We all owe Edison Chen an apology

Author: Wang Xuan (Bang Bang)

After being out of the entertainment industry for many years, Chen Edison, who is occasionally exposed, always surprises people. A documentary shows the inspirational entrepreneurial process, tearing up Sister Zhiling in the middle of the night has whetted the public’s appetite, and the baby voice says it is pointless. What kind of drama is this?

Of course, he scolded Chen even more, and he had the physique to be scolded. In the "Art Photography Exhibition" eight years ago, Edison Chen harvested enough saliva for him to play rafting. I wonder if he can grow a swimming pool this time?

Chen Edison is not the first to tear up Zhiling’s sister. Li Ao Dashi said that there are a few people in Taiwan who should not be on TV, including Lin Zhiling. Li Dashi’s reason is: there are no 40-year-old models in the world. Although I have always had reservations about Dashi, I will give full marks for this sentence.

The fans of Zhiling’s sister will definitely scold Edison Chen. Bang Bang just wants to remind him that if you have scolded him because of the photography exhibition, you should first apologize to Edison Chen for being late.

My evaluation of Edison Chen is: uncultured, quality, and inspirational man. If your family has a son, you should consider cultivating in this direction, and have children like Edison Chen!

There were endless incidents of "pornographic photos" in the entertainment industry, but no one could compare to Edison Chen. In addition to him being the founder of the mountain, there were too many actresses involved and too popular. Then there was all kinds of saliva, scolding Edison Chen and scolding those actresses.

There are both men and women who scold Edison Chen, and most of them are men, while those who scold actresses are basically compatriots, which is a reflection of social psychology. Men reveal naked hatred. "What the hell can you do to Cecilia Cheung?" "What the hell can you make so many Muses slutty?" "What the hell do you…" A series of reasons. Women scold actresses is much simpler, there is only one reason. "Why is it not me who has sex with male stars?" Of course, the above can only be said in my heart.

Condemning the scandal gave everyone an unquestionable moral high ground. In that national crusade, except for the men and women involved, all the abusers were the real clowns. What did Edison Chen do wrong? What did those women do wrong?

Adult, voluntary, private, in line with these three points, sex is not condemned. On the contrary, we should also thank Edison Chen, not him, how would we know that Gillian is a "banana" lover? How did we know that Cecilia Cheung has several tattoos on her body?

It is natural for people to look at their own girlfriends, but when we look at other people’s girlfriends, we have to scold that man for being nasty, scum, and bastard. Whose character is wrong with this? In the whole "pornographic photo door" incident, all the parties involved are victims. Edison Chen’s only mistake is that he does not understand computer technology, and he does not need to apologize to society at all. He needs to accept the apology.

If he is beaten away by the crowd, he will sink or give up on himself. This kind of person is not worthy of sympathy. Edison Chen makes me admire his energy, which is arrogant in the wilting. The clothing business is booming, but everyone still makes fun of him. No one cares about his efforts, but only cares about his room skills. In people’s hearts, Edison Chen can only be associated with pornographic news.

Everyone was looking forward to the reason for tearing up Lin Zhiling this time. I was not interested in the right and wrong of the two sides. What Bang Bang cared about was the treatment of Chen and Lin in China.

Ten years ago, Xinhua News Agency revealed the "**" background of Lin Zhiling’s family. Beimen Rotary Club, Formosa (A-bian’s English name) Foundation, Shuidangdang Sister Alliance, these "dark green" organizations are the strong backing of Chen Shuibian’s rise to power, and they are also firm "**" societies. Lin Zhiling’s parents are either founders or backbones, and her sister Zhiling herself has participated in it many times. Why has no one questioned Doll Yin for so many years, what is your position? Why can she still become famous and make a fortune in mainland China? Why is she invited to be the VIP of the Spring Festival Gala? The articles of the National Club can be ignored. Who is in the hands of our media?

Why did we lose our voice in the face of Lin Zhiling’s "**" of DingTalk on the board? Can looks really defeat everything? You may say that Father Lin and Mother Lin have long since quit those organizations. It seems so on the surface, but what else is there behind the scenes, shouldn’t we ask? Even if it is really washing hands, then we should ask why. Did they give up their position, or did they make money for their daughter’s convenience? If it is the latter, is such washing hands fooling the mainland and fooling compatriots?

Sister Zhiling’s acting skills, hehe, can she still rely on her face to support her for a few years after she has passed the age? When the old pearl yellow fades the powder, earns enough money from the mainland, and goes back to engage in the "**" business, will she thank the mainland and thank the fans? I think what she gives back to the Strait will only be one sentence: **!

An innocent person who was tortured and killed by public opinion continued to be mocked, and a hostile element to be vigilant was praised to the sky. Would this kind of abnormality continue? Edison Chen’s emergence this time was a great contribution. If the majority of patriots wanted to get rid of the "patriotic thief" hat buckled by the elite *****, they must polish their eyes and distinguish between enemies, me, and friends. We not only need to have patriotism, but also the ability to be patriotic.

Once, like many men, I scolded Edison Chen with envy, jealousy, and hatred. Today, I am ashamed of who I used to be. Knowing shame and then being brave, I owe Edison Chen a sentence: I’m sorry!