Andy Lau sends off his "father-in-law" for the last journey, the media squatting (Photos)

Wai Tsai’s mourning behavior was also criticized by the neighbors for being too selfish.

  On the afternoon of July 11, the famous singer Andy Lau sang a new song while attending a large-scale charity sale in Hong Kong. Posted by China News Agency, photographed by Zheng Zuosheng

  China News Service, August 21. The woman behind Andy Lau, Zhu Liqian, and her deceased husband, Zhu Jincheng, will be buried at about 10 am tomorrow, and will be buried immediately. Hong Kong media said that it is estimated that Andy will appear to bid farewell to his "father-in-law" for the last journey.

  Andy Lau’s girlfriend Zhu Liqian’s father, Zhu Jincheng, died suddenly on Tuesday (18th) at the age of 73. It was reported that Andy and Zhu Liqian flew to Malaysia immediately to die. Andy has kept his relationship a secret for 24 years, and this trip to Malaysia to bid farewell to his "father-in-law" was also very low-key. The two disappeared in the Zhu family mansion.

  After the news of Zhu Liqian’s father’s death came out, in addition to the Malaysian media, Hong Kong media also flew to the local area one after another to gather at the Zhu family for interviews. The security of the mansion was tight, and the iron door was locked to prevent outsiders from entering.

  According to media reports, the funeral hall in the Zhu family mansion yesterday has put Zhu’s father’s last photo, in which he is very serene, decorated with white flowers next to the last photo, and put oranges and lights in front of the altar to honor the deceased.

  The funeral ceremony of Zhu’s father used Buddhist rituals. The night before, the family had done rituals and burnt for Zhu’s father. They decided to hold a funeral at 10 am tomorrow and bury him at 11 am. Zhu’s father and his deceased wife were buried together in Yishan, Fujian.

Further reading:

Inventory: The 10 women who most want to marry Andy Lau

Zhu Liqian: I have admired Andy Lau since I was a child

Zhu Liqian and Andy Lau: 23 Years of Love Began by Fans (Photos)

6 Women Who Had "Dyed" With Andy Lau (Photos)

Zhu Liqian: No longer be Andy Lau’s "underground lady"? (photo)

Andy Lau and Zhu Liqian’s 10 secrets of underground love (Photos)

  Related links:

  • Zhu Liqian: No longer be Andy Lau’s "underground lady"? (picture) 2009-08-20
  • Zhu Liqian: I have admired Andy Lau since I was a child 2009-08-20
  • How did Zhu Liqian upgrade from a fan to Andy Lau’s girlfriend 2009-08-20
  • Zhu Liqian and Andy Lau: 23 Years of Love Began by Fans (Photo) 2009-08-20
  • Andy Lau Zhu Liqian’s 20-year love affair revealed, and the two first learned about letters (picture) 2009-08-20
  • Zhu Liqian’s father died suddenly, and Andy Lau flew to Malaysia for a funeral 2009-08-20

Jay Chou’s Chengdu concert ticket price plunged, and scalpers sold it at a reduced price before singing

Jay Chou Chengdu concert scene

Jay Chou Chengdu Concert Tickets

On May 1, 1905 Movie Network News, Jay Chou’s concert was held in Chengdu at the China Modern Pentathlon Event Center in Shuangliu District. An hour before the performance, some "scalpers" who sold tickets began to sell at a reduced price. The price of tickets that had been sold to 6,000 yuan each fell sharply, 5,000, 3,000, 2000… all the way down, and finally fell back to the original price of 1980 yuan each. 20 minutes before the opening, some "scalpers" even offered discounts ranging from 100, 200, and 300 yuan on the basis of the original price in order to reduce losses.

The Chengdu station of Jay Chou’s concert has been turbulent since the ticket was issued. First, the organizer launched a "God promotion" to buy the strongest T-shirt on the surface to get the privilege of buying Jay Chou’s concert tickets. After being stopped, there was news that the ticket sales would be exchanged for "official peripheral products and ticket pre-purchase rights". Fans who competed with the organizer on the way finally made it to the opening day of the concert, and found that the organizer himself had set up a stall outside the venue to sell tickets on the spot, and also discounted them.

According to the official Weibo of the fan club, it is the effect of fans boycotting scalpers

Users have commented, "Resolutely boycott scalpers. We won’t boycott today, and Jay fans will really look down on concerts in the future." "I think that all tickets for concerts in the future should be purchased under the real-name system. An ID card can buy up to 4 tickets, and the 4 tickets are all real-name verified respectively. Enter the venue to check the ticket and swipe the ID card and ticket. Boycott scalpers and resist the organizers from maliciously destroying the market." "With current technology, it is very easy to do. Look at the high-speed rail, the reason why scalpers have repeatedly banned must be because it is profitable."

The car model meets the comic exhibition, and the otaku is blessed! Changsha International Auto Show was held from December 9 to 14.

The car model meets the comic exhibition, and the otaku is blessed.

Changsha International Auto Show was held from December 9 to 14, and Hunan Commodity Consumption Festival and National Comic Exhibition were held at the same time.

The 15th Changsha International Auto Show attracts people to watch the exhibition and drives the automobile market to sprint consumption.

At the auto show, you have seen beautiful car models, but have you seen Hatsune Miku? It is understood that this year’s ACC animation exhibition will meet with Changsha International Auto Show.

When you look at the new car, you can also see cute virtual characters, which can not only meet the needs of fans, but also buy them in buy buy.

Xiaoxiang morning herald reporter Mao Chuan reports from Changsha

With the gradual recovery of the auto show, the postponed national auto show is "grabbing" the schedule and pulling it back to the box office. The 16th China (Changsha) International Automobile Expo (hereinafter referred to as "Changsha International Auto Show") scheduled for December 9-14 will be held as scheduled.

The reporter got the latest news from the organizing committee of the auto show. In order to give full play to the consumption-driven role of automobiles and other commodities, the 2020 Hunan Commodity Consumption Festival was held at the same time, and a national comic exhibition settled in Changsha, which contributed to the "different" Changsha International Auto Show.

Nearly 80 automobile brands brought new cars to the exhibition.

The Changsha International Auto Show will last for 6 days, with an estimated total exhibition area of 100,000 square meters. Nearly 80 well-known automobile brands at home and abroad will take part in the exhibition with new products and high specifications, including Guangzhou Automobile Mitsubishi, a local intelligent manufacturer in Hunan, BYD, a luxury car matrix BBA that continues to grow at a high speed, Weilai, a new car-making force, SAIC Volkswagen and Dongfeng Nissan … all of which have gathered a variety of new cars, with more than 1,000 models coming in strongly, blowing the horn of sprint for the automobile market at the end of this year.

In addition, the automobile consumption festival and the second-hand car replacement link at Changsha International Auto Show last year were recognized by consumers and will continue to be presented this year. Get through the automobile circulation link, free on-site vehicle evaluation, high-priced car collection, 120 tests, and factory certification of used cars to participate in the exhibition, so that buying and selling cars is guaranteed; There are also one-stop convenient services such as financial loans and new car replacement to add color to consumers.

Auto show drives Hunan’s bulk consumption engine

It is understood that in 2019, the total sales volume of exhibitors at Changsha International Auto Show totaled 17,972 units, and the first Hunan Automobile Consumption Festival was held in the same period, and a total of 2,487 car purchase subsidies were issued, with a cumulative amount of 1.13 million yuan. With a wave of car market stimulus actions, car consumption has risen rapidly. The relevant person in charge of the organizing Committee of the auto show said, "As long as things are good, there is no need to worry about consumption."

In the fourth quarter, Hunan Provincial Department of Commerce will launch a series of activities of consumption promotion month with the theme of "Enjoy consumption and live a better life". As the leader of automobile consumption in Hunan, Changsha International Auto Show has been included in the series of activities of consumption promotion month. Based on the strong consumption power of Hunan consumers, Changsha International Auto Show will become the engine to stimulate Hunan’s bulk consumption.

At the same time of the auto show, the "Super Double 12 2020 Hunan Commodity Consumption Festival" will be held, and the dealers will be full of firepower to rush sales, and the consumers will be full of firepower to rush welfare. Through online and offline multiple linkages, we will hold a series of activities such as year-end benefits for well-known real estates, innovate consumption patterns, and make the consumption festival a bright business card for Hunan to strongly promote economic and social development.


Auto show brings virtual characters offline.

Considering the background of the current automobile market, the auto show has different characteristics in different times, from the earliest "unusual exhibition" to the "technical exhibition" that reflects the progress of the industry, and then to the "consumption exhibition" when the automobile market is going down.

Younger is the most mentioned word in today’s auto market. No matter manufacturers, brands or even models, they are carrying out the concept of youth to the end. Conversely, young consumers not only need a young car, but also wait for young brands, young exhibitions and young elements.

It is understood that this year’s ACC Animation Exhibition will meet with Changsha International Auto Show at the same time. ACC Comic-Con focuses on a number of domestic and foreign classic anime game images, famous anime artists, seiyuu, original novels, well-known coser, peripheral products and other contents. Through the theme meeting, customized interactive games, customized theme activities and theme performances, ACC Comic-Con has carried out long-term roving ground exhibitions in major cities and regions in China in the form of exhibitions, various events and carnivals. Up to now, more than 150 floor-to-ceiling comic-con exhibitions have been held.

The combination of animation and auto show is also a new cultural force in today’s auto market. Virtual characters such as Hatsune Miku, YOMI and Xiaodu have already appeared on major automobile brands. The combination of auto show and animation brings the original virtual and lovely characters offline.

Of course, there are many activities during the auto show, including carnival that consumers love to see and hear, and summit activities that professionals discuss together.

You said this was an auto show, which covered many industries. You said that this is not an auto show, and automobile consumption drives more consumption upgrades. This is a different auto show, but salt is sweet and you can taste it at will.

"Changsha Nightlife" reveals that Zhang Jingyi shares her deep bond with Changsha.

1905 movie network news The film produced by, producer, screenwriter and director, starring,,,,, Wu Jun and Luo Gang, especially starring, and friendship has recently released a reply notice. From "The Sender Changsha" to the reply notice, Changsha and Changsha people have formed a moving response in both directions.

In the preview, director Zhang Ji shared the story of his reconciliation with his father in Changsha after the college entrance examination. Zhang Jingyi, the leading actress, shared her experience of receiving the notice of Nortel Art Examination when she was studying in Changsha. The cheers of the whole class became an unforgettable memory for her. The comic actor soldier, who is also a native of Changsha, Hunan Province, also made a surprise appearance in the preview and shared his memories of Changsha.The preview focuses more on every Changsha person who lives here. Everyone is the protagonist in his own life. Through these stories, he will show the love and tolerance of Changsha to everyone. Changsha Night has both their stories and their lives.

Director Zhang Ji reconciled with his father in Changsha.

Starring Zhang Jingyi shares the exciting moment of the college entrance examination.

The reply notice invited director Zhang Ji and starring Zhang Jingyi to share their stories with people living in Changsha. This city has witnessed countless life choices, emotional stories, work experiences and juvenile growth, and cured countless regrets. The story of Changsha shared by Zhang Ji is related to his father. Changsha witnessed the departure of young Zhang Ji after the college entrance examination, and also witnessed his silence and reconciliation with his father.

In the director’s eyes, Changsha is a city with almost no boundaries between day and night. After the theme song was released, he wrote a letter specially for Changsha. The letter said: "At one o’clock in the middle of the night, the people in the west were crowded with people, and the fireworks came to my face. The young people in the street lived fearlessly." It is these ordinary people who keep fighting for their lives that bring him inspiration and strength to shoot Changsha stories. The memory of Changsha, starring Zhang Jingyi, is a youthful time. She studied at Tongshenghu Experimental School in Changsha. When she learned that she had passed the exam of Nortel, the whole class applauded and cheered for it. This was an unforgettable happy time for her.

In this city full of youthful memories, it also contains countless people’s lives. Five minutes before the New Year’s Eve, she proposed marriage, owned her own house in a city, walked alone by the Xiangjiang River after breaking up with her boyfriend, and watched fireworks on the Xiangjiang River on weekends. This reply to Changsha contains too many people’s happiness and regret. When it comes to Changsha, food is also a label full of Hunan flavor: "Changsha people’s day begins with a bowl of powder and ends with a bowl of powder." The night covered by fireworks cages is another soul of Changsha. In the food stalls in the middle of the night, three or five friends meet and talk about powder in the lively night market.In the long lane of the market in the early morning, diners who come out for breakfast will meet the snack board that has not yet finished, and everyone here is enjoying the happiness brought by delicious food. This is the mutual tolerance, mutual giving and mutual achievement between a group of people and a city. Whether they grew up in Changsha or came to Changsha from a foreign land, everyone got love and warmth here and realized their dreams at the same time. It also made many viewers begin to recall when their fate with a city began.

YIN FANG Zhang Jingyi LAY opens an emotional story

Changsha nightlife is also a city nightlife.

 The reply notice shows the story that happened here, which has formed a deep bond between Changsha people and Changsha, and the emotion between people and the city is touching. As director Zhang Ji said, "My classmates and friends have many emotional stories in Changsha". He also put these emotional stories in movies. The story of He Xixi (Zhang Jingyi) is about love. With the feeling of leaving the city, she meets Jing Weiwei (YIN FANG), who is frustrated and down. They meet for a night tour in Changsha and walk side by side through the streets of Changsha bearing countless life memories, turning an ordinary night tour into a journey to heal themselves. The story of He An (LAY), a talk show actor, is about family ties. Facing the frustration of his career, the contradiction between him and his father (Luo Gang) is getting worse and worse. How to resolve it has become a knot between them. Full of loss, he went to the food stall of his mother, Sister Li (Sophie Su), and was cured by a hug and a simple comfort … … If you don’t know how to start after dawn, let the fireworks of the city give you the strength and courage to move forward.

The film "Changsha Nightlife" takes Changsha as the carrier, and takes the young people whose lives are lost as the scene, why not; He An, frustrated in the workplace and injured in family of origin; From the perspective of ordinary people such as Chen Qingzhi and Liang Baoqi, migrant workers in a foreign land, they show the difficulties people face in their life choices, emotions, work and family, and build a real and emotional picture of contemporary urban life, just as the film’s main creator expressed: "What happened in the film is not only the story of Changsha, but also the story of China."

The film "Changsha Nightlife" was produced by Chen Kexin and Zhao Xiaoshi, written and directed by Zhang Ji, starring YIN FANG, Zhang Jingyi, Sophie Su, Wu Haochen, Bai Yufan, Zhou Siyu, Wu Jun and Luo Gang, with LAY as a special star and Zhou Dongyu and Wang Lixin as a friendly star. It will be shown nationwide on April 28th during the May Day holiday.

The men’s basketball team won by 20 points! Media person Qi Kwa Qiao Shuai predicts the list of 12 people. Li Kaier: Looking forward to the first show

On August 5th, Beijing time, the Trentino Cup in Italy officially started. This time, four teams from China, Italy, Cape Verde and Turkey participated. In the first round, China VS Cape Verde and Italy VS Turkey. The winners of the two teams will play in the final the next day. In the end, the China men’s basketball team won a 20-point victory 86-66, Italy narrowly beat Turkey by one point, and China will play Italy in the final.

Throughout the game, the China men’s basketball team played a very smooth performance at both ends of attack and defense, so Qiao Shuai won a praise from the media.

Among them, the media person "Mai Suifeng" thinks that the joining of Qiao Shuai has completely changed the style of play of the China men’s basketball team, and the whole team has become more determined and fluent.

The original text is as follows:

"I didn’t expect to see the China men’s basketball team put a non-Asian real World Cup team into garbage time one day, which was an eye-opener. Jorjevich is really informative."

"The change that Qiao Shuai brought to the China men’s basketball team lies in changing the team’s habitual style of play, and making everyone’s passing the ball fast and resolutely. When the speed comes up, it is easy to get a chance, because passing the ball is always faster than people.

"What we want to see is not China’s men’s basketball team beating a small African country in the warm-up match. We want to see the national team keep up with the world basketball trend, play some modern basketball, and finally achieve the set goals in the World Cup.

"Cape Verde is still a little weak. Look at the way China men’s basketball team plays against European teams. I hope Li Kaier will make his debut as soon as possible.

"Fang Shuo played a good game today, and his competitive state is good. If he can still perform like this in the face of European teams, then I definitely support him to enter the final 12-man list!"

Another media person, Inspector Zhao, also praised the changes in the China men’s basketball team, thinking that the team has finally established a system, which is impressive.

The original text is as follows:

"86-66, 20 points! Qiao Shuai has brought too many changes, such as the system, tactics, the excavation of talent and the cultivation of players’ self-confidence. Although Cape Verde is rough, we really played well! The current China men’s basketball team is refreshing and impressive. It’s really a game that I don’t want to stay up late to watch. I think everyone is very satisfied. I hope to see continuous progress and hope to see Li Kaier’s debut tomorrow! "

Curry revealed the outlook for next season: Paul joined, and the lineup adjustment is highly anticipated.

Curry mentioned next season, and his outlook for the team is exciting!

1. Regarding the joining of Paul, this experienced point guard will bring more depth to the team and make the lineup more reasonable and balanced. Paul’s leadership and organizational skills will add a lot of color to the team.

2. The continuous adjustment of the lineup is normal, but every player is showing his important value. This attitude of teamwork and positive contribution of the players will undoubtedly bring hope to the future of the team.

Although the team as a whole is improving, the biggest problem of the current lineup is the lack of big players, which is a fatal problem. This will bring some challenges against teams with strong insiders such as Nuggets, Timberwolves, Lakers, Grizzlies, Celtics and Bucks. Facing these teams, their tactics and defensive strategies need to be adjusted accordingly, such as strengthening perimeter defense, finding rebounding advantages and improving fast break efficiency to make up for the shortage of inside lines.

# Record my 2023#

The peak turns around! The new brother of the Football Association emerged, not Gao Hongbo Sun Wen, and went back or died a natural death.

As we all know, Du Zhaocai and Chen Xueyuan, two important officials of China Football Association, have been arrested and investigated since the football anti-corruption campaign began. In addition to the investigation of these two main players, many people involved are also related to the Football Association, and almost all of them are the heads of key departments within the Football Association. The General Administration of Sports has sent a working group to take charge of the Football Association, but fans hope that the Football Association will be replaced as soon as possible.

Who will be the next new president of the Football Association has really attracted the attention of fans. Recently, Li Xuan, a member of the Football Association, posted a message on social media, believing that this indicates that the change of the Football Association is officially put on the agenda. A football association will be established soon.

According to some media reports, some new members have appeared among the members of the State Sports General Administration. From the Provincial Sports Bureau to the State Sports General Administration, are you ready to take over the China Football Association? Maybe only the sports bureau knows about it.

However, Li Xuan, a media person, issued the latest statement saying that he didn’t know who would be in charge of the affairs of the Football Association, although some officials of the local sports bureau may have arrived in Beijing Paddy recently. Obey the boss’s orders. The next new team of the Football Association is also expected to follow the original path and appoint the deputy director of the General Administration of Sports.

Who is the new president of the Football Association? There is no way to study it now. In the end, only when the head of the Football Association is determined at the level of the State Sports General Administration can the change of the Football Association proceed smoothly. Therefore, analyzing the current situation, the new coach of the Football Association may not be a member of the current temporary team.

They, including Gao Hongbo and Sun Yat-sen, the current vice-presidents of FFA, are likely to gradually fade out of the stage of China football after the FFA team is re-elected. Of course, we don’t want the Football Association to stagger, and we don’t want the head of the Football Association to die easily. We want to select personnel. Track.

Goodbye Mourinho! An Shuai’s latest plan was exposed, Real Madrid made the right decision, and Benzema felt at ease.

On May 21st, Beijing time, there was a sudden news in European football. At the pre-match press conference of Real Madrid against Valencia, Ancelotti said that he would stay in Real Madrid until he fulfilled his contract. This situation is obviously a positive signal for Real Madrid.

As we all know, after Real Madrid was eliminated by Manchester City in the Champions League final, many people thought that Ancelotti might be dismissed for this, and it was rumored that the Brazilian Football Association had been waiting for Ancelotti. Therefore, it is widely rumored that Mourinho and Zidane will succeed Ancelotti, especially Mourinho, who once again demonstrated his extraordinary coaching ability after leading the Roma team to the Europa League final. Therefore, many Italian media revealed that Real Madrid and Barily will be Mourinho’s next home, but now it seems that.

At the press conference, when a reporter asked about Ancelotti’s future, Ancelotti said: "Many people want to know my situation, but I will continue to perform my contract until the end of 2024!" Carlo Ancelotti also said that he had communicated with florentino, and he and the whole team supported Carlo Ancelotti to stay and fulfill his contract.

It can be seen from Carlo Ancelotti’s words that Carlo Ancelotti’s latest plan has been exposed, and he will continue to coach Real Madrid. There is little hope of coaching the Brazilian national team in the short term. Although Carlo Ancelotti did not disclose specific information, florentino and Real Madrid all want Carlo Ancelotti to stay in the team, which is not only a correct decision, but also means that players such as Benzema and modric are at ease, and fans have also praised it.

Some fans said: "It was unexpected to win the Champions League last year. This year’s semi-finals are completely acceptable. This lineup of Real Madrid is such a strength. After all, Benzema and modric are one year older, and it is right to leave Ancelotti!" Some fans also said: "When the contract ends in 2024, it is not bad to take Brazil again. I support Ancelotti. I dare not say that it is the first in history, but I am definitely the first head coach in active service!"

Of course, some fans said: "It’s not that I don’t fire you, but there is no better and more suitable person to replace you, and it’s not the head coach’s fault that you are out of the Champions League. There is no one to change on the bench!" "The good news is that Ancelotti is still very good at training young players. He is optimistic about the rise of vinicius, but Benzema should give up!"

Diaz: I believe Milan can qualify for the Champions League next season. This season has proved that Milan is very strong.

Live on May 21 ST, this round of Serie A Milan beat Sampdoria 5-1 at home. After the game, Milan player Diaz was interviewed.

Diaz said: "Disappointed to be eliminated from the Champions League? Now we want to qualify for the Champions League next season, and I believe we can do it. Entering the semi-finals of the Champions League has proved Milan’s strength. "

"I am still young and need to continue to grow. Thanks to the help of the coach and the team, even in difficult times, we have always been United. I know my own strength, and I have been trying to do everything to get things done. "

"Kiss the jersey? This is done according to my heart, and I feel very good in Milan. "

"Milan’s introduction of Decatur is an inspiration to me? I don’t know. We all care about him. That’s the most important thing. Milan are very United and we help each other. As for the competition within the team, each of us will go all out. "

1-0,1-1! The Premier League is crazy for one night, fighting for four to celebrate the finale, two records are born, and the Red Army hopes for a miracle.

In the 37th round of the Premier League, Manchester United and Liverpool played at the same time. The outcome of this round of competition is directly related to the qualification of next season’s Champions League. In the end, Manchester United scored all three points in 1-0 away from Bournemouth, while Liverpool drew 1-1 at home with Aston Villa, and the Premier League competed for four, which basically declared the finale!

Newcastle United, like Manchester United in theory, has not yet locked in the Champions League! However, at present, Newcastle United are three points ahead of Liverpool in the latest curling iron, and there are still two rounds left. In the last two rounds, only one point is needed to lock in the Champions League qualification quota for the new season. Considering Newcastle’s huge lead in goal difference in the league, even if they suffer two consecutive defeats, even if Liverpool score three more points, it will be harmless! Newcastle’s last two opponents were leicester city and Chelsea!

After beating Bournemouth 1-0 away, Manchester United scored 69 points, which is the same as Newcastle United, which also played 36 rounds. Liverpool, with the last glimmer of hope, drew 1-1 at home with Aston Villa. After 37 rounds, their score was 66 points! But unlike Newcastle United, Newcastle United’s goal difference so far is +35, Liverpool’s goal difference is +28 and Manchester United’s goal difference is only +11!

In the case of Liverpool winning the final game, Manchester United must score another point! Manchester United’s opponents in the last two rounds were Chelsea and Fulham, and getting a point can be said to be like taking something out of the bag. Liverpool is looking forward to a miracle. If Manchester United suffer two consecutive defeats and win in the final round, Liverpool will 100% crowd out Manchester United and rank among the top four.

So far this season in the Premier League, Degea has won 16 clean sheets! As Degea’s only rival in the league, alysson, was beaten by Aston Villa for 14 times, Manchester United goalkeeper Degea won the Golden Glove Award in the Premier League this season with 16 times! This is the second time that Degea has won the Golden Glove Award in the Premier League. The first time was in the 2017-18 season!

Liverpool 1-1 Aston Villa. Firmino ushered in a farewell game at home, and in the 89th minute, he helped Liverpool to draw an absolute draw! Bid farewell to Anfield with a goal, and Premier League officials awarded firmino the best match of the game, which was the last home game of the Brazilian striker’s Liverpool career! Firmino has scored 16 goals in his Liverpool career when he came off the bench, which is second only to David Fairclough’s 18 goals in team history.

In the last six years, Liverpool have beaten the quartet in the Champions League and won one Champions League champion and two Champions League runners-up! However, now, Liverpool is facing the embarrassment of not playing in the Champions League in the new season!