Chen Tingchen led a group to study and inspect Changchun "high-precision" institutions: in-depth cooperation, empowering manufacturing!

Study and visit "high-end" institutions

"Matchmaking" for Jiaojiang enterprises

To empower "Made in Jiaojiang"

On October 18, Chen Tingchen, Secretary of the District Party Committee, led a delegation to Changchun, Jilin to inspect the FAW Research and Development Institute of China and the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to exchange and connect on relevant cooperation matters. Wang Guoping, Yan Lingzhang and other district leaders participated in the inspection.

Deepen cooperation

Boosting Jiaojiang Automotive and Parts Industry

High-quality development

After more than 60 years of development, FAW has built a product pattern of multi-variety development such as medium, heavy, light, micro, passenger, and sedan cars. In July this year, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader came to the FAW Group Research and Development General Institute during his inspection in Jilin. He walked into the laboratory to learn about the technology research and development of enterprises, and inspected the latest styles of vehicle products of "Hongqi" and other independent brands. Changchun China FAW Research and Development General Institute is a national-level enterprise technology center and has close industrial ties with Jiaojiang. The delegation listened carefully to the innovative measures of the institute in breaking through key technologies, strengthening national brands, grasping development trends, and achieving overtaking in curves. They intuitively felt the changes brought about by high-tech such as media-free holography and heart rate steering wheels to the automotive industry.

Everyone agreed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the important instruction spirit of the Supreme Leader General Secretary when he inspected the FAW R & D General Institute. It is necessary to adhere to the innovation leadership, adhere to the breakthrough of key core technologies, and develop Jiaojiang automobile and parts industry. In the face of increasingly fierce manufacturing competition and the continuous development of informatization and intelligence, Jiaojiang Manufacturing is to strengthen the determination and confidence of independent innovation, break through key technologies, grasp the development trend, and achieve a wider track run.

Changchun Institute of Chemical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences

High fit.

There is broad room for cooperation

Chinese Academy of Sciences Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry mainly focuses on the three major fields of resources and environment, advanced materials, and new energy, and develops advanced structures, advanced composites, and advanced functional materials. After a detailed understanding of the scientific research layout, talent team, and typical achievements of Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lu Lehui, deputy director of Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, held a scientific research cooperation discussion with the delegation.

Chen Tingchen believes that the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has a high degree of compatibility with Jiaojiang District in many aspects such as future materials and biotechnology, and also has a broad space for cooperation. Please help Jiaojiang become the future material innovation source of the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Taizhou, and use innovation to generate new momentum for development. Further expand the cooperation space, on the basis of the original cooperation projects, innovate the cooperation model, and promote more scientific research achievements of the Institute of Applied Chemistry to be applied in Jiaojiang, so as to achieve a win-win situation for both parties.

Lu Lehui said that with the pilot construction of the characteristic research institute as a breakthrough point, the Changchun Institute of Science and Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has strengthened the cross-integration of cutting-edge chemistry and materials, focused on key research areas such as advanced materials, resources, ecological environment, life and health, and focused on developing the innovation base platform. The cooperation between the Institute and Jiaojiang District has a solid foundation and broad prospects. It is hoped to further deepen the win-win cooperation between the two sides in future materials and key industrial projects, seek new development, and jointly accelerate the implementation of more mature projects and the industrialization of results, meet the development needs, and make the results truly benefit the people.

Wang Dapeng, Director of Science and Technology Department of Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended the discussion.

Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

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Editor: Chen Qi

Editor in charge: Wang Hanxue

Producer: Wu Mindong

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Original title: "Chen Tingchen leads a group to study and inspect Changchun" high-precision "institutions: deep cooperation, empowering manufacturing!"

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