Meitu’s skin-friendly AI skin measurement system becomes the key to identifying the "inflection point" of skin aging

On August 2, Meitu Yishu, an AI skin testing brand under Meitu Company, held a sharing session with the theme of "Redefining the Golden Age of Anti-Aging Products". Meitu Yishu’s "Joint Laboratory of Skin Testing and Digital Standards" released important findings in the field of anti-aging, revealing the "inflection point" of aging in different age groups, and assisting consumers in scientific evidence-based skin care.

The results of the "inflection point" of aging study found that for mouth lines, eyebrow lines and forehead wrinkles, the inflection point of aging is often relatively late, around the age of 30; for nasolabial folds, tear furrows, eye lines and current wrinkles, the time of aging onset is relatively early, around the age of 25. These findings will guide consumers around the age of 25 to prioritize eye products when considering anti-aging products, and around the age of 30, they can start to pay attention to the forehead and lower facial area.

The results of this study were presented at the International Society of Dermatology Research Congress (ISID) in 2023 by Meitu’s Joint Laboratory of Testing and Digital Standards for Skin, which attracted wide attention in the industry. With more than 430,000 participants, the study is the most extensive of its kind to date. It uses the panoramic AI skin measurement system Meitu to identify key inflection points in the development and severity of wrinkles, marking an important step forward in using AI to understand skin aging.

With the panoramic AI skin measurement system Meitu Yishu, Lab-SADS researchers were able to accurately quantify the facial wrinkle phenotype and understand the progression of skin aging at a more fine grained level in multiple areas of the face. On this basis, Lab-SADS researchers analyzed eight wrinkle-related skin aging characteristics, developed a polynomial regression model to estimate the aging rate, and used AI algorithms to quantify aging based on a large population cohort. Finally, modeling shows the key time points of aging.

Through the analysis of the samples, Meitu Yifu reveals the characteristic changes and aging trends of skin in different age groups, not only helping consumers to find the inflection point of each aging dimension more clearly, but also which facial areas and aging manifestations should be paid attention to. It also provides beauty agencies with anti-aging suggestions and products for consumers of different ages. It also provides important clues and scientific basis for the research and development of anti-aging products.

Wang Fudi, a scientific research consultant at Meitu Yifu, also pointed out at the sharing session that different races have different aging characteristics and time points. To this end, Meitu Yifu has done artificial labeling for different races when developing algorithms, which can accurately quantify the facial aging of different races. 

According to iiMedia Research (iiMedia Consulting) data show that the global anti-aging market size from $139.50 billion in 2015 to $216 billion in 2021, 2021 global anti-aging market size growth rate of up to 11.1%, the future global anti-aging market size is expected to maintain a high growth rate, 2025 market size of nearly 300 billion US dollars, the anti-aging market has great potential for development.

Since its establishment, Meitu Yifu has adhered to the technology-oriented and deeply cultivated the field of AI skin testing. On the basis of in-depth algorithm technical support, Meitu Yifu’s algorithms in skin analysis, face detection, image processing and other fields are in a world-leading position, and the accuracy rate far exceeds that of congeneric products. Meitu Yifu also created a number of patented skin testing technologies, covering the identification of acne spots and moles, sensitive skin detection, dark circles detection, etc., providing top technical support for skin testing services. In addition, Meitu Yifu also participated in the formulation of China’s first skin aging evaluation standard "Human Skin Aging Evaluation Standard". So far, Meitu Yifu has landed in more than 2,900 offline stores around the world, and has reached strategic cooperation with more than 130 well-known brands such as Dior, Shiseido, and Fan Wenhua.

By linking the quantification of skin problems, skin care, and Product Research & Development, Meitu can gain a deeper understanding of the mechanism and characteristics of skin aging, thus providing a more scientific basis for future skin care Product Research & Development to meet the needs of consumers of different ages and achieve better skin care results.


Lin Yunfa Jiugongge celebrated Xingye’s birthday, saying that he hoped everyone would remember that Zhou Xingchi was a handsome guy

  On June 22, Lin Yun posted an early photo of Zhou Xingchi to celebrate her birthday. She wrote: "I saw a saying that day that said" many people ignore the appearance of Xingye because of his funny face ", and I thought it made sense. So this is a handsome photo I collected from the whole network for everyone to enjoy. I hope you will always remember the handsome guy Zhou Xingxing!"

Original title: Lin Yun posted early old photos of Zhou Xingchi to celebrate his birthday, bluntly asking everyone to remember Zhou Xingxing’s handsome guy
Editor in charge: Li Xiaoling

Jackie Chan was beaten by his master in his childhood, and his brother Hong Jinbao "challenged" in public

Jackie Chan

Samuel Hung

Producer Chen Guoxin

Movie Network News(Text/Zhao Jin, Photo/Yang Liu) On October 18, all the creators of "The Wushu Youth Tour" appeared in Beijing to build momentum for the film’s release. The appearance of the film’s producer Jackie Chan and star Hong Jinbao became the focus of media attention. The main actors of the film were selected as first-class newcomers in the film industry. The whole film was shot without a double, and the footage showed real kung fu scenes. "The Wushu Youth Tour" will be fully released on October 24.

Samuel Hung "challenges" Jackie Chan, calling 40-year friendship "abnormal"

Jackie Chan and Hong Jinbao came from the same school and have known each other for more than 40 years. The two were quite familiar at the scene. You argued with me and exposed each other’s "old background". Jackie Chan recalled that he was very hard to practice kung fu in his childhood, and he was often beaten by his master. Senior brother Hong Jinbao repeatedly corrected Jackie Chan’s words and ridiculed Jackie Chan for being "too unconscientious". Jackie Chan even "threatened" that in another 3 years, he would teach Hong Jinbao a good lesson.

Remembering childhood: Jackie Chan vomits bitterness, and Hong Jinbao is busy defending

"They are very happy now, we were very miserable at that time," Jackie Chan recalled at the scene when he learned martial arts in his early years, "We lived in a very bad environment at that time, we had to go to the Red Cross relief center every week to get food, and we had to queue up to get fresh water every afternoon. We didn’t have enough to eat and sleep, and Master often beat us."

Hearing this, Hong Jinbao immediately grabbed the microphone, "Jackie Chan, don’t speak ill of your master, we were lucky to be able to learn martial arts at that time," he also explained: "Although our master is poor, he never received a penny from us. Although the master is strict, the old-fashioned way of teaching is like this. And he loves you the most, and he recognizes you as his godson." Jackie Chan called Hong Jinbao at the scene and misunderstood his original intention, "Hong Jinbao, I must hit you, no, I will come back when you can’t hit me in 3 years."

Intelligent network network side operating system "Zhilu OS 1.0" upgrade released

On May 15, the Association for Operating System of Intelligent Road Side (AIR), jointly sponsored by the Society of Automotive Engineers of China, Beijing Car Network Technology Development Co., Ltd., Baidu, Tsinghua University Intelligent Connected Vehicle and Transportation Research Center, Tsinghua University Intelligent Industry Research Institute (AIR), and Beijing Zhiyuan Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, was officially established in Beijing and released the Intelligent Network Connected Road Side Operating System (ZLOS) 1.0 for the industry. As a key part of connecting cars to the cloud, "ZLOS 1.0" will build a unified technology and data base for high-level autonomous driving and smart transportation.

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Zhilu OS 1.0 is officially upgraded and released for the industry

Beijing officially established the Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone in September 2020. In the application practice of intelligent networking and high-level autonomous driving, the concept of vehicle-road cloud integration has been verified, and existing problems have also been found. One of the outstanding problems is that in the process of roadside system construction, due to the non-decoupling of software and hardware, there are huge difficulties in subsequent transplantation of new functions, deployment of third-party apps, and expansion of roadside application services. The industry is also facing innovation thresholds such as decentralized construction, market decentralization, and management decentralization. The industry urgently needs unified macro-planning and architecture design to build a unified technology and data base for the upstream and downstream ecology. The release of "Smart Road OS1.0" is of great significance for the construction of autonomous driving and smart transportation ecology.

Kong Lei, director of the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee and director of the Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone Work Office, said that Beijing and the Economic Development Zone will fully support the construction of the demonstration zone and insist on promoting the implementation of the China car-road-cloud integration program. "Smart Road OS" is the basic software platform of the intelligent network-connected road-side computing unit precipitated under the overall structure of the car-road-cloud integration China program, with high-level autonomous driving technology and applications as the traction. It is of great significance in greatly reducing system costs, realizing unified software deployment management and forming a positive trend of ecological co-construction. Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone is willing to provide a city-level experimental platform for the development of intelligent network-connected road-side operating systems.

Image 2.pngKong Lei, director of the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee and director of the Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone Work Office, delivered a speech

Zhang Jinhua, executive vice chairperson and secretary general of the Chinese Society of Automotive Engineers, said that the establishment of the Zhilu OS Promotion Association aims to promote the coordinated development of the standards, functions and overall process of the roadside operating system, which is crucial to promoting the high-quality development of the entire intelligent networking industry. The Society of Automotive Engineers of China will continue to deeply participate in and support the relevant work of the Zhilu OS Promotion Association, promote cross-industry collaboration of related technologies, accelerate open-source opening, and promote the application in the national demonstration area, and take the lead in commercialization.

Under the joint guidance and witness of the Equipment Industry Development Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the "Science and Technology Innovation China" Open Source Innovation Consortium, the Open Atomic Open Source Foundation, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, and the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee, the "Zhilu OS 1.0" version was officially released as the first major innovation achievement after the establishment of the Zhilu OS Promotion Association. This achievement can provide industry stakeholders with a complete vehicle-road cloud integrated development environment, framework and application examples, helping intelligent transportation system integrators, car companies, and autonomous driving technology solution providers to easily build vehicle-road collaborative autonomous driving systems and intelligent transportation applications from 0 to 1.

Li Keqiang, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and chairperson of the Zhilu OS Promotion Association, said that the realization of high-level autonomous driving cannot be separated from the support of infrastructure. To achieve true collaboration of vehicle-road cloud integration, use data to make deep-level perception predictions under certain standards and technical frameworks, and achieve effective data management, requires the joint efforts of all parties in the industry. The release of Zhilu OS Promotion Association and Zhilu OS 1.0 results is a necessary and important measure in the current industrial background. In the future, it is necessary to continue to build industry consensus, truly promote the industrialization of key technologies of roadside units, form a commercial closed loop, and promote the high-quality development of the intelligent networked automobile industry.

Zhang Yaqin, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the Expert Committee of the Zhilu OS Collaboration Promotion Association, said in his speech that in the era of intelligence, ecological co-construction has become the key to winning the future, especially for the automotive and transportation industries with a long and connected industrial chain. "I think this is also the value of the Collaboration Promotion Association – adhering to the original intention of promoting the development of the industry, with open-led technical capabilities and strong industrial centripetal force, to build a new ecosystem of intelligent networking, and promote the prosperity of the intelligent networking industry."

Image 3. pngBaidu Vice President Shang Guobin spoke as a representative of the technology core contributor

As a representative of the core contributor of technology, Shang Guobin, vice president of Baidu, said in his speech that the intelligent networking industry is in a window period of large-scale development. "Smart OS" is driven by high-level autonomous driving technology. It is a core operating system with global competitive advantage and autonomy and control. It is of great significance for building an autonomous driving and intelligent networking ecosystem. Baidu Apollo will continue to adhere to the tenet of "open capabilities, shared resources, accelerated innovation, and continuous win-win". With Smart Road as an important platform, it will open up leading technologies and practical experience to the industry, and build an efficient, innovative and win-win open-source environment.

Wang Miao, chief scientist of Baidu Intelligent Driving Business Group Vehicle Road System, interpreted the three major features and five capabilities of the "Zhilu OS 1.0" version. In terms of technical route selection, based on the practical experience of the demonstration area, "Zhilu OS" starts from the underlying chip, architecture, operating system, and algorithm, and creates autonomous and controllable key technologies in the way of "vehicle road cloud integration". On the one hand, the "Zhilu OS 1.0" version not only enhances the capabilities of the road side, but also expands the capabilities of the car side and the cloud, so that it has three characteristics: an out-of-the-box car-road collaborative sensing system, a native high-performance framework of car-road cloud homogeneity, a unified standard, and complete openness; on the other hand, the new version mainly provides industry practitioners with five core capabilities: AI middleware capabilities, map service capabilities, communication capabilities, service-oriented capabilities, and hardware abstraction capabilities.

Standard construction is an important task in the ecological construction of the operating system. Li Feng, deputy general manager of Beijing Car Network Technology Development Co., Ltd., gave a keynote speech entitled "Landing Practice, Standards First" at the press conference. The speech reviewed the development status and practical difficulties of the industry, and proposed that as the foundation and key link of ecological landing promotion, standard construction should be given priority, and the specific implementation should be promoted by "standards – ecology – practice" closed-loop.

Huawei P7 released globally, and the pre-sale of seven major e-commerce platforms was launched simultaneously

France’s century-old Paris Cathedral, the holy land of European culture, Huawei’s annual flagship model Ascend P7 made a stunning appearance on May 7, with a domestic price of 2888 yuan. It is reported that on May 8, Huawei Mall,, Tmall Huawei Flagship Store,, Gome Online, No. 1 Store, and Amazon’s seven major e-commerce platforms launched pre-sale simultaneously.

The Oriental Gentleman debuts in Paris. Technology and tradition, refinement and humanities, Huawei Ascend P7 shows the balanced wisdom of the Chinese people under the thousand-year inheritance to global consumers. A hundred years of reincarnation, the sound of the century. The steam revolution of the Western Gentleman evokes the liberation of manpower, and the most beautiful movement of the Eastern Gentleman leads the global smartphone subversion. Huawei Ascend P7 truly achieves a perfect balance of external beauty and internal beauty. It redefines the smartphone in terms of design, photo experience and network connectivity, bringing users an unprecedented new experience.

"Huawei’s quality-focused strategy over the past three years has gradually paid off. Huawei’s smartphone market share has entered the top three in the world, and its branding impression in key regions such as China and Western Europe has improved significantly. Today, our Ascend P7 is once again challenging industry benchmarks, redefining smartphones in terms of design, photo experience and network connectivity, so as to provide consumers who pursue an excellent experience with an unprecedented experience."

Huawei Ascend P7 uses a 5-inch 1080P full high definition screen and a metal body. At the same time, it also has an ultra-thin model and a subversive mobile phone back cover design. It perfectly combines metal and glass materials and has a unique "most beautiful mobile phone back" in the industry. Ascend P7 rear 13 million Sony’s latest flagship back-illuminated IMX214 lens, and equipped with SLR camera-level independent ISP, the photosensitive performance and noise reduction ability are significantly improved, the front 8 million pixel camera uses a rare 5-layer aspherical optical lens and blue glass technology, so that Huawei Ascend P7 has a powerful low-light shooting performance and 1.5 seconds speed capture and other excellent camera experience, can perfectly meet the needs of the night shot family; not only that, Huawei Ascend P7 is also equipped with the latest 1.8GHz HiSilicon Kirin 910 quad-core processor, 2GB RAM + 16GB ROM, built-in integrated 2500mAh battery and launched super power saving mode, support the world’s fastest 4G LTE network.

Extreme proud design, the integration of Chinese and Western to create the industry’s top products

As Huawei’s flagship model of the year in 2014, the Ascend P7 draws on the elegance of the Ascend P6, and is integrated with a broad technical background. The appearance of the whole machine is exquisite and watertight. Huawei Ascend P7 has an ultra-thin body of only 6.5mm and an ultra-narrow body of 68.8mm, setting a new record for the thinnest 4G LTE mobile phone. Huawei has made great efforts in the appearance of the Ascend P7. This model continues the elegant appearance of the Huawei P6. If you study it carefully, the Huawei P7 is more attentive. The Ascend P7 adopts a curved curve design, simulating the natural arc of water droplets dripping down. It is integrated into the bottom design of the P7, so that the whole phone shows a pure natural atmosphere. At the same time, this water drop bottom can also bring a more comfortable grip.

In the design of the back of the mobile phone, Huawei P7 uses Corning’s third-generation gorilla glass back cover. After being polished by 7-layer process, the vision is more transparent and three-dimensional, and the fine texture and ultra-small lattice design are more beautiful and luxurious. It has become the unique "most beautiful mobile phone back" in the industry.

In terms of parameters, Huawei P7 uses a 5-inch 1080P full high definition screen and a full metal body, with a resolution of 1920 × 1080 pixels and a screen aspect ratio of 16:9. The dimensions of the fuselage are 139.8mm × 68.8mm × 6.5mm, the screen frame is only 2.97mm, and the body weight is also controlled at 124g. At present, the 2.97mm frame is indeed the world’s ultra-narrow frame. Huawei P7 design has broken through physical limitations to achieve perfection.

In terms of photography, Huawei Ascend P7 has greatly upgraded the camera specifications. The rear 13 million Sony’s latest flagship back-illuminated IMX214 lens, with SLR camera-level independent ISP, which significantly improves the actual camera performance in low light and extreme speed. At the same time, the machine provides functions such as macro shooting, IMAGESmart automatic scene recognition technology, panoramic mode, beauty mode, etc., to meet the full range of user needs.

The Huawei Ascend P7 also has new optimizations and improvements in the shooting experience of panoramic shooting, audio photos, watermark photos, etc. For example, considering the news capture needs in emergency scenarios, the Ascend P7 has designed a 1.5-second fast capture function. In the case of a black screen or a locked screen, you can quickly double-click the volume down button to grasp the best capture time. What is particularly interesting is that Huawei has taken into account the embarrassment of looking in the mirror in public places, specially optimized the front-facing camera for female users and customized a special APP, so that the Ascend P7 can be used as a makeup mirror. Adjust the brightness at will to meet different light environments, and still images can be viewed in non-frontal areas, as well as save beautiful photos. In addition, the Ascend P7 also provides a real-time filter function, selecting the most popular camera filters, allowing users to use them quickly.

Diverse functional performance, unlimited speed and fun from now on

In terms of specific configuration, Huawei Ascend P7 is equipped with a 1.8GHz HiSilicon Kirin 910 quad-core processor, 2GB RAM + 16GB ROM, and the overall configuration is at the leading level of products of the same level. It is worth noting that Ascend P7 also brings some very interesting new features, such as mobile phone Karaoke, makeup mirror, etc.

The deep precipitation in 4G communication technology has made Huawei Ascend P7 one of the 4G mobile phones with the strongest signal and fastest speed on the market, and the antenna signal capability has been highly recognized by European customers such as Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone. The Ascend P7 adopts a dual antenna design with a main antenna and a diversity antenna coexisting, and the signal reception and transmission capabilities are stronger in the LTE network environment. The main antenna adopts Huawei’s original patented technology, which well solves the impact of the user holding the metal body, and the signal optimization is better.

The intelligent network selection technology of Huawei Ascend P7 avoids the frequent switching of mobile phones in the 4G and 3G frequency bands, greatly reduces the power consumption of mobile phones, and enhances the signal stability of mobile phones. In the case of good signal coverage, Ascend P7 will intelligently judge the network situation and automatically adjust to the 4G network mode, so as to ensure that users are always in the best connection state. In addition, Huawei has the advantage of end-to-end technology from the end point side of the network, which can be adapted and adjusted for specific network parameters to ensure the extremely fast connection experience of Huawei Ascend P7. At the same time, Huawei has carried out special project optimization for its own original browser, and carried out power management and optimization in various details. When browsing a web and game under 3G and 4G networks, it is not only faster than other mobile phones, but also smoother.

Huawei Ascend P7 has a built-in 2500mAh lithium polymer battery, which reaches the maximum battery capacity in the extremely compact body. Coupled with Huawei’s intelligent power-saving technology, mild users can use it for more than two days, and heavy users can also use it for one day. In terms of mobile phone power management, Huawei Ascend P7 has added one-click power saving and comprehensive power consumption detection and management, which can monitor the operation of mobile phone background applications at any time and choose to close them. If all background applications are closed, the measured standby of Ascend P7 for 10 hours only consumes less than 5% of the power. It is particularly worth mentioning that Huawei Ascend P7 also adds a super power saving mode for users, which restores the mobile phone to the feature phone mode, and only retains the function of making calls and sending text messages. Even if the remaining 7% power is used normally for more than 3 hours. Huawei Ascend P7 has pioneered a number of innovative applications for the first time: the mobile phone Karaoke function allows users to take the KTV home and sing whenever and wherever they want; the high-sensitivity speaker and the ultimate sound cavity make the external playback effect of the mobile phone comparable to the desktop speaker.

At the Huawei P7 Paris press conference, Orange executive vice president Yves Maitre said, "Huawei Ascend P7’s excellent appearance and excellent camera shooting capabilities are impressive, and we are very much looking forward to making it available to consumers as soon as possible." It is reported that domestic operators are very optimistic about Huawei P7, which is due to Huawei’s development strategy of adhering to the high-quality line of mobile phones, as well as the ultimate craftsmanship and excellent quality of this product. The Huawei P7 has been fully launched in Huawei Mall,, Tmall Huawei Flagship Store,, Gome Online, No. 1 Store, and Amazon. It has become a powerful star product of the seven major e-commerce platforms, which will detonate the smart purchase tide this summer and let more users experience the ultimate charm of Huawei P7 technology.

How to use Meitu Xiuxiu online

How to use Meitu Xiuxiu online

  Meitu Xiuxiu web version can make it easy for everyone to use Meitu online. All functions are very complete, and it is not worse than Meitu software at all. And the method of using Meitu Xiuxiu online is also very simple.

  1. Search for Meitu Xiuxiu web version in Baidu, and then click on the official website of Meitu Xiuxiu web version.

Search for Meitu Xiuxiu web version in Baidu

  2. After entering the Meitu website, you can choose the beautification photos, portrait beauty and puzzle functions.

 After entering the Meitu website, you can choose the beautified photos.

  3. You can choose to open a picture, or you can choose to take a photo or create a new canvas.

 You can choose to open a picture, take a photo or create a new canvas.

  4. The portrait beauty in Meitu Xiuxiu’s online use is similar to the software version, and you can choose various beauty methods.

You can choose from a variety of beauty methods

  5. Use Meitu Xiuxiu to use one-click beauty online, and the online beauty effect is just as good.

Use Meitu Xiuxiu to use one-click beauty online

  6. After Meitu, you can click Save and Share in the upper right corner, you can choose to share to QQ space or Sina Weibo, and you can also save it locally.

 After Meitu, you can click Save and Share in the upper right corner.

  7. Meitu Xiuxiu online use allows Meitu to be online without installing software, and take a look at the photos after Meitu.

 Meitu Xiuxiu can use Meitu online without installing the software.

Hengda suddenly skyrocketed! Hengda Automobile previously announced that 29% of its shares would be acquired

K Figure 00708_0

K Figure 06666_0

  Today, the Hong Kong stock Hengda series suddenly moved higher, and as of press time,Up more than 45%,Up more than 14%.

  As for the reason for the increase,Times reporters sent inquiries to Evergrande, but no response had been received as of press time.

  On May 27, trading resumed, and the intraday share price rose by more than 100%. As of the close of the day, it was reported at HK $0.71, an increase of 86.84%. Since then, the company’s share price has continued to decline, and as of the close of the latest trading day, the cumulative decline has reached 22.37%.

  Previously, it was announced that 29% of the shares would be acquired

  On May 26, Hengda Automobile announced that 29% of the company’s shares would be acquired immediately. It is reported that the company’s joint and individual liquidators representThe Group (in liquidation), Evergrande Health Industry Group Limited, Acelin Global Limited (collectively, the Potential Vendors) entered into a term book with a third party purchaser (the Potential Purchaser) who, to the best of his knowledge, knowledge and belief, having made all reasonable enquiries, is independent of the Company and its affiliates, pursuant to which the Potential Vendor and the Potential Purchaser may enter into a definitive Sale and Purchase Agreement for the sale and purchase of shares in the Company held by the Potential Vendor.

  Specifically, the potential seller holds a total of 6.348 billion shares (approximately 58.5% of the total issued shares) (potential shares for sale), subject to the conclusion of the sale and purchase agreement, 3.145 billion potential shares for sale (approximately 29% of the total issued shares) will be acquired, and the remaining 3.20 billion shares (approximately 29.5% of the total issued shares) will become the subject of an option for a certain period after the date of the sale and purchase agreement.

  The terms of the agreement also revealed that the potential buyer will provide loans to the company to finance the group’s continued operation and development of the group’s electric vehicle business. Evergrande admitted that the company is currently severely short of funds and the Tianjin factory has stopped production operations since the beginning of this year.

  Was ordered to return 1.90 billion yuan subsidy

  On the evening of May 22, Hengda Automobile announced that its subsidiary HengdaAutomobile Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. recently received a letter from the relevant local administrative departments, demanding the cancellation of a series of previously signed investment cooperation agreements and the return of various incentives and subsidies that have been issued totaling about 1.90 billion yuan.

  According to Hengda Automobile’s financial report, the company has disclosed that it mainly builds production bases in Tianjin, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Since April 29, 2019, Hengda Automobile Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. and related subsidiaries have signed a number of investment cooperation agreements with relevant local administrative departments. However, as the company’s financial crisis broke out, resulting in the failure to fulfill its contractual obligations with local governments, the relevant local administrative departments proposed to terminate the agreement and requested the return of the awards and subsidies that had been issued in accordance with the law.

  Evergrande Automobile’s financial report shows that in the "deferred income" government subsidy part of the annual reports over the years, the government subsidy fund data in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 are: 0 yuan, 1.363 billion yuan, 1.194 billion yuan, 409 million yuan and 0 yuan respectively. It can be seen that after signing cooperation agreements with local governments in 2019, Evergrande Automobile’s government subsidy funds rose sharply, and returned to zero after the subsequent debt crisis.

  On the evening of March 27, Hengda Automobile disclosed its financial report for 2023. The financial report shows that as of December 31, 2023, Hengda Automobile’s cumulative loss has reached 110.841 billion yuan, of which the loss in 2023 is about 12 billion yuan. As of the end of 2023, Hengda Automobile’s total assets are 34.851 billion yuan, and its total liabilities are 72.543 billion yuan, of which 26.484 billion yuan is borrowed; during the same period, Hengda Automobile’s cash and cash equivalents are 129 million yuan, which is far from enough to cover the loan.

Go shopping with Qin! Geely L6 intelligent/power superb 100,000 level Xiaopeng?

The second car in the Geely Galaxy series, the L6, will be officially launched in the third quarter of this year.

There is no need to avoid it. This is another fierce offensive launched by Geely against the BYD camp after the Galaxy L7 pursued the BYD Song PLUS DM-i, and the target of this attack will be the Qin PLUS DM-i.

In the face of the Galaxy L7’s sales performance of nearly 10,000 vehicles in the first month of listing, it seems that the Galaxy L6 will also "gain momentum".

Is intelligence a false proposition?

In recent years, with the rise of intelligent cockpits and intelligent driving tracks, the topic of intelligence has been very popular in the automotive industry, but at the same time, some users believe that it is the most important to improve driving performance and add more comfortable configurations. The so-called intelligence only needs to be given an easy-to-use navigation function.

Regarding the demand for intelligence, I believe that users of different ages, car experience and model prices may have different opinions, but if this thing is "you can’t go back after using it", then the most important thing that car companies need to do is to popularize intelligence.

In fact, from the perspective of popularization and intelligence, whether BYD’s continued popularity in recent years is also related to its strategy of realizing intelligent cockpits for all models, the answer to this question is probably clear to everyone.

Further, in order to strengthen the popularization of market intelligence, more traditional car companies with large volume and wide enough price coverage need to work together. Therefore, for Geely, especially for the Galaxy L6 in the entry-level market, the car needs to shoulder this noble mission from the beginning of the project.

Geely said that the Galaxy L6 project was completed in 2020 at the earliest. Looking back at the market environment at that time, it was the stage when the Model 3 with the task of intelligent revolution took off.

Due to this, a major advantage of the Galaxy L6 is its intelligence.

To this end, the new car has prepared a 13.2-inch central control vertical screen + 8155 chip combination, while following the Galaxy L7 with a new generation of Galaxy N OS intelligent operating system, in addition to bringing a number of commonly used Internet applications, the system can also support 60 seconds continuous voice dialogue, including one by one to complete the "open the window, air conditioning, play music" and other instructions, the overall running fluency of the car and automatic speech recognition accuracy can be satisfactory.

It is worth mentioning that this time the Galaxy L6 car uses Geely map navigation, and the official said that by using cloud AI technology and computing power to collect and analyze road data in real time, the traffic light countdown countdown can be synchronized on the map.

While enhancing the ease of navigation, the official adoption of their own navigation software should also be said to be paving the way for better development of smart driving routes.

In addition, as a product that focuses on the 100,000 market, the Galaxy L6 compartment can hardly find the existence of physical buttons, which combined with the new car also replaced with a fashionable embrace design, it can be seen that the Geely Galaxy series is holding great determination to transform intelligent.

With such determination to subvert traditional car habits, it is not difficult to find that the Galaxy series is focusing on young consumers.

In other words, if you are still a person with a traditional car mindset, the Galaxy series is not your cup of tea.

Of course, the current pursuit of simple design of smart cockpit style is not the only Geely Galaxy, how to make differentiation is the highlight.

In this regard, the Galaxy L6 has proposed an off-board voice control function that is full of "She Niu" attributes.

On the one hand, when the system detects that the car key is outside the car, the voice interaction function will automatically switch from the car to the outside scene. At this time, the user can voice control to open the window glass, turn on the air conditioner in the car, open the trunk of the vehicle, play music, and other practical functions.

In addition, the new car can also "speak", and users can click the screen or voice control to let the vehicle replace the voice in different scenarios.

For example, after arriving at a gas station, the Galaxy L6 can say "Please add No. 92 oil" through the speaker outside the car; in addition, when reversing reminders and courteous pedestrians, the car can also make safety reminders by voice outside the car, which provides more convenience.

What’s more interesting is that the new car can further play its "social cow" attribute when unlocking/unlocking, and users can customize the greeting within 20 words. This, combined with the front face lamp that can beat with the music melody, can be said to be the youthful feeling of the Galaxy L6.

In the interior, the main vertical screen, the outside of the car also highlights the through-type light group and light language, as well as the emphasis on intelligent voice function, coupled with the vehicle’s shape resembling the Xiaopeng P5, the Galaxy L6 does have the former taste.

If you want to find reasons for the poor performance of Xiaopeng P5, one of them is probably inseparable from its starting price of over 150,000 yuan.

In this regard, under Geely’s vast manufacturing system, it is believed that the Galaxy L6 will give full play to its price advantage.

The Galaxy L6 is destined to go up in volume.

Previously, it was reported that the Galaxy L6 was initially positioned internally as an Emgrand L replacement model, allowing it to use the CMA architecture. It was also pointed out that there were various plans such as 1.5T fuel version, hybrid version, and plug-in version in the early planning, but with Geely’s full commitment to the new energy track, only the 1.5T plug-in version was ultimately retained.

After the current official naming the architecture used by the plug-in hybrid model as "e-CMA intelligent electric hybrid architecture", Geely engineers revealed that the Galaxy L6 will be the smallest model with the lowest price threshold under this architecture.

This also means that the new car needs to shoulder the main volume mission while also assuming the facade of the Geely Galaxy series.

In this regard, the Galaxy L6 has prepared a measurement of 4782x1875x1489mm and a wheelbase of 2752mm. After referring to the 4765x1837x1495mm and 2718mm parameters of the Qin PLUS DM-i, it is not difficult to find that the Galaxy L6 has gained a certain advantage.

In addition, the official said that the rear seat of the new car has an elevation angle of 30 degrees, and the sitting position better fits the spine curve. At the same time, the horizontal distance from the cushion to the front seat back is 1000mm, thus highlighting the ample rear space of the Galaxy L6.

From a simple experience, the rear legroom of the new car is indeed more prominent at the price of 100,000 yuan, but the length of the seat cushion can be increased a little to improve the sense of support. In addition, because there is a large battery hidden under the platform, the height of the seat cushion inevitably needs to be designed lower to steal space. Fortunately, there is a place for feet under the front seat, and it is not difficult for rear users to find a suitable sitting position.

In addition, although the Galaxy L6 is not equipped with the fashionable Queen’s passenger seat, the car is also equipped with a passenger seat with a large enough angle to see the entire canopy after lying down, which can also meet the needs of more front-row users.

In addition, regarding the panoramic canopy equipped with the new car, the official said that it is the only one in the same class that uses silver-plated + LOW-E technology, which can isolate 99.9% of ultraviolet rays. Interestingly, this time Geely has added a stringer-type baffle shape in the middle of the canopy, and there is also a light strip design for ambient lights, which is worthy of praise for pursuing a unique spirit.

After meeting the user’s requirements for comfort, another power point of the Galaxy L6 is also focused on sports control, which is also an important selling point empowered by the e-CMA architecture.

Among them, the new car is equipped with a multi-link rear independent suspension. In terms of material selection, it is better to press the rear torque beam suspension of the Qin PLUS DM-i. At the same time, the Galaxy L6 has the strongest torsional stiffness of the same level of 29100N · m/deg. Such outstanding rigidity not only brings better NVH levels, but also further enhances the vehicle’s handling strength

The official said that the Galaxy L6 uses 183 NVH optimization technologies, making the cockpit noise level comparable to that of pure electricity. This performance will undoubtedly bring a sense of leapfrog quality to the car.

On this basis, it is the power combination of 1.5T + 3-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro that can better demonstrate the strength of the vehicle. After the comprehensive maximum power and torque reach 287kW and 535 Nm respectively, the Galaxy L6 can achieve practical test speed of 247km/h, 6.3 seconds to break the hundred and 36.5 meters to 100 kilometers braking distance, so the performance in the same market can be said to be a rolling level.

In addition, the Galaxy L6 also has an energy-saving side. In addition to bringing a 125-kilometer pure electric battery life in CLTC conditions longer than the Galaxy L7, the new car also has the highest thermal efficiency of 44.26% mass production, helping the vehicle achieve the lowest WLTC operating conditions in the same class. 4.55L 100-kilometer power loss fuel consumption, and a comprehensive battery life of up to 1370 kilometers.

It can be said that the Galaxy L6 has taken into account the sports control of young people, the quiet riding experience needs of home users, and the battery life anxiety concerns of mainstream users to a considerable extent.

For such a product that is compatible with the needs of different groups, especially the current market positioning of the only model with the Qin PLUS DM-i, the Galaxy L6 seems to have no reason not to achieve a big sale.

After the L7, it is worth looking forward to whether the Galaxy L6 will become a hit as soon as it is launched.

More than two months ago, the Galaxy L7 debuted at a lower price than the Song PLUS DM-i 138,700, so the pricing can be said to have laid a line for its hot sales.

As for the Galaxy L6, which has a lower digital positioning, and is facing the more ruthless price of the Qin PLUS DM-i, whether the former will offer a surprising price when it goes on sale is believed to be the most concerned issue in the current market.

Of course, from the current perspective of Geely as a chaser, it doesn’t have much choice, it can only choose to fight bayonets forward.

Galaxy E8: Yanfei Lishi + AI rhythm, 200,000 can buy what kind of audio

45-Inch large screen, 8k resolution, Qualcomm 8295 chip… The smart cockpit of the Galaxy E8 really made many people’s eyes shine. So in terms of audio and video experience, will the Galaxy E8 bring us more surprises?

This time, the model we tested is the Galaxy E8 665km starship, the long-range version, and the car version is the Galaxy N OS 1.0.6.

From the brand and quantity of speakers, the Galaxy E8 is equipped with a 12-speaker sound system provided by Yanfei Lishi except for the entry-level model. Unfortunately, the official did not announce the specific power of this sound system.

In fact, at the moment of opening the door, in addition to the 45-inch large screen that is very eye-catching, the speakers located on both sides of the dashboard and shaped like UFOs are also very eye-catching. Such a chic shape is still quite rare in the same price model.

In terms of the placement of the speakers, the overall performance of the Galaxy E8 is rather conventional.

Tweeter: both sides of the dashboard

Midrange speaker: one in the middle of the meter and one on the upper part of the back door on both sides

Woofer: one at the bottom of each of the four doors, 1 in the trunk

What’s more surprising is that although the Galaxy E8 has only 12 speakers, the main driver’s headrest alone takes up two speakers.

In the decoding test, we first use the top three test files, including an Easter egg file with a hidden encoding format, a 7.1.4 file that exceeds the decoding specification, and a master tape with a high sampling rate.

Measured down, although the Galaxy E8 player can recognize these three files, but can not play. Since this is just a stress testing, does not have broad significance, it does not count results.

During the test, we repeatedly sampled the main driver’s seat of the vehicle and the "boss seat" on the right side of the second row.

The ambient sound at the test site is 41.3db. Insert the test music USB stick, play the powder noise source and sample it directly in front of the steering wheel. Adjust the multimedia volume to increase the sampling volume to 70db, which is the test volume. (* This volume is the sampled volume of the speaker, which can better exert the performance of the speaker, but do not use it while driving, it may affect hearing and affect driving safety in the long run)

At the same time, we also recorded the ambient sound at the test volume in the exterior rearview mirror as 59.9bd. (currently not used as test data)

Let’s take a look at the frequency response curve of the main driver position:

The performance of the frequency response curve is proportional to the number of speakers with different functions. It can be seen that both the low-frequency and high-frequency parts are insufficient, relatively sparse, and the overall control is average. From the perspective of the bass spectrum, the actual power of the power amplifier is estimated to be around 500w. The control of the midrange part is relatively stable, and the fluctuation is also among the mainstream water products.

Let’s take a look at the positioning performance of the sound field:

The overall positioning of the Galaxy E8 is still good, although there is no sky channel, but the three speakers located in the center console are not only relatively high, but also less susceptible to interference, which can play a significant role in the spatial sound quality performance of the head position.

Finally, let’s take a look at the data sampled by the "boss position" and compare it with the main driver position:

In the bass section, the performance of the Galaxy E8 rear row is slightly better than that of the front row, both in terms of control and sound pressure. The mid-range section will have some phase difference performance, which is also in line with the mainstream water quality. It is rare that even if there is no independent tweeter in the back row, its performance is almost the same as that of the front row, indicating that the directivity and penetration of the front two tweeters are good.

main driver sound field

Boss sound stage

Due to the overall number and layout of speakers, the positioning of the sound field before and after the Galaxy E8 is quite different, which is more in line with the actual positional relationship. The "dessert bit" belongs to the setting of the middle position of the vehicle.

Then let’s take a look at the music ecosystem in the car.

For the Galaxy E8, the comprehensive experience of the new Galaxy OS N is definitely a plus for this car. As for the music ecology, the default listening app of the original car is Tencent Aiqu Listen, which can support up to SQ lossless quality.

At the same time, apps such as NetEase Cloud Music and Kugou Music are also provided in the Galaxy E8 app store as a supplement, which is believed to meet the needs of most users to listen to music.

In terms of sound settings, the Galaxy E8 currently offers few options, which may be good news for owners who have difficulty choosing or are not very proficient in tuning.

Of course, if you are a musician or confident in your tuning ability, the Galaxy E8 also offers high school bass adjustment options.

In the entire debugging interface, there is an independent switch for Yanfei Lishi-Surround Sound, which shows the importance. How does it perform?

Yanfei Lishi – Sound Field with Surround Sound Off

Yanfei Lishi – The sound field with surround sound turned on

It can be seen that after the sound effect is turned on, the positioning of the overall sound field is relatively consistent, but the sense of space is significantly improved, and the tuning strength of established audio manufacturers is worthy of recognition.

For users who like to listen to their private collections with a USB stick, the Galaxy E8’s USB port location is still relatively easy to find. In addition, in front of the USB port, the Galaxy E8 is also equipped with a crystal knob that can quickly adjust the volume.

After listening to a number of songs in the car, I personally feel that the Galaxy E8 has a more balanced presentation of various types of music, with no obvious biases.

In fact, "watching songs" might be a more interesting choice than listening to songs in the Galaxy E8!

After turning on the "AI Rhythm" function, the vehicle will generate corresponding AI images based on music and lyrics. For example, when playing Grasshopper’s 1990 "Half Heart", the Galaxy E8 generated a completely different MV from the original through "AI Rhythm".

Considering that AI functions are currently undergoing rapid iterations, it is inevitable to look forward to what new audio and video experiences the Galaxy E8 will bring us after.

Experts discuss Jackie Chan’s film achievements and explore the future trends of Chinese action movies

1905 movie network news  The 4th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week Main Event "Dragon" Film 40 Years Jackie Chan Film Phenomenon Seminar was held in Datong, Shanxi on July 19. Jackie Chan, the founder and actor of Jackie Chan International Action Film Week, Li Wei, chairperson of 1905 Film Network, Chen Hang, editor-in-chief of "China Screen", Lv Xin, secretary of the Party Branch of Datong City Library, and other leaders and guests Wen Jun, Rao Shuguang, Yin Hong, Jia Leilei attended and delivered speeches to interpret the artistic status and achievements of Jackie Chan and his film works.

        In the afternoon roundtable forum, more than 40 industry experts and scholars conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on three topics: "the formation and development of Jackie Chan’s Chinese cultural brand and international influence", "the leading role of kung fu films in Chinese films going global" and "the role of kung fu films in promoting the artistic prosperity and industry development of Chinese films".

Jackie Chan sincerely shares his film experience, revealing that he will publish a book for all his films

As one of the organizers of this Jackie Chan International Action Film Week, Chairperson Li Wei of the 1905 Film Network first delivered a speech at the seminar on behalf of the Movie Channel Program Center and the 1905 Film Network, explaining the significance of our attention, research and discussion of the "Jackie Chan Film Phenomenon" today: "If Jackie Chan’s film works use pure, direct and unique action special effects, express the heroic spirit of the common people, express optimism and enterprising, and insist on their own attitude towards life, then the Jackie Chan Film Phenomenon is through the extreme action film spirit, crossing the language barrier and cultural barrier, and conquering the world with the spirited spirit of the Chinese people. I hope that in the future, more Chinese films can form their own unique brands and spread Chinese culture."

Huang Cenli, a member of the Datong Municipal Committee Standing Committee and head of the United Front Work Department, affirmed Jackie Chan’s role model in her speech: "Mr. Jackie Chan is enthusiastic about public welfare, does not forget to give back to the society, regards charity as a responsibility, tries his best to help those in need, and influences others with his feelings for the country and the society. It shows the patriotism of film and television artists, and has won a good reputation and honor. Looking back on Mr. Jackie Chan’s acting career, behind every success, he contains countless sweat, pain and hard work, which is admirable. I pay tribute to Mr. Jackie Chan and the action actors for this."

Then, Jackie Chan took the stage to share his insights. He first modestly expressed that seeing so many scholars discuss his film made him nervous and a little shy: "In fact, I am very simple. If people help me, I will help others. If the film makes me, I will also make the film. The original intention of this action film week is to let everyone know all the behind-the-scenes action filmmakers." Jackie Chan bluntly said that he has always done things with a grateful heart. "I just did what a filmmaker or a person should do."

After making his debut in Hong Kong in his early years and then going overseas, Jackie Chan has deeply experienced the contempt that the Chinese people used to receive. Therefore, he is more eager to help the whole industry and the whole country through his efforts. "I am not just patriotic and loving my family now. I have been focusing on this theme in my early works. Jackie Chan is small and the country is very big. Thank you for giving me the opportunity."

On the same day, Jackie Chan also donated his autographed autobiography "Jackie Chan: Old Before You Grow Up" to the Datong City Library. At the scene, he revealed that he hopes to donate more books to more libraries in the next few years. "I have been preparing for five or six years, hoping to publish all my movies into books, including the content of each shot. Now I have made about 12 copies. After all of them are done, I will give them to libraries all over the world."

Experts discuss Jackie Chan’s film status and achievements, and explore the future development trend of Chinese action movies

The concept of "Dragon" film 40 years originated from Jackie Chan’s famous two films in 1978, and it has been a full 40 years this year. During these 40 years, in addition to bringing countless excellent works to the audience, Jackie Chan’s Chinese cultural brand and international influence have also been continuously formed and developed. This Jackie Chan Film Phenomenon Seminar and Roundtable Forum also used this as a starting point to invite many industry experts and scholars to discuss the Jackie Chan film phenomenon and its status and achievements from the film academic level, explore the future trend of Chinese action movies, bring new horizons and new ideas for the inheritance and development of action movies, promote the new development of the film culture industry, and make the pace of Chinese action movies into the future more confident and stable.

The guests attending the roundtable discussion on the day included: Jia Leilei, Yin Hong, Wen Jun, Zhang Yiwu, Zhang Wei, Soo Yabin, Zhao Weifang, Yang Junlei, Ni Jun, Ye Hang, Hu Yajie, Chen Gang, Cheng Bo, Huang Yong, Li Xingwen, Hao Chuntao, Zhang Jihu, Zhong Dafeng, Chen Hang, Wang Haizhou, Ishikawa, Huang Haikun, Gao Xiaoli, Yan Hui, Liang Ming, Hong Fan, Wu Xiaowei, Hu Jianli, Li Zhen, Tang Rong, Li Zhenlin, Shi Longyue, Hou Jianchen, Zuo Heng, Han Dongjun, Zhang Jinfeng, Zhou Liming, Liu Shuo, Chen Yiyu, Zhou Wenping, Nie Wei, Fan Zhizhong, Song Ziwen, Leng Song Zhang Xiaoquan, Gao Shan.

        It is reported that the content and results of this forum will be compiled into a book and published, so stay tuned!

[The following are excerpts from the speeches of some experts and scholars at the Roundtable Forum]

Topic 1: The formation and development of Jackie Chan’s Chinese cultural brand and international influence

Zhang Yiwu, Vice President and Professor of China Film Critics Society

The early Jackie Chan films happened to be close to the historical node of China’s reform and opening up, in the late 1970s. His 40-year film journey actually had a very subtle, complex, and organic dialogue relationship with the great changes in China. This relationship was of great significance to the influence of Jackie Chan’s films, Chinese films, and Chinese-language films.

First of all, he brought the overseas Chinese imagination of culture back to China, for example, how the Chinese imagination crosses the border and has a global reach, so I think Jackie Chan has led the cultural return of overseas Chinese films. At the same time, he used his power to apply the standards of film industrialization to the creation of Chinese films, and at the same time opened up the connection between the domestic and foreign film markets. Third, re-telling the Chinese story with China as the main body. This is the core of Jackie Chan’s creation in the past ten years. His works have established the most firm, close and imaginative connection with the local Chinese audience.

Jackie Chan’s movies confirm the old saying that the more ethnic, the more global. This is his greatest and most important revelation to Chinese filmmakers.

Zhang Wei, Executive Vice President and Researcher of China Film Critics Society

The formation of the so-called Chinese cultural brand and international influence of Jackie Chan’s films has first been recognized by audiences around the world. To achieve such influence, there are five aspects. First, the movements of Jackie Chan’s films must be world-class; second, Jackie Chan comes from Chinese martial arts culture. Chinese martial arts culture combines wisdom and ingenuity to produce beauty. The subtlety and performance of the routines are not seen in Western movements. Third, the grassroots nature of the action. Action movies used to belong to "heroes", belonging to Schwarzenegger and other American action superstars, and Jackie Chan appeared in his works with a grassroots image, which also created a precedent. The fourth is the comedy of the action, which is unique in the world. The last aspect is his values, such as punishing evil and promoting good, fairness and justice, and advocating peace.

Jia Leilei, former vice president of the China Academy of Arts

For half a century, Jackie Chan’s films have played an important role in the spread of Chinese culture. Jackie Chan uses action, comedy and entertainment to convey the positive energy of society and reflect the positive values of the country. Jackie Chan’s screen image and public image together form a Chinese story of dreams come true. The theme of this story includes not only the core connotation of hard work and continuous success, but also the humane spirit of helping people in danger and saving sentient beings.

Compared with Hollywood action movies, Jackie Chan movies have a unique aesthetic style, not without violence, but without abuse of violence, with laughter but not obscene, with action but not cruel, which can be called an ethical model of violent action. Jackie Chan is good at using dance performances and dramatic programs to reduce the cruelty of violence. With his own performance, he has influenced and changed the way violence is presented in world movies.

Topic 2: The Leading Role of Kung Fu Films in Chinese Films Going Global

Secretary General of the China Film Association, Rao Shuguang | 

There are obvious differences and differences between the action movies of Western movies, especially American movies, and the action movies of Jackie Chan’s big brother. It can be said that most Western action movies are "hard action movies" and "hard action", while Jackie Chan’s action movies are "soft action movies" and "soft action". Hard action can be said to be "blood with knives", and of course it also has a unique charm. Foreign Stallone and Schwarzenegger, American action movies are tough guy action movies, that kind of movie without defense, you punch me with one punch is also enduring in American Hollywood; Hollywood action movies in the 1980s, in fact, are not human action to a large extent, but flying cars, house blasting, etc. rely on technology implementation, they sell not human labor, but technical life, Batman, Rocky, First Blood and other movies are like this.

However, Chinese audiences are more willing to watch soft action; moreover, there are more audiences in the West who are willing to watch soft action. Today’s Jackie Chan not only belongs to China, but also breaks the gap between Chinese and Western cultures with his Chinese kung fu, and finds a balanced context of Chinese and Western cultures with his unique performance style. It has had an important impact on promoting Chinese spirit and spreading Chinese culture. In August 2017, when Jackie Chan, 62, won the Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement, he sighed: After 56 years in the industry, he made more than 200 movies, broke many bones, and finally got this statuette. Jackie Chan is not just a name, but also a symbol. He is a representative of Chinese kung fu and Chinese action movies.

Professor Liang Ming, Communication University of China

Today, Jackie Chan also said that many actors are now "all replacements", and they have to "replace" their shoulders, hands and feet. How can such actors compare with Jackie Chan? Is there something wrong with our education? 

We should reflect on how to train our actors, whether we can run a special training program like Jackie Chan, specifically recruiting some small martial arts stars and conducting special training, so that Chinese kung fu movies can continue and have an heir.

Gao Xiaoli, Director of the Art Criticism Department of Literary and Art Daily

Our current kung fu films are actually weakening, and there are many reasons for this. First, kung fu films are not grounded enough. How to maintain the realistic care and care in Jackie Chan’s films, and more in line with the people’s aesthetics, is the way out for our future kung fu films.

The second is the emergence of high-tech, which not only promotes the development of the film industry, but also brings about the problem of homogenization of kung fu movies, which is gradually moving away from the personalized kung fu in Jackie Chan movies.

If China’s Kung Fu TV industry wants to go global, it still needs to be based on Chinese culture. Kung Fu movies have strong genetic advantages, and at the same time blend with Chinese Oriental Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. They reflect the unity of nature and man in Eastern philosophy, and the nature of Taoism and Dharma, which has a natural and unique appeal to the world audience. This is also the direction of the future development of Kung Fu movies.

Writer, director, producer, Wen Jun |

With the series that opened in 1994 and 1998, Jackie Chan gradually knocked on the door of Hollywood, and also made Hollywood truly realize the market value of Jackie Chan movies. If kung fu movies want to go out, they must be based on Chinese culture, and our contemporary Chinese stories can go out.

Chen Hang, Editor-in-Chief of China Screen|

Comedy is actually a language that is easier to connect with different ethnic cultures than tragedy. 

Jackie Chan has created a series of civilian heroes through action comedy, allowing Western audiences to see the spiritual outlook and emotional style of ordinary Chinese people through kung fu. He has successfully integrated Chinese and Western cultures into the image of civilians with kung fu, allowing audiences from different cultural backgrounds to bring their own emotions. This is an important reason why Jackie Chan’s films have gained worldwide influence.

Topic 3: The role of kung fu films in promoting the artistic prosperity and industry development of Chinese films

Professor Yin Hong, Tsinghua University

Kung Fu action movies are a unique landscape of Chinese film culture. For Chinese people, everyone has a dream of kung fu and martial arts in their hearts, which reflects the self-release and imagination of Chinese people in the complex traditional culture. Kung Fu action movies have a unique and unique position in movies. The word "Chinese Kung Fu" is actually widely used all over the world, because a group of filmmakers like Bruce Lee and Mr. Jackie Chan have popularized the word "Chinese Kung Fu" to all countries in the world, which plays an important role in spreading Chinese culture.

The most widely recognized Chinese movie genre in the world is still the kung fu action movie. Since the 1990s, almost half of the annual box office winners in China have been kung fu action movies. This characteristic is even more obvious in the international dissemination. Eight of the ten highest-grossing Chinese movies in the North American film market are kung fu action movies.

Jackie Chan’s kung fu action movies have a very unique innovative mechanism among all kung fu action movies, constantly seeking a mix of space, time, genre and style to seek new breakthroughs. Of course, we should also be aware that today’s kung fu action movies are facing many new challenges. These new challenges can be summarized into four aspects: first, how to match the values and sexy communication of modern people, the new breakthrough of the second type of narrative, the third martial arts action and scene How to make movies, and finally how to combine the current star idol mechanism with the martial arts actors mentioned by Mr. Jackie Chan.

Song Ziwen, Editor-in-Chief of China Film Report

Kung Fu movies have always played a real role in promoting the prosperity of Chinese film art and the development of the entire industry. The popularity of the classic films of Kung Fu movies "Shaolin Temple" and "Mysterious Buddha" in China has activated the enthusiasm of the entire market and the whole people to watch movies. Now, the Chinese film market has entered a new peak period, and it has also carried forward this element, using Kung Fu action as a kindling, firmly embedded in the genre of military-themed movies.

Why do kung fu movies always face so much controversy? Because the cultural status is not high. Although kung fu movies are the mainstay of the entire market in Hong Kong, we can see that they are all looked down upon from the awards, film critics, and public opinion circles. By the late 1990s, people said that kung fu movies had declined, and martial arts movies were about to die. Obviously, this is the real cultural wealth of Chinese movies, but we would rather discard it. Some people say that we want to compete with Hollywood, fight for capital and technology, but have these people succeeded? It is the traditional kung fu action movies that have really re-exploded this market, allowing Chinese movies to see more possibilities in the future. This is the most important promotion for our Chinese movies from artistic prosperity and industry development.


This Jackie Chan Kung Fu Action Film Week, what we really want to mention is whether the entire industry can give more respect to our kung fu filmmakers, kung fu movies, and action movies. Although we didn’t give a high Douban score like art films, which made many literary and artistic young people fall in love with it, we can prove that kung fu movies are as tenacious as art films. We can watch Jackie Chan movies 40 years ago that are still exciting and full of tears. This is the power of movies, and this is also the charm of film art.

Film critic, Zhou Liming |

When comparing Chinese kung fu movies with Hollywood action movies and superhero movies, we will think about: First, the development of technology, the development of digital technology has made it possible to complete actions that were previously difficult to film, demanding actors, and even actions that humans could not complete. So how should the action in our traditional Chinese kung fu movies develop at this time? Because now the audience is watching movies from all over the world, not Jackie Chan movies and Hong Kong movies from 30 years ago. To satisfy the audience, Jackie Chan must constantly increase the creativity of the action, deepen the difficulty, and improve. But no matter how good the action actor is, it is impossible to exceed the limits of human beings. What should be done next?

Second, the aesthetic point of view, the aesthetic point of view. There are already some superhero elements in kung fu movies, such as the flying in it. But in recent years, the boundaries between heroes and superheroes have become increasingly blurred. Take last week’s example. Most of the scenes in it are realistic, but Li Tianran’s character can dodge bullets and climb the eaves, these two functions are exaggerated. In today’s literary and artistic environment where hundreds of flowers are blooming, what should we do to break through the aesthetics of traditional kung fu movies?

Third, from talent. A teacher said that it would be nice if there were 100 Jackie Chan. In fact, if we look back, there are not many action stars at Jackie Chan’s level on the Chinese screen, even counting them on one hand. Jackie Chan was Bruce Lee before, and later Jet Li, Donnie Yen, and Zhao Wenzhuo. There are many uncontrollable factors in this. For example, there are already nine generations in the family class, and there are excellent martial arts action people, but not everyone in it may be able to become the next Jackie Chan.

Fourth, kung fu movies as a genre may develop in the future, what is the origin, what kind of nutrients will be absorbed, and what else can we learn? After learning something, how to turn it into our own, and let our kung fu movies go to a higher level, this is what we need to consider. All excellent movies, no matter which country they are from, can be our nourishment. Our goal is to make our own Chinese action movies better and go global. Going global should not put the cart before the horse. The purpose of making a movie is to go global. Making a movie is definitely to move the audience. After the success related to it, it will naturally go global.