The female version of Yin Tianchou was born, "The New King of Comedy" Xingye "Women are stronger"

1905 movie network news Directed by Stephen Chow, the film starring Wang Baoqiang and E Jingwen has been set for the first day of the new year, and the pre-sale has now been fully opened. What influenced countless people 20 years ago, 20 years later, it debuted with a new attitude. What remains unchanged is the story that still focuses on "little people". On the first day of the new year in 2019, I laughed out tears with "The King of New Comedy"!

At present, the "King of Comedy, A New Beginning" theme roadshow is in full swing, and Zhou Xingchi and a group of starring stars rushed to all over the country to meet the audience. On January 26, Zhou Xingchi and his starring stars, E Jingwen, Jing Ruyang, Huang Xiaopeng, and Xiao He, came to Badu Hefei to meet the audience, share the original intention of the creation of "King of Comedy", and talk about their respective understanding of "actor’s self-cultivation". Five people interacted with the audience enthusiastically on the spot, and they were pleasantly surprised to send red envelopes! Sending Chinese New Year happiness to the Hefei audience in advance!

The protagonist of the new film "Female version of Yin Tianchou" Xing Ye said that "women are stronger"

The "King of New Comedy" roadshow came to the outdoor square in Hefei, attracting thousands of spectators. When Zhou Xingchi and the creators appeared, the square was filled with cheers. Xing Ye humorously introduced himself, "I am Dragon Set Zhou Xingchi, this is my Dragon Set Team! The weather is very cold today, everyone has worked hard!" It attracted a lot of laughter and made everyone feel warm in the cold.

As a classic comedy that has influenced countless people, "The King of Comedy" has ushered in a new chapter after 20 years. The script has been polished for three years, focusing on the little people again, and this classic prop folding stool has also "reappeared in the rivers and lakes", surprising the audience: "It’s still a familiar taste! I love Zhou Xingxing all my life!" The new year of 2019 is another year accompanied by Xingye!

When talking about why the film featured a woman as the protagonist, Xing Ye did not hesitate to express his admiration for women, "Because I often feel that women are stronger, so I really want to make a work for women." The heroine, E Jingwen, also said, "Xing Ye was a struggling man before, but in fact, women are also working hard to create the future they want." When talking about the understanding of "actors’ self-cultivation," the star Jing Ruyang said, "It is to pursue the ultimate and achieve perfection."


Star Lord’s Message 2019 "Not second and third, you are first!"

Stephen Chow has always focused on telling the story of the little people. The spirit of "The King of New Comedy" is actually to reflect the little people who live seriously and pursue hard. In them, the audience can see authenticity, confidence, seriousness, and even seriousness. They are full of enthusiasm for their work and will not give up no matter how difficult they encounter.

At the Hefei roadshow, Zhou Xingchi said, "In fact, everyone can be the protagonist of their own life. Don’t be afraid of failure, hardship or all kinds of resistance, and work hard with enthusiasm, just like the’wind ‘." And led the audience to shout "Work hard! Fight!" to encourage everyone to stick to their dreams and be the "king of comedy" in their own life.

In addition to chatting with everyone about the original intention of "The King of New Comedy", Xingye and the creators also brought several rounds of red envelope benefits to the audience. At the scene, Xingye commanded the rocker arm to swing left and right, and randomly stopped, locking an audience. Xingye and the creators chose any word in "New" "Happy" "Drama" "King" for the audience, and revealed the amount of red envelopes. The live interaction was very enjoyable, completely igniting the atmosphere. The maximum amount of red envelopes was issued by Xingye himself, which can be described as a koi carp! Xingye and the creators also cheered for everyone in the New Year. "I hope everyone will continue to work hard and strive in the new year. You are not second or third, you are first!"


The most familiar Stephen Chow-style comedy is to make you "laugh and cry". At present, the pre-sale of "New King of Comedy" has been fully opened, hurry up and grab tickets! On the first day of the new year in 2019, with "New King of Comedy", laugh out tears and work hard!

Ren Xianqi challenges the Silk Road with off-road cycling and experiences blowing sheepskin rafts to make ramen

Ren Xianqi

    The travel program "One Earth" will broadcast a new episode of "One Earth – Silk Road Game" on December 11. And invited the heavyweight guest Ren Xianqi to be the host. This journey lasted more than 20 days. Xiao Qi, together with more than a dozen film crew staff, formed a convoy, starting from Xi’an on off-road motorcycles, passing through Lanzhou, Wuwei, Zhangye, along the Hexi Corridor to Dunhuang, Turpan, and ending in Xinqiang Urumqi, the whole journey reached more than 2,000 kilometers. The process is stylish, FUN, bitter, and sweaty… An all-male team, together to complete the man’s Silk Road dream.

    This time, "One Earth" Xiao Qi teamed up with the film team to shoot Hong Kong’s first off-road motorcycle tour of the Silk Road. For thousands of years, the Silk Road has been a cultural exchange route between China and the West, and it is also the cradle of many ethnic minorities in China. In ancient times, caravans crossing the Silk Road could be described as dangerous. Xiao Qi also had to be well prepared to cross the Silk Road with off-road motorcycles. It took a year from conception to filming, and finally took place in August 2010. Xiao Qi first joined the filming team in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, and communicated with a group of local off-road motorcyclists to understand the different risks that may be encountered on the Silk Road before driving a motorcycle through the Silk Road. After arriving in Lanzhou, Xiao Qi was very excited. He said: "Here, the bucket can create the effect of rolling sand and dust. It feels very good. It is a paradise for off-road motorcycle enthusiasts." Because Lanzhou is located on the Loess Plateau, surrounded by a layer of sand that is more than 300 meters thick and weathered, Xiao Qi can enjoy the addiction of fire chariots here. It turns out that in Lanzhou, there are many shops specializing in off-road motorcycle business, and they also organized an association. When they have time, they will get together to fight. After Xiao Qi found out, he wanted to fight with them. 

Ren Xianqi

    In addition to the motorcycle, Xiao Qi also visited different ethnic minorities, as if learning to make traditional sheepskin rafts with Hui people, experiencing the life of Tibetans in Gansu grazing and shearing white yak hair, and traveling to Minqin County, which is often affected by sandstorms, and the Hexi Corridor, which is baptized by war, to learn about the various ways that ethnic minorities survive on the Silk Road. After nearly a month of filming, Xiao Qi not only learned about the local culture, but also learned a lot of "skills", including making traditional sheepskin rafts and Lanzhou ramen. In ancient times, the only way to cross the Yellow River was to take a sheepskin raft made by Hui people. The process of the sheepskin raft is complicated, and the hardest part is to blow up the sheepskin bag so that the raft can float on the river. Xiao Qi turned into a sheepskin raft master and tried to inflate the entire sheepskin raft, but unfortunately the challenge failed, even if a strong man wanted to inflate a sheepskin bag. Although the task was not very successful, the determined and unyielding Xiao Qi kept up his efforts and challenged another "simple task", which was to concoct Lanzhou ramen. Making ramen noodles has always been very difficult. Master Xiao Qi also understands the truth that everything is hard. Although the final product is a little different, the entrance is also refreshing. (Photo and text/Tungstar)

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It is related to the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing, and how to "arrange troops and deploy troops" has attracted much attention.

Cailian News on January 26th (Reporter Wang Haichun)A high-standard meeting held by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development today has become the focus of attention of all parties. The theme of this meeting is closely related to the coordination mechanism of real estate financing which is highly concerned by the market.

On January 26th, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a meeting to deploy the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing. At the meeting, Ni Hong, Party Secretary and Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, pointed out that accelerating the implementation of the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing was effective, supporting the development and construction of real estate projects, and meeting the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally.

According to the information released by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in official website, the heads of the relevant departments of the Central Finance Office and the Central Finance Office, as well as the relevant heads of the housing and urban-rural construction departments (commissions) of various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the heads of 35 key city governments attended the meeting.

In view of the current financing difficulties of some real estate projects, the meeting stressed that all localities should focus on projects, pay close attention to research and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, coordinate financial institutions within their respective administrative regions to issue loans, and accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs.

The meeting demanded that the credit funds should be operated in a closed way and used in compliance, and resolutely prevent misappropriation. At the provincial level, it is necessary to track and monitor the implementation and strengthen supervision and guidance. At the national level, an information platform for urban real estate financing coordination mechanism projects will be established, and weekly scheduling and monthly notification will be implemented. It is understood that before the end of this month, the first batch of projects can win loans after landing.

The chief researcher of Guangdong Housing Policy Research Center pointed out that this meeting has become the focus of attention of all parties because it is related to how to implement the coordination mechanism of real estate financing.

"Forming a specific project landing, the coordination mechanism will have practical significance, and the landing of the project will help to better explore a more mature financing coordination mechanism. Judging from the contents announced at the meeting, the high-level officials made it clear that the main responsibility, management responsibility and territorial responsibility of the competent authorities should be brought into play to solve the distrust between banks and housing enterprises. While forcing real estate enterprises to strengthen their management, this mechanism also puts forward requirements for banks to improve their ability to identify and control risks. Only through joint coordination and efforts can we truly implement support for stable enterprises. " Li Yujia said.

According to the information released by the State Financial Supervision and Administration, the General Financial Supervision and Administration held a meeting on January 26 to deploy and promote the implementation of the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing. The main responsible persons of various regulatory bureaus, some regulatory branches of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, as well as national commercial banks, city commercial banks, provincial rural credit cooperatives and other institutions attended the meeting.

The meeting stressed that financial institutions should attach great importance to it, strengthen organizational leadership, establish internal mechanisms and clarify working rules. For projects that meet the credit conditions, it is necessary to establish a green channel for credit granting, optimize the approval process, shorten the approval time limit, and actively meet the reasonable financing needs. For projects that encounter temporary difficulties in development and construction, but the funds are basically balanced, we will not blindly lend, cut off loans, or press loans, but support them by extending existing loans, adjusting repayment arrangements, and adding new loans. At the same time, financial institutions should strengthen the closed management of funds to prevent the misappropriation of credit funds.

Previously, on January 12, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the General Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued the Notice on Establishing a Coordination Mechanism for Urban Real Estate Financing. The circular is clear, giving full play to the leading coordination role of the city government, establishing a coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing in cities at prefecture level and above, judging the real estate market situation and real estate financing demand, coordinating and solving the difficulties and problems existing in real estate financing, and combining the development and construction of real estate projects and the relevant situation of project development enterprises according to the principle of fairness and justice, putting forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, pushing financial institutions and providing financing support.

Experts in the industry believe that the establishment of a coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing is actually to find a win-win point, and to accurately support the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects by distinguishing group risks from project risks. With the support of such favorable policies, the lending speed of financial institutions for some projects is expected to accelerate in the future.

According to Yan Yuejin, research director of Yiju Research Institute, the establishment of a coordination mechanism will help the financial sector and the housing sector to coordinate their operations and give play to the accuracy and timeliness of policies, which is an important measure to promote a virtuous circle of finance and real estate.

"According to the document, the coordination mechanism is headed by the deputy mayor of the city government in charge of housing and construction, and a real estate financing coordination mechanism with local housing and construction departments and agencies dispatched by the General Administration of Financial Supervision as member units is established." Li Yujia said.

The industry believes that the relevant departments take the lead, which shows that the regulatory authorities attach great importance to this mechanism, and this coordination mechanism has a strong landing on the practical level in classifying and financing housing enterprises.

Yan Yuejin pointed out that for high-quality housing enterprises, there are four main criteria for obtaining support, including normal development and construction, adequate collateral, reasonable assets and liabilities, and guaranteed repayment sources.

"This standard has a strong reference significance. According to this standard, housing enterprises can improve their work from the perspectives of engineering, assets, finance and sales, so that enterprises can meet relevant standards and obtain financing support." Yan Yuejin said.

It further stated that for enterprises with short-term capital pressure, it is necessary to prevent the situation of "loan withdrawal and loan pressure", and at the same time, it is necessary to provide relevant support through extension, adjustment of repayment arrangements and new loans.

"For enterprises that violate the law or evade debts, they should make risk warnings to financial institutions such as banks." Yan Yuejin said.

Li Yujia pointed out that credit is based on trust, so the purpose of establishing a coordination mechanism is to establish a docking platform for both parties to fully communicate; However, whether to lend or not will still be in accordance with the bank risk control and credit approval process. At the landing level of specific projects, it will be market-oriented, legal and voluntary, and will not be mandatory.

"One of the key factors is to consolidate the main responsibilities of all parties and explore new mechanisms and models. For example, housing enterprises should standardize financial data, operate in good faith, bid farewell to the highly leveraged model, and let banks trust housing enterprises. Banks should also increase the transformation of business systems and risk control models, instead of blindly adhering to the old model, that is, taking the implicit government guarantee, collateral and the rise in the value of collateral as the conditions for capital investment. " Li Yujia added.

Wang Xiaoyu, chief analyst of Zhuge Data Research Center, said that under the current market background, housing enterprises have weak investment confidence, and they are relatively cautious in taking land and starting new construction. From a macro point of view, this policy is a further measure of financial support for housing enterprises, and it is a favorable policy for housing enterprises.

"At the same time, it should be pointed out that financing can solve the current cash flow crisis and improve the liquidity of funds, but in the long run, the development of enterprises still needs to rely on their own hematopoietic capacity." Wang Xiaoyu said.

(Cailian reporter Wang Haichun)

Harmony and evaluation | Sino-US scientific and technological cooperation benefits both sides and the world.

The Sino-US Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement was signed in 1979, and has been renewed every five years since then, which has promoted the cooperation between the two sides and benefited each other.
A few days ago, US Ambassador to China Burns said in a speech at the Brookings Institution that this agreement is the "cornerstone" of cooperation between the two sides, and he has started discussions with China on whether to extend this agreement.
For those who are biased, China is the only beneficiary of the agreement. However, the fact is that through scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation, China and the United States are mutually beneficial. The Biden administration’s attempt to renegotiate the agreement, instead of simply abolishing it, itself proves that the United States has benefited a lot from the agreement, no matter how paranoid the US Congress is, and those with rational minds do not want to give up cooperation with China in the field of science and technology.
The Biden administration also does not want to undermine the improvement of relations brought about by the meeting between the leaders of the two countries in San Francisco, which has stabilized Sino-US relations to some extent. During the meeting in San Francisco, the leaders of the two countries reached many consensuses, including agreeing to start consultations on renewing the Sino-US Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement.
It is very important for China and the United States to renew the agreement on scientific and technological cooperation, because obviously, because many people in Washington lack a correct understanding of China and are unwilling to look at the development of China objectively, the two sides need the "cornerstone" of cooperation more than ever before. This is not only to ensure that the two countries can continue to promote scientific and technological cooperation, but also to inject more necessary confidence and convince people that the world is still moving in the right direction.
This article is translated from the December 8 editorial of China Journal.
Original title:’ Bedrock’ of Cooperation Being Undermined
Produced by: Editorial Office of China Daily.
Source: China Daily.


Nanning Cloud-Nanning News Network News (Reporter Du Jiahui/photo video) After two days of fierce competition, on December 6, the China-ASEAN International Badminton Open officially came to an end in the gymnasium of Guangxi Sports Center in Nanning, Guangxi.

China Extremely Rabbit Li Yongbo International Badminton Club entered the second stage with the first place in the group stage. In the second stage, China Extreme Rabbit Li Yongbo International Badminton Club beat Malaysian SEBC Badminton Club 3:1, and Thailand FYC Badminton Club beat Philippine PHNT Badminton Club 3:0.

In the end, China Extreme Rabbit Li Yongbo International Badminton Club defeated Thailand FYC Badminton Club 3:1, successfully won the championship and won the Greentown Cup; FYC Badminton Club of Thailand is the runner-up of China-ASEAN International Badminton Open; Malaysia SEBC Badminton Club won the third place in the competition.

The success of the China-ASEAN International Badminton Open has further deepened the sports exchanges and cooperation between China and ASEAN countries, demonstrated the status and influence of Nanning as a hub city of China-ASEAN exchanges to the world, greatly enhanced the international influence of Nanning for ASEAN cooperation, effectively promoted the development of badminton in Nanning, and injected sports vitality into Nanning’s economic and social development.

Since the beginning of this year, there have been many sports events in Nanning, such as China-ASEAN International Canoeing Open, Guangxi Road Cycling World Tour (Nanning Station) and the first National Student (Youth) Games. The 2023 Nanning ·LYB Li Yongbo Global Amateur Badminton Championship and a series of supporting activities to commemorate the 66th anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong’s winter swimming in Yongjiang—the 2024 Nanning winter swimming in Yongjiang will also start in the near future.

Editor: Qin Fengni

Editor on duty: Huang Deng

(Author: Du Jiahui)

I started as James, who played as a center: I was almost eliminated by Chelsea Youth Academy that year.

Chelsea defender Reese James said in an interview that he was almost eliminated by Chelsea youth training in the past and revealed that he started as a striker.

James said: "I signed for Chelsea when I was about eight or nine years old. I stood out among my peers. We have Du Qiong Sterling, martel Croasdale, Ryan Brewster, Jamie Cumming, Mark Gay and Connor Gallagher, and several of us have succeeded."

"All of us dream of playing for Chelsea, but when we were growing up, people knew it was difficult to get into the first team because not many people could do it in recent years. We knew what we wanted, but it was difficult to achieve at that time. "

"But when Lampard was the head coach, he really helped the youth training and the first team to cooperate better. Even now that he has left, the youth training and the first team still maintain his legacy, as evidenced by the addition of some young players last season. They got the opportunity and completed their first show, which is both recognition for the players and affirmation for the staff. "

"When I was growing up, I was a striker. I admired Drogba and I always admired him. I just want to score goals and celebrate like him. I stopped playing as a striker at the age of eleven or twelve and started to develop in the midfield. I stayed there for three or four years, and then I found myself suitable to play as a right-back at the age of fifteen. I hated this position at first. Until one day, I suddenly felt adapted to this position and began to really enjoy it, about seventeen years old. But it really takes me a long time to get used to this position. When I don’t want to play this position, this position often makes me feel depressed.

"But right-back is the position where I play the most now, and it is also my favorite position. I have hardly played in other positions. I have been there since I joined Chelsea, but when I was fifteen or sixteen, I was almost eliminated. I am probably one of the worst players in that age group, and they are not sure how I will develop. When they offered me a new contract, they took great risks. I must try my best to prove that I can play football and achieve my goals. "

Malouda: "I hope Chelsea sign Mbappé"

Malouda: "I hope Chelsea sign Mbappé"

Former Chelsea striker Florent Malouda says he would like to see Paris Saint-Germain striker Kylian Mbappé move to London.

"I hope Chelsea sign Mbappé, and I think the club should choose the best player like him. Especially when I see how much money Chelsea has spent on others. It all depends on his desire to come to the club, but we must choose such a top player and build a team around him. My dream is to build a team with young players around Mbappé. He has won many trophies and is eager for more, so Chelsea should look for such players. Will Mbappé agree to move to Chelsea? Anything is possible! "It’s not just about preparing an offer with a lot of money," Goal quoted Malouda as saying.

Mbappé has been playing for Paris Saint-Germain since 2018. The 24-year-old Frenchman’s contract will last until the summer of 2025.

This season, Mbappé made 30 appearances in various competitions on behalf of the club, scored 7 goals and sent 31 assists.