After hiding it for many years, Zhao Liying said bluntly: If he didn’t break up with me back then, I wouldn’t be Mrs. Feng

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The teacher admired Zhao Liying’s integrity. He had previously praised Zhao Liying’s performance on a variety show. Yu’s mother had also praised Zhao Liying in the past. He was said to be a girl who understood career planning and worked hard to achieve her goals.

Zhao Liying is so famous because the idol is loved by many fans. At the same time, many people are worried about Zhao Liying’s love life and have kept it a secret for years. Zhao Liying honestly said that if that person hadn’t left me, I wouldn’t be Mrs. Feng..

I think netizens know who Zhao Liying is talking about. This is Chen Xiao, who once worked with Zhao Liying. The two had previously had a relationship rumor, and an insider confirmed that the two had been together before.

Zhao Liying is the daughter of a farmer. She is a woman from the country. He is honest, hard-working and stubborn.

Zhao Liying once said this in the TV series "The Biography of Chu Qiao". Even the Tieling Party has to work hard to survive. As long as he is alive, there will be expectations. Zhao Liying is a classic and inspirational role model. He has no other role in the entertainment industry. Despite her family background, connections and even endorsements, she still relies on her own efforts and efforts to remain invincible in the entertainment industry.

Zhao Liying didn’t come from a professional class, but Zhao Liying’s performance is no worse than that of a professional class. Zhao Liying has starred in costume dramas, and Zhao Liying has also starred in modern films. He never disappoints anyone. The dramas she has starred in are all successful dramas. Many netizens said they should watch the dramas starring Zhao Liying. It’s an inspiring process.

Zhao Liying is a girl from rural Hebei. Zhao Liying’s education is not high, but Zhao Liying has the diligence and perseverance of a villager. Zhao Liying makes people feel that she is very stable. There is no indulgence and arrogance of a city girl. It’s very simple., a very honest person, who dares to think and act.

Some netizens looked down on Zhao Liying’s identity as a farmer’s daughter, thinking that this woman was not elegant enough. Who can understand Zhao Liying’s fighting spirit? Zhao Liying had the courage to go to the set in person. He still has scars on his body. He participated in the performance, and every movement was carefully choreographed.

Shooting costume dramas, her mouth is full of food. He is looking for the truth. No one gives up their efforts like others because they are worried about gaining weight. Vladimir Zhao Liying knows how to deal with people. He is very humble and willing to help young artists.

(2) Zhao Liying entered the entertainment industry by virtue of his strength. For the development of his career, Zhao Liying missed his best feelings and has been in the entertainment industry, relying entirely on his own strength. What if you are not a professional artist? What if you are a round face? Zhao Liying used his power and work to really hit these people hard in the face. He lived up to the high expectations of the directors. He took every role seriously and performed it well. We all know the TV series "The Legend of Chu Qiao". In the TV series "Thousand Bone Flowers", "Legend of Lu Zhen", "Shanshan is Coming" and other TV series, Zhao Liying has brought us very wonderful performances.

As Yu Zheng said, Zhao Liying is a girl who knows how to plan her future. Zhao Liying plans her goals for each stage. We often say that there is no battle without preparation. Zhao Liying is a girl who likes to be thousands of miles away.

I love Chu Qiao, played by Zhao Liying in the TV series "The Legend of Chu Qiao". He led the beautiful army through the most difficult period. Chu Qiao stepped on the military horse and led the officers and soldiers into battle, showing heroism. Women are almost as good as men. This is the classic inspiration symbol we will see.

Although Zhao Liying is a country girl, she is also very practical. Step by step, she eventually became a first-line actress in the entertainment industry by virtue of her own strength. This is not easy for him. He not only won the praise of his peers, but also won the love of netizens.

The drama starring Zhao Liying includes a historical drama "The Legend of Lu Zhen." Lu Zhen is also a very classic and inspirational character in ancient history. Zhao Liying solved this farce. To improve, he invested a lot of energy in the role, constantly guessing and maintaining a good relationship with the crew. He and Gao Zhan, played by Chen Xiao, are a screen couple in the drama.

Lu Zhen and Gao Zhan’s relationship was full of ups and downs, and the ups and downs they experienced were very difficult. Many netizens were moved to tears after watching the show. In fact, Zhao Liying and Li Sheng have a very good relationship, and their relationship has also been reported by the media.

Although the two have never publicly admitted to it, netizens have also revealed some truths in some interviews. Zhao Liying admitted that the show made her fall in love with a male artist, and admitted that she cared deeply about the relationship. So why didn’t the two end up together?

It was because of this lack of connection that Zhao Liying later became Mrs. Feng. Now that Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng have separated, some netizens have posted online, asking Chen Xiao to end the marriage as soon as possible and return to Zhao Liying. Do you think it is possible?

(3) If you miss it, you miss it. Due to the different consciousness of separation, Zhao Liying and Chen Xiao eventually drifted apart. Chen Xiao and Zhao Liying are both talented and beautiful. In "The Legend of Lu Zhen", Chen Xiao is very cool and handsome, and the performance is also very good. The relationship between the two is particularly close. But the thing of fate is still missing, and the two eventually become the future Mrs. Feng, and the other leaves the ink and becomes the future Mr. Chen.

In order to better shoot the legend of Lu Zhen, Chen Xiao and Zhao Liying communicated very well and wrote very implicitly. In fact, they loved each other very much from the beginning, so it was very suitable to be together. At that time, Chen Xiaodeng’s appearance was very online, and Zhao Liying also looked very cute.

How could the two people become more and more estranged and unfamiliar? Yu Zheng said something, maybe he can answer everyone. Because the two have different requirements for work and different ideals, they eventually drifted apart.

When Zhao Liying made the Legend of Lu Zhen, it was not as popular as it is now. Therefore, Zhao Liying hopes that his work can show a higher development trend. After all, he has no family background, and it doesn’t matter. Oh, for such a country girl, this is her own adventure, so Zhao Liying wants to make more movies to consolidate her influence in the entertainment industry.

Children from poor families have had family responsibilities since ancient times. When he went abroad, Zhao Liying felt a sense of urgency. That’s why he valued his strong and reliable influence. But Li Sheng was different from him. Li Sheng’s family environment was very good, and even if Chen Xiao did not act, his relatives could support him.

Chen Xiao’s workload is not heavy, so Li Sheng does not pursue perfection in his work. Compared to Zhao Liying’s work development period, Chen Xiao does not seem to have any sense of responsibility, which also causes differences in concepts. The difference is that their consciousness is different, their ideals are different, and their paths are different.

Along the way, we hope to find a close friend who cares about you, let us walk side by side and walk hand in hand to the end of the world. However, a person is diligent and a person is lazy, and eventually the two will be different. Run towards old age.

Although there will be shortcomings, Zhao Liying will also regret it many years later. If you hadn’t broken up with me, I would no longer be Mrs. Feng. These words also sound very sad.

The entertainment industry is very competitive. Zhao Liying gave up her career, married Feng Shaofeng without hesitation, and decided to give them a child at the purest time. It can be seen that Zhao Liying gave up her career for love..

However, their marriage did not turn out as they had imagined. In the end, for various reasons, the two decided to officially break up. Let’s not talk about the past anymore, it’s just memories. Zhao Liying had just ended her marriage to Feng Shaofeng. My heart was filled with excitement about life. It is likely that when I look back, I will feel that there is a gap.

But for something like love, if you miss it, you miss it. There is no such thing as Meng Po Tang. If Chen Xiao and Zhao Liying were really together, do you think they would be happy? Chen Xiao came from a wealthy family. Did his parents admire Zhao Liying? After all, what is the difference between the two families? Can’t talking about significant others avoid differences in marital status, let alone big stars in the entertainment industry?

Some netizens said that the best fate is not the person you miss, but the person you meet. If you meet the best person, get married or get married when you are in your prime, you will be satisfied. They yearn for marriage, which is the most beautiful scene in life. Zhao Liying and Li Sheng have both achieved the most beautiful scene in life. They may have forgotten the past, but they don’t really have to let go.


Zhao Liying ended her marriage to Feng Shaofeng. This short marriage made everyone think a lot about marriage. You don’t have to feel a little depressed when choosing to connect. Crazy love can make us happy, but in marriage, we must learn to be objective, accept compromise, and even sacrifice ourselves, otherwise we can’t have true happiness. Women must always learn financial freedom. Only financial freedom can make your significant others respect you and your family. My mother-in-law thinks highly of herself.

Zhao Liying plays an inspirational role in the play, but she is also a strong woman in real life. She will not compromise with anyone, nor will she allow her mother-in-law to change her name to Wang Huxiang. Insult his character.

Zhao Liying is Zhao Liying, a simple girl who wants to go abroad. She uses her inspirational story to tell everyone that women should always be lonely. Women can only have a stronger sense of belonging if they earn more money.

Zhao Liying is a woman I admire. I hope Zhao Liying’s career can continue to be hot and not be affected by the breakup, because I hope everyone can become a strong woman, make more money, create more DNF, and achieve success. Dream hard and work hard.

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