, so that the central court always had people from all over the country to participate.

For thousands of years, Europe was backward in official system and aristocratic politics, and the class was seriously solidified, but China had already broken the aristocratic politics and class solidification. In contrast, who is more progressive and who is more stagnant?

It is worth mentioning that the West has always labeled China as "autocratic" in ancient times, but with representatives from all over the country participating in the imperial court, the imperial edict needs the seal of the relevant departments to have formal legal effect (the emperor directly issued it as "the imperial edict", and the prime minister can reject it), so can it be called "autocratic" as a whole?

About 14,000 years ago, cultivated rice appeared in China, which was the earliest agricultural origin in the world. In the next tens of thousands of years, the continuous progress of agriculture in China has also promoted the historical progress of China, such as the following three points (agricultural technology has been widely known, let’s not talk about it for the time being):

First of all, the climate in China is characterized by four distinct seasons, and the sowing period is very short, so it is necessary to make clear the "farming season", otherwise there will be famine in the coming year.As a result, the astronomical development in China was promoted, that is, "observing the images and giving time". The agricultural time was determined by setting tables and observing the stars, and the more accurate the agricultural time was, this was an important prerequisite for the ancient agricultural development in China.

Secondly, the so-called "workers must sharpen their tools first if they want to do a good job", and if agriculture wants to develop greatly, they must need advanced farm tools, and China’s ancient farm tools are indeed more advanced. For example, wooden hoes (which evolved from bones, and the following picture shows the Jinsha site in Shang and Zhou Dynasties) are like shovels, as well as plows (which later evolved into curved plows, etc.), and plows (which were invented in the Han Dynasty).

Third, the cultivated land conditions in China are not good. Many cultivated lands we see today are not born, but were slowly developed by the ancient people. For example, "the lake is wide and ripe, and the world is full", which was only available in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, because there were many swamps before and the development conditions were not good. Is this reclamation to feed countless people in China a historical progress?

Agriculture is the most basic industry, there is not enough food, and everything else is a mirage.Hobson said in The Oriental Origin of Western Civilization: In agriculture, "Europe as a whole did not reach the level of China (Song Dynasty) in the 12th century until the 20th century." So, from the perspective of ancient agriculture, does the west have history or does China have history?

In fact, as long as you know a little about China’s history, you will find that China has been making progress, not a simple dynasty change, but not as fast as the modern development of the West (before modern times, the West has been in a state of stagnation). There are many reasons for the slow development of China, one of which is different from that in Europe. One China is worth the whole European countries. The place is too big and the population is too large, so it is difficult for big ships to turn around, while western countries are easy for small boats to turn around.

Therefore, Hegel said that China has no history, but only repeated dynasty changes, without any progress.Either Hegel’s ignorant remarks that he didn’t know the history of China at all, or he deliberately belittled China’s remarks. Judging from Hegel’s character and the identity of the founder of Eurocentrism, it is obviously deliberately belittling China.The reason is very simple, but there are always some people who regard it as a standard and think that Hegel’s right and Hegel’s evaluation of China is a conscience, which is hard to understand.

"Group-type" medical assistance in cooperation between the east and the west builds a "healthy bridge" for the city and Wei.

Xin Dingxi Dingxi Daily correspondent Zhao Jingting

The mountains and seas are far apart, and the hearts and hands are closely connected. In recent years, Weiyuan County and Chengyang District of Qingdao have continuously increased their cooperation in medical cooperation. By implementing the management of Luoxi Hospital, increasing capital investment, building facilities, exchanging talents, and building disciplines, the rapid development of health care in Weiyuan County has been effectively promoted.

During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday this year, a parturient in Weiyuan County People’s Hospital suffered from rapid and massive bleeding and weak uterine contraction in a short time after giving birth to a newborn by cesarean section. After receiving the notice, Liu Qi, a help expert from Chengyang District People’s Hospital in Qingdao, arrived at the department at the first time to quickly understand the changes in the condition and guide the start of the emergency plan for obstetric hemorrhage.

"By adjusting anesthesia, optimizing fluid replacement and using vasoactive drugs, the circulation was stable. The operation lasted for more than four hours. After a lot of fluid replacement, blood transfusion and diuresis, the stability of maternal vital signs and the normal function of tissues and organs were ensured." Liu Qi said. During half a year’s assistance and cooperation, he mainly carried out surgical anesthesia, carried out new technology projects in the front line of clinical anesthesia, taught more than 200 cases in one-on-one teaching and guided practical operation, and gave more than 20 lectures on professional technology. In the form of small classes, he studied some new anesthesia methods and guidelines at home and abroad with everyone and shared his experience.

Since 2021, Weiyuan County has sent 55 medical technicians to Shandong Province for further study, which has achieved remarkable results, learned advanced diagnosis and treatment technology, promoted the improvement of medical technology and improved the comprehensive diagnosis and treatment service capacity. Qingdao Chengyang District People’s Hospital sent 12 experts to assist and guide the general surgery, critical care medicine, endocrinology, anesthesiology, brain department, pediatrics, cardiology and other departments of the county people’s hospital; Qingdao Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine sent 3 experts to help and guide the departments of orthopedics, cardiology, radiology and encephalopathy in the county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, and 3 experts to help and guide the departments of neurology, obstetrics and gynecology and orthopedics in the county hospital of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine.

In 2022, Chengyang District helped 500,000 yuan to equip Huichuan Town Health Center and Yangzhuang Branch of Huichuan Town Health Center with 2 ambulances and vehicle-mounted equipment; The assistance fund is 4.94 million yuan, which is used for the construction of grassroots medical and health quality improvement projects in cooperation between the east and the west. Qingdao also donated more than 500,000 anti-epidemic materials to the county.

In 2023, the assistance fund was 300,000 yuan, which was used for the construction of primary health care quality improvement projects in cooperation between the east and the west. Seven medical institutions, including Chengyang Street Community Health Service Center in Chengyang District, donated 100,000 yuan to 11 medical institutions, including Qingyuan Community Health Service Center in Qingyuan Town, through the Weiyuan County Red Cross Society, to purchase medical equipment, further enhancing the county’s medical service capacity. Qingdao Hisense Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. donated medical materials worth 2.3 million yuan to the county hospital of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine.

Talents, technologies and ideas from Qingdao’s medical and health fields are being continuously imported into Weiyuan, based on expanding the space of health cooperation between the two sides, and promoting the exchange of ideas, interaction of ideas and mutual learning of styles. In the past three years, Qingdao City, Shandong Province has changed from "blood transfusion" to "hematopoiesis" by means of "personnel attachment, hospital-hospital cooperation, remote consultation, technical support and personnel training", thus realizing the desire of the people not to leave the county after serious illness.

Five Simple and Practical Football Skills

Hello, everyone, today we share five simple and effective primary skills, I hope you like them!

The five practical skills brought today are very simple and effective. Let’s take a look at some of them. Let’s start now:

Knock someone across

The first action is used when we want to create enough space to shoot or cross. We can use this technique to explode directly from the static state, and the speed is very fast. Sudden breakout can make this technique more effective.

Figure 1- Crossing People

All the previous "dances" are preparations. It doesn’t matter what we do. The key is to let the opponent not know what we are going to do. If we slow down, this action is not complicated at all. First, push the ball across the body with one foot, and at the same time, kick the ball in the opposite direction with the other foot, and then break through.

Figure 2- Kicking in the opposite direction

Note that we can also make the ball bounce a little and increase the lethality of this action. At first, we should practice this action slowly, and finally, even if the defender meets you, we can still finish this action.

Figure 3- Knock the ball up

Pull the ball through the crotch

The sideline is the best helper for us to finish this crotch crossing. Even if there are no defenders, we should learn to practice by imagining ourselves, so that we can feel more comfortable when we train and learn these movements.

Fig. 4- Demonstration of Crossing the crotch

This crotch-piercing action can be divided into three simple steps. First, we pull the ball aside to create some space, then stop to attract the opponent to take the bait, and then wait for the opportunity to stir the ball to wear the crotch.

Figure 5- Pull the ball to create space

This action is just a pattern, and there are many ways. Of course, it can also be used in the middle. If we are trapped on the side, it can make us break through easily.

Figure 6- Middle Road Use

V-fake action

V-shaped push-pull is a very important and reliable skill. Now we derive a practical skill based on it. We combine V-shaped push-pull with body postures and riding a bicycle. Therefore, this requires us to have good coordination and be prepared from the beginning.

When we finish the V-push-pull, we can make a body fake or step sideways in the opposite direction, then stop and step on the bike, and finally get rid of it.

Figure 7-V-shaped push-pull fake action

We must observe the game and read about the defensive players and the game. The only way to succeed is to cultivate our self-confidence and skills through practice and improvisation. When we feel more confident, we can create our own rules and be comfortable in the game.

Figure 8- Create your own rules

Reverse feint

Although this action can’t guarantee that you can get rid of your opponent 100%, it can give us enough space. In the game, as long as we have the opportunity to raise our heads, we may complete high-quality actions.

We pull the ball back a few steps, and the defender either stops or pounces, then we turn our ankles, make a fake move, and finally break through in the direction of the target.

Figure 9- Demonstration of Reverse Fake Action

This action is very useful in the cross or in front of the penalty area, especially when we don’t have much time to do it. It is very simple. We must master it. Let’s go to the stadium and practice now.

Figure 10- Simple and Practical

Ronaldinho stopped behind him.

Ronaldinho can do this action at will anywhere on the court, so there is no limit to this skill. The first step is very simple. We pull the ball back behind us, then stop on our toes and pull it back.

Figure 11- Stop the ball on the toe behind you

If an opponent inserts an assist, as shown in the picture below, it will make this action more confusing, and it seems as if it is going to pass the ball, and then suddenly stop and throw off the defender.

Figure 12- Get rid of the defender

When we are doing movements, we should not stand up straight. We should believe that the more we practice, the more skillful we are, the better our performance will be. We can step on a bicycle, wear crotch, or turn around to protect the ball and do whatever we want, as long as the movements are smooth.

Figure 13- Changes in body center of gravity

That’s all for today. Please continue to pay attention to the road of football for more exciting football teaching!

Hand in hand with "salt horse" to start the district and build a brand together

On the morning of April 16th, yueda KIA SK New Energy Yancheng Marathon and Grand Canal Marathon Series (Yancheng Station) fired at Yannan Sports Center, and more than 15,000 contestants started with enthusiasm and all their efforts. Dafengcang Agricultural Group "hitchhiked" this marathon, set up a product booth, and used the marathon to carry out featured brand promotion. A wide variety of featured agricultural products, such as spicy chicken, fragrant belly, yellow snail and shrimp sauce, attracted the attention of contestants and citizens.

Through full display, the group will let more people who participate in and watch the marathon know more about Dafeng’s local agricultural special products, and let the brand products jointly built by "Dafeng Cang" area go to the dining table of more consumers. The group will stick to the original mission of developing agriculture for the people, and make greater contributions to the high-quality development of agricultural industry in Dafeng District with pragmatic measures and caring services for agriculture.