Do Peng Yuyan and Di Lizheba have any acting skills?

Expressionism is based on the understanding of characters, through external forms of expression to highlight the personality of characters.

For example, Huang Bo in "Bullfighting", after encountering the People’s Liberation Army, asked the People’s Liberation Army to write an inscription for him because of a promise to protect cows until the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

He showed the small peasant’s humility, lack of confidence, and impatience by running over nervously, gently pulling the reins of the horse, rubbing his index finger against the horse’s neck, speaking cautiously, dodging his eyes, and trying to squeeze out the social laughter.

Think what the character thinks, think what the character thinks, try to get into the character, and then express the character’s emotions.

For example, Gong Li and Jiang Wen in "Red Sorghum", in order to conform to the image of peasant women at that time, Gong Li practiced carrying water every day, and by the time the shooting started, she was no different from the local peasant women.

Jiang Wen didn’t rest either. He often bathed in the river in front of Mo Yan’s house. After his body was soaked, he went ashore and lay down to tan himself.

Before the filming of "Red Sorghum", they all experienced life in the countryside, treating themselves as Yu Zhan’ao and Jiu’er, acting with their characters in order to better integrate into their characters.

Emotions erupt through one’s own internal emotions, rather than simply aligning with the characters. Such performances are more delicate, realistic, and full.

Ge You’s interpretation of decadence is different from the long-haired and world-weary that appear in idol dramas now, as if the whole world is against itself, evolving from rebellion to morbid decadence.

Ge You is the character of "mourning" attributes to the extreme, two weak and easy to fall legs, a pair of tired but not tired and bleary eyes, the state of the two sides of the void, the disease of the body, static when motionless, swaying when moving.

Take the example of two actors and actresses, one is your boyfriend Peng Yuyan, and the other is your girlfriend Di Lizheba.

Since 2011’s "Roll Over, Ashin" got the perfect body, it has been ten years now. Whenever Peng Yuyan has a movie released, the marketing is all about the body.

Even with the high box office, they still had to market a wave of figures in the end, and there was almost no mention of acting skills, such as "Guild War", "Breaking the Wind", and "Evil Does Not Suppress the Good".

Jiang Wen arranged a show for him to play naked in the water, walk on the wall with a bare buttocks, seal his whole body, etc.

The "Tropical Past" that will be released in the near future has become the focus of publicity for Peng Yuyan, and the topic of his figure has been brought up again.

Like Zhang Zhen, he learned a professional skill almost in one movie, and maintained a jealous figure all year round, which shows the efforts behind it.

But flaws do not hide Yu, he is hard enough, but his shortcomings are also obvious. His biggest problem is that he does not have an eye-catching role, that is, he lacks delicate acting skills.

Before, he had basically starred in idol drama-type movies. He didn’t need any acting skills, as long as he was stylish and handsome.

It’s just that his performance in "Cold War" can only be regarded as normal, there are not many ripples, and there are not too many mistakes. The wink does not highlight the high IQ of the character.

On the contrary, compared with Leung Ka Fai and Guo Fucheng, their unangry and self-righteous expressions and their lines are enough to make Peng Yuyan look dwarfed.

Therefore, what Peng Yuyan needs to do now is to transform from a temperament actor to a performance actor, because for an actor, the audience prefers that the next time they see Peng Yuyan is no longer physical.

It has been four years since she participated in "Run It" in 2017 with the energetic girl character and the CP fire with Luhan, but she has nothing else but a wave of marketing acting skills.

Every part of her body was searched, except for the lack of acting skills, so an actor like Di Lizheba was more like an idol.

It’s just that during her eight years of debut, there are only two types of characters in her works, and they are the easiest to choose.

One is the beauty in costume dramas, such as "Long Song" and "Three Lives and Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach and Plum"; the other is the independent and lively woman in romantic dramas, such as "Happiness is within reach!" and "One Thousand and One Nights".

To put it bluntly, these TV dramas are all idol dramas. Idol dramas never rely on acting skills, but topics and popularity. Sometimes the flow is better than the polishing of years.

The plot is very ridiculous, forever jacksu, if you are really bored and naive enough, this drama may be very suitable for hypnosis.

Li Huizhen, played by Di Lizheba, is a silly and honest person, but Di Lizheba’s interpretation is not cute, only stupid. If it were not for the support of her appearance, she might have received a wave of bad reviews.

At that time, she had just made her debut, and she could also play some natural actors with her own temperament, highlighting the original ecology.

It’s just that with her ups and downs in the entertainment industry for a few years, the nature of this body has long disappeared, leaving behind a formulaic acting and a coping attitude.

As a top-notch actress, Di Lizheba should not only have this achievement now. Now that her acting skills have not improved, her resources are not as good as before, and it is difficult to receive a good resource transformation.