Seven railway stations have a total of 14 online car-hailing pick-up areas, and 20 parking lots in the station area have free parking for half an hour on peak days

Beijing west railway station area south square network about car connection area.

Beijing west railway station area south square network about car connection area.

  The first peak passenger flow day of the Spring Festival in 2024 is expected to occur on February 7. In order to allow passengers to walk smoothly, walk well, and connect smoothly, the Municipal Key Station District Management Committee, together with the Municipal Transportation Commission, the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Municipal Public Security Traffic Management Bureau, the regional government, and the State Railway, Civil Aviation and other departments, strengthen the consultation and judgment, and "one stop, one policy" to ensure the continuity of transportation capacity, transportation organization, and service guidance.

  Among them, from 0:00 on February 6 to 24:00 on February 8, and from 0:00 on February 15 to 24:00 on February 18, 20 parking lots in the seven railway stations in Beijing can be parked for 30 minutes for free. At present, there are 14 online car-hailing pick-up areas and supporting passenger waiting areas in the seven railway stations.

  Adjust trains to achieve connectivity between stations

  Since the Spring Festival travel, the municipal key station district management committee has paid close attention to the weather changes in the city and along the railway line and surrounding provinces, and comprehensively strengthened coordination and linkage to deal with the delayed outage caused by extreme weather. Set up a front-line joint headquarters in "seven stations and two stations" to carry out on-site research and judgment and work scheduling to deal with emergencies. Coordinate the municipal communications administration and the three major communication operators in advance, and station 17 emergency communication vehicles in each station area to ensure smooth communication. Coordinate the International Committee of the Red Cross, strengthen the duty of the 999 train group, and respond to emergencies in a timely manner. Coordinate with the public security department to strengthen the investigation of special projects for hidden dangers of social contradictions in the station area, and integrate the strength of public security, urban management, fire protection, and territorial personnel into the network and sink to the front line, and make every effort to maintain social order.

  At the same time, strengthen the linkage and docking with the national railway department, take measures such as multi-stop and inter-station passenger flow balance, add 3 pairs of trains at Beijing Railway Station and Fengtai Station, and adjust 8 pairs of departure trains such as Beijing Railway Station, Beijing West Railway Station, Chaoyang Railway Station, and Fengtai Railway Station to achieve inter-station connectivity. Add 5 intra-Beijing stops in Huairou South, Miyun, Miyunnan, Shunyi, and Shunyi West, and 7 stops around Beijing in Zhuozhou, Zhuozhou North, Langfang, Gu’an, Guangyang, Yanjiao, and Gaobeidian East. A total of 17 stops have been added to relieve the pressure of "seven stations" and facilitate passengers to transfer nearby.

  Subway starts delayed bus encryption

  On peak passenger flow days, the city will take transportation capacity protection measures such as subway delay, bus encryption, rental guarantee points, network incentives, and free ferry backstops, and make every effort to ensure large passenger flow, especially for passengers arriving in Beijing after 23:00.

  From February 6th to 8th and February 15th to 18th, according to the passenger flow and train flight operation, the delay measures of Metro No. 2, No. 4, No. 7, No. 14, No. 16 and two airport lines will be started in a timely manner; according to the passenger flow situation, the number of bus trips will be encrypted to strengthen the frequency of subway shuttles at Chaoyang Station at night; the transportation management department will be coordinated to dynamically start taxi point-keeping measures; the docking network will be connected to the car-hailing platform, and the incentive mechanism of the station area will be implemented at the peak of passenger flow to ensure the transportation capacity; 17 free shuttle lines will be deployed at seven railway stations, and they will be started in a timely manner according to the passenger flow situation.

  There are a total of 14 online car-hailing pick-up areas and supporting passenger waiting areas in the seven major railway station areas, which provide service guarantees for the last 100 meters of the "handshake between people and cars". Outbound passengers can inquire through apps such as Didi Chuxing, Autonavi Map, and Baidu Map. Beijing Railway Station, Beijing West Railway Station, Beijing South Railway Station, and Fengtai Railway Station optimize the services of the online car-hailing waiting area and set up air-conditioned rooms, seats, etc. Among them, Fengtai Station’s online car-hailing area is divided into zones and lanes according to the tail number of passengers’ mobile phones. The car-hailing software directly prompts passengers to wait for the corresponding channel (a total of 6 channels are set) to improve the connection efficiency.

  Optimize travel for the elderly and simplify the taxi-hailing process

  The municipal key station district management committee, Beijing static traffic and municipal state-owned enterprises actively fulfill their social responsibilities and provide warm-hearted services for passengers. Combined with the passenger flow situation, during the peak hours of delivery and return, 20 parking lots in the seven major railway station areas will adopt free parking for 30 minutes.

  The specific time is: 0:00 on February 6 to 24:00 on February 8, and 0:00 on February 15 to 24:00 on February 18.

  The specific parking lots are: Beijing Railway Station (Huatong) parking lot; Beijing West Railway Station North Square P1, P3, P5 parking lot (underground) and P2, P6 surface parking lot; Beijing South Railway Station East and West underground parking lot; Beijing North Railway Station surface parking lot and West Ring Square underground parking lot; Qinghe Station South underground parking lot and South and North drop-off platform parking lot; Chaoyang Station South Entrance South 3 parking lot, North Entrance North 3 parking lot and South underground parking lot; Fengtai Station South Square P1, P2 surface parking lot, West underground parking lot and East drop-off platform parking lot.

  The municipal key station district management committee sets up and optimizes the functions of drop-off areas in each station area to improve the efficiency of passenger boarding and landing. The Beijing Railway Station area promotes the renovation of the underground parking lot in the east of the station, and the average daily parking volume is increased by nearly 10 times; the Fengtai Station area expands 249 parking spaces for social vehicles to ease parking difficulties. Promote the "one-click ride-hailing" service, optimize senior-friendly travel, and simplify the taxi-hailing process, integrate various taxi routes such as Didi, Autonavi, and telephone lines, and strengthen staff guidance on the spot to help passengers experience the use.

  Seven railway stations have set up 25 volunteer service points to realize the seamless connection of the whole chain of in-app and off-app volunteer services. Each station area provides "hand warmers" and heart-warming ginger soup for passengers waiting at night to warm their way home.

  Open up a broken road around key stations

  Before the arrival of the Spring Festival, the broken road around the station was opened up, allowing passengers to take less wasted roads. For example, the broken road at the southern end of Chaoyang Station East Road was opened, connecting Chaoyang Station East Road and Yaojiayuan Road, improving the travel environment on the east side of the station. At the same time, adjust the traffic flow around Chaoyang Station, optimize the setting of traffic lights and intersection U-turns, etc., to improve road traffic rate and turnover.

  The Fengtai Station area opened the Zhengyang Street section of Fengcaohe North Road before the Spring Festival, completed the construction of the main road network of the "two horizontal and two vertical" supporting road network, further promoted the integration of the road network, and unblocked the traffic order around the Fengtai Station area.

  The Beijing West Railway Station area opened the South Square Guanglian Road severed road on January 31. After opening, it passed through Guanglian Road, the South Square Bus Station of the West Railway Station, and the East Street in front of the station, forming a traffic circulation. Vehicles connected to Guanglian Road do not have to turn around the same way, which greatly improves the traffic connection capacity of the South Square of the West Railway Station. It is expected that the capacity enhancement will exceed 40%. (Sun Hongyang)