Trucks overloaded, illegal taxis flooded, traffic police departments are systematically *****

  CCTV News:Overloaded trucks carrying hundreds of tons of traffic at every turn on the road, illegal taxis grabbing business at stations and scenic spots, all interfere with traffic order and even bring safety hazards, which are deeply abhorrent. However, in some places, overloaded trucks and black taxis are like psoriasis that cannot be cured. They are treated, rebounded, and then treated and rebounded. Why are these cars so difficult to manage? This problem also plagues Harbin, Heilongjiang. After more than a year of rectification storms, Harbin has found the source of the problem.

  In a video shot by local media in Heilongjiang Province at the end of 2016, it can be seen that long lines of overloaded trucks are whizzing past police cars.

  The driver revealed that these cars are all sand, 80 or 90 square meters folded into a load of 130 tons. Trucks with a load of 100 tons are not uncommon in Harbin. Local media reports show that overloaded goods have exploded 150 tons of large scales, and accidents caused by overloading are constantly emerging. When these large trucks are mentioned, local residents complain.

  Freight vehicles are wildly overloaded, and the undercurrent in the passenger transportation field is also turbulent. In the passenger distribution centers such as Harbin West Railway Station and Xiangfang Railway Station, regular taxi drivers complain about black taxis. Some taxi drivers told reporters that in order to grab business, black car drivers will beat regular taxi drivers.

  However, according to public reports, whether it is overloaded trucks or illegal taxis, the local area has been cracking down. For trucks, the traffic police department averages nearly 50 times a year at peak times. With such a strong crackdown, why is the public response so strong? Drivers say the root of the problem lies behind the scenes.

  Car protection refers to the people who provide protection behind these overloaded vehicles. These people are mostly gangs, collecting protection fees from the owners of large trucks, and at the same time seeking protection from law enforcement through illegal profit transfer. When these large trucks violate the law, the car protection gang members will contact the police on duty not to intercept the vehicles; or after the vehicles are detained, the internal operation of these large trucks will not be punished or mitigated. If you don’t get rid of the car protection gang and unplug the umbrella company behind it, no amount of rectification can only be a formality.

  On October 23, 2017, the Harbin Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission started from the umbrella company behind the interest chain and set up a task force to intervene in the investigation.

  After more than 7 months, 6 gangs involved in evil car protection were destroyed in one fell swoop, 70 suspected criminal social personnel were investigated and 122 crazy big goods umbrella companies were punished.

  As long as the protection fee is collected, it can provide all-round protection before, during and after the event. In the eyes of these law enforcement officers, law enforcement has become a business, not for the people, but for money; the basis of law enforcement is not the law, but the relationship of money piled up. Objectively speaking, the traffic police umbrella company that Harbin destroyed involves cadres whose positions are not high, but they are government officials who deal with the people all the time and hold power. It is this kind of micro-corruption that the people feel the deepest and has the greatest social impact. Destroy these umbrella companies and dry the soil under the umbrella in the sun, so that all kinds of pests who are afraid of the sun can have no way to escape; the law enforcement department has a clear political ecology and hangs the sword of fairness and justice high, so that the society can see the power of the rule of law.