Trucks overloaded, illegal taxis flooded, traffic police departments are systematically *****

  CCTV News:Overloaded trucks carrying hundreds of tons of traffic at every turn on the road, illegal taxis grabbing business at stations and scenic spots, all interfere with traffic order and even bring safety hazards, which are deeply abhorrent. However, in some places, overloaded trucks and black taxis are like psoriasis that cannot be cured. They are treated, rebounded, and then treated and rebounded. Why are these cars so difficult to manage? This problem also plagues Harbin, Heilongjiang. After more than a year of rectification storms, Harbin has found the source of the problem.

  In a video shot by local media in Heilongjiang Province at the end of 2016, it can be seen that long lines of overloaded trucks are whizzing past police cars.

  The driver revealed that these cars are all sand, 80 or 90 square meters folded into a load of 130 tons. Trucks with a load of 100 tons are not uncommon in Harbin. Local media reports show that overloaded goods have exploded 150 tons of large scales, and accidents caused by overloading are constantly emerging. When these large trucks are mentioned, local residents complain.

  Freight vehicles are wildly overloaded, and the undercurrent in the passenger transportation field is also turbulent. In the passenger distribution centers such as Harbin West Railway Station and Xiangfang Railway Station, regular taxi drivers complain about black taxis. Some taxi drivers told reporters that in order to grab business, black car drivers will beat regular taxi drivers.

  However, according to public reports, whether it is overloaded trucks or illegal taxis, the local area has been cracking down. For trucks, the traffic police department averages nearly 50 times a year at peak times. With such a strong crackdown, why is the public response so strong? Drivers say the root of the problem lies behind the scenes.

  Car protection refers to the people who provide protection behind these overloaded vehicles. These people are mostly gangs, collecting protection fees from the owners of large trucks, and at the same time seeking protection from law enforcement through illegal profit transfer. When these large trucks violate the law, the car protection gang members will contact the police on duty not to intercept the vehicles; or after the vehicles are detained, the internal operation of these large trucks will not be punished or mitigated. If you don’t get rid of the car protection gang and unplug the umbrella company behind it, no amount of rectification can only be a formality.

  On October 23, 2017, the Harbin Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission started from the umbrella company behind the interest chain and set up a task force to intervene in the investigation.

  After more than 7 months, 6 gangs involved in evil car protection were destroyed in one fell swoop, 70 suspected criminal social personnel were investigated and 122 crazy big goods umbrella companies were punished.

  As long as the protection fee is collected, it can provide all-round protection before, during and after the event. In the eyes of these law enforcement officers, law enforcement has become a business, not for the people, but for money; the basis of law enforcement is not the law, but the relationship of money piled up. Objectively speaking, the traffic police umbrella company that Harbin destroyed involves cadres whose positions are not high, but they are government officials who deal with the people all the time and hold power. It is this kind of micro-corruption that the people feel the deepest and has the greatest social impact. Destroy these umbrella companies and dry the soil under the umbrella in the sun, so that all kinds of pests who are afraid of the sun can have no way to escape; the law enforcement department has a clear political ecology and hangs the sword of fairness and justice high, so that the society can see the power of the rule of law.

Andy Lau attended a special dialogue session at the Toronto Film Festival to share his journey

1905 movie network news On September 16, local time, Toronto, Canada, attended a special dialogue session held at the 48th Toronto International Film Festival to share his journey of more than 40 years of career.

The Toronto International Film Festival has awarded Andy Lau the "Special Contribution Award", making him the first Chinese filmmaker to win the award. "This Special Contribution Award means a lot to me, it means: everyone has the potential to do more than you can imagine, thank you," said Andy Lau. "So choose your own path, work hard and be the best you can be. I will never forget the love you gave me, thank you."

Andy Lau is starring in a new film to Toronto, which tells the story of the award-winning superstar Liu Weichi (Andy Lau, played) in the process of going to the countryside to experience life, causing a series of ridiculous farce that makes people laugh and cry. At the same time, it shows the variety of beings in the entertainment industry.

In the past few years, why did Wang Jianlin suddenly "make a comeback"?

City Express news, 69 years old this year, Wang Jianlin, who is about to enter his seventies,Recently, it has begun to appear frequently in the public eye

The retired Lao Wang, recentlyClass A share market reduction operationIt has attracted much attention.

According to the statistics of Changjiang Business Daily, from 2019 to 2022, Wanda Film’s net profit loss exceeded 12.60 billion yuan in the past four years, while the company’s cumulative net profit from 2013 to 2018 was only 7.575 billion yuan.

Among them, in 2019, Wanda Film 10.50 billion yuan to acquire 95.7683% equity of Wanda Film and Television, but the company has not completed the performance bet for three consecutive years. Even if Zhang Lin regains control of Wanda Film,Failed to reverse the decline

Entering 2023, the national movie box office is picking up, Wanda Film’s share price is rising, but the company’s controlling shareholders are waiting for an opportunity to cash out.

On the evening of April 19Wanda Film announced that Wanda Investment plans to reduce its holdings of the company’s shares by no more than 65.3811 million shares, calculated according to the closing price on the announcement day.The maximum cash can be about 950 million yuan. The reason for the reduction is: shareholders’ own capital needs.

And just over a month agoWanda Film’s controlling shareholder, Wanda Culture Group, has reduced its 43.5653 million shares.Cash out about 583 million yuan

You know, the actual controller of Wanda Investment and Wanda Culture Group is Wang Jianlin, founder of Wanda Group.He reduced his holdings these two times, and the maximum cash can exceed 1.50 billion yuan

"One billion as a small goal"Lao WangShort of money?

In fact, Wang Jianlin’s life has witnessed the rise, prosperity and transformation of China’s real estate industry.

Intelligent, quality double No.1, ask the M5 series to turn over the whole rim by strength.

   Recently, the new energy vehicle market is still hot, new forces continue to exert their strength, and established car companies are booming. In the second half of intelligence, it can be said that market competition has entered a white-hot state.

  New energy vehicles are highly endowed with intelligent selling points by the market and capital. When every family spares no effort to roll up software and hardware in the aspect of "intelligence", they often ignore that after stripping the word "intelligence", how much strength can they have in hand-to-hand combat as a car?

  Coincidentally, as a new energy brand that has just achieved the fastest production of 100,000 vehicles, AITO Wenjie, backed by Huawei’s deep empowerment technology, released AITO Wenjie M5 Smart Driving Edition on the eve of Shanghai Auto Show, with a price of 279,800. The Intelligent Driving Edition is the first to be equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system and HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0, creating a "double intelligent ceiling" for intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit.

  Under the leadership of Huawei, the M5 Smart Driving Edition in the world has performed quite well in the smart driving level. It is equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, which is the first to realize the urban, high-speed and advanced intelligent driving function that does not completely rely on high-precision maps, bringing an infinitely high-order intelligent driving experience close to L3, just like being equipped with a state-level "old driver" with millions of kilometers of driving experience.

  It is worth mentioning that the introduction of the M5 version of the intelligent driving in the world has also broken the "law" that the high-end intelligent driving products in the market generally exceed 300,000, which has really promoted the rapid arrival of the era of popularization of high-end intelligent driving. For friends who want to have a more comfortable and convenient intelligent travel experience, the M5 Smart Driving Edition is definitely the first choice at the same level.

  For small partners who don’t need smart driving and pay more attention to practicality and cost performance, AITO Jiejie also launched the standard version of Jiejie M5 to meet the diverse needs of different users. The M5 series of Wenjie itself shows its strong product strength by virtue of its excellent performance, endurance, safety, reliability and interactive experience. The upgraded M5 standard edition is firmly based on the three core labels of "endurance ceiling", "performance ceiling" and "reliable ceiling".

  The standard version of Wujie M5 has the leading all-round long battery life of the same level. Under CLTC conditions, the pure battery life is upgraded to 260km, which meets the requirements of pure electric commuting in urban areas. Under the condition of full fuel and electricity, it can achieve a long battery life of 1455km, and it can drive directly from Beijing to Shanghai without refueling and charging all the way, providing users with broader travel possibilities, and making it possible to travel in go on road trip and across provinces.

  The endurance of the M5 standard edition of Wenjie has been significantly improved, mainly due to the blessing of the new intelligent extended range technology. This technology can effectively improve the power generation efficiency of the range extender, so that the endurance of the power battery is by going up one flight of stairs, and the power performance is better and the energy consumption is lower under the condition of low temperature and power shortage, thus making the actual car more economical and environmentally friendly.

  In addition to the powerful comprehensive endurance, the M5 standard edition of Wenjie has reached the ceiling level of the same level in terms of performance control. Million luxury car class all-aluminum chassis, solid and honest materials, unsprung weight lower control is better.

  At the same time, the application of HUAWEI DATS dynamic adaptive torque technology directly improves the driving experience to a new height, with more timely dynamic response, higher corner stability and greatly enhanced driving quality. With the help of hardware and software, the acceleration of the M5 has reached the 4-second level of super-running, which is rarely matched in the same class.

  On the level of intelligent interaction, the M5 standard edition of the world also shows strong advantages. The upgraded HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0 once again brings unparalleled interactive experience to users. Whether it is voice control, intelligent navigation or car entertainment system, it can bring drivers and passengers a more intelligent, convenient and comfortable travel experience. The intelligent interactive experience of HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0+HarmonyOS 3 system can be said to be No.1 in the industry, and there is no one. This all-round intelligent experience is undoubtedly the core value advantage of AITO’s brand under the deep empowerment of Huawei.

  Recently, with the release of competing products of various brands, users obviously have more car purchase options in the price range of 200,000-300,000. Although many competing products are similar in battery life, performance and some intelligent functions, the M5 standard edition of Wenjie still has obvious advantages under the comprehensive empowerment of Huawei’s technology and quality. In particular, its HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0 provides a richer and more intelligent car experience.

  In terms of price, the price of the M5 standard edition of Wenjie starts from 259,800 yuan, which is undoubtedly a very reasonable price compared with its powerful performance and advanced technology configuration. Moreover, AITO also provides a series of car purchase policy support and initial sales plan, such as an optional fund of up to 10,000 yuan, so that consumers can buy this model more affordable.

  To sum up, there are bright spots in the M5 series, and users who pay more attention to performance and intelligence can find the best choice in the M5 series. With the change of model M7 in the second half of the year and the listing of model M9 in the fourth quarter, the AITO model family matrix will be further improved to provide users with better product experience and service. We have reason to believe that this brand will continue to maintain its leading position in the future new energy vehicle market, and we will wait and see.

Lei Jun announced a live broadcast to send Xiaomi SU7 car model to talk about the unexpected after the SU7 was opened and sold.

Zhongguancun online news:At 4pm on April 18th, Lei Jun will launch a live online broadcast with the theme of "Never Unexpectedly" to talk with users about the feelings of Xiaomi SU7 after it is put on sale. Subsequently, Lei Jun also said that the live broadcast specially prepared some small gifts for users, including very popular mugs and car models, and one will be drawn every minute during the live broadcast.

Lei Jun said that the order of Xiaomi SU7 "far exceeded our most optimistic expectation", Xiaguang purple became the hottest color, and the proportion of female car owners was very high … Users interested in these sales details can pay attention to this live broadcast.

It is worth noting that Xiaomi SU7 will also start 24-hour limited-time reconfiguration from 9: 00 on April 19, and users of non-original locked orders can reconfigure it in Xiaomi Auto APP.

It is related to the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing, and how to "arrange troops and deploy troops" has attracted much attention.

Cailian News on January 26th (Reporter Wang Haichun)A high-standard meeting held by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development today has become the focus of attention of all parties. The theme of this meeting is closely related to the coordination mechanism of real estate financing which is highly concerned by the market.

On January 26th, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a meeting to deploy the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing. At the meeting, Ni Hong, Party Secretary and Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, pointed out that accelerating the implementation of the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing was effective, supporting the development and construction of real estate projects, and meeting the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally.

According to the information released by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in official website, the heads of the relevant departments of the Central Finance Office and the Central Finance Office, as well as the relevant heads of the housing and urban-rural construction departments (commissions) of various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the heads of 35 key city governments attended the meeting.

In view of the current financing difficulties of some real estate projects, the meeting stressed that all localities should focus on projects, pay close attention to research and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, coordinate financial institutions within their respective administrative regions to issue loans, and accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs.

The meeting demanded that the credit funds should be operated in a closed way and used in compliance, and resolutely prevent misappropriation. At the provincial level, it is necessary to track and monitor the implementation and strengthen supervision and guidance. At the national level, an information platform for urban real estate financing coordination mechanism projects will be established, and weekly scheduling and monthly notification will be implemented. It is understood that before the end of this month, the first batch of projects can win loans after landing.

The chief researcher of Guangdong Housing Policy Research Center pointed out that this meeting has become the focus of attention of all parties because it is related to how to implement the coordination mechanism of real estate financing.

"Forming a specific project landing, the coordination mechanism will have practical significance, and the landing of the project will help to better explore a more mature financing coordination mechanism. Judging from the contents announced at the meeting, the high-level officials made it clear that the main responsibility, management responsibility and territorial responsibility of the competent authorities should be brought into play to solve the distrust between banks and housing enterprises. While forcing real estate enterprises to strengthen their management, this mechanism also puts forward requirements for banks to improve their ability to identify and control risks. Only through joint coordination and efforts can we truly implement support for stable enterprises. " Li Yujia said.

According to the information released by the State Financial Supervision and Administration, the General Financial Supervision and Administration held a meeting on January 26 to deploy and promote the implementation of the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing. The main responsible persons of various regulatory bureaus, some regulatory branches of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, as well as national commercial banks, city commercial banks, provincial rural credit cooperatives and other institutions attended the meeting.

The meeting stressed that financial institutions should attach great importance to it, strengthen organizational leadership, establish internal mechanisms and clarify working rules. For projects that meet the credit conditions, it is necessary to establish a green channel for credit granting, optimize the approval process, shorten the approval time limit, and actively meet the reasonable financing needs. For projects that encounter temporary difficulties in development and construction, but the funds are basically balanced, we will not blindly lend, cut off loans, or press loans, but support them by extending existing loans, adjusting repayment arrangements, and adding new loans. At the same time, financial institutions should strengthen the closed management of funds to prevent the misappropriation of credit funds.

Previously, on January 12, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the General Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued the Notice on Establishing a Coordination Mechanism for Urban Real Estate Financing. The circular is clear, giving full play to the leading coordination role of the city government, establishing a coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing in cities at prefecture level and above, judging the real estate market situation and real estate financing demand, coordinating and solving the difficulties and problems existing in real estate financing, and combining the development and construction of real estate projects and the relevant situation of project development enterprises according to the principle of fairness and justice, putting forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, pushing financial institutions and providing financing support.

Experts in the industry believe that the establishment of a coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing is actually to find a win-win point, and to accurately support the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects by distinguishing group risks from project risks. With the support of such favorable policies, the lending speed of financial institutions for some projects is expected to accelerate in the future.

According to Yan Yuejin, research director of Yiju Research Institute, the establishment of a coordination mechanism will help the financial sector and the housing sector to coordinate their operations and give play to the accuracy and timeliness of policies, which is an important measure to promote a virtuous circle of finance and real estate.

"According to the document, the coordination mechanism is headed by the deputy mayor of the city government in charge of housing and construction, and a real estate financing coordination mechanism with local housing and construction departments and agencies dispatched by the General Administration of Financial Supervision as member units is established." Li Yujia said.

The industry believes that the relevant departments take the lead, which shows that the regulatory authorities attach great importance to this mechanism, and this coordination mechanism has a strong landing on the practical level in classifying and financing housing enterprises.

Yan Yuejin pointed out that for high-quality housing enterprises, there are four main criteria for obtaining support, including normal development and construction, adequate collateral, reasonable assets and liabilities, and guaranteed repayment sources.

"This standard has a strong reference significance. According to this standard, housing enterprises can improve their work from the perspectives of engineering, assets, finance and sales, so that enterprises can meet relevant standards and obtain financing support." Yan Yuejin said.

It further stated that for enterprises with short-term capital pressure, it is necessary to prevent the situation of "loan withdrawal and loan pressure", and at the same time, it is necessary to provide relevant support through extension, adjustment of repayment arrangements and new loans.

"For enterprises that violate the law or evade debts, they should make risk warnings to financial institutions such as banks." Yan Yuejin said.

Li Yujia pointed out that credit is based on trust, so the purpose of establishing a coordination mechanism is to establish a docking platform for both parties to fully communicate; However, whether to lend or not will still be in accordance with the bank risk control and credit approval process. At the landing level of specific projects, it will be market-oriented, legal and voluntary, and will not be mandatory.

"One of the key factors is to consolidate the main responsibilities of all parties and explore new mechanisms and models. For example, housing enterprises should standardize financial data, operate in good faith, bid farewell to the highly leveraged model, and let banks trust housing enterprises. Banks should also increase the transformation of business systems and risk control models, instead of blindly adhering to the old model, that is, taking the implicit government guarantee, collateral and the rise in the value of collateral as the conditions for capital investment. " Li Yujia added.

Wang Xiaoyu, chief analyst of Zhuge Data Research Center, said that under the current market background, housing enterprises have weak investment confidence, and they are relatively cautious in taking land and starting new construction. From a macro point of view, this policy is a further measure of financial support for housing enterprises, and it is a favorable policy for housing enterprises.

"At the same time, it should be pointed out that financing can solve the current cash flow crisis and improve the liquidity of funds, but in the long run, the development of enterprises still needs to rely on their own hematopoietic capacity." Wang Xiaoyu said.

(Cailian reporter Wang Haichun)

What’s the difference between university life in Britain?

What’s the difference between university life in Britain? I believe this is a concern of many students who are preparing to study abroad, so let’s talk about it in the following small series. If you are interested, please hurry down and learn about it.

What's the difference between university life in Britain?

The cost of living in Britain varies from region to region:

Generally speaking, the living expenses in Britain mainly include: clothing, food, housing, transportation, medical insurance and personal consumption. The cost of living given by British officials is generally divided into two types: London area and non-London area. The cost of living in London is about 810 pounds per month, and the cost of living in non-London is about 610 pounds per month. Therefore, students studying in London, such as London School of Economics and Political Science, King’s College of London, University College of London, Imperial College London, Royal holloway University, etc., have a great life pressure.

The cost of living in Britain varies from person to person:

Because every student who comes to Britain has a different lifestyle, the cost is also different. If students live on campus, the weekly rent is generally 60-90 pounds, while it is 10-20 pounds higher in London. If students rent a house locally, the cost is relatively high and low. The average student spends 110 pounds a month on food. Others such as transportation and pocket expenses, 130 pounds a month is the average expense. From this, it can be roughly inferred that China’s living expenses for nine months are usually around 4,500-5,500.

The tuition fee is really divided into regions. In fact, the reasonable algorithm is calculated on a weekly basis. The basic accommodation is 110-130 pounds a week, and the cheaper one will be relatively unfair. Living expenses cooking by yourself is relatively cheap. The overall cost is controlled at around 200 pounds a week. Accommodation in London ranges from 150 to 200. The difference in living expenses will be calculated again. In other words, it doesn’t cost too much to eat. Mainly accommodation+tuition. Therefore, in non-London areas, it is basically 900 pounds a month, and London is basically around 1200-1500.

20w~35w There is not much difference between undergraduate and graduate students.

British undergraduate tuition fees are determined according to the differences between schools and regions. Tuition fees will vary greatly according to different majors. Generally speaking, liberal arts tuition is low, ranging from 8,000 to 10,000 pounds per year; Business 9500–12000 pounds/year; Higher science, 12,000-15,000 pounds/year; Medical science is higher, at 13,000-20,000 pounds/year-

British undergraduate tuition fees vary greatly according to different schools, cities and majors. Generally speaking, the tuition in Britain is increasing by 5% every year, so the tuition is more expensive every year. British undergraduate tuition is generally converted into RMB between 120,000 and 180,000 on average every year except for some business, media and medical courses, and the annual cost plus living expenses is about 300,000-350,000.

So that’s what’s different about university life in the UK. The above content is shared with you as a reference, hoping to help students in need. If there are more things you want to know, you can pay attention to this platform and continue browsing.

> > get the white paper on studying abroad for free, and learn about the conditions, fees, starting time and gold content of each university.

China football monopolizes the Korean team! The new president of the Football Association was embarrassed and lost his first victory.

China women’s football missed the Paris Olympic Games: China’s football failed. China women’s football finally ranked third in the group B of the women’s Asian regional qualifiers for the Paris Olympic Games, and ended up out together with the Korean women’s football. This failure is not only the failure of women’s football in China, but also the failure of football in China.

Song Kai, the new president of China Football Association, shouted that the first goal after taking office was to ensure that China women’s football team could advance to the Paris Olympic Games, but now he can’t even qualify for the group stage, which makes people question his leadership. Song Kai strengthened the leadership team after taking office, trying to make China women’s football team stand in the world football. However, this failure made people question his leadership.

Football is a team sport that needs more professional management and more competitive players. China’s football needs to change in order to gain a foothold in the world football. The outcome has long been doomed. As early as the loss to the Korean women’s football team, the qualifying situation of the China women’s football team has been decided. Even if the China women’s football team won the Korean women’s football team, it still missed the best second place.

This defeat was a great loss of face for the players of China women’s football team, and many people didn’t even have a chance to make up for it. After the game, many women football players in China shed tears, and the girls were very unwilling to lose in the Xie Chang session of the whole team. Perhaps the lack of sufficient competitiveness has shattered the dream of China women’s football team. The Olympic Games is one of the top events in the world, and every country will send the best athletes to participate.

China women’s football team needs more time and energy to improve its own level in order to have better results. In the group match, the Uzbek women’s football team beat the Indian women’s football team 3-0, and became the second best team with 6 points and 2 goal difference, and advanced to the next stage together with the Australian women’s football team, the Korean women’s football team and the Japanese women’s football team.

Uzbekistan’s women’s football team made China’s women’s football team desperate to the end, and people had to sigh the failure of China’s women’s football team. In a word, the China women’s football team missed the Paris Olympic Games, which is the failure of China football and Song Kai. China’s football needs to be changed, with more professional management and more competitive players, in order to gain a foothold in the world football.

I hope that China Women’s Football Team can learn from this failure and make persistent efforts to achieve better results in future competitions.

Modric, a five-time Champions League champion, cried when interviewed. The end of our era.

Modric, a five-time Champions League champion, cried when interviewed. The end of our era.

Luca modric, who has held up her big ears five times, shed tears when she was eliminated in the semi-final.

The second leg of the semi-final of the 2022-23 European Champions League (UCL) was held at Manchester City Stadium in Manchester, England at 4 am (Korean time) on the 18th, and Real Madrid lost 4-0 to Manchester City. Kneel down. At this point, the journey stopped at the semi-final with a total score of 1-5.

The game was one-sided Manchester city stormed from the first half. It finally paid off. In the 23rd minute of the first half, Bernardo Silva received a winner pass from De Braune and shot a left corner kick to break the goal. He immediately scored an extra goal. In the 37th minute of the first half, Gundogan headed the goal and Silva headed the goal to expand the score.

Manchester city continued to attack in the second half. In the 31st minute of the second half, in the case of a free kick attack, the ball provoked by De Braune returned to Akanji’s header and was hit by Edel Militao’s body and refracted into the goal. Real Madrid tried to turn things around by introducing Aurelien Chuameni, Lucas Vazquez and Dani Ceballos, but it was not enough. In the end, Julian Alvarez scored a crucial goal in the second half of overtime and lost 4-0.

Modric, who started on the same day, was replaced in the 18th minute of the second half, but it didn’t play much role. Modric failed to play a big role, with only 29 passes (76% success rate), 1 pass and 2 long passes.

It seems that Real Madrid, a traditional powerhouse, collapsed in front of Manchester City, a new powerhouse. Real Madrid has shown its absolute throne, winning five UCL titles in UEFA in the past 10 years. Last season, they beat Manchester City in the semi-final and Liverpool in the final.

However, most players are in their thirties, indicating that an era is coming to an end. In the end, the big score was lost to Manchester City and he fell to the ground. After the game, modric also admitted it. He swallowed his regret and said, "We didn’t perform well. We want to play better. Manchester city is better. The end of an era? Now we must move on. "

People found that she shed tears when she said this. The Croatian media "Indexhr" explained that "modric made tearful remarks in the mixed area of Etihad Stadium." Modric also said: "Every time Real Madrid loses, there will be a lot of analysis and criticism. We have to put up with it and get used to it. We have to accept failure. "

Asia-Africa World Cup competition: the group advanced and the number of semi-finals tied, and Africa won by one advantage.

In the history of the World Cup, the bipolar status of Europe and South America is unshakable. At present, all the World Cup champions come from these two regions, while teams from other continents, not to mention winning the championship, have not even stepped on the final venue yet. Relatively speaking, Asia and Africa are relatively close. There are more countries in both continents, and the number of World Cup places is similar. Africa has five and Asia has 4.5. That is to say, if Asian teams are lucky, winning the transcontinental play-offs will make the number of Asian and African teams in the World Cup the same.

So, who has the better World Cup performance in Asia and Africa in history?

Of course, we don’t need to calculate the total score or total goal data of all Asian teams and African teams in history, just look at the results of key nodes. Specifically, look at the teams on two continents, the number of times the group advanced, and the best results.

In these two aspects, Asia and Africa actually tied.

Historically, both Asian teams and African teams have been promoted 11 times. Of course, it needs to be said here that Asia in football refers to the AFC, so Australia is also counted as an Asian team.

Let’s list the specific situation below. In the history of the World Cup, African teams promoted by the group included Morocco in 1986, Cameroon in 1990, Nigeria in 1994, Nigeria in 1998, Senegal in 2002, Ghana in 2006, Ghana in 10 years, Nigeria and Algeria in 14 years and Senegal and Morocco in 22 years. A total of 11 times.

As for Asian teams, Japan has four times, South Korea has three times, North Korea and Saudi Arabia each once, and Australia twice. It happened to be 11 times. I am ashamed to say that this data, if Australia did not join the AFC from Oceania, then Asian teams actually lagged behind African teams.

Let’s look at the best results. Originally, South Korea reached the semi-finals in the 2002 World Cup and won the fourth place, which was once the unattainable achievement of second-rate teams such as Asia and Africa. But FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 and Morocco have also achieved this. And to tell the truth, Morocco, the fourth place, is more convincing than South Korea in those days. Everyone knows this, and there is no need to start talking about it.

Therefore, in terms of the best results of the World Cup, Asia and Africa also tied.

So, which side of the world cup is better? There is a data that Africa is dominant, and with this data, we can say that African teams have higher ceilings and stronger ability to work miracles than Asian teams.

In fact, the data of the previous group promotion times is very general. After all, reaching the top 16 and reaching the top four are both group qualifying, but the gap between these two results is not small. So we might as well break it down again-the number of times we scored in the top eight.

In this regard, Africa is far better than Asia. Because Cameroon in 1990, Senegal in 2002 and Ghana in 10 years all reached the quarterfinals of the World Cup, and the number of quarterfinals was three times. What about Asia? It is still zero.

It should be noted that in the 1966 World Cup, North Korea reached the quarter-finals, but at that time, the World Cup was only 16 teams. Therefore, the quarter-finals of North Korea should be strictly called the first round of the knockout round, but it is actually the same level as the next sixteen. You know, Cameroon, Senegal and Ghana reached the second round of the knockout round, so North Korea, the quarter-finals, is not included in this data.

In today’s scale, reaching the quarter-finals means that the group will go further than the group. If it’s a miracle to beat the Asian and African teams into the knockout stage, then the miracle of the quarter-finals is certainly higher than the miracle of the quarter-finals. In fact, if we take away the controversial semi-final result of South Korea in 2002, we will find that the upper limit of Asian teams in the World Cup is not high, and the best result so far is the first round of elimination. So at this point, there is still a gap between Asian teams and African teams.

Of course, judging from FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022’s performance, Asian teams seem to be better than African teams. I hope there will be an Asian team in the future that can break through the long-standing ceiling.