"Mai Passerby" premieres in Tokyo, Guo Fucheng performs the adversity life of little people

1905 movie network news On October 29, the film starring Guo Fucheng and Miriam Yeung, produced by Zheng Borui and directed by new director Huang Qingxun, held its world premiere at the 32nd Tokyo International Film Festival. Previously, "Mai Passerby" was successfully shortlisted for the "Asian Future" section of this Tokyo International Film Festival because of its highly social discussion of the shooting topic and the superb performance of the actors.

The premiere of "Mai Passerby" was held at the EX-theatre, and the 500-seat screening hall was full. During the viewing process, the audience also cried several times because of the warm and healing story. During the post-screening exchange session, the audience praised the film and gave "Mai Passerby" and the film’s creative team a thunderous five-minute applause.

Guo Fucheng debuts at the world premiere of "Mai Passerby" in Tokyo to rave reviews  

The "Tokyo International Film Festival" is one of the largest and most popular film festivals in Asia, and it is also the only A-category competitive international film festival event in Japan that has been recognized by the International Association of Film Producers (FIAPF). The "Asian Future" section of the Tokyo International Film Festival focuses on encouraging new Asian directors, and there is an award for the best film of "Asian Future". As soon as it was shortlisted for the "Asian Future" section, "Mai Passer" attracted a lot of attention from domestic and foreign media. On the evening of the 28th, director Huang Qingxun, Guo Fucheng and other main creators attended the opening ceremony of the 32nd Tokyo International Film Festival held in Roppongi, Tokyo. The red carpet ceremony where everyone dressed up immediately became the focus of attention.

After the film’s premiere, the audience stood up to applaud the film. The audience at the scene was even more full of praise for the film. "The film thinks about poverty from a larger structure, and explores love from a smaller perspective. Probably my favorite Chinese movie in recent years." The audience also said that Guo Fucheng’s performance was "very amazing", and praised Guo Fucheng for completely breaking through his own image this time, and the transition from financial genius to down-and-out homeless was refreshing.

The warm story of "people on the edge" drew the audience to tears, and the gold medal team escorted "Mai Passerby" 

The movie "Mai Passerby" focuses on social reality and is based on real events. It shows the warmth of the world by showing a group of strangers warming each other and helping each other in a fast food restaurant, gradually generating family-like feelings. The film’s calm, restrained and warm shooting techniques also infected every audience at the scene. During the viewing process, the audience was also moved by the plot of the film and wept several times.

In the meeting after the film, the actor Guo Fucheng first thanked the audience for their support and confessed that in order to better create the character, he once went to a 24-hour fast food restaurant in the middle of the night to experience the role and understand the real life of homeless people. Guo Fucheng said: "I have played many roles and challenged many roles, but when I first saw this script two years ago, I decided that I would play this role no matter what.I like’Mai Passerby ‘, and I also want to try to play a homeless man. The film is based on realistic themes not to show suffering, but to explore the care and love between people. "

Fast food restaurants are a place where many children are happy, and movies are the other side of fast food restaurants after nightfall. Movies are not just entertainment, but also reflect many social issues and relationships between people. Thank you to the director for your trust. I am very happy to be involved in the filming of this film. "Director Huang Qingxun explained the title of the film:" There are many’people ‘in the middle of the word’Mai’ (), and there are many’mouths’ in the word’Road ‘, which represents an urban phenomenon. In addition, the English title’I’m Livin’ It ‘represents another meaning,’ I live here ‘. " 

"Mai passers-by" are also known as "Mai refugees", referring to the fact that many low-level workers are homeless at night and choose to spend the night at McDonald’s. The inspiration of the film is based on the sad reality that exists in this society all over the world. Although each of them has different reasons for their difficulties, they meet together in a 24-hour restaurant by chance. The fast food restaurant has become their temporary "home". They are also people who have fallen into the world. In this temporary "home", they warm each other, help each other, find the warmth of their families from strangers, and find their dreams in life together. It is reported that the film will be released in the mainland, when the audience can see this touching work in the cinema.