Andy Lau attended a special dialogue session at the Toronto Film Festival to share his journey

1905 movie network news On September 16, local time, Toronto, Canada, attended a special dialogue session held at the 48th Toronto International Film Festival to share his journey of more than 40 years of career.

The Toronto International Film Festival has awarded Andy Lau the "Special Contribution Award", making him the first Chinese filmmaker to win the award. "This Special Contribution Award means a lot to me, it means: everyone has the potential to do more than you can imagine, thank you," said Andy Lau. "So choose your own path, work hard and be the best you can be. I will never forget the love you gave me, thank you."

Andy Lau is starring in a new film to Toronto, which tells the story of the award-winning superstar Liu Weichi (Andy Lau, played) in the process of going to the countryside to experience life, causing a series of ridiculous farce that makes people laugh and cry. At the same time, it shows the variety of beings in the entertainment industry.