Nicholas Tse talks sweetly about his wife and children: They are a driving force, not a burden.

Nursery, Nicholas Tse, and Zhang Jingchu (from left to right) at the press conference.

The Witness poster

  Yesterday, the police blockbuster "Witness" held a press conference. Director Lin Chaoxian appeared with Nicholas Tse, Zhang Jingchu, and the nursery. Nicholas Tse spoke sweetly about his wife and children, saying that Cecilia and children are "my motivation, not a burden". He also said that Cecilia is not taking up work now, and it is her duty to take care of children at home.

  Our reporter, Cheng *******, photography report

  Direct hit on the spot, the four main creators "mutually sealed" the best actor and queen

  The director of this film, Lin Chaoxian, is a new generation director in Hong Kong. His representative works include "Thousand Opportunities" and "The Story of the Wind and Clouds". He is full of confidence in the box office, and he released a bold statement on the spot that he will use this film to advance to the ranks of billion-dollar box office directors. In the trailer that was first exposed yesterday, the reporter saw a large number of fierce street fights in Hong Kong, and the handsome guy Xiao Xie had a reborn performance, rough and strong, full of mature man flavor. And Zhang Jingchu completely changed his image and played a strong woman.

  Want to use this corner to compete for next year’s Academy Award Best Actor

  When the media asked Nicholas Tse if he wanted to be the successor of Andy Lau, he said that it was an honor to be known as the successor of Andy, who he respected very much. However, Nicholas Tse, who has a strong personality, said that he did not want to be the successor of anyone. He just wanted to do his job well, do his job well, and make every play well. As for how the outside world evaluates it, he will not pay too much attention to it.

  Tse, who is a father, clearly understands responsibilities and obligations better. He admits that because it is the first time to play opposite children, there is a lot of inner drama, which is more difficult. He said that he has been honing his acting skills in recent years, hoping to get rid of the shackles of the idol school title. "I hope that I can compete for the best actor at the Academy Award next year with’Witness’." As for whether he can become a new generation of powerful figures in the Hong Kong film industry in recent years, he said, "Let me give the best answer with my performance."

  After filming, Nicholas Tse will shake Zhang Jingchu’s hand

  The temperature in Beijing dropped sharply yesterday, but Zhang Jingchu appeared in a cool tube top skirt as a prosecutor with two children, and she chose the word "struggle" to describe her performance in the film. Zhang Jingchu said that in the film, facing the pain of losing her daughter due to the threat of kidnappers, it is very difficult to not only keep a strong woman calm, but also to struggle between justice and evil.

  Asked by a reporter whether the now dedicated Tse was similar to the Andy Lau she once worked with, she laughed and said, "I have worked with both of them, and I have killed all the handsome guys, and both of them are great actors." My impression of him was that he was very handsome and self-centered, as if he was the only one in his world, maybe that’s why many girls are crazy about him. "Then she added tactfully," In fact, he is a sensitive and soft-hearted person, but he is not used to showing that side in public. "After each filming, she said, Xiao Xie shook her hand and asked herself if this would help her get into the situation of the play." There was a case of going through garbage in a garbage dump. In order to be real, he had to smear his hands with leftovers and leftovers. The unpleasant smell made the staff cover their noses and run away, but Nicholas Tse did not change his face. "

  Nursery yesterday wore a royal blue dress and pink sexy stockings. In the film, she played Zhang Jiahui’s paralyzed lover, and she could only "act" with her fingers and eyes. Director Lin Chaoxian praised her and said, "You can win next year’s Academy Award for Supporting Actress with a few eyes." Nursery immediately returned the best director and best actor to Lin Chaoxian and Nicholas Tse.

  Media interview "Cecilia Cheung is doing what a mother should do"

  Yesterday, Nicholas Tse showed emotional maturity, revealing that he has been grinding his acting skills, and confidently said that he will compete for the best actor in next year’s Academy Awards with this film, and asked the media to be "witnesses" for him and this film.

  Nicholas Tse, who is desperately trying to take on the show and earn money to support his family, was exposed by the creators yesterday. And Nicholas Tse’s words revealed his true feelings after the ups and downs, and he admitted that "he has never cried like this on the screen". This mature man moved the audience with his sense of responsibility and willingness to take responsibility.

  Reporter: The creators all said that you worked very hard on the set, and a lot of flying car fights were played in person?

  Nicholas Tse: In the movie, I played a police officer who was eager for self-redemption and was very responsible. I even took the risk to climb the exterior wall of a 7-story building on the street of Mong Kok. Once, after filming a fight scene, glass shards entered my eyes and insisted on going home after filming. The pain was unbearable, and I didn’t want to tell my family. But after staying up all night, I couldn’t stand going to the hospital at 4 am and found that my cornea was seriously scratched. Although I was forbidden by the doctor to work again, I went to film after two days of rest.

  Reporter: Would you consider the feelings of your family when filming such a dangerous play?

  Nicholas Tse: When shooting, if a lot of dangerous actions were 0.01 seconds late, I wouldn’t be able to stand here today. Cecilia and the children, they are my driving force, not my burden. When shooting dangerous scenes, I think I can complete that action and do it better, so that when the child grows up, he can feel that his father did not come from a blank sheet of paper, and his father has paid seriously. After his (son’s) 1st birthday, I personally cut an action short film for him, so that he can watch it when he grows up. I hope that in the future, he will understand that his father fought so hard because he doesn’t want his son to fight so hard in the future.

  Reporter: There are rumors that Cecilia wants to let her son Lucas enter the entertainment industry to shoot advertisements. Is the news true?

  Nicholas Tse: In fact, there have been such rumors since he was born. There are indeed many friends and advertisers looking for us, but I will not let him enter this circle so early. Indeed, I do not want him to take this path.

  Reporter: Cecilia has been resting at home, and you have just bought a luxury house worth nearly 100 million yuan for your family. Will it be too stressful to support your family alone?

  Nicholas Tse: My wife, she does what a mother should do, because my father has no time, only my mother takes care of the children. In fact, I have been working hard outside, and it was the same before marriage. I have never changed. All along, no matter everything, movies and music, my love life has been overwhelmed. In fact, Nicholas Tse has not changed from his teens to his twenties, but my growth has been watched.

  Reporter: How is Cecilia now? Will she make a comeback?

  Nicholas Tse: She just enjoys her current life temporarily, and occasionally goes shopping to eat. (interrupted by the staff)

  Reporter: Did you ever force Jingchu to beat yourself up in the play?

  Nicholas Tse: In the film, I was hit by Zhang Jingchu many times. She didn’t dare to hit me at that time, so she tried to slap her seventeen or eighteen times, but it was too light. The director asked me to talk to her by myself, but I didn’t think it was enough to encourage her, so I made her unhappy. I told her that if you really fight, don’t worry. If you don’t hit Nicholas Tse, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

  Reporter: In a scene with a 6-year-old girl, your hoarse crying was very impressive.

  Nicholas Tse: I have never cried on the screen like this. I was so stressed that I didn’t know if I could achieve an emotional outburst. After more than 20 hours of filming that day, I kept thinking about some unhappy things and tortured my soul. As a result, I entered the play and cried earth-shattering.

Editor in charge: Li Dan