Jolin Tsai feels sorry for the "Sweet Secret" MV director: At least I have a clear conscience

Jolin Tsai feels sorry for the "Sweet Secret" MV director: At least I have a clear conscience

Jolin Tsai feels sorry for the "Sweet Secret" MV director: At least I have a clear conscience

     According to Taiwan media reports, on December 22, when Jolin Tsai attended a public welfare event, she heard that the "Sweet Secret" MV broke through 2.72 million views in five days, and her expression was hard to hide her joy. However, for the director Liao Renshuai, who was accidentally reduced to the target of netizens, she said she was very distressed: "This script jumps out of my past thoughts and practices in the comfort circle, and it does challenge my own logic for MV. I like the feeling of jumping out of the frame and creating, but I am also very distressed that the director has to face such a situation, but at least I have a clear conscience!"

  After the Kaohsiung concert ended, Jolin Tsai stayed at home all the time. She said contentedly, "It’s really quite leisurely. Recently, I have learned to cook mulled wine, and I will come out when I have a job, but I have no plans from Christmas to New Year’s Eve, but I should play and exchange gifts with friends and family at Christmas." Whether to continue the concert next year? She did not object: "We are discussing finding a venue, and if we find one, I can continue to sing." But she did not tend to sing outdoors, revealing that the weather was unpredictable, and she had staged a stage slip disaster due to rain, which left her with lingering fears.

  This time, the "Sweet Secret" MV really made Jolin Tsai too addicted to acting. When asked if it aroused her desire to continue acting? Jolin Tsai said with a sweet smile: "Basically acting is crazy, especially to imagine the green screen, like the scene where I was walking in the water with the dolphins, and I had to imagine the cardboard box dolphins. I think it would be very satisfying to be able to act in the MV. It seems a little tiring to really act." In addition, Jolin Tsai also played a pregnant woman for the first time in the MV, and was later named "the most beautiful pregnant woman". She was also full of joy: "I hope if there is a chance [referring to pregnancy], I hope it can be so beautiful."

It is revealed that "Black Myth" will be a trilogy: there are also "Black Myth: Jiang Ziya" and "Black Myth: Zhong Kui".

The whistleblower Ignusthewise accurately broke the news that the new information of "Black Myth: Wukong" was released on May 19.Recently, he tweeted that there are new rumors online that "Black Myth" will be a trilogy, and he can confirm that this is true.

It is revealed that "Black Myth" will be a trilogy: there are also "Black Myth: Jiang Ziya" and "Black Myth: Zhong Kui".

Ignusthewise said: "Game Science has applied for the trademarks of Black Myth: Jiang Ziya and Black Myth: Zhong Kui, and they may start developing these two games after the release of the Black Myth: Wukong DLC."

It is revealed that "Black Myth" will be a trilogy: there are also "Black Myth: Jiang Ziya" and "Black Myth: Zhong Kui".

Ignus Thewise believes that Game Science developed the "Black Myth" trilogy plan because "Black Myth: Wukong" has received a good response in Europe and the United States, and many Chinese investors are also optimistic about them, so they have received additional development funds.

Note: The news of ignusthewise this time may come from the domestic forum, so we only need to know about it, and all news is subject to the official!

It is revealed that "Black Myth" will be a trilogy: there are also "Black Myth: Jiang Ziya" and "Black Myth: Zhong Kui".

"Black Myth: Goku" will be released on August 20th, coming to PC (Steam/Epic/WeGame) and PS5. Recently, the official added Italian achievement information, changed the client side icon, etc.

Article source: 3DM game network

Guo Fucheng’s "City Alert" style is out of place, not afraid of Xiong Dailin’s ridicule

Guo Fucheng was not afraid to be burned to death when compared with Andy Lau

        In addition to playing the clown, Guo Fucheng was also soaked in sea water after falling into the sea in the film. In order to achieve the feeling of obesity, he spent four hours a day applying makeup. "After the first day of filming, he went to the hospital. His skin was covered in red spots, and the glue and sweat were stuck together." Chen Musheng praised Guo Fucheng’s positive attitude during filming, but such a fat look inevitably reminded people of Andy Lau’s big fat image in the movie. "I’ve seen it, but I haven’t remembered it for too long." Guo Fucheng also said that the two looks are not comparable, "It still depends on the audience’s reaction, but I’m puffy, not fat."

        Not only did Guo Fucheng suffer a lot in makeup, but he also suffered a lot in filming such a movie with a lot of action and explosive scenes. "It was an explosive scene, with a total of 100 reaction bands. After one reaction band exploded, a martial artist was injured in the chest. If I want to shoot a hundred, I will be burned to death, and then the director said, ‘You can wear clothes,’ so I had to say, ‘Okay.’" Guo Fucheng, who was so desperate to film, said that he had no expectations of winning awards. Acting is endless, and he will never act with baggage. In addition, Guo Fucheng also sang the theme song of the movie "The Whole City Alert" "Forgot What".

Next page More wonderful pictures

Fan Bingbing wears a wedding dress to challenge Hu Ke, and is molested by Fan Xiaoxuan to play "coming out"

Fan Bingbing and Fan Xiaoxuan spend Valentine’s Day together and play ambiguous "coming out" on the spot

  Fan Bingbing and Fan Xiaoxuan are working together for the first time, but the two have long admired each other. In order to prepare the theme song, they not only spent Valentine’s Day together, but Fan Ye also created a romance for Fan Xiaoxuan. "I sent her a bunch of pink roses that day, even if it was for her boyfriend." Fan Xiaoxuan also said that she was surprised when she received the flowers, and she was very grateful to Fan Bingbing for his care.

  At the press conference, Fan Bingbing appeared in a white wedding dress. It just so happened that Hu Ke and Sha Yi had just finished their wedding that morning. Fan Ye smiled and said that wearing this dress was to rival that wedding. Fan Xiaoxuan appeared in a very neutral outfit that day, and the two kept holding hands at the scene, looking like a couple.

Do Peng Yuyan and Di Lizheba have any acting skills?

Expressionism is based on the understanding of characters, through external forms of expression to highlight the personality of characters.

For example, Huang Bo in "Bullfighting", after encountering the People’s Liberation Army, asked the People’s Liberation Army to write an inscription for him because of a promise to protect cows until the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

He showed the small peasant’s humility, lack of confidence, and impatience by running over nervously, gently pulling the reins of the horse, rubbing his index finger against the horse’s neck, speaking cautiously, dodging his eyes, and trying to squeeze out the social laughter.

Think what the character thinks, think what the character thinks, try to get into the character, and then express the character’s emotions.

For example, Gong Li and Jiang Wen in "Red Sorghum", in order to conform to the image of peasant women at that time, Gong Li practiced carrying water every day, and by the time the shooting started, she was no different from the local peasant women.

Jiang Wen didn’t rest either. He often bathed in the river in front of Mo Yan’s house. After his body was soaked, he went ashore and lay down to tan himself.

Before the filming of "Red Sorghum", they all experienced life in the countryside, treating themselves as Yu Zhan’ao and Jiu’er, acting with their characters in order to better integrate into their characters.

Emotions erupt through one’s own internal emotions, rather than simply aligning with the characters. Such performances are more delicate, realistic, and full.

Ge You’s interpretation of decadence is different from the long-haired and world-weary that appear in idol dramas now, as if the whole world is against itself, evolving from rebellion to morbid decadence.

Ge You is the character of "mourning" attributes to the extreme, two weak and easy to fall legs, a pair of tired but not tired and bleary eyes, the state of the two sides of the void, the disease of the body, static when motionless, swaying when moving.

Take the example of two actors and actresses, one is your boyfriend Peng Yuyan, and the other is your girlfriend Di Lizheba.

Since 2011’s "Roll Over, Ashin" got the perfect body, it has been ten years now. Whenever Peng Yuyan has a movie released, the marketing is all about the body.

Even with the high box office, they still had to market a wave of figures in the end, and there was almost no mention of acting skills, such as "Guild War", "Breaking the Wind", and "Evil Does Not Suppress the Good".

Jiang Wen arranged a show for him to play naked in the water, walk on the wall with a bare buttocks, seal his whole body, etc.

The "Tropical Past" that will be released in the near future has become the focus of publicity for Peng Yuyan, and the topic of his figure has been brought up again.

Like Zhang Zhen, he learned a professional skill almost in one movie, and maintained a jealous figure all year round, which shows the efforts behind it.

But flaws do not hide Yu, he is hard enough, but his shortcomings are also obvious. His biggest problem is that he does not have an eye-catching role, that is, he lacks delicate acting skills.

Before, he had basically starred in idol drama-type movies. He didn’t need any acting skills, as long as he was stylish and handsome.

It’s just that his performance in "Cold War" can only be regarded as normal, there are not many ripples, and there are not too many mistakes. The wink does not highlight the high IQ of the character.

On the contrary, compared with Leung Ka Fai and Guo Fucheng, their unangry and self-righteous expressions and their lines are enough to make Peng Yuyan look dwarfed.

Therefore, what Peng Yuyan needs to do now is to transform from a temperament actor to a performance actor, because for an actor, the audience prefers that the next time they see Peng Yuyan is no longer physical.

It has been four years since she participated in "Run It" in 2017 with the energetic girl character and the CP fire with Luhan, but she has nothing else but a wave of marketing acting skills.

Every part of her body was searched, except for the lack of acting skills, so an actor like Di Lizheba was more like an idol.

It’s just that during her eight years of debut, there are only two types of characters in her works, and they are the easiest to choose.

One is the beauty in costume dramas, such as "Long Song" and "Three Lives and Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach and Plum"; the other is the independent and lively woman in romantic dramas, such as "Happiness is within reach!" and "One Thousand and One Nights".

To put it bluntly, these TV dramas are all idol dramas. Idol dramas never rely on acting skills, but topics and popularity. Sometimes the flow is better than the polishing of years.

The plot is very ridiculous, forever jacksu, if you are really bored and naive enough, this drama may be very suitable for hypnosis.

Li Huizhen, played by Di Lizheba, is a silly and honest person, but Di Lizheba’s interpretation is not cute, only stupid. If it were not for the support of her appearance, she might have received a wave of bad reviews.

At that time, she had just made her debut, and she could also play some natural actors with her own temperament, highlighting the original ecology.

It’s just that with her ups and downs in the entertainment industry for a few years, the nature of this body has long disappeared, leaving behind a formulaic acting and a coping attitude.

As a top-notch actress, Di Lizheba should not only have this achievement now. Now that her acting skills have not improved, her resources are not as good as before, and it is difficult to receive a good resource transformation.

Cover Story | Di Lizheba: The Moon in Arms

Original Madame Figaro 

The day before the shoot, Di Lizheba packed up until the second half of the night, working outside all year round, and she had a strong sense of order about the environment. "Every time I change hotels, I have to clean myself and spread out my luggage to reorganize. If the things around me are messy, my heart will also be very messy." I had nightmares before, so, "I must organize these things so that I can go to sleep at ease."

During the flight, every time she landed in a place, she would organize the hotel like her own home. Clothes, daily necessities, maybe foot soaking bags and aromatherapy, small but specific things were arranged by hand, and the security from daily storage also gently wrapped her. These preparations and arrangements may seem repetitive, but only in this way will the uncertainty of long-term wandering gradually fade away.

Even after ten years of high-pressure operation, her dedication to personal order and regularity is evident. "I love to tidy up, and I also clean the boxes every now and then in the crew, and I clean the rooms myself." Simultaneously, there is also the "disconnection" at the spiritual level. She consciously spends time alone, takes a walk, and focuses on the perception of specific things. "When I am tight, I see some things as very important, and I always want to do something. But when I slow down, I actually don’t want to think about it when I walk, as if I have eliminated the garbage accumulated in my mind. It turns out that it is just a small matter."

When people are busy with work, it is inevitable that people will give up some freedom in life and interests. But Di Lizheba’s impression is that she has always had a solid sense of landing in life, and the cycle formed by this is benign and positive, and she can also put into work in an orderly manner. Ten years are not short, and she has not thought of more complicated and heavy meanings, but just arranges and practices her life and work properly every day.

She had envisioned a "perfect day", and of course, order came first. Because she had not slept well recently, she would arrange a walk in the morning to face the sun, then go to the street morning market to buy hot steamed buns, fried dough sticks and soy milk, stroll all the way back, follow the TV drama for breakfast; exercise, make up, go shopping in the mall, go shopping; come back and continue to organize and store, pack the boxes, and prepare to fly to the next city. With a smile, "This is the perfect day for a perennial business traveler like me."

This year, two works, "Public Prosecution" and "An Le Biography," were broadcast. Different story themes and character settings have preserved Di Lizheba’s enthusiasm and vitality in stages. This is also the charm of the performance. The characters are like a small specimen of time, and they can use those lights and shadows to look back at the scenery on their way. Recently, Di Lizheba’s resident variety "Flowers and Youth Silk Road Season" was launched, and the exotic scenery brought many novel and pleasant experiences. At the same time, there were also overlapping memories. "There is a big waterfall in Iceland. I remember filming" Fire Like a Song "a few years ago, and Wenzhou also has the famous Rainbow Waterfall. At that moment, the memories of the waterfall will come to my mind."

Refocusing on the scenery around her is a clear feeling triggered by the journey of "Flowers and Youth Silk Road Season", and it has also become a new topic for Di Lizheba at this stage. In the interview, she talked a lot about her thoughts on the concepts of "distant" and "hometown". When she left her hometown to study and work as a teenager, she only wanted to go out. "At that time, she wanted to go to all kinds of distant places, wanting to leave the place where she had lived for more than ten years, to pursue her dreams, and to see the outside world." However, as her experience grew, this urge to leave gradually cooled, "After seeing’distant ‘all these years, I wanted to find some familiar feelings. In fact, after walking a long way, I found that what I thought of was always my own home."

There is a lyric to the theme song of "Flowers and Youth Silk Road Season": It is the innocent and happy wandering that makes us suddenly understand our hometown. Di Lizheba read the lyric lightly, and her tone slowed down slightly. She mentioned her imagination of Iceland several times. It is a quiet and lonely place, where hundreds of millions of years of volcanoes and glaciers reflect the insignificance of people, where private emotions can be well placed.

Also, during the trip, I passed through the El Ora Desert in Saudi Arabia. The rolling sand sea scenery is beautiful, with the mystery of the ancient Silk Road, and it is also very beautiful.

Her delicacy and softness were revealed at this moment, "In fact, this is an indescribable feeling. I don’t know if someone feels the same as me, but when I see the distant scenery, I think of a familiar place. This place is like my hometown, and this place is like a city where I work. Even in the face of completely unfamiliar new scenery, I still have old memories that I originally preserved."

After stripping off the character setting and character arc, Di Lizheba has her own sensitivity and vulnerability. "When I was filming the variety show, I kept thinking that a certain place really looks like my hometown, so I immediately went back to my hometown after the end. In the past ten years, I have been to so many places at home and abroad, and I always wanted to go everywhere, but now I realize that I miss my hometown so much in my heart."

Her hometown was not only a geographical marker, but also a symbol of a good time. The long-term emotional accumulation finally condensed into the decision to go home. "It’s like the sunshine of a certain day, the shadow of the leaves in a certain summer, the road I took in childhood, and the smell I used to be familiar with.


After being in high-intensity work for a long time, Di Lizheba also realized that her blunt feeling was out of place for self-protection and automatic cleaning and shielding of some information. "I used to be a person who was not very easy to express emotional touch, and I was not good at socializing. I had very little experience in dealing with people, and sometimes I was always worried. If I want to play a relevant role, what can I do if I have no experience?" Later, I began to consciously establish internal order, from absorbing life to recording emotions, to preserving all kinds of awareness, "For example, I was accidentally burned, bumped and bruised, or my emotions fell into a trough. I will actively keep the feelings from physical pain and psychological frustration. Maybe I can use these when I shoot a certain scene one day."

When it comes to "preserving pain", she is obviously a little shy and says it carefully. "[The method] is not very smart, and it may not work. I just save it first, it’s all in my head anyway. Happy and sad."

Some time ago, Weibo’s fans exceeded 80 million. Di Lizheba wrote a thank-you letter to "Alice" to express her affection to the fans. When she wrote that letter, she actually felt a lot of unease, "I never thought I could bring so much power to everyone."

"I know that I care too much about other people’s emotions and feelings, and I’m afraid of causing trouble, and I always want to make everyone happy," she was much more relaxed than the state recorded by the camera, which shows the introspection and growth at this stage, "I always preset in advance, maybe the other party didn’t say anything, and my inner theater has played the plot hundreds of times. But everyone has the right to know, whether happy or surprised, they should take the initiative to chat and share it together."

In an interview in the early years, Di Lizheba told of one of her best friends, even if they were far apart and had no intersection, their friendship for more than ten years was very stable. They knew all the secrets of each other, and they could not contact each other for a long time, or they could chat and suddenly disappear, reappear in a few weeks, and the communication between them came and went without the slightest embarrassment. Of course, they also quarreled, and even deleted WeChat from each other, but they could always add it back and resume intimate contact.

"This is not just a friend anymore, she accompanies me like a family member, the kind of company that will never leave me." This firmly chosen love made Di Li Reba feel at ease. By this good friend’s side, she realized the kind of life she expected, "I want to be at ease, I hope I don’t have to worry too much about other people’s feelings, just do what I want, feel sad when I should be sad, and be happy when I should be happy."

She is trying to get closer to this ideal goal: negative or positive feelings are allowed to exist, sadness and happiness do not need to be measured by right and wrong, and no one needs to suppress themselves in order to play a perfect human in the secular definition. "Everyone always says to digest happiness and sadness, but these are human feelings, and people are happy and sad in life. I don’t think there is any need to avoid it, just feel it, remember the feeling of the moment, and then wait for the past." She smiled, and the face in the mirror that had finished makeup was still beautiful and delicate.

Produced by PRESENTED KAN Hongjie


Photography PHOTOGRAPHY Feng Hai

Directed by DIRECTOR JIN


Edited by EDITOR



Nail Art NAIL U3


Written by WRITER Gu Xiang


Clothing Assistant FASHION ASSISTANT Xiaoyu, An Qi

Art DIRECTION Zou Yongzi _AZ

ART ASSISTANT (503studio)


Original title: "Cover Story | Di Lizheba: The Moon in Arms"

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Chen He’s new drama incarnates as "emoji" netizens like "funny with rope life"

Chen He's new drama incarnates "emoji" netizens like "funny with rope life"

  The ancient costume hilarious comedy "The Best Family Member" is on the air, going LIVE only three days, the broadcast volume has broken 100 million, no matter the number of clicks or the topic, it has set off a wave of top-quality heat. In the play, Chen He, Jin Chen, Yin Zheng, Li Xirui, SNH48 Lin Siyi, Zhao Yuetong, Zhang Ruihan and other stars have incarnated "walking emojis", which has been praised by netizens as "funny with rope life" and carefully reproduced the funny power of the original book; in addition, "The Best Family Member" is the first comedy with its own bullet comments, which not only revolutionizes the new way netizens watch the drama, but also is praised as an unprecedented bold "self-blackening" godplay.

  Compared to the original: different recipe, same laugh fruit

  The show is adapted from the IP of the same name of Yuyan, the "great god" of online literature. The original novel’s innovative and bold online literary style, high-spirited character portrayal, and witty and humorous storyline can be called the cornerstone of the popularity of online literature. The drama version of "Need for Family" boldly uses Mimeng, who is also an online writer, as the screenwriter, with the aim of bringing the audience a relaxed and happy viewing experience, and strives to create a hilarious "trendy comedy" that integrates cute points, laughs and grooves. Novel adaptations usually face skepticism from fans of the original novel in the early stages of broadcasting, and "The Best Guest" has also encountered criticism from fans for its adaptation content. In response, the chief producer of the drama, Yang Hua, responded that the formula is different, but the "fruit" is the same, and even upgraded: "Novel text and film and television scripts are two different media. The most important thing for film and television adaptations is to grasp the core essence of IP, and then choose a more acceptable way to spread it. The core of" The Best Guest "is to bring joy and laughter to the audience, so the positioning of this drama is trendy comedy and extreme entertainment."

  It has to be mentioned that the new bullet comment gameplay of "Need for Home Furniture" is "unprecedented", which can be called the first domestic drama with its own bullet comment. When the episode was broadcast to the "slot point", the official bullet comment was the first to pop up, self-deprecating one step faster, and the language was also quite sharp and pungent. The lines, props, shapes and even the plot of the play were lying guns, all of which were spared, making netizens laugh that this was the most "self-deprecating" bold gameplay in history. In addition to the first comedy in history with its own complaining bullet comments, "The Best Guest" also allows the audience to directly "enter" the drama, play role-playing with their own identity, and interact with bullet comments with the protagonist’s identity, allowing netizens to enter the new era of "playing dramas" from watching dramas. The interaction between the drama and netizens has been greatly enhanced.

  Chen He Jinchen’s walking emoji, netizens: Save the laugh

  In the plot that has been launched, modern Lin Wanrong (played by Chen He) passes through the ancient airborne execution ground and is mistaken for a master of the white-clothed cult. When he is in a hurry to avoid the pursuit of officers and soldiers, he is repeatedly attacked by Xiao Qingxuan (played by Li Xirui), Miss Xiao (played by Jinchen), Second Miss (played by SNH48 Lin Siyi), Cold-faced Gao Jie (played by Yin Zheng) and other enemies, all kinds of wonderful tricks like lightning and stone fire. The "battered male housekeeper" encounters the "domineering female president" and the two "engage in things", and the wonderful show of women strong and men weak each other has just begun. In the play, Chen He, who has his own comedic characteristics, and Jin Chen, who is a domineering president, vividly interpreted the identity of the master and servant as a happy enemy. The funny and wonderful performances of the stars in the play can be called the biggest attraction. Chen He’s eyebrow dance steals the play, and Jin Chen acts cute cross-eyed clips also make netizens call it too funny. Many netizens call the director, this play is simply a "walking emoji"!

  In addition, as the series progressed, "Cold-faced Guard" Yin Zheng’s arrogant and cute temperament was exposed, and "Fairy Sister" Li Xirui turned into a "contrived" master. The cool appearance of flying in circles impressed netizens deeply. The stars dedicated themselves to comedy, contributed countless exaggerated expressions and poisonous golden sentences, and were praised for "using rope to be funny", which made many netizens shout: "Finally a movie came out to save my laugh!"

  In the upcoming plot, the third brother will also form a "trade union" with all the family members, causing Xiao Yuruo, the eldest lady, to collapse very much; the mysterious Han King’s envoy made things difficult for Xiao Family Cloth Workshop to wreak havoc; Lin Sanmiao Yufang tried her best to win Qin Xianer’s beauty a smile.

Angelababy: From the 18th-line young model to "kick" Huang Xiaoming, where is her confidence?

The history of entertainment industry stars’ counterattacks has always been fascinating, and Angelababy is definitely at the top of the list according to the degree of excitement.

Before 2009, Yang Ying was just a young model in Hong Kong, and her best job opportunity was to be a dancer for Jay Chou.

But after meeting Huang Xiaoming in 2009, she began to rise sharply, and in just a few years she was squeezed into the entertainment industry.

Nowadays, she is fully confident in divorcing Huang Xiaoming, no longer relying on anyone, and firmly establishing herself in the entertainment industry.

Behind her success is much more than just Huang Xiaoming’s support.

Yang Ying, who was born in the 1980s, has been a "double city person" since she was a child.

Before the age of 6, she lived with her parents in Hong Kong.

At the age of 6, he was sent to his grandmother’s house in Shanghai, where he studied in primary school, and only returned to Hong Kong on vacation.

Without her parents by her side, Yang Ying has been very independent since she was a child, and she has always gone home by herself when she goes to and from school.

Due to her mixed-race genes, Yang Ying was outstanding in appearance when she was a child and was often praised as cute and beautiful.

After entering junior high school, she was courted by many boys.

Once she opened her desk and found a piece of paper with her name written all over it.

At the age of 13, Yang Ying ended her dual-city life in Shanghai and Hong Kong, transferred to Hong Kong, and returned to her parents.

At that time, Hong Kong was a fashion capital with a well-developed entertainment industry. Many girls dreamed of becoming celebrities and models.

Yang Ying, who had no thoughts about going to school, was no exception.

She felt that her appearance was not bad, and she might be able to become a model.

Therefore, she immediately sent her beautiful photos to her agent, Zhou Yougen.

Zhou Yougen is also a model. After marrying her husband who works in a Hong Kong publishing house, she helped out in the fashion section of her husband’s company.

With a keen sense of the modeling industry, she could see Yang Ying’s potential at a glance.

But whether Yang Ying is worth it or not, she has to see the real person.

Then Zhou Yougen asked Yang Ying out and asked her why she thought she could be a model.

Yang Ying answered very simply, "I’m not shy."

Seeing Yang Ying’s straightforward and lively personality, Zhou Yougen immediately signed her.

In 2003, at the age of 14, Yang Ying began her acting career as a model.

Zhou Yougen is very optimistic about Yang Ying and is very supportive of her.

He not only introduced her to magazines and advertising resources, but also made her the host of TVB’s children’s program Viva Club Disney.

During the show, she met William Chan, who also hosted the show, and fell in love with him.

In 2007, Zhou Yougen left his original company and founded the modeling agency Fashion International.

At the same time, she also took away a group of potential models such as Yang Ying and Xiong Dailin.

Yang Ying looks sweet, but she is not stunning in the model circle of beautiful women.

And she has a bit of buck teeth, which greatly affects her appearance.

Previously, Xiong Dailin, who was not outstanding in appearance under Zhou Yougen, turned into a sexy beauty after a trip to Japan.

After Zhou Yougen tasted the sweetness, he copied the routine and sent Yang Ying to Japan for "whole teeth".

After "finishing her teeth", Yang Ying seemed to have changed into a different person, her facial features became exquisite and three-dimensional, like a doll.

In July 2007, Guo Fucheng and Xiong Dailin, who had been rumored for a year, were photographed going on a date at a hot pot restaurant, and their relationship was officially exposed.

Xiong Dailin was instantly promoted to "Sister-in-law of the Heavenly King", and his worth doubled.

Xiong Dailin’s success allowed Zhou Yougen to see another path of development.

At that time, Jay Chou was going to hold a concert in Hong Kong, and Zhou Yougen immediately used his connections to make Yang Ying a backup dancer for Jay Chou.

At the concert, Yang Ying and Jay Chou danced closely, hot and sexy.

However, Jay Chou didn’t seem to be interested in Yang Ying, and then the matter was settled.

Zhou Yougen couldn’t make a plan, and he had another plan to let Xiong Dailin bring Yang Ying to the event.

Not to mention, this method really worked, and Yang Ying quickly became famous.

It was also this year that Yang Ying began to transform into an actor and played a small role in the movie "Bad Things".

But the transition was not that easy, until 2009, her focus was still on shooting magazines and advertising.

In May 2009, Yang Ying met Huang Xiaoming at a party.

At that time, Huang Xiaoming had become a first-line entertainer with dramas such as "The Son of Heaven", "The Condor Heroes", and "New Shanghai Beach".

Moreover, he holds Huayi stock and is the star shareholder of Huayi.

After the two met, they kept in touch frequently, and scandals inevitably spread.

At that time, Yang Ying was still dating Chen Weiting.

But the relationship between the two people, which was so strong that they had tattoos on their waists, has entered a period of fatigue due to reasons such as getting together less and leaving more.

And Huang Xiaoming also has a genuine girlfriend, Li Feier, who has been together for two years.

In December 2009, Yang Ying wrote that "what should be lost will always be lost," and Chan Weiting was also unhappy to attend the event.

This four-year relationship finally ended in a breakup.

Huang Xiaoming also went through the process of breaking up.

According to Li Feier later revealed that she took the initiative to break up because she saw the text messages Yang Ying sent to Huang Xiaoming.

Anyway, in 2010, Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying’s love affair began to surface, and the scandal spread.

Because the time when Huang Xiaoming and Li Feier broke up, and the time with Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying was very vague.

Plus Li Feier’s words.

So all these years, Yang Ying has been questioned by people about the "little three being in power".

In 2021, Huang Xiaoming and his ex-girlfriend Li Feier participated in "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves 2" together, and this past story was mentioned again.

Yang Ying was furious and sent a long article to clarify that she was not a mistress.

It was also her post that confirmed the rumors of Huang Yang’s divorce that had spread widely in the outside world.

Back in 2010, from this year onward, Yang Ying’s resources were so good that they exploded.

First, she starred in the heroine of Huang Xiaoming’s MV "Can’t Stand It".

Then starred in the "global love", "summer fun", "ruffian hero full war" and other movies.

In 2012, Yang Ying signed a contract with Huayi and established a studio at the same time, officially entering the entertainment industry.

Yang Ying’s entry into the entertainment industry was powerful, and Huayi also praised her.

The film resources given to her are all blockbusters, and almost all of her partners are frontline players like Donnie Yen, Huang Xiaoming, and Zhao Youting.

But she really has no talent for acting.

After several movies, the audience only remembered her beautiful face and her high-profile love affair with Huang Xiaoming.

The excess is gone.

However, Yang Ying’s star path began to become clear.

By 2013, she had been named the "Four Little Huadan" along with Yang Mi, Liu Shishi, and Ni Ni.

In 2014, Yang Ying, as the only resident female MC, participated in the reality show "Run, Brothers".

With her beautiful appearance and straightforward and unpretentious personality, she quickly became popular and quickly rose to the top.

At the same time, her high-profile relationship with Huang Xiaoming has also ushered in a new stage.

On October 8, 2015, the two held a lavish wedding ceremony at the Shanghai Exhibition Center.

The trench of the scene shocked countless melon eaters, calling the wedding of the two the "wedding of the century".

After marriage, Yang Ying continued to attack the film and television industry.

But with her beauty, flow, and poor acting skills, her strength is not worthy of ambition.

The audience will always remember her face, her appearance on the variety show, and her marriage to Huang Xiaoming.

As for herself, she doesn’t seem to have the heart to hone her acting skills, and her acting skills are getting worse and worse.

When she starred in the costume drama "Gufang does not appreciate herself" in 2016, her acting skills were already too poor to watch.

Because many shots are completed by cutting out pictures, they are also ridiculed by netizens as "the queen of cutting pictures".

Subsequently, she was exposed to pay up to 80 million, but also boasted that he was worth the price.

The superposition of the two things made netizens completely dislike her.

For a moment, her reputation hit rock bottom.

However, she did not learn from it and dedicated herself to honing her acting skills.

Therefore, the dramas she starred in were all mocked by the entire network without exception.

At this moment, her marriage to Huang Xiaoming also turned red.

The two people who had written sweet happiness on their faces began to deliberately avoid suspicion.

Even if they were in the same frame in public, they didn’t interact much.

At an event in 2019, Huang Xiaoming lifted a skirt for Yang Ying at the back, but Yang Ying did not look at Huang Xiaoming the whole time.

At this moment, she already had the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder with Huang Xiaoming.

But perhaps when the two were together, the disparity in status was too great.

So much so that now the situation has completely changed, and the relationship between the two has also changed.

In early 2022, the two officially announced their divorce, and there was no surprise from the outside world.

From the 18th-line young model to the first-line, Yang Ying’s counterattack path is really exciting.

Her success cannot be achieved without the support of Huang Xiaoming.

But with her beauty and personality, even without Huang Xiaoming, she would have achieved great success, it was just a matter of time.

Why do you say so?

First and foremost, Yang Ying knows how to seize opportunities.

Whether it was sending a photo of himself to Zhou Yougen at the age of 14;

Or later decisively go to "dental surgery";

Or maybe he met Huang Xiaoming later…

Yang Ying always knew what she wanted and worked hard to seize the opportunity to get it.

Secondly, Yang Ying can tolerate it.

The beginning of Yang Ying’s relationship with Huang Xiaoming was at a disadvantage.

And Huang Xiaoming is a typical male chauvinist. Although he will spoil his girlfriend, he is also a lofty gesture.

Many girls don’t like their boyfriends’ machismo and will lose their temper.

But Yang Ying didn’t.

Huang Xiaoming once said in an interview that Yang Ying was not worthy of him, which shows that he looked down on Yang Ying in private.

Once the two quarreled and were photographed, Huang Xiaoming smashed the car window angrily, while Yang Ying kept silent beside him.

As long as another girl is treated like this by her boyfriend, she will break up early.

However, Yang Ying did not lose her temper and continued to be Huang Xiaoming’s obedient girlfriend.

It is well known that Huang Xiaoming once had a crush on Zhao, and he has mentioned it many times without hesitation.

In order to support Zhao’s film, despite his leg injury, he went on crutches to help promote it.

A genuine boyfriend has someone else in his heart, who can bear it.

But Yang Ying endured it and said that she also likes Zhao, and Huang Xiaoming has a good eye.

Although Yang Ying has a poor reputation, her facial management is definitely one of the best in entertainment.

She is always smiling in front of the camera, and she is almost never seen to lose her temper.

In one episode of "Running Man", she was slapped in the face by newcomer Song Yuqi with a mud pillow.

If it were anyone else, they couldn’t bear this breath, but she endured it.

From this, we can also see that the third trait she can succeed in is being hard on herself.

Since entering society at the age of 14, Yang Ying knows that only by being tough enough on herself can she have a chance of success.

Know how to seize opportunities, be able to tolerate what ordinary people can’t bear, and be ruthless enough to yourself.

If she doesn’t succeed, who will?

However, if Yang Ying doesn’t improve her acting skills, her success can only go so far.

For the past two years, it has been obvious that her career is on the decline.

In the past, good resources were available, but now they are seriously degraded.

This is the result of not honing your acting skills well before, no wonder others.

But with years of accumulation in the circle, even if her career declines, it’s not much better.

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After hiding it for many years, Zhao Liying said bluntly: If he didn’t break up with me back then, I wouldn’t be Mrs. Feng

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The teacher admired Zhao Liying’s integrity. He had previously praised Zhao Liying’s performance on a variety show. Yu’s mother had also praised Zhao Liying in the past. He was said to be a girl who understood career planning and worked hard to achieve her goals.

Zhao Liying is so famous because the idol is loved by many fans. At the same time, many people are worried about Zhao Liying’s love life and have kept it a secret for years. Zhao Liying honestly said that if that person hadn’t left me, I wouldn’t be Mrs. Feng..

I think netizens know who Zhao Liying is talking about. This is Chen Xiao, who once worked with Zhao Liying. The two had previously had a relationship rumor, and an insider confirmed that the two had been together before.

Zhao Liying is the daughter of a farmer. She is a woman from the country. He is honest, hard-working and stubborn.

Zhao Liying once said this in the TV series "The Biography of Chu Qiao". Even the Tieling Party has to work hard to survive. As long as he is alive, there will be expectations. Zhao Liying is a classic and inspirational role model. He has no other role in the entertainment industry. Despite her family background, connections and even endorsements, she still relies on her own efforts and efforts to remain invincible in the entertainment industry.

Zhao Liying didn’t come from a professional class, but Zhao Liying’s performance is no worse than that of a professional class. Zhao Liying has starred in costume dramas, and Zhao Liying has also starred in modern films. He never disappoints anyone. The dramas she has starred in are all successful dramas. Many netizens said they should watch the dramas starring Zhao Liying. It’s an inspiring process.

Zhao Liying is a girl from rural Hebei. Zhao Liying’s education is not high, but Zhao Liying has the diligence and perseverance of a villager. Zhao Liying makes people feel that she is very stable. There is no indulgence and arrogance of a city girl. It’s very simple., a very honest person, who dares to think and act.

Some netizens looked down on Zhao Liying’s identity as a farmer’s daughter, thinking that this woman was not elegant enough. Who can understand Zhao Liying’s fighting spirit? Zhao Liying had the courage to go to the set in person. He still has scars on his body. He participated in the performance, and every movement was carefully choreographed.

Shooting costume dramas, her mouth is full of food. He is looking for the truth. No one gives up their efforts like others because they are worried about gaining weight. Vladimir Zhao Liying knows how to deal with people. He is very humble and willing to help young artists.

(2) Zhao Liying entered the entertainment industry by virtue of his strength. For the development of his career, Zhao Liying missed his best feelings and has been in the entertainment industry, relying entirely on his own strength. What if you are not a professional artist? What if you are a round face? Zhao Liying used his power and work to really hit these people hard in the face. He lived up to the high expectations of the directors. He took every role seriously and performed it well. We all know the TV series "The Legend of Chu Qiao". In the TV series "Thousand Bone Flowers", "Legend of Lu Zhen", "Shanshan is Coming" and other TV series, Zhao Liying has brought us very wonderful performances.

As Yu Zheng said, Zhao Liying is a girl who knows how to plan her future. Zhao Liying plans her goals for each stage. We often say that there is no battle without preparation. Zhao Liying is a girl who likes to be thousands of miles away.

I love Chu Qiao, played by Zhao Liying in the TV series "The Legend of Chu Qiao". He led the beautiful army through the most difficult period. Chu Qiao stepped on the military horse and led the officers and soldiers into battle, showing heroism. Women are almost as good as men. This is the classic inspiration symbol we will see.

Although Zhao Liying is a country girl, she is also very practical. Step by step, she eventually became a first-line actress in the entertainment industry by virtue of her own strength. This is not easy for him. He not only won the praise of his peers, but also won the love of netizens.

The drama starring Zhao Liying includes a historical drama "The Legend of Lu Zhen." Lu Zhen is also a very classic and inspirational character in ancient history. Zhao Liying solved this farce. To improve, he invested a lot of energy in the role, constantly guessing and maintaining a good relationship with the crew. He and Gao Zhan, played by Chen Xiao, are a screen couple in the drama.

Lu Zhen and Gao Zhan’s relationship was full of ups and downs, and the ups and downs they experienced were very difficult. Many netizens were moved to tears after watching the show. In fact, Zhao Liying and Li Sheng have a very good relationship, and their relationship has also been reported by the media.

Although the two have never publicly admitted to it, netizens have also revealed some truths in some interviews. Zhao Liying admitted that the show made her fall in love with a male artist, and admitted that she cared deeply about the relationship. So why didn’t the two end up together?

It was because of this lack of connection that Zhao Liying later became Mrs. Feng. Now that Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng have separated, some netizens have posted online, asking Chen Xiao to end the marriage as soon as possible and return to Zhao Liying. Do you think it is possible?

(3) If you miss it, you miss it. Due to the different consciousness of separation, Zhao Liying and Chen Xiao eventually drifted apart. Chen Xiao and Zhao Liying are both talented and beautiful. In "The Legend of Lu Zhen", Chen Xiao is very cool and handsome, and the performance is also very good. The relationship between the two is particularly close. But the thing of fate is still missing, and the two eventually become the future Mrs. Feng, and the other leaves the ink and becomes the future Mr. Chen.

In order to better shoot the legend of Lu Zhen, Chen Xiao and Zhao Liying communicated very well and wrote very implicitly. In fact, they loved each other very much from the beginning, so it was very suitable to be together. At that time, Chen Xiaodeng’s appearance was very online, and Zhao Liying also looked very cute.

How could the two people become more and more estranged and unfamiliar? Yu Zheng said something, maybe he can answer everyone. Because the two have different requirements for work and different ideals, they eventually drifted apart.

When Zhao Liying made the Legend of Lu Zhen, it was not as popular as it is now. Therefore, Zhao Liying hopes that his work can show a higher development trend. After all, he has no family background, and it doesn’t matter. Oh, for such a country girl, this is her own adventure, so Zhao Liying wants to make more movies to consolidate her influence in the entertainment industry.

Children from poor families have had family responsibilities since ancient times. When he went abroad, Zhao Liying felt a sense of urgency. That’s why he valued his strong and reliable influence. But Li Sheng was different from him. Li Sheng’s family environment was very good, and even if Chen Xiao did not act, his relatives could support him.

Chen Xiao’s workload is not heavy, so Li Sheng does not pursue perfection in his work. Compared to Zhao Liying’s work development period, Chen Xiao does not seem to have any sense of responsibility, which also causes differences in concepts. The difference is that their consciousness is different, their ideals are different, and their paths are different.

Along the way, we hope to find a close friend who cares about you, let us walk side by side and walk hand in hand to the end of the world. However, a person is diligent and a person is lazy, and eventually the two will be different. Run towards old age.

Although there will be shortcomings, Zhao Liying will also regret it many years later. If you hadn’t broken up with me, I would no longer be Mrs. Feng. These words also sound very sad.

The entertainment industry is very competitive. Zhao Liying gave up her career, married Feng Shaofeng without hesitation, and decided to give them a child at the purest time. It can be seen that Zhao Liying gave up her career for love..

However, their marriage did not turn out as they had imagined. In the end, for various reasons, the two decided to officially break up. Let’s not talk about the past anymore, it’s just memories. Zhao Liying had just ended her marriage to Feng Shaofeng. My heart was filled with excitement about life. It is likely that when I look back, I will feel that there is a gap.

But for something like love, if you miss it, you miss it. There is no such thing as Meng Po Tang. If Chen Xiao and Zhao Liying were really together, do you think they would be happy? Chen Xiao came from a wealthy family. Did his parents admire Zhao Liying? After all, what is the difference between the two families? Can’t talking about significant others avoid differences in marital status, let alone big stars in the entertainment industry?

Some netizens said that the best fate is not the person you miss, but the person you meet. If you meet the best person, get married or get married when you are in your prime, you will be satisfied. They yearn for marriage, which is the most beautiful scene in life. Zhao Liying and Li Sheng have both achieved the most beautiful scene in life. They may have forgotten the past, but they don’t really have to let go.


Zhao Liying ended her marriage to Feng Shaofeng. This short marriage made everyone think a lot about marriage. You don’t have to feel a little depressed when choosing to connect. Crazy love can make us happy, but in marriage, we must learn to be objective, accept compromise, and even sacrifice ourselves, otherwise we can’t have true happiness. Women must always learn financial freedom. Only financial freedom can make your significant others respect you and your family. My mother-in-law thinks highly of herself.

Zhao Liying plays an inspirational role in the play, but she is also a strong woman in real life. She will not compromise with anyone, nor will she allow her mother-in-law to change her name to Wang Huxiang. Insult his character.

Zhao Liying is Zhao Liying, a simple girl who wants to go abroad. She uses her inspirational story to tell everyone that women should always be lonely. Women can only have a stronger sense of belonging if they earn more money.

Zhao Liying is a woman I admire. I hope Zhao Liying’s career can continue to be hot and not be affected by the breakup, because I hope everyone can become a strong woman, make more money, create more DNF, and achieve success. Dream hard and work hard.

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Trucks overloaded, illegal taxis flooded, traffic police departments are systematically *****

  CCTV News:Overloaded trucks carrying hundreds of tons of traffic at every turn on the road, illegal taxis grabbing business at stations and scenic spots, all interfere with traffic order and even bring safety hazards, which are deeply abhorrent. However, in some places, overloaded trucks and black taxis are like psoriasis that cannot be cured. They are treated, rebounded, and then treated and rebounded. Why are these cars so difficult to manage? This problem also plagues Harbin, Heilongjiang. After more than a year of rectification storms, Harbin has found the source of the problem.

  In a video shot by local media in Heilongjiang Province at the end of 2016, it can be seen that long lines of overloaded trucks are whizzing past police cars.

  The driver revealed that these cars are all sand, 80 or 90 square meters folded into a load of 130 tons. Trucks with a load of 100 tons are not uncommon in Harbin. Local media reports show that overloaded goods have exploded 150 tons of large scales, and accidents caused by overloading are constantly emerging. When these large trucks are mentioned, local residents complain.

  Freight vehicles are wildly overloaded, and the undercurrent in the passenger transportation field is also turbulent. In the passenger distribution centers such as Harbin West Railway Station and Xiangfang Railway Station, regular taxi drivers complain about black taxis. Some taxi drivers told reporters that in order to grab business, black car drivers will beat regular taxi drivers.

  However, according to public reports, whether it is overloaded trucks or illegal taxis, the local area has been cracking down. For trucks, the traffic police department averages nearly 50 times a year at peak times. With such a strong crackdown, why is the public response so strong? Drivers say the root of the problem lies behind the scenes.

  Car protection refers to the people who provide protection behind these overloaded vehicles. These people are mostly gangs, collecting protection fees from the owners of large trucks, and at the same time seeking protection from law enforcement through illegal profit transfer. When these large trucks violate the law, the car protection gang members will contact the police on duty not to intercept the vehicles; or after the vehicles are detained, the internal operation of these large trucks will not be punished or mitigated. If you don’t get rid of the car protection gang and unplug the umbrella company behind it, no amount of rectification can only be a formality.

  On October 23, 2017, the Harbin Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission started from the umbrella company behind the interest chain and set up a task force to intervene in the investigation.

  After more than 7 months, 6 gangs involved in evil car protection were destroyed in one fell swoop, 70 suspected criminal social personnel were investigated and 122 crazy big goods umbrella companies were punished.

  As long as the protection fee is collected, it can provide all-round protection before, during and after the event. In the eyes of these law enforcement officers, law enforcement has become a business, not for the people, but for money; the basis of law enforcement is not the law, but the relationship of money piled up. Objectively speaking, the traffic police umbrella company that Harbin destroyed involves cadres whose positions are not high, but they are government officials who deal with the people all the time and hold power. It is this kind of micro-corruption that the people feel the deepest and has the greatest social impact. Destroy these umbrella companies and dry the soil under the umbrella in the sun, so that all kinds of pests who are afraid of the sun can have no way to escape; the law enforcement department has a clear political ecology and hangs the sword of fairness and justice high, so that the society can see the power of the rule of law.