Cover Story | Di Lizheba: The Moon in Arms

Original Madame Figaro 

The day before the shoot, Di Lizheba packed up until the second half of the night, working outside all year round, and she had a strong sense of order about the environment. "Every time I change hotels, I have to clean myself and spread out my luggage to reorganize. If the things around me are messy, my heart will also be very messy." I had nightmares before, so, "I must organize these things so that I can go to sleep at ease."

During the flight, every time she landed in a place, she would organize the hotel like her own home. Clothes, daily necessities, maybe foot soaking bags and aromatherapy, small but specific things were arranged by hand, and the security from daily storage also gently wrapped her. These preparations and arrangements may seem repetitive, but only in this way will the uncertainty of long-term wandering gradually fade away.

Even after ten years of high-pressure operation, her dedication to personal order and regularity is evident. "I love to tidy up, and I also clean the boxes every now and then in the crew, and I clean the rooms myself." Simultaneously, there is also the "disconnection" at the spiritual level. She consciously spends time alone, takes a walk, and focuses on the perception of specific things. "When I am tight, I see some things as very important, and I always want to do something. But when I slow down, I actually don’t want to think about it when I walk, as if I have eliminated the garbage accumulated in my mind. It turns out that it is just a small matter."

When people are busy with work, it is inevitable that people will give up some freedom in life and interests. But Di Lizheba’s impression is that she has always had a solid sense of landing in life, and the cycle formed by this is benign and positive, and she can also put into work in an orderly manner. Ten years are not short, and she has not thought of more complicated and heavy meanings, but just arranges and practices her life and work properly every day.

She had envisioned a "perfect day", and of course, order came first. Because she had not slept well recently, she would arrange a walk in the morning to face the sun, then go to the street morning market to buy hot steamed buns, fried dough sticks and soy milk, stroll all the way back, follow the TV drama for breakfast; exercise, make up, go shopping in the mall, go shopping; come back and continue to organize and store, pack the boxes, and prepare to fly to the next city. With a smile, "This is the perfect day for a perennial business traveler like me."

This year, two works, "Public Prosecution" and "An Le Biography," were broadcast. Different story themes and character settings have preserved Di Lizheba’s enthusiasm and vitality in stages. This is also the charm of the performance. The characters are like a small specimen of time, and they can use those lights and shadows to look back at the scenery on their way. Recently, Di Lizheba’s resident variety "Flowers and Youth Silk Road Season" was launched, and the exotic scenery brought many novel and pleasant experiences. At the same time, there were also overlapping memories. "There is a big waterfall in Iceland. I remember filming" Fire Like a Song "a few years ago, and Wenzhou also has the famous Rainbow Waterfall. At that moment, the memories of the waterfall will come to my mind."

Refocusing on the scenery around her is a clear feeling triggered by the journey of "Flowers and Youth Silk Road Season", and it has also become a new topic for Di Lizheba at this stage. In the interview, she talked a lot about her thoughts on the concepts of "distant" and "hometown". When she left her hometown to study and work as a teenager, she only wanted to go out. "At that time, she wanted to go to all kinds of distant places, wanting to leave the place where she had lived for more than ten years, to pursue her dreams, and to see the outside world." However, as her experience grew, this urge to leave gradually cooled, "After seeing’distant ‘all these years, I wanted to find some familiar feelings. In fact, after walking a long way, I found that what I thought of was always my own home."

There is a lyric to the theme song of "Flowers and Youth Silk Road Season": It is the innocent and happy wandering that makes us suddenly understand our hometown. Di Lizheba read the lyric lightly, and her tone slowed down slightly. She mentioned her imagination of Iceland several times. It is a quiet and lonely place, where hundreds of millions of years of volcanoes and glaciers reflect the insignificance of people, where private emotions can be well placed.

Also, during the trip, I passed through the El Ora Desert in Saudi Arabia. The rolling sand sea scenery is beautiful, with the mystery of the ancient Silk Road, and it is also very beautiful.

Her delicacy and softness were revealed at this moment, "In fact, this is an indescribable feeling. I don’t know if someone feels the same as me, but when I see the distant scenery, I think of a familiar place. This place is like my hometown, and this place is like a city where I work. Even in the face of completely unfamiliar new scenery, I still have old memories that I originally preserved."

After stripping off the character setting and character arc, Di Lizheba has her own sensitivity and vulnerability. "When I was filming the variety show, I kept thinking that a certain place really looks like my hometown, so I immediately went back to my hometown after the end. In the past ten years, I have been to so many places at home and abroad, and I always wanted to go everywhere, but now I realize that I miss my hometown so much in my heart."

Her hometown was not only a geographical marker, but also a symbol of a good time. The long-term emotional accumulation finally condensed into the decision to go home. "It’s like the sunshine of a certain day, the shadow of the leaves in a certain summer, the road I took in childhood, and the smell I used to be familiar with.


After being in high-intensity work for a long time, Di Lizheba also realized that her blunt feeling was out of place for self-protection and automatic cleaning and shielding of some information. "I used to be a person who was not very easy to express emotional touch, and I was not good at socializing. I had very little experience in dealing with people, and sometimes I was always worried. If I want to play a relevant role, what can I do if I have no experience?" Later, I began to consciously establish internal order, from absorbing life to recording emotions, to preserving all kinds of awareness, "For example, I was accidentally burned, bumped and bruised, or my emotions fell into a trough. I will actively keep the feelings from physical pain and psychological frustration. Maybe I can use these when I shoot a certain scene one day."

When it comes to "preserving pain", she is obviously a little shy and says it carefully. "[The method] is not very smart, and it may not work. I just save it first, it’s all in my head anyway. Happy and sad."

Some time ago, Weibo’s fans exceeded 80 million. Di Lizheba wrote a thank-you letter to "Alice" to express her affection to the fans. When she wrote that letter, she actually felt a lot of unease, "I never thought I could bring so much power to everyone."

"I know that I care too much about other people’s emotions and feelings, and I’m afraid of causing trouble, and I always want to make everyone happy," she was much more relaxed than the state recorded by the camera, which shows the introspection and growth at this stage, "I always preset in advance, maybe the other party didn’t say anything, and my inner theater has played the plot hundreds of times. But everyone has the right to know, whether happy or surprised, they should take the initiative to chat and share it together."

In an interview in the early years, Di Lizheba told of one of her best friends, even if they were far apart and had no intersection, their friendship for more than ten years was very stable. They knew all the secrets of each other, and they could not contact each other for a long time, or they could chat and suddenly disappear, reappear in a few weeks, and the communication between them came and went without the slightest embarrassment. Of course, they also quarreled, and even deleted WeChat from each other, but they could always add it back and resume intimate contact.

"This is not just a friend anymore, she accompanies me like a family member, the kind of company that will never leave me." This firmly chosen love made Di Li Reba feel at ease. By this good friend’s side, she realized the kind of life she expected, "I want to be at ease, I hope I don’t have to worry too much about other people’s feelings, just do what I want, feel sad when I should be sad, and be happy when I should be happy."

She is trying to get closer to this ideal goal: negative or positive feelings are allowed to exist, sadness and happiness do not need to be measured by right and wrong, and no one needs to suppress themselves in order to play a perfect human in the secular definition. "Everyone always says to digest happiness and sadness, but these are human feelings, and people are happy and sad in life. I don’t think there is any need to avoid it, just feel it, remember the feeling of the moment, and then wait for the past." She smiled, and the face in the mirror that had finished makeup was still beautiful and delicate.

Produced by PRESENTED KAN Hongjie


Photography PHOTOGRAPHY Feng Hai

Directed by DIRECTOR JIN


Edited by EDITOR



Nail Art NAIL U3


Written by WRITER Gu Xiang


Clothing Assistant FASHION ASSISTANT Xiaoyu, An Qi

Art DIRECTION Zou Yongzi _AZ

ART ASSISTANT (503studio)


Original title: "Cover Story | Di Lizheba: The Moon in Arms"

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