We all owe Edison Chen an apology

Author: Wang Xuan (Bang Bang)

After being out of the entertainment industry for many years, Chen Edison, who is occasionally exposed, always surprises people. A documentary shows the inspirational entrepreneurial process, tearing up Sister Zhiling in the middle of the night has whetted the public’s appetite, and the baby voice says it is pointless. What kind of drama is this?

Of course, he scolded Chen even more, and he had the physique to be scolded. In the "Art Photography Exhibition" eight years ago, Edison Chen harvested enough saliva for him to play rafting. I wonder if he can grow a swimming pool this time?

Chen Edison is not the first to tear up Zhiling’s sister. Li Ao Dashi said that there are a few people in Taiwan who should not be on TV, including Lin Zhiling. Li Dashi’s reason is: there are no 40-year-old models in the world. Although I have always had reservations about Dashi, I will give full marks for this sentence.

The fans of Zhiling’s sister will definitely scold Edison Chen. Bang Bang just wants to remind him that if you have scolded him because of the photography exhibition, you should first apologize to Edison Chen for being late.

My evaluation of Edison Chen is: uncultured, quality, and inspirational man. If your family has a son, you should consider cultivating in this direction, and have children like Edison Chen!

There were endless incidents of "pornographic photos" in the entertainment industry, but no one could compare to Edison Chen. In addition to him being the founder of the mountain, there were too many actresses involved and too popular. Then there was all kinds of saliva, scolding Edison Chen and scolding those actresses.

There are both men and women who scold Edison Chen, and most of them are men, while those who scold actresses are basically compatriots, which is a reflection of social psychology. Men reveal naked hatred. "What the hell can you do to Cecilia Cheung?" "What the hell can you make so many Muses slutty?" "What the hell do you…" A series of reasons. Women scold actresses is much simpler, there is only one reason. "Why is it not me who has sex with male stars?" Of course, the above can only be said in my heart.

Condemning the scandal gave everyone an unquestionable moral high ground. In that national crusade, except for the men and women involved, all the abusers were the real clowns. What did Edison Chen do wrong? What did those women do wrong?

Adult, voluntary, private, in line with these three points, sex is not condemned. On the contrary, we should also thank Edison Chen, not him, how would we know that Gillian is a "banana" lover? How did we know that Cecilia Cheung has several tattoos on her body?

It is natural for people to look at their own girlfriends, but when we look at other people’s girlfriends, we have to scold that man for being nasty, scum, and bastard. Whose character is wrong with this? In the whole "pornographic photo door" incident, all the parties involved are victims. Edison Chen’s only mistake is that he does not understand computer technology, and he does not need to apologize to society at all. He needs to accept the apology.

If he is beaten away by the crowd, he will sink or give up on himself. This kind of person is not worthy of sympathy. Edison Chen makes me admire his energy, which is arrogant in the wilting. The clothing business is booming, but everyone still makes fun of him. No one cares about his efforts, but only cares about his room skills. In people’s hearts, Edison Chen can only be associated with pornographic news.

Everyone was looking forward to the reason for tearing up Lin Zhiling this time. I was not interested in the right and wrong of the two sides. What Bang Bang cared about was the treatment of Chen and Lin in China.

Ten years ago, Xinhua News Agency revealed the "**" background of Lin Zhiling’s family. Beimen Rotary Club, Formosa (A-bian’s English name) Foundation, Shuidangdang Sister Alliance, these "dark green" organizations are the strong backing of Chen Shuibian’s rise to power, and they are also firm "**" societies. Lin Zhiling’s parents are either founders or backbones, and her sister Zhiling herself has participated in it many times. Why has no one questioned Doll Yin for so many years, what is your position? Why can she still become famous and make a fortune in mainland China? Why is she invited to be the VIP of the Spring Festival Gala? The articles of the National Club can be ignored. Who is in the hands of our media?

Why did we lose our voice in the face of Lin Zhiling’s "**" of DingTalk on the board? Can looks really defeat everything? You may say that Father Lin and Mother Lin have long since quit those organizations. It seems so on the surface, but what else is there behind the scenes, shouldn’t we ask? Even if it is really washing hands, then we should ask why. Did they give up their position, or did they make money for their daughter’s convenience? If it is the latter, is such washing hands fooling the mainland and fooling compatriots?

Sister Zhiling’s acting skills, hehe, can she still rely on her face to support her for a few years after she has passed the age? When the old pearl yellow fades the powder, earns enough money from the mainland, and goes back to engage in the "**" business, will she thank the mainland and thank the fans? I think what she gives back to the Strait will only be one sentence: **!

An innocent person who was tortured and killed by public opinion continued to be mocked, and a hostile element to be vigilant was praised to the sky. Would this kind of abnormality continue? Edison Chen’s emergence this time was a great contribution. If the majority of patriots wanted to get rid of the "patriotic thief" hat buckled by the elite *****, they must polish their eyes and distinguish between enemies, me, and friends. We not only need to have patriotism, but also the ability to be patriotic.

Once, like many men, I scolded Edison Chen with envy, jealousy, and hatred. Today, I am ashamed of who I used to be. Knowing shame and then being brave, I owe Edison Chen a sentence: I’m sorry!

Wanda Film may change hands, why did Wang Jianlin "break his wrist" to save himself?

1905 movie network feature "This part of Disney China’s finances will not be profitable for 10 to 20 years."

In May 2016, Wanda Group chairperson Wang Jianlin publicly challenged Disney. At that time, Wanda Group was a huge commercial aircraft carrier that integrated cultural tourism, real estate, film and television content creation, film screening, and other businesses.

Seven years later, Wang Jianlin chose Zhuangshi to break his wrist in order to raise the repurchase money for the gambling agreement between his Wanda Commercial Management and investors. After the annexation of Wanda Film, the helm of Wanda Film was about to change hands.

At noon on December 6, Wanda Film announced that Wang Jianlin, the actual controller of the company, plans to transfer his total 51% stake in Beijing Wanda Investment to Shanghai Ruyi Investment Management Co., Ltd. If the above matters are finally implemented, it will lead to a change in the company’s control.

According to the official account, in view of the uncertainties in the above matters, in order to ensure fair information disclosure, safeguard the interests of investors, and avoid stock market fluctuations, Wanda Film has suspended trading since the opening of the market on December 6, and is expected to suspend trading for no more than 2 trading days. As of December 12, Wanda Film securities are still suspended.

For both parties to the transaction, this may be a win-win deal.

Shanghai Ruyi may become the largest shareholder of Wanda Film

The mountains and rains are about to come and the wind is full of buildings.

In early November, a Wanda employee broke the news to the media that Chen Zhixi, the president of Ruyi Film, led a team to Wanda Film and Television for "research". At that time, there was a lot of speculation that Wanda Film and Television might be taken over by Ruyi Film.

On December 6, with an announcement from Wanda Film putting boots on the ground, rumors developed in the direction of prophecy. This is not the first time the two sides have cooperated.

In July 2023, Wanda Film issued a "Reminder Announcement on Changes in Indirect Controlling shareholders’ equity". The announcement shows that Shanghai Ruyi intends to buy 49% of Beijing Wanda Investment Company for 2.262 billion yuan and settle in Wanda Film through indirect holding.

After the transaction was completed, Shanghai Ruyi held 2,13,578,143 shares of Wanda Film Company through Beijing Wanda Investment, accounting for 9.8% of the company’s total share capital. At that time, Wanda Film’s actual controller was still Wang Jianlin.

If the second transaction between the two parties is completed, Beijing Wanda Investment will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai Ruyi. Shanghai Ruyi will hold 20% of Wanda Film’s shares through indirect shareholding, surpassing Wang Jianlin to become the company’s largest shareholder. According to Wanda Film’s closing price of 12.45 yuan/share before the suspension, Shanghai Ruyi needs to pay Wanda Film 2.767 billion yuan for the transaction.

The lack of money has become the main reason for Wanda Group’s self-rescue. From April 2023, Wanda Film will cash out by reducing its holdings and transferring shares to meet "its own capital needs".

In mid-April 2023, Wanda Investment announced that it would plan to reduce its holdings of Wanda Film through centralized bidding mode and block trade to no more than 65.38 million shares, accounting for 3% of the company’s total share capital, with a market value of about 953 million yuan.

In July this year, Wanda Investment transferred its 180 million Wanda Film shares to Lu Lili, the proprietress of Oriental Wealth, through an agreed transfer, accounting for 8.26% of Wanda Film’s total share capital. The transfer price is 12.07 yuan/share, and the total transaction amount is 2.173 billion yuan.

It is worth mentioning that 2023 is the last year of the listing period for Wanda Commercial Management and investors. In June 2023, Wanda Commercial Management submitted its IPO application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for the fourth time. Now the deadline for gambling is less than 20 days. If it fails to list on time, Wanda Film will not only need to buy back 30 billion yuan of equity, but also pay an annualized interest of 12%.

In addition, due to the rapid recovery of the Chinese film market in 2023, Wanda Film’s choice to trade at this time is also conducive to getting a high offer.

According to Wanda Film’s third quarter financial report in 2023, with the accelerated recovery of China’s film industry, the operating performance of the company’s various business segments has achieved significant growth compared with the same period in the first half of the year. During the reporting period, Wanda Film’s operating income was 4.478 billion yuan, an increase of 60.97% over the same period last year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies reached 692 million yuan, an increase of 1340.97% over the same period last year.

A win-win deal for everyone?

Wanda Film is "holding hands" with Shanghai Confucianism and Italy again, which may be a win-win deal for each person.

According to public information, Shanghai Ruyi Film and Television Production Company has participated in the production of 44 cinema films since its establishment. In 2023, the main products of "Exchange Life", "Keep You Safe" and "Warm" have landed in this year’s Spring Festival file, Qingming file and summer file respectively, and obtained 393 million yuan, 700 million yuan and 913 million yuan box office.

In previous years, Shanghai Ruyi has also participated in the production of "Hello, Li Huanying", "Walking Alone on the Moon", "Send You a Little Red Flower" and other popular cinema films. Its TV drama representative works include "No War in Peiping", "Langya Bang", "The Legend of Mi Yue", "Old Tavern" and so on.

In the upstream content production side of the film and television industry, Shanghai Ruyi has certain quality control capabilities. This time, Shanghai Ruyi’s stake in Wanda Film intends to open up the upstream and downstream resources of the industry, which is conducive to fully tapping the value of content.

In addition, Shanghai Ruyi has also launched a streaming platform, Pumpkin Movies. Its parent company, China Ruyi, has also cooperated with Tencent in game distribution. In the future, the linkage of film games may be the main development direction of China Ruyi.

According to the third quarter earnings report of 2023, as of September 30, Wanda Film has 877 cinemas and 7,338 screens. Among them, there are 709 directly-operated cinemas and 6,159 screens. The company’s box office share in the Chinese mainland film market in the first three quarters is as high as 16.5%, ranking first in the industry.

For Wanda, the sale of Wanda investment shares will ease the financial pressure to some extent. At the same time, in the film and television content production side, it has welcomed important allies.

In recent years, Wanda Film’s main control of popular works has become the norm. In addition to the Chinatown series IP, Wanda Film rarely has a major movie box office breaking 1 billion works. In 2022, the highest box office of the company’s main theater film is 547 million yuan "Brother, Hello".

As of December 12, there are only two cinema movies produced by Wanda Film in 2023. One is the May 1st "Countdown to Say I Love You", which has a cumulative box office of 26.37 million yuan.

The other is about to be released, by Chen Sicheng, Zhang Ji as the screenwriter, Zhang Yi and other starring "Three Brigade".

At present, the film is launching a national roadshow, and the total box office of the premiere and pre-sale has exceeded 78 million yuan. Judging from the word-of-mouth and box office performance of the current premiere, the film is expected to become a strong contender for the box office championship of the New Year’s Eve in 2023.

At present, the integration of the upstream and downstream of the film and television industry has many positive implications for promoting the healthy and diversified development of the industry. For both parties, this may also be a win-win transaction. And this kind of transaction is not the first time in the industry, and it will not be the last.

The original Di Lizheba "no makeup and haggard" appeared in the hospital, filming a variety show, and the body turned on a red light


On October 18, some media exposed a video of Di Lizheba appearing in the hospital dressed without makeup. In the video, she was very tightly wrapped that day, wearing a long loose purple T-shirt on her upper body, black casual pants on her lower body, a bucket hat, and a big mask. The package was so tightly wrapped and low-key that she didn’t want to be recognized. But the eyes of the public are really poisonous, no matter how the stars dress, they can always be recognized at a glance.

Di Lizheba was helped into the hospital by an assistant

There was also an assistant and a staff member who were with Di Lizheba that day. They were two girls, and they took great care of Di Lizheba. Although Reba’s physical condition could not be judged from the perspective of shooting, her physical condition was indeed very bad from the analysis of walking and being supported.

"Long Song" stills

Some netizens also said that Reba may have gone to the hospital because of the hot weather recently, which made her suffer from heatstroke during filming. If she really suffered from heatstroke during filming, it would be too much. A few days ago, she was filming the TV drama "Long Song Walk" with Wu Lei in Hengdian. Everyone knows that when filming ancient dramas, she has to wear thick costumes and heavy decorations every day. Walking under the hot sun in such costumes all day, it is ok for a short time, but if it is like this for a long time, it is really easy to cause problems.

Di Lizheba, just finished recording "Happy Camp"

Many netizens expressed their distressed feelings that Reba was simply too thin. In addition to the TV series, Reba also had a movie in the works, and even participated in the recording of "Happy Camp" on October 17. The itinerary was really fully arranged.


Although Di Lizheba has been quite desperate as a popular flow flower. Since her debut, Di Lizheba’s popularity has soared and she has filmed many dramas in a row. According to people familiar with the matter, Di Lizheba has not rested for nearly 4 years. In addition to film and television, Di Lizheba has also performed a lot in variety shows, joining a number of variety shows as a regular guest.


In a variety show, Di Lizheba, as the only female guest, did not show a trace of delicacy. One show was filmed for more than ten hours in a row, and Di Lizheba was so tired that her legs were weak that her assistant helped her back to the hotel. In terms of planning endorsements, Di Lizheba did not fall behind, and was repeatedly named the most commercially valuable female artist.



Having said that, young people really should strive, and it is also worth admiration to work hard to break through the bottleneck of their careers, but their bodies are the capital of revolution, so Reba still needs to take care of her health first, and then work hard for her career. In this case, I hope Di Lizheba will take care of her body and bring us more beautiful works when she recovers. Let’s look forward to it together!

Responsible editor:

The classic reappears on the set of "Embroidery Spring Knife", Zhang Zhen and Wang Qianyuan return to the Ming Dynasty

1905 movie network feature The film and television bases in the early spring have basically resumed work one after another, and the lively scene has gradually come into our eyes. Which one do you prefer, costume opera or modern drama? In the third issue of "On-set Memories", which is exclusively curated by 1905 Film Network, Xiao Dianjun has specially reviewed some vivid on-set visiting stories for everyone in recent years.

On August 4, 2013, the film held a media tour in the suburbs of Beijing. Directed by Lu Yang and starring Zhang Zhen, Wang Qianyuan, Li Dongxue, etc., the film tells the story of Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty ascending the throne and the destruction of the Jinyi Wei and the emasculation of the party. Lu Jianxing (Wang Qianyuan), Shen Lian (Zhang Zhen) and Jin Yichuan (Li Dongxue) are the three most brave and upright brothers of Jinyi Wei. In order to solve their respective troubles, the three brothers decide to accept the secret operation of Zhao Jingzhong, the governor of Dongchang, to hunt down Wei Zhongxian. After a bloody storm, Wei Zhongxian’s body was brought back. They thought that all three of their long-cherished wishes could be fulfilled, but they didn’t expect Shen Lian to hide a big secret. All three brothers were facing danger. Shen Lian decided to leave the capital with his brother and lover…

Wang Qianyuan and Zhang Zhen read the lines

Zhang Zhen

Zhang Zhen touch-up makeup

Zhang Zhen and Wang Qianyuan play

Zhang Zhen and Wang Qianyuan play

Director Lu Yang talks about drama

Actors walk on set

Zhang Zhen and Wang Qianyuan’s acting skills are beyond doubt, and we look forward to their more exciting performances on the big screen.  

Ruan Jingtian won the award to thank his girlfriend: always with me, this’right and wrong ‘

  "This award belongs to the entire staff of Monga. If I only relied on one person’s strength, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I hope that in the future, I can go higher and farther together with the people of Doudao and the Prince Gang."

  "I know I’m actually a troublemaker, and I have a lot of right and wrong. Thank you for never giving up and always accompanying me."

  The list of winners of the 47th Golden Horse Awards came out one after another. Ruan Jingtian (Xiao Tian), who was not favored before, moved the judges with a "moving look back" at the end of "Monga". He defeated three mainland powerful actors, Wang Xueqi, Ni Dahong and Qin Hao, and became the new film champion of this year’s Golden Horse Awards. Although some people think that Ruan Jingtian’s award is difficult to convince the public, the Taiwanese newspapers that came out yesterday can’t wait to call him "the light of Taiwan". Also known as "the light of Taiwan", last year there was Dai Liren, and the year before that was Wei Desheng, both filmmakers who have been dormant in the film circle for many years. Ruan Jingtian’s best actor award was regarded by the Taiwanese media as "the acting skills of the Taiwanese idol star". In an interview, director Ang Lee also praised his excellent performance in "Mengka," saying that "Taiwanese films need such an idol school who can act."

  It’s not all smooth sailing for Ruan Jingtian, who is now in good luck. In an interview with reporters, he couldn’t hold back his tears and thanked a series of people. He said: "First of all, I have to thank my grandfather. Many times when I couldn’t support myself in the circle, he would secretly send me money." Ruan Jingtian revealed that when he entered the industry, he had promised to win the award within 20 years. Now that the award has come so quickly, he will keep reminding himself that "everything is just the beginning."

Feilai Grand Prize

The jury revealed that "he broke free from the shackles of his idol and won by nine votes"

  Ruan Jingtian defeated Wang Xueqi, an "old actor" and Qin Hao, a "big hit" who had been very vocal before the event, which surprised many people. Some netizens pointed out that this year’s Golden Horse Awards have serious "local protectionism". From the perspective of the war situation, among the nominees for this year’s Golden Horse Award Best Actor, the ratio of Taiwanese to mainland actors is 1 to 3. Compared with Wang Xueqi’s sophistication on the mainland, Ni Dahong’s subtlety, and Qin Hao’s delicacy, Ruan Jingtian is not favored. However, Huang Jianye, the chairperson of the jury, and Wen Tianxiang, the secretary general of the executive committee, revealed that most of the judges who supported Xiao Tian came from Hong Kong and the mainland.

  In the eyes of the judges, Ruan Jingtian’s performance in "Monga" broke free from the shackles of idols, showed learning efforts, and had a high and complex performance. "In the male group play of" Monga ", there is no simple heroism." The secretary general of the executive committee also revealed that Ye Tong, one of the judges, said that "the moment Xiaotian looked back at the end of the film was a rare in-depth performance in recent years." He finally won by nine votes (Editor’s note: there are 17 final judges).

  Ruan Jingtian took the stage with a bizarre coffee advertisement for Zhao Youting, another male lead in "Mengka." He explained in an interview that the reason for this was that he and Zhao Youting had promised before that no matter who won the award, "never forget to help each other during filming." He joked that he had already received a congratulatory phone call from director Niu Chengze and fellow actor Zhao Youting as soon as he won the award, and the three of them were all swearing at each other on the phone. Doudao Niu Chengze sent him a congratulatory text message saying that he would redouble his efforts to make a commercial and emotional film to repay everyone. "As for Xiaotian, you are lucky to win the award, otherwise I will find Mingdao to play in the next play." After receiving the award, Xiao Tian thanked the brothers of "Monga" several times. "I really want to shout with my brothers now." He revealed that in order to make the role fuller and more vivid, the director Niu Chengze specially took him to visit the real underworld brother, so he said, "This award belongs to the entire staff of" Monga ". If I relied on the strength of one person, I would not be where I am today. I hope that in the future, I can go higher and farther with the people of Doudao and the Prince Gang."

Once frustrated

"I can’t get along" several times, and I persisted with my grandfather’s funding

  Having just ascended the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor, the Taiwanese newspapers that went out yesterday couldn’t wait to call Ruan Ching-tian the "Light of Taiwan". Compared with the previous two Golden Horse Awards, "Light of Taiwan" Wei Desheng and Dai Liren have both experienced in the Taiwanese film industry for many years, Xiao Tian can be regarded as "famous at a young age". Even directors Ang Lee and Zhang Aijia supported him and said they hoped to cooperate with him. At the age of 28, he looks to have a bright future.

  However, he revealed that his journey has not been so smooth, and he thought about leaving the entertainment industry many times during the journey. In an interview with reporters, he cried and said: "I have always been very rebellious, and I have been in high school for many years. Many people have given up on me, and only my grandfather has been helping me. After entering the industry, many times when I felt that I could not support it, he sent me money to encourage me." Xiao Tian said that he wanted to leave the circle several times, "I feel that I am almost 30 years old and want to be responsible for my life, but my family and people in the circle have given me a lot of support and made me stay." He is especially grateful to Hong Weiming, the godfather of fashion who introduced him, because at the age of 25, after five or six years of drama, he almost gave up this line of work to find a stable career. It was the cast of the idol drama "I’m Destined to Love You" that left him behind, and this drama finally made him popular. So he also smiled and said: "This is probably destiny!"

  Since his opponents are all fierce enemies from the mainland, Ruan Jingtian has been described as the "light of Taiwan". He said nervously that in fact, his original goal was to "win an actor award within 20 years", so this time he was in the mood to play. He did not expect to be recognized so early. He reminded himself: "I should not be proud, this is just the beginning."

Thank you girlfriend

"Thank you for always being with me, this’right and wrong ‘."

  After the ceremony that night, Xiaotian only made a short stop at the official Golden Horse Awards celebration banquet, and then rushed to attend the celebration banquet organized by the brokerage company overnight. His girlfriend Xu Weining also accompanied him to the celebration banquet sweetly.

  Before the award, Cai Kangyong revealed that Xu Weining had told Xiao Tian that "if you win the award, I will give you whatever you want". If the winning Xiao Tian was repeatedly asked what he wanted, he had to smile and say, "What he wants most now is to take a break." Xu Weining said jokingly: "I guess he will want me to give him a hundred massages." When the reporter told Xiao Tian this, he laughed: "This is a good idea!"

  Jokes aside, Xiao Tian is also full of gratitude when talking about his girlfriend, "I am really grateful to her, whether it is low or unpleasant, she is with me." He confessed: "I know that I am actually a troublemaker, and I have a lot of right and wrong. Thank you for not giving up and always accompanying me." He promised: "I will try my best to become the Xiao Tian in your eyes in the future." Everyone asked Xiao Tian if he would propose to his girlfriend Xu Weining after winning the prize. He smiled and said "these are two different things", and also emphasized that he did not want Xu Weining to live in his shadow, and hoped that his girlfriend could have her own part of the sky.

Reason for cold

  "Ruan Jingtian’s performance in’Monga ‘broke free from the shackles of idols, showed learning efforts, and the performance was highly and complex. Looking back at the moment at the end of the film, it was a rare in-depth performance in recent years."

Peng Yuyan came to clock in this Shenzhen "specialty"

Recently, the famous actor Peng Yuyan

Running and exercising in Shenzhen Bijia Mountain Sports Park

Experience smart fitness equipment

Afterwards, he was full of praise for Shenzhen’s parks

This sharing immediately aroused strong resonance among citizens and netizens

Call directly "The park is a’Shenzhen specialty ‘"

"There is also a park like this near home"

How amazing are the parks in Shenzhen?

Come and see it together

Why has it received such widespread praise?

Let people walk in once and fall in love

The outdoor smart gym in the park attracts many citizens to exercise.

Sports park

Set off a sports craze

The Bijia Mountain Sports Park, where celebrities come to "clock in", is a sports-themed park located in the center of Shenzhen. After it was completed and opened in November 2023, it has become a sports resort for many people, with an average of 12,000 visitors per day on weekends and holidays.

Peng Yuyan said that his impression of Shenzhen is "high", not only with high-rise buildings, but also full of technology. "The sports equipment in Shenzhen Park is very powerful and rich. People can interact with AI when they stand there, and they can exercise physically and mentally at the same time." He mentioned that when he went out in the morning, he found that many elders were also exercising in the park.

Peng Yuyan clocks in the wisdom trail of Bijia Mountain Park.

Walking into Bijia Mountain Sports Park, you can see a variety of sports venues and fitness facilities such as 5G smart trail, outdoor smart gym, football field, basketball court, badminton court, shuttlecock court, table tennis court, yoga area, etc. Citizen "Zhong Zhong" said, "It’s very nice to accompany your children to play games in the park football field every day during the May Day holiday!"

1.6 kilometers of 5G smart trail.

The sense of technology is also reflected in the park. The 5G smart trail does not need to wear equipment. After the "identification pole" facial recognition, it can carry out sports data analytics such as speed measurement and heat, as well as information display such as health guidance. The AR interactive smart screen has AR Tai Chi interaction, fruit cutting experts, garbage elimination and other small games, which are full of fun.

The city’s parks were completed

More than 120 sets of smart gyms

There are more options for sports and fitness. Shenzhen has increased the construction of cultural and sports facilities in the park. The 5G jogging trail in Xiaofeng Yangri Scenic Area of Lianhuashan Park, which will be put into use in 2023, and the Huiyun and Tanglangshan Smart Track in Tanglangshan Country Park have become popular running spots.

Among the diverse sports facilities, free outdoor smart gyms are particularly hot. According to the operator, more than 160 sets of outdoor smart gyms have been built in major parks, communities, industrial parks and campuses in Shenzhen, attracting about 5 million citizens to exercise regularly, and the cumulative number of users exceeds 46 million.

Outdoor smart gym.

Among them, most outdoor smart gyms are built in parks, with a total of more than 120 sets. Two sets have been built in parks such as Shenzhen Bay Park, Lianhuashan Park, and Bijia Mountain Sports Park, which have large traffic and large areas, and three sets have been built in Bijia Mountain Park. In addition to large comprehensive parks, many community parks have also been built.

It is understood that the outdoor smart gym has high technological content, integrates artificial intelligence, big data and other technologies, and pioneered the application of national team physical training technology to national fitness facilities, which can not only test physical fitness, master sports data, but also obtain scientific fitness guidance.

In the morning and evening, the outdoor smart gym in the park is often hard to find a person, running, swinging ropes, practicing shoulders, waist, legs… energetic. Many netizens "Amway", a good place for free fitness, praised "you can exercise at your doorstep", and also said "I hope the park can promote it".

The number of parks has increased to 1,290

The theme is richer

The star effect highlights the soft and hard power of Shenzhen parks, and the recently popular "20-minute park effect" has become a daily experience that Shenzhen people can feel at any time.

Shenzhen continues to deepen and upgrade the construction of a global park city. By 2023, 30 new parks of various types will be built and renovated, increasing the number of parks in the city to 1,290.

As the number of parks increases and the coverage is wider, the theme features are also richer. Once a number of characteristic theme parks such as Longgang Children’s Park, Yantian Yunhai Park, Luohu Cuihu Cultural and Sports Park, and Guangming Science City Smart Park opened, they quickly became new Internet celebrities. Not only new parks, but also connected parks, taking the lead in realizing the "five gardens connection" of Lianhuashan Park-Bijia Mountain Park-Central Park-Meilin Mountain Park-Yinhu Mountain Park.

The five gardens are connected.

In addition, Shenzhen promotes the construction of complex parks, expands the openness and sharing of park green spaces, and refreshes the new way of urban parks. In addition to sports and fitness, you can also camp in tent areas and camps, order drone takeout, have a cup of self-service coffee, read and drink in book bars, listen to seaside concerts, visit park markets… Multiple integration of technology, sports, reading, nature, etc.

As the citizens exclaimed: "Shenzhen Park is really good, the equipment and facilities are complete, and there is no charge. Opening a free park in a place where every inch of land is expensive is worthy of praise, allowing citizens to integrate work, life and health."


Original title: "Peng Yuyan clocks in this Shenzhen" specialty "

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Nicholas Tse talks sweetly about his wife and children: They are a driving force, not a burden.

Nursery, Nicholas Tse, and Zhang Jingchu (from left to right) at the press conference.

The Witness poster

  Yesterday, the police blockbuster "Witness" held a press conference. Director Lin Chaoxian appeared with Nicholas Tse, Zhang Jingchu, and the nursery. Nicholas Tse spoke sweetly about his wife and children, saying that Cecilia and children are "my motivation, not a burden". He also said that Cecilia is not taking up work now, and it is her duty to take care of children at home.

  Our reporter, Cheng *******, photography report

  Direct hit on the spot, the four main creators "mutually sealed" the best actor and queen

  The director of this film, Lin Chaoxian, is a new generation director in Hong Kong. His representative works include "Thousand Opportunities" and "The Story of the Wind and Clouds". He is full of confidence in the box office, and he released a bold statement on the spot that he will use this film to advance to the ranks of billion-dollar box office directors. In the trailer that was first exposed yesterday, the reporter saw a large number of fierce street fights in Hong Kong, and the handsome guy Xiao Xie had a reborn performance, rough and strong, full of mature man flavor. And Zhang Jingchu completely changed his image and played a strong woman.

  Want to use this corner to compete for next year’s Academy Award Best Actor

  When the media asked Nicholas Tse if he wanted to be the successor of Andy Lau, he said that it was an honor to be known as the successor of Andy, who he respected very much. However, Nicholas Tse, who has a strong personality, said that he did not want to be the successor of anyone. He just wanted to do his job well, do his job well, and make every play well. As for how the outside world evaluates it, he will not pay too much attention to it.

  Tse, who is a father, clearly understands responsibilities and obligations better. He admits that because it is the first time to play opposite children, there is a lot of inner drama, which is more difficult. He said that he has been honing his acting skills in recent years, hoping to get rid of the shackles of the idol school title. "I hope that I can compete for the best actor at the Academy Award next year with’Witness’." As for whether he can become a new generation of powerful figures in the Hong Kong film industry in recent years, he said, "Let me give the best answer with my performance."

  After filming, Nicholas Tse will shake Zhang Jingchu’s hand

  The temperature in Beijing dropped sharply yesterday, but Zhang Jingchu appeared in a cool tube top skirt as a prosecutor with two children, and she chose the word "struggle" to describe her performance in the film. Zhang Jingchu said that in the film, facing the pain of losing her daughter due to the threat of kidnappers, it is very difficult to not only keep a strong woman calm, but also to struggle between justice and evil.

  Asked by a reporter whether the now dedicated Tse was similar to the Andy Lau she once worked with, she laughed and said, "I have worked with both of them, and I have killed all the handsome guys, and both of them are great actors." My impression of him was that he was very handsome and self-centered, as if he was the only one in his world, maybe that’s why many girls are crazy about him. "Then she added tactfully," In fact, he is a sensitive and soft-hearted person, but he is not used to showing that side in public. "After each filming, she said, Xiao Xie shook her hand and asked herself if this would help her get into the situation of the play." There was a case of going through garbage in a garbage dump. In order to be real, he had to smear his hands with leftovers and leftovers. The unpleasant smell made the staff cover their noses and run away, but Nicholas Tse did not change his face. "

  Nursery yesterday wore a royal blue dress and pink sexy stockings. In the film, she played Zhang Jiahui’s paralyzed lover, and she could only "act" with her fingers and eyes. Director Lin Chaoxian praised her and said, "You can win next year’s Academy Award for Supporting Actress with a few eyes." Nursery immediately returned the best director and best actor to Lin Chaoxian and Nicholas Tse.

  Media interview "Cecilia Cheung is doing what a mother should do"

  Yesterday, Nicholas Tse showed emotional maturity, revealing that he has been grinding his acting skills, and confidently said that he will compete for the best actor in next year’s Academy Awards with this film, and asked the media to be "witnesses" for him and this film.

  Nicholas Tse, who is desperately trying to take on the show and earn money to support his family, was exposed by the creators yesterday. And Nicholas Tse’s words revealed his true feelings after the ups and downs, and he admitted that "he has never cried like this on the screen". This mature man moved the audience with his sense of responsibility and willingness to take responsibility.

  Reporter: The creators all said that you worked very hard on the set, and a lot of flying car fights were played in person?

  Nicholas Tse: In the movie, I played a police officer who was eager for self-redemption and was very responsible. I even took the risk to climb the exterior wall of a 7-story building on the street of Mong Kok. Once, after filming a fight scene, glass shards entered my eyes and insisted on going home after filming. The pain was unbearable, and I didn’t want to tell my family. But after staying up all night, I couldn’t stand going to the hospital at 4 am and found that my cornea was seriously scratched. Although I was forbidden by the doctor to work again, I went to film after two days of rest.

  Reporter: Would you consider the feelings of your family when filming such a dangerous play?

  Nicholas Tse: When shooting, if a lot of dangerous actions were 0.01 seconds late, I wouldn’t be able to stand here today. Cecilia and the children, they are my driving force, not my burden. When shooting dangerous scenes, I think I can complete that action and do it better, so that when the child grows up, he can feel that his father did not come from a blank sheet of paper, and his father has paid seriously. After his (son’s) 1st birthday, I personally cut an action short film for him, so that he can watch it when he grows up. I hope that in the future, he will understand that his father fought so hard because he doesn’t want his son to fight so hard in the future.

  Reporter: There are rumors that Cecilia wants to let her son Lucas enter the entertainment industry to shoot advertisements. Is the news true?

  Nicholas Tse: In fact, there have been such rumors since he was born. There are indeed many friends and advertisers looking for us, but I will not let him enter this circle so early. Indeed, I do not want him to take this path.

  Reporter: Cecilia has been resting at home, and you have just bought a luxury house worth nearly 100 million yuan for your family. Will it be too stressful to support your family alone?

  Nicholas Tse: My wife, she does what a mother should do, because my father has no time, only my mother takes care of the children. In fact, I have been working hard outside, and it was the same before marriage. I have never changed. All along, no matter everything, movies and music, my love life has been overwhelmed. In fact, Nicholas Tse has not changed from his teens to his twenties, but my growth has been watched.

  Reporter: How is Cecilia now? Will she make a comeback?

  Nicholas Tse: She just enjoys her current life temporarily, and occasionally goes shopping to eat. (interrupted by the staff)

  Reporter: Did you ever force Jingchu to beat yourself up in the play?

  Nicholas Tse: In the film, I was hit by Zhang Jingchu many times. She didn’t dare to hit me at that time, so she tried to slap her seventeen or eighteen times, but it was too light. The director asked me to talk to her by myself, but I didn’t think it was enough to encourage her, so I made her unhappy. I told her that if you really fight, don’t worry. If you don’t hit Nicholas Tse, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

  Reporter: In a scene with a 6-year-old girl, your hoarse crying was very impressive.

  Nicholas Tse: I have never cried on the screen like this. I was so stressed that I didn’t know if I could achieve an emotional outburst. After more than 20 hours of filming that day, I kept thinking about some unhappy things and tortured my soul. As a result, I entered the play and cried earth-shattering.

Editor in charge: Li Dan

Listen to Deng Chao read Xu Zhimo’s "Accidental" and watch Luo Yizhou interpret "Farewell to Cambridge" with dance

This week, the third installment of "Sven Jiangnan", jointly produced by Oriental Satellite TV and Pumpkin Vision Industry, will bring the audience close to Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, which is rich in humanistic history and has nurtured a group of literary talents. The program will invite Deng Chao, Yu Haoming, Yu Mailei and Luo Yizhou to read the classic works of Xu Zhimo, Mao Dun, Wang Guowei and Xiao Tong respectively. Together with Duan Huaiqing, a professor of Chinese at Fudan University, and Huang Xiaodan, an associate professor at the School of Humanities of Jiangnan University, the two scholars explore the meaning and life story contained in the works.

This week’s program will revolve around Xu Zhimo’s works and stories. Deng Chao will read Xu Zhimo’s classic works such as "Farewell to Kangqiao", "Accidental", "Gray Life" and "To Liang Qichao". Accompanied by the host Cao Kefan’s recitation, Luo Yizhou also used a dance to interpret his heart’s "Farewell to Kangqiao". Guests and scholars explore the love, freedom and beauty that Xu Zhimo has pursued in his life.

Deng Chaoyan reads six classics and shares the secrets of love preservation

In this episode of the program, Deng Chao will read six classic works by Xu Zhimo’s "Farewell to Kangqiao", "Words", "Gray Life", "Tiger Collection. Preface", "Accidental" and "To Liang Qichao". In "Tiger Collection. Preface", let everyone understand the impact of Kangqiao years on Xu Zhimo’s life: "Before the age of 24, his interest in poetry was far less than his interest in relativity or civil covenant theory. It was the water of the Kang River that opened up the poet’s soul and awakened the poet’s destiny that had been stinging in his heart for a long time." Through "Accidental", the audience can understand Xu Zhimo’s deep understanding of life and emotions. In Duan Huaiqing’s opinion, this poem is not just a simple love poem, but also an exclamation of life, full of interesting philosophy.

When it comes to love, scholars and guests shared three relationships that Xu Zhimo experienced in his life. In his life, Zhang Youyi, Lin Huiyin, and Lu Xiaoman were all very important figures. Lu Xiaoman could be said to be the most compatible with Xu Zhimo. The two were essentially the same kind of people, and they naturally combined with love. "After Xu Zhimo passed away, the curtains of Lu Xiaoman’s house were never opened, whether it was night or day, she used this way to express her repentance and redemption!" Cao Kefan said.

Around Xu Zhimo’s emotional experience, the guests also shared their own views on love. As we all know, Deng Chao and Sun Li are "model couples" in the entertainment industry, and Deng Chao also shared their love secrets in the program. "Every day, she always calculates the time and squeezes toothpaste for me, because toothpaste will be very hard after a long time, which is very difficult to stick to. When I go out, she will prepare medicine and vitamin C for me, write a month’s amount, or a week’s amount, and how to eat it during the day…" Deng Chao remembered not only Sun Li’s silent efforts, but also her criticism and reminder when he was proud, "She is a lover and a teacher!"

Luo Yizhou dances "Farewell to Cambridge", recalling the past of Cambridge

"I go gently, just as I come gently… I wave my sleeves without taking away a cloud." Every time Xu Zhimo is mentioned, people will gently recite his "Farewell to Cambridge". This time, Luo Yizhou used a dance to interpret Xu Zhimo’s classic. Luo Yizhou said that he had completed his teacher’s homework with this "Farewell to Cambridge" dance when he was a student, so this time in the program, accompanied by Cao Kefan’s affectionate recitation, he danced to the poem again.

The two scholars also shared the story behind "Goodbye to Cambridge". The title page of the magazine that published "Goodbye to Cambridge" had Venus Broken Arm on it, Huang Xiaodan said. "It may also be the first time Venus Broken Arm was introduced to China." Huang Xiaodan also said that Xu Zhimo, a famous modern Chinese poet of the Crescent School, published "Goodbye to Kangqiao" in addition to "Goodbye to Kangqiao", but because the editor would not give sections to the new poem, "Goodbye to Kangqiao" was published three times. "The new poem was just beginning at that time, and everyone tried it. When it was published for the first time, there was no section. When it was published for the second time, it was divided into sections, but it was not divided correctly. The third time it was changed, it was finally divided correctly."

Tonight at 20:30, "Sven Jiangnan" invites you to meet the cultural sages of Jiaxing and read the classics together, so stay tuned!

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Jolin Tsai feels sorry for the "Sweet Secret" MV director: At least I have a clear conscience

Jolin Tsai feels sorry for the "Sweet Secret" MV director: At least I have a clear conscience

Jolin Tsai feels sorry for the "Sweet Secret" MV director: At least I have a clear conscience

     According to Taiwan media reports, on December 22, when Jolin Tsai attended a public welfare event, she heard that the "Sweet Secret" MV broke through 2.72 million views in five days, and her expression was hard to hide her joy. However, for the director Liao Renshuai, who was accidentally reduced to the target of netizens, she said she was very distressed: "This script jumps out of my past thoughts and practices in the comfort circle, and it does challenge my own logic for MV. I like the feeling of jumping out of the frame and creating, but I am also very distressed that the director has to face such a situation, but at least I have a clear conscience!"

  After the Kaohsiung concert ended, Jolin Tsai stayed at home all the time. She said contentedly, "It’s really quite leisurely. Recently, I have learned to cook mulled wine, and I will come out when I have a job, but I have no plans from Christmas to New Year’s Eve, but I should play and exchange gifts with friends and family at Christmas." Whether to continue the concert next year? She did not object: "We are discussing finding a venue, and if we find one, I can continue to sing." But she did not tend to sing outdoors, revealing that the weather was unpredictable, and she had staged a stage slip disaster due to rain, which left her with lingering fears.

  This time, the "Sweet Secret" MV really made Jolin Tsai too addicted to acting. When asked if it aroused her desire to continue acting? Jolin Tsai said with a sweet smile: "Basically acting is crazy, especially to imagine the green screen, like the scene where I was walking in the water with the dolphins, and I had to imagine the cardboard box dolphins. I think it would be very satisfying to be able to act in the MV. It seems a little tiring to really act." In addition, Jolin Tsai also played a pregnant woman for the first time in the MV, and was later named "the most beautiful pregnant woman". She was also full of joy: "I hope if there is a chance [referring to pregnancy], I hope it can be so beautiful."

It is revealed that "Black Myth" will be a trilogy: there are also "Black Myth: Jiang Ziya" and "Black Myth: Zhong Kui".

The whistleblower Ignusthewise accurately broke the news that the new information of "Black Myth: Wukong" was released on May 19.Recently, he tweeted that there are new rumors online that "Black Myth" will be a trilogy, and he can confirm that this is true.

It is revealed that "Black Myth" will be a trilogy: there are also "Black Myth: Jiang Ziya" and "Black Myth: Zhong Kui".

Ignusthewise said: "Game Science has applied for the trademarks of Black Myth: Jiang Ziya and Black Myth: Zhong Kui, and they may start developing these two games after the release of the Black Myth: Wukong DLC."

It is revealed that "Black Myth" will be a trilogy: there are also "Black Myth: Jiang Ziya" and "Black Myth: Zhong Kui".

Ignus Thewise believes that Game Science developed the "Black Myth" trilogy plan because "Black Myth: Wukong" has received a good response in Europe and the United States, and many Chinese investors are also optimistic about them, so they have received additional development funds.

Note: The news of ignusthewise this time may come from the domestic forum, so we only need to know about it, and all news is subject to the official!

It is revealed that "Black Myth" will be a trilogy: there are also "Black Myth: Jiang Ziya" and "Black Myth: Zhong Kui".

"Black Myth: Goku" will be released on August 20th, coming to PC (Steam/Epic/WeGame) and PS5. Recently, the official added Italian achievement information, changed the client side icon, etc.

Article source: 3DM game network