Intelligent network network side operating system "Zhilu OS 1.0" upgrade released

On May 15, the Association for Operating System of Intelligent Road Side (AIR), jointly sponsored by the Society of Automotive Engineers of China, Beijing Car Network Technology Development Co., Ltd., Baidu, Tsinghua University Intelligent Connected Vehicle and Transportation Research Center, Tsinghua University Intelligent Industry Research Institute (AIR), and Beijing Zhiyuan Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, was officially established in Beijing and released the Intelligent Network Connected Road Side Operating System (ZLOS) 1.0 for the industry. As a key part of connecting cars to the cloud, "ZLOS 1.0" will build a unified technology and data base for high-level autonomous driving and smart transportation.

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Zhilu OS 1.0 is officially upgraded and released for the industry

Beijing officially established the Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone in September 2020. In the application practice of intelligent networking and high-level autonomous driving, the concept of vehicle-road cloud integration has been verified, and existing problems have also been found. One of the outstanding problems is that in the process of roadside system construction, due to the non-decoupling of software and hardware, there are huge difficulties in subsequent transplantation of new functions, deployment of third-party apps, and expansion of roadside application services. The industry is also facing innovation thresholds such as decentralized construction, market decentralization, and management decentralization. The industry urgently needs unified macro-planning and architecture design to build a unified technology and data base for the upstream and downstream ecology. The release of "Smart Road OS1.0" is of great significance for the construction of autonomous driving and smart transportation ecology.

Kong Lei, director of the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee and director of the Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone Work Office, said that Beijing and the Economic Development Zone will fully support the construction of the demonstration zone and insist on promoting the implementation of the China car-road-cloud integration program. "Smart Road OS" is the basic software platform of the intelligent network-connected road-side computing unit precipitated under the overall structure of the car-road-cloud integration China program, with high-level autonomous driving technology and applications as the traction. It is of great significance in greatly reducing system costs, realizing unified software deployment management and forming a positive trend of ecological co-construction. Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone is willing to provide a city-level experimental platform for the development of intelligent network-connected road-side operating systems.

Image 2.pngKong Lei, director of the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee and director of the Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone Work Office, delivered a speech

Zhang Jinhua, executive vice chairperson and secretary general of the Chinese Society of Automotive Engineers, said that the establishment of the Zhilu OS Promotion Association aims to promote the coordinated development of the standards, functions and overall process of the roadside operating system, which is crucial to promoting the high-quality development of the entire intelligent networking industry. The Society of Automotive Engineers of China will continue to deeply participate in and support the relevant work of the Zhilu OS Promotion Association, promote cross-industry collaboration of related technologies, accelerate open-source opening, and promote the application in the national demonstration area, and take the lead in commercialization.

Under the joint guidance and witness of the Equipment Industry Development Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the "Science and Technology Innovation China" Open Source Innovation Consortium, the Open Atomic Open Source Foundation, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, and the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee, the "Zhilu OS 1.0" version was officially released as the first major innovation achievement after the establishment of the Zhilu OS Promotion Association. This achievement can provide industry stakeholders with a complete vehicle-road cloud integrated development environment, framework and application examples, helping intelligent transportation system integrators, car companies, and autonomous driving technology solution providers to easily build vehicle-road collaborative autonomous driving systems and intelligent transportation applications from 0 to 1.

Li Keqiang, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and chairperson of the Zhilu OS Promotion Association, said that the realization of high-level autonomous driving cannot be separated from the support of infrastructure. To achieve true collaboration of vehicle-road cloud integration, use data to make deep-level perception predictions under certain standards and technical frameworks, and achieve effective data management, requires the joint efforts of all parties in the industry. The release of Zhilu OS Promotion Association and Zhilu OS 1.0 results is a necessary and important measure in the current industrial background. In the future, it is necessary to continue to build industry consensus, truly promote the industrialization of key technologies of roadside units, form a commercial closed loop, and promote the high-quality development of the intelligent networked automobile industry.

Zhang Yaqin, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the Expert Committee of the Zhilu OS Collaboration Promotion Association, said in his speech that in the era of intelligence, ecological co-construction has become the key to winning the future, especially for the automotive and transportation industries with a long and connected industrial chain. "I think this is also the value of the Collaboration Promotion Association – adhering to the original intention of promoting the development of the industry, with open-led technical capabilities and strong industrial centripetal force, to build a new ecosystem of intelligent networking, and promote the prosperity of the intelligent networking industry."

Image 3. pngBaidu Vice President Shang Guobin spoke as a representative of the technology core contributor

As a representative of the core contributor of technology, Shang Guobin, vice president of Baidu, said in his speech that the intelligent networking industry is in a window period of large-scale development. "Smart OS" is driven by high-level autonomous driving technology. It is a core operating system with global competitive advantage and autonomy and control. It is of great significance for building an autonomous driving and intelligent networking ecosystem. Baidu Apollo will continue to adhere to the tenet of "open capabilities, shared resources, accelerated innovation, and continuous win-win". With Smart Road as an important platform, it will open up leading technologies and practical experience to the industry, and build an efficient, innovative and win-win open-source environment.

Wang Miao, chief scientist of Baidu Intelligent Driving Business Group Vehicle Road System, interpreted the three major features and five capabilities of the "Zhilu OS 1.0" version. In terms of technical route selection, based on the practical experience of the demonstration area, "Zhilu OS" starts from the underlying chip, architecture, operating system, and algorithm, and creates autonomous and controllable key technologies in the way of "vehicle road cloud integration". On the one hand, the "Zhilu OS 1.0" version not only enhances the capabilities of the road side, but also expands the capabilities of the car side and the cloud, so that it has three characteristics: an out-of-the-box car-road collaborative sensing system, a native high-performance framework of car-road cloud homogeneity, a unified standard, and complete openness; on the other hand, the new version mainly provides industry practitioners with five core capabilities: AI middleware capabilities, map service capabilities, communication capabilities, service-oriented capabilities, and hardware abstraction capabilities.

Standard construction is an important task in the ecological construction of the operating system. Li Feng, deputy general manager of Beijing Car Network Technology Development Co., Ltd., gave a keynote speech entitled "Landing Practice, Standards First" at the press conference. The speech reviewed the development status and practical difficulties of the industry, and proposed that as the foundation and key link of ecological landing promotion, standard construction should be given priority, and the specific implementation should be promoted by "standards – ecology – practice" closed-loop.