Do Peng Yuyan and Di Lizheba have any acting skills?

Expressionism is based on the understanding of characters, through external forms of expression to highlight the personality of characters.

For example, Huang Bo in "Bullfighting", after encountering the People’s Liberation Army, asked the People’s Liberation Army to write an inscription for him because of a promise to protect cows until the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

He showed the small peasant’s humility, lack of confidence, and impatience by running over nervously, gently pulling the reins of the horse, rubbing his index finger against the horse’s neck, speaking cautiously, dodging his eyes, and trying to squeeze out the social laughter.

Think what the character thinks, think what the character thinks, try to get into the character, and then express the character’s emotions.

For example, Gong Li and Jiang Wen in "Red Sorghum", in order to conform to the image of peasant women at that time, Gong Li practiced carrying water every day, and by the time the shooting started, she was no different from the local peasant women.

Jiang Wen didn’t rest either. He often bathed in the river in front of Mo Yan’s house. After his body was soaked, he went ashore and lay down to tan himself.

Before the filming of "Red Sorghum", they all experienced life in the countryside, treating themselves as Yu Zhan’ao and Jiu’er, acting with their characters in order to better integrate into their characters.

Emotions erupt through one’s own internal emotions, rather than simply aligning with the characters. Such performances are more delicate, realistic, and full.

Ge You’s interpretation of decadence is different from the long-haired and world-weary that appear in idol dramas now, as if the whole world is against itself, evolving from rebellion to morbid decadence.

Ge You is the character of "mourning" attributes to the extreme, two weak and easy to fall legs, a pair of tired but not tired and bleary eyes, the state of the two sides of the void, the disease of the body, static when motionless, swaying when moving.

Take the example of two actors and actresses, one is your boyfriend Peng Yuyan, and the other is your girlfriend Di Lizheba.

Since 2011’s "Roll Over, Ashin" got the perfect body, it has been ten years now. Whenever Peng Yuyan has a movie released, the marketing is all about the body.

Even with the high box office, they still had to market a wave of figures in the end, and there was almost no mention of acting skills, such as "Guild War", "Breaking the Wind", and "Evil Does Not Suppress the Good".

Jiang Wen arranged a show for him to play naked in the water, walk on the wall with a bare buttocks, seal his whole body, etc.

The "Tropical Past" that will be released in the near future has become the focus of publicity for Peng Yuyan, and the topic of his figure has been brought up again.

Like Zhang Zhen, he learned a professional skill almost in one movie, and maintained a jealous figure all year round, which shows the efforts behind it.

But flaws do not hide Yu, he is hard enough, but his shortcomings are also obvious. His biggest problem is that he does not have an eye-catching role, that is, he lacks delicate acting skills.

Before, he had basically starred in idol drama-type movies. He didn’t need any acting skills, as long as he was stylish and handsome.

It’s just that his performance in "Cold War" can only be regarded as normal, there are not many ripples, and there are not too many mistakes. The wink does not highlight the high IQ of the character.

On the contrary, compared with Leung Ka Fai and Guo Fucheng, their unangry and self-righteous expressions and their lines are enough to make Peng Yuyan look dwarfed.

Therefore, what Peng Yuyan needs to do now is to transform from a temperament actor to a performance actor, because for an actor, the audience prefers that the next time they see Peng Yuyan is no longer physical.

It has been four years since she participated in "Run It" in 2017 with the energetic girl character and the CP fire with Luhan, but she has nothing else but a wave of marketing acting skills.

Every part of her body was searched, except for the lack of acting skills, so an actor like Di Lizheba was more like an idol.

It’s just that during her eight years of debut, there are only two types of characters in her works, and they are the easiest to choose.

One is the beauty in costume dramas, such as "Long Song" and "Three Lives and Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach and Plum"; the other is the independent and lively woman in romantic dramas, such as "Happiness is within reach!" and "One Thousand and One Nights".

To put it bluntly, these TV dramas are all idol dramas. Idol dramas never rely on acting skills, but topics and popularity. Sometimes the flow is better than the polishing of years.

The plot is very ridiculous, forever jacksu, if you are really bored and naive enough, this drama may be very suitable for hypnosis.

Li Huizhen, played by Di Lizheba, is a silly and honest person, but Di Lizheba’s interpretation is not cute, only stupid. If it were not for the support of her appearance, she might have received a wave of bad reviews.

At that time, she had just made her debut, and she could also play some natural actors with her own temperament, highlighting the original ecology.

It’s just that with her ups and downs in the entertainment industry for a few years, the nature of this body has long disappeared, leaving behind a formulaic acting and a coping attitude.

As a top-notch actress, Di Lizheba should not only have this achievement now. Now that her acting skills have not improved, her resources are not as good as before, and it is difficult to receive a good resource transformation.

The rise in oil prices has made Japan the biggest beneficiary

  The three oil crises of the 1970s and 1990s profoundly changed the industrial structure of the automotive powerhouses in Europe and the US. But they also represented opportunities. If there was only one winner in this far-reaching series of historical events, it was Japanese cars.

  Before the oil crisis, although Japanese cars had an export layout in overseas markets, their share was always small. At the same time, the inherent impressions of Europeans and Americans such as counterfeit products, quality and low grade always lingered on the top of Japanese cars. However, after the oil crisis, Western consumers had to accept the reality, and Japanese cars ushered in the trend of going global.

  Taking advantage of the opportunity of the oil crisis, Japanese cars eventually became an important pole of the global automobile industry. But in addition to the impact of objective events now known as "black swans", the subjective initiative of the Japanese automobile industry is also worthy of future memories. Freezing three feet is not a day’s cold, the formation of an automobile industrial country is the main reason.

  Growing up in war

  The original Japanese auto industry was born in the 1930s, 30-50 years later than the developed countries in Europe and the United States. At that time, the Japanese market was dominated by American cars, and giants such as General Motors and Ford established assembly plants in the country. Later, factories such as Toyota and Datsun (the predecessor of Nissan) created the first cars produced by Japanese companies by reverse-copying European and American models such as Chevrolet, Chrysler, and Austin.

  At the same time, in order to encourage the production of autonomous vehicles, the Japanese government also promulgated the "Automobile Manufacturing Business Law", which stipulates that companies that produce more than 3,000 cars a year must be approved by the government, and more than half of the shares must be owned by local companies. However, the Great Depression that swept the world at the time brought the fledgling Japanese automakers to the brink of bankruptcy.

  At this time, they were saved by a full-scale war of aggression launched by Japanese militarism. The early Japanese car companies were transformed into arsenal factories that started the war machine, but they were also quickly dealt a heavy blow by the defeat of the war. After the end of World War II, Japan, a defeated country, was devastated by society and economy, and its fledgling automobile industry was also on the verge of destruction.

  In this context, the Japanese government, which had just announced its unconditional surrender, still called together the few car companies at the time, demonstrating the government’s support for the auto industry. On the other hand, the United States, out of consideration against the Soviet camp, stationed troops in Japan and began to support Japan’s economy. Especially during the Korean War, the US military provided a large number of military truck orders to the nearest Japan, allowing Japanese car companies that were struggling after the war to quickly recover. For Japanese cars, this also provides an opportunity for them to open up the US market in the future.

  In order to make up for the lack of resources during the economic difficulties, the Japanese government began to encourage the production of short-wheelbase and small-displacement cars through preferential policies such as tax reduction, resulting in the series of cars known as K-Cars. These economical and practical cars not only quickly popularized cars in postwar Japanese households, but also laid the foundation for the subsequent industrial upgrading of Japanese cars. With the support of policies, the number of car companies in Japan after the war rapidly increased from single digits to nearly 30.

  Since the 1950s, the Japanese government has promulgated the "Basic Guidelines for the Introduction of Foreign Investment in Passenger Vehicles", and began to continuously introduce technology to developed countries in Europe, America, and Japan’s car companies have successively established cooperative relations with overseas auto giants. In 1950, Toyota’s then president, Eiji Toyoda, made a special trip to Detroit to inspect Ford’s factories; Nissan’s predecessor, Datsun, officially purchased the patents of Austin in the United Kingdom in 1952 and assembled cars in Japan in the form of CKD. Austin provided technical assistance to Datsun. In addition, cooperation between Hino and French Renault, Mitsubishi and Chevrolet of the United States is also developing.

  By the early 1960s, Japanese car companies had completed the original accumulation of technology, and the annual production and sales of domestic cars exceeded 400,000. In November 1963, Japan further established the automobile industry as a strategic industry at the Industrial Structure Review Conference. From the 1950s to the 1970s, Japan has introduced more than 400 technologies from developed countries in Europe, America and other countries.

  However, while absorbing technology, the Japanese government has also implemented measures such as tariffs and foreign exchange controls to protect the domestic automobile industry, and implemented them through legislation such as the Enterprise Rationalization Promotion Law and the Machinery Industry Revitalization Temporary Measures Law. The tariff barrier for imported automobiles was once as high as 40%. And the penetration of foreign capital into Japanese automobile companies is also strictly guarded.

  In addition to government support, the improvement of technology, quality and management by Japanese automakers at that time also greatly improved the quality of Japanese cars. For example, the Toyota production method, which has far-reaching impact on future generations, was born in the early 1950s. And some classic models that continue to this day, such as Toyota Crown, Corolla, Nissan Bluebird, Honda Civic, etc., were also introduced one after another in the 1950s and 1960s.

  In addition, in order to strengthen the overall quality of Japanese cars and eliminate uncompetitive enterprises, under the leadership of the Japanese government, Japanese cars carried out a series of mergers in the 1960s, reducing the number of highly competitive 30 to about 10, which increased the concentration of the industry.

  By 1970, the annual sales of Japanese cars had reached 4.10 million, 10 times that of the early 1960s, and the number of cars owned by 1,000 people had risen from 14 in 1960 to about 170.

  After all, the local market demand in Japan is limited. At the same time as the rapid growth of the industry, Japanese car companies are also trying to export. However, throughout the 1960s, Japanese cars were mainly aimed at the third world countries in South America and South East Asia. The best-selling models in Japan, such as the Toyota Crown, were also exported to the United States, but sales were also very low because they did not meet the needs of American consumers.

  It was not until the arrival of the first oil crisis that Japanese cars were "a blessing in disguise" and really went to the world, especially major automobile consumer markets such as Europe, America and others.

  blessing in disguise

  In 1970, at the call of American social environmentalists at that time, the US government introduced the "Air Purification Act" (Musky Act), which stipulated that after five years, cars emitted only one-tenth of the pollutants. This bill undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to the three American giants that were popular at that time, but it provided an opportunity for Japanese cars to further open up the US market.

  In 1972, the CVCC engine developed by Honda became the first engine to comply with the Musky Act and quickly gained popularity in the United States.

  In October 1973, shortly after the outbreak of the Fourth Middle East War, the United States publicly sided with Israel and provided it with $2.20 billion in military aid. In order to sanction the United States and the West, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) began to implement a series of production cuts and oil embargoes. After the war, the oil exporting countries continued to cut production by more than 10% and pushed to raise the price of oil from $3 per barrel to $13, which was the first oil crisis.

  The oil crisis dealt a heavy blow to the developed automobile industry in Europe and the United States. During this period, global automobile production fell from nearly 40 million to 33 million. Car consumers in Europe and the United States had to give up their favorite large-displacement cars and performance cars in favor of affordable small-displacement cars. The auto giants were also forced to abandon their original production plans for large cars.

  Throughout the 1970s, Japan’s domestic auto market ended a period of rapid growth, with sales increasing from 4.10 million to 5 million. After the shock, Japan launched a new energy technology development plan in 1974, and introduced an industrial policy to reduce energy consumption, focusing on the development and promotion of energy-saving technologies and equipment. Later, the Energy Conservation Law was introduced to restrain it.

  But at the same time, Japan’s industrial structure dominated by small-displacement vehicles has allowed Japanese cars to find opportunities to break through overseas. Although the previous Japanese cars were scorned by many Europeans and Americans because of their brands, more people began to choose cars with better fuel economy due to the economic pressure caused by fuel consumption. At this time, in addition to affordable prices, Japanese cars have made great progress in technology and production management. In the past, the stereotype of counterfeit products and inferior quality in the eyes of Westerners was changed. Coupled with the good relations between Japan and the United States, Japanese cars soon became popular in the American market.

  In 1975, Japan’s domestic automobile production exceeded 7 million for the first time; by 1977, Japan’s automobile exports had reached 4.35 million, three times more than in 1970; the proportion of exported automobiles in total automobile production skyrocketed from 20% in 1970 to more than 50%.

  The shadow of the first oil crisis has not yet dissipated. With the outbreak of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the Iran-Iraq War, the second oil crisis followed in the early 1980s, with oil prices rising from $14 per barrel to nearly $40. Global car sales fell for four consecutive years during the crisis, from 42 million to less than 39 million.

  This time, however, Japan’s increasingly mature auto industry has achieved greater success. During the second oil crisis, Japan’s domestic automobile production exceeded 10 million and 11 million in a row, and its exports exceeded 6 million for the first time. In 1980, Japanese automobiles surpassed the United States for the first time to become the world’s largest.

  The most important reason why Japanese cars can overtake American cars is the continued "attack" on the US market. During the second oil crisis, the production of American cars fell from 11 million to 8 million. In contrast, from 1978 to 1980, the number of Japanese car exports to the United States increased from 1.50 million to nearly 2 million, and the sales reached 2.40 million. The proportion of imported cars in the United States reached 80%, and the share of Japanese cars in the US market was as high as 20%.

  The real crisis

  Japan’s economic take-off and the strength of Japanese cars in the US market have threatened the US government and automakers. Under the impact of Japanese cars, American giants such as GM, Ford, and Chrysler have laid off more than 220,000 workers. The United Auto Workers (UAW) even broke out a campaign to smash Japanese cars.

  Under pressure from the United States, after negotiations between Japan and the United States, an agreement on independent restrictions on Japanese exports of cars to the United States was formed in 1981, which stipulated that the export scale of Japanese cars to the US market in subsequent years was limited to 1.68 million cars in 1981-1983, 1.85 million cars in 1984, 2.30 million cars in 1985 and 1986, and then dropped to about 2 million cars in subsequent years.

  At the same time, Japanese automakers began to choose to set up factories or joint ventures in the US market to avoid policy restrictions. After 1982, Honda, Nissan, Toyota, and Mazda successively established factories in the United States. In addition, joint ventures between Toyota and General Motors, Mitsubishi and Chrysler were also established during this period.

  On the other hand, under the premise of limited sales, Japanese cars to improve brand perception and increase profitability, Honda, Toyota, Nissan and other leading companies have launched high-end models for the needs of North American consumers, Acura, Lexus and Infiniti were born in this period.

  As a result, despite the decrease in imports, the profits of Japanese automakers have actually increased due to the high-priced luxury cars produced in the United States. With the outbreak of the Gulf War, the third oil crisis came. In the 1990s, the world’s car production decreased from nearly 50 million to 47 million, but Japan’s domestic car production approached 13.50 million, and sales reached a historical peak of 7.77 million. In addition, Japan’s overseas car production also exceeded 3 million for the first time, and the proportion of Japanese cars in the world rose to nearly 40%.

  However, luck has not always favored Japanese cars. Since the Plaza Accord in 1985, Japan’s domestic economic bubble burst due to the appreciation of the yen, which ushered in the "lost decade", and Japan’s domestic car production and sales have also slipped from their peak and began to decline year by year.

  Under the policy protection of domestic enterprises and the continuous suppression of Japanese cars. In 1994, American cars regained the first place in the global market. In 1995, the US government further announced a 100% tariff on luxury cars from Japan. The following year, Japanese car exports fell directly to 3.71 million, a decrease of 45% compared with the 1985 Plaza Agreement.

  Faced with the difficulties caused by economic stagnation, Japanese automakers are not sitting still. In order to continue to cater to the industry trend of energy conservation and emission reduction, Japanese automakers continue to develop engine technologies with stronger fuel economy. In 1997, the Toyota Prius based on THS hybrid technology was launched, and it became the best-selling model in North America again in the early 21st century. Later, the Honda i-MMD and Nissan e-Power were launched one after another, and the Japanese hybrid once again played a brand effect in the global market.

  In addition, while the US market is encountering bottlenecks, Japanese automakers are also continuously providing growth impetus by expanding into more overseas markets and increasing their emphasis on the emerging Chinese market. Entering the 21st century, Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Mazda, Mitsubishi and Suzuki have successively established joint venture factories in China, and have continuously introduced overseas best-selling models into domestic production and sales.

  Today, Japanese cars still have a 30% market share worldwide. Toyota is still the world’s largest automaker, with Honda and Renault-allied Nissan also in the top 10. In the United States, Toyota surpassed General Motors for the first time last year. In the Chinese market, the share of Japanese cars that came from behind has also reached more than 20%, which is on par with Germany. The value retention rate of mainstream Japanese brands is also among the best in China.

  Take a look.

  The rise of Japanese automobiles has been regarded by many in the industry as a model for the development of Chinese automobiles. For example, the Japanese government’s protection of local automobile companies and the control of the shareholding ratio of joint ventures, as well as the policy support for the production of small-displacement automobiles, have been used for reference by the Chinese automobile industry that has fully emerged after the reform and opening up.

  In addition, the experience of Japanese cars expanding overseas markets and gradually going global 60 years ago is also similar to the aggressive route of today’s leading Chinese independent brands. At present, Chinese independent brands are exporting small cars to developing countries in Southeast Asia and the Middle East in the early years, and turning to more regional markets. Even Europe exports some mid-to-high-end models and new energy vehicles, and sells back some cars produced by European and American automakers in China to the mainland.

  However, there are still significant differences in the automobile development environment and era background between Japan and China.

  Japan is an island country with relatively few natural resources, and it relies almost entirely on imports for the basic energy that supports the automobile industry, which is also the inherent disadvantage of the rise of Japanese cars. On the contrary, China not only has rich land resources, but also has the largest population and the largest market in the world.

  In today’s world, a series of black swan events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, Sino-US trade, and the situation in Russia and Ukraine have seriously impacted the world economy and the process of globalization. The shadow of previous oil crises still hangs over the heads of major countries. Although China is rich in resources, it is as dependent on oil imports as Japan. Getting rid of dependence on oil and reducing carbon emissions has become the consensus of major automobile industrial countries.

  The oil crisis of the 1970s and 1990s had the greatest impact on the automobile industry because of the irreplaceability of petroleum energy. However, with the development of technology, new energy vehicles led by electricity began to show a substitute role for fuel vehicles. Therefore, the development of new energy vehicles, which is the trend of overtaking cars in China’s car corners, has been formulated as a national policy by our country. At present, China has been the world’s largest new energy vehicle market for seven consecutive years, accounting for more than half of the global share. The overtaking of traditional fuel vehicles in Europe and the United States 50 years ago by Japanese cars is now being recreated by China’s automobile industry.

Yi Yatong set up a new company, including AI software development.

On February 26 th, Tianyancha showed that Shenzhen Yitongxing Marketing Technology Co., Ltd. was established recently with a registered capital of 10 million yuan, and its business scope includes: technology intermediary services; Development of artificial intelligence application software; Social and economic consulting services, etc. Tianyancha’s equity penetration shows that the company is jointly held by Shenzhen Yitong Digital Innovation and Development Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Yiyatong.


Crimes against the world are numerous-the beginning of American military hegemony

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 6th (international observation) Crimes against the world are numerous — — The beginning of American military hegemony

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Si Zhu Ruiqing

  "This country was established through a ruthless and soul-destroying war. Only by recognizing this can we understand the past and present of the United States. " Holger Hawke, a German historian, wrote in The Scar of America: The War of Independence and the Violent Gene of American Politics.

  The history of the founding and development of the United States coincides with its historical pace of war and expansion. Since its independence for more than 240 years, the United States, with its colonial genes and imperial dreams, has evolved from a new political power in a corner of North America to a global military hegemony through continuous wars and military expansion, and has used hegemony to bully and bully.

  Countless facts tell the world that America’s military hegemonic behavior of bullying and usurping power violates the general trend of peace and development, brings great catastrophe and endless harm to many countries, is the main source of world unrest and the biggest challenge that threatens the civilization and progress of human society.

  "Destiny is Destined by Heaven": Spiritual Hypothesis Supporting Hegemony

  The United States boasts itself as a "city on the top of a mountain", while Americans regard themselves as "God’s voters" and think that the United States is a country with a "destiny". For hundreds of years, Americans have given so-called "legitimacy" and "sanctity" to American military expansion and hegemony.

  According to the report "The Origin, Reality and Harm of American Military Hegemony" issued by Xinhua News Agency’s national high-end think tank (referred to as the report), the United States relied on force to expand continuously, and used the US-Mexico War and the Spanish-American War to expand westward and seaward. After two world wars, it rose to become a global superpower and formed a dominant unipolar hegemony after the Cold War. In the process of the United States moving towards global military hegemony, the theory of "Destiny by Heaven" has always provided a mental hypothesis and an excuse for action for the United States to develop and consolidate its military hegemony, and has constantly influenced American policies and behaviors — — It is not only the basis and excuse of using military means to expand territory and violently persecute aborigines in American history, but also the ideological root of the United States’ struggle for world dominance, exporting values and foreign military intervention since the 20th century.

  George Herring, an American diplomatic scholar, once pointed out that from expelling Native Americans, seizing one-third of Mexico’s territory, colonizing Filipinos and Puerto Ricans, and invading Iraq in 2003, "the United States ‘ Great mission ’ The understanding has been used to rationalize its military expansion. "

  In addition, Americans are constantly trying to find a theoretical basis for their own expansion behavior. Social Darwinists in the United States say that countries, like nature, follow the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest. Scholars of international relations put forward hegemonic stability theory, democratic peace theory and so on, advocating that the unipolar system of the world led by the United States can bring lasting peace.

  The report holds that, in fact, these arguments can’t stand the test of history and reality. No matter how they are changed, they are all theories that defend and serve the military hegemony and interests of the United States, and their core reflects the imperial thoughts of the United States of belligerence, expansion, intervention and moral whitewash.

  Soft and Hard: Various Means to Maintain Hegemony

  "War has become an inseparable part of this country’s history. Rather than saying that the United States has been at war since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, it is better to say that the war itself created the United States. The war fought by the United States has made the United States today and will also shape the future United States. " French historian Thomas Rabineau described the "unbreakable" relationship between the United States and the war.

  War and military action are the most direct means for the United States to maintain its military hegemony. In its more than 240-year history, the United States has not fought for less than 20 years, making it the most combative country in the history of the world. Through successive wars, the United States laid military bases covering the whole world as strategic anchor points to control the world, regarded Latin American and Caribbean countries as "backyards", controlled the geopolitical throats of Eurasia such as the Middle East, deployed troops to Africa, and controlled important resources and raw materials by military means.

  According to a 2021 study by Quincy Institute of Governing the Country, an American think tank, at present, the United States has 750 military bases in 80 overseas countries and regions, almost three times the number of American embassies, consulates and missions abroad, and the annual operating cost may be as high as 55 billion US dollars. Since 2001 alone, overseas military bases have supported the United States in launching wars or military operations in at least 25 countries.

  The report pointed out that in order to maintain global military hegemony, the United States not only directly controls it by launching or intervening in wars, laying a global network of military bases, but also indirectly controls it by building an alliance system and using rules and mechanisms.

  Marked by the establishment of NATO in 1949, the United States began to build a military alliance, and then established bilateral alliances such as the United States, the Philippines, the United States and Japan, and the United States and South Korea, in an attempt to gain the overall military strength advantage through alliance so as to deter opponents and realize their own political and security interests. Nowadays, more and more countries find that the alliance system is actually a tool for the United States to maintain military hegemony, and as an "ally", it has to obey the will of the United States. As Sevim Dagdelen, a member of the German Bundestag, said, "What the United States wants is not an ally, but a loyal servant."

  Various rules and mechanisms are another important means of stealth control in the United States, such as using laws and regulations such as the Export Management Regulations and the Arms Export Control Law to build a dual-use and military export control system; Establish legislation in specific areas such as the Atomic Energy Law; Establish or lead multilateral mechanisms such as Paris Coordinating Committee, Missile Technology Control Regime and Wassenaar Arrangement. The existence of these international rules and mechanisms essentially serves American security interests.

  In recent years, Americans have also concocted the phrase "rules-based international order" to beautify packaging hegemonism. Alexander gusev, director of the Russian Institute of Strategic Planning and Forecasting, pointed out that the United States deliberately keeps the definition of "rules-based international order" vague, because the less specific these so-called "rules" are, the more it can "dress up" them at will. Once a country violates the will of the United States, the United States will accuse it of "violating the rules" and there is reason to punish it.

  Endless harm: the disaster caused by the abuse of hegemony

  "We can have a special national flag — — Our country can do the same: we can just keep our usual national flag, paint the white stripes black and replace the stars with skull symbols. " In 1901, Mark Twain, an American writer, wrote such words to condemn the imperialist behavior of the United States in waging war and bloody slaughter in the Philippines.

  The chariots driven by American military hegemony have brought endless harm. The war to conquer Indians directly wiped out millions of Indian population; In the colonial war in the Philippines, 200,000 to 1 million Filipinos died; In the Korean War, more than 3 million civilians died; In the Vietnam War, 2 million civilians died; In the Iraq war, 200,000 to 250,000 civilians died … … According to the figures released this year by Brown University’s "War Cost" project, after the "September 11" incident, the United States launched wars or "anti-terrorist actions" in at least 85 countries around the world, which directly led to more than 940,000 deaths, including 432,000 civilians, and 38 million people were displaced or became refugees.

  As Walter Russell Meade, an American scholar and professor at Bard College, said, "The United States is the most dangerous military force in the history of the world."

  American military behavior in the world not only directly caused huge humanitarian disasters, but also brought a series of complex social problems including social unrest, refugee tide, psychological trauma, ecological crisis and so on.

  For example, the US military left about 350,000 tons of explosive bombs and mines in Vietnam, and it is estimated that it will still take 300 years to completely remove them. From 2002 to 2016, there were at least 270 environmental pollution incidents at three US military bases in Okinawa, Japan, most of which were not notified to the Japanese government. In May, 2022, the US military base in Longshan, which South Korea is recovering, was seriously polluted by exposed soil and groundwater. The Ministry of Environment of South Korea found that the total petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil of the dormitory site in Nanyingqu of the base exceeded the standard by 29 times, and the carcinogens benzene and phenol in the groundwater exceeded the standard by 3.4 times and 2.8 times respectively.

  According to the data released by the Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs of Brown University in 2019, since the global war on terrorism in 2001, the US military has produced 1.2 billion tons of greenhouse gases in the process of equipment and deployment, combat operations, weapons manufacturing, etc. "It is one of the largest greenhouse gas emitters in the world".

  American military hegemonic behavior has brought disasters to all countries in the world, but also brought serious trauma to the United States itself. Rabineau pointed out in the book "American War Culture" that almost every generation in the United States has swallowed the evil consequences of the political, economic and social chaos caused by the war.

  According to the data of Brown University’s "War Cost" project, more than 7,000 American soldiers and about 8,000 American defense contractors were killed in the war launched by the United States after the "9.11" incident. More than 30,000 American soldiers committed suicide, which is four times the number of people killed in the battle. The sky-high military expenditure invested by the United States to maintain military hegemony has also put an increasingly heavy burden on American nationals. After 2001, the war-related expenditure in the United States has exceeded 5.8 trillion US dollars. More importantly, America’s military hegemony and foreign war acts have bred and encouraged extremist forces and self-consumed, and the "9.11" incident is a typical case.

  "It is for the United States to build a country in war, expand in war and dominate in war." The report writes that the military expansion of the United States continues today, and American military hegemonism is still bullying and destroying the world we live together.

I was amazed by the "onion dressing method"! Learn to dress like this in winter to keep warm and fashionable.

Fashion ramble: creating a unique atmosphere with "onion dressing method"

In the season of alternating autumn and winter, fashion changes endlessly, as if it were a visual feast. As a famous person said: "Dressing is an art, and the" onion dressing method "is one of the peaks of this art." This is not only a skill to wear, but also an excellent way to show personality and shape the gas field. Let’s dig deep into this multi-layered world and unveil the veil of fashion.

"Onion dressing method" is not only a costume to resist the cold, but also a fashion show. Just like peeling off each layer of onion, wearing it is divided into three levels: inner layer, middle layer and outer layer. And each layer has its unique function and dressing points.

In the closest inner layer, it is very important to choose soft, sweat-absorbent and breathable fabrics. Pure cotton, long-staple cotton, modal and other materials can not only maintain comfort, but also have good perspiration effect. Building a warm foundation on this floor is a key step in the overall wearing.

The middle layer is the core of the "onion dressing method". By choosing warm sweaters and cashmere sweaters, such as cashmere sweaters and cotton-padded vests, the overall wearing is more layered. This layer can not only provide extra warmth, but also add fashion elements to the appearance.

The outer layer is the most intuitive layer to show personality. Windproof fabric coats, such as jackets and down jackets, are sharp tools to resist the cold wind. Not only should it be windproof and waterproof, but it should also be breathable. The choice of this layer directly determines the fashion index of the overall shape.

Fashion icon have already found their own expression in the "onion dressing method". Let’s see how they play this fashion feast.

This collocation highlights the sense of hierarchy and promotes the simple bottoming to the peak of fashion. The addition of vest vest not only keeps you warm but also has a sense of styling, and the outermost coat shows the gas field, making you still noble and elegant in the cold wind.

This combination is both layered and very advanced. The base coat and shirt set off each other, while the down jacket adds a lot of color to the overall match, which keeps you fashionable and bright in the cold winter.

Put a shirt and a suit together, and then put on a coat to instantly form a formal and relaxed atmosphere. It is both appropriate for formal occasions and casual, which makes you comfortable in multi-level collocation.

Fashion lies not only in the layering of collocation, but also in the clever handling of details. Let’s learn some tips to make your clothes more interesting.

Choose the length of the coat, so that it is slightly longer than the inside. Paired with shorts or short skirts, it not only looks taller, but also shows a unique fashion taste.

When the coat is thick, you can choose a slim item or a belt to avoid the overall shape being bloated. Through the combination of loose outside and tight inside, it is both warm and beautiful.

It is simple and advanced to choose the same color or similar color for up-and-down installation or internal and external installation. This coordination of the same color system makes the overall shape more unified and shows the tacit understanding of fashion.

"Onion dressing method" is not only a fashionable expression, but also a scientific and practical choice in cold season. When choosing to wear, you can choose according to your own situation.

Source: trend touch

Editor: Wang Na

Editor in charge: Niu Dong

Potter: In terms of stable performance and results, we haven’t reached the desired level yet.

Live on March 11th, before the match against leicester city, Chelsea coach Porter was asked which is more important, the Champions League or the League. In this regard, he said that he is more inclined to focus only on the next game.

Porter replied: "I understand this problem, but it almost belongs to the category of’ being wise after the fact’. I prefer to focus only on the next game, focusing on leicester city, focusing on how we won that game and how to keep things going. If you think too much, you will tie yourself down. In the end, what we need is to keep it simple, focus on the next game and strive for victory. "

"Historically, the club has won the Champions League, and some players in the dressing room have done the same. Some people have left, some people have experienced injuries and we have new players. We have a transition period between these two windows, and many things have happened, so maybe we haven’t reached that level in terms of stable performance level and getting the results we want. "

"But on any given day, I think it’s fair to say that we can compete with any team in the Premier League, but what we need is to do it more frequently. Two victories make things easy, but against leicester city we must start again, we must maintain the momentum and continue to build a positive feeling after the game against Dortmund. "

"It will be a tough game against leicester city. They are fighting for points. They also want to win and have been doing their best. Unfortunately, the previous results are not what we want. Stress will make things more challenging, but we need to move on. Before the game against Leeds United, I said that we saw a lot of positive things on the training ground, and what we need is to transfer it to the game. "

"Sometimes, this is a process. You need to go through some difficult times, but the ability of the players is certain. This is about how we do it collectively, and how we can find the best way to achieve stable performance and results. This is a wonderful week, but we need another wonderful performance and result to end this week, and the best way to convince people that you are on the right path is to win, which is also true for players. "

Selena Gomez shares reason behind her shaky hands in new video

Recently, singer-actor Selena Gomez shared a video on TikTok, in which she can be seen doing her skincare — applying products that help her remove makeup. The clip begins

with Selena gently washing her face, and then using a towel to dry it out. But fans were quick to point out that her hands were ‘shaky’. Taking it in her stride, the Look at Her Now singer informed her followers it is because of the medication she takes to manage lupus disease.

What is the difference between a steam room and a sauna?

I always can’t tell the difference between sweat steaming and sauna, I don’t think there is any difference between the two, so what is the difference between sweat steaming and sauna? Which is better, steam or sauna?
First, the principle is different
Sweat steaming mainly uses the energy field formed by the negative ions, far-infrared rays, and micro-currents released by tourmaline to act on the human body and stimulate the body to generate heat energy; while sauna uses high-temperature water vapor to act on the skin from the outside and conduct heat into the body. .

Second, the temperature is different
The steaming temperature is around 42-45 degrees Celsius, and the scientific steaming time is 40-60 minutes. People will not feel suffocated during the sweating process, and the breathing will be very smooth; the sauna temperature can reach 60-70 degrees Celsius, when the human body can only stay 5-10 minutes, if the time is too long, you will feel chest tightness and shortness of breath.

  1. Perspiration effect
    The sweat discharged by the steaming has no sweat smell, which will make the human skin smooth, which can have the benefits of beauty, body beauty, and disease conditioning. However, it should be noted that it is not suitable to shower within 6 hours after the steaming, as the shower will detract from the health care of the steaming. The sweat is sticky and has a smell of sweat, and it is necessary to take a bath after the sauna to remove the smell of sweat.
  2. Operation method
    Sweat steaming is through physical conditions such as far infrared rays, negative ions, expanding substances and trace elements to expand the pores of the human body in a high temperature manner, discharge toxic substances in the body, and achieve the effect of health care; while the sauna uses steam to make the deep skin heat effect under high temperature conditions. , and then achieve the effect of expelling toxins in the body through the pores that are enlarged under high temperature.